Upcoming Werewolf Changes

  • frosth.darkomenb16_ESO
    As far as passives go that work in both forms, l could see one increasing detection radius.

    It would fit in fairly well with the whole "hunter" lore and would give ww a big boost in pvp.

    Couple it with the ability to sneak as ww and ww packs could become grear anti gankers squads.
  • Bleakraven
    I love Piercing Howl! And please, I want a /tailwag emote :P
  • Kypho
    Artemis wrote: »
    So werewolves will have 5 skills and vamps will only have 2?

    did you know you got 2 more ability plus ulti(the best lame ulti in game thx for zenimax) what others cant use who are ww in human form?

    [Moderator Note: Edited per our rules on Flaming]
    Edited by ZOS_UlyssesW on August 29, 2014 6:34PM
  • Jorj1388
    why should I even pay for the transformation into a werewolf?would it not be sensible decision to make an ultimatum ability werewolf as OVERLOAD of abilities SORCERER? when compared with the same vampires in PvP, werewolf did not playable... at least need to increase the time in the form of a werewolf, survival, immune to control, and constant Passive bonuses and not only when transforms into a werewolf.
  • MorHawk
    So it seems like making it like Overload and getting some benefits while not transformed are easily the most popular features. Personally, my top ask is to either make WWs invulnerable while transforming, or make it instant. The self-stun is a pretty huge vulnerability. That, and to fix the wasted ultimate when changing back.

    Not to artificially raise the stakes here, but if done right, this could finally make stamina builds viable. I know I'm already planning my build. If however they don't even manage to fix the self-stun issue when transforming, ZOS's credit will take a major hit for me. I've got my fingers crossed guys.

    Oh, also, some guy posted a vid on the FB page but didn't make it to this thread. Not watched it, but figured I'd post it here for him.

    Edited by MorHawk on August 29, 2014 12:23PM
    Observant wrote: »
    I can count to potato.
    another topic that cant see past its own farts.
  • eventide03b14a_ESO
    It might be nice if it functioned as a toggle similar to the Sorcerer ultimate Overload. Also there should be some passives that work all the time no matter if you are in werewolf form or not. If you make it so that you can just switch back and forth at will it might be a bit too much.
  • Kypho
    It might be nice if it functioned as a toggle similar to the Sorcerer ultimate Overload. Also there should be some passives that work all the time no matter if you are in werewolf form or not. If you make it so that you can just switch back and forth at will it might be a bit too much.

    lolvamps got dmg resistance and recovery passives + they can use 2 skills and have the best ultimate in game. WW nothing. i think this is enough reason to ask similar bonuses, and if beign WW cost ultimate, it should be badass like a DK or a Templar.
  • dcincali
    Kypho wrote: »
    Thats all? you made Temps and DKs fotm and thats all to WW?

    LOL!!!!!! Temps got 1 skill they can kinda spam to kinda do damage and now they are FOTM... Get lost..
  • c0rp
    Artemis wrote: »
    So werewolves will have 5 skills and vamps will only have 2?

    Yes, because unlike vamps you cannot cast your normal abilities anymore. That was the issue of why ww was so bad...you were weak because you had access to cast TWO abilities.

    Force weapon swap to have priority over EVERYTHING. Close enough.
    Make stamina builds even with magicka builds.
    Disable abilities while holding block.
    Give us a REASON to do dungeons more than once.
    Remove PVP AoE CAP. It is ruining Cyrodiil.
    Fix/Remove Forward Camps. They are ruining Cyrodiil.
    Impenetrability needs to REDUCE CRIT DAMAGE. Not negate entire builds.
    Werewolf is not equal to Vamps/Bats.
  • Medakon
    Been reading most of these forum postes about this werewolf thingy isnt good in pvp, but what about pve? I love tanking and being a werewolf, but I can't do both at the same time becuase werewolf can't taunt. Once I transform into a werewolf while doing a dungeon as a tank, I have no way to hold agro from bosses. Why add a passiv wich gives you more ultimate while taking damage if you can't even use this to tank. Please allow werewolfs to taunt so it can actually be usefull for tanks aswell, would love to tank trials as an werewolf. :smiley:

    I would love to have this howl ability wich fear enemys to have a morp, that forces nearby enemys to attack you for 15second insted of fear em away, and enemy players get reduces damage with 40% if they attack someone else except for you.
    Edited by Medakon on August 29, 2014 2:35PM
    Medakon - Legendary Super Hero Professional Assassin Nightblade from Tamriel who do different stuff B)
  • Pseudonym
    Yes! I was almost on the verge of dropping the skill line all together, but I guess I'll keep it around.

    Not going to both investing any points back into it until the change though.

    Thanks for the information.

    I would however love to see some more out of werewolf form passives. Seems odd that we only receive benefits while we're in werewolf form.
  • Pseudonym
    Am I missing something? I like the changes but all I see is less ultimate cost NOT more time being a WW.
    Added the long Devour timer (20 sec as stated), WW is still subpar to vampire in PvP. 40 sec of fun.

    If you devour each time you're able to, you can stay in werewolf form for a long period of time. It's true that werewolf is rather lackluster in PvP, but with these new changes (AoE knockdowns, self heals and damage reducing swipes) I see it being far more popular/useful.
    Edited by Pseudonym on August 29, 2014 1:56PM
  • eventide03b14a_ESO
    Kypho wrote: »
    It might be nice if it functioned as a toggle similar to the Sorcerer ultimate Overload. Also there should be some passives that work all the time no matter if you are in werewolf form or not. If you make it so that you can just switch back and forth at will it might be a bit too much.

    lolvamps got dmg resistance and recovery passives + they can use 2 skills and have the best ultimate in game. WW nothing. i think this is enough reason to ask similar bonuses, and if beign WW cost ultimate, it should be badass like a DK or a Templar.
    I see no reason for werewolves not to also have their passives be active all the time as well. But you have to be reasonable. You can't expect them to turn into this incredible powerhouse with no restrictions. If you are familiar with Overload you can see why I made the comparison. Werewolves should be powerful and something to be feared in werewolf form but it has to be balanced. I hope they get the treatment they have long deserved.
  • Fellwitch
    Just wanted to add -

    Where is the active ability to actually bite a player or NPC in battle? One of the most iconic features of a werewolf is to rip the throat out of somebody and I do not see where this has been / will be implemented :)

    p.s. Passives in general are extremely poor compared to vampire. For those of us wishing to tank, it is extremely odd that a supposedly "resilient" werewolf actually makes you weaker when you morph into it. I think there needs to be a better way to delineate the passives between "stock" human & fighters guild, vampire, and werewolf. Each one should offer something special to the table from a passives perspective.
  • Kypho
    dcincali wrote: »
    Kypho wrote: »
    Thats all? you made Temps and DKs fotm and thats all to WW?

    LOL!!!!!! Temps got 1 skill they can kinda spam to kinda do damage and now they are FOTM... Get lost..

    (Umm make a templar and use it. youll know what am i talking about... and use it right.)

    And 30 sec usage is way to low. im not speaking about make it 1 min... you should be able to be in that form until you die, or you activate ulti again and that transform you back.
    Edited by Kypho on August 29, 2014 2:09PM
  • eventide03b14a_ESO
    Fellwitch wrote: »
    Just wanted to add -

    Where is the active ability to actually bite a player or NPC in battle? One of the most iconic features of a werewolf is to rip the throat out of somebody and I do not see where this has been / will be implemented :)

    p.s. Passives in general are extremely poor compared to vampire. For those of us wishing to tank, it is extremely odd that a supposedly "resilient" werewolf actually makes you weaker when you morph into it. I think there needs to be a better way to delineate the passives between "stock" human & fighters guild, vampire, and werewolf. Each one should offer something special to the table from a passives perspective.
    I completely agree. Werewolves should get a boost to their passives. Try to remember though that being a vampire comes with disadvantages that werewolves don't have. Our health regen for instance is in the single digits without any buffs or racials.
  • Tremulous
    This still address none of the major issues with WW.
    How much is decreased? Do we still lose all our ultimate after a transformation, this skill needs to be toggleable. Have the issues on being stunned or CCed while transformation, breaking your character been addressed? Will your passives affect you in human form now?

    Goals to make WW viable.
    -Turn transformation into a conjuration like ability.
    -Passives need to affect your human from.
    -why have all these buffs when you only get the negative when you're not transformed.
    -Fix transformation bugs.
    -Losing the ultimate slot is like losing a leg, you can't compete
    - You're effectively screwing people in WW form out of 1 ability.

    I'm not the only one saying this. Unless you want to go through years of people telling you this over and over, while you run off in the wrong direction. Just listen to us.
    Unless you want to make WW a super buff where they deal 1-3k on a swing there is no way they will ever be viable or even compare to vampire's damage or even a non WW or vampire character. WW if effectively a gimp to your toon.
  • Giraffon
    I think the proposed changes that started off the discussion are good ideas.

    I also like the idea of giving a stamina recovery buff that is in effect when not in werewolf form. Something to reflect the werewolf blood pulsing through you that keeps you a little agitated all the time!
    Giraffon - Beta Lizard - For the Pact!
  • ZeroNeonix
    This sounds good, but I have a few suggestions:

    1. If claw damage is going to be based on weapon damage instead of stamina, then those of us who already invested in stamina to make our werewolf forms stronger should get a free respec option.

    2. Please remove the timer for Devour. It's annoying standing there over a dead body, waiting for the option for Devour to come up while my werewolf timer drops to zero. If I kill an enemy, I should be able to use Devour immediately. The whole point of the ability is to increase my timer, so having a timer keeping me from using kinda defeats the purpose.

    3. I would like to see werewolf animations (and maybe models) tweaked. It's silly watching a werewolf run around on two legs, swinging their big arms back and fourth. Make them run on all fours. Many have complained that werewolves look too cartoony, so if you can make them more intimidating to look at, that'd be nice.

    4. The abilities proposed here seem nice, but how about an ability that summons wolves? Using it would reduce your max stamina and would be toggleable like other summon abilities. One morph could change the wolf into an ice wolf, with more damage and health, and the other could add a second regular wolf. These would help a lone werewolf when fighting a group.

    5. Other non-wolf lycanthropes, like wereboars and werebears, would also be appreciated. Like many, I felt betrayed when Bethesda put werebears in Skyrim and made them unplayable. I'd like to have some variety. If you go with number 4 above, the summoning ability would have to be adjusted (summoning bears instead of wolves if you're a werebear), but the difference can be mostly cosmetic. If there were some slight differences between them (werebears having more strength, but less speed), that would also be cool.

    6. Make a werewolf-only chain of quests. Something like the Companions (only a group that can be found in all regions and not just Skyrim). Join a pack and make moral decisions, leading the group to either become peaceful or violent. If this is done, a similar thing should also be done for vampires.
  • Iduyenn
    There is one problem:

    Imho werewolfs should be a fraction (at least, when they are in ww-shape).
    Because i don`t like the picture of battlegrounds filled with wolves and normal people (at least vampires can disguise themselves and be undetected while walking amongst normal people (theoretically...)).
    Suddendly there are some huge hary creatures in the mits of the battle ?!?!

    So there should at least be a mechanic, something like a debuff, who weakens the werewolf, while fighting in wolf-form alongside normal people...
    Something like: "While in werewolf shape, your stamina will be decreast by every non-werwolfplayer (from same fraction).

    An other option would be, to make every npc/player who is not a WW (human or beast-form) will be markt as enemy...
  • Jorj1388
    Fellwitch wrote: »
    Just wanted to add -

    Where is the active ability to actually bite a player or NPC in battle? One of the most iconic features of a werewolf is to rip the throat out of somebody and I do not see where this has been / will be implemented :)

    p.s. Passives in general are extremely poor compared to vampire. For those of us wishing to tank, it is extremely odd that a supposedly "resilient" werewolf actually makes you weaker when you morph into it. I think there needs to be a better way to delineate the passives between "stock" human & fighters guild, vampire, and werewolf. Each one should offer something special to the table from a passives perspective.
    I completely agree. Werewolves should get a boost to their passives. Try to remember though that being a vampire comes with disadvantages that werewolves don't have. Our health regen for instance is in the single digits without any buffs or racials.

    I played for a vampire their shortcomings are minor. a werewolf - just sad ***
  • Lykanus
    Joolio wrote: »
    Please, as a RPer, add this:

    Toogle Ultimate, to be WW as long as the player wants.
    Let emotes be accessed in WW form or have special ones created for it.

    As a content player, add this:

    Passives in human form, thanks.

    Yes some emotes for the Werewolves would be great to see, dont need to be a totally long list but at least some like sniff, howling, catching some fleas or such would be a great addition.
    And running on four legs of course.
  • Kypho
    I fear this is only a bone what Zeni throwing at us. Like NB update... just a bit to shut up wws.
  • Syrrisdevlin
    Artemis wrote: »
    So werewolves will have 5 skills and vamps will only have 2?
    yes except vampies have the use of all their other class and guild skills plus they have a ultimate batswarm they can use so thats 3 skills while WW do not have this ability ww can only use ww skills nothing els and thier ultimate is the transformation so being a WW also means you don't get to use any other ultimate in human form if you want to be able to transformin to a ww
  • Syrrisdevlin
    you know now that I think about it whats the point in giving WW survivability?? I mean seriously your a ww for what 60sec or something. in that time you better be able to kill your target or targets because if not your dead any ways. due to the self stun from transforming. and when you do kill your target you devour and move on repeating this 3-4 times on solo world trash mobs and bam it over 2mins later really honestly WW sucks and will always suck unless you A make it a toggle, B increase ww time by 2 or 3 times its current and lower ultimate cost by half, or C make it so ww timer directly reflects ultimate so for example if I have 500 ultimate I get 500secs in WW form or if ive got 750 ultimate I get 750 secs ww timer. hell even a 2 for 1 ratio would be acceptable 2ultimate per 1 sec ww time
  • Kewljag_66_ESO
    It all sounds good, The one thing i think most people want is a passive or two that still effects you in human form. This would put them on par with the main reason to be a vampire.

    My ideas...

    The 10%/20% stamina bonus passive ALSO effects you in human form.
    New passive Werewolf Lust: 5%/10%crit damage
  • kieso
    I was serious earlier; level 10 passive: Un-CC'able in werewolf form.

    I've never even made a werewolf but that's be pretty cool to see.
  • Rhyvos
    Soul Shriven
    I'd like to see some WW passives on par with the Vampire passives.
  • Ridicularded
    I would love to see the ultimate we gained while in WW form continue even if we revert to our human form. Right now, any ultimate that you gain while in WW form resets to 0 when you deform. If that happens, I can honestly say WW's are a formidable skill line.
  • phaneub17_ESO
    Passives need to have some benefits to you in humanoid form, at least 50% effective and 100% when transformed into your werewolf form.
This discussion has been closed.