Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts
Maintenance for the week of September 30:
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – September 30, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 8:00AM EDT (12:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – October 2, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – October 2, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
We will be performing maintenance for patch 10.2.2 on the PTS on Monday at 8:00AM EDT (12:00 UTC).

PTS Patch Notes v1.5

  • jamie.goddenrwb17_ESO
    • Newly created characters will now start off wearing low-level armor instead of the Soul Shriven rags.
      • Dragonknights and Templars will start with Heavy Armor.
      • Nightblades will start with Medium Armor.
      • Sorcerers will start with Light Armor.
      • All armor can be previewed first when creating your character under the Novice Gear option.
      • You will have the option to acquire additional pieces of this armor in light, medium, or heavy before leaving the Wailing Prison.
      • If you have an existing character, you will still keep your original Soul Shriven rags and they will not be removed from your inventory.

    Thank you for all of this @ZOS_GinaBruno.

    I am hoping this could be brought up at some point in the near future, ideally in one of the developer chats during ESO live.

    Heavy armor in this game is geared completely to tanks in ESO right now. It boosts health, health regen and defensive properties with only very minimal stamina and magicka regen added recently. Templars are shown on the character creation screen in full heavy armor while wielding a greatsword which is currently far from optimal.

    What I would really like to know is whether greater utility is expected to be available to heavy armor (well all armor types really) in the future in order to make heavy warriors and battlemages viable choices in both PvP and PvE.

    I haven't really heard any specific input from the team on this topic before. I would really like to know:

    is the overall vision for armor class/role specific or will all three will later be revamped and expanded on to fill multiple and varying character and role designs?

    Heavy warrior, battlemage, medium spellsword, light spell tank just to name a few possibilities. Thank you!
    I can has typing!
  • Aenra
    "A rogue crocodile’s application to the Worm Cult has been rejected, and he is no longer lurking around this dolmen"

    an Imperial clerk's decision no doubt..first it's just "lizards", then it's Argonians; Discriminating lot, really
    Pride, honour and purity
  • Xallus
    Biggest Pros:

    Enormous step in the right direction for stamina builds, great changes to bow & 2h. Werewolves will be much more than the novelty they essentially are now. Tons of bug fixes.

    Biggest Cons:

    1) This patch will all but kill the vampire, the only alluring part of being one will be the sneak speed bonus and elusive mist. With all of the existing liabilities of being one topped with the desecration of devouring swarm, I doubt many will keep this line.

    I more than welcome the werewolf changes (and will more than likely be changing from vamp to ww). It does seem a little backwards though, WW gets no real improvements since...ever, while vampires get chipped away at patch after patch. Then the werewolves people expected on launch are released standing next to a withered version of what was the vampire.

    Mind blowing insult to injury? Evil Hunter. Although, I am curious if "vampires" was a typo for "undead," in that skilled tracker will apply Evil Hunter's new advantage on the battlefield to both, or if its specific to just vampires regardless.

    There's been a lot of hate for vampires, but I think a lot of it had to do with having nothing remotely close to compare it to. I think the launch vampire would be comparable to what the new werewolf is going to be. The irony in the swarm nerf and expert hunter buff is that it only nerfs vamps in small scale engagements. It will have negligible effects on the ones we all hate... The immovable-pulse-batswarm trains.

    2) Dual wield almost seems to have "changes" merely there to discourage players from pointing out it was completely ignored. 1h & Shield... Holy Bananas.... :o So people complaining that blocking has 360 degree mitigation, can dps while blocking, can cast while blocking, can bug casts while blocking to last significantly longer than intended on more targets than intended... and the tree used by players blocking the most often gets buffed through the roof?! Someone had too much.... red bull... while coming up with ideas for that tree. Its a helluva drink. It's a good thing bash was nerfed a few months back... made room for a healing debuff on par with a nightblade ultimate along with a plethora of other "really?!" changes.
  • Khivas_Carrick
    Needless to say ZoS sorely underestimated how many people wanted to be Werewolves and how many would flock to be Vampires.

    There were a lot more WW in the beginning - I'd say it was pretty even in fact. But many of them got cured b/c they weren't happy with it - especially when stamina builds were so lacking anyway. Perhaps that will be changing now.

    That's exactly what I mean. If they knew how many people wanted to be Werewolves.....They would've done a better job.


    Some nice changes but some are just not cool, and some of the patch notes don't correlate to whats actually in-game. Listing them all that I have found, mainly skills because those are my main concern.

    Two Handed:

    --Cleave changes feedback:--

    Can tell you right off the bat that it still cannot "compete" with impulse. Impulse still listed to do more damage with same amount of resources, still cannot be blocked (at least there is no patch note saying that changed) and another problem I will post in the impulse section.

    The bleed on cleave does not make cleave do any competitive damage with impulse. no one is going to cleave once then just wait until the dot wears off. thats 10 seconds to deal about 40% more that cleaves base hit. 10 seconds of not doing anything. Meanwhile people hit impulse multiple times, because the base hit even with elemental ring is stronger than the dot. its actually made to be better with rapid use.

    Cleave is not, and will not do equal damage with impulse with these changes. Impulse not being able to be blocked is the primary reason, and means they are always doing close to the listed damage depending on resisted (and glitch manipulation) in 360 aoe, while cleave will not even get close to the damage impulse can do even when not blocked in a cone angle.

    I also do not see why carve's ultimate bonus was reduced before the removal of aoe caps. i can see doing it WHEN aoe caps get removed, but not before. premature nerf.

    --Critical Charge change feedback--

    Im all for the immobilization being removed from stampede. I was for removing myself in one of my 2h weapon feedback posts. I don't think the 10% reduced base damage of critical charge was needed tho. Stampede is nice as a 60% snare for 5 seconds, but the change really didn't warrant a 10% drop in damage.

    But, there is a slight problem with Critical rushes "buff".

    "Critical Rush (Critical Charge morph): Increased the ranged damage bonus for this ability to 68%."

    I was happy when I saw that, meaning critical charge would be buffed while the un-morphed and stampeed damage would be reduced... however:


    What you see here is that its bonus damage is actually LIMITED to 68%, not increased by 68%. Not a buff. I also tested the damage dealable by critical charge after this, and ... not a buff.

    --Momentum changes feedback--

    This is probably the actual only big buf with the 2h line.

    For starters ive read what other people have said, and no, momentum does not increase damage dealt by 20%, it increases weapon damage by 20%. That is not the same thing and is not NEARLY as big of an increase so stop acting like it is. Its really not much different from the old momentum. That one went passed 20% actually, in 2% intervals every 2 seconds of the ability, it just didn't last as long.

    Now, the added hot and duration to it make it an awesome part of any 2h users arsenal. if anything the survivability of 2h users has increased. Rally especially is good.

    I have used tested rally it goes by what the tooltip says properly. At the end, the heal is listed low, 99 for me. It increases the longer rally is active, and will instant heal you for that amount if you use the ability again any time during the buffs duration. meaning if you use it 2 seconds in you'll get healed for maybe 120, but if you use it 9 seconds in you get healed for ~300 or some. I have gotten healed for 724 at max, at duration end and that is awesome.

    I still think the forward momentum morph should change to remove a snare and immobility every 2 seconds of activation to make that one more attractive.

    --Reverse slice change feedback--

    Far better than it was before, thats all I have to say. The base skill would still be meh to use in pvp with either morph.

    --Uppercut changes feedback--

    Now.... seriously? 2% increased damage and 12% reduced cast time. This can only tell me how reluctant the person behind skills is to make any changes to this skill. now, the new .8 second cast time would have been openly welcome, but changes made to its similar skill from another weapon automatically make this change not enough. it needs to get down to .6 seconds, .7 at the most.

    2% increase is just plain insulting. What I see is trying not to make its damage go higher than snipes damage. For PvE, thats all well and dandy, but when you get to pvp a melee skill cannot do the same, or less in this matter, than a ranged. Once again I see some people trying to factor in all the nifty bonuses and buffs they threw in there, without looking at them obviously. Bow has its buffs too, and they are passive, so that nullifies that.

    And then there is the attempt to relate sneak attack damages by throwing in some pve references. PvE is so whatever. In PvP, against another player, the sneak attack multipliers are the same for snipe and uppercut. But since snipe is always with the same gear and stamina listed as more damage than uppercut, it will do more damage with a sneak attack than uppercut. This has already been tested by me and hundreds of players. My lethal arrows can do 1.4k and I can barely break 1.3k with uppercut from a stealth crit. That gives 0 incentive to ever try to sneak attack someone with a sword. Zero.

    The idea of bow losing its stealth bonus is good, but I for one think Bow in pvp should have a base damage reduction modifier towards players period. This will not affect PvE whatsoever, but it is needed for pvp.

    The attack SHOULD have a higher, much higher, base increase than 2% at the very least. 15% would have made much more sense, or maybe 12% which the cast time reduction got. but 2% is just a waste of time to type all the data into the computer to change anything.

    On a positive note, I am happy with the change to dizzying swing. Tho, something needs to be done about wrecking blow now especially since I have bugged it to not be increasing the damage of the next attack properly. But back to a negative feedback, dizzying swing still needs to start the damage reduction after the stun of the attack ends. The same thing needed was added to Bombardment for 1.5:

    "Bombard (Arrow Spray morph): This ability now applies a snare after the immobilize ends."

    Dizzying swing needs the same thing done to the damage reduction started after the stun ends, not while the target is stunned. The target is already dealing 0 damage to you while its on the ground, same as the target is already not able to move while snared.

    Another thing about uppercut as a whole is that this skill shouldn't be interruptible by interrupt abilities (bash, venom arrow). You can't do it to NPC's so I don't see why it should be doable to players. Its not even a spell.

    --Arcane fighter replacement feedback-- would be good if it did what the patch notes says:

    "Replaced the Arcane Fighter passive with Follow Up. This will increase your damage by 5%/10% for 7 seconds after activating a fully charged heavy attack."

    That I would have approved of. It is much better than just increasing the damage of heavy attacks by 5/10%. But, follow-u in-game is:

    Different, yes? That is actually crappy and a huge nerf to 2h. Thats not worth the unblocked damage you'll be receiving to charge up a full heavy attack, plus the risk of being cc'd while you do it. That is the main reason why uppercuts cast time was unacceptable in the first place. People already do not do very many heavy attacks with melee weapons for those obvious reasons.

    --Heavy Weapons change feedback

    The quicker bleed damage for great axes is good but the actual bleed damage still should be a bit higher. I still don't see how great axes bleed would be better than the now and much needed improved 20% armor pen from mauls or 5% increased damage from greatswords. I'm thinking it should be 75% of weapon damage over 6 seconds. That will also scale in an obvious manner easy to calculate manner.

    --Forceful change feedback--

    I'm going to roll with it for now... but, I still think it should be a block mitigation penetrator instead.

    Destruction Staff

    --Impulse change feedback--

    This one is first because you missed this patch note change in-game.

    "Impulse: Reduced the radius of this ability to 6 meters from 8 meters."

    However, Impulse in-game:

    Notice it still says 8 meters on it. This was the only actual skill change in the destruction staff line that wasn't meant as a bug fix, but it didn't seem to get done.

    Also its still not changed to be blockable. That is the major thing that will fix this skill's balance with other skills (tho it is not the only unblockable skill that needs to be made blockable).


    Yes, I have my VR14 Bow of hundings rage I use to get easy kills in cyrodil.

    So. Everything else done to bow, fine with. But snipe is just not cool. 1.1 second cast time skill that does very similar damage related melee skill at 43(+7) meter range is an overbuff. It didn't need another cast time reduction, or at the very least shouldn't go past 1.5 seconds. I already have no problems with the 1.8 cast time it has on live. The damage it deals for its cast time and range is too high. There is also no minimum range now. It also does even more damage because of the range damage bonus from the trait, also added that the required range is shorter so that all bow skills can receive this bonus. That's 12% more damage, which is not 12% more weapon damage but 12% more skill damage, added to the attack at passive.

    There isn't enough of a cast time OR damage difference between the two skills uppercut and snipe. The 5% reduced damage from the change finally makes its listed damage to be lower than uppercut's, but there is still no risk, as others have stated, at all in using a bow. No incentive to sneak attack with that melee weapon because the bow can and will do it faster and harder from a safe distance. Its not enough of a damage drop change its function, especially since you can just shoot it faster and get more snipes per second now. Burst damage dropping by 5% is nothing compared to the greatly increased sustained damage of it.

    Sneak attack crits with bows on live are already off the chain. I know this, as a bow user. As others suggested, maybe bow shouldn't get a sneak attack crit bonus, or just snipe since it is just WAY too easy.

    --Volley continued feedback--

    Well maybe not everything else is hunky dory. The buff to volley is welcome, but it still has that hidden cast time in it and is not really instant. From the time the area circle disappears when you select the area to the attack actually starting to hit something is a little over a second. First there is winding up your bow, thats like snipes new cast time right there. then there is the wait after you release the arrows into the air. That is really far from "instant".

    A good argument may be for the sake of realism, but it makes the skill clunky and hard to use. At the very least stop making the tooltip deceiving us to believe the attack is instant, because it isn't.

    One hand/Shield

    Overall for 1h/sh I feel I would be able to make use of more 1h-sh abilities instead of just having shielded assault or invasion on my bar!

    --Shield bash changes feedback--

    First off, I think the base cost of this skill is too high for its effects when you are outside of pvp. Against a stunable NPC its good to take them out of the fight for a good long time, but its almost always a waste of stamina against a player.

    Which brings up Reverberating bash changes. This one is actually not a waste of stamina against a player anymore because of the healing reduction. its also a good change since low slash was changed to reduce all damage dealt at base instead of having to morph to deep slash. It was also unfair and unworthy that reverberating bash use to only reduce weapon damage. That was quite useless.

    Powerslam probably wouldn't be either but I feel its damage isn't high enough to take over the new reverberating bash. I think the damage should have been increased rather than the stun be made longer.

    --Low slash changes feedback--

    Making it reduce damage dealt by 15% at base was a great change.

    Deep slash is good too now that it hits 3 targets but would have been nice if the patch notes said the 2 other targets receive less damage, but thats cool. It now serves as a triple snare and damage reducer with nice damage to the initial target.

    --Shielded Assault change feedback--

    The re-applying shield change is cool, but I never really even noticed it didn't re apply in the first place. So... thanks :smile:

    And thats all I have... for now.

    Why the *** have you not hired this man yet.

    Also he's absolutely right about 2H and why people are still pissed. I noticed a few of these "changes" too and how they didn't add up at all with a single thing you said in the patch notes. Word of advice for the 2H passive Follow-Up: Make it do the 5/10% for 7 Seconds damage buff thing. It helps, a lot, and really buff Uppercut. .5 Second Cast Time, 50% more damage, make that thing really work it's magic and be worth the immense risk of having a cast time on it in PvP and even PvE.

    @ZoS_Ginabruno, if I may be so bold ma`am, I'd go use your angry feminine charms and chew off the heads of the Dev Team to get them cracking on making things work right and quite possibly pull a nutcracker on the Combat Team to stop pussyfooting around with the 2H Skills.

    Buff them properly or don't buff them at all, at least then we the players, the guys who fill your paychecks, will know what we're dealing with.
    Bobbity Boop, this game might become poop, but I'll still play because I'm just a pile of goop!
  • Khivas_Carrick
    Nihil wrote: »
    Zsymon wrote: »
    ZOS, when you said Uppercut damage is buffed by 2%, was that a typo and did you actually mean 20%? That would make a lot more sense I think.

    And this too. What the hell do you think 2% is going to do? That is a drop in a bucket floating in a god damn ocean.

    They did 2 things with it, while 2 % isn't much the reduced cast time also increased its DPS. consider if dps was 100, 2% more brings you to 102, now as the old uppercut was 100 /1 second you would be still at 100 dps. With the new one you are at 102 / .88 seconds (based off of the 12 % reduction they said), this in theory brings your dps up to 115.9. It is a bonus on top of the increased cast speed ( ~ 16% increase to dps for the skill in general).

    In theory this works, in real time this is an insult.
    Bobbity Boop, this game might become poop, but I'll still play because I'm just a pile of goop!
  • Nihil

    Why the *** have you not hired this man yet.

    Also he's absolutely right about 2H and why people are still pissed. I noticed a few of these "changes" too and how they didn't add up at all with a single thing you said in the patch notes. Word of advice for the 2H passive Follow-Up: Make it do the 5/10% for 7 Seconds damage buff thing. It helps, a lot, and really buff Uppercut. .5 Second Cast Time, 50% more damage, make that thing really work it's magic and be worth the immense risk of having a cast time on it in PvP and even PvE.

    @ZoS_Ginabruno, if I may be so bold ma`am, I'd go use your angry feminine charms and chew off the heads of the Dev Team to get them cracking on making things work right and quite possibly pull a nutcracker on the Combat Team to stop pussyfooting around with the 2H Skills.

    Buff them properly or don't buff them at all, at least then we the players, the guys who fill your paychecks, will know what we're dealing with.

    I know you must be exaggerating on your numbers because you are asking for close to a 200 % increase in dps with those numbers in comparison to live. They have already said in the past that they are trying to do gradual increases instead of massive changes.
  • OtarTheMad
    Nihil wrote: »

    Why the *** have you not hired this man yet.

    Also he's absolutely right about 2H and why people are still pissed. I noticed a few of these "changes" too and how they didn't add up at all with a single thing you said in the patch notes. Word of advice for the 2H passive Follow-Up: Make it do the 5/10% for 7 Seconds damage buff thing. It helps, a lot, and really buff Uppercut. .5 Second Cast Time, 50% more damage, make that thing really work it's magic and be worth the immense risk of having a cast time on it in PvP and even PvE.

    @ZoS_Ginabruno, if I may be so bold ma`am, I'd go use your angry feminine charms and chew off the heads of the Dev Team to get them cracking on making things work right and quite possibly pull a nutcracker on the Combat Team to stop pussyfooting around with the 2H Skills.

    Buff them properly or don't buff them at all, at least then we the players, the guys who fill your paychecks, will know what we're dealing with.

    I know you must be exaggerating on your numbers because you are asking for close to a 200 % increase in dps with those numbers in comparison to live. They have already said in the past that they are trying to do gradual increases instead of massive changes.


    Overall I like the changes to the 2 handed skill line because it's a gradual thing and a step in the right direction. I played a stamina build today on the PTS server and I have to say I loved it. I was able to spam Cleave and Steel Tornado (DW skill line for those who don't know) a lot before running out of stamina and in dungeons I was able to use a lot of my stamina attacks repeatedly, try different combos and not have to worry about how much I had left or if I needed a pot.

    Overall I did like the changes to DW, 1h and bow more than 2h but at least it was something and not ignored.
    Edited by OtarTheMad on October 16, 2014 3:41AM
  • Shayu
    AelyinESO wrote: »
    OK, I need to understand, something.

    @Zenimax, ZoS are telling us, that. Vampire now r weak, let's change all to WW, that we have made it MUCH BETTER, no BALANCED, but MUCH. BETTER.

    Now, instead of Vamp, PVP will be Only WW.

    Now, let's change to Bow, since BOW has much more DPS damage now.

    Sorcerers? People love to blame, and says that Sorcerers are OP, now it's nerfed (many skills), Why play with SORC, since we have NB + WW?, or DK+WW, much better.

    Well, gonna be happy at PVP, now change it to DK, or NB (remember Bow Skills), and WW.

    Well, it's Zenimax Balance! Good Job!


    I fell on the floor holding my sides, laughing. Werewolves, better? please, when pigs fly. I'm just glad we're a threat now.
  • Davadin

    Some nice changes but some are just not cool, and some of the patch notes don't correlate to whats actually in-game. Listing them all that I have found, mainly skills because those are my main concern.

    Two Handed:

    --Cleave changes feedback:--

    Can tell you right off the bat that it still cannot "compete" with impulse. Impulse still listed to do more damage with same amount of resources, still cannot be blocked (at least there is no patch note saying that changed) and another problem I will post in the impulse section.

    The bleed on cleave does not make cleave do any competitive damage with impulse. no one is going to cleave once then just wait until the dot wears off. thats 10 seconds to deal about 40% more that cleaves base hit. 10 seconds of not doing anything. Meanwhile people hit impulse multiple times, because the base hit even with elemental ring is stronger than the dot. its actually made to be better with rapid use.

    Cleave is not, and will not do equal damage with impulse with these changes. Impulse not being able to be blocked is the primary reason, and means they are always doing close to the listed damage depending on resisted (and glitch manipulation) in 360 aoe, while cleave will not even get close to the damage impulse can do even when not blocked in a cone angle.

    I also do not see why carve's ultimate bonus was reduced before the removal of aoe caps. i can see doing it WHEN aoe caps get removed, but not before. premature nerf.

    --Critical Charge change feedback--

    Im all for the immobilization being removed from stampede. I was for removing myself in one of my 2h weapon feedback posts. I don't think the 10% reduced base damage of critical charge was needed tho. Stampede is nice as a 60% snare for 5 seconds, but the change really didn't warrant a 10% drop in damage.

    But, there is a slight problem with Critical rushes "buff".

    "Critical Rush (Critical Charge morph): Increased the ranged damage bonus for this ability to 68%."

    I was happy when I saw that, meaning critical charge would be buffed while the un-morphed and stampeed damage would be reduced... however:


    What you see here is that its bonus damage is actually LIMITED to 68%, not increased by 68%. Not a buff. I also tested the damage dealable by critical charge after this, and ... not a buff.

    --Momentum changes feedback--

    This is probably the actual only big buf with the 2h line.

    For starters ive read what other people have said, and no, momentum does not increase damage dealt by 20%, it increases weapon damage by 20%. That is not the same thing and is not NEARLY as big of an increase so stop acting like it is. Its really not much different from the old momentum. That one went passed 20% actually, in 2% intervals every 2 seconds of the ability, it just didn't last as long.

    Now, the added hot and duration to it make it an awesome part of any 2h users arsenal. if anything the survivability of 2h users has increased. Rally especially is good.

    I have used tested rally it goes by what the tooltip says properly. At the end, the heal is listed low, 99 for me. It increases the longer rally is active, and will instant heal you for that amount if you use the ability again any time during the buffs duration. meaning if you use it 2 seconds in you'll get healed for maybe 120, but if you use it 9 seconds in you get healed for ~300 or some. I have gotten healed for 724 at max, at duration end and that is awesome.

    I still think the forward momentum morph should change to remove a snare and immobility every 2 seconds of activation to make that one more attractive.

    --Reverse slice change feedback--

    Far better than it was before, thats all I have to say. The base skill would still be meh to use in pvp with either morph.

    --Uppercut changes feedback--

    Now.... seriously? 2% increased damage and 12% reduced cast time. This can only tell me how reluctant the person behind skills is to make any changes to this skill. now, the new .8 second cast time would have been openly welcome, but changes made to its similar skill from another weapon automatically make this change not enough. it needs to get down to .6 seconds, .7 at the most.

    2% increase is just plain insulting. What I see is trying not to make its damage go higher than snipes damage. For PvE, thats all well and dandy, but when you get to pvp a melee skill cannot do the same, or less in this matter, than a ranged. Once again I see some people trying to factor in all the nifty bonuses and buffs they threw in there, without looking at them obviously. Bow has its buffs too, and they are passive, so that nullifies that.

    And then there is the attempt to relate sneak attack damages by throwing in some pve references. PvE is so whatever. In PvP, against another player, the sneak attack multipliers are the same for snipe and uppercut. But since snipe is always with the same gear and stamina listed as more damage than uppercut, it will do more damage with a sneak attack than uppercut. This has already been tested by me and hundreds of players. My lethal arrows can do 1.4k and I can barely break 1.3k with uppercut from a stealth crit. That gives 0 incentive to ever try to sneak attack someone with a sword. Zero.

    The idea of bow losing its stealth bonus is good, but I for one think Bow in pvp should have a base damage reduction modifier towards players period. This will not affect PvE whatsoever, but it is needed for pvp.

    The attack SHOULD have a higher, much higher, base increase than 2% at the very least. 15% would have made much more sense, or maybe 12% which the cast time reduction got. but 2% is just a waste of time to type all the data into the computer to change anything.

    On a positive note, I am happy with the change to dizzying swing. Tho, something needs to be done about wrecking blow now especially since I have bugged it to not be increasing the damage of the next attack properly. But back to a negative feedback, dizzying swing still needs to start the damage reduction after the stun of the attack ends. The same thing needed was added to Bombardment for 1.5:

    "Bombard (Arrow Spray morph): This ability now applies a snare after the immobilize ends."

    Dizzying swing needs the same thing done to the damage reduction started after the stun ends, not while the target is stunned. The target is already dealing 0 damage to you while its on the ground, same as the target is already not able to move while snared.

    Another thing about uppercut as a whole is that this skill shouldn't be interruptible by interrupt abilities (bash, venom arrow). You can't do it to NPC's so I don't see why it should be doable to players. Its not even a spell.

    --Arcane fighter replacement feedback-- would be good if it did what the patch notes says:

    "Replaced the Arcane Fighter passive with Follow Up. This will increase your damage by 5%/10% for 7 seconds after activating a fully charged heavy attack."

    That I would have approved of. It is much better than just increasing the damage of heavy attacks by 5/10%. But, follow-u in-game is:

    Different, yes? That is actually crappy and a huge nerf to 2h. Thats not worth the unblocked damage you'll be receiving to charge up a full heavy attack, plus the risk of being cc'd while you do it. That is the main reason why uppercuts cast time was unacceptable in the first place. People already do not do very many heavy attacks with melee weapons for those obvious reasons.

    --Heavy Weapons change feedback

    The quicker bleed damage for great axes is good but the actual bleed damage still should be a bit higher. I still don't see how great axes bleed would be better than the now and much needed improved 20% armor pen from mauls or 5% increased damage from greatswords. I'm thinking it should be 75% of weapon damage over 6 seconds. That will also scale in an obvious manner easy to calculate manner.

    --Forceful change feedback--

    I'm going to roll with it for now... but, I still think it should be a block mitigation penetrator instead.

    Destruction Staff

    --Impulse change feedback--

    This one is first because you missed this patch note change in-game.

    "Impulse: Reduced the radius of this ability to 6 meters from 8 meters."

    However, Impulse in-game:

    Notice it still says 8 meters on it. This was the only actual skill change in the destruction staff line that wasn't meant as a bug fix, but it didn't seem to get done.

    Also its still not changed to be blockable. That is the major thing that will fix this skill's balance with other skills (tho it is not the only unblockable skill that needs to be made blockable).


    Yes, I have my VR14 Bow of hundings rage I use to get easy kills in cyrodil.

    So. Everything else done to bow, fine with. But snipe is just not cool. 1.1 second cast time skill that does very similar damage related melee skill at 43(+7) meter range is an overbuff. It didn't need another cast time reduction, or at the very least shouldn't go past 1.5 seconds. I already have no problems with the 1.8 cast time it has on live. The damage it deals for its cast time and range is too high. There is also no minimum range now. It also does even more damage because of the range damage bonus from the trait, also added that the required range is shorter so that all bow skills can receive this bonus. That's 12% more damage, which is not 12% more weapon damage but 12% more skill damage, added to the attack at passive.

    There isn't enough of a cast time OR damage difference between the two skills uppercut and snipe. The 5% reduced damage from the change finally makes its listed damage to be lower than uppercut's, but there is still no risk, as others have stated, at all in using a bow. No incentive to sneak attack with that melee weapon because the bow can and will do it faster and harder from a safe distance. Its not enough of a damage drop change its function, especially since you can just shoot it faster and get more snipes per second now. Burst damage dropping by 5% is nothing compared to the greatly increased sustained damage of it.

    Sneak attack crits with bows on live are already off the chain. I know this, as a bow user. As others suggested, maybe bow shouldn't get a sneak attack crit bonus, or just snipe since it is just WAY too easy.

    --Volley continued feedback--

    Well maybe not everything else is hunky dory. The buff to volley is welcome, but it still has that hidden cast time in it and is not really instant. From the time the area circle disappears when you select the area to the attack actually starting to hit something is a little over a second. First there is winding up your bow, thats like snipes new cast time right there. then there is the wait after you release the arrows into the air. That is really far from "instant".

    A good argument may be for the sake of realism, but it makes the skill clunky and hard to use. At the very least stop making the tooltip deceiving us to believe the attack is instant, because it isn't.

    One hand/Shield

    Overall for 1h/sh I feel I would be able to make use of more 1h-sh abilities instead of just having shielded assault or invasion on my bar!

    --Shield bash changes feedback--

    First off, I think the base cost of this skill is too high for its effects when you are outside of pvp. Against a stunable NPC its good to take them out of the fight for a good long time, but its almost always a waste of stamina against a player.

    Which brings up Reverberating bash changes. This one is actually not a waste of stamina against a player anymore because of the healing reduction. its also a good change since low slash was changed to reduce all damage dealt at base instead of having to morph to deep slash. It was also unfair and unworthy that reverberating bash use to only reduce weapon damage. That was quite useless.

    Powerslam probably wouldn't be either but I feel its damage isn't high enough to take over the new reverberating bash. I think the damage should have been increased rather than the stun be made longer.

    --Low slash changes feedback--

    Making it reduce damage dealt by 15% at base was a great change.

    Deep slash is good too now that it hits 3 targets but would have been nice if the patch notes said the 2 other targets receive less damage, but thats cool. It now serves as a triple snare and damage reducer with nice damage to the initial target.

    --Shielded Assault change feedback--

    The re-applying shield change is cool, but I never really even noticed it didn't re apply in the first place. So... thanks :smile:

    And thats all I have... for now.

    @ZOS_GinaBruno‌ please take note. Especially the 2H section.
    August Palatine Davadin Bloodstrake - Nord Dragon Knight - PC NA - Gray Host
    Greymoor 6.0.7 PvP : Medium 2H/SnB The Destroyer
    Dragonhold 5.2.11 PvE : Medium DW/2H The Blood Furnace
    March 2021 (too lazy to add CP) PvP: Medium DW/Bow The Stabber
  • Ilven
    The werewolf did not become useful, with the changes in the bow skill line remains a suicide play a werewolf in pvp.
    In most of the damage inflicted once transformed will not increase, this is probably due to the choice of basing the werewolf on the damage from bleeding, which once applied are ridiculous compared to the instant damage that are inflicted by skill such as crystal fragment, uppercut, snipe, etc. .
    perhaps a possible solution is the possibility of such damages stack up to 5 times
  • Enodoc
    Solo Scaling
    • The following solo content will now scale:
      • Main Quest
      • Fighters Guild
      • Mages Guild
      • Stirk
      • Werewolf Quest
      • Vampire Quest
      • Thizzrini Arena
      • Orrery of Elden Root
      • Cathedral of the Golden Path in Southpoint
    @ZOS_GinaBruno‌ please implement a toggle for this to make it optional. I needed to be 3-4 levels above some of the Main Quest and Mages Guild enemies to be able to defeat them. Looking at you, Ancient Clannfear (Daughter of Giants) and Gutsripper (Long Lost Lore). (Don't take this as a request to nerf the enemies, as that's not needed. Just a toggle for Scaling so we can continue to play as we have been if we want to.)

    Exploration & Itemization
    • Newly created characters will now start off wearing low-level armor instead of the Soul Shriven rags.
      • Dragonknights and Templars will start with Heavy Armor.
      • Nightblades will start with Medium Armor.
      • Sorcerers will start with Light Armor.
      • All armor can be previewed first when creating your character under the Novice Gear option.
      • You will have the option to acquire additional pieces of this armor in light, medium, or heavy before leaving the Wailing Prison.
      • If you have an existing character, you will still keep your original Soul Shriven rags and they will not be removed from your inventory.

    Why? Is it so hard to scare up some armor that we now have to outfit everyone with worthless armor?

    I suggest that soul shriven robes be given to anyone going through the Wailing Prison and have more armor available in chests along the way. Let the people pick what sort of armor they from a random selection, just as one would expect when escaping from a prison. Lay it out on the table if you want, right next to the free weapons.
    Agreed. If you want players to have armour, outfit them in the rags (so that nobody in the future loses out on having them), and let them choose what armour they want when they get a weapon. Forcing certain classes into specific armour at the beginning really goes against "play how you want to play".
    ItsMeToo wrote: »
    •Removed the books “How the Kwama Lost His Shoes” and “The Totems of Hircine” from bookshelves around the world.

    @ItsMeToo I think you read too far into this. Those two books have only been removed from the bookshelves. As they are purple Lorebooks (Shalidor's Library) they should never have been in the bookcases at all, as bookcases only hold yellow standard books (Eidetic Memory). I'm sure they'll still be around in-world in their allocated Lorebook locations.
    ItsMeToo wrote: »
    Will people that have chat bubbles enabled see whispers from other players? Will they be able to read other player's whispers?
    It's possible, but only if it is a whisper between those two players, as whispers are private. It is more likely that no whispers will appear in the bubbles at all.
    UESP: The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages - A collaborative source for all knowledge on the Elder Scrolls series since 1995
    Join us on Discord - discord.gg/uesp
  • Cogo
    Enodoc wrote: »
    Solo Scaling
    • The following solo content will now scale:
      • Main Quest
      • Fighters Guild
      • Mages Guild
      • Stirk
      • Werewolf Quest
      • Vampire Quest
      • Thizzrini Arena
      • Orrery of Elden Root
      • Cathedral of the Golden Path in Southpoint
    @ZOS_GinaBruno‌ please implement a toggle for this to make it optional. I needed to be 3-4 levels above some of the Main Quest and Mages Guild enemies to be able to defeat them. Looking at you, Ancient Clannfear (Daughter of Giants) and Gutsripper (Long Lost Lore). (Don't take this as a request to nerf the enemies, as that's not needed. Just a toggle for Scaling so we can continue to play as we have been if we want to.)

    "Please implement a toggle for this to make it optional. I needed to be 3-4 levels above some of the Main Quest and Mages Guild enemies to be able to defeat them."

    This is Exactly why ESO should NOT nerf things.
    Some players think they can not do solo content. They can...but not after first 10 tries....or be bigger in levels.

    ZOS, please continue having ESO as a challenge. There are plenty of MMOs where people can get stuff easy, right away. Dont make ESO into one.

    Tamriel wonderful story line with hard choices and high demand on the player to beat the encounter.

    I LOVE when I can't do something. I keep trying, new tactic.....not standing in red... :-p

    No more nerfs in Tamriel please.

    Edited by Cogo on October 16, 2014 9:32AM
    Oghur Hatemachine, Guild leader of The Nephilim - EU Megaserver
    Orc Weapon Specialist and Warchief of the Ebonheart Pact - Trueflame Cyrodiil War Campaign
    Guildsite: The Nephilim

    "I don't agree with what you are saying, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it"

    "My build? Improvise, overcome and adapt!"
  •  Acemcfly101
    It takes 1,432,550 Experience Points to gain a Veteran Rank. We expect this to greatly reduce the amount of time it takes to gain a Veteran Rank.



    F@#$in' Boooooooo!!!

    You wanna do that, do it to VR 10-14! Those are the levels people complain about the need to grind in Craglorn in order to be competitive. NOT the ranks intended for PvE questing. HOW is this a good thing, when V1-10 ranks were designed so that you would reach the next rank by the end of a zone? They were measured specifically based on the amount of CONTENT. So HOW is this a good thinig, if now, if and when we try to do all the quests in an area, we will be overleveled?!?!

    Congratulations Zenimax, you have just carried over the biggest complaint among completionist players about 1-50 in VR and r*ped the only part of the pve that feels relieving in that sense.

    And where are all the people jumping for joy and begging for all these VR changes anyway? The way you guys present this information, you write it like you expect it to be music to our ears. From what I've seen and heard from tons of players, a lot of people are not happy with the previous nerfs to VR difficulty and now this aspect. I know some people complain that it's a huge gap, but the complaints come mostly from v10-v14 and anyone complaining about the low levels is complaining specifically because it feels like such a huge change from 1-50, which is understandable but it doesn't really matter in terms of the PvE experience; It's just the overall feel and how the 2 portions blend. So, if you want to cut the XP requirement in half for that reason, you need to add twice as many VR levels. THAT would fix the complaint for below V10 from people who don't really understand the concept and then you'd have to split the mobs per zone between 2 levels. I'm not saying that's what I would do, but if you wanna appease the minority of players, at least do it right!

    I get where you were coming from with the initial difficulty nerf - some people complaining VR 'forces' grouping and I so see the pluses to the Champion System - allowing more character management and customization and growth. I understand the positives and where you came at the decisions from, but c'mon now guys. Do you have no shame? Common fri****sense would dictate that, as I said, this experience nerf should be implemented to the HIGH VET LEVELS ONLY so as not to further RUIN the experience for players who have spent 5 months frustrated with the lack of challenge/who seek out a challenge. Or at the very least, take that idea and build off it. Meet at a happy middle ground. These changes are crap. <---(forum censorship lingo) You guys had plenty of alternatives to keep EVERYONE happy. I implore you to THINK before you play with the computers.

    When you do things like this, I wonder why you guys even insist on delivering it to us in pieces. You might as well just slap us in the face with all the changes at once. You have players biting their nails at step one, voicing their concerns, fears, suggestions and oppositions, yet you move to step 2 and then 3. If the point was to ignore player feedback and adjust your plan accordingly, then why drag it out?! If you're not gonna make changes based on a system aimed at keeping the most people happy, then just make your changes and tell us to like it.

    You said at the Guild Summit that the positive of the old VR system was that it promotes good builds and punishes bad ones, helping players adjust and optimize their build, but now it seems like a catch 22 to me because if you have a GOOD build, you're (now especially) punished by the repetitive dull drag of being underchallenged, overleveled, and racing your XP meter. So bad builds get punished and good builds get bored. What are we tryna promote bad builds now? Is that the new idea?

    What changes do you have planned, Zenimax, for the players who are not either 5 years old and/or drooling out of their mouths??

    I'll have to say quite frankly, I am very upset, to say the least. I havn't even been playing for the last couple weeks. I'm waiting for the game to get BETTER, not worse! Hoping the Justice System comes soon. I'm really bummed about this and you know what.... I'm definitely not the ONLY player who thinks like this so THAT is why I am mindblown.

    And again, WHEREEEE are all the people going 'YES, YES, YES!' following along with this stupid "3 point plan" and getting off on it? Cuz I don't see them. And I'm certainly not one of them.

    Thanks Zenimax, I can now only hope, with extremely low confidence, that this system will be adjusted based on FEEDBACK before it goes to the live servers.... but I've been seeing the feedback that goes against this decision 4 to 1 for the last few months in this forum, outside forums & in /zone chat and alas... here we are. That combined with all the ignored /bug reports and feedback from when Update 4 was on the PTS, even as I type this I feel like I'm talking to a wall while praying for a miracle.

    Thank you. Thank you so much for LISTENING. We are so very lucky to have a community that is closely monitored and to have people like you who take our opinions seriously and make decisions for changes to implement accordingly. You're a savvy group of business-minds at that. ...I just threw up in my mouth.
    Edited by Acemcfly101 on October 16, 2014 11:00AM
  • Enodoc
    It takes 1,432,550 Experience Points to gain a Veteran Rank. We expect this to greatly reduce the amount of time it takes to gain a Veteran Rank.



    Hold on, do we even know how much this compares to what it was before? "Greatly reducing" the amount of time taken to get a Vet Rank may be badly worded, or specifically tailored to those people who said they didn't like how long it took to rank up because the VR 1-10 PvE felt like a grind as well*, but they felt compelled to do it anyway just to get to VR 11 to be viable for Craglorn. I can't imagine we'll suddenly be hitting VR 2 half-way through the VR 1 zone, or VR 8 when we're just going into the VR 5 zone, if we do all the quests. Maybe we'll hit VR 8 just after entering the VR 7 zone, but there (theoretically) is not supposed to be much difference in difficulty between one Veteran Rank [everything is still Level 50], so it shouldn't matter to a large degree.

    * Elaborating on my perception of how VR 1-10 may have felt like a grind (I only just hit 50, so this is not based on personal experience).
    • People want to be viable in Craglorn. Craglorn is designed for VR 11+.
    • People do not want to play through other faction storylines in order to gain VRs, so they go there and just do the side quests (which reward less experience) or just grind vet dungeons and mobs.
    UESP: The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages - A collaborative source for all knowledge on the Elder Scrolls series since 1995
    Join us on Discord - discord.gg/uesp
  • NukaCola
    ''We have been tracking Experience gains past maximum Veteran Rank on accounts in preparation for the Champion System. Veteran Ranks are now earned by Experience Points instead of Veteran Points''

    From what point have they started to calculate this? When 1.4 launched? At some point after?
  • indorilwitch
    one thing that confuses me is. this is a mmo, but i cannot /talk nor /whisper to a enemy faction player that uses a "special" character in his/her name. soon a whole genereation of players with special character names will emerge, that cant be spoken to, thats not mmo behavior but exclusion.
    oh same applies for players in MY faction, im missing the words to say how silly this is.
    players that DONT want to be spoken to can use the well implemented /ignore option. but making it impossible by bad design is wrong.
  • Enodoc
    NukaCola wrote: »
    ''We have been tracking Experience gains past maximum Veteran Rank on accounts in preparation for the Champion System. Veteran Ranks are now earned by Experience Points instead of Veteran Points''

    From what point have they started to calculate this? When 1.4 launched? At some point after?
    I can't be entirely certain, but I think XP has been recorded the whole time. According to a datalogger add-on I'm using, Veteran Points are dependent on XP. For example, completing a Level 47 quest at Lvl 46 grants 6534 XP, completing the same quest at Lvls 47, 48, 49 still gives 6534 XP, and completing that quest at VR 1 records 6534 XP, before saying "Veteran points for XP: 1520 VP". So it seems a quest at a certain level always gives the same XP reward (and therefore is always recorded), but when you are Veteran Rank this XP gain has been invisible, and was instead converted to the visible VP increase.
    @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_TristanK‌ is this how it works?
    UESP: The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages - A collaborative source for all knowledge on the Elder Scrolls series since 1995
    Join us on Discord - discord.gg/uesp
  • Elsonso
    Enodoc wrote: »

    Exploration & Itemization
    • Newly created characters will now start off wearing low-level armor instead of the Soul Shriven rags.
      • Dragonknights and Templars will start with Heavy Armor.
      • Nightblades will start with Medium Armor.
      • Sorcerers will start with Light Armor.
      • All armor can be previewed first when creating your character under the Novice Gear option.
      • You will have the option to acquire additional pieces of this armor in light, medium, or heavy before leaving the Wailing Prison.
      • If you have an existing character, you will still keep your original Soul Shriven rags and they will not be removed from your inventory.

    Why? Is it so hard to scare up some armor that we now have to outfit everyone with worthless armor?

    I suggest that soul shriven robes be given to anyone going through the Wailing Prison and have more armor available in chests along the way. Let the people pick what sort of armor they from a random selection, just as one would expect when escaping from a prison. Lay it out on the table if you want, right next to the free weapons.
    Agreed. If you want players to have armour, outfit them in the rags (so that nobody in the future loses out on having them), and let them choose what armour they want when they get a weapon. Forcing certain classes into specific armour at the beginning really goes against "play how you want to play".

    Exactly. I hope that they reconsider. However, this is probably the result of some feedback. Given how poorly they handled starting islands when they "fixed" them, I am concerned.

    ESO Plus: No
    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • Baphomet
    All those patch notes and not a single proper fix for bat swarm?
    - The Psijic Order
    - TKO
    - Dominant Dominion
    - The Noore
  • Davadin
    Baphomet wrote: »
    All those patch notes and not a single proper fix for bat swarm?
    read again. There's a vamp change there.
    August Palatine Davadin Bloodstrake - Nord Dragon Knight - PC NA - Gray Host
    Greymoor 6.0.7 PvP : Medium 2H/SnB The Destroyer
    Dragonhold 5.2.11 PvE : Medium DW/2H The Blood Furnace
    March 2021 (too lazy to add CP) PvP: Medium DW/Bow The Stabber
  • Davadin
    It takes 1,432,550 Experience Points to gain a Veteran Rank. We expect this to greatly reduce the amount of time it takes to gain a Veteran Rank.



    F@#$in' Boooooooo!!!

    You wanna do that, do it to VR 10-14! Those are the levels people complain about the need to grind in Craglorn in order to be competitive. NOT the ranks intended for PvE questing. HOW is this a good thing, when V1-10 ranks were designed so that you would reach the next rank by the end of a zone? They were measured specifically based on the amount of CONTENT. So HOW is this a good thinig, if now, if and when we try to do all the quests in an area, we will be overleveled?!?!

    Congratulations Zenimax, you have just carried over the biggest complaint among completionist players about 1-50 in VR and r*ped the only part of the pve that feels relieving in that sense.

    And where are all the people jumping for joy and begging for all these VR changes anyway? The way you guys present this information, you write it like you expect it to be music to our ears. From what I've seen and heard from tons of players, a lot of people are not happy with the previous nerfs to VR difficulty and now this aspect. I know some people complain that it's a huge gap, but the complaints come mostly from v10-v14 and anyone complaining about the low levels is complaining specifically because it feels like such a huge change from 1-50, which is understandable but it doesn't really matter in terms of the PvE experience; It's just the overall feel and how the 2 portions blend. So, if you want to cut the XP requirement in half for that reason, you need to add twice as many VR levels. THAT would fix the complaint for below V10 from people who don't really understand the concept and then you'd have to split the mobs per zone between 2 levels. I'm not saying that's what I would do, but if you wanna appease the minority of players, at least do it right!

    I get where you were coming from with the initial difficulty nerf - some people complaining VR 'forces' grouping and I so see the pluses to the Champion System - allowing more character management and customization and growth. I understand the positives and where you came at the decisions from, but c'mon now guys. Do you have no shame? Common fri****sense would dictate that, as I said, this experience nerf should be implemented to the HIGH VET LEVELS ONLY so as not to further RUIN the experience for players who have spent 5 months frustrated with the lack of challenge/who seek out a challenge. Or at the very least, take that idea and build off it. Meet at a happy middle ground. These changes are crap. <---(forum censorship lingo) You guys had plenty of alternatives to keep EVERYONE happy. I implore you to THINK before you play with the computers.

    When you do things like this, I wonder why you guys even insist on delivering it to us in pieces. You might as well just slap us in the face with all the changes at once. You have players biting their nails at step one, voicing their concerns, fears, suggestions and oppositions, yet you move to step 2 and then 3. If the point was to ignore player feedback and adjust your plan accordingly, then why drag it out?! If you're not gonna make changes based on a system aimed at keeping the most people happy, then just make your changes and tell us to like it.

    You said at the Guild Summit that the positive of the old VR system was that it promotes good builds and punishes bad ones, helping players adjust and optimize their build, but now it seems like a catch 22 to me because if you have a GOOD build, you're (now especially) punished by the repetitive dull drag of being underchallenged, overleveled, and racing your XP meter. So bad builds get punished and good builds get bored. What are we tryna promote bad builds now? Is that the new idea?

    What changes do you have planned, Zenimax, for the players who are not either 5 years old and/or drooling out of their mouths??

    I'll have to say quite frankly, I am very upset, to say the least. I havn't even been playing for the last couple weeks. I'm waiting for the game to get BETTER, not worse! Hoping the Justice System comes soon. I'm really bummed about this and you know what.... I'm definitely not the ONLY player who thinks like this so THAT is why I am mindblown.

    And again, WHEREEEE are all the people going 'YES, YES, YES!' following along with this stupid "3 point plan" and getting off on it? Cuz I don't see them. And I'm certainly not one of them.

    Thanks Zenimax, I can now only hope, with extremely low confidence, that this system will be adjusted based on FEEDBACK before it goes to the live servers.... but I've been seeing the feedback that goes against this decision 4 to 1 for the last few months in this forum, outside forums & in /zone chat and alas... here we are. That combined with all the ignored /bug reports and feedback from when Update 4 was on the PTS, even as I type this I feel like I'm talking to a wall while praying for a miracle.

    Thank you. Thank you so much for LISTENING. We are so very lucky to have a community that is closely monitored and to have people like you who take our opinions seriously and make decisions for changes to implement accordingly. You're a savvy group of business-minds at that. ...I just threw up in my mouth.


    here's one that says YES YES YES

    I don't have HOURS to grind VR1-VR12 Caldwell content just to play Craglorn/AvE end-game, as much as I love doing all those quests.

    And grinding VR in Craglorn is *** gamebreaking if you ask me.

    What's my option?

    Yes, faster way to level is welcomed. Who cares I hit VR5 when I move to the next zone where all the mobs is VR3? I simply skip the region and goes straight to VR5 areas.

    No. ZOS, please keep this one. Go fix that stupid 2H 2% Uppercut but leave the VR leveling tweak alone.
    August Palatine Davadin Bloodstrake - Nord Dragon Knight - PC NA - Gray Host
    Greymoor 6.0.7 PvP : Medium 2H/SnB The Destroyer
    Dragonhold 5.2.11 PvE : Medium DW/2H The Blood Furnace
    March 2021 (too lazy to add CP) PvP: Medium DW/Bow The Stabber
  • Davadin
    Cogo wrote: »
    Enodoc wrote: »
    Solo Scaling
    • The following solo content will now scale:
      • Main Quest
      • Fighters Guild
      • Mages Guild
      • Stirk
      • Werewolf Quest
      • Vampire Quest
      • Thizzrini Arena
      • Orrery of Elden Root
      • Cathedral of the Golden Path in Southpoint
    @ZOS_GinaBruno‌ please implement a toggle for this to make it optional. I needed to be 3-4 levels above some of the Main Quest and Mages Guild enemies to be able to defeat them. Looking at you, Ancient Clannfear (Daughter of Giants) and Gutsripper (Long Lost Lore). (Don't take this as a request to nerf the enemies, as that's not needed. Just a toggle for Scaling so we can continue to play as we have been if we want to.)

    "Please implement a toggle for this to make it optional. I needed to be 3-4 levels above some of the Main Quest and Mages Guild enemies to be able to defeat them."

    This is Exactly why ESO should NOT nerf things.
    Some players think they can not do solo content. They can...but not after first 10 tries....or be bigger in levels.

    ZOS, please continue having ESO as a challenge. There are plenty of MMOs where people can get stuff easy, right away. Dont make ESO into one.

    Tamriel wonderful story line with hard choices and high demand on the player to beat the encounter.

    I LOVE when I can't do something. I keep trying, new tactic.....not standing in red... :-p

    No more nerfs in Tamriel please.


    You DO realize he's asking for an option toggle, not a nerf altogether?

    I'm with you for having more challenges and not turning ESO into Hello Kitty MMO, but I'm ALL for options.

    Not everyone can afford spending hours in one dungeon trying to figure out how it works (no matter how much fun that would be)(no sarcasm).

    And no, they're not 5 yr old with drooling mouth either. Some are people with families. Kids their own. Career. Study. etc.

    Sometimes I feel like you and @Acemcfly101 should get off your *** elitist high horse.

    Sorry, I need my coffee this morning.
    Edited by Davadin on October 16, 2014 2:19PM
    August Palatine Davadin Bloodstrake - Nord Dragon Knight - PC NA - Gray Host
    Greymoor 6.0.7 PvP : Medium 2H/SnB The Destroyer
    Dragonhold 5.2.11 PvE : Medium DW/2H The Blood Furnace
    March 2021 (too lazy to add CP) PvP: Medium DW/Bow The Stabber
  • Enodoc
    Davadin wrote: »
    Cogo wrote: »
    Enodoc wrote: »
    Solo Scaling
    • The following solo content will now scale:
      • Main Quest
      • Fighters Guild
      • Mages Guild
      • Stirk
      • Werewolf Quest
      • Vampire Quest
      • Thizzrini Arena
      • Orrery of Elden Root
      • Cathedral of the Golden Path in Southpoint
    @ZOS_GinaBruno‌ please implement a toggle for this to make it optional. I needed to be 3-4 levels above some of the Main Quest and Mages Guild enemies to be able to defeat them. Looking at you, Ancient Clannfear (Daughter of Giants) and Gutsripper (Long Lost Lore). (Don't take this as a request to nerf the enemies, as that's not needed. Just a toggle for Scaling so we can continue to play as we have been if we want to.)

    "Please implement a toggle for this to make it optional. I needed to be 3-4 levels above some of the Main Quest and Mages Guild enemies to be able to defeat them."

    This is Exactly why ESO should NOT nerf things.
    Some players think they can not do solo content. They can...but not after first 10 tries....or be bigger in levels.

    ZOS, please continue having ESO as a challenge. There are plenty of MMOs where people can get stuff easy, right away. Dont make ESO into one.

    Tamriel wonderful story line with hard choices and high demand on the player to beat the encounter.

    I LOVE when I can't do something. I keep trying, new tactic.....not standing in red... :-p

    No more nerfs in Tamriel please.


    You DO realize he's asking for an option toggle, not a nerf altogether?

    I'm with you for having more challenges and not turning ESO into Hello Kitty MMO, but I'm ALL for options.

    Not everyone can afford spending hours in one dungeon trying to figure out how it works (no matter how much fun that would be)(no sarcasm).

    And no, they're not 5 yr old with drooling mouth either. Some are people with families. Kids their own. Career. Study. etc.

    Sometimes I feel like you and @Acemcfly101 should get off your *** elitist high horse.

    Sorry, I need my coffee this morning.
    TBH I thought @Cogo was agreeing with me.... :)
    UESP: The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages - A collaborative source for all knowledge on the Elder Scrolls series since 1995
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  • Davadin
    Enodoc wrote: »
    Davadin wrote: »
    Cogo wrote: »
    Enodoc wrote: »
    Solo Scaling
    • The following solo content will now scale:
      • Main Quest
      • Fighters Guild
      • Mages Guild
      • Stirk
      • Werewolf Quest
      • Vampire Quest
      • Thizzrini Arena
      • Orrery of Elden Root
      • Cathedral of the Golden Path in Southpoint
    @ZOS_GinaBruno‌ please implement a toggle for this to make it optional. I needed to be 3-4 levels above some of the Main Quest and Mages Guild enemies to be able to defeat them. Looking at you, Ancient Clannfear (Daughter of Giants) and Gutsripper (Long Lost Lore). (Don't take this as a request to nerf the enemies, as that's not needed. Just a toggle for Scaling so we can continue to play as we have been if we want to.)

    "Please implement a toggle for this to make it optional. I needed to be 3-4 levels above some of the Main Quest and Mages Guild enemies to be able to defeat them."

    This is Exactly why ESO should NOT nerf things.
    Some players think they can not do solo content. They can...but not after first 10 tries....or be bigger in levels.

    ZOS, please continue having ESO as a challenge. There are plenty of MMOs where people can get stuff easy, right away. Dont make ESO into one.

    Tamriel wonderful story line with hard choices and high demand on the player to beat the encounter.

    I LOVE when I can't do something. I keep trying, new tactic.....not standing in red... :-p

    No more nerfs in Tamriel please.


    You DO realize he's asking for an option toggle, not a nerf altogether?

    I'm with you for having more challenges and not turning ESO into Hello Kitty MMO, but I'm ALL for options.

    Not everyone can afford spending hours in one dungeon trying to figure out how it works (no matter how much fun that would be)(no sarcasm).

    And no, they're not 5 yr old with drooling mouth either. Some are people with families. Kids their own. Career. Study. etc.

    Sometimes I feel like you and @Acemcfly101 should get off your *** elitist high horse.

    Sorry, I need my coffee this morning.
    TBH I thought @Cogo was agreeing with me.... :)

    Who the hell is @Cogo? Is it @ZOS_Cogo? No?

    Why does it...?

    It's a toggle.

    A switch. Option.

    OK, going to get my coffee now.
    August Palatine Davadin Bloodstrake - Nord Dragon Knight - PC NA - Gray Host
    Greymoor 6.0.7 PvP : Medium 2H/SnB The Destroyer
    Dragonhold 5.2.11 PvE : Medium DW/2H The Blood Furnace
    March 2021 (too lazy to add CP) PvP: Medium DW/Bow The Stabber
  • Drazhar14
    "Newly created characters will now start off wearing low-level armor instead of the Soul Shriven rags."

    Don't like this one bit. Starting off with nothing has that Elder Scrolls feel to it. Plus it makes sense since you just died and were taken prisoner and everything. Keep the Soul Shriven rags, but add armor pieces to the room where you loot your weapon.
  • Elsonso
    Drazhar14 wrote: »
    "Newly created characters will now start off wearing low-level armor instead of the Soul Shriven rags."

    Don't like this one bit. Starting off with nothing has that Elder Scrolls feel to it. Plus it makes sense since you just died and were taken prisoner and everything. Keep the Soul Shriven rags, but add armor pieces to the room where you loot your weapon.

    @Zenimax See, the forum is in complete agreement! Keep the rags!


    ESO Plus: No
    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • OtarTheMad
    I think adding something at the beginning in the Wailing Prison that is similar to weapons, you can do that with armor, would be better. That way people can choose light, medium or heavy.
  • Avillz
    Soul Shriven
    Really good update! Hail Sithis !
  • Shayu
    @ZOS_GinaBruno‌ and @ZOS_JessicaFolsom‌, I think you guys, as well as any other staff monitoring this thread, might need to direct some of your attention over to the upcoming werewolf changes thread that I mentioned earlier, specifically to the more recent posts which are rich with feedback from your werewolf players. Please do not let the feedback they are giving go to waste: http://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/discussion/129277/upcoming-werewolf-changes/p14

    I understand the sentiment behind wanting to keep werewolves from becoming overpowered, but please bear in mind that this is an ultimate ability, and it needs to give it's users a significant increase to damage and to survivability. It's not good practice to make an ability the most expensive ability just because it is the most complex and in depth ability; if it's going to be expensive, it needs to be because it is effective.

    Now I don't want to undermine the fact that I am very pleased with Zenimax for finally showing some love to the werewolves; we are very appreciative. We're happy to have these new abilities and fixes that make werewolves much less of a mess. These changes will give us more versatility and will allow us to function properly. What you have done with the current patch 1.5 is a key step, but please do not think that it means you are done with balancing werewolves. Werewolves have more versatility now thanks to their new skills, but we do not have the raw firepower or the survivability to compete effectively in PvP.

    I think that in terms of 1v1 combat between players of the same level, it is reasonable that a transformed werewolf have the upper hand in melee combat against a regular player. If he's using team tactics or engaging a werewolf at a range? of course he should have a fair chance, but in 1v1 melee combat? no. Look at some of your top tier ultimates on the Live servers. Bat swarm for instance. If you try to fight a vampire who has popped bat swarm in melee combat, the vampire is most definitely going to win; he has claimed a temporary advantage, that's what ultimate skills are about right? In the case of werewolves I do think they should be a little weaker by comparison, because their ultimate has a much longer duration, but they still need to have a CQC advantage against other players who have not cashed in their own ultimates.

    With the improvements made to the Bow skill line there is also the additional concern of ranged fighters having TOO MUCH of an advantage against werewolves. This is pointed out by a user named @Mumyo ( http://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/discussion/comment/1323048 ) . I definitely think it's reasonable for ranged fighter to be on an equal playing field against transformed werewolves, but I do not think it's fair for them to have such a significant advantage. With the Bow skill line how it is now on the PTS, a competent archer can identify and kill a transformed werewolf in a matter of seconds, this is very bad for any werewolf player who might have transformed to gain a temporary advantage during a key moment in a siege. He should not be punished for the proper use of his ultimate should he? should he not be rewarded?

    You guys at ZOS have been doing a great job in rounding out the werewolves and taking care of the complicated issues with them, but perhaps it's time to give them a straight boost in damage and in damage mitigation.

    A user by the name of @Hypertionb14_ESO has done some tests and has actually found that Werewolf DPS has been REDUCED. ( http://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/discussion/135895/werewolf-1-5-too-much-loss-for-the-gain-review-from-a-live-server-werewolf-player )
    To reiterate Zenimax, we are happy that you have given us a self heal, an AOE, a stun, and a CC break, but you NEED (and I really don't use that word lightly) to reverse the reduction in DPS you have given werewolf players; I would even go so far as to say it would be reasonable for you to increase the DPS past where it is on live right now.

    The first step in bringing werewolf DPS back up might be to fix the bleed effect from the werewolf's light attacks so that they can tick properly. A second step might be to increase the raw damage dealt by werewolf light attacks or maybe you could give all werewolfs a moderate increase to attack speed. Another issue you might want to fix is that none of the attack abilities that werewolves have access to are currently worth weaving into a werewolf's light attacks for the purposes of DPS. They all have their utility, but as things stand, because of how clunky some of the abilities are, and because the damage of these abilities is somewhat lack luster, you will harm your DPS by taking the time to use them. Perhaps for that reason, the damage on Infectious Claws and on Piercing Howl should be increased as well.

    This is all just food for thought Zenimax, but please do not do us the disservice of stopping here in rebalancing wolves. We still need some sort of improvement, and we would appreciate it if you could implement something into update 5 before it goes live.
    Edited by Shayu on October 17, 2014 12:22AM
  • Kegluneq
    "Evil Hunter: This ability now highlights vampire player characters in Cyrodiil"

    Wonderful! Just when I was planning to venture into cyrodill after entering a volcanic area with my vampire char... I have the feeling this game hates me. LOL. (btw can't wait to see the dwemer motif)
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