Maintenance for the week of July 8:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance - July 8
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – July 9, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – July 10, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – July 10, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)

The Road Ahead - July 8, 2014

  • Crashrun
    Soul Shriven
    @Nazon_Katts, thanks man.....had a look and seems like this is a solution, but when I have to pay a subscription on a game I don't think its fair to expect me to pay more money just for something that could easily be put in the game.
    I was hoping for a reply from a developer stating a probable date for support release.
    I will suffer in silence for this month but after will wait for controller support to be released before re-subscribing.
    Thanks again though.
  • Nazon_Katts
    Hey, all. Just as a reminder, we recently announced on our Update 3 API Patch Notes thread for PTS that we're in the early stages of adding PC support for gamepad input. While not enabled yet, this is something we're working on.

    Think that's the latest statement we got, it's from mid July. The AddOn community did already report there's a couple of controller related stuff in the API, so it might not take all that long. Suppose it's a classic 'soon' for this one.
    "You've probably figured that out by now. Let's hope so. Or we're in real trouble... and out come the intestines. And I skip rope with them!"
  • Crashrun
    Soul Shriven
    Thanks. In the meantime I'll play on keyboard and mouse.
  • Torkan_the_Warrior
    Soul Shriven
    if ESO does not hurry up and BRING into the game Voice chat like all other new and old MMO's have Everquest II wow and the new winner on the block DESTINY I feel and many others that have to use team speak or Skype we will fall behind as a leader and become a follower game WHEN are we going to see VOICE as a benefit for all Guilds and groups and to make a Community easier and far more enjoyable than tapping words out in text chat that when battles are on or plans being set for such battle WE NEED VOICE
  • fromtesonlineb16_ESO
    if ESO does not hurry up and BRING into the game Voice chat like all other new and old MMO's have Everquest II wow and the new winner on the block DESTINY I feel and many others that have to use team speak or Skype we will fall behind as a leader
    Not sure why you felt the need to necro this thread, but I must ask you what leadership you think ESO has that you fear losing?

    And I seriously doubt voice chat is important anyway.

    For example, in-game voice chat is largely unused in LOTRO which has had it for many years, most players don't want to use voice at all in-game or not, and those that do usually use it for raiding and for that in-game voice is deficient in many ways.

    Of all the things ESO doesn't have that are usually found in other MMOs, voice chat isn't one of them.

    Also, lol at "Destiny the new winner on the block", most reviews I've read rate is as bad having no real content or reason to play it and the 'multiplayer' aspect barely existent, and in any case since it's not an MMO to anyone other than Bungie I'm not sure how a feature in a solo shooter is relevant to an MMO anyway.
    Edited by fromtesonlineb16_ESO on September 17, 2014 8:14AM
  • ZodiacDragon
    Just use TS why is this a issue you can just use TS man if you want voice chat I don't think it's necessary for ESO to put Vchat
    Hated By Many Loved By Few Remembered By Everyone
  • ZodiacDragon
    I do have something of a opinion why is vet rank so damn difficult to level up I spent hours and hours and hours getting to Vet rank now it seems I gotta spend days and days and days and hours upon hours just to get Ver rank up
    Hated By Many Loved By Few Remembered By Everyone
  • eventide03b14a_ESO
    if ESO does not hurry up and BRING into the game Voice chat like all other new and old MMO's have Everquest II wow and the new winner on the block DESTINY I feel and many others that have to use team speak or Skype we will fall behind as a leader and become a follower game WHEN are we going to see VOICE as a benefit for all Guilds and groups and to make a Community easier and far more enjoyable than tapping words out in text chat that when battles are on or plans being set for such battle WE NEED VOICE
    Seriously integrated voice chat is something that is sort of a staple in MMO's. Not that I have much faith that ZOS could implement it bug free, but come on this isn't a new technology and frankly their chat system is terrible. You cannot have 5 guilds all chatting in the same box and expect to follow the conversation along with zone chat and also play the game. On top of that the guilds are by default all the same color plus you have to remember which guild is /g1 /g2 etc. Just cumbersome really. Successful MMO's make online interaction easy, not tedious.
  • Djeriko
    Has anyone else tried wearing Orgnum's Scales? I tested it and the 5 set bonus to health rec didn't even trigger. This was done all the way until death while watching my health rec stats.
    "When in doubt, kill it with fire."
  • Blubster3000nrb18_ESO
    i am curios about something but i will keep this short.

    i was curious to if there will ever be children characters in the game. to this date i didn't even notice until now. but it would be a great addition to help immerse players in the world.

    thank you for reading.

    my bad didn't see there was already a vote for this. but anyway my vote is obvious XD
    Edited by Blubster3000nrb18_ESO on January 26, 2015 7:14PM
  • fromtesonlineb16_ESO
    This has been asked for often, most recently last week or week before. ZOS have as usual said nothing, they rarely do, consensus among players is that it's not likely, seems only games that are much despised round here, like WOW, have such features which add a lot of atmosphere at times.
  • Raybroski
    Soul Shriven
    How many active subscribers as of 2015 on TESO?
  • tbasinger1980ub17_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    I understand that armor dye is a staple for games like this but I think there are a couple that are more important to people. One is the ability to fly. Flying systems seem to be very important to people. Wow has had a lot of success with this. Archeage implemented Gliders and even Skyrim had the ability to fly dragons. Flying is usually a higher level ability but it is something a lot of people enjoy. Also people enjoy Houses. A place to belong. A place to customize. Maybe even a place to craft. Skyrim had the ability to add some of the crafting benches to the house so you could craft at home. With houses come Guild Halls. Guilds halls could be like the regular houses or could also be a pvp option. allow guilds to customize their guild Fort or castle and battle against other guilds. I hope these options help improve this game to make it the best MMO it can be. It already has the best game play now lets make it have all the cool eztra's!!
  • Bouvin
    I understand that armor dye is a staple for games like this but I think there are a couple that are more important to people. One is the ability to fly. Flying systems seem to be very important to people. Wow has had a lot of success with this. Archeage implemented Gliders and even Skyrim had the ability to fly dragons. Flying is usually a higher level ability but it is something a lot of people enjoy. Also people enjoy Houses. A place to belong. A place to customize. Maybe even a place to craft. Skyrim had the ability to add some of the crafting benches to the house so you could craft at home. With houses come Guild Halls. Guilds halls could be like the regular houses or could also be a pvp option. allow guilds to customize their guild Fort or castle and battle against other guilds. I hope these options help improve this game to make it the best MMO it can be. It already has the best game play now lets make it have all the cool eztra's!!

    You realize this thread is like from a year ago right?

    And 90% of the stuff they showed of at Quake Con still hasn't been released.
  • fromtesonlineb16_ESO
    Bouvin wrote: »
    I understand that armor dye is a staple for games like this but I think there are a couple that are more important to people. One is the ability to fly. Flying systems seem to be very important to people. Wow has had a lot of success with this. Archeage implemented Gliders and even Skyrim had the ability to fly dragons. Flying is usually a higher level ability but it is something a lot of people enjoy. Also people enjoy Houses. A place to belong. A place to customize. Maybe even a place to craft. Skyrim had the ability to add some of the crafting benches to the house so you could craft at home. With houses come Guild Halls. Guilds halls could be like the regular houses or could also be a pvp option. allow guilds to customize their guild Fort or castle and battle against other guilds. I hope these options help improve this game to make it the best MMO it can be. It already has the best game play now lets make it have all the cool eztra's!!

    You realize this thread is like from a year ago right?

    And 90% of the stuff they showed of at Quake Con still hasn't been released.
    All the more reason for keeping the thread alive, to remind people of the vast numbers of things ZOS have said would happen or were being actively worked on and which have been buried without trace.
  • t_black57_ESO
    So we are still waiting on spell crafting any time this year would be great
  • Nivzruo_ESO
    This thread wants to die so bad.. people just won't let it thou.
    Nelgyntc- V14 NB
  • karlgroundsb16_ESO
    Why oh why did you go to the trouble of using a fancy european orchestra and distribute the sound track via iTunes??!!! All that hastle for a a mediocre sound track that could have have been stunning on CD's or better still studio quality 24bit/192KHz... No matter what i try to do - what could be a totally amazing soundtrack, it still sounds like a crap f.m. recording (muffled & cak)
    It could have been so much more & I for 1 (or more) would have been more than happy to pay for a quality (non iTunes ***) version....
    Some lovely tunes buried in the smog (Auridon Sunrise - Orchestral, would be nice to actually hear it) - sounds better in game than the iTunes version..........!!!
  • Bassmeant
    Soul Shriven
    Hey, devs.

    Started on pc early beta, now on ps4 enjoying it all.

    The element of lockpicking on the PS4 got me thinking, due to the tactile nature of the rumble stick and the mechanics for picking in general:


    i think you guys mighta missed a step here with the music mechanic. i didn't search through the forums, maybe im the only one who thinks this but

    had you made the musical instruments have certain grades like the weapons and armor that could be improved or crafted
    had you included a tuning element similar to the locking picking mechanic
    had you allowed players to create a small "area of effect" with a musical instrument that allowed for other players to join in, everyone getting points for being in sync and new levels opened up new song motifs
    had you included a tip jar for passers by to use

    i think that sorta thing would have been pretty well received for those times when you aren't out defending the empire or running quests. what's really odd is that your music is honestly the best original music in gaming, so im surprised that you skipped out on this idea since you had the musicians in the studio at one point, it wouldn't have been hard to create a database of loops with keys to match.

    everything else in your game is pretty tight. kinda surprised you left this one out.

  • Paulington
    Why oh why did you go to the trouble of using a fancy european orchestra and distribute the sound track via iTunes??!!! All that hastle for a a mediocre sound track that could have have been stunning on CD's or better still studio quality 24bit/192KHz... No matter what i try to do - what could be a totally amazing soundtrack, it still sounds like a crap f.m. recording (muffled & cak)
    It could have been so much more & I for 1 (or more) would have been more than happy to pay for a quality (non iTunes ***) version....
    Some lovely tunes buried in the smog (Auridon Sunrise - Orchestral, would be nice to actually hear it) - sounds better in game than the iTunes version..........!!!

    I would suggest you read this link @karlgroundsb16_ESO as it clearly illustrates why 24/192 is pointless and nothing but a waste of hard drive space.
  • Stares-At-Sun
    Soul Shriven
    It's a bit unrelated, but I have a comment/suggestion I'd like to run across you guys. I couldn't really find a good thread for this, so I figured I should try somewhere.

    Anyways, my suggestion is this: I understand maintenances are a regular thing and are necessary to keep the game at its best. I don't mind the maintenance itself, but every time you guys have one, Xbox servers get done before PlayStation. Normally I wouldn't care, but I just got this game on Wednesday, and I have been waking up in the morning to play before work, only to find that the only server that's incomplete is the one I play on (PS4 NA server). Couldn't you guys switch it up and do the PlayStation servers first for once? It seems a little more fair to the PS4 players that get out last in line. Every. Single. Time.

    I appreciate your time and any thoughts/comments on this.
  • Slonekb05
    Suggestions: First off i love the game, having said that there are some things ..easy things that will drastically improve all player's exp.

    1. PVE difficulty .
    This is a huge issue, while the story is good, the combat is no challenge at all. There is no reason to have to make tactical choices based on if your playing solo or in duo/group. You can slap any skills together with any base equipment and be a god. Either a change needs to be made to the overall difficulty or you need to be able to choose an option to level scale quests/dungeons/increase difficultly(this will allow players to customize there experience). (There is the occasional good fight, which is what i would love to see a lot more of)

    2. Adding Instance dungeons.
    Yes this is an MMO and you expect to see playing roaming the world. But what ends up happening is you walk into a random dungeon and are met with 4 players already inside who have cleared the enemy's and boss away. I cant tell you how often i am in a duo with my brother and i say this phrase" Lets give it 3-4min, 4players just ran through" My suggestion is add an option that each dungeon (All Dungeons) that requires you to zone, Can be played Public (default) or in a Instance (solo/group). When You go to zone in it should prompt you with a choice.

    These are my thoughts, love to hear yours. thank you for your time.
    Edited by Slonekb05 on June 22, 2015 6:38PM
  • PaladinOfHere
    Slonekb05 wrote: »
    Suggestions: First off i love the game, having said that there are some things ..easy things that will drastically improve all player's exp.

    1. PVE difficulty .
    This is a huge issue, while the story is good, the combat is no challenge at all. There is no reason to have to make tactical choices based on if your playing solo or in duo/group. You can slap any skills together with any base equipment and be a god. Either a change needs to be made to the overall difficulty or you need to be able to choose an option to level scale quests/dungeons/increase difficultly(this will allow players to customize there experience). (There is the occasional good fight, which is what i would love to see a lot more of)

    2. Adding Instance dungeons.
    Yes this is an MMO and you expect to see playing roaming the world. But what ends up happening is you walk into a random dungeon and are met with 4 players already inside who have cleared the enemy's and boss away. I cant tell you how often i am in a duo with my brother and i say this phrase" Lets give it 3-4min, 4players just ran through" My suggestion is add an option that each dungeon (All Dungeons) that requires you to zone, Can be played Public (default) or in a Instance (solo/group). When You go to zone in it should prompt you with a choice.

    These are my thoughts, love to hear yours. thank you for your time.

    As much as I love this game, I cannot agree more. Combat (minus 4 man dungeons) is a joke. And all too often i do a quest to kill some delve boss or whatever, I walk in, and boop quest complete.
    I fight for the Three!
  • wraith808
    Slonekb05 wrote: »
    Suggestions: First off i love the game, having said that there are some things ..easy things that will drastically improve all player's exp.

    1. PVE difficulty .
    This is a huge issue, while the story is good, the combat is no challenge at all. There is no reason to have to make tactical choices based on if your playing solo or in duo/group. You can slap any skills together with any base equipment and be a god. Either a change needs to be made to the overall difficulty or you need to be able to choose an option to level scale quests/dungeons/increase difficultly(this will allow players to customize there experience). (There is the occasional good fight, which is what i would love to see a lot more of)

    2. Adding Instance dungeons.
    Yes this is an MMO and you expect to see playing roaming the world. But what ends up happening is you walk into a random dungeon and are met with 4 players already inside who have cleared the enemy's and boss away. I cant tell you how often i am in a duo with my brother and i say this phrase" Lets give it 3-4min, 4players just ran through" My suggestion is add an option that each dungeon (All Dungeons) that requires you to zone, Can be played Public (default) or in a Instance (solo/group). When You go to zone in it should prompt you with a choice.

    These are my thoughts, love to hear yours. thank you for your time.

    It was more difficult. A lot more difficult.

    Then people complained.

    Then they nerfed certain bosses.

    People still complained.

    Then they nerfed all of the veteran areas.

    Doshia is a good example. It took me 6 times to kill her. Some people it took more, and some people it took less.

    But as it stands now, I kill her before she even has a chance to transform.


    As far as your second point, what you are talking about is Delves. Delves are not dungeons. They're an encounter in an open area of the map. They also contain skyshards, so if you restricted those in the manner that you speak of, there would be skyshards that were restricted from an area of the populace. There are several instanced dungeons. They also change to a large part when you go into the veteran versions of them. There's actually a pretty good balance between delves and dungeons- they just have different purposes.
    Edited by wraith808 on June 25, 2015 11:45AM
    Quasim ibn-Muhammad - VR 12 Redguard Dragon Knight
    Taladriel Vanima - VR 5 Altmer Nightblade
    Ambalyo iyo Bogaadin - VR 1 Redguard Sorceror
  • SLy_Kyti
    Holy Thread Necroman!
    Master Crafter: Almost all motifs
    GM~ Blades of Old Tamriel NA/AD
    Member~ NZAD
    Member~ Blades of Vengeance NA/AD
    -Tamriel College -Amazing Deals of Nirn-
  • NewbieKenobi
    It would be nice to hear about the latest events of fixing the GUILD BANK STACKING ISSUE.

    "Few things are as important to ESO as guilds". Sure, I can agree on that. And while ranks, permissions (and tabbards???) are important, so is the stacking in the guild bank! Can't quite see how tabbards can be more important than stacking.

    When will this one year old issue be fixed? Pretty please? :)
    Edited by NewbieKenobi on June 25, 2015 1:19PM
    Xbox One | EU | SWE

    "- People say you are what you eat, but I don't remember eating a f*****g legend."

    Join our all swedish cross alliance guild Det Svenska Lejonet, we are always looking for more active swedish players! Join us for Pledges, Dungeons, Trials and more!

  • Slonekb05
    The game is easy enough as is? why do you listen to feedback of players crying " this is to hard" and not the feedback of players saying this game is too easy. Give us difficulty OPTIONS, so i don't have to play at this candy land difficulty lv if i don't want to. Your ruining your game by letting players just coast through it... Challenge us!
  • Cry_Wolfe
    Paulington wrote: »
    Why oh why did you go to the trouble of using a fancy european orchestra and distribute the sound track via iTunes??!!! All that hastle for a a mediocre sound track that could have have been stunning on CD's or better still studio quality 24bit/192KHz... No matter what i try to do - what could be a totally amazing soundtrack, it still sounds like a crap f.m. recording (muffled & cak)
    It could have been so much more & I for 1 (or more) would have been more than happy to pay for a quality (non iTunes ***) version....
    Some lovely tunes buried in the smog (Auridon Sunrise - Orchestral, would be nice to actually hear it) - sounds better in game than the iTunes version..........!!!

    I would suggest you read this link @karlgroundsb16_ESO as it clearly illustrates why 24/192 is pointless and nothing but a waste of hard drive space.

    off topic, but completely avoidable using a bandpass filter with a roll off at 40Hz and 18.5k Hz, for no loss of fidelity within the audible spectrum.
  • Yukonjack
    I think it is unfair that console players have to individually search for each item in the Guild Store to see what it is selling for before listing (because we don't have add ons). There needs to be a "recommended" or average price, or even a list of like items and the prices they are listed for showing so we don't have to spend a whole hour listing our wares. This more than anything has frustrated me as a new player.
  • bbqwolf13b14_ESO1
    Why don't they talk in DEV Discussion? Where is more content that was promised since it came out? Been 9 months and nothing new just Crown store crap.

    Just tell us what is coming not wait for Quakecon by then more people will leave the game. You should show it at Quakecon but to make us wait for the news is a bad marketing move.
    Edited by bbqwolf13b14_ESO1 on July 1, 2015 9:40PM
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