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Would you play ESO if it was World PvP orientated

  • stevenbennett_ESO
    ZOS_AlanG wrote: »
    Delith wrote: »
    Too bad the justice system is coming and there's noting any of you can do to stop it.

    At QuakeCon, Paul Sage discussed the work being done on the in-development justice system, including the possibility of hunting down players who have a bounty. Only players who have chosen to participate in the activity of thievery will have a bounty on them, and be attackable, and only if you are a guard.

    While certain activities may open you up to PvP outside of Cyrodiil, we are not considering world PvP.

    My big concern here is the "chosen to participate" part. Right now, based on the Quakecon videos, it seems WAY too easy to accidentally steal something or kill an NPC. If I'm not paying particularly close attention while looting containers, I could easily miss the "Steal" flag on it. Point, "E", "R" are almost an auto-reflex right now - I barely pay attention half the time to what I'm looting. And I've long ago lost count of how many times I've accidentally triggered off an Ultimate when I miss hitting the "E" in that sequence. Either one could result in my earning a bounty by accident.

    If doing something which gets you a bounty can potentially flag you for PvP in a PvE area, then there HAS to be some mechanism where people who don't want to PvP cannot possibly flag themselves by accident. I suggest a bounty/PvP unlock somewhere - if they haven't unlocked it, they *cannot* steal or NPC-kill, even by accident.

  • WolffenBloodseeker
    ZOS_AlanG wrote: »
    Delith wrote: »
    Too bad the justice system is coming and there's noting any of you can do to stop it.

    At QuakeCon, Paul Sage discussed the work being done on the in-development justice system, including the possibility of hunting down players who have a bounty. Only players who have chosen to participate in the activity of thievery will have a bounty on them, and be attackable, and only if you are a guard.

    While certain activities may open you up to PvP outside of Cyrodiil, we are not considering world PvP.

    My big concern here is the "chosen to participate" part. Right now, based on the Quakecon videos, it seems WAY too easy to accidentally steal something or kill an NPC. If I'm not paying particularly close attention while looting containers, I could easily miss the "Steal" flag on it. Point, "E", "R" are almost an auto-reflex right now - I barely pay attention half the time to what I'm looting. And I've long ago lost count of how many times I've accidentally triggered off an Ultimate when I miss hitting the "E" in that sequence. Either one could result in my earning a bounty by accident.

    If doing something which gets you a bounty can potentially flag you for PvP in a PvE area, then there HAS to be some mechanism where people who don't want to PvP cannot possibly flag themselves by accident. I suggest a bounty/PvP unlock somewhere - if they haven't unlocked it, they *cannot* steal or NPC-kill, even by accident.

    it's simple, just like in the other TES games, if you steal something by accident, just pay the bounty (that based on the quakecon video will have the value of the items you stole, so will be prety low if you steal something by accident) and be done with it, once you have a bounty and a guard see you it will first aproach and tell you to pay the fine, if you refuse then it will start attacking, unless you attack it first i believe
  • yarnevk
    Of course if you just came from the bank or bag vendor you are broke, you will be forced into PVP, because guards are players....again there needs to be a login optin for PVP.
  • nvsg
    Yes, but only if my gear/pocessions could not be looted on death
    whoever picked no is lame seriously this is online not single player I was honestly disappointed because they didn't have open world pvp when eso wasn't even out me and some friends were talking about how cool it would be to kill someone in the woods or anything like that but sadly they put us in one part of the map which only has fields and said here you go try having fun with that. I hope they bring arenas in here that way I can show true skill instead of getting killed by 5people at once its rarely you get a 1v1 on this game its really sad I get bored of it
    Edited by nvsg on July 27, 2014 11:47PM
  • smeeprocketnub19_ESO
    I wonder if there will be a way to flag yourself as a criminal without having to have the bounty? :?.
    Dear Sister, I do not spread rumors, I create them.
  • yarnevk
    nvsg wrote: »
    whoever picked no is lame seriously this is online not single player I was honestly disappointed because they didn't have open world pvp when eso wasn't even out me and some friends were talking about how cool it would be to kill someone in the woods or anything like that but sadly they put us in one part of the map which only has fields and said here you go try having fun with that. I hope they bring arenas in here that way I can show true skill instead of getting killed by 5people at once its rarely you get a 1v1 on this game its really sad I get bored of it

    You say you hate getting trolled by 5 people at once in the same paragraph you say you wanted to hide out in the woods with your friends to kill people. So those 5 trolls was not hiding out in the wood waiting to kill people with their friends like you wanted to do? You can have want you want just ask for a Tamriel PVP login, and every PVE player will support it. Of course that does mean you will have to put up with 5x5 when both squads are hiding in the woods with their friends waiting to gank each other, but they will never show up in a Tamriel PVE game so everyone is happy. Well maybe not in the woods since this game does not have any for performance reasons. For that I suggest Wurm Online to you, it has lots of woods to hide in (unless the competing alliance cut them down for strategic reasons)

    Edited by yarnevk on July 28, 2014 2:02PM
  • Darlgon
    yarnevk wrote: »
    Of course if you just came from the bank or bag vendor you are broke, you will be forced into PVP, because guards are players....again there needs to be a login optin for PVP.

    First off, to clarify this comment, the guard in the video was an NPC, so he could accept the fine, then the player had to fight him when he did not have enough gold to pay his fine. The player guards they are talking about are players who will be able to attack those with a bounty. How they will be able to determine if a player has a bounty has not been specified. No mention of them collecting a fine and letting the criminal player go tho. Heck, even what was shown probably was specifically written FOR the Quakecon announcement and probably went no further than what was shown, with no timeline on the Justice System.

    Now, what no one has mentioned in 11 pages of forum posts..(unless I missed it)
    Not everyone wants to see the noise, flash-bang, lightning bolts, nova bombs, fiery flags or such of Player vs Player, Player Guard vs Player Criminal, or Player vs NPCs inside a town or small area like a bank or crafting hall. Frankly, its distracting and annoying. The complaints about this conduct from dueling in my previous game, took up 45 pages and took 7 years for Turbine to fix. Their solution was to make "non-sence areas" to prevent dueling from distracting players. It was far too little too late. Many of those who were complaining had left for a more responsive game developer.

    We already have people in this game running mobs thru crafting areas, putting crafters into combat and breaking them out of their crafting. ZoS calls that griefing, but this new system can be done very poorly, resulting in worse griefing, (which, sadly, ZoS is building a history of poorly implemented new things.) Sure hope I am wrong.

    Hopefully, they are still listening to the concerns listed in this thread.

    Oh, and for the person way back who mentioned the rare stuff locked in AVA, they have some dyes coming with update 3 that are locked behind AVA levels.
    Edited by Darlgon on July 28, 2014 10:44PM
    Power level to CP160 in a week:
    Where is the end game? You just played it.
    Why don't I have 300+ skill points? Because you skipped content along the way.
    Where is new content? Sigh.
  • sunluvr2ub14_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    I voted no, don't get me wrong I love PVP but not with my PVE. I don't know if anyone mentioned this but just in case no one did , let me remind Matt Firror about the Mordred server in DAoC and nuff said. Those that don't know what that is can look it up but it was always the lowest pop server because it was gankfest 24/7. I would hope Matt would not make the same mistake again.
  • Sallakat
    PVP FLAGGING!!!!!!!!11111
    I've desired that since beta. It would be consentual pvp for both/all parties involved and could happen anywhere anytime. It's beyond me why it couldn't happen.
    And screw the gear matter, I don't give a damn one way or the other. All though it would seem a bit odd to loot another player, like what would you even loot of them?
    Rebuilt - Aldmeri Dominion

    Kaia Linnea - templar
    Ruusu - sorcerer
    Aino - nightblade
  • Zubba
    Yes, but only if my gear/pocessions could be looted on death
    loot drops please
    Add PvP loot drops for some risk/reward in this game.

    Captain Morgan Society

    How'd ya feel like scraping the barncles off me rudder.. Matey..
  • TehMagnus
    Yes, but only if my gear/pocessions could not be looted on death
  • AoEnwyr
    That would completely turn me off the game. My partner and I play PvE together which is fantastic. Having d**ches come along a ruin that would make me leave the game. If you want to PvP go to the designated zone.
    Edited by AoEnwyr on July 29, 2014 11:50AM
  • smeeprocketnub19_ESO
    Here's my question, why is someone an ass or griefer just because they pvp you? Personally, I don't want to ruin peoples' days, I just want to murder people or die trying. It's certainly not personal.
    Dear Sister, I do not spread rumors, I create them.
  • TehMagnus
    Yes, but only if my gear/pocessions could not be looted on death
    Here's my question, why is someone an ass or griefer just because they pvp you? Personally, I don't want to ruin peoples' days, I just want to murder people or die trying. It's certainly not personal.

    Because to those people, all PVP players are probably mean fat kids living in their mother's basement who take large amounts of pleasure when they destroy the fun and pure experience of innocent players.


  • CatLover53
    Soul Shriven
    no no and no.
    at least you can wander around unharmed as it is now, although the mobs, no matter which level, aggro you. which is one of the reasons I quit, anyway.
  • Cyberdown
    not gonna vote here but...

    the game would have to be re-written to allow for open world pvp. I think they could have made it work...but again would at this point require far too much work...

    yes I would love to go anywhere, any factions lands...and pvp...even if it was consensual where the enemy would have to be either flagged or in a special pvp npc guild.
  • epoling
    Here's my question, why is someone an ass or griefer just because they pvp you? Personally, I don't want to ruin peoples' days, I just want to murder people or die trying. It's certainly not personal.

    And you honestly see nothing wrong with that line of thinking? "I just want to murder people or die trying." People wonder why folks think of PvP players as psychopaths and sociopaths. This would be it. You are a griefer because you get a kick out of murdering people. Most people in a PvE game find being murdered a big annoyance.
  • Nox_Aeterna
    Here's my question, why is someone an ass or griefer just because they pvp you? Personally, I don't want to ruin peoples' days, I just want to murder people or die trying. It's certainly not personal.

    Because we dont want to PvP with you , that simple.

    PvP players want to kill one another , that is fine , reason we have cyrodiil , people there want to kill one another.

    PvE players dont want to fight other players at all , when you force them to fight you in open world PvP , that is your side forcing them to play like you want them to.

    Granted the devs in ESO are not insane , so the "world PvP" is limited to the justice system and even then we are not sure how much of it will involve PvP , since we have not seem it working yet.

    If open world PvP was not such an issue to so many players , other themepark MMOs would not have multiple full PvE servers where players go to avoid it entirely.
    "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."
    -Hanlon's razor
  • Lalai
    Voted no. There have been games I've played that had open world, always on PvP (Ultima Online, Shadowbane, and I played on a PvP server for World of Warcraft, and I'll likely play Archeage upon release).. in Ultima and Shadowbane, I liked it a lot. It fit that style of game. In World of Warcraft, not so much. It felt as if it were kinda slapped on. I don't think it would work with ESO. It just doesn't fit the universe to me, or with how I play this game. Not every game is going to be automatically better just because PvP is allowed in all places.

    I don't have a problem with the Justice system. That seems a more proper way to get world PvP to happen, but not go outside of the TES feel. I'm expecting lots of kinks that will need to be worked out, but ultimately a Justice system just seems the better fit.
    Fisher extraordinaire!
    Send me your worms, crawlers, guts, and insect parts.
    Templar Healer
    Daggerfall Covenant, NA
  • DieAlteHexe
    Here's my question, why is someone an ass or griefer just because they pvp you? Personally, I don't want to ruin peoples' days, I just want to murder people or die trying. It's certainly not personal.

    Because "you" are forcing "them" to play in a way they don't want to. No one particularly likes that. If someone is a hardcore PvEer and they get ganked, it is generally not in their plans so, yeah, tends to make them a bit unhappy.

    Kind of like being forced into "carebear" mode for an indeterminate period of time would likely annoy you.

    To each their own and wise developers have sussed this out. It's generally a completely different mindset (PvPers vs. PvEers) and rarely will there be a meeting of the minds. When it gets really dicey is when either faction tries to force their particular gaming style on others. No one likes that.

    Dirty, filthy casual aka Nancy, the Wallet Warrior Carebear Potato Whale Snowflake
  • GnatB
    Enkil wrote: »
    It's quite easy to satisfy both tastes.. why do people try to fight each other about this concept?

    Is it, is it really easy to satisfy both tastes? Ok, PvE folks, shout out if your characters abilities haven't ever been negatively modified for purely PvP reasons.


    Yeah, PvP folks will always be complaining about class imbalances that don't affect the PvE folks, and the PvE folks will suffer for it. They'll also always be complaining about better developed characters roflstomping them, which is of course fundamentally true since it's an RPG.

    I still don't understand how other PvP folks, (other than griefers) will *ever* be truely happy with PvP in an RPG, unless they remove pretty much everything that makes it an RPG. In which case they may as well just buy/play a fantasy themed CoD instead of the neutered RPG.

    (Seriously, why *isn't* there a fantasy themed Battlefield? Can you imagine? Riding a Dragon around in aerial combat (think DragonLance), Catapults/balista/landbound Dragons/warcats/horses/etc. for "tanks" and other combat vehicles, priests for medics, mages for engineers, archers for snipers, swordsmen for assault specialists, etc. It would be *sooo* much better than the junk that is PvP crammed into an MMORPG.)
    Achievements Suck
  • GnatB
    yarnevk wrote: »
    Of course if you just came from the bank or bag vendor you are broke, you will be forced into PVP, because guards are players....again there needs to be a login optin for PVP.

    It's unclear that player guards can actually initiate an arrest. From what I've been able to determine, it seems like player guards are more bounty hunters than guards.
    nvsg wrote: »
    I hope they bring arenas in here that way I can show true skill instead of getting killed by 5people at once its rarely you get a 1v1 on this game its really sad I get bored of it
    This is supposed to be an RPG. It should NEVER be about *your* true skill. (unless, I guess, you're referring to your skill at grinding/getting good loot) That's pretty much the core concept of the RPG genre. If you want to win via your true skill, I'd recommend CoD, Battlefield, Soul Caliber, etc. etc. IMO it sounds like you're playing the wrong genre.

    Achievements Suck
  • Khami
    For all of those saying that it would ruin immersion, did you forget that all of Tamriel is filled with 3 warring factions, 4 if you count the following of Molag Bal?

    While that may be, where do any factions share the same zone while leveling 1-50? It doesn't happened until you get to Coldharbour and then again Craglorn.

    How do you have cross faction PvP outside of Cryodiil without major changes to the game?

  • Beedles
    I voted NO only because of all the hacks/exploits that would make a ruling class of griefers as there are right now in pvp as it is
  • smeeprocketnub19_ESO
    God you guys are entitled. At no point will you be forced to pvp. Personally, if that were the case, I would not discriminate in that regards either and would kill anyone, as stated, or die trying that I didn't have some sort of alliance with.

    This system isn't going to make that happen though. This isn't just about you and your needs. Some of you are complaining that you would have to be in the vicinity of the fighting. For the love of god, get over yourselves. You share this game with other players, many of whom are pvp'rs. Cyrodiil is certainly busy enough to support there being a firm faction of players that like player violence.

    Not only are the same people here furious at the suggestion that only people with tyro rank or above (a very low req title) get access to the imperial city, they are furious that pvp might happen around them in other places. Next you'll complain about the idea of there being pvp INSIDE the imperial city because it ruins your pve experience there.

    So what you are saying is you want everything the pvp'rs get, but they don't get any pieces of your personal pie.

    [Moderator Note: Edited per our rules on Rude and Insulting Comments]
    Edited by ZOS_UlyssesW on July 29, 2014 7:46PM
    Dear Sister, I do not spread rumors, I create them.
  • Vizier
    Yes, but only if my gear/pocessions could not be looted on death
    PVP- Bring it. Game will be WAY better with danger lurking behind every tree.

    to the QQ. Don't steal. Don't murder. Don't pillage townships and cities. You'll have nothing to worry about. And IF YOU DO... keep 5-10 gp on you to pay the guards. It really doesn't look like it's going to be difficult to pay your bounties.

    Good grief. This thread has more drama it it than the actual Opened PvP will bring. lols.
  • Grayaxeb14_ESO
    Well my vote was no, with regards to the question asked. Sorry my wife and I play to have fun and just run around. We don't want to be minding our own business and someone stealth kill us, just because they can. Plus I really suck at 1v1 pvp lol, I enjoy group pvp in Cryodiil though.

    Now if we're talking about the justice system, I'm fine with the idea of it. It's hard to say more since no one knows how it will be implemented.
    Edited by Grayaxeb14_ESO on July 29, 2014 7:43PM
  • Xnemesis
    This would require you to murder your own faction so no. At no point in the game do you quest with other factions so this just seems ***. However if they do put in a multi faction zone then sure pvp would work... oh wait that's what Cyrodill is...
  • Tannakaobi
    Yes, but only if my gear/pocessions could not be looted on death
    magnusnet wrote: »
    Here's my question, why is someone an ass or griefer just because they pvp you? Personally, I don't want to ruin peoples' days, I just want to murder people or die trying. It's certainly not personal.

    Because to those people, all PVP players are probably mean fat kids living in their mother's basement who take large amounts of pleasure when they destroy the fun and pure experience of innocent players.


    Have you watched that episode?

    The fat kids living in their mother's basement become that way because they are on a mission to rescue the world of warcraft from a PVP exploiter, dedicated to preserving a fair environment for everyone to enjoy the game. They are the heroes... so to speak.

    Oh my god! IT'S THE END OF THE WORLD....of warcraft.

    Awesome episode.
  • Elencha
    As much I don't prefer a PvP free-for-all in what have hitherto been PvE areas, I have to agree with Smeep. Do I want to be forced to PvP, absolutely not, and I'd be livid to be forced into that situation since it shows an unnecessary lack of consideration for my playstyle. However, to object on the basis of "...but I might have to see it happen near me," shows an equally unnecessary lack of consideration for their playstyle. We can coexist, contrary to what some here seem to think. Are the pets and AoE spells in enclosed and inappropriate places annoying as all get out, yes. But as I've said before, they are the cost of playing in a world with other people. They are having fun, and it isn't actually hurting us to witness it. it's a minor nuisance.

    In short, in order to expect respect and consideration, we have to give it.
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