Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts
Maintenance for the week of September 30:
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – September 30, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 8:00AM EDT (12:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – October 2, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – October 2, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
We will be performing maintenance for patch 10.2.2 on the PTS on Monday at 8:00AM EDT (12:00 UTC).

PTS Patch Notes v1.5

  • Warraxx
    I'm going to have to argue strongly that the proposed changes to silver bolts/shards be reconsidered/rescinded. NA Haderus has lately become infested with literal hordes of impulse batmonkeys, the majority of them are DK's. Having it ignore reflect is a crucial counter to these builds and fits with its intended purpose: to be a perfect foil to the forces of darkness. Bolts/shards is one of the few ways we have to deal with batmonkeys, and yes most of them are bananas, and they are not 'RPers looking for points" they are hardcore pvpers from TB, for example one of them has a name that starts with W and ends with X.

    um, i'm a werewolf dude...
  • Molisin01
    Hmm... still no justice system, not to mention dark brotherhood and thieves guild which should have been in effect at launch. Kudos though to the Evil Hunter. 'Bout time someone nerfed those vamps; they've been asking for it ever since they tried to exploit bat swarm and farmed AP.
  • eragard
    Great changes especially to those pvp vamps that use the giant heals to survive. I am all bow werewolf so yay to me, but the werewolf timer being so short makes playing a werewolf worthless in pvp regardless of the love given...
  • ZeroTheCat
    I see that itemization for people that only pvp is still crap. :( But good that they spend resources on the important stuff like this:

    •Fixed an issue where your character would display an eating animation instead of a drinking animation when consuming brandy.

    That bug was really a game breaker. ^^
    Edited by ZeroTheCat on October 19, 2014 12:12PM
  • HeroOfEvbof
    Why are Crafted Fishy Sticks level 45? They are supposed to be level 50. Mudcrab Meat is the L50/VR1 drop. Level 45 is Shank
    apud me omnia fiunt Mathematicè in Natura - Rene Descartes
  • Garkin
    New Crafting Style: Dwemer
    • The secrets of crafting Dwemer equipment have begun to be recovered. Those searching Dwemer ruins may find lost chapters detailing the construction of specific types of equipment, and if you are extremely lucky, may find an intact book detailing every aspect of Dwemer armor and weapon construction.
    • The crafting style component will require you to collect Dwemer scrap metal from automatons, and refine it into a Dwemer frame item.

    Garkin / EU / CSF guild
    My addons: SkyShards, LoreBooks, Dustman, Map Coordinates, No, thank you, ... (full list)
    I'm taking care of: Azurah - Interface Enhanced, Srendarr - Aura, Buff & Debuff Tracker and more
    My folder with updated/modified addons: DROPBOX
  • timidobserver
    Didn't the original version of the patch notes say that there were V10 provisioning recipes now? Did they edit that out?
    V16 Uriel Stormblessed EP Magicka Templar(main)
    V16 Derelict Vagabond EP Stamina DK
    V16 Redacted Ep Stam Sorc
    V16 Insolent EP Magicka Sorc(retired)
    V16 Jed I Nyte EP Stamina NB(retired)

  • AegisWolf
    The new werewolf skills are fun , though I miss the Werewolf Berserker attack speed buff. However, the werewolf timer itself could use another look. They shortened the cooldown on the devour skill, and made us less interruptable while using it. This enables us to maintain werewolf transformation indefinitely in areas where basic world enemies are plentiful. However, the full timer lasts only a little over 50 seconds, with each devour adding a bit over 20, with the result that I'm having to devour every other enemy I kill, (sometimes every single one, when they're few and far between) when the time between groups of enemies is factored in. This gets tedious very fast. I'd like to spend my time as a werewolf fighting, and not having to fixate on finding a fresh carcass fairly frequently. Ideally, they should make the timer longer, and the devour addition, healing, and cooldown proportionately so as well, making the timer upwards of a minute and a half long, maybe two minutes. In addition to reducing the necessity to focus solely on finding carcasses so frequently, this would better enable the werewolf to engage and damage bosses that may not spawn edible adds regularly, and to participate in PvP.
    Edited by AegisWolf on October 19, 2014 10:00PM
  • ryu40010b14_ESO
    The new werewolf skills are fun , though I miss the Werewolf Berserker attack speed buff. However, the werewolf timer itself could use another look. They shortened the cooldown on the devour skill, and made us less interruptable while using it. This enables us to maintain werewolf transformation indefinitely in areas where basic world enemies are plentiful. However, the full timer lasts only a little over 50 seconds, with each devour adding a bit over 20, with the result that I'm having to devour every other enemy I kill, (sometimes every single one, when they're few and far between) when the time between groups of enemies is factored in. This gets tedious very fast. I'd like to spend my time as a werewolf fighting, and not having to fixate on finding a fresh carcass fairly frequently. Ideally, they should make the timer longer, and the devour addition, healing, and cooldown proportionately so as well, making the timer upwards of a minute and a half long, maybe two minutes. In addition to reducing the necessity to focus solely on finding carcasses so frequently, this would better enable the werewolf to engage and damage bosses that may not spawn edible adds regularly, and to participate in PvP.

    Agreed, i hope they give a timer extension but i am vary pleased with the new skill set, i currently have few issues killing mobs that were previously troublesome, and as a pro-dominant magicka build i found that i can heal for days lol, and the fact that my set and armor bonuses carry over are a great boon since my whitestrakes bubble kicks off even if im in wolf form and makes me a pretty effective weretank :)
    i would appreciate a drop in the weakness or a re-imagining of it since werewolves as far as i know by lore have never been truly weak to poison and it makes little sense to me for them to be weak to it in ESO.

    from what i see the place werewolf shines is making one class do another thing, like a tank becomes a DD or a mage becomes a tank from the impressive heals, DDs dont like it because its not a big change from what they normally do from what i see.
    Edited by ryu40010b14_ESO on October 19, 2014 11:35PM
  • GreyBrow
    For everyone asking about an increased werewolf timer... Please use your brains and compare WW to other ultimates. Most ultimates last 10-20 seconds, and do a MODERATE amount (200-300 DPS) of damage or heal you or give damage reduction. Asking for WW to be any different is just asinine.

    They're not meant to be "hey let me run around for 5 minutes as a WW, they're meant to be a one off skill that you use every once in a while for a small advantage.

    The only viable common sense solution is to change WW to the same system that power overload uses. Make activation cost 100, and buff the damage to 500 per attack (because you can't reflect) and cause each light/heavy attack to cost 15 ultimate per attack.

    This would satisfy the RPers and essentially mean that there is NO timer for WW, yet still give a lot of balance. Seems like the only fair option to me.

    @ZOS_GinaBruno‌ how does that sound?
  • GreyBrow
    Btw, I am not and will probably never be a ww, so I'm not one of those people begging you to buff me. I'm just offering a common sense solution that would placate a lot of the people whining in this completely derailed thread.
  • Darkonflare15
    GreyBrow wrote: »
    Btw, I am not and will probably never be a ww, so I'm not one of those people begging you to buff me. I'm just offering a common sense solution that would placate a lot of the people whining in this completely derailed thread.

    Quite interesting you pop on a thread. You insult people then you claim you have a solution to their problem even though you never going to use it. How kind of you to grant such great knowledge on the lesser folk. To call somebody foolish you really do not know your info as well. People are not whining for no reason they want to play as werewolf. People do not want the werewolf to be an ultimate they want to role play as werewolf but since it is going to stay as a ultimate they would like to be able to play werewolf more effectively without having to run out of time. The werewolf is not the same as other ultimates and for this reason is why people are asking for more time. It would be hard for somebody who does want to a werewolf to understand.
    Edited by Darkonflare15 on October 20, 2014 12:49AM
  • ryu40010b14_ESO
    he may have been a bit brash but @GreyBrow has a point, that would allow alot of players to be able to use WW for long periods, id say have devour refund ultimate to keep you in combat and have abilities consume more ultimate than light/heavy attacks.
    but either way im happy, timer boost or revamp to the Overload system, both have good points.
  • AegisWolf
    GreyBrow wrote: »
    For everyone asking about an increased werewolf timer... Please use your brains and compare WW to other ultimates. Most ultimates last 10-20 seconds, and do a MODERATE amount (200-300 DPS) of damage or heal you or give damage reduction. Asking for WW to be any different is just asinine.

    They're not meant to be "hey let me run around for 5 minutes as a WW, they're meant to be a one off skill that you use every once in a while for a small advantage.

    The only viable common sense solution is to change WW to the same system that power overload uses. Make activation cost 100, and buff the damage to 500 per attack (because you can't reflect) and cause each light/heavy attack to cost 15 ultimate per attack.

    This would satisfy the RPers and essentially mean that there is NO timer for WW, yet still give a lot of balance. Seems like the only fair option to me.

    @ZOS_GinaBruno‌ how does that sound?

    First off, please keep it civil.

    Second, to a certain extent I agree with you. Werewolf Transformation being similar to Overload makes some sense.
    However, we're not asking for an increased capability to extend the werewolf time indefinitely. This is already on the PTS and in the patch notes. I'm asking that it be made less tedious to do so when we are able to extend the timer, and for extra time when we are not able to extend the timer, in order to better justify our having it in those situations. DPS races against a boss (usually without edible mobs around) are really the only thing werewolves can do better than other ultimates. Dealing with mobs can be done faster and more ultimate-efficiently by AOE skills such as Nova, Meteor, Dragonknight Standard, and Charged Storm Atronach. Also, bear in mind that while using all the other ultimates, even Overload, we retain our roles within the group. But with werewolf, we all become DPS. It should be powerful enough that a group can withstand a tank being a werewolf for a couple of minutes, and to justify him or her being transformed. This, I think, is the reasoning behind all the CC that werewolves have and are getting, to mitigate the potential loss of a tank or, maybe, a healer.

    Third, I honestly think that all the liabilities that come with being a werewolf counterbalance the extra utility of being transformed for a longer period of time. Vampires get a bunch of passives, and they don't have to transform to benefit from their power. The werewolf transformation is all we get (and a new stamina regen passive) for filling out a 10-level skill tree, ranking up and morphing now-5 skills, and dealing with the repercussions of our weaknesses to poison damage and Fighters' Guild skills. Big risks need to grant big payoffs.
    Edited by AegisWolf on October 20, 2014 6:12AM
  • nukeemstudiosub17_ESO
    Really?? how about fixing the insanely high CPU usage?? the game is almost unplayable and you just keep adding more crap!! fix what is wrong before adding stuff!
  • ryu40010b14_ESO
    Really?? how about fixing the insanely high CPU usage?? the game is almost unplayable and you just keep adding more crap!! fix what is wrong before adding stuff!
    i run the game on high with 50+ fps and ive personally never had CPU usage issues, and i have a 4 year old rig.
    but i may just be lucky, what are your specs? perhaps it would be a simple fix to boost your rigs output with a slight upgrade or perhaps download razer cortex, it shuts down un needed programs and services when you run a game.
    Edited by ryu40010b14_ESO on October 20, 2014 7:34AM
  • Iduyenn

    Wrong! Wrong! Wrong!
    Do you think Vampire is an Ultimate? No!
    But Wolves have to spend up to 25+ Skillpoints in to Werewolf. That is NOT a normal ultimate.
    And if comparing to vampires, we have some more disadvantages... (For example the fact, that we cant put normals skills on our bar...)

    So Werewolf is clearly not only an ultimate. It`s an Arche-subtype of a normal playstile like vampires. And if not possible to overtake all three roles (tanking, dd, healing) it should be possible to take at least one.

    A normal ultimate is a short time-utility/damage increase whatever. Most of them you can cast and then you can do your normal damage (Additional to your ultimate). It costs with one morph 2 Skillpoints. I hope you see the difference.
    A Werewolf has NO ultimate.
    They're not meant to be "hey let me run around for 5 minutes as a WW, they're meant to be a one off skill that you use every once in a while for a small advantage.

    I dont know, where you pull out your knowledge and how you can be so certain of the role a werewolf has to play in ESO.
    So are you proposing, that you do the same thing with vampires? Make it like overload? I can hear the screams of thousands of players already...

    No. In Elderscrolls online, you can play as you like and in the genere, Werewolfs and Vampires have a place, because they are part of this world and have been eversince. This is a reason many players love and choose this game.
    Hell, i am not the only one returning to ESO only because of the WW changes.

    @nukeemstudiosub17_ESO : Yea, post your rig, because i play in 4k supersampling and high end- no problems.
    Edited by Iduyenn on October 20, 2014 9:05AM
  • AegisWolf
    Iduyenn wrote: »
    So are you proposing, that you do the same thing with vampires? Make it like overload? I can hear the screams of thousands of players already...

    :D Sorry, couldn't help myself.

    P.S. I Completely agree with your post.
    Edited by AegisWolf on October 20, 2014 9:45AM
  • ryu40010b14_ESO
    LMAO at Star wars quote

    perhaps if they simply allow your WW timer to refresh if you've accumulated enough ultimate to change again while transformed, or just let you keep the ultimate gained while in WW form would fix the trouble with lengthy battles?
  • Iduyenn
    @snowstorm02preub18_ESO Rofl :) But it fits in perfectly.

    @snowstorm02preub18_ESO: Theoretically, the morph "packleader" of you ultimate should give you and your group more ww time instead of ultimate (in Patch 1.5). Unfortunately it doesnt work properly on PTS, but the idea is great.
    Only... in Cyrodiil it would not be enough, since the battles are to short and the ways to long. Behold the siege situations and your enemy releasing their souls too fast, to be devouered.
    We are in constant danger of loosing our form before the real fight started... Not only other players are fighting against us, but also time. That makes playing very stressful.

    Even if we had 2 minutes: The scenarios show, that this time is over very very fast. An Enemy could simply wait until you have lost a bit of you time.
    You could fake an attack and wait.
    While fighting, there comes the moment, when you are kept in the changing back animation. You loose nearly everything on defence etc, but are still vulnerable to poison. Hell, they have even time to slot other skills, while we are transforming.
    You can`t hide as a wolf (wich is ok with me), but your enemys can just make better counter strtegy/attacks considering time is always against you. You can not hide... And cyrodiil has a lot of siege situations...

    In PVE it could work with the ultimates, if you have constant bossfights, but you have to gain 400 ultimate in 40 seconds. In trash situations it may work, but even with some extra seconds through other skills, it`s not enough.
    They mentioned in the pachnotes 1.5, that you keep your ultimate (without loosing them, when turning back). But testing it, it doesen`t work yet.

    You loose a lot of time, need a lot of defence and in the end it`s also your over all dps, that is stuck. You couln`t even rely on crit, because in PVP everyone is nearly immune.

    My most current proposition is to make it possible to stack your ww time up to a "strategic useful" amount. (Let`s say after transformation you have 1 minute, with devouering some prey, you can stack up to 5 minutes)
    The Packleader passive should grant you a lot more bonus (More time in WW while beeing together with other wolves).
    I like the idea of beeing stronger as a pack. The devs seem to intend this, considering the old and new skill-synergies/group-buffs.

    However, there are a lot of very good ideas around. I just hope, the devs choose one of them.

    Edited by Iduyenn on October 20, 2014 11:20AM
  • ryu40010b14_ESO
    im down for anything that will keep me in WW form for longer lol, be it ultimate refueling or being able to eat up to overcharge the forms timer for prolonged combat, :) there have been alot of healty ideas today and i feel confident that a great balanced solution will be found that @ZOS will happily implement.
    another one would be that you can change form for as little as 150 200 ultimate but the longer you wait the larger the timer, so say if 200 ultimate gets you 1 min then 1000 would net you 5 mins.
  • Mithe
    STILL cant install the PTS on a seperate HDD than the Live version, so you'll continue to lack enough pts players because few people want to lose 120gb+ of hdd space for a SINGLE game..

    FIX THIS then you wont need to moan at us to play pts all the time. This is the main reason for a LOT of people.

    allow us to select which path to install to for the PTS
    Mithe-VR14 NB
    Apantos-Vr5 Templar
    Ashix Flamereave - DK levelling to 50 before lvl cap drop
    Apantos Mithe- Sorc levelling to 50 before lvl cap drop
  • zhevon
    And, having fought Gutripper and Doshia(?) recently, I was surprised how easily my bow-wielding NB took care of both. I remember how tough Doshia was esp. for my DK build (and I was several levels above). I think they may have toned it down a bit too much, now.

    But again, let it be an option for players to complete these quests a few levels higher if they want.
    Yes I agree. Granted Doshia used to be an exercise in frustration mainly because it was the first harvester you meet and radically different places the encounter happened. (I have numerous rants elsewhere on the subject) And the large number of broken mechanics in ESO at the time. I never understood the problem with Gutripper; yes, he killed me a few times. One of my main issues with him was you had to rekill the low-level mobs to replay him when you had not left the instance. I personally think it was a mistake not allowing a friend in with you instead of nerfing either of them.

    I would love to be able to have my character teleport back in time - at the original level and try to replay the unerfted Doishia.

  • Skwor
    Please Please Please, you fixed one issue but not the biggest issue

    Aedric Spear
    Fixed an issue with Focused Charge and Explosive Charge where you could charge through the target.

    Please fix the stun that occurs with Focused Charge, the sword and board shield charge has no self stun. The Templar version stuns the player who casts it for about 1 to 2 seconds. Please since you already have fixed some of issues with focused charge fix the main issue. This skill will still be mostly unused unless the self stun / cool-down is removed.

    Edited by Skwor on October 20, 2014 1:19PM
  • springbound
    I have seen some of the comments around a toggle to level the dungeon or not and I think it depends on the character rather or not it is doable. When I was a 1-49 nb, a troll my level was something to fear. I now have a level 16 sorc that can take anything a level or two above it's level. I could not do the main quest at my level on my nb. I may be a horrible player and so what? I like to play but would have quit out of frustration on my sword and board nb (now staff) if I could not have gone back after I gained a few levels. If you really need things to level to the player, go for it, but you will also loose some players that enjoy the game and are overtaken by frustration. I am really not in favor of this change and it has nothing to do with farming. If some folks want this, let it be a toggle choice.
  • DisgracefulMind
    Lol, typical. ZoS tells the people who play this game to PvP to basically go *insert curse word here* ourselves, and focuses on adding lip animation to NPCs. Wonderful to know that all the time and money I have invested in your game, you know, for PvP purposes, means nothing to you.

    How about you fix Cyrodiil, please and thank you.
    Unfortunate magicka warden main.
    PC/NA Server
    Fairweather Friends
    Retired to baby bgs forever. Leave me alone.
  • kaithuzar
    If you want to nerf vamps so that we can't regain health (even though one of the passive debuff's of being a vamp is decreased health regeneration); fine. BUT... we should still get SOMETHING with all of the negatives we're facing. I'm not trying to say buff for the sake of being OP, just wanting more of an even across the board play style in comparison to others.
    We get:
    1) increased stam regen
    2) increased magic regen
    3) improved sneak speed.

    As a negative we get:
    1) decreased health regen
    2) increased dmg from fire

    1) silver shards kills instantly/damn near instantly
    2) expert hunter + ANY attack kills instantly/damn near instantly & now we can glow to our opponent.
    3) Any fire attack to include but not limited to: impulse/fire ring, lava whip, oil, etc.. kills us instantly/damn near instantly

    These negatives almost wouldn't be so bad, except...look at what we're up against?!!?
    DK...nuff said (almighty standard + now dark talons does dmg & fire abilities)
    templars - impossible to kill b/c they self heal & if they are rocking destro build w/fire ring we're screwed (being nightblade vamps)
    sorc's - about the only thing we might be able to kill except that they are the most powerful dps in the game (take a look at Tripwyr, Ezerath, Esoteric, et al..) so if they hit first or especially if they are running fire ring; we're screwed.

    I've written a number of nightblade builds on teso elite but with this recent buffing of defensive armor, reverse slice, & now making it so I glow & don't receive health; it just doesn't really seem even to me; thoughts?
    Edited by kaithuzar on October 20, 2014 7:19PM
    Member of:
    Fantasia - osh kosh b-josh
    Just Chill - Crown's house
    GoldCloaks - Durruthy test server penga
    Small Meme Guild - Mano's house

    Former member of:
    Legend - Siffer fan boy club
    TKO (tamriel knight's order) - free bks
    Deviance - Leonard's senche tiger
    Purple - hamNchz is my hero
    Eight Divines - myrlifax stop playing final fantasy
    WKB (we kill bosses) - turd where you go?
    Arcance Council - Klytz Kommander
    World Boss - Mike & Chewy gone EP
    M12 (majestic twelve) - cult of the loli zerg
  • B_lov3d
    Looks like lots of good changes on the way which is exciting, especially the pvp fixes and I can't wait to see how the werewolves have improved. I'm a little disappointed about the rank 6 requirement for purchasing forward camps though. I think its a bit of a hindrance when your in a big siege situation and you've got 10 people running around but none have had the ability to purchase an FC. I'm guessing the requirement is to prevent some of the troll camps maybe? Might be more effective to lower the requirement to rank 2-3 and just add the owners name to the camp for all to see. But hey its not even live yet, so we'll see :P
    My horse can fall off a cliff and then race to the other side of Cyrodil with his mangled legs.....but he cannot defeat the face of a mudcrab, a small rock, and occasionally has problems with stairs. -_-
  • nukeemstudiosub17_ESO
    Really?? how about fixing the insanely high CPU usage?? the game is almost unplayable and you just keep adding more crap!! fix what is wrong before adding stuff!
    i run the game on high with 50+ fps and ive personally never had CPU usage issues, and i have a 4 year old rig.
    but i may just be lucky, what are your specs? perhaps it would be a simple fix to boost your rigs output with a slight upgrade or perhaps download razer cortex, it shuts down un needed programs and services when you run a game.
    thanks for the suggestion will give it a try!!!!
    My specs are:
    Amd 8-core 4.0
    32 gigs gskill ripjaws (graphic design)_
    GA HD 7870 2gb graphics
    2tb hdd

  • infoub17_ESO22
    Not all nerfs are shown in these patch notes, however, rest assured they are there. Vampires are so nerfed they are useless. Go werewolf.
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