Maintenance for the week of October 21:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – October 21
• ESO Store and Account System for maintenance – October 21, 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)

The ESO Slang and Abbreviation Dictionary

ESO uses alot of slang terms and abbreviations, so in case people are wondering about these things then I've compiled this dictionary of all known ESO Slang Terms and Abbreviations!

  • TESO, ESO, ES Online, TES Online, ESOTU - The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited, an MMORPG developed by Zenimax Online Studios and published by Bethesda Softworks, and the 8th entry in the critically-acclaimed Elder Scrolls franchise.
  • ZOS, ZOE, Zeni - Zenimax Online Studios, the developers of ESO. Sometimes mistaken as Zenimax Online Entertainment, a company that does not exist.
  • Noob/Newb/Nub etc. - A new or an unskilled player, sometimes both.
  • MMO, MMOG, MMORPG - Massively Multiplayer Online (MMO) Role Playing Game (RPG)
  • DK - Dragonknight
  • NB - Nightblade
  • Sorc - Sorcerer
  • Temp - Templar
  • BRB - Be right back. Used when one is going away from their computer for a period of less than 5 minutes.
  • AFK - Away from Keyboard. Used when one is going away from their computer for a period of more than 5 minutes.
  • GTG - Got to go. Used when one goes away from the computer for either the rest of the day, week, month, year, eternity, or at the very least, several hours.
  • RP - Roleplaying. It's quite a popular activity in ESO, contrary to popular belief.
  • ERP - Erotic Roleplaying, a.k.a Cybering. Not quite as popular in ESO as in other games, but it's there.
  • PST - Please Send Tell. When someone uses this abbreviation, they want you to whisper them if you want to participate in whatever event they're holding. For example, DK/Temp LFM FG, PST! (Dragonknight and Templar Looking for Players for Fungal Grotto, Please Send Tell!)
  • Alt - An alternate character on someone's account, characterized by either less playtime, lower level or just general classification by the player.
  • Main - An account's main character, characterized by either more playtime, higher level, or just general classification by the player.
  • WW - Werewolf. Sometimes mistaken for Woodworking.
  • Vamp - Vampire. Can sometimes be mistaken for the British boy band.
  • VR - Veteran Rank. For example, if someone says VR16, then they're referring to Veteran Rank 16.
  • Vet - Veteran. Can be applied to long-playing players, players with experience in a particular activity, players at the Veteran Ranks, high-level dungeons, high-level quests etc.
  • CP - Champion Points.
  • EP, Reds, Cherries, Tomatoes, Apples, Albion - Ebonheart Pact. Very rarely are they called Albion, but it happens. This is because in ESO's spiritual predecessor, Dark Age of Camelot (DAoC), Albion was the "red" faction.
  • DC, Blues, Smurfs, Covvies, Blueberries, Midgard - Daggerfall Covenant. Sometimes mistaken for Disconnect, or the universe of superheroes. They also are sometimes (very rarely) called Midgard, because in Dark Age of Camelot, Midgard was the "blue" faction.
  • AD, Yellows, Bananas, Simpsons, Tree-Huggers, Hibernia - Aldmeri Dominion. Like the EP and DC, they also have a DAoC counterpart, a faction called Hibernia, which was the faction of the foresty tree-hugging people. Just like their ESO counterparts!
  • Lag - Latency or FPS problems.
  • FPS - Frames per Second, how smooth ESO runs on your machine depending on your graphics settings and your computer.
  • NPC - Non-Player Character. Any "friendly" character that isn't a player. Hostile NPCs are called Mobs.
  • /w, tell, whisp, PM - Whisper, a form of private conversation that no-one else but you and the person you're whispering can see.
  • QQ - To whine or cry about something, one of the favorite pastimes of many players. It looks like a pair of crying eyes. Interchangeable with T_T, which also looks like a pair of crying eyes, but T_T is mainly used on oneself when one is sad.
  • Troll - When you purposefully make up bogus/rubbish information in order to get people to QQ for entertainment. Both hated and enjoyed by many people, but don't do it!.
  • Flame - To insult someone.
  • 1337 - Leet, short for elite. This term has been around as long as online games have existed. It is used when someone or something is super-duper cool and awesome.
  • Epeen, E-Peen - One's big ego, pride, or attitude over the internets.
  • Bio, Bio Break - When one is summoned to the porcelain throne by the call of nature. If your vocabulary is poor it means when someone wants to go to the loo.
  • L2P - Learn to play. Used when one is poor at playing their class and/or build correctly.
  • B2P - Buy to Play, the business model that ESO uses.
  • CS - The Crown Store, the ESO cash store. Very easily mistaken for the Champion System.
  • EU - Europe, European.
  • NA, 'Murica - North American.

Crafting and Trading
  • WTS - Want to Sell. Used when a player wants to sell something e.g WTS Dwemer Motif for 20k (Don't expect to actually see a Dwemer motif at this price!).
  • WTB - Want to Buy, used when a player wants to buy a certain item.
  • WTT - Want to Trade. Used when a player doesn't want to use gold to obtain an item, but wants to use an existing item instead as currency e.g WTT Imperial Motif for Daedric Motif.
  • G, GP - Gold, one of the three main currencies of ESO, the other being Alliance Points (AP) and Crowns (C). For example, WTB Kuta, 600g.
  • C - Crowns, the special currency used in the Crown Store to buy all sorts of cosmetics.
  • K - When talking about a sum of gold that reaches into the thousands, for example 6k means 6,000 gold. 10k means 10,000 gold and so on. Can also be used as a shortened form of OK.
  • GS - Guild Store.
  • BS - Blacksmithing, also used as an abbreviation for the vulgar way to say bull's faeces.
  • Alch - Alchemy
  • Ench - Enchanting
  • Woodwork - Woodworking
  • Cooking - Not used as often, but another word for Provisioning.
  • Gold Sink - An activity that costs so *** much and isn't worth the high price. Examples buying something from someone who is selling it for much higher than the average price, and repairing your gear at low level when you're going to replace it quickly.
  • Junk, Vendor Trash - Loot that is only valuable as something to sell to a merchant. Not worth selling to another player, because the item is too common or has no function beyond being sold.
  • DE, Decon, Disenchant - Deconstruct. The "Disenchant" bit comes from the MMO term of the same name, where one would destroy a particular item to get its components. It basically means the same thing in ESO.

Locations, Dungeons etc.
  • Cyro - Cyrodiil
  • IC, Imp City - The Imperial City
  • MD - Imperial City Market District
  • Arb, Arby - Imperial Cty Arboretum District
  • ND - Imperial City Noble District
  • Arena - Imperial City Arena District
  • EG, EGD - Imperial City Elven Gardens District
  • TD, Temple - Imperial City Temple District
  • Sewers, ICS - Imperial City Sewers
  • Crag - Craglorn
  • Raid - Another term for Trials.
  • AA - Aetherian Archive
  • HRC - Hel Ra Citadel
  • SO - Sanctum Ophidia
  • DSA - Dragonstar Arena
  • Dung - Dungeon. Often mistaken for poop.
  • Delve - Solo Dungeon
  • FG - Fungal Grotto
  • DSC - Darkshade Caverns
  • WS - Wayrest Sewers
  • SC, Spindle - Spindleclutch
  • TBC, BC - The Banished Cells. Can be easily mistaken for Blessed Crucible.
  • Arx, AC - Arx Corinium
  • EH - Elden Hollow.
  • CoA - City of Ash
  • CoH - Crypt of Hearts. Can be mistaken for the cancelled MMO, City of Heroes.
  • DFK - Direfrost Keep
  • Volen, VF - Volenfell
  • TI, Tempest - Tempest Island
  • BHH, Blackheart - Blackheart Haven
  • SW, Selene's - Selene's Web
  • Crucible, BC - Blessed Crucible. Can be easily mistaken for Banished Cells.
  • VoM, Vaults - Vaults of Madness
  • LFG - Looking for Group. Used when you want a group for a certain task such as PvP or dungeons.
  • LFM - Looking for More. Can be used when you need players in a group or just something in particular.

  • AvA (Alliance vs. Alliance), RvR (Realm vs. Realm), PKing (Player Killing), PvP - Terms used for Player versus Player combat.
  • AP - Alliance Points, the currency of PvP. It's earned from basically any PvP activity.
  • LFC - Looking for Camp. Should be used when a keep under attack is in need of a camp. Can be mistaken for Liverpool Football Club.
  • FC - Forward Camp, which used to be a type of PvP equipment that allowed you to spawn wherever it was placed. FCs are extremely rare now since they were taken off of store shelves in Update 5, with only a handful of players in possesion of them. It was very useful in both attack and defense, but it made PvP much more of a lagfest and it encouraged things like Bloodporting (Killing yourself to spawn somewhere else), as well as making World PvP less common.
  • Oil - Either an Oil Catapult or Flaming Oil, types of defense-oriented equipment.
  • Luring - A useful tactic where a weak, low-level player stands out in the open, while his much stronger buddies are in stealth behind him waiting for unsuspecting enemies for them to ambush.
  • Hotspot - A place in Cyrodiil where PvP occurs often. Examples of hotspots are Alessia Bridge, the Nagastani Fields, and the Chalman Milegate.
  • Jumping/Pilejumping/PJing - A very effective tactic where a large force from one alliance attacks another alliance which has been very weakened from just taking a keep from a third alliance. Can also be used on players after they win a fight against a ganker (see below). This tactic was used by the Ebonheart Pact in the famous Battle of the Chalamo on February 7th, 2014, where ESO's first emperor was crowned (There is a book about it in the Inner section of Chalman Keep.).
  • Choking - When an alliance severs a Transitus link by taking three resources around one keep to break its link, but not actually attacking the keep, thus disconnecting an enemy alliance alliance from both the keeps the transitus link is connected to, and the choked keep itself.
  • Zerging - A tactic which is generally frowned upon by much of the PvP community. It involves a massive amount of players travelling in a huge clump called a Zerg, Blob, Train or a Zergball in order to overpower an enemy keep/outpost/resource. It normally involves no tactics, but actually can win some battles if put up against an average-sized, average-skilled force. Zerging is one of the root causes of lag.
  • Wrecking Ball - Essentially a zerg with tactics. It involves a zergball clumping together and buffing themselves so they are mega OP (Immune to CC, Immune to AoE and almost anything) and then charging at high speed towards an enemy. Wrecking Balls are EXTREMELY useful when defending and almost always successful. Contrary to popular belief, a wrecking ball CAN be defeated if you know what to do (Hint: Spread your ass out!).
  • Ganking - When a higher-level player and/or his buddies jump out of nowhere to attack lower-level players. Hated by many "gankees", but go ahead and do it it if you want. It's a warzone, there are no rules!
  • Inc Short for Incoming Train. Used when a large enemy force is spotted heading for a specific location. For example, if a scout saw a Covenant zerg heading for Blue Road Keep, they would say in zone chat "dc inc brk".
  • BRK - Blue Road Keep
  • Kings - Kingscrest Keep
  • Farra - Farragut
  • Drag, Dragon, Dclaw - Fort Dragonclaw
  • Chal/Chalm/Chalamo - Chalman Keep
  • Ales - Fort Aleswell
  • Sej - Sejanus Outpost
  • Roe - Castle Roebeck
  • Drake, DLK - Drakelowe Keep
  • Blood, CBM - Castle Bloodmayne
  • ]b]CBB[/b] - Castle Black Boot
  • Brind - Castle Brindle
  • CFG, Fare - Castle Faregyl
  • Bleaks - Bleaker's Outpost.
  • Ebonheart War Council, EWC, WAR - On the EU server, this is the main governing body of most Pact PvP as well as one of ESO's largest "guilds" by player count (Technically it isn't one guild, it's one big alliance of several guilds). The EWC and Exile are currently arch-rivals and absolutely despise eachother. Its most notable players are Quicky Ra, Subhuman, and myself, Neizir!
  • Exile - The Covenant's main EU PvP guild, containing many formidable and elite players. Also the EWC's arch-nemesis. Most notable players are Abraxus, Hexys, and Lairgren.
  • Banana Squad - The Dominion's main EU PvP guild, also containing many formidable foes. The situation right now is that the EWC and Exile are the bitterly hateful rivals while the Banana Squad is just the *** little brother watching on and just being very big nuisances to non-Dominionites. Most notable members are Magicka de Hex, Neithi and Frostsoul.

    • PvE - Player vs. Environment, anything that isn't PvP content.
    • Achis - Achievements
    • Grinding - Performing the same action over and over until a player gets what he wants from it. It is, quite literally, insanity, according to Einstein's Definition of Insanity. Usually associated with killing mobs.
    • Farming - Same as grinding, but is more associated with getting crafting materials rather than killing mobs.
    • Anchors, DAs, Dolmens - Dark Anchors.
    • MQ - Main Quest, referring to the main story of ESO that revolves around the Planemeld and Molag Bal.
    • FG - Fighters Guild. No there isn't an apostrophe in Fighters on purpose. Don't ask me why. Often mistaken for Fungal Grotto
    • MG - Mages Guild. Like the Fighters Guild, it doesn't have an apostrophe.
    • TG - Thieves Guild, a crime syndicate planned to be released sometime in the future.
    • DB - Dark Brotherhood. A notorious group of assassins planned to be released sometime in the future.
    • HM - Hardmode. Can be mistaken for Her Majesty the Queen.
    • PuG - Pick-Up Group. Basically a random group where no-one knows anyone else. ALL group-finder groups are PuGs.
    • Roll - When you make a new character or use a different build than usual.
    • Buff - An effect applied to your character that increases their stats or makes them immune to something, usually temporarily.

    Characters, Skills, Combat, Abilities etc.
    • Build - The heart, soul and life force of every character. A character without a build is like a human without a heart. A build combines your primary attributes (Health, Magicka, Stamina), your secondary attributes (Armor, Weapon Damage etc.) your class, your gear, your combination of abilities, your race and your buffs into your character's overall proficiency.
    • Glass Cannon - A character that deals a high amount of damage, but has poor survivability.
    • Titanium Teddybear - The opposite of a glass cannon, a character who has great survivability but poor damage output.
    • Squishy - A character that dies alot. Sorcerers are known for being particularly squishy.
    • Mag - Magicka
    • HP - Health
    • Stam - Stamina
    • OP - Anything that is overpowered, for example, the Jesus Beam, Lethal Arrow, Jason Leavey's Hair and Headnetch.
    • FOTM - Flavor of the Month. A term used where a new "thing" has been found that makes a certain class uber-powerful and thus half the population of ESO goes and rolls this build to make themselves OP. The well-known PvPer Sypher is known for making FOTM builds which are quite powerful.
    • Scales off of - When the values for a certain ability or passive are based on another stat, described as the scaled ability's "primary", so increasing the primary of the ability/passive in particular increases the damage/healing etc. done by it. For example, the values of a spell scale off of Spell Damage. Therefore, Spell Damage is the spell's primary and increasing Spell Damage will therefore increase the values of the particular ability.
    • Jesus Beam - Radiant Destruction, the spell notorious for being arguably the most powerful spell in the game.
    • Gear - All of your armor, weapons, jewelry etc.
    • Dmg - Short for Damage.
    • Ulti - Ultimate Ability.
    • AoE - Area of Effect. Types of abilities that affect all allies/enemies in a certain area, rather than one target.
    • CC - Crowd Control, types of abilities that don't do alot of damage but rather hinder an enemy's ability to do something like moving/attacking etc.
    • DoT - Damage over Time. Any type of ability that deals damage over a period of time.
    • HoT - Healing over Time. Any type of ability that heals a player over a period of time.
    • Tick - The frequency of which damage or healing from DoTs or HoTs will occur, for example, every one second, you are healed/hurt for 1337.
    • RNG - Random Number Generator. Luck of the draw, a "random" mechanic, usually used to refer to the difficulty of obtaining a specific drop or the chance of something proccing (See Below).
    • Proc - Short for Procedural Random Occurrence. When a buff is applied to your character as a result of RNG. For example, the 5-piece Ashen Grip set bonus has a 10% chance to deal fire damage upon melee hits. When that happens, it is described as having procced.
    • Pot, Pots - Potions. VERY easily mistaken for the recreational drug known as Weed.
    • Holy Trinity - The combined term for Tanks, Damage Dealers and Healers. All 3 support one another in some way - Tanks protect, healers heal, and damage dealers kill.
    • Tank - A type of player that aims to stay alive for as long as they can and protect a group from damage.
    • DD, DPS, Damage Dealer - A type of player that, as their name suggests, deals damage. In groups, these players help the tank kill stuff quickly as the tank will usually have sacrificed his damage dealing capability for survivability.
    • Healer - Probably the most important member of your group, this player keeps the tanks and damage dealers alive. In turn, Tanks and DDs protect the healer.
    • Drops - Items that can be looted from enemy's corpse.
    • Mobs - Groups of normal enemies.
    • Trash Mobs - Groups of basic enemies in a dungeon or trial that are not associated with a specific boss.
    • Adds - Enemies that join a fight after it has begun, usually by being summoned or where their arrival is scripted. This includes enemies that draw aggro mid fight.
    • Tank n' Spank - The most common and traditional type of group combat. The tank draws aggro, the DDs deal damage and the healer keeps them alive.
    • Aggro - Aggression. Determines who an enemy will attack. If you stand too close, they will go hostile and begin combat (Only on aggressive mobs, passive mobs like Guar don't attack unless they're provoked).
    • Draw Aggro - Dual meaning, the first refers to tanks trying to keep their enemy's attention on them and off of the other party members. Also refers to enemies selecting a party member other than the tank and attacking them. (Sometimes called stealing aggro.) Also related to losing aggro, when an enemy loses interest in the tank and targets something else.
    • Leash - A very lazily designed mechanic. It is the maximum range an enemy will follow the player. ESO is unusual in that enemies will chase players beyond their leash, make or receive one attack and then fully heal and return to their starting position.
    • Spawn - Refers to either mobs, or the locations those mobs enter the world (the actual spawning). The location can also be called a spawn point. In PvP this also applies to the player when they die.
    • Food/Drink - Stuff that buffs your primary attributes and their recovery rate. Almost every max-level PvPer seems to be using Consummate Honey Brittle, which is VERY bizarre considering the stuff is dirt-cheap yet the recipe is quite rare. It also makes you OP, and it can be classed as FOTM for Food.
    • Nuke - When you focus not on tactics to kill but on dealing a massive, massive amount of damage. Basically zerging in PvE.

    Anything I missed, just let me know :smile:
Edited by Neizir on July 4, 2015 11:45AM
Neizir Stormstrider

EU Megaserver

I have a fancy signature.
  • starkerealm
    I've seen "Yellows", "Reds", and "Blues," for the factions in PvP.

    RP = Roleplayer/Roleplaying. These are the players that spend most of their time in weird non-combat zones talking in character. Join 'em if you want.
    ERP = you're going to need brain bleach once you know what it means, the correct answer is probably, "no."
    Erotic Role Play. RPing sexual content. Cybering.

    FA = Fort Aleswell.

    Alt = an alternate character on someone's account. This is how you'll be surrounded by players with much better gear than you at the start. They're not luckier than you, they just crafted it and pass it over to their new character.
    Edited by starkerealm on October 17, 2014 7:52PM
  • GreenTea
    Annnd..... bookmarked. :blush:

    Great job!
    Watch me derp around playing ESO
    In-game info: @Greeentea (with Three E's)
    Main: Ki'tea
    Morrowind Roleplayer since launch!
  • Gythral
    Lag : Latency issues,
    1 drop in FPS due to:
    a... trying to get a poor PC to run ultra settings in PvP Zergs
    b... trying to push the settings in a city
    c... poor optimisation of code in some areas
    2 server dropping packets
    3 poor internet connection
    Edited by Gythral on October 17, 2014 8:09PM
    “Be as a tower, that, firmly set,
    Shakes not its top for any blast that blows!”
    Dante Alighieri, The Divine Comedy
  • Spark
    Nice job!

    I think though, that a gold sink is something that's actually taking money away from the economy to battle inflation (ie. you pay gold to an NPC and said gold disappears forever). Not buying Warlock Rings. That's just a ripoff. Lmao.

    Ohh and I've heard "tomatoes" used for Reds, at least on the EU server.

    Bleaks - Bleakers Outpost

    Ganker might also be an useful term to explain ;)
  • starkerealm
    Spark wrote: »
    Ganker might also be an useful term to explain ;)

    Ganking: The fine art of murdering a player in ways science never thought possible.
  • Gythral
    Spark wrote: »
    Ganker might also be an useful term to explain ;)

    Ganker :
    1: High (or Max Level) Player that preys on the lowest possible level PvP targets, usually by methods that ensure that said target cannot fight back or even run.
    2: The lowest form of life in an MMO :D
    “Be as a tower, that, firmly set,
    Shakes not its top for any blast that blows!”
    Dante Alighieri, The Divine Comedy
  • ZOS_AmeliaR
    What a helpful thread, thanks for putting this together! Glad to see that some ubiquitous MMO terms are included as well (maybe it won't take others as long as it took me in my early MMO days to figure out that PST stands for something and isn't just the sound of someone whispering).

    If you decide to edit the original post to include suggestions added later in the thread, you may also consider adding bullet-points to the existing list, or perhaps putting the abbreviations in bold to make them stand out from the definitions. Just a thought for improving readability. Great work! :)
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited - ZeniMax Online Studios
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    Staff Post
  • Gyudan
    I've seen "Yellows", "Reds", and "Blues," for the factions in PvP.
    aka Bananas and Tomatoes
  • Curragraigue
    I personally would distinguish farming as for an item and grinding as for XP or gold. OP on the forums can also mean opening poster or opening post.

    Good collection, I'm new to MMOs so I've been having to learn them as I go. I'd suggest adding trinity and the components of it, i.e. tank, DPS and heals.
    PUG Life - the true test of your skill

    18 characters, 17 max level, at least 1 Stam and 1 Mag of every class, 1 of every race and 1200+ CP

    Tanked to Undaunted 9+ Mag and Stam of every class using Group Finder for 90+% of the Vet Dungeon runs
  • Aeratus
    Here are some more terms


    Purple - used by AD to describe EP and DC working together
    Green/Lime - used by EP to describe AD and DC working together
    Orange - used by DC to describe AD and EP working together

    Skills abbreviations

    GDB - Green dragon blood
    BE - Bolt escape


    HM - Hard mode (trials and vet dungeons)
    Edited by Aeratus on October 17, 2014 10:25PM
  • ItsMeToo
    Aeratus wrote: »
    Here are some more terms


    Purple - used by AD to describe EP and DC working together
    Green/Lime - used by EP to describe AD and DC working together
    Orange - used by DC to describe AD and EP working together

    Skills abbreviations

    GDB - Green dragon blood
    BE - Bolt escape


    HM - Hard mode (trials and vet dungeons)

    You won't see Green/Lime or Orange in PvP... AD works alone.
    FYI - There is no such thing as 'night capping' in a world wide MMO.
    FYI - There was no paid Beta. When they launched the game the Beta was over, even if you don't think it was.
    FYI - It's B2P not F2P. There is a difference.
    FYI - It doesn't take any player skill to mash keys or buttons in this game. The ones that stay alive longer have the better internet connection and speed.
    FYI - The game is not broken, it still works. It just has 'bugs' that need to be fixed.
    Balance is a "Bad" thing.

    Example: There were hundreds of Jedi and only two Sith in Star Wars. The Jedi wanted, "Balance in the Force" and they got it. Now there are only two Jedi and two Sith.

    Balance is a "Bad" thing.
    Is the glass half full or half empty?
    I say, "Get a smaller glass."
  • killedbyping
    "It is just RNG" - Yes, we did stealth nerfed it, learn to live with that.
    Edited by killedbyping on October 18, 2014 8:35AM
  • starkerealm
    CC = Crowd Control. Any effects that interrupt an opponent's attack, stun them, or root them in place.

    RNG = Random Number Generator. Luck of the draw, a random mechanic, usually used to refer to the difficulty of obtaining a specific rare drop.

    Drops = Items that can be looted from enemy's corpse. The term originates from Diablo where enemies would literally spit out loot like bloody pinatas on death.

    Trash Drops = Items that have no value, or no value beyond selling them.

    Vendor Trash = Loot that is only valuable as something to sell to a merchant. Not worth selling to another player, because the item is too common or has no function beyond being sold.

    Mobs = Groups of normal enemies.

    Trash Mobs = Groups of basic enemies in a dungeon that are not associated with a specific boss.

    Adds = Enemies that join a fight after it has begun, usually by being summoned or where their arrival is scripted. This does not include enemies that draw aggro mid fight.

    Aggro = Aggression. Determines who an enemy will attack. If you stand too close, they will go into a hostile mode and begin combat.

    Draw Aggro = Dual meaning, the first refers to tanks trying to keep their enemy's attention on them and off of the other party members. Also refers to enemies selecting a party member other than the tank and attacking them. (Sometimes called stealing agro.) Also related to losing aggro, when an enemy loses interest in the tank and targets something else.

    Leash = the maximum range an enemy will follow the player. ESO is unusual in that enemies will chase players beyond their leash, make or receive one attack and then fully heal and return to their starting position.

    Spawn = Refers to either mobs, or the locations those mobs enter the world (the actual spawning). The location can also be called a spawn point. In PvP this also applies to the player.

  • Neizir
    Thanks for finding some more terms, guys! Updating the post now.
    Neizir Stormstrider

    EU Megaserver

    I have a fancy signature.
  • Lionxoft
    Neizir wrote: »
    DC - Daggerfall Covenant. Sometimes mistaken for the beloved universe of comic book heroes that contains icons such as Batman, Superman, Deadpool, Wonder Woman, The Joker, you name it.

    I hope they sink this post for misinformation :D (Bolded for the try hards unable to find their funny bone)
  • Syntse
    Think the OP needs to bold the terms in the original post for easier readability.

    Couple things that I have been confused about are LFG and LFM and how they are used? I know LFG is looking for group but seems to be used in both cases where someone is looking for group and when grouped people are looking someone into group. I don't actually know what LFM is Looking For Mate?

    LFG examples
    dps LFG banished cells (dps asking for group to BC)
    LFG dps into banished cells (group asking dps to BC)

    Yes DPS and DD are missing from the list too
    DPS=Damage Per Second
    DD=Damage Dealer

    Think many combat related terms are missing like kite, pull etc...
    Syntse Dominion Khajiit Dragonknight Stamina Tank [50]
    Ra'Syntse Dominion Khajiit Nightblade Magica DPS [50]
    Syntselle Dominion Dark Elf Dragonknight Magica DPS [50]
    Syntseus Dominion Imperial Templar Healer [50]
    Syntsetar Dominion High Elf Sorcerer Magica DPS [50]
    Friar Tuktuk Daggerfall Brenton Templar Healer [50]
    Syntseyn Ebonheart Brenton Nightblade Magica DPS [50]
  • JD2013
    Great thread! Very helpful indeed!

    Though was not aware ERP was a thing ... :|
    Sweetrolls for all!

    Christophe Mottierre - Breton Templar with his own whole darn estate! Templar Houses are so 2015. EU DC

    PC Beta Tester January 2014

    Elder of The Black
    Order of Sithis
    The Runners

    @TamrielTraverse - For Tamriel related Twitter shenanigans!

    Crafting bag OP! ZOS nerf pls!
  • Gythral
    Looking for group (usually 1 person looking for the rest of a group)
    LFM (LFxM)
    Looking for More, where x is the number needed, or qualified in the rest of the line, with the number and type (Tank, Heal, DD) etc.
    “Be as a tower, that, firmly set,
    Shakes not its top for any blast that blows!”
    Dante Alighieri, The Divine Comedy
  • AshySamurai
    Syntse wrote: »
    Think the OP needs to bold the terms in the original post for easier readability.

    Couple things that I have been confused about are LFG and LFM and how they are used? I know LFG is looking for group but seems to be used in both cases where someone is looking for group and when grouped people are looking someone into group. I don't actually know what LFM is Looking For Mate?

    LFG examples
    dps LFG banished cells (dps asking for group to BC)
    LFG dps into banished cells (group asking dps to BC)

    Yes DPS and DD are missing from the list too
    DPS=Damage Per Second
    DD=Damage Dealer

    Think many combat related terms are missing like kite, pull etc...

    LFM - Looking for more, Usually LF1M or LF2M - means one or two free slots in group. @Gythral‌ already clarified this. Sorry.

    And I've always been curious why people say dps (like LF1M dps), but not dd (LF1M dd).
    Edited by AshySamurai on October 18, 2014 12:06PM
    Make sweetrolls, not nerfs!
  • Hazadus76
    I am grateful for this post! It turns out some of my guesses were dead wrong.
  • spoqster
    I use LFH to say Looking For Healer. I am mostly looking for healers. Enough DD around.
  • Valen_Byte
    Please ad 'QQ' as I still have no idea what this means...even Google doesn't know lol
    ***Dixon Kay MagDK FORMER EMPEROR***Deca Dix MagDK FORMER EMPORER***Valonious MagPlar FORMER EMPEROR***
    GM of BYTE
    And alien tears will fill for him, Pity’s long-broken urn, For his mourners will be outcast men, And outcasts always mourn
  • emeraldbay
    What a helpful thread, thanks for putting this together! Glad to see that some ubiquitous MMO terms are included as well (maybe it won't take others as long as it took me in my early MMO days to figure out that PST stands for something and isn't just the sound of someone whispering).

    If you decide to edit the original post to include suggestions added later in the thread, you may also consider adding bullet-points to the existing list, or perhaps putting the abbreviations in bold to make them stand out from the definitions. Just a thought for improving readability. Great work! :)
    Wait, you mean that actually stands for something?!

    By the moons...
  • Grasshopper
    You missed:

    PvF - Player vs Fish, The activity of fishing in game, often done to get achievements.
    Newbie - A new player, but in contrast to noob they are willing to learn and adapt. Often players will help newbies along there way.
    Edited by Grasshopper on October 18, 2014 4:20PM
    Bug and Theorycrafter since beta.
  • rikimm16_ESO
    Please ad 'QQ' as I still have no idea what this means...even Google doesn't know lol

    QQ = represents two crying eyes; also means quit crying!
    I think... someone told me that in DAoC
  • Syntse
    Please ad 'QQ' as I still have no idea what this means...even Google doesn't know lol

    QQ is crying... think it tries to illlustrate two eyes with tears.
    Syntse Dominion Khajiit Dragonknight Stamina Tank [50]
    Ra'Syntse Dominion Khajiit Nightblade Magica DPS [50]
    Syntselle Dominion Dark Elf Dragonknight Magica DPS [50]
    Syntseus Dominion Imperial Templar Healer [50]
    Syntsetar Dominion High Elf Sorcerer Magica DPS [50]
    Friar Tuktuk Daggerfall Brenton Templar Healer [50]
    Syntseyn Ebonheart Brenton Nightblade Magica DPS [50]
  • starkerealm
    DPS = Damage Per Second. It refers to both the actual damage output from a player and players who specialize in dealing large amounts of damage. (Nightblade is the primary DPS class.)

    Nuker = A DPS who specializes in ranged AoE attacks. (Sorcerer is the primary nuker class.)

    Tank = A player who focuses on survivability. In a group context, they work to maintain aggro so the other members can attack the boss without being smeared across the walls. (Dragon Knight is the primary tank class.)

    Healer/Heals = A player who focuses on healing (and sometimes buffing) other party members. (Templar is the primary healer class.)

    The Holy Trinity = A nickname for the DPS/Tank/Healer combo. (Quick note, in ESO any class can do any of these roles.)

    Tank 'n Spank/ Tank & Spank = A tactic where the Tank positions themselves on one side of the boss while the DPSs and Healer attack from the other.

    Taunt = An attack that generates a large amount of aggro, keeping an enemy's attention on the tank.

    Petspam/Petswarm: A build that focuses on building an army of summoned pets and attacking with them rather than directly with the player. At present only the sorcerer can approach this, and they're limited to 3 summons at one time, but spellcrafting may change this.
  • starkerealm
    And I've always been curious why people say dps (like LF1M dps), but not dd (LF1M dd).

    For whatever reason, Damage Dealer is less common as a nickname for the role than DPS. I kind of think it originated in a game where DD was an abbreviation for something very different, but it's become a standard now.
    emeraldbay wrote: »
    (maybe it won't take others as long as it took me in my early MMO days to figure out that PST stands for something and isn't just the sound of someone whispering).
    Wait, you mean that actually stands for something?!

    By the moons...

    It's "Please Send Tell"... or Pacific Standard Time...
    Edited by starkerealm on October 18, 2014 5:16PM
  • Sablemane
    PBAoE - Point Blank Area of Effect - An AoE ability centered on the caster.

    SNtS - Say "No" to Skooma!
  • Muizer
    Has PUG (pick-up-group) been mentioned?

    Also worth mentioning that "Troll camp" is not a WB location, where WB stands for "world boss", not Warner Brothers.

    Edited by Muizer on October 18, 2014 8:21PM
    Please stop making requests for game features. ZOS have enough bad ideas as it is!
This discussion has been closed.