The Road Ahead - July 8, 2014

  • _subjectnamehere_
    Make the game more like Skyrim and much less like WOW, and you will start to get subscribers again. Nobody wants to play a WOW remake. Only WOW players would want that and enjoy that, and guess what, they still play WOW and will never play anything else. So let them do their thing. You do yours, and you will strike gold.

    This game is most definitely not a WoW remake. Not by a long-shot.
    Edited by _subjectnamehere_ on July 20, 2014 11:25AM
  • fromtesonlineb16_ESO
    Endenium wrote: »
    Make the game more like Skyrim.
    No thanks, no more level scaling crap, that's not how I want RPGs to deal with character progression.

  • Cogo
    Endenium wrote: »
    Make the game more like Skyrim.
    No thanks, no more level scaling crap, that's not how I want RPGs to deal with character progression.

    They are making ESO more like Skyrim, with the spell system and justice system. Also more Solo friendly.

    Did you miss Quakecon?

    Could you PLEASE keep your answer to facts? To many of your replies have no base, and only caused drama here. Please check facts first. Then post your opinion.
    Edited by Cogo on July 21, 2014 1:51AM
    Oghur Hatemachine, Guild leader of The Nephilim - EU Megaserver
    Orc Weapon Specialist and Warchief of the Ebonheart Pact - Trueflame Cyrodiil War Campaign
    Guildsite: The Nephilim

    "I don't agree with what you are saying, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it"

    "My build? Improvise, overcome and adapt!"
  • Darkonflare15
    Cogo wrote: »
    Endenium wrote: »
    Make the game more like Skyrim.
    No thanks, no more level scaling crap, that's not how I want RPGs to deal with character progression.

    They are making ESO more like Skyrim, with the spell system and justice system. Also more Solo friendly.

    Did you miss Quakecon?

    Could you PLEASE keep your answer to facts? To many of your replies have no base, and only caused drama here. Please check facts first. Then post your opinion.
    The justice system is like skyrim to a small extent but the spell crafting system is like Obilvion and Morrowind. Skyrim did not have a spell crafting system. Yes the spells made from the crafting is like Skyrim but Morrowind and Oblivion did that way before Skyrim. Now I actually like these changes because now I can use magic that not from a skill which is awesome. I can be any class and have viable build. They said they have a system for stamina coming up soon which would great to make a character base off of that. Soon this game will have so many viable builds that this game will be awesome. Dude really facts they are not making this game more like Skyrim they are making more like an elder scrolls game like they should because that in name of the game,Elder scrolls online.
  • fromtesonlineb16_ESO
    Cogo wrote: »
    Endenium wrote: »
    Make the game more like Skyrim.
    No thanks, no more level scaling crap, that's not how I want RPGs to deal with character progression.
    Did you miss Quakecon?
    Actually yes and ZOS haven't bothered to post it yet for the vast, vast majority of players who didn't get to see it.

    I replied to the comment I read, what have 'facts' got to do with what I read or wrote?

    Oh, BTW, Quakecon Q&A was AFTER I posted so your point is worthless anyway:p
    Edited by fromtesonlineb16_ESO on July 21, 2014 6:20AM
  • Endenium
    Could you guys please do something about this aoe impulse its no fun its no skill just run in and spam you got the damn light armor and there buffs so strong you cant hurt-em enough . Here is a play by play for you I have a rank 12 DK with a legendary weapon I rush a Sorc drop my standard and he gets up and just stands there and nukes me all the while im taloning and ransacking and he never heals and im dead. I will say this the impulse fight is boring not worth playing I want something that requires a lil skill Guess I may have wasted my time with this game
    o well not the first time MAGIC HITS TO HARD AOE IN PVP SHOULD REDUCED

    You should note that Impulse is also affected by weapon power/damage as well as Magic.

    And, in all honesty, it hits hard, but not *that* hard. Your description of this sorcerer attack of just using Impulse to kill you is hard to believe, to be honest. Can you post a video or something of this happening? I mean, talons+ransack+an ultimate (standard) vs. a simple sorcerer casting Impulse is not going to end well for the Sorcerer IMHO.

    Honestly its not that hard to believe at all. Its a little simplified and there is more going on that just impulse, but light armor and magic builds are way more powerful in pvp than others. This, however, is something that they have already said they understand and are working to correct by making other builds more playable.

    He is right about magic builds and impulse and light armor and DK TALONS. However, he should be aware that there are counters to these tactics that he could use if he wants "A lil skill" in his gaming experience. For instance, Immovable allows one to cut right through the DK Talon attack and avoid being rooted, while other abilities mirror energy attacks entirely and send them right back at magic caster's faces. Hows that for skill? Just use the features that they already have in the game... for now. Until they make Stamina builds "more viable" as they put it.
  • Endenium
    Endenium wrote: »
    Make the game more like Skyrim and much less like WOW, and you will start to get subscribers again. Nobody wants to play a WOW remake. Only WOW players would want that and enjoy that, and guess what, they still play WOW and will never play anything else. So let them do their thing. You do yours, and you will strike gold.

    True, but how is this game anything like WoW?

    How is this game like WOW? Really?

    Ok first off I wasnt making a WOW VS ESO argument or statement. But you gotta be *** a little bit to think that there arent any similarities at all.

    Ok, for one, the quests.

    Though there are interesting story line quests in the game, and though there are hundreds of wonderful actors and scripts and moving plots, the ways and means to complete all these tasks are typically through mindless tasks. Its like "grocery list gaming" is what I call it.

    Go here. Do this. Get 5 of these, then 2 of these, then 8 of those. Go there. Go back. Talk to this person and this person, and this person. Then, go to the top of the mountan and push this button. Kill boss. Rinse. Repeat.

    So I run from (beautiful, highly detailed and imaginative) area to area to area pressing the E button over and over and over and over and over and over and over.

    In that respect its very much like WOW.

    ESO is 100 times better than WoW in like every single way. But there are, without any shadow of a doubt, still some similarities. For fakk's sake, they ARE BOTH MMOs.

    It happens.

    The Developers already realize this though. They are aware of how "grindy" it can feel at times. Especially in the Veteran Ranks. Which is why, thank Christ, that they are increasing pvp XP and putting other things in the game for people to do for XP.

    And thats great. They listen to their subscribers, the people that pay their salaries.

    Good job Zeni, Beth.

    Keep up the good work.
  • Endenium
    Make the game more like Skyrim and much less like WOW, and you will start to get subscribers again. Nobody wants to play a WOW remake. Only WOW players would want that and enjoy that, and guess what, they still play WOW and will never play anything else. So let them do their thing. You do yours, and you will strike gold.

    This game is most definitely not a WoW remake. Not by a long-shot.

    Nope. Its not a WoW remake. "Nobody wants to play a WoW remake," AS I SAID.

    So I hope they continue to make the game with their own unique vision, rather than using the previous industry standard as their model for success.
  • Endenium
    Endenium wrote: »
    Make the game more like Skyrim.
    No thanks, no more level scaling crap, that's not how I want RPGs to deal with character progression.

    Umm where was the level scaling in Skyrim?
  • Endenium
    Im really excited for the updates coming and all the information they gave at QuakeCon.

    BTW - the QuakeCon video IS on youtube. Someone above was complaining about it not being released or something.

    We are going to have an amazing game on our hands if they successfully implement these updates. They really understand the games inherent flaws as well as its inherent strengths and they are addressing those issues.

    Good stuff.
    Edited by Endenium on July 21, 2014 8:20AM
  • fromtesonlineb16_ESO
    Endenium wrote: »
    BTW - the QuakeCon video IS on youtube. Someone above was complaining about it not being released or something.
    Audigy wrote: »
    Ecco wrote: »
    Just caught the tail end of the stream. Is there a place I can see the full video?

    It should appear under "past broadcasts" soon, I think.

    Can you confirm this @ZOS_GinaBruno?
    We'll be uploading it to our ZOS YouTube channel in the next couple days.

  • fromtesonlineb16_ESO
    Endenium wrote: »
    BTW - the QuakeCon video IS on youtube. Someone above was complaining about it not being released or something.
    Audigy wrote: »
    Ecco wrote: »
    Just caught the tail end of the stream. Is there a place I can see the full video?

    It should appear under "past broadcasts" soon, I think.

    Can you confirm this @ZOS_GinaBruno?
    We'll be uploading it to our ZOS YouTube channel in the next couple days.
    I don't see it there:

    Edited by fromtesonlineb16_ESO on July 21, 2014 8:47AM
  • Iluvrien

    Search for "eso quakecon". It is on YouTube as @Endenium‌ suggests, just not on the ZOS channel at the moment. It has also been linked to, directly on page 3 of the Official Discussion thread for the panel.

  • eventide03b14a_ESO
    Cogo wrote: »
    Endenium wrote: »
    Make the game more like Skyrim.
    No thanks, no more level scaling crap, that's not how I want RPGs to deal with character progression.

    They are making ESO more like Skyrim, with the spell system and justice system. Also more Solo friendly.

    Did you miss Quakecon?

    Could you PLEASE keep your answer to facts? To many of your replies have no base, and only caused drama here. Please check facts first. Then post your opinion.
    The justice system is like skyrim to a small extent but the spell crafting system is like Obilvion and Morrowind. Skyrim did not have a spell crafting system. Yes the spells made from the crafting is like Skyrim but Morrowind and Oblivion did that way before Skyrim. Now I actually like these changes because now I can use magic that not from a skill which is awesome. I can be any class and have viable build. They said they have a system for stamina coming up soon which would great to make a character base off of that. Soon this game will have so many viable builds that this game will be awesome. Dude really facts they are not making this game more like Skyrim they are making more like an elder scrolls game like they should because that in name of the game,Elder scrolls online.

    Does anyone have any official links to this? I would like to know more about the spellcrafting system specifically.
  • Kirito144
    will it be possible to dye weapons in the next update. and if not, than will we ever see weapon dying, such as shields and other weapons?
  • Jaxom
    Kirito144 wrote: »
    will it be possible to dye weapons in the next update. and if not, than will we ever see weapon dying, such as shields and other weapons?

    If they do allow us to use dyes on weapons, I'm sure it will be a smaller subset of the color pallete, No one wants to see people running around with Pink Dagger blades.
  • Ajantear
    All that is lovely... now, fix everything about Werewolves.
  • Salmonleap
    Ultimates charging off of Stamina as well as Magicka is a good start.

    To really equal Magicka builds, though, you're going to have to add weapon ultimates, reduce the cost of dodge rolling and increase the damage of weapon powers across the board.

    Unfortunately, it sounds like Stamina builds are a long way off from parity.

    I would have like this approach. The weapon skill lines seem to have gotten the short shrift compared to all the other skill lines in the game. Too many weapon "skills" seem to do too little damage relative to class-skills.

    ESO could have side-stepped a lot of class-balance issues if the weapon skills were on par with the class skills and had "weapon ultimates" been implemented. A Nightblade that was feeling underpowered could switch to the FOTM weapon and run with that until the Devs got around to rebalancing things.
    Beware he who would deny you access to information for in his heart he dreams himself your master. -- Pravin Lal
  • joeparadis_ESO

    Just watched the Quakecon Panel on ESO and I just wanted to request something as far as dungeon scaling: An option in the settings to turn it off for those of us that like brutally hard dungeons that make us swear and throw things until we finally defeat it. Or at least give us the ability turn off down scaling.

    I would also recommend a notification similar to that in borderlands that says "the creatures of tamriel suddenly seem stronger" whenever the game scales up. Like wise a similar message when it scales down.
  • joeparadis_ESO

    Part of the Justice system should be a bounty hunter reward system so that the more notorious the criminal the higher the reward. Players will have to really stay on their toes if they want to be a career criminal and in itself will create it's own "leaderboard" so to speak.

    The "guard duty" mechanic should involve patrolling and pay regardless if you catch a criminal or not, but maybe include instance based bandit attacks and such to keep it lively. If that guard duty idea is too complex I'd say just stick with the bounty hunter system. Also having the ability to hire out your entire guild would be good as well.

    Another question.... will criminals have markers over their head like enemy players in Cyrodiil? That would be another interesting mechanic and they could have the option to disguise themselves. that would be an interesting mechanic to include as well...

    Edited by joeparadis_ESO on July 23, 2014 2:34AM
  • joeparadis_ESO

    I have some feedback Regarding player customization. While I agree that role playing options are good. The best way to implement that is not via collectables... instead I suggest the following:

    Hair/Facial hair = barbershop vendor in towns. None of use want to collect "hair" recipes or "haircuts"... Its another useless thing I don't want to collect and I mean that's just weird and borderline creepy. Have it work like armor dyes where we "unlock" them. while having the base haircuts always available to us. + still gotta pay for the haircuts.

    Tattoos/bodymarkings = Same as above but with Tattoo vendors... maybe in the same building.

    Jewelry/addornments = These are the only items I wouldn't mind "collecting" or finding in the environment... maybe even with tiny buffs. Jewelry adornments should also be purchasable at jewlery vendors that are already in the game. But those I don't mind being sold between players.

  • eventide03b14a_ESO

    Just watched the Quakecon Panel on ESO and I just wanted to request something as far as dungeon scaling: An option in the settings to turn it off for those of us that like brutally hard dungeons that make us swear and throw things until we finally defeat it. Or at least give us the ability turn off down scaling.

    I would also recommend a notification similar to that in borderlands that says "the creatures of tamriel suddenly seem stronger" whenever the game scales up. Like wise a similar message when it scales down.

    Then don't die. The way I understand it is that the dungeon will progressively get easier each time you fail. Presumably if you don't die then you will get the more difficult dungeon.
  • wraith808
    Then don't die. The way I understand it is that the dungeon will progressively get easier each time you fail. Presumably if you don't die then you will get the more difficult dungeon.

    That's not the point. We did veteran FG several times b/c of that second boss. When we finally defeated her, it felt like a real accomplishment because we were able to get everything together. If after that first day of frustration and wiping over and over it just got easier, we wouldn't have had the experience of actually learning, coming together, and overcoming the obstacle. For me, dying should be a point of learning, rather than a point of making it easier.
    Quasim ibn-Muhammad - VR 12 Redguard Dragon Knight
    Taladriel Vanima - VR 5 Altmer Nightblade
    Ambalyo iyo Bogaadin - VR 1 Redguard Sorceror
  • WombatQueen
    Soul Shriven
    For the last 20 years I have been jealously listening to and watching my husband playing the Elder Scrolls games. We were THRILLED that we would finally be able to play together.

    All my husband and I want to do is just spend a few hours in another world. Like reading a book. We don't have hours and hours to spend there like a lot of kids might. Maybe one or two hours after work-maybe. Maybe a few hours on the weekends. Often we leave in the middle of a quest to come back to it a week later. We just want to quest TOGETHER. Having to fight in a SOLO dungeon alone while seeing each others chevrons is incredibly frustrating and completely ruins things for us and we just don't want to play anymore. Why are so many of the quests like this?? This more than anything is making us not want to play anymore. Why can't we at least have the choice to do a dungeon solo or together? We really hope things will get better with every update, but at this point we're both ready to stop playing.

    I usually play a healer or mage type character, and was looking forward to sorc. I did not want to put any skill points into a Restoration staff, because it was just going to be me and my husband playing. In the past I felt abused by other players giving me crap for letting them die because I wasn't quick enough to heal them.

    Then, all of a sudden here's Mannimarco and I(we) cannot do anything to beat him. Everything we try fails. I have LIGHT armor, so I am screwed. My husband is a medium armor NB and most things he tried failed as well. *We purposely built our armor and skill sets to complement each other*. Now people on the forums are saying I need to have a Restoration staff and a Winged Twilight. Two things I never planned on having. But I need them JUST for this one annoying quest. So here I am wasting all my time leveling a WT and a RT.

    The original plan was I took Alchemy and my husband took Enchanting, and we'd make each other whatever we needed. But we both barely used potions. And even though I can still use any glyphs he might make, he's getting fed up with never finding good runes. He has well over 100 Ta's that he found himself. More with the ones I found him. He used a Skill point just to be able to get a tomato for Provisioning, and in the last 6 weeks, he's gotten three. It's FRUSTRATING.

    I really was looking forward to Alchemy and Enchanting, being a sorcerer. But both soon became boring and hard to level. I gave up alchemy a month ago. I honestly have used potions in fights maybe 3 times. If I need them I find them or can buy them. Why don't I use potions? Because I cannot stand that wheel thing we are forced to use. Or, having to switch between

    skill sets. It's so cumbersome! And If I want to keep my Clannfear out all the time I have to put it on both sets, so actually I can only use 9 slots. And I can't use that really cool Staff I got on the second set?? Why can't we have a regular row of 10?

    We're not kids, we're in our early 50's and our reaction times aren't what they used to be. What is or can be easier for someone half our age is harder for us. Add being tired from a full day of work and commuting, and we just aren't as as quick as we once were. And it really can ruin the game for us. This is why we prefer a regular row of ten slots.

    We realize you are putting more emphasis on Guilds and PvP now, but we don't want to be forced into it. We have nothing against PvP, and we have played with others and had a good time. We actually find the players in ESO really nice and easy to get along with-more than many MMO's we've played. We have nothing against joining a Guild if we find like-minded folks. But we feel we are being FORCED into joining any one because there is no Auction house or other way to buy and sell between players. This is akin to grinding. Not fun. That's all we want-to have fun.
  • opethfan27
    Soul Shriven
    Being a duel wielding Nightblade I find these changes exciting!! I'll finally get to solo a bit again being I had a hard time finding a group since horrendous dps isn't exactly in high demand. <sigh of relief> Once more I'll even look good doing so in my spiffy new dyed gear and tabbard. Perfect timing that considering all my gears goin to be deconstruct fodder after the new gear sets hit.

    There is one thing that's somewhat confusing me however. I was reading an article with a name along the lines " righting the ship, the future of eso" or something to that effect. In said article they describe a video where npc killing is introduced at quake con. In the video they have a nightblade with dual knives sneaking up behind some poor chap named Phillic Menant in Wayrest, and stabs him in the back showing poor Phillic in a pool of blood. Wouldn't it have been more accurate to have the Nightblade smashing Phillic in the head with a resto staff? Or is it truely a taste of the future where the only things a DW nightblade can kill are non combatant npc's devolving further into justice system fodder? Hunted by players with functional classes. Well if that's the intention congrats!!! Your most of the way there!

    Yes this has been a stam build rant and to those of you readers who are tired and frustrated of hearing about it I do apologize. I assure you though it's nothing near approaching we who spent our money and more so, time on leveling a DW NB's level of frustration. Having options and alternatives are nice, tanking casting healing, but not so much when there the only option to be viable.i'm reminded of this every time i log in,so as far as I'm concerned so should they.Especially when I read about new stuff coming out, when they have there work cut out for them fixing what 'so out already. Maybe if enough of us really start to gripe they'll actually start to take this somewhat seriously because tweaking ultimates when a DW ability still caps off at 90 something damage is a joke who's punch lines in gibberish. Again I do apologize to you that don't have these problems but keep having to hear about. Happy hunting!
  • Cogo

    Just watched the Quakecon Panel on ESO and I just wanted to request something as far as dungeon scaling: An option in the settings to turn it off for those of us that like brutally hard dungeons that make us swear and throw things until we finally defeat it. Or at least give us the ability turn off down scaling.

    I would also recommend a notification similar to that in borderlands that says "the creatures of tamriel suddenly seem stronger" whenever the game scales up. Like wise a similar message when it scales down.

    I Agree with this. A setting for dungeon scaling is good but there are quite a few who enjoy a challenging Dungeon.
    Oghur Hatemachine, Guild leader of The Nephilim - EU Megaserver
    Orc Weapon Specialist and Warchief of the Ebonheart Pact - Trueflame Cyrodiil War Campaign
    Guildsite: The Nephilim

    "I don't agree with what you are saying, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it"

    "My build? Improvise, overcome and adapt!"
  • Lancillotto

    Itemization and Rewards

    One of the most fun reasons to play games like ESO is to obtain cool weapons, armor, and other gear through the course of your adventures. We’ve been closely following commentary about how, at some points in the game, it feels like you aren’t being rewarded adequately for the amount of effort you put in. I’ve already talked above about how we’re looking to alleviate this at Veteran Ranks, but it also applies to some sections of the 1-50 experience.

    We’ve seen feedback that there isn’t enough differentiation in armor appearances—especially as you adventure from moment to moment—and that the items you find are not substantially better than the ones you already have, leading to a feeling of incremental gain but never something exciting or momentous.

    Armor dyes, which will be in the game as part of Update 3, will help by giving you the ability to customize gear colors to your tastes, but we’re also going to introduce some new itemization features over the next couple of updates:
    • New armor sets that are visually distinct from others.
    • A new system that makes it easier to find complete sets in-game.
    • Item rewards will be handed out in a more logical fashion by quests and enemy drops.

    Stay tuned to future patch notes to see how itemization and rewards evolve over the next few updates.

    Hi! Could we please have some more details about when we are going to see the new armor sets?

    As far as I understand:

    1) The Imperial Daedric armor will be released with the Imperial City content. I think it’s reasonable to expect a motif as well, right?

    2) The Kathringi armor will be released with the new adventure zone; after the Imperial City update? I would expect this to come with a motif, correct?

    3) The Undaunted armor sets will be released with the revamp of the Undaunted questline; I guess a motif is unlikely, because it would defeat the purpose of having to complete a series of quests to obtain that special gear.

    4) The thieves guild and assassin guilds armor sets (i.e., Dark Brotherhood & Morag Tong) will likely be released after the justice system is introduced, correct? I suppose the respective motifs will be available as well?

    5) When are the Dwemer and glass armor going to be released? I am pretty sure they will come with motifs, am I right?

    6) The high-level PvP armor sets will likely be released far in the future, based on the simple consideration that you only have the concept art for one of them, and no in-game models have been seen, yet. Will motifs be available?

    I am really looking forward to these new sets, and I wonder if you could provide some information about estimated time of release (at least more or less). Moreover, can you provide some details about the new motifs? In particular, will there be a motif for the PvP sets? I surely hope so. I am not a big fan of PvP, but the set shown at Quakecon looks fantastic, perhaps my favorite so far. You guys are doing an amazing job! :)

    Edited by Lancillotto on August 14, 2014 11:29AM
  • pjbaitson
    Soul Shriven
    Kaytlin wrote: »
    I appreciate the information on the upcoming changes, but I am disappointed that there was no acknowledgment of the problems the game is experiencing and what steps are being taken to remedy the major game issues. This was supposed to be a address on the "state of the game". It missed the boat on this. There was no acknowledgement of the FPS and lag issues plaguing the AvA and some PvE zones. It seems this was more of a features in the works update rather than a state of the game address.
    Frankly, the state of the game is not good at this point.
    Caytlynne of Skye
    V12 EP Sorceress

    Uhm, they fixed the fps issues today, and most if not all of my problems were addressed in that letter with the vet rank and itemization points, so.

    Hi All,
    I presume the forum is supposed to be a place where one can put grips about the game?
    There is a lot wrong with ESO and with the game now 4 month's old it's about time the Dev's really started fixing things.
    I'm a passionate player and have all ways loved the elderscrolls games.
    My biggest gripe is with the map system, the map system is awful why should one have to scroll out all the time to view where there going? I find it a real pain, if you had to scroll in to get a close up of where you need to go it would not be so bad.
    I believe this is one of the first things the dev's need to look at, then they really need to start sorting out the bug's in the game.
  • Crashrun
    Soul Shriven
    Any news on when controller support will be available?
    Just bought this and quite disappointed it has none.
    This means my 30 day playtime will be wasted as I am playing on my 42 inch 3D tv and I wont be able to put in the hours I would have. Keyboard and mouse to uncomfortable with my setup.
    Hoping this will be added soon as I wont renew until it is supported.
    Any update would be appreciated.
  • Nazon_Katts
    "You've probably figured that out by now. Let's hope so. Or we're in real trouble... and out come the intestines. And I skip rope with them!"
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