Bleakraven wrote: »Researching set/quest reward visuals and using them with Master Crafter would be great too. Oh I really do hope they implement this. And craftable skirts. And NPC (not major lore char) clothes. I just wanna look like a blacksmith with the red shirt and the black apron
CirithValaria wrote: »It's all about variety, customization and creating something unique.
At the moment people really look the same...
CirithValaria wrote: »@AlexDougherty
Sorry for my misleading words...didn't mean that veteran armors look all the same which they don't (like you said), but rather that most people tend to use the same ones (breton, imperial and daedric) for whatever reasons...
And yes I know that even after Master Crafter people would use those, but I bet (hope) there would be much more variations running around.
And ofc with dyes (which I sort by hue, don't care about rarity) one with creative imagination can do wonders
By all means I'm not complaining that people look the same, I don't care that much how anyone looks as long as I can look the way I want. I'm just hoping to get (and offering a easy way to implement) more customization available for all of us.
EDIT: I enjoy seeing creative people in-game and this is a great way to feed those people.
CirithValaria wrote: »Today I made a mule character and decided to loot few racks to get at least something on him.
I've never really looted those racks before, because I usually craft all I need.
Anyways I got lvl 3 Dunmer light armor chest and epaulets, but for my huge surprise they had Cotton (lvl 26-35) model.
Let's play with the idea...
"Master Crafter could work this way also.
Basically if you meet the requirements of a Master Crafter; you can craft gear using any material model that you have already unlocked.
Why not if ZOS thinks it's okey that way too!"
Personally I like it to be so that you can't choose a model above the material lvl you are crafting (this is the original idea).
BUT (the point is)
Zos made baby gear look like adult gear... so why can't we craft the opposite
I recently found a destro staff that uses the model with the cow skull on it, this isn't craftable so I grabbed it to give my character a unique "thing" about him.
CirithValaria wrote: »@Beega
Yes it surely would. Do you have any specific favorite weapon/armor models?