Maintenance for the week of July 8:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance - July 8
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – July 9, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – July 10, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – July 10, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
Update 43 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here:

Upcoming Werewolf Changes

  • draeganb16_ESO
    @Hypertionb14_ESO : Your ideas 1,2 and 3 has already be projected by the Dev page 1 and page 10 :)

    Most of us want a nearly permanent werewolf, it could be cool but not in the lore of Elder Scrolls sadly (only during full moon by the way).

    @Enesse : As I said before, the ability to run on all four paws has already been implement on NPC and a bit for us, just make your beast dodge and you'll see it move on its four paws. I think Dev don't have much work to do to make it real when we run !
    When Bloodmoon calls, Rivers turns red.
  • GoodOrc
    One more thing I think WW and Wamp must get pasive bust to see invisibles in PvP! becos Wamps see blood in weins, and can hear heart pumps, and WW can hear footsteps from far owey and can smeel enemy (even in human form)!

    It can be just biger radius to detekt, like mages gild fliing Light! just for fun and bigger verieti of oportnities.
    I dont like mages gild abiliti, My orc is fighter not mage, but I often scouting for reid! and U Mustuse those light its suck, cos Zenimax says "play as you like" but give only one tool to detekt invisibles!
  • draeganb16_ESO
    @GoodOrc : In fact, you have two tools : Mage light and potions of dectections, that are easy to craft
    When Bloodmoon calls, Rivers turns red.
  • GoodOrc
    @draeganb16_ESO‌ Yes I know about a Potion but it hawe "blind spot" potion give you detection for ~15sec but cool down of potions 30 sec so ~ 15 sec you are blind! Thats why I say in game only 1 tool - mages light!
  • Thejollygreenone
    GoodOrc wrote: »
    @draeganb16_ESO‌ Yes I know about a Potion but it hawe "blind spot" potion give you detection for ~15sec but cool down of potions 30 sec so ~ 15 sec you are blind! Thats why I say in game only 1 tool - mages light!

    ...... If stealth detection potions didn't have a cooldown, they'd be pretty darn overpowered. 20 meters of stealth detection constantly as long as you have gold to spend? Sounds like an awful game mechanic.

    Furthermore, if you can't find the person in those 15 seconds of having the highest stealth detection radius available in the game, maybe the problem lies elsewhere. Maybe if it was the same 12m as magelight would it be somewhat balanced to have no cooldown. As it is though, the cooldown is totally justified.

    All in all, I'm fine with the state of stealth detection at the moment. If anything, it feels slightly too easy to detect stealthers with tools like magelight, piercing mark, and stealth detection potions readily available. However, I still would like to see some stealth detection passive added to WW as flavor, nonetheless.
  • Enesse
    I believe that werewolves should have a stealth detect skill or passive not just to add variety to stealth detectors, but because it's stated in the lore how they're master hunters and trackers. That should be proven with an ability to track the unseen.
    ~ Daggerfall Wolfpack ~
    We welcome you with open claws.
  • Iduyenn

    Around 1:46 New informations about WW (at least for me). (Followed by stamina changes)
    The healing Abbility in WW form will coast MAGICKA, scale from MAGICKA!!!
    I think it`s awsome.

    Nontheless: The question about racial passives and their impact remains and will become a real issue one day.

    AND: BE sure to participate the PTR testing next week.

    Can anyone post here, if patchnotes are here? Also, if ww testing has started? As i see it now, not all of the updates are on pts right?
    Edited by Iduyenn on October 11, 2014 7:26AM
  • GoodOrc
    I'm intresting on PTS will be WW aweileble from the begining? I was there in friday and my new harakte didnt hawe WW opened in World line! So please if You add those ganges to PTS ad apportunity to test them, so that I, and meny of athers wolfs didn't spend time to find WW-NPS and get likantrophy (I did it ones on EU server)

    Thanx and weiting for Patch 1.5 starts on PTS
  • Milf_Hero
    I would like not be hindered by any time limit in my form. I would very much like to use my ultimate and be in form for as long as I want. This would not be to OP for anything since, well, ww suck at pvp and arnt to good at killing mobs in pve. But mister, they are giving us infectious claws. Yeah we will but it will prolly be as useful as cleave in its current state with out giving a shield. If my damage as a ww is not gonna stand out, then I should be able to have a little bit more freedom. Like the color of my fur, and how long I am in form. Maybe even a freakin passive or two in human form. I'm not just a regular human damn It.

    Im happy that you are giving us more skills but I still want a little more from the dev team to be truly happy with being a werewolf. I don't see the problem with giving us more help because in a minute, the world is about to change for people in Eso. People with armor that gives them two boons? Spellcrafting, which looks like it will give people the ability to summon things even though they aren't sorcs, make new ultimates and more. Its about to get crazy. I just don't want WW lagging behind. Well they are already I just don't want them to become extinct.

    There were also a few things I read on forums. One guy asking to go back to hircine's plane. The place were we quested to become werewolves for the first time. I would LOVE to go back there. A place for all Werewolves to gather. Oh just the thought of that makes me happy. There would be a lot of things they could add there as well. Small quest to huntthings for xp and trophies maybe. Dyes or color to add to your form (the form with no time limit, unless you choose to change back, which then you would need to gather ultimate again to change.) Also I noticed something when running across ww bosses and world bosses. They all have a move where they howl and regular wolves come to their aid. The ww bosses i saw were both white. Hmmm. sounds like something.. a ww should be able to do. Maybe the pack leader morph would do this. I will definitely be throwing these ideas out every Eso Live. you havn't seen the last of MilfHero. >B)
    Edited by Milf_Hero on October 12, 2014 11:47AM
    You name it, and ill kill it.
  • Ilven
    a werewolf should also have an excellent sense of smell and be able to more easily detect hidden creatures that come close
  • Milf_Hero
    I second that. ^
    Edited by Milf_Hero on October 12, 2014 7:24PM
    You name it, and ill kill it.
  • draeganb16_ESO
    From the Version 1.5 of the PTS :

    Art & Animation
    • Fixed an issue so werewolf animations will no longer break when you leave combat.
    • If you are a werewolf, you will now sprint on all fours when you leave combat.

    • Added some new werewolf abilities:
    -Hircine’s Bounty: This ability is a large heal that costs magicka.
    -Piercing Howl: This ability deals high damage and stuns your enemy.
    -Infectious Claws: This ability instantly deals damage to all enemies in front of you and causes poison damage over time.

    • All werewolf light attacks will now cause bleed damage.
    • Fully charged heavy attacks now restore stamina.
    • Werewolf tooltip now includes the bleed damage light attacks deal
    • Devoured enemies will no longer display a blinking texture.
    • Fixed an issue where CC break wasn’t working for werewolves.
    • Blood Rage: This passive now restores 3/6 Ultimate instead of 2/5.
    • Brutal Pounce (Pounce morph): This ability now deals 50% of the initial hit to nearby enemies.
    • Devour: This ability can now be used on additional monster types, such as insects.
    • Feral Pounce (Pounce morph): This ability only increases the werewolf duration if you are 10 meters or more from your target.
    • Pack Leader: This ability’s tooltip now specifies the amount of Ultimate you gain; this is now a flat value and only works for werewolves.
    • Pounce: This ability now deals more damage, and can now be cast while silenced.
    • Pursuit: This passive now increases stamina gained from heavy attacks.
    • Roar: Fixed an issue where this ability didn’t cost resources if it didn’t hit any targets.
    • Werewolf Berserker: This ability will now deal increased bleed damage instead of increasing attack speed.
    • Werewolf Transformation: Fixed an issue where killing an enemy while feared by this ability would cause the corpse to teleport forward a few meters. This ability also no longer claims ability damage is derived from just stamina.
    Hircine and ZOS be praised !
    Edited by draeganb16_ESO on October 13, 2014 7:39PM
    When Bloodmoon calls, Rivers turns red.
  • apagano425
    Art & Animation
    • Fixed an issue so werewolf animations will no longer break when you leave combat.
    • If you are a werewolf, you will now sprint on all fours when you leave combat.

    Hircine and ZOS be praised !
    Yes we have all four limbs being used. I will finally quit looking like such a goof ball while running, thank you ZOS.
  • Enesse
    From the Version 1.5 of the PTS :

    Art & Animation
    • Fixed an issue so werewolf animations will no longer break when you leave combat.
    • If you are a werewolf, you will now sprint on all fours when you leave combat.

    • Added some new werewolf abilities:
    -Hircine’s Bounty: This ability is a large heal that costs magicka.
    -Piercing Howl: This ability deals high damage and stuns your enemy.
    -Infectious Claws: This ability instantly deals damage to all enemies in front of you and causes poison damage over time.

    • All werewolf light attacks will now cause bleed damage.
    • Fully charged heavy attacks now restore stamina.
    • Werewolf tooltip now includes the bleed damage light attacks deal
    • Devoured enemies will no longer display a blinking texture.
    • Fixed an issue where CC break wasn’t working for werewolves.
    • Blood Rage: This passive now restores 3/6 Ultimate instead of 2/5.
    • Brutal Pounce (Pounce morph): This ability now deals 50% of the initial hit to nearby enemies.
    • Devour: This ability can now be used on additional monster types, such as insects.
    • Feral Pounce (Pounce morph): This ability only increases the werewolf duration if you are 10 meters or more from your target.
    • Pack Leader: This ability’s tooltip now specifies the amount of Ultimate you gain; this is now a flat value and only works for werewolves.
    • Pounce: This ability now deals more damage, and can now be cast while silenced.
    • Pursuit: This passive now increases stamina gained from heavy attacks.
    • Roar: Fixed an issue where this ability didn’t cost resources if it didn’t hit any targets.
    • Werewolf Berserker: This ability will now deal increased bleed damage instead of increasing attack speed.
    • Werewolf Transformation: Fixed an issue where killing an enemy while feared by this ability would cause the corpse to teleport forward a few meters. This ability also no longer claims ability damage is derived from just stamina.
    Hircine and ZOS be praised !

    I...I think I might faint
    Edited by Enesse on October 13, 2014 9:01PM
    ~ Daggerfall Wolfpack ~
    We welcome you with open claws.
  • bbqwolf13b14_ESO1
    Well they changed a few things but still haven't made WW( a 15 point ULTIMATE) any stronger. Now with new abilities that will make
    WW a even higher Ultimate but no real damage to compare to any other ultimate . I still see my character abilities doing higher damage. So is pounce and devour are our only choices to keep being a WW?
  • Rexlupis
    Well they changed a few things but still haven't made WW( a 15 point ULTIMATE) any stronger. Now with new abilities that will make
    WW a even higher Ultimate but no real damage to compare to any other ultimate . I still see my character abilities doing higher damage. So is pounce and devour are our only choices to keep being a WW?

    They added a bleed effect to all werewolf attacks and werewolf berserker's bleed effect does even more damage. They added 2 new skills (one an AOE) that do damage.
    We'll have to test it out on the PTS, but these changes might be enough to get werewolves' damage slightly better....
    ...But worth 23 skill points? That, I'm skeptical of.
    I also thought they were going to give werewolves in human form a passive stamina boost, but I didn't see that in the patch notes. That was something werewolves sorely needed and it is a shame they decided not to include it.
  • GoodOrc
    sneak peak:
    Is dsign of WW jenged? Its cind a litle bit different
    WW still runing on 4 legs in sprint!

    Thee NO human passive? In this Theme you said where will be pasive bost for human form!

    Skills work great at first look!
    Devour works, so i'm in form for a long time, wile i hawe sombody to kill =) Cool down of dewour about 5 sec its nice! But beware you still can be damadged in devour but not disterbed!

    bad ithere NO pasive thats increase stamina, nou more, cos hawe a 5 skills but dot hawe stamina for them its lame! but its good that heal for magika, its woorks butiful!
    Edited by GoodOrc on October 14, 2014 3:40PM
  • Iduyenn
    So, since the EU`s can`t actually test this, because only the NA Characters where copyied, we heavyly depend on you folks telling us, what`s going on. Testing from your side will be much apprichiated.
    I know, some time later, perhaps the EU folks get a copy of their character too. (Perhaps some of you can bite our premade characters?)

    I can see, that the developers put some real work in to this, so I want to thank them just for that.

    But there are still a few issues of whom I think capable of destroying any effort to make the Werewolf more, than a nice, very expensive gimmick.

    We need that staminabonus. Even if you think buffing stamina-builds; The Werewolf depends on that. Scaling with Weaponpower will not do it all.
    I know, as a player in TESO you shouldn’t be doomed to choose between team Edward and team Jacob. The WW don’t has to be op, but at least make up for his very short time and the extraordinary coasts of skillpoints.
    Imagine… all those skillpoints and since we cant use abilities from our normal bars (wich is fine), we give up a lot.
    Although we have a bit longer time in Werewolf, the overall damage is nothing. All that devour and selfhealing. The clock always ticking. Enemys just kiting and cc`ing us. I will be a bornout wolf.
    With all love: Is that worth 23 Skillpoints?

    Don’t get me wrong… I will be a WW no matter what… but I am very sceptical this is the right path.

    Even with pack leader from 3 wolves imagine that:

    Aetherion Archive. To the first boss you have to run. I doubt you can devour the frost giants. Then, the raid has to divide himself by 3. One guy has to go afk for 1 min and then you can hop on the switches.
    During this time, at least 5 minutes are passed. You have no ultimate and no wolf.
    I could make a thousand examples here for PVP and RP aswell.

    You say, its technical not possible to implement a toggle. But its very certain you could extend the time in Werewolf by factor x. Or stop the clock ticking while Oof.

    But… I will say nothing, since I dint test the newest build with my very own paw. Perhaps my scepticism can be threated.
  • Thechemicals
    The skill additions are terrible and lacking imagination. Healing werewolf...lawls.
    Vr14 Templar since release- dual resto
    Vr14 Dk bow/2h

    Brayan Blackthunder
    Daggerfall Covenant

  • GoodOrc
    @Iduyenn if you from UE server create new carakter and WW line will be opened! I'm fromEU and testing it!
    I think there was a problem cos loged in with old char and hawe noWW but after our of loking for NPS WW i was s ofrostrated that create new charakter for fun and imagine my eyes when I saw that WW line OPEN!

    Devour has 5 sek cooldown, and works great so far, but I think ZOS didnt anderstand that in PvP there nobody to It all Payers when saw you iting them is whenishing ressseret Enywere! so only one Yu can it is NPS! But its make game lice Rush game, you need to hory, cos your's timer kliking!

    I think Infectious Claws hawe to low damage cos it uses many stamina but hawe litle Dmg regarding to light /hawy attaks!

    I will test more, cos I like WW and I like that now I can kill 5 scorpions in Clargorn by Ww like a BOS! Now running just kill them and eat them all to hawe Full timer to next fight!

    P.S. timer is to fast, when i Figts with 3-4 mobs I NEED to hawe Devour 1 or even 2 times! (YES I use jump for +1sec morf to timer but its not enaff)

    And think maybe Fear (Roar) must be for magika Too?
    Cos heal is roar too! Why not to make ads choose what we need to masss kontroll or heal! and ataking skills left like it is from stamina!(just thinking loud)
  • draeganb16_ESO
    @GoodOrc : You are hard to understand but I appreciate your feedback about the PTS, thank you !
    You and Iduyenn are right about the timer during PvP or dungeons, there is something to do about that.... like for exemple : Stop reseting ultimate points we gained when transformation ends !

    The idea of making "supporting ability" (like roar or bounty) using magika and offensive ability (like pounce or howl) using stamina is a very good idea GoodOrc !
    Edited by draeganb16_ESO on October 14, 2014 4:22PM
    When Bloodmoon calls, Rivers turns red.
  • MorHawk
    The idea of making "supporting ability" (like roar or bounty) using magika and offensive ability (like pounce or howl) using stamina is a very good idea GoodOrc !

    Have to disagree. Every class has some kind of self-heal, and we can always roll Resto Staff if necessary. There is however still no stamina-based option unless you roll Sorc, and let's face it, who does that when they're Stamina-focused?

    Making this cost stamina would have given WWs a very unique option that would have greatly contributed to balance. That said, this could be mitigated if it scaled off the right stuff. Or made significantly worse. Wait and see I guess.
    Observant wrote: »
    I can count to potato.
    another topic that cant see past its own farts.
  • GoodOrc
    MorHawk wrote: »
    The idea of making "supporting ability" (like roar or bounty) using magika and offensive ability (like pounce or howl) using stamina is a very good idea GoodOrc !

    Have to disagree. Every class has some kind of self-heal, and we can always roll Resto Staff if necessary. There is however still no stamina-based option unless you roll Sorc, and let's face it, who does that when they're Stamina-focused?

    Making this cost stamina would have given WWs a very unique option that would have greatly contributed to balance. That said, this could be mitigated if it scaled off the right stuff. Or made significantly worse. Wait and see I guess.

    You didnt quet get WW heal alredy cost magika! WW hrl can be used only in WW for! NO bilds here! Only WW form and game play! Obout 7 hours i'm running by wolf! A hawe 2300 stamina 3000 HP and ~ 1500 magika! (its PTS charakter so its litle laim! My original charakter is more balanced and powerful, for example he hawe set that make WW transform cost 256ultimate!) but what I tolking obout that you Need only 1-2 heals per fight!(and its looks like Roar) and Scare (looks like Roar) it helps alot in fight 1WW Vs 4-5 mobs, but often you dont hawe stamina for it< becose ewen in medium armor skills cost too much!

    @draeganb16_ESO i'm very sory for my English! I weited for this changes 6 month so I can not be silent, I NEED to test it and say what I feel obout it!

    Sory if my English herting your's fellings =)
  • MorHawk
    GoodOrc wrote: »
    MorHawk wrote: »
    The idea of making "supporting ability" (like roar or bounty) using magika and offensive ability (like pounce or howl) using stamina is a very good idea GoodOrc !

    Have to disagree. Every class has some kind of self-heal, and we can always roll Resto Staff if necessary. There is however still no stamina-based option unless you roll Sorc, and let's face it, who does that when they're Stamina-focused?

    Making this cost stamina would have given WWs a very unique option that would have greatly contributed to balance. That said, this could be mitigated if it scaled off the right stuff. Or made significantly worse. Wait and see I guess.

    You didnt quet get WW heal alredy cost magika! WW hrl can be used only in WW for! NO bilds here! Only WW form and game play! Obout 7 hours i'm running by wolf! A hawe 2300 stamina 3000 HP and ~ 1500 magika! (its PTS charakter so its litle laim! My original charakter is more balanced and powerful, for example he hawe set that make WW transform cost 256ultimate!) but what I tolking obout that you Need only 1-2 heals per fight!(and its looks like Roar) and Scare (looks like Roar) it helps alot in fight 1WW Vs 4-5 mobs, but often you dont hawe stamina for it< becose ewen in medium armor skills cost too much!

    @draeganb16_ESO i'm very sory for my English! I weited for this changes 6 month so I can not be silent, I NEED to test it and say what I feel obout it!

    Sory if my English herting your's fellings =)
    Not hurting my feelings half as much as my head. :)
    The point mentioned in this and the PTS thread is that, as a spell, it will invariably scale off magicka, and magicka heals are a dime a dozen. Would have done wonders for balance to let WW have a stam selfie.
    Observant wrote: »
    I can count to potato.
    another topic that cant see past its own farts.
  • GoodOrc
    To dewelopers :
    "Claws of Life" did'nt show how much Healing I take and per what time in the discription! (0 heling per 0 seconds) LOL
    And Dewour some times did not add time to WW timer! (ot wery often, but it hapens!)
    Edited by GoodOrc on October 14, 2014 10:15PM
  • Alpin13
    Soul Shriven
    Sorry if this has been said already I read through most but not all of these 13 pages and while I agree toggle werewolf form would be great I can see where it doesn't fit into lore and imagine players sitting around town in my idea is it still cost ultimate and still has a timer but while in combat timer stops and still let's you build time onto it (up to a maximum time) and the timer only starts again when you leave combat. This would give you plenty of time for bosses and a bigger PvP fight as well as let you roam around a little for your next kill without making it a perminant transformation. Let me know what you guys think. @ZOS_GinaBruno‌ @Castle‌ is this something you guys can look into I think it would make everyone happy.
    Edited by Alpin13 on October 15, 2014 2:33PM
  • Davadin
    Changes are great. Super, even. That 15% passive is awesome. Finally some changes to increase DPS.

    But will I switch from Vamp? Hell, no. Not when Devour can still save my ass when being ganked in PvP (even when nerfed)
    GoodOrc wrote: »
    sneak peak:
    Is dsign of WW jenged? Its cind a litle bit different
    WW still runing on 4 legs in sprint!

    Thee NO human passive? In this Theme you said where will be pasive bost for human form!

    Skills work great at first look!
    Devour works, so i'm in form for a long time, wile i hawe sombody to kill =) Cool down of dewour about 5 sec its nice! But beware you still can be damadged in devour but not disterbed!

    bad ithere NO pasive thats increase stamina, nou more, cos hawe a 5 skills but dot hawe stamina for them its lame! but its good that heal for magika, its woorks butiful!

    holy ***, have you ever taken an English 101 class?
    PS: totally obvious you CAN type better than that, but you simply chose not to. I guess that's what ticking me off lol. Carry on...
    Edited by Davadin on October 15, 2014 4:06PM
    August Palatine Davadin Bloodstrake - Nord Dragon Knight - PC NA - Gray Host
    Greymoor 6.0.7 PvP : Medium 2H/SnB The Destroyer
    Dragonhold 5.2.11 PvE : Medium DW/2H The Blood Furnace
    March 2021 (too lazy to add CP) PvP: Medium DW/Bow The Stabber
  • Alpin13
    Soul Shriven
    @Davadin‌ I think he/she is trying to role play as a werewolf sluring the words its the only reason I think they could type like that.
    Edited by Alpin13 on October 15, 2014 4:23PM
  • Davadin
    Alpin13 wrote: »
    @Davadin‌ I think he/she is trying to role play as a werewolf sluring the words its the only reason I think they could type like that.

    Alright. Faith in humanity restored.

    Thanks lol
    August Palatine Davadin Bloodstrake - Nord Dragon Knight - PC NA - Gray Host
    Greymoor 6.0.7 PvP : Medium 2H/SnB The Destroyer
    Dragonhold 5.2.11 PvE : Medium DW/2H The Blood Furnace
    March 2021 (too lazy to add CP) PvP: Medium DW/Bow The Stabber
  • draeganb16_ESO
    @Davadin : Just look at his name "Goodorc", how could an Orc writes well ? (JustElvesThings) :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
    Edited by draeganb16_ESO on October 15, 2014 5:03PM
    When Bloodmoon calls, Rivers turns red.
This discussion has been closed.