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The Road Ahead - July 8, 2014

  • grimslayer69
    Soul Shriven
    tengri wrote: »
    I want a toggle to globally ignore all armor dyes.

    Pure client-side, just for me - I dont want to see frogs with blue ears, pink shoes and yellow teeth walking around in my game because they think "it's cool" or "looks awesome".
    Of course they can see it on their own client as they please if they want - but I do not want to see that and I dont want it forced onto me.

    That is a really great idea... Maybe even expand on that a bit further and be able to ignore the die of toons you select much the same way you ignore their chat so only really horribly offensive choices are affected.
  • reagen_lionel
    I actually dont mind the wide range of colors. The ones that do use the overly vibrant colors are just ones of bad taste and it wouldnt look bad for everyone.

    The colors arent the problem its the people who would wear them and on what that is more of the problem. I think having the option of having a wide range of color options are great.
  • tordr86b16_ESO
    now i don't want armor dyes due to those pictures.
  • ChuckyPayne
    Ty, ty. Really looking forward! :)

    I'm glad these changes but would like to see others. After three months I'm thinking what can I do? I'm looking for new goals. It is increasingly difficult to find new pursuits.

    I'll be happy to see something like that in the game:

    Daily/Weekly/Monthly quests/tasks:
    - Mages Guild, Fighters Guild, Undaunted give us tasks (kill bosses, finish dark anchors, finish dungeons, kill a boss in dungeon, etc), we do it, we get cool rewards and reputation, unlock new things.
    - Craglorn daily quests are not interested in, quests for exp? Maybe good idea, but I'm not motivated.
    Sets and craft:
    - Collecting sets? I'm not motivated. After u have an acceptable sets, u're done with your gear. But if, u can learn and unlock the sets (all of them in the game), and craft again that would be an amazing motivation (collect all sets in your account :))
    New craft options:
    - Change trait
    - Extract glyph
    - Level up your gear. For example you have a good set at V1, but you can do level up your gear to V12. (with very rare materials/tools that u can get as reward for dailies/weeklies...)
    - Some of the achievements could account based. (More motivation to play with alt characters)
    - PvP ranks and skill unlocks would be good to account-wide. I am not a pvp player, really dont like killing each others. I like PvE challenges only, but I am not happy because, I must do PvP and unlock 'Barrier'. Why?, because 'Barrier' need to finish PvE content Tials? Really?! :S Ok I can accept it, if I do it at once and I unlocked 'Barrier' with all character. I don't want to PvP and collect 'Barrier' with all character, no way.
    - Recipies, motifs could be accoud-wide too.
    - Mounts could be account-wide too.
    - Give us more reasons to repeat its.

    I like collect goods, unlock things. For example
    - Housing (collect trophies into house)
    - Unlock/collect sets, Unlock/collect skins (Wardrobe?)

    I would like to see more of these in the game.
  • kedz54
    My two take aways:

    1.If I understand the ultimate change correctly, they are going to sclike thatale based on whatever your primary attack method is. So, if your spell damage is higher they will use that and vice-verse. If my understanding is correct, this is a very good thing. I wonder if they are going to adjust the crit as well to be based on whichever is higher?

    2. Hopefully this new veteran system won't have to be redone by those that are already V12. I'd rather stay max level, rather than redoing it because a few people are unhappy. The possibility of me having to redo the new veteran experience aside, the changes look good to me.

    3. Auction system looks good to me. Now I can ditch my trading guilds and actually get to join a decent PVP or PVE guild.

    4. Meh to guild tabard. I hated those in GW2 because some guilds wanted to force their members to wear it. They will likely be lame and I probably will not wear it unless it gives me some kind of active boost.

    5. I am looking forward to any changes that occur for the Templar. It is about time that they noticed that, other than the 1-2 outliers that are going to flame me saying that their Templar dps is over 9001 and doesn't need any help, Templar PVE dps is extremely sub-par compared to all other classes in the game.

    Also, Templar abilities tend to cost my resources than anyone elses. There are some good Templar tanks out there, but regardless, they are are at an immediate disadvantage to other tanks thanks to no reliable aoe hard cc. Compared to the somewhat excessive Syrabanes synergy + Green Dragon Blood for DKs, Templar resource management is pitiful. DKs can spam reflect as much as they want and it returns magicka on to of that, but they feel the need to disable my magicka regen when I use blazing shield.

    Sorcs can spam teleport across the map as much as they want with no delay, but ZOS felt the need to first add a delay to biting jabs and then revert that and increase the resource cost of it(note, I do not use biting jabs as primary dps, I am just pointing out the idea that someone at some point at ZOS thought that biting jabs needed a delay but an instant teleport doesn't.)

    6. For a mega super duper guild extravaganza update, what I read seems pretty sparse as far as a guild update goes. Everything there is very good, but I was expecting a bit more.

    I actually can't spam Bolt Escape across a map unless I want to have zero magicka. It's completely worthless to use it like that.
    Dunmer Sorcerer
  • kedz54
    JFC some of you are entitled on a level I've never seen. Never happy about anything. "They didn't talk specifically about my issue! FU ZoS! Uninstalling!" What a bunch of wargharble. Welcome to life. It doesn't always work how you'd want it.
    Dunmer Sorcerer
  • gorant1313ub17_ESO
    Maybe an actual nerf to DK's since their survivability is ridiculous considering the damage output...?
    Leader of Team Excision
    V12 NB Arainai
    V12 Sorc Alma Mobley
    "You can't fix stupid" - Rosa Parks
  • kelly.medleyb14_ESO
    " Make sure the difficulty in Veteran zones ramps up slowly and rarely exceeds what a good player can do on their own."

    Are you sure you are listening to the right people? I soloed Vet content easily even on my gimped NB... you are going the way wrong direction here.

    level 30-50 difficulty needs to be increased greatly.

    Also you speak of time/risk vs reward which is good but do you know what that really means? As is there is little to no actual vertical progression in game.
    Ultimates charging off of Stamina as well as Magicka is a good start.

    To really equal Magicka builds, though, you're going to have to add weapon ultimates, reduce the cost of dodge rolling and increase the damage of weapon powers across the board.

    Unfortunately, it sounds like Stamina builds are a long way off from parity.

    ^ ^ ^ this x10 you are going off on weird gimicky directions instead of even acknowledging these severe issues. Make it so 5 piece leather decreases CC breaking costs by 75%. Stamina soft cap needs to be raised by a lot or make stamina contribute much more to physical damage. Just getting in melee range is a chore with all of these other downfalls no one serious plays melee. Everyone is resto/destro s/b. Fix it already people patience is running out fast on this subject.
    Edited by kelly.medleyb14_ESO on July 9, 2014 6:36AM
  • murtugo
    i love what i am seeing for the future... i just hope you can implement these with minimum amount of bug.
  • Kayyden
    Soul Shriven
    Honestly I'd rather see hard fixes and updates. The aesthetic side of things is great and all but shouldn't that come later?
  • Darkonflare15
    The issues that have peeved me off the most is the lack of mats you can use to upgrade at ever level....one can not upgrade any weapons or armor trying to extract from items or resources. Blah-blah about economy is the pat reply but because resources are so rare..you have to pay huge amounts of time and gold to buy mats. Armor mats and Wood working mats should be as easy to get as food mats...it is not.

    I have maxed out Provisioning and it should be the same for all the other profession. I stopped doing enchanting because there is no list of items you can make or what you have learned so far...It is always a guessing game. Lack of information is also making this game way to hard to figure out.
    Dude it s not that hard to level up wood and armor. You find a lot armor and wooden weapons in the game to raise your rank pretty fast if out exploring dungeons. Also they have made it easier to level enchanting now because you can find more glyphs from loot now and the glyphs extract at the same pace as the other crafting skills other provisioning. Plus Provisioning is easy to level up but it is hard to find recipes of use while the other crafting skills pretty much can level skill with level progressions. If you play the game naturally its not that hard plus you do not want to level your skill as fast because it would not be as challenging.
  • fromtesonlineb16_ESO
    [*] Heraldry: guild leaders can design guild heraldry for their guilds if they have 10 or more members.
    Please drop this stupid minimum number of members, I'm sure there are MANY small family-sized guilds who you're locking out of even fluff content like this. let alone important features like the bank.

    Stop forcing people to join anonymous guilds for this stuff!

    You perverted the entire concept of guilds as social groupings when you created a guild-only economy, so stop suggesting most guilds exist for anything other than a poor substitute for an AH.

    Cosmetic stuff like this are far more likely to appeal to guilds who you're locking out from accessing it.
    Edited by fromtesonlineb16_ESO on July 9, 2014 6:40AM
  • themizario
    So how much of this is actually coming with update 3 and what is going to be later down the "soon™" pipeline gina?
    You'll find out soon! :trollface:

    Hahaha, :trollface: didn't even know it was possible for that
  • Quintal
    @ZOS_GinaBruno Could you tell the ''dye'' team to adjust the brightness so that colors would be darker (like those middle screenshots) and not like those at the bottom?
    ''Subscription fee means that we will offer players the game we set out to make, and the one that fans want to play. Going with any other model meant that we would have to make sacrifices and changes we weren't willing to make.''
    -Matt Firor
    Nick Konkle no longer part of ZOS
    Maria Aliprando no longer part of ZOS
    Paul Sage no longer part of ZOS
  • VVolfsong
    Soul Shriven
    I don't believe any amount of number adjustments will be enough to save the werewolf. Sure, you could eventually get it to a state that was balanced (though it would take forever if you're only going to make changes in small increments), but that still wouldn't make it any fun to use. Basic attacks alone as your main method of dealing damage isn't fun, it needs access to more skills; either a full set of its own, or it needs to be opened up to allow the use of skills from other skill lines.

    Quoting these two posts from earlier in the thread because they deserve to be read again:
    Oberon wrote: »
    May receive? Do you honestly think that werewolves are at all useful (in any way whatsoever) right now?

    Werewolves. Are. Useless. Even if the ultimate cost was reduced to zero and could be kept up forever it would still be a terrible choice by the player. Werewolves even in wolf form represent a very significant drop in dps and survivability. This is a simple mathematical fact of life in game.

    There is currently no reason at all to be a werewolf. None.
    The design of a werewolf in ESO just feels off, since you have to spend skill points to improve abilities that only apply when in werewolf form, and the method of getting to use those skill points consumes your Ultimate slot and requires a longer buildup than most (all?) of the alternatives. From a basic gameplay standpoint, you are spending skill points that only apply in an extremely conditional manner, meaning that for the majority of your time you will have less functioning skill points, no Ultimate, and an increased poison vulnerability at no benefit whatsoever.

    There is a problem when the best use of a Skill Line is to get it removed from your character.

  • Jarnhand
    Well good to know Zenimax do not care about many of the Nightblade skills are buged, or broken. No need to hold my breath then.

    Here is a list, but it has not been updated for weeks (says something doesnt it). Some bugs are fixed, others are not on the list, some are serious bugs (for example bugs with Killers Blade that is not listed, the magica/health gain from kill works on random).

    And no I am not asking for buffing of NBs, NBs want the buged skills to GET FIXED! Is that so much to ask for!?!

    Fan sites/forums are dead or dying, people have left in droves. Things need to change, or it is just going one way...

    Zenimax got a horribly bad customer support, I have never ever been contacted on any of my tickets, not in beta not in 'payed beta'. Yes, based on the state of this game, we are in beta, and we are paying for it. And I find no list anywhere about my tickets, simply put horrible CS system.

    The game got so many bugs, problems, cheats/hacks/exploits that Zenimax let goes on for weeks on end. The gold farmers left ship weeks ago, they see no future in it.

    I have used A LOT of time in this game, but my patience is getting VERY thin. A certain other game is going into alpha next month (which can be entered for supporters), and maybe I should put my money there, they at least are 100% focused on RvR. And do not have a large crowd of people coming from a line of PvE games that have no clue about game balance in a PvP game, that whine and moan every time a OP skill is balanced.

    When I read this 'letter' yesterday, I saw no interesting news, nothing that gave me hope for this game. Sure it will live on, but will have a very reduced player base (especially after that other game goes into open beta and live, then its bye bye for the PvPers that have stayed that long), and may well go F2P in 2015, with a cash shop system. Or it goes into stagnate mode, due to too little funding.

    Zenimax could have done a few things, and this game could have gone from beta state, to a super game:
    - beat down on exploiters/hackers/cheaters HARD! I am talking from a couple days ban, to perma account bans for repeaters. as it is now in reality, Zenimax do not care, people exploit over and over, and cheaters do not fear at all to get punished, because they know Zenimax do nothing
    - Zenimax need to go out publicly and make a statement about beating down on exploiters, then change their attitude and start baning, or this game will be remembered for the MMO where cheating and exploiting were ok
    - serious exploits/bugs beed to be fixed ASAP, read; in 1-3 days, messages/warning need to be sent out live on servers, and people exploiting it, punished
    - FULL focus on fixing bugs, any new content on hold until class/quest bugs are fixed (main focus on skills and quest bugs)
    - get a better CS system, list of all posted tickets, with status, and actual live GMs that bother helping (yes this costs money, but you need to pay to stay alive in this business, you cannot just skim the milk)
    - class balance! still huge imbalances, broken/buged skills. you see the same classes steamrolling whole groups in PvP all day long, and many are getting seriously tired of it (there are also exploits/bugs that lead to unbreakable CC)
    - the guild stores do have beta state functionality, need to get better functionality fast (searches are non-existant)
    - earlier about 30% of my play time was used to organize items, a little less now due to less PvE and more PvP. the vault/inventory situation is bad, plain horrible. I have all 8 slots used, 2 played toons, other 6 are mules, and this is after I have used maybe 150 000 gold on more space. I play to have fun, not work.
    - dead campaigns leading to emperor farming, huge dramas are going on, and it ruin while guilds as we speak
    - former emperor bonuses needs to be looked into. in a few months there will be a lot more people with this status due to emperor farming going on on many servers. group up a few of these, and they can take keeps, or steamroll whole sergs = broken/boring/people give up/rage-cancel/leave
    - stop all but PvP costumes from being able to be used in Cyrodiil, people running around looking like peasants = stupid. On a certain euro server whole guilds were doing this = laughable (in a bad way)
    - balance out armors and weapon lines, this game has turned into Elder Caster Vampires Online = boring and bland

    Love the game, but patience is getting thin, and turning into a love/hate relationship if things arent done soon. And PvPers like me are looking to that certain other game, and if Zenimax really want to keep the PvPers, things need to be done...now!

    But by all means, lets jump of joy due to more helly kitty fluffy colors and costumes, because THAT make people continue to pay for the game....sure is...
  • Ghenra
    The worst of this Road Ahead is the 0 mention to improve the PvP. Duels, Imperial City, rewards system, real pvp ranks, etc. Nothing, I think this game needs more love for the PvP aspects, Cyrodiil is the real high end of TESO, where each night happens diferent situations, diferent combats, diferent wars, definetly, is the only real dinamic zone of Tamriel.

    Then I ask, why ZOS not improve this zone in each megapatch? PvE is boring and repetitive, we want more war!
  • Laura
    RazielSR wrote: »
    PLEASE...This can't be happening...that colours are HORRIBLE!!!

    THIS IS ELDER SCROLLS!!!! WHAT ARE YOU GONNA DO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?????

    Seriously, sorry for the caps, but this can't be real. This is gonna absolutely destroy the TES franchise seriousness. I understand you should add new colour possibilites, but cmon that pinks and blues!!! NO PLEASE NO!!!!!


    The rest of the letter is great. Anyway, could you please let us know if when you talk about the changes in phase 2 and 3...one can think that is better to park your pre-veteran char until this happens? Is there gonna be some changes about the story or some new quests in the other faction zones?

    I couldn't agree more.

    Does anyone else find it a little disturbing that there contest was to make super heroes? instead of maybe famous fantasy figures. I don't know it just seems like the devs are way off base with this one. I wonder if they have ever played an ES game or just gave up on making it elder scrolls. Almost like they are encouraging people to break "immersion" something they have tooted for over a year now. I think if you were going to hack and slash the UI and addons in the name of immersion you had to of known a bunch of captain planets, scorpions, and power rangers running around would break it even more... right? right?

    I just showed those screenshots to my ES friends and I think they died a little inside, so much for ever seeing them again if that goes live even if it goes free to play. You almost had them won back with some of the changes coming out.

    come on I am even taking @RazielSR 's side for once. We NEVER agree on ANYTHING and we agree with this.

    it really is completely surreal to me seeing this in an ES game.
    Edited by Laura on July 9, 2014 8:04AM
  • Delte
    I am not exactly happy with the changes to the veteran leveling experience as I was hoping for a much harder time than I have had 1 -50. I also feel this is going backwards due to the complaints from a lot of players saying there was hardly any group content for pve players.

    I welcome the armour dyes, but wonder how we will get them or make them? Are they tied to alchemy for the players to make or via merchants/drops from mobs?
    Personally I would like to see them player crafted either through Provision or Alchemy. With new loot drops from mobs for the ingredients and collectable nodes, or even have those worms and crawlers we find in the alchemy nodes be useful other than for bait in fishing or cooking ingredients.
  • frankuguzzb16_ESO
    Ghenra wrote: »
    The worst of this Road Ahead is the 0 mention to improve the PvP. Duels, Imperial City, rewards system, real pvp ranks, etc. Nothing, I think this game needs more love for the PvP aspects, Cyrodiil is the real high end of TESO, where each night happens diferent situations, diferent combats, diferent wars, definetly, is the only real dinamic zone of Tamriel.

    Then I ask, why ZOS not improve this zone in each megapatch? PvE is boring and repetitive, we want more war!

    The reason is that PvE, NOW, is boring. If they start adding a real endgame+customisation+repeteable tasks...it won't be boring anymore!
  • Prospero_ESO
    And of course no word about the fps desaster in Cyrodiil, no explanation, no excuse, no compensation, nothing. Just the usual arrogance ZOS is showing.
    Edited by Prospero_ESO on July 9, 2014 8:22AM
  • gaearon
    Soul Shriven
    I'm glad you're revisiting the veteran system but please do not let people dabble with such dreadful colours! You'll degenerate the Elder Scrolls experience to something akin to Guild Wars, and that's not a good thing.
    Edited by gaearon on July 9, 2014 8:27AM
  • Auldjohn
    @Prospero_ESO‌ ,

    The FPS issue is being addressed in a separate thread, not in The Road Ahead. To use an analogy, Matt Firor's article is the map, not the territory.

    Both ZOS_MichelleA and ZOS_JessicaFolsom have provided details about two hotfixes for the FPS drop issues. A number of players find the second (July 7th / 8th) hotfix remedied or dramatically improved FPS. Other players have lesser improvement or still have FPS drop after extended game play.

    You can be part of the solution by providing specifics about your experience with FPS drops here (link)--» New Performance (FPS) Issues Hotfix
    Edited by Auldjohn on July 9, 2014 8:34AM
    @AuldjohnThe Elder Sages' GuildMaster Sage & Co-Founderfacebook.com/groups/theeldersagesguild
    "Old gamers never die; they just respawn and game on!" • Our Slogan: Have Fun!!

    Moot Envoy • Tamriel Foundry Adept • Steam ID Auldjohn
    YouTube auldjohnmastersage • Twitch AuldjohnPCGamer• Steam Group TESGs
  • Almariel
    I hoped so much, that the guild heraldry would be a basic Feature of the guild System. 10 accounts to being able to use it? ..Unobtainable for our Little (and exclusive) AvA Guild.. No Bank for small guilds: okay, no guild store: well, no Heraldry: makes me sad.

    But I cant await the dyeing System.

    Edited by Almariel on July 9, 2014 8:35AM
    @Sevryiel - daheim auf dem PC-EU Server
  • Cogo

    Itemization and Rewards

    One of the most fun reasons to play games like ESO is to obtain cool weapons, armor, and other gear through the course of your adventures. We’ve been closely following commentary about how, at some points in the game, it feels like you aren’t being rewarded adequately for the amount of effort you put in. I’ve already talked above about how we’re looking to alleviate this at Veteran Ranks, but it also applies to some sections of the 1-50 experience.

    Armor dyes, which will be in the game as part of Update 3, will help by giving you the ability to customize gear colors to your tastes, but we’re also going to introduce some new itemization features over the next couple of updates:
    • New armor sets that are visually distinct from others.
    • A new system that makes it easier to find complete sets in-game.
    • Item rewards will be handed out in a more logical fashion by quests and enemy drops.


    Great and awesome to see ESO evolving as planned, in good pace with minor changes/addition based on players!!! ESO still keeps the Elder Scrolls theme and offers new things too all player groups!
    This makes ESO even more valuable for me!

    I hope the new Veteran system will make Veteran REAL Veterans....and not just even more easier to level. There HAS to be a reason why you are a VETERAN. A harder and more dangerous world must be for veteran players?

    Keep it up!!! Looking forward for the next coming months!

    Few questions:
    A new system that makes it easier to find complete sets in-game.

    1. Will this make crafters less useful (only regarding creating sets, not future additions) in completing sets for other players?

    Reason for this question, is for crafters and trade. And the interaction we have among players looking for sets. I have sold several set pieces in zone chat. Some buyers have become my friends.

    2. Will "sets" become the new gear and weapons? Or will "normal" gear/weapon be just as good as today, but lacking the set, which of course means less power, but fully capable to use in all kinds of encounters?

    Reason for this question is my concern that groups and raids for the harder encounters and even some instanced dungeons, will requires a specific Set or you are not allowed to join. Just like problem we have today with specific "builds" and Gear are not allowed to join these events.

    Note: The problem with "builds" is solved already in my view, by Zenimax constant balancing. It takes time, but that only equals quality for me.
    Item rewards will be handed out in a more logical fashion by quests and enemy drops.

    3. This is a BIG concern about what is a "logical" item drop?

    Reason for my concern here. How will the item rewards be "logical" to several player groups and builds that ESO offers?

    Logical items, differs depending on your type of player and choice of build.
    * Elite PvE raid player: Any upgrade of any sort is logical for this group.
    * Roleplayers: Logical item drops depends heavily on what suits their build, not "upgrade"
    * Casual players: Upgrade for a casual player is very different, depending on their chosen build. Their "build" may not be "the best" or even make sense, but it is their "build" and what they choose.
    * Solo type players and group type players: Both builds and "logical" items drops are VERY different between these groups.
    * Different "build" players. Players who have several "builds" with gear in their bags. How will the system know what is logical for them?
    * PvP players - This is NOT solved in ANY MMO. But still, "logical" drops very A LOT among PvP, and it should to make PvP balanced.
    PvPers do not want only Nightblades in heavy armor, using 2H weapons, 1 set of gear and one Ultimate. They want different setups for different PvP reasons.

    4. Since "choose your way" which many different kinds of builds is getting solved over time by balancing. Will not GEAR be the new problem regarding what "best build" is?

    Conclusion for my questions and concerns

    ESOs "Choose your way", does not mean every way is equality powerful.
    My concern is, to create 4-8 "builds" and very few options of "best gear" for all groups. NOT counting Elite raiders that SHOULD get the best gear, by defeating the hardest encounters in game.
    Edited by Cogo on July 9, 2014 9:28AM
    Oghur Hatemachine, Guild leader of The Nephilim - EU Megaserver
    Orc Weapon Specialist and Warchief of the Ebonheart Pact - Trueflame Cyrodiil War Campaign
    Guildsite: The Nephilim

    "I don't agree with what you are saying, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it"

    "My build? Improvise, overcome and adapt!"
  • Whitman
    Soul Shriven
    Veteran Rank System
    We’ve been listening to your feedback about ESO’s Veteran Rank content. Some of the issues are that it’s too much of a departure from the 1-50 experience, it’s much more “grindy,” it can be too difficult, and the rewards don’t match the effort you have to put in to progress.
    Not to my feedback. The problem isn't that Cyrodiil is hard, the problem is that the real game (i.e. pre-PvP) is mind-numbingly easy to solo. And no, the rewards don't match the effort when trash mobs drop purple gear and bosses drop 5gp.
    Update 3 and Guild Enhancements
    Few features are more important to ESO than guilds. They provide the easiest and most fun way to meet new people, chat with groups while you’re playing,
    How about introducing a chat interface that feels less like texting on your grand parent's telephone? The 'one window-only' policy means that we players have no way to be alerted to important events in one chat, when we are busy in another. That is not helping us meet new people and chat with groups, it just means that we look what the others are doing and tag along, or lead on and pray the others follow. Strategy discussions for the three or four complex fights in the lower levels are held in Ventrilo or not at all, killing any chance of building friendships and learning from each other.
    Allow us to choose and scale chat windows as we see fit. Everybody has their own needs and preferences, and by making it hard to chat, you just, you know, limit chat, which seems an odd design decision in a social game.
    Oh, and if the content were less easy, maybe we'd have a reason to group as well.
    Class Builds and Balance
    If I've learned one thing in the 15 years I've played MMOs, it is that this is a fight you cannot win. You will always have a very vocal minority (a group to which I guess I now belong) screaming and crying that Class X, Build Y is ABSOLUTELY WORTHLESS OMGWTFWANKORZYOUBROKEEVERYTHING.

    Ignore them. Play the game yourself. ask test players you can relate to to play the different classes for you and change things behind the scenes. Don't feed the trolls by telling them that you are increasing Ability Z by 1.05% DPS per mana spent or temporarily removing Power P from the game, because by doing that, you appear to agree with the crybabies, who will be back next week with more 'demands' for 'fixes'. It is endless!

    That said: why would any sane person be guilded with vampires and werewolves? Getting a bite should mean instant deguilding and permament ban (once discovered) from any human settlement, anywhere, plus a bounty placed on their head so that humans can hunt them. Now THAT would be fun.
    Itemization and Rewards
    Again: Please don't buckle under the pressure of the vocal minority who wants a game in easy mode and to have barbie dolls to play with. This is your world! Go with a theme and stick with it. Part of the attraction is that it HAS a recognizable theme. Like it or not, at least it's recognizable.
    We’ve been working steadily behind the scenes to make combat more fun and visceral.
    I'd sure love to see that. The red 'tell' tells me that this game caters to people who found WoW hard.
    Combat is binary; it's over in ten seconds, and you either win or "die" (with no penalty). Here's a hint, developers: If there's no consequence to dying, you don't care whether your charater lives or dies, and that does not make for a fun or immersive game.
    The forced choice of 5 out of 100 combat abilities is odd. Why did you bother developing a zillion combat-related skill lines and then restrict us to using just 5 of them at a time? "I trained for months to learn a nifty move that would have been very handy here, but seeing as I didn't know this morning I'd run into this monster today, that particular skill must remain unused in this combat." What? Why?
    Fun with Armor Dyes
    Seriously? It takes anywhere from five to fifteen attempts to get into the guild bank and switch the the one I actually want to open, so that I can combine junk items for an hour every time I log in (because we're for some arbitrary reason limited to 500 item slots and things don't stack like they do in the private bank), and you spend your time playing with crayons? Really?

    There are a great many things about ESO I like, but because the first 50 levels zoomed by in a blur, I have very little sense of accomplishment, no relation to the world or the people in it (Cadwell and the gang of four excluded) and very few new friends to show for it. And it took me all of two months to explore everything in one alliance, before I was sent to start over on the newbie-quests in a different alliance, where I'm told once more I don't have a soul, because all you did was change the mob's levels. Excuse me? What did I banish Molag Bal for, then?

    (Edited to add: Oh and remove the guild stores, or make them searchable by item name. What we have now is SO close to being useful it's painful to see.)

    Ok, I'll take that glass of wine now, please.
    Edited by Whitman on July 9, 2014 11:30AM
  • dreadlaxb16_ESO
    Awesome upcoming changes. Dyes are coming but still no barber shop or anything to change our appearance?
  • N0madS0uL
    I still feel the Zenimax need to used good systems that other MMOS have built into their games over years of player demand and information, sure they are doing that but I really hope they remove if its even possible now the VR grind through other faction content, its a fail, kills the game replay value and needs to be address imo ASAP. I want faction exclusive content to give more reason to play other factions and make faction guilds not cross faction guilds! this cross faction guild systems is bull...

    If you want to use the same zones for VR grind then sure just make it contested Phased areas at that point...with their own quests not the same quests. Like other MMOS have done.

    Make motifs RARE not every day one whats the point?!

    I will add more comments of which i feel very strongly when I have more time, but at least it sounds like they getting more on track but the things i mentioned like the content of VR grind into the other faction quests MUST be removed and completely revamped.

    EDIT: Also something someone mentioned that you actions in the game have repercussions? Like what? the effects are minimal at best and no large effects are all there are no arcs at all in the stories that are worthy of note, I can think of a handful that you may have picked up but really...its like adding insult to injury
    Edited by N0madS0uL on July 9, 2014 10:08AM
  • Navaya
    It would be so cool if we could Apply the Heraldry on shields or any other armor pieces/weapons.
  • ArconSeptim
    Well aware of those changes.

    Was thinking more along the lines of smaller scale objectives (as an example),
    rather then having to sit between two keeps hoping for some small scale PvP.

    ZOS did show 3v3 PvP arenas at E3, not sure what happened to that or if it's going anywhere.

    yeah that would be funny to have!
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