rikimm16_ESO wrote: »
QQ = represents two crying eyes; also means quit crying!
I think... someone told me that in DAoC
haha you don't know what PST means. Someone tell him what it means >.>emeraldbay wrote: »
You won't see Green/Lime or Orange in PvP... AD works alone.
DenverRalphy wrote: »
Actually, QQ derived from an online game (that shall remain nameless), where to quit you had to press Q twice. Whenever somebody would rage in chat, everybody would tell them to "QQ" so they wouldn't have to listen to the nerd rage.
The resemblance to QQ looking like crying eyes was a happy accident that resulted in a new definition.
From my MUDding days I always understood "mob" to mean "mobile", as in not an inanimate object.DenverRalphy wrote: »Actually, "Mob" is a shortform/acronym for "Moveable Object". Any non-player controlled entity that moves around in the game environment is considered a Mob.
The term came about in the early days of MUDs when monsters were no longer stationary and could actually move around instead of always being found in the exact same location.
[*]Wrecking Ball - Essentially a zerg with tactics. It involves a zergball clumping together and buffing themselves so they are mega OP (Immune to CC, Immune to AoE and almost anything) and then charging at a high speed towards an enemy. Wrecking Balls are EXTREMELY useful when defending and almost always successful. Contrary to popular belief, a wrecking ball CAN be defeated if you know what to do.
[*]Lag - Latency or FPS problems.
I always understood ganking as the stealth, big hitting, killshot approach to attacking other players without level being considered. Do other people have the same connotation as I do?It's just not classy. A high level player attacking and killing a low level player without provocation? A shameful display I say!