1. You are wrong big time^^
2. It will bring much much much more money
3. Did you visit some higher school or do you work in salebusiness? I think i know the answer
4. No but i find it funny cause your arguments are pointless crap sorry. No one will leave because of race change just a few kind of weird people like you. I dont mean it in a bad way perhaps you are a nice guy, sorry when this sound bad my english is not that good
No change race ..this is silly and stupid. Just make fast an alt with the race/gender you want and problem is solved.
I agree with Varicite. Make an alt is just a stupid argument
1. Aldmeri only 7 Day campaign; 30 Day Ebon dominate
2. Personal i want change race i just will recreate my char
tordr86b16_ESO wrote: »When are you going to allows us to pay for race changes? If you can't answer that then answer this: Do you have any plants, at all, to implement it this year or the next? Just asking cause I really want to change the race of my vet characters, and willing to throw away my money at ya zos.
tordr86b16_ESO wrote: »When are you going to allows us to pay for race changes? If you can't answer that then answer this: Do you have any plants, at all, to implement it this year or the next? Just asking cause I really want to change the race of my vet characters, and willing to throw away my money at ya zos.
Much prefer in-game options to change race/class, especially post "changes."
Don't prefer making it a "service."
I don't feel that this is even a valid argument to make, as anybody is completely capable of creating a character with your definition of "overpowered", just by choosing the right race/class combination. A race change service won't make this pay to win, and I find it counter-intuitive that you think a race change to a different race will make everybody too overpowered and unbalance the workings of the game.Regardless of the minimal or adequate amount of advantages given to the player via race passives, any amount of changing to optimize a build is what I view as leaning toward pay to win.
How this relates to the partiality of anybody to questing, I am absolutely mystified. Just because someone hasn't made a choice they are now happy with, it doesn't mean you should force them to redo a huge amount of time and dedication as opposed to simply continuing with life, albeit $20 poorer.If you dont like questing then the Elderacrolls games probably arent for you.
vyndral13preub18_ESO wrote: »Absolutely not! You do realize that it would be quicker to just make a new toon then it would be to wait for something that will never happen right? It breaks lore, makes it pay to win and in general is just a stupid design choice that sadly way to many mmos decide to implement.
Breaks lore? In two separate quest i can think of off the top of my head Razum-dar changes my race/sex and he ain't even a true mage. true they are just disguises but since i don't really care about the racials i only care about the look that is good enough for me. But still I'm sure ill hear more crying about how looking like something I'm not is now pay to win since people wont know what i am and that is a super secret advantage that destroys game balance.
OutlandishMachine wrote: »For all of you who are being complete spastics