The ESO Slang and Abbreviation Dictionary

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  • Dawnblade
    I've seen a lot of new players asking in /z this week "Why is everyone typing 'X' ?"
    The reason is someone will call out "LFG to run (insert Delve/Dolmen/WB)" in zone chat. Everyone who wants in that group types 'X'.

    X =send me a invite.

    This is tied to an add-on that will automatically invite anyone who types a specific character (typically set to 'x' for whatever reason, but can be changed) into chat so that the group leader doesn't have to manually handle invitations - usually found in zone groups farming dolmens or world bosses and such where the group doesn't care who is joining.

  • ArnoTerranova
    AIK: Arrow in the knee : "He's got AIK" : to speak of someone who's too slow or unwilling to participate. xD

    Fatty White-Claw (lvl 50+) heal trial pve
    Koros Bone-Shield (lvl 50+) tank trial pve
    Koros Lust (lvl 50+) dps pve, pvp
    Seiri (lvl 50+) dps pve
    Wildfire (lvl 50+) dps pvp
    EU-PC - Playing since April 2014. (beta)
  • RamiroCruzo
    GG := 'Good Game usually said after duel'
    Having a light side... And a Dark side... Is what makes life interesting...
    High as Nord and Proud as Dark Elf
    Blood for the Pact
  • dpencil
    Bravo, OP! (Original poster ;) )
  • SydneyGrey
    Thanks. I didn't know what ganking, PUGs or zergs were. I'm now enlightened.
    Although, I was starting to understand "ganking" just based on the context in which people were using the word.
  • rotaugen454
    WTF= "balance changes"
    "Get off my lawn!"
  • AndrewQ84
    I've seen "Chievo" used a lot for Achievements.
    Edited by AndrewQ84 on March 17, 2017 7:41PM
    Sa'hira of the Shadows, DC Nightblade and ruins explorer extraordinaire.

    "May your day be awesome and full of Bacon!!!"

    - Me
  • Belidos
    Gold Sink - An activity that costs so *** much and isn't worth the high price. Examples buying something from someone who is selling it for much higher than the average price, and repairing your gear at low level when you're going to replace it quickly.

    That isn't quite right.

    Buying items from players is not a gold sink, no matter the price.

    A gold sink is a game mechanic specifically designed to remove gold from one player without giving it to another player, it's an artificial way to keep the economy balanced by removing generated capital from the game. Things like bag purchases, horse riding skills, equipment repairs, skill resets and so forth are gold sinks, trading with another player is not a gold sink because the gold still remains within the games economy.
  • Meu_Reggaeis
    It's very helpful for casual gamers like me. (or whatever you call it :smiley: ) Thanks!
    Fhran - Ork, Drachenritter, Dolchsturz-Bündnis / Meu Reggaeis - Dunmer, Hüter, Ebenherz-Pakt / Stugha - Ork, Templer, Dolchsturz-Bündnis

    Das beste, das die Menschheit hervorgebracht hat, ist die Kunst. Literatur, Musik, Architektur, (Sub)kultur, Games - all dies ist Kunst.
    Es werden Welten erschaffen, Geschichten erzählt und Emotionen expressioniert.
  • KeiruNicrom
    I am dissapointed i did not see Team Purple, Team Orange, and Team Green mentioned. The terms for when 2 alliances team up or bully one alliance
  • Sixsixsix161
    Great list.

  • Serjustin19
    I am dissapointed i did not see Team Purple, Team Orange, and Team Green mentioned. The terms for when 2 alliances team up or bully one alliance

    Would this work? I'm kinda Team Orange, me thinks. (long story, but trying to find my Alliance all the same) Keep being told I AD this, I EP that. So very confusing, hence I'm Team Orange? Or this below?

    I'm on a perilous journey, of a sad conquest, A conquest that I been battling with myself for very long time, hence the name "My Enemy Is Myself" (AD) Would I stay in my old alliance for long? That I'm uncertain . But my questions must be answered of what and whom I Am. To whom and what my Allegiance truly belongs and lies within, to hopefully no longer dwell, instead of Being a tarty fruit with seeds.

    Formerly Serjustin19, Save for Forum Of Course.... Fiery_Darkness (PC NA) currently.
  • Amadis001
    "Temp" is almost always a Temper, not a Templar. As in "WTS 10 temps. Whisper me with offer'.
    // Amadis of Gaul -- DK Nord (Lvl 50 CP 1000)
  • Dalewyn
    Soul Shriven
    Syntse wrote: »

    QQ is crying... think it tries to illlustrate two eyes with tears.

    Actually it originally meant and still means for a lot of people (urging someone to) quit. Back when MUDs were still new quitting was often done by qq, as just one q would've caused a lot of accidental quits in a text based game where compass directions were used for movement.

    The meaning has naturally been interpreted by younger generations with no context and end result is pretty much what you said :)
  • jaschacasadiob16_ESO
    This post should get sticked to the first page, really.
    "Yesterday while searching a barrel in vVoM I found a lemon. Best drop of the whole run."

    Protect the weak. Heal the sick.
    Treasure the gifts of friendship. Seek joy and inspiration in the mysteries of love.
    Honor the Earth, its creatures, and the spirits. Use Nature's gifts wisely. Respect her power. Fear her fury.
  • chaz
    Can add a few more now.

    Cradle of Shadows: COS or vCOS
    Ruins of Mazzatun: ROM or vROM
    Aetherian Archive: nAA and vAA
    Hel Ra Citadel: nHRC and vHRC

    Can't recall if the trials were in the list already but as they are rescaled and retitled, new abbreviations are needed.

    Thank you, I was wonder what vRoM HM was.

    Beautiful guide to slang my friend.

    Can you update your original post to include all missing slang terms. It's took me forever to learn what the other use for RoM was LOL and then I quickly forgot. I have you bookmarked and posted to my discord channel.

    OP Please up date this soon ;-)

    ""Edit"" OP means original poster, not over powered. Although the op probably thinks at this point he is op LOL

    Edited by chaz on October 12, 2017 10:44AM

    ESO Beta Test Ultimate Question for control!
    Lord Dagon's Mythic Dawn Guild is now recruiting. Dailies, trials, Raids, Fun, Discord (required for staying on Crown), guild bank and so much more. Msg me or mail me in game @Chaz for invite. **See Link Here** ElderScrollsOnlineYouTube

    ElderScrollsOnline Purchase History April 17, 2017 through May 30th 2022 (Crowns,Upgrades, ESO Plus) = $5,610.38
  • ldzlcs065
    Could you add the meaning of snb please? I really don't know what does that mean.
  • Fodore
    Did you mention UA for PvP?

    UA: under attack, used when a player notices a location is under attack from the enemy, e.g. Fare UA
    Before judging a man walk a mile in his shoes.
    After that who cares?
    They're a mile away and you've got their shoes.
  • deepseamk20b14_ESO
    Did you get

    OP-over powered or "I just lost because their class is OP and in no way is it my own inability to play the game, must nerf."
    Hey everyone! Look! It's a signature!
  • Horowonnoe
    you haven't added "GG"
    PC / NA
    Templar Healer "False Eye"
    Sorc Healer "Potema the Wolf Queen"
    Warden Healer "Heavy Attacks Online"
    Magicka Nightblade DPS "Nephaleth Telvanni"
    Dragonknight Tank "Nico's Facsimile"

    Builds & Guides:
    Horow's Templar Healer Guide for Trials (Murkmire updated)
    How to get Felms to jump correctly in vAS HM?
    Horow's vMA Magicka Sorc Build for beginners and lazy farmers
    Horow's Magicka Sorc Triple Pet Heavy Attack Build - Summerset Isles Ready
    More builds at

    Notable Achievements:
    - World's first 18 Axes vAA clear
    - World's first 20+ enrage stack Llothis in vAS HM and World record cone damage
  • mocap
    I think ESO community exclusively use word "resources" to name HP, magicka and stamina pools. Never heard that communities of other games use it like this. Anyway, you may want to add that too )
  • altemriel
    ldzlcs065 wrote: »
    Could you add the meaning of snb please? I really don't know what does that mean.

    I think that is "sword and board" setup, meaning someone using sword and shield
  • Jaimeh
    Thanks for putting this together, I found quite a few new terms! I don't know if anyone else mentioned these already:

    -BoP: bind on pick up, for gear you cannot trade/sell
    -BoE: bind on equip, for gear you can trade/sell as long as you don't equip them
  • pod88kk
    blanerbur banana, ingredient used in crafting
  • SugaComa
    Lfg looking for group
    Inv plox invite please hugs n kisses
  • Rickter
    in the pvp section i'd add:

    Wrapping: the act of cutting off keep transit by taking all three resources. ex: "Chalman is getting wrapped" "alright guys lets wrap this keep to cut them off"

    Keep Burst: indicating that the keep is below 50% and no rezzing or travel can occur to it or from it

    Crossed Swords: indicates where a battle is taking place.

    Farming (is that on the list already? sorry if it is): any act of accumulating large amounts of AP (resource farming, tower farming, etc)

    Gate Keeps/Tri Keeps: The three faction keeps that govern the north and south scroll gates

    Home Keeps: the 6 keeps that when all obtained by the faction, provides a 5% increase to all gains in cyrodiil
    Edited by Rickter on November 21, 2017 1:23PM
    PC | NA | DC
    Requiem GM | Dark Sisterhood Blood Knight | Legend Mod | Legend GvG Mod
    Bloodletter | StamDK | Alliance Rank 46 | Former Emperor of Shor (2018) | Former Emperor of Thornblade #4terms (2015)
    vAA HM | vHRC HM | vSO HM | vMA | vDSA | vMoL | ALL Vet 4 Man Dungeons

  • TFJ68
    I've searched this thread and haven't found a definition for this one: TYFG.

    I know it's a way of saying "thank you" and I've seen it several times but I just don't know the second half. Anyone?
    Edited by TFJ68 on December 9, 2017 6:24PM
  • OutLaw_Nynx
    Thank you for group?

    I dunno
  • rootimus
    Gold Sink - An activity that costs so *** much and isn't worth the high price. Examples buying something from someone who is selling it for much higher than the average price, and repairing your gear at low level when you're going to replace it quickly.

    This isn't even in the same zip code as correct.

    A gold sink is a mechanic that removes gold from the game, not your wallet. Gold sink examples include successful bids on guild traders, NPC repair bills, gold used to purchase houses. The counterpart to this is a gold faucet which conjours up gold out of nowhere, such as quest rewards. If money moves from one player to another then it's neither a sink nor a faucet.
    Even on the internet, clear communication is important; it can be the difference between "helping your Uncle Jack off a horse" and "helping your uncle jack off a horse"; the difference between "knowing your s***" and "knowing you're s***".
    Greybeards & Gals - Civilised, laid-back, mature gamers. Beards optional. |
  • jnelson1182
    awesome post man, I may sound like a noob saying this but I actually learned a few new ones off this list.
    * Maccb- Level 50 DragonKnight- Fire mage type build/ BSW body, Valkyn Skoria mister set, & Willpower Jewelry/Random Flame/Lightning/Reston STAFF's
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