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Do NOT nerf veteran content ZOS!

  • angel59
    [double post. arggh, fat fingers.0
    Edited by angel59 on July 5, 2014 3:53PM
  • Surinen
    'intelligent challenge', like stabbing enemy for 30s instead of 10? like counting to ten when you choose amount of mobs you wish to handle? like choosing abilities that you don't like because of some silly cc? like using weapons (ranged) that you don't want to use because you don't like them?

    I like block, but what I dislike is persistent claiming that people do not block because they do not want. eye-hand coordination and reflexes differ between people. add stressful situation and failure is almost guaranteed.

    lore, story> mechanics. you defeat King of Rap.e and then you have problems with 6 mudcrabs? whole idea of veteran content as something 'harder' is ludicrous. you are completing basic tasks mostly, things that pale in comparison with the power of Daedric Prince. they should be no more than 1-50 difficulty. traveling through other faction lands should be lore adventure called 'attunement' but definately not 'veteran'.
    Laura wrote: »
    Really the only excuse for wanting a nerf is that they don't want to think.
    you must have quite a special, personal defition of 'thinking'.

    Edited by Surinen on July 5, 2014 4:09PM
  • pahajuju
    I have to agree with the dude who started this tree. They shouldn't nerf the vr-content.
    I hated to play it, because I had to solo a lot of it, but I got through.

    Something completely different. Rant. Sorry.

    And maybe fix the effing fps-drop in pvp, so I'll have a reason to get 60 more days of this game that I didn't think I'd like.

    My gung *** for the game friends have stopped playing, but I just started to enjoy pvp, the oil should be fixed, but the fps drop from 80 to 3-15 is too much.
    EU server, and loosing interest in the game.
  • Laura
    angel59 wrote: »
    Laura wrote: »

    Don't forget the addons, They may make excuses for there inability to play on that and cause them to nerf addons even more.

    I've seen pretty much every conceivable class and build get through veteran content. Really the only excuse for wanting a nerf is that they don't want to think.

    Well, well, aren't you and your like special. The arrogance of the ltp's knows no bounds. You are a good player, no question. However, the comments from all the 133tists are the same: can't think, can't strategize, can't roll. We who have trouble with Veteran levels must all be no-brainers who only know how to stand in one place and click one button. Same ole song and dance. I should not even respond to this, given I may be censured, but I am sure there are others on here that feel the same as I. I hope that your sense of self esteem is based on more than how you play a game. Mine certainly is.

    Have a good day.

    Funny thing is I don't consider myself a very good player. I'm almost legally blind and that is what is completely mind boggling to me.
  • MeowGinger
    Dayv wrote: »
    a church of epeen worship
    This is the second-best thing I've heard all week
  • Thorntongue
    OP: Calling this game intelligent is like calling a pile of feces a gourmet meal. This is a game, no intelligence required, if you can push a button you can play it. Maybe to some people playing this game is the be all end all in their life, but playing this game is no real accomplishment. People play games for different reasons, but if people that it takes intelligence to play this, well that is not intelligent.

    Disclaimer: My intelligence has deteriorated into thinking that I am intelligent by playing my Intellivision.
  • Esha76
    The only thing that is “disgusting and offensive” is OP’s, and some other's attitudes, with the snide and condescending comments. It is astonishing that the people who use the term “Cry-babies” are the one who are crying the loudest. Get a grip on your selves for [Snip].

    The following is a lovely work of art I have done, a little here and there, while taking mini breaks from the game over the past 2 days. I put in it a spoiler as it is huge, very huge. So you read it by choice.

    If you must know why I took the time to do all of this, I work in the behavior modification field. I’m out on medical, and just itching to get back to it. So, as I am missing my work, I decided to indulge myself attempting to straighten out some of you sorry cases. Those of you throwing your childish tantrums over this whole VR thing are not going to like this. Not at all. No one likes being corrected and put in their place. I also have no doubt you’re going to get really nasty about it to, but some of you really need this. Of course, I sincerely doubt most of you have the character to understand that.
    1) If it was the “Vocal minority” as so many of you geniuses keep ranting, ZOS would apparently have a “going out of business” plan lined up. Spouting ridiculous accusations based on your wants, with zero credible facts to support it, only exposes your utter ignorance. Were any of you in the last ZOS manager’s meeting? Do they email you their internal findings? No? Then STFU.

    2) You also have no idea what any of the feedback is. If you think the ZOS is only going by the ridiculous posts and polls on this forum, then you’re so stupid there is nothing anything I, or anyone, can do for you. But I can forgive you if you are being blinded by your emotions, as you clearly need help. I am therefore also wasting my time trying to educate some of you on the reality of all this. The majority of people who play this game are smarter than those of us reading these forums. They are enjoying the game and know better than to come to these atrocious threads filled with insults, negativity, and hostility.

    3) The people who develop and manage these games, they’re pretty good at math and reading statistics. It just could be that they were looking over the in-game numbers and are aware that many of the encounters were unbalanced in VR, especially upper VR, due to player’s excessive deaths. Jessica is a PR person. If they realized that things were screwed up from the start…. They will never come out and admit that. So, despite all the “cry babies”… it could also be ZOS saying: “We done [Snip] up…” I don’t know, and you certainly don’t know, so once again drop the assumptions. There is mostly likely more going on behind that decision than anyone in the public is aware of.

    4) If some of you bothered to read the thread, Jessica clearly stated: “Level 50+ and 50++ content will still be more difficult than normal level 50 content, but easier to solo than it is now. So, yes, a middle ground.” You don’t know what changes are coming. You may be concerned it will become too easy and boring for you, that’s a perfectly legitimate concern and perfectly fine and understandable. But that does not give you the right to come to these threads and throw general insults toward the community like “L2P”, “cry-babies”, “Bads” etc… ESO maybe will no longer be the game for you in the end. But some of you are so worked up and heated over assumptions you have convinced yourself of with no credible evidence. All I can say is find something else in life to get this worked up over. You might even find something worth this much energy.

    5) STOP creating, quoting and pasting stupid polls on this [Snip] forum. All those show is the opinions of those who checked the forums at the time the poll was on the screen. As a guy said in another post/thread… “That’s about as scientific as a witch doctor throwing bones in the air.” Just stop it. Those things prove absolutely nothing.

    6) Here’s another thing you geniuses never considered: The people who just left, and those still hanging on, are at least paying for this. They have a financial investment. Logic would dictate that many of them will become more emotionally and skillfully invested in this game. Maybe not as fast as you elitists think they should, but most will. Now, when all these “Bads”, as you classy folk label them, jump ship and this thing goes F2P – How invested do you think most of those free players are going to be? Logic my dear Watson, it does make life easier…

    7) If you’re below VR8 – No offence, but you simply do not have the experience to have an opinion on this matter. I just rolled through VR3 Rivenspire on my Templar and crushed the place. After that experience, had I come to these forums I too would have said “What [Snip] are these people complaining about?!?!?” However I had previously done VR8 Rivenspire the day 1.2 hit, so I know better. Trust me when I tell you: It is a significantly different experience once you get above VR7. Most do not say it’s too difficult, but more irritating and annoying than worth the trouble to do these basic leveling quests. And I am not referring to the rewards, I referring to time paid money for.

    8) “It must be Obvious Day at Camp Stupid.” – Master Shake. All you geniuses that love to point out “This is an MMO! You’re supposed to do things with people!” Look at your [Snip] attitudes. Look at your “Bads”, “L2P”, “Carebear”, “QQ some more” “Cry-babies” comments. Why, on this unholy ball of dust, would anyone ever want to group with the likes of you? How anyone tolerates you, they must be sicker in the head than you are. I doubt most of you can even tolerate yourselves which is probably why you come to this forum and act the way you do.

    9) “VR was intended for players to group up.” Totally completely flat out wrong. Not only did the first video released detailing this game state specifically group and solo end game content, Jessica just said it herself: “One of the guiding principles of our Veteran gameplay was to encourage you (not force you) to group. We wanted you to be able to reach max level by playing solo if you wished, but still encourage you to group with others along the way.” Any MMO developer will encourage grouping, as that is one of the ideas behind these types of games. There is a very big difference between “Forced” and “Encourage”. ZOS recognizes not everyone wants to be forced to group in order to level. And as other previously stated, if you were grouped in VR right now, it was a “faceroll’ for you already.

    10) If you call yourself a “Casual”, yet will label some as “Bads”… you’re not a casual, you’re an elitist. That’s the truth. Elitism is not about being good at a game, it’s about throwing around a false sense of superiority and labeling others who do not meet your exaggerated expectations. Spend less time in a game/forum judging others, and go work on that attitude. Society will thank you for it, and you might be a better person in the end… though I’m, not promising anything.

    11) Stop accusing people of not blocking or rolling. If they didn't have that concept down, they'd have never made it to VR in the first place. Not to mention, the mechanics of very single boss and trash is identical to 1-50. So by being in VR at all, it's pretty logical to say they got it down already. You do not observe people playing, you have no idea what they are doing right, or wrong. I have never seen one person say “I should have to block an attack.” If you’re making comments along the lines of “People just don’t want to try or think,” once again you’re making rude [Snip] generalizations and nothing more than trying to support keeping things the way you want them. It also exposes your serious lack of character, but that is a whole different matter.

    12) People are entitled to enjoy different things than you, and different content. And no, you are not entitled to insult them and throw around the attitude and name-calling some of you do just because you don’t like why they play any game. People will like things, and dislike things, you don't agree to. If you haven't grasped that concept yet... go back to the 2nd grade because you missed something. And even though you think you are, you are not some gods and goddesses of video games. Get, [Snip], over yourselves.

    I write all this as one who has the Tamriel Hero title, completed Cadwell’s Gold, and I have all 4 classes in VR right now. The highest being VR10 Bow/DW/medium NB and the lowest is my DW/heavy DK who is VR2. I also never have gone the staff/light combination route on any character. Not only do I swap abilitites, but i swap armor and weapons based upon the encounter. In other words, I know what dafuhq I am doing and talking about. And I did all solo content solo. I did it, and I never told anyone they couldn’t, or that it was impossible. I am not saying nerfing the whole VR content is the answer, but I also don’t know if that is actually what they are going to do. However, something needs to be done as most people just don’t enjoy it, whether you like it or not. Case closed.

    The difficulty is not the point of my dissertation here. The point is the lack of character and flat out rudeness and obnoxious behavior many of you are showing. Also I am trying to clarifying some people arguments for those who are too worked up, emotional, or rude, to read and process what is being said. I also do not recall seeing anyone say “It can’t be done…” But I have seen the vast majority saying: “This whole VR thing is do-able, but really irritating and not worth my time.”

    Those of you calling others cry babies and whiners and bads…. You’re crying louder than anyone in the history of this forum. You are worse than the “I Quit” threads. You even post comments about “I’m going to quit if they nerf this!” Oh please, don’t get my hopes up like that… Do you really mean it? Some of you people cancelling and finding some other community to insult would just make my black soulless little heart swell. Oh please don’t tease me like that…

    Now I have educated you. You most certainly don’t like it, but if you can get past being butt hurt and actually learn something here, you could end up being a better person for it. That’s up to you. You’re welcome, anytime. If this is no longer the game for you, then please show some class and leave gracefully, not like these childish tantrums and insults some of you are throwing. So, in conclusion… “Pretty please, with a cherry on top…” – STFU!

    I will not be checking replies as I would rather play this game now than bicker with any of you people. Honestly, I have so little faith in some of you I don’t think you’d be able to do it rationally anyway. You can either see what you can learn from all this, or just go away. But should you find you “feel-some-type-of-way” over anything written here… Before you start raging on your keyboard you might want to take a moment to do some introspection and figure out why it is you’re having such reaction. If you feel you want, or need, to take ownership of any of this that’s telling you something. Best of luck to you working that out.

    I’ve gotten my career fix now. Thank you, you have been a lovely audience.

    Now you all play nice. I know it will be harder for some than others.

    [Moderator Note: Edited per our rules on Cursing & Profanity]
    Edited by ZOS_LucasA on July 5, 2014 7:09PM
    "There is no moisture in your angry stares." - Laughs-at-All
    "I don't know why I bother guarding you horrible people." - Orama Sadas
    "Scales here is about to have a really bad day..." - Valeric
    "Just tell me what you're doing here before I turn your heart into a tomato..." - Sereyne
    "Break those rocks! Dig those ditches! Why??? Because I want you to!!!" - Ifriz the Unraveller
    "There are worse masters than I. Far worse." - Molag Bal
    "I humiliated the Daedra in Mehrunes Spite." - You, when turning in a specific Undaunted Daily.
    "I'm not finding you very pleasant!" - Adla the Brewer
    "Old Ri'hirr likes his birds slow and stupid!" - Old Ri'hirr
    "When things get dirty... Oh, I get so flustered." - Meredil the Archivist
    "Too many Argonians about these days..." - Davon's Watch Guard (though I think this one has been removed from game)
  • Schallen
    Or you know, we could make it so I could actually do the stuid content so I can PVP.

    Class: Nightblade

    Role: DPS

    Favorite Movie: The Notebook

    Ideal Date: A long walk on the beach followed by a goodnight kiss

    Interested In: Women

  • ferzalrwb17_ESO
    Laura wrote: »
    angel59 wrote: »
    Laura wrote: »

    Don't forget the addons, They may make excuses for there inability to play on that and cause them to nerf addons even more.

    I've seen pretty much every conceivable class and build get through veteran content. Really the only excuse for wanting a nerf is that they don't want to think.

    Well, well, aren't you and your like special. The arrogance of the ltp's knows no bounds. You are a good player, no question. However, the comments from all the 133tists are the same: can't think, can't strategize, can't roll. We who have trouble with Veteran levels must all be no-brainers who only know how to stand in one place and click one button. Same ole song and dance. I should not even respond to this, given I may be censured, but I am sure there are others on here that feel the same as I. I hope that your sense of self esteem is based on more than how you play a game. Mine certainly is.

    Have a good day.

    Funny thing is I don't consider myself a very good player. I'm almost legally blind and that is what is completely mind boggling to me.

    Neither am I. I've helped people who are are having probs in Vet zones and I see the same thing from every single one of them: facetanking and single-target ability spam.

    I have watched a Templar run facefirst into a group of 3 spamming biting jabs, die, respawn, do the same thing again, die, respawn... over and over until he quit. He refused help. He refused to change anything. He wanted to be able to biting-jabs facetank the entire game from beginning to end or quit.

    I have never seen anyone who was willing to learn a tiny bit (seriously.. a tiny bit) of strategy fail to improve their success in VR drastically.

    Is there anyone who thinks it's too hard that is brave enough to post a vid showing that they don't facetank buttonmash? Not looking to ridicule. I've just never seen it and I want to see proof that there are people who try something beyond what I've mentioned and still struggle with trash mobs.

  • Xsorus

    PLEASE do not cave to people that refuse to even try to adapt beyond the same five abilities to play an incredibly fun and unique game as intended. It will ruin the intelligent challenge of one of the few games in the industry with the courage to do something new!

    Grow a spine ZOS! Stick to your guns! Nerf instanced solo quest content ONLY if you must, NOT anything you can get a group for. It is NOT difficult when I solo WORLD BOSSES two veteran levels above me!

    Listen to your customers! 63% of your forum community say DO NOT nerf it! Try something like this before you knee-jerk this awesome game to death!

    EDIT: Why are they nerfing vet zones?

    • Because people can't be bothered to block or roll dodge.
    • Because people refuse to adapt to the situation by swapping to a ranged weapon and slotting some CC.
    • Because people heard veteran content was empty or too hard on the internet and automatically believed it without bothering to try doing a little research on their class and creating two or three specs to counter various situations as the game intended.
    • Because the MMO community has been trained like lab monkeys that if they whine and cry long and loudly enough companies will give them whatever they want even if it ruins the game.
    • Because there are more paying customers that stand in fire than don't.

    "I shouldn't have to use an ice ability on that fire slime! I'm playing the way I want! ZOS nerf mob diversity! Fire slimes are OP!"

    "NPC killed me with an "OP damage-scaled" dagger throw because I refused to block or roll dodge which is part of the design of the game! ZOS nerf "fake challenge" and make me able to not die for ignoring mechanics!"

    "NPC broke out of stun/CC and becomes immune to CC for 5-7 seconds forcing me to block and roll dodge. OMG ZOS nerf fake damage tedious mobs that don't have unique AI abilities so I can stand there and mash!" this I watched you kill

    Wolves...Quite possibly the easiest mob in this game to actually kill...

    and Harpies, with you spamming your ultimate every fight to deal with them.

  • Guppet
    Laura wrote: »
    hamon wrote: »
    Lord_Hev wrote: »
    Lord_Hev wrote: »
    You posted a vid of a cookie-cutter build with 55% crit chance.


    Now lose both the crit chance and crit healing surge lolmorph and do the same content.

    My point? Nerf or no nerf, you will face-roll the content because of your lolbuild that no matter how much rhetorical strawmans you muster, ZOS' telemetry shows that the majority players do not min-max. Thus, the game will be balanced accordingly. And thus, is the best decision to ensure everyone enjoys the game.

    Oh stop. I intentionally did NOT use the cookie cutter AOE destruction staff ability. I intentionally did NOT use pets. I intentionally did NOT use Volcanic Rune which ANY class has access to.

    I swear, if you play a Sorcerer with ANY spec, people assume you must be able to just stand there in red zones not block or roll dodge and face roll stuff.

    I play a Sorc. I use AOE. I even abuse Volcanic rune. I block, I even stay out of red stuff.

    I still have to fight for my life against three covenant trash infantry no-life irrelevant nobodies whom are less important than the dung Dreughs build their statues out of.

    I even have all my gear and staff on purple. Hell, my second bar is a lolresto staff with mutagen. But my short-comings? I dont have lolcrit like you do. Nor do I have that lolcritsurgeheallololtrollinglol self-heal. I have the other surge morph. how dare my stupidity. If only I threw away my tastes, sucked up, went with the lolcrithealsurge morph and then found someone to craft me crit bonus sets with divines on each armor piece. Then yeah, I'd probably solo Craglorn trials.

    No one was insulting your choices bro. Why do you have to insult mine to make your point? It isn't a "lol" build, why would you say that?

    Besides, this isn't the only spec I use. I was intentionally rolling dangerous to make a point that roll dodging and block are the most important thing.

    This is the main spec I use for AOE and dolmens:

    i,m still waiting for you to solo the tharn storm atronach world boss in vet vet 8 grahtwood , which would counter my point that 1/ your using one of the best class/build combos in the game , 2/ you simply cherry picked a fight that makes your point.

    after all i could if i wished go find a boss that i can kite endlessly to death on my templar using a bow then post the video saying "zomg templar+ bow is OP "

    but i credit most folk on the forums as having more intellect and being thus able to see through such a cheap ploy

    That guy is using a build I have never seen before.

    I have seen a DK, a tank, a nightblade, and myself solo that storm atronach you are talking about. We actually use it as a test to get into our trial guild (which has some of the best times by the way)

    I personally got through veteran content as a templar and my husband got through it as a stamina weapon nightblade.

    I'll fraps the next time we do player trials to get into the guild and show you that there are a lot of people out there that aren't as bad as you guys.

    I mean, after all, there were quite a few v10s in craglorn when it came out. Its obviously doable.

    You do realise you have just made all the arguments for those wanting Nerfs to get content, don't you?

    You say you use the ability to solo the atronach, as a test to join your trials. That's clearly done due to you all knowing it's nigh on impossible for the average player.

    You say those players get some of the best trial times. Not wanting to inflate their fragile egos, but they are clearly well above average players.

    If that content would completely block the progress of normal players, it's clearly overturned. Thank you for confirming this unequivocally.
  • ArRashid
    What is the point of this thread?

    I mean, MOST world bosses are easier than a regular trash pack in VR. I could solo a 3 boss WB in Malabar Tor, yet a regular pack of 3 trash mobs literally says "screw his roots and screw his block, we're gonna cut that anyway". I have MR capped, armor capped thanks to Volatile Armor, bubble up from Harness Magicka and Mutagen from resto staff, yet I end up taking 250-350 dmg THROUGH BLOCK PER ATTACK PER MOB. How long do you think I can last with my 1500 HP (and I have plenty enchants and attribute points in HP)? It's burst or be bursted. The only "specs" that can do VR are slow stealthy mofos (aka NBs abusing stealth->veiled->heavy->repeat combo using resto staff and robe) or even slower pseudo tank specs.

    Difficulty should mean the content is scaling with you (aka a proportional increase in strength and maybe better AI every few levels), so that you don't feel too OP. Not just increasing HP/damage of every mob to several times player's strength and laugh at players that they now need group to go through solo content.

    Imagine you were playing any other MMO and you'd need group for that. Let's *** say that you were playing WoW, and everything past lvl 33 would require group to survive... sounds fun to you? Might be, IF you get people. ESO is half dead at this point. There are no people to help most of the time.

    I had a nice guild of about 35 ppl... I haven't seen more than 4 ppl online at the same time for about 2 months. I really hope people will come back after monday's patch.
  • sparafucilsarwb17_ESO
    I'm going through the vet zones now and to be honest it's fine as it is. Some of the encounters are actually too easy. Even the zone bosses and dolmens are easy. It would be a face roll if they are made any easier.
  • Lunerdog
    Esha76 wrote: »
    The only thing that is “disgusting and offensive” is OP’s, and some other's attitudes, with the snide and condescending comments. It is astonishing that the people who use the term “Cry-babies” are the one who are crying the loudest. Get a grip on your selves for fuhq sake…

    The following is a lovely work of art I have done, a little here and there, while taking mini breaks from the game over the past 2 days. I put in it a spoiler as it is huge, very huge. So you read it by choice.

    If you must know why I took the time to do all of this, I work in the behavior modification field. I’m out on medical, and just itching to get back to it. So, as I am missing my work, I decided to indulge myself attempting to straighten out some of you sorry cases. Those of you throwing your childish tantrums over this whole VR thing are not going to like this. Not at all. No one likes being corrected and put in their place. I also have no doubt you’re going to get really nasty about it to, but some of you really need this. Of course, I sincerely doubt most of you have the character to understand that.
    1) If it was the “Vocal minority” as so many of you geniuses keep ranting, ZOS would apparently have a “going out of business” plan lined up. Spouting ridiculous accusations based on your wants, with zero credible facts to support it, only exposes your utter ignorance. Were any of you in the last ZOS manager’s meeting? Do they email you their internal findings? No? Then STFU.

    2) You also have no idea what any of the feedback is. If you think the ZOS is only going by the ridiculous posts and polls on this forum, then you’re so stupid there is nothing anything I, or anyone, can do for you. But I can forgive you if you are being blinded by your emotions, as you clearly need help. I am therefore also wasting my time trying to educate some of you on the reality of all this. The majority of people who play this game are smarter than those of us reading these forums. They are enjoying the game and know better than to come to these atrocious threads filled with insults, negativity, and hostility.

    3) The people who develop and manage these games, they’re pretty good at math and reading statistics. It just could be that they were looking over the in-game numbers and are aware that many of the encounters were unbalanced in VR, especially upper VR, due to player’s excessive deaths. Jessica is a PR person. If they realized that things were screwed up from the start…. They will never come out and admit that. So, despite all the “cry babies”… it could also be ZOS saying: “We done fuhqued up…” I don’t know, and you certainly don’t know, so once again drop the assumptions. There is mostly likely more going on behind that decision than anyone in the public is aware of.

    4) If some of you bothered to read the thread, Jessica clearly stated: “Level 50+ and 50++ content will still be more difficult than normal level 50 content, but easier to solo than it is now. So, yes, a middle ground.” You don’t know what changes are coming. You may be concerned it will become too easy and boring for you, that’s a perfectly legitimate concern and perfectly fine and understandable. But that does not give you the right to come to these threads and throw general insults toward the community like “L2P”, “cry-babies”, “Bads” etc… ESO maybe will no longer be the game for you in the end. But some of you are so worked up and heated over assumptions you have convinced yourself of with no credible evidence. All I can say is find something else in life to get this worked up over. You might even find something worth this much energy.

    5) STOP creating, quoting and pasting stupid polls on this dumb a@@ forum. All those show is the opinions of those who checked the forums at the time the poll was on the screen. As a guy said in another post/thread… “That’s about as scientific as a witch doctor throwing bones in the air.” Just stop it. Those things prove absolutely nothing.

    6) Here’s another thing you geniuses never considered: The people who just left, and those still hanging on, are at least paying for this. They have a financial investment. Logic would dictate that many of them will become more emotionally and skillfully invested in this game. Maybe not as fast as you elitists think they should, but most will. Now, when all these “Bads”, as you classy folk label them, jump ship and this thing goes F2P – How invested do you think most of those free players are going to be? Logic my dear Watson, it does make life easier…

    7) If you’re below VR8 – No offence, but you simply do not have the experience to have an opinion on this matter. I just rolled through VR3 Rivenspire on my Templar and crushed the place. After that experience, had I come to these forums I too would have said “What dafuhq are these people complaining about?!?!?” However I had previously done VR8 Rivenspire the day 1.2 hit, so I know better. Trust me when I tell you: It is a significantly different experience once you get above VR7. Most do not say it’s too difficult, but more irritating and annoying than worth the trouble to do these basic leveling quests. And I am not referring to the rewards, I referring to time paid money for.

    8) “It must be Obvious Day at Camp Stupid.” – Master Shake. All you geniuses that love to point out “This is an MMO! You’re supposed to do things with people!” Look at your fuhquin attitudes. Look at your “Bads”, “L2P”, “Carebear”, “QQ some more” “Cry-babies” comments. Why, on this unholy ball of dust, would anyone ever want to group with the likes of you? How anyone tolerates you, they must be sicker in the head than you are. I doubt most of you can even tolerate yourselves which is probably why you come to this forum and act the way you do.

    9) “VR was intended for players to group up.” Totally completely flat out wrong. Not only did the first video released detailing this game state specifically group and solo end game content, Jessica just said it herself: “One of the guiding principles of our Veteran gameplay was to encourage you (not force you) to group. We wanted you to be able to reach max level by playing solo if you wished, but still encourage you to group with others along the way.” Any MMO developer will encourage grouping, as that is one of the ideas behind these types of games. There is a very big difference between “Forced” and “Encourage”. ZOS recognizes not everyone wants to be forced to group in order to level. And as other previously stated, if you were grouped in VR right now, it was a “faceroll’ for you already.

    10) If you call yourself a “Casual”, yet will label some as “Bads”… you’re not a casual, you’re an elitist. That’s the truth. Elitism is not about being good at a game, it’s about throwing around a false sense of superiority and labeling others who do not meet your exaggerated expectations. Spend less time in a game/forum judging others, and go work on that attitude. Society will thank you for it, and you might be a better person in the end… though I’m, not promising anything.

    11) Stop accusing people of not blocking or rolling. If they didn't have that concept down, they'd have never made it to VR in the first place. Not to mention, the mechanics of very single boss and trash is identical to 1-50. So by being in VR at all, it's pretty logical to say they got it down already. You do not observe people playing, you have no idea what they are doing right, or wrong. I have never seen one person say “I should have to block an attack.” If you’re making comments along the lines of “People just don’t want to try or think,” once again you’re making rude a@@ generalizations and nothing more than trying to support keeping things the way you want them. It also exposes your serious lack of character, but that is a whole different matter.

    12) People are entitled to enjoy different things than you, and different content. And no, you are not entitled to insult them and throw around the attitude and name-calling some of you do just because you don’t like why they play any game. People will like things, and dislike things, you don't agree to. If you haven't grasped that concept yet... go back to the 2nd grade because you missed something. And even though you think you are, you are not some gods and goddesses of video games. Get, da-fuhq, over yourselves.

    I write all this as one who has the Tamriel Hero title, completed Cadwell’s Gold, and I have all 4 classes in VR right now. The highest being VR10 Bow/DW/medium NB and the lowest is my DW/heavy DK who is VR2. I also never have gone the staff/light combination route on any character. Not only do I swap abilitites, but i swap armor and weapons based upon the encounter. In other words, I know what dafuhq I am doing and talking about. And I did all solo content solo. I did it, and I never told anyone they couldn’t, or that it was impossible. I am not saying nerfing the whole VR content is the answer, but I also don’t know if that is actually what they are going to do. However, something needs to be done as most people just don’t enjoy it, whether you like it or not. Case closed.

    The difficulty is not the point of my dissertation here. The point is the lack of character and flat out rudeness and obnoxious behavior many of you are showing. Also I am trying to clarifying some people arguments for those who are too worked up, emotional, or rude, to read and process what is being said. I also do not recall seeing anyone say “It can’t be done…” But I have seen the vast majority saying: “This whole VR thing is do-able, but really irritating and not worth my time.”

    Those of you calling others cry babies and whiners and bads…. You’re crying louder than anyone in the history of this forum. You are worse than the “I Quit” threads. You even post comments about “I’m going to quit if they nerf this!” Oh please, don’t get my hopes up like that… Do you really mean it? Some of you people cancelling and finding some other community to insult would just make my black soulless little heart swell. Oh please don’t tease me like that…

    Now I have educated you. You most certainly don’t like it, but if you can get past being butt hurt and actually learn something here, you could end up being a better person for it. That’s up to you. You’re welcome, anytime. If this is no longer the game for you, then please show some class and leave gracefully, not like these childish tantrums and insults some of you are throwing. So, in conclusion… “Pretty please, with a cherry on top…” – STFU!

    I will not be checking replies as I would rather play this game now than bicker with any of you people. Honestly, I have so little faith in some of you I don’t think you’d be able to do it rationally anyway. You can either see what you can learn from all this, or just go away. But should you find you “feel-some-type-of-way” over anything written here… Before you start raging on your keyboard you might want to take a moment to do some introspection and figure out why it is you’re having such reaction. If you feel you want, or need, to take ownership of any of this that’s telling you something. Best of luck to you working that out.

    I’ve gotten my career fix now. Thank you, you have been a lovely audience.

    Now you all play nice. I know it will be harder for some than others.

    Absolutely, unquestionably, most definitely and without doubt the best damn post on this entire forum.

    Read what's in the spoiler people, nail hit right on the noggin.

    Kudos to you Esha.
    Edited by Lunerdog on July 5, 2014 5:22PM
  • ArRashid
    I'm going through the vet zones now and to be honest it's fine as it is. Some of the encounters are actually too easy. Even the zone bosses and dolmens are easy. It would be a face roll if they are made any easier.

    That's mostly because Dolmens and World Bosses ARE easier than trash packs. They scale differently. Also you can just stand near them, modify your entire bars for that single encounter (because the XP is usually worth it, unlike slowing down for trash) and if you're lucky, someone even comes by to help till you're done doing that..
    You can solo most world bosses quite easily, yet a 3man trash pack destroys you in a blink at a slightest mistake (the most usual being actually sprinting, then having zero stamina for blocking that random pack that was hiding behind a tree..... or just getting stuck between mobs (damn you collision models!) or in vegetation - curse the elven jungles)
    Schallen wrote: »
    Or you know, we could make it so I could actually do the stuid content so I can PVP.

    If you struggle with the content, you will struggle in PvP. ;)
  • Laura
    Guppet wrote: »
    Laura wrote: »
    hamon wrote: »
    Lord_Hev wrote: »
    Lord_Hev wrote: »
    You posted a vid of a cookie-cutter build with 55% crit chance.


    Now lose both the crit chance and crit healing surge lolmorph and do the same content.

    My point? Nerf or no nerf, you will face-roll the content because of your lolbuild that no matter how much rhetorical strawmans you muster, ZOS' telemetry shows that the majority players do not min-max. Thus, the game will be balanced accordingly. And thus, is the best decision to ensure everyone enjoys the game.

    Oh stop. I intentionally did NOT use the cookie cutter AOE destruction staff ability. I intentionally did NOT use pets. I intentionally did NOT use Volcanic Rune which ANY class has access to.

    I swear, if you play a Sorcerer with ANY spec, people assume you must be able to just stand there in red zones not block or roll dodge and face roll stuff.

    I play a Sorc. I use AOE. I even abuse Volcanic rune. I block, I even stay out of red stuff.

    I still have to fight for my life against three covenant trash infantry no-life irrelevant nobodies whom are less important than the dung Dreughs build their statues out of.

    I even have all my gear and staff on purple. Hell, my second bar is a lolresto staff with mutagen. But my short-comings? I dont have lolcrit like you do. Nor do I have that lolcritsurgeheallololtrollinglol self-heal. I have the other surge morph. how dare my stupidity. If only I threw away my tastes, sucked up, went with the lolcrithealsurge morph and then found someone to craft me crit bonus sets with divines on each armor piece. Then yeah, I'd probably solo Craglorn trials.

    No one was insulting your choices bro. Why do you have to insult mine to make your point? It isn't a "lol" build, why would you say that?

    Besides, this isn't the only spec I use. I was intentionally rolling dangerous to make a point that roll dodging and block are the most important thing.

    This is the main spec I use for AOE and dolmens:

    i,m still waiting for you to solo the tharn storm atronach world boss in vet vet 8 grahtwood , which would counter my point that 1/ your using one of the best class/build combos in the game , 2/ you simply cherry picked a fight that makes your point.

    after all i could if i wished go find a boss that i can kite endlessly to death on my templar using a bow then post the video saying "zomg templar+ bow is OP "

    but i credit most folk on the forums as having more intellect and being thus able to see through such a cheap ploy

    That guy is using a build I have never seen before.

    I have seen a DK, a tank, a nightblade, and myself solo that storm atronach you are talking about. We actually use it as a test to get into our trial guild (which has some of the best times by the way)

    I personally got through veteran content as a templar and my husband got through it as a stamina weapon nightblade.

    I'll fraps the next time we do player trials to get into the guild and show you that there are a lot of people out there that aren't as bad as you guys.

    I mean, after all, there were quite a few v10s in craglorn when it came out. Its obviously doable.

    You do realise you have just made all the arguments for those wanting Nerfs to get content, don't you?

    You say you use the ability to solo the atronach, as a test to join your trials. That's clearly done due to you all knowing it's nigh on impossible for the average player.

    You say those players get some of the best trial times. Not wanting to inflate their fragile egos, but they are clearly well above average players.

    If that content would completely block the progress of normal players, it's clearly overturned. Thank you for confirming this unequivocally.

    Psst that Atronach is supposed to be group content is the point.


    It is the ONLY overworld group content that is argued that can't be soloed and it can.

    There is literally nothing difficult about this game even the trials are a joke - it just blows my mind on so many levels.

    as an above poster said we see people run in doing the same tactic over and over and over and wonder why things aren't dying.

    Its not a matter of anything other than the inability to use strategy and think.

    Seriously the game is so easy that doing that trial was the only thing we could think of that was hard enough to test someones ability and upwards of 75% of people actually accomplish it. We don't expect them to do it in any certain time frame we give them as long as they need as long as they show us them beating it.

    They go they try and they try until they figure out a way to do it.

    Its a test of strategy and commitment not skill.

    You can call me an elitist all you want I'm actually one of the worst players in my guild (seriously my guild note is top dps floor mat. I'm not that good) by far and I died quite a lot in VR content. The only thing is I didn't throw my hands in the air and say "i give up this is too hard".
    Edited by Laura on July 5, 2014 6:15PM
  • DirtySouthWookie
    Its already easy as hell. I don't get why they keep nerfing DK's and othet jobs, yet now they nerf all Vet content.. Lame..
  • Armianlee
    Malpherian wrote: »
    @ Alien, actually I think you have your stats wrong, 70%+ Say VR content is broken (in one way or another) on the official poll.

    No one says it needs to be nurfed, that's not even one of the options. They simply state that according to ZOS designs and promises, the VR content is "Not working as intended", and needs to be fixed.

    How they plan on fixing it you wont find out until July 7th when they release the Road ahead Post specifically about this and other upcoming features in the next month or 2.

    Before I go on, I am for the change as long as it is a middle ground change. I look forward to an increase in the population.


    This is why the polls on this forum fail hard.

    All the polls asking if Vet was too HARD had the overwhelming vote towards NO!
    When those were brought up when we found out about the change the results were ignored and called not indicative of the game. Now, I have seen people pull the newest one out to back up their claims that it is too hard.

    The poll posted with the 70% was asking if Vet needs re-balancing. It does, it needs better rewards, it needs attribute points for Magica/Health/Stamina, it needs mobs to not be so thick that you cannot even sneak around them, it needs more VXP given for quests so on and so forth. Asking if it needs re-balancing =/= it is too hard.

    For that we have had plenty of polls that say it ISN'T too hard.

    Polls on this forum should only be done by ZOS staff, with proper wording and choices. Even if that isn't the case, anything NOT done by ZOS should never ever be considered "official" or "accurate".

    @Malpherian I am not actually picking on you or your post. Just using the bolded point to say why polls here are so broken.
    Edited by Armianlee on July 5, 2014 6:20PM
    Basic circle of complaints on ESO Forums:
    1) Users: Fix game/class/bug
    2) Zenimax Online: Brings servers down and fixes issues and deploys patches.
    3) Users: OMG SERVERS ARE DOWN!!!!!
    4) Zenimax Online: Brings servers back up!
    5) See 1)

    VR10 Sword and Board Templar (Heavy Armour), Ebonheart Pact
    LVL 25 Sorcerer, Daggerfall Covenant
    LVL 28 DK, Ebonheart Pact
    LVL 15 Nightblade, Altmari Dominion
  • Guppet
    Laura wrote: »
    Guppet wrote: »
    Laura wrote: »
    hamon wrote: »
    Lord_Hev wrote: »
    Lord_Hev wrote: »
    You posted a vid of a cookie-cutter build with 55% crit chance.


    Now lose both the crit chance and crit healing surge lolmorph and do the same content.

    My point? Nerf or no nerf, you will face-roll the content because of your lolbuild that no matter how much rhetorical strawmans you muster, ZOS' telemetry shows that the majority players do not min-max. Thus, the game will be balanced accordingly. And thus, is the best decision to ensure everyone enjoys the game.

    Oh stop. I intentionally did NOT use the cookie cutter AOE destruction staff ability. I intentionally did NOT use pets. I intentionally did NOT use Volcanic Rune which ANY class has access to.

    I swear, if you play a Sorcerer with ANY spec, people assume you must be able to just stand there in red zones not block or roll dodge and face roll stuff.

    I play a Sorc. I use AOE. I even abuse Volcanic rune. I block, I even stay out of red stuff.

    I still have to fight for my life against three covenant trash infantry no-life irrelevant nobodies whom are less important than the dung Dreughs build their statues out of.

    I even have all my gear and staff on purple. Hell, my second bar is a lolresto staff with mutagen. But my short-comings? I dont have lolcrit like you do. Nor do I have that lolcritsurgeheallololtrollinglol self-heal. I have the other surge morph. how dare my stupidity. If only I threw away my tastes, sucked up, went with the lolcrithealsurge morph and then found someone to craft me crit bonus sets with divines on each armor piece. Then yeah, I'd probably solo Craglorn trials.

    No one was insulting your choices bro. Why do you have to insult mine to make your point? It isn't a "lol" build, why would you say that?

    Besides, this isn't the only spec I use. I was intentionally rolling dangerous to make a point that roll dodging and block are the most important thing.

    This is the main spec I use for AOE and dolmens:

    i,m still waiting for you to solo the tharn storm atronach world boss in vet vet 8 grahtwood , which would counter my point that 1/ your using one of the best class/build combos in the game , 2/ you simply cherry picked a fight that makes your point.

    after all i could if i wished go find a boss that i can kite endlessly to death on my templar using a bow then post the video saying "zomg templar+ bow is OP "

    but i credit most folk on the forums as having more intellect and being thus able to see through such a cheap ploy

    That guy is using a build I have never seen before.

    I have seen a DK, a tank, a nightblade, and myself solo that storm atronach you are talking about. We actually use it as a test to get into our trial guild (which has some of the best times by the way)

    I personally got through veteran content as a templar and my husband got through it as a stamina weapon nightblade.

    I'll fraps the next time we do player trials to get into the guild and show you that there are a lot of people out there that aren't as bad as you guys.

    I mean, after all, there were quite a few v10s in craglorn when it came out. Its obviously doable.

    You do realise you have just made all the arguments for those wanting Nerfs to get content, don't you?

    You say you use the ability to solo the atronach, as a test to join your trials. That's clearly done due to you all knowing it's nigh on impossible for the average player.

    You say those players get some of the best trial times. Not wanting to inflate their fragile egos, but they are clearly well above average players.

    If that content would completely block the progress of normal players, it's clearly overturned. Thank you for confirming this unequivocally.

    Psst that Atronach is supposed to be group content is the point.


    It is the ONLY overworld group content that is argued that can't be soloed and it can.

    There is literally nothing difficult about this game even the trials are a joke - it just blows my mind on so many levels.

    as an above poster said we see people run in doing the same tactic over and over and over and wonder why things aren't dying.

    Its not a matter of anything other than the inability to use strategy and think.

    Seriously the game is so easy that doing that trial was the only thing we could think of that was hard enough to test someones ability and upwards of 75% of people actually accomplish it. We don't expect them to do it in any certain time frame we give them as long as they need as long as they show us them beating it.

    They go they try and they try until they figure out a way to do it.

    Its a test of strategy and commitment not skill.

    You can call me an elitist all you want I'm actually one of the worst players in my guild (seriously my guild note is top dps floor mat. I'm not that good) by far and I died quite a lot in VR content. The only thing is I didn't throw my hands in the air and say "i give up this is too hard".

    You have as much evidence they it is supposed to be group content as I do that it's solo, i.e. none.

    I know the game is very possible and white easy for some players. The thing those players need to honestly ask themselves is "are they more skilled than the average player" I know it may not be good to keep their egos down but they normally are better than average, often substantially so. If it's a challenge to them it's nigh on impossible for the average player.

    People seriously need to realise there are some players Round these days with over a decades worth of experience in MMO's. They should find all content a face roll. They have practiced mechanics and working in a group to a level most professional sports would aspire too.
  • OrangeTheCat
    Wow OP. You assume A LOT. Too much really. I don't even know where to start.
  • hamon
    Laura wrote: »
    hamon wrote: »
    Lord_Hev wrote: »
    Lord_Hev wrote: »
    You posted a vid of a cookie-cutter build with 55% crit chance.


    Now lose both the crit chance and crit healing surge lolmorph and do the same content.

    My point? Nerf or no nerf, you will face-roll the content because of your lolbuild that no matter how much rhetorical strawmans you muster, ZOS' telemetry shows that the majority players do not min-max. Thus, the game will be balanced accordingly. And thus, is the best decision to ensure everyone enjoys the game.

    Oh stop. I intentionally did NOT use the cookie cutter AOE destruction staff ability. I intentionally did NOT use pets. I intentionally did NOT use Volcanic Rune which ANY class has access to.

    I swear, if you play a Sorcerer with ANY spec, people assume you must be able to just stand there in red zones not block or roll dodge and face roll stuff.

    I play a Sorc. I use AOE. I even abuse Volcanic rune. I block, I even stay out of red stuff.

    I still have to fight for my life against three covenant trash infantry no-life irrelevant nobodies whom are less important than the dung Dreughs build their statues out of.

    I even have all my gear and staff on purple. Hell, my second bar is a lolresto staff with mutagen. But my short-comings? I dont have lolcrit like you do. Nor do I have that lolcritsurgeheallololtrollinglol self-heal. I have the other surge morph. how dare my stupidity. If only I threw away my tastes, sucked up, went with the lolcrithealsurge morph and then found someone to craft me crit bonus sets with divines on each armor piece. Then yeah, I'd probably solo Craglorn trials.

    No one was insulting your choices bro. Why do you have to insult mine to make your point? It isn't a "lol" build, why would you say that?

    Besides, this isn't the only spec I use. I was intentionally rolling dangerous to make a point that roll dodging and block are the most important thing.

    This is the main spec I use for AOE and dolmens:

    i,m still waiting for you to solo the tharn storm atronach world boss in vet vet 8 grahtwood , which would counter my point that 1/ your using one of the best class/build combos in the game , 2/ you simply cherry picked a fight that makes your point.

    after all i could if i wished go find a boss that i can kite endlessly to death on my templar using a bow then post the video saying "zomg templar+ bow is OP "

    but i credit most folk on the forums as having more intellect and being thus able to see through such a cheap ploy

    That guy is using a build I have never seen before.

    I have seen a DK, a tank, a nightblade, and myself solo that storm atronach you are talking about. We actually use it as a test to get into our trial guild (which has some of the best times by the way)

    I personally got through veteran content as a templar and my husband got through it as a stamina weapon nightblade.

    I'll fraps the next time we do player trials to get into the guild and show you that there are a lot of people out there that aren't as bad as you guys.

    I mean, after all, there were quite a few v10s in craglorn when it came out. Its obviously doable.

    well if you can solo that in vet 8 content . i,ll say well done. but mark this while you may think your great at computer games.

    you lack the social skills of even a moderately well adjusted adult. you come onto a public forum and tell everyone how bad they are. the arrogance is staggering.

    I'm probably a far better player than you think , but i won't brag about my gaming skills or history or guilds i raided with etc...
    for me the type of people i socialise with far out weighs their ability to click buttons in a game.

    [Moderator Note: Edited per our rules on Flaming]
    Edited by ZOS_SandraF on July 6, 2014 12:48AM
  • Alphashado
    Esha76 wrote: »
    The only thing that is “disgusting and offensive” is OP’s, and some other's attitudes, with the snide and condescending comments. It is astonishing that the people who use the term “Cry-babies” are the one who are crying the loudest. Get a grip on your selves for fuhq sake…

    The following is a lovely work of art I have done, a little here and there, while taking mini breaks from the game over the past 2 days. I put in it a spoiler as it is huge, very huge. So you read it by choice.

    If you must know why I took the time to do all of this, I work in the behavior modification field. I’m out on medical, and just itching to get back to it. So, as I am missing my work, I decided to indulge myself attempting to straighten out some of you sorry cases. Those of you throwing your childish tantrums over this whole VR thing are not going to like this. Not at all. No one likes being corrected and put in their place. I also have no doubt you’re going to get really nasty about it to, but some of you really need this. Of course, I sincerely doubt most of you have the character to understand that.
    1) If it was the “Vocal minority” as so many of you geniuses keep ranting, ZOS would apparently have a “going out of business” plan lined up. Spouting ridiculous accusations based on your wants, with zero credible facts to support it, only exposes your utter ignorance. Were any of you in the last ZOS manager’s meeting? Do they email you their internal findings? No? Then STFU.

    2) You also have no idea what any of the feedback is. If you think the ZOS is only going by the ridiculous posts and polls on this forum, then you’re so stupid there is nothing anything I, or anyone, can do for you. But I can forgive you if you are being blinded by your emotions, as you clearly need help. I am therefore also wasting my time trying to educate some of you on the reality of all this. The majority of people who play this game are smarter than those of us reading these forums. They are enjoying the game and know better than to come to these atrocious threads filled with insults, negativity, and hostility.

    3) The people who develop and manage these games, they’re pretty good at math and reading statistics. It just could be that they were looking over the in-game numbers and are aware that many of the encounters were unbalanced in VR, especially upper VR, due to player’s excessive deaths. Jessica is a PR person. If they realized that things were screwed up from the start…. They will never come out and admit that. So, despite all the “cry babies”… it could also be ZOS saying: “We done fuhqued up…” I don’t know, and you certainly don’t know, so once again drop the assumptions. There is mostly likely more going on behind that decision than anyone in the public is aware of.

    4) If some of you bothered to read the thread, Jessica clearly stated: “Level 50+ and 50++ content will still be more difficult than normal level 50 content, but easier to solo than it is now. So, yes, a middle ground.” You don’t know what changes are coming. You may be concerned it will become too easy and boring for you, that’s a perfectly legitimate concern and perfectly fine and understandable. But that does not give you the right to come to these threads and throw general insults toward the community like “L2P”, “cry-babies”, “Bads” etc… ESO maybe will no longer be the game for you in the end. But some of you are so worked up and heated over assumptions you have convinced yourself of with no credible evidence. All I can say is find something else in life to get this worked up over. You might even find something worth this much energy.

    5) STOP creating, quoting and pasting stupid polls on this dumb a@@ forum. All those show is the opinions of those who checked the forums at the time the poll was on the screen. As a guy said in another post/thread… “That’s about as scientific as a witch doctor throwing bones in the air.” Just stop it. Those things prove absolutely nothing.

    6) Here’s another thing you geniuses never considered: The people who just left, and those still hanging on, are at least paying for this. They have a financial investment. Logic would dictate that many of them will become more emotionally and skillfully invested in this game. Maybe not as fast as you elitists think they should, but most will. Now, when all these “Bads”, as you classy folk label them, jump ship and this thing goes F2P – How invested do you think most of those free players are going to be? Logic my dear Watson, it does make life easier…

    7) If you’re below VR8 – No offence, but you simply do not have the experience to have an opinion on this matter. I just rolled through VR3 Rivenspire on my Templar and crushed the place. After that experience, had I come to these forums I too would have said “What dafuhq are these people complaining about?!?!?” However I had previously done VR8 Rivenspire the day 1.2 hit, so I know better. Trust me when I tell you: It is a significantly different experience once you get above VR7. Most do not say it’s too difficult, but more irritating and annoying than worth the trouble to do these basic leveling quests. And I am not referring to the rewards, I referring to time paid money for.

    8) “It must be Obvious Day at Camp Stupid.” – Master Shake. All you geniuses that love to point out “This is an MMO! You’re supposed to do things with people!” Look at your fuhquin attitudes. Look at your “Bads”, “L2P”, “Carebear”, “QQ some more” “Cry-babies” comments. Why, on this unholy ball of dust, would anyone ever want to group with the likes of you? How anyone tolerates you, they must be sicker in the head than you are. I doubt most of you can even tolerate yourselves which is probably why you come to this forum and act the way you do.

    9) “VR was intended for players to group up.” Totally completely flat out wrong. Not only did the first video released detailing this game state specifically group and solo end game content, Jessica just said it herself: “One of the guiding principles of our Veteran gameplay was to encourage you (not force you) to group. We wanted you to be able to reach max level by playing solo if you wished, but still encourage you to group with others along the way.” Any MMO developer will encourage grouping, as that is one of the ideas behind these types of games. There is a very big difference between “Forced” and “Encourage”. ZOS recognizes not everyone wants to be forced to group in order to level. And as other previously stated, if you were grouped in VR right now, it was a “faceroll’ for you already.

    10) If you call yourself a “Casual”, yet will label some as “Bads”… you’re not a casual, you’re an elitist. That’s the truth. Elitism is not about being good at a game, it’s about throwing around a false sense of superiority and labeling others who do not meet your exaggerated expectations. Spend less time in a game/forum judging others, and go work on that attitude. Society will thank you for it, and you might be a better person in the end… though I’m, not promising anything.

    11) Stop accusing people of not blocking or rolling. If they didn't have that concept down, they'd have never made it to VR in the first place. Not to mention, the mechanics of very single boss and trash is identical to 1-50. So by being in VR at all, it's pretty logical to say they got it down already. You do not observe people playing, you have no idea what they are doing right, or wrong. I have never seen one person say “I should have to block an attack.” If you’re making comments along the lines of “People just don’t want to try or think,” once again you’re making rude a@@ generalizations and nothing more than trying to support keeping things the way you want them. It also exposes your serious lack of character, but that is a whole different matter.

    12) People are entitled to enjoy different things than you, and different content. And no, you are not entitled to insult them and throw around the attitude and name-calling some of you do just because you don’t like why they play any game. People will like things, and dislike things, you don't agree to. If you haven't grasped that concept yet... go back to the 2nd grade because you missed something. And even though you think you are, you are not some gods and goddesses of video games. Get, da-fuhq, over yourselves.

    I write all this as one who has the Tamriel Hero title, completed Cadwell’s Gold, and I have all 4 classes in VR right now. The highest being VR10 Bow/DW/medium NB and the lowest is my DW/heavy DK who is VR2. I also never have gone the staff/light combination route on any character. Not only do I swap abilitites, but i swap armor and weapons based upon the encounter. In other words, I know what dafuhq I am doing and talking about. And I did all solo content solo. I did it, and I never told anyone they couldn’t, or that it was impossible. I am not saying nerfing the whole VR content is the answer, but I also don’t know if that is actually what they are going to do. However, something needs to be done as most people just don’t enjoy it, whether you like it or not. Case closed.

    The difficulty is not the point of my dissertation here. The point is the lack of character and flat out rudeness and obnoxious behavior many of you are showing. Also I am trying to clarifying some people arguments for those who are too worked up, emotional, or rude, to read and process what is being said. I also do not recall seeing anyone say “It can’t be done…” But I have seen the vast majority saying: “This whole VR thing is do-able, but really irritating and not worth my time.”

    Those of you calling others cry babies and whiners and bads…. You’re crying louder than anyone in the history of this forum. You are worse than the “I Quit” threads. You even post comments about “I’m going to quit if they nerf this!” Oh please, don’t get my hopes up like that… Do you really mean it? Some of you people cancelling and finding some other community to insult would just make my black soulless little heart swell. Oh please don’t tease me like that…

    Now I have educated you. You most certainly don’t like it, but if you can get past being butt hurt and actually learn something here, you could end up being a better person for it. That’s up to you. You’re welcome, anytime. If this is no longer the game for you, then please show some class and leave gracefully, not like these childish tantrums and insults some of you are throwing. So, in conclusion… “Pretty please, with a cherry on top…” – STFU!

    I will not be checking replies as I would rather play this game now than bicker with any of you people. Honestly, I have so little faith in some of you I don’t think you’d be able to do it rationally anyway. You can either see what you can learn from all this, or just go away. But should you find you “feel-some-type-of-way” over anything written here… Before you start raging on your keyboard you might want to take a moment to do some introspection and figure out why it is you’re having such reaction. If you feel you want, or need, to take ownership of any of this that’s telling you something. Best of luck to you working that out.

    I’ve gotten my career fix now. Thank you, you have been a lovely audience.

    Now you all play nice. I know it will be harder for some than others.

    My oh my. Everything, and I mean everything in that spoiler is word for word exactly what I have been holding in. In response to some of these posts I have wanted to scream those exact same paragraphs from a mountain top. Some sense of "keeping the peace" has refrained me from doing so. Bravo Esha for knocking it out of the ball park.

    I have been a massive supporter of VR balances because I see the bigger picture. Not because I struggle with it myself. I play a V9 Templar, and I am actually a pretty good player. But I try to stay humble about it and I seldom mention that because I am not interested in bragging or making others feel bad by saying I am better than them. I see the bigger picture. I see very good casual friends of mine leave. I see dead VR zones, and most of all I see a game that I love bleeding subscriptions.

    I grew up as a navy Brat. I was in 13 different schools by the time I graduated high school due to the navy and a few other reasons. What happens to the new kid? You guessed it. Every school had a new bully. Every school had a new epeen that needed to get stroked by picking on the new kid. I got to the point where I started fighting back. Eventually the bullies got easy to recognize. They were all the same. Different skin, same person. Made themselves feel good by making other people feel bad.

    Then one day things changed. Same story, different school. Bully actually showed up at my house. He was pounding on the door. Him and his friends were all outside yelling at me to come out. I was so mad I had just had enough. I opened the door and punched him square in the nose as hard as I could.

    Him and is friends kicked my ass, but I broke his nose and he never said another word to me. After that I didn't waste any time. I just waited for the inevitable bully at each new school and I punched him in the nose. I'm not bragging. Fighting isn't cool. But as a young man I found myself always sticking up for the underdog. Now as a somewhat wiser middle aged man I still do. Because I can relate.

    I can relate to being less than perfect and being ridiculed for it. I can relate to being average and being ridiculed for it. I can relate to being new at something or somewhere and being ridiculed for it.

    Every single person that pays money to play this game deserves respect and appreciation. Regardless of their play style or their interests or their lvl of skill. Because their money pays the bills. Being a good player means nothing to me if my friends are gone and the Vet zones are empty.

    So Bravo Esha! Way to lay down some brutal truth.

    Edited by Alphashado on July 5, 2014 7:11PM
  • hamon
    Alphashado wrote: »
    Esha76 wrote: »
    The only thing that is “disgusting and offensive” is OP’s, and some other's attitudes, with the snide and condescending comments. It is astonishing that the people who use the term “Cry-babies” are the one who are crying the loudest. Get a grip on your selves for fuhq sake…

    The following is a lovely work of art I have done, a little here and there, while taking mini breaks from the game over the past 2 days. I put in it a spoiler as it is huge, very huge. So you read it by choice.

    If you must know why I took the time to do all of this, I work in the behavior modification field. I’m out on medical, and just itching to get back to it. So, as I am missing my work, I decided to indulge myself attempting to straighten out some of you sorry cases. Those of you throwing your childish tantrums over this whole VR thing are not going to like this. Not at all. No one likes being corrected and put in their place. I also have no doubt you’re going to get really nasty about it to, but some of you really need this. Of course, I sincerely doubt most of you have the character to understand that.
    1) If it was the “Vocal minority” as so many of you geniuses keep ranting, ZOS would apparently have a “going out of business” plan lined up. Spouting ridiculous accusations based on your wants, with zero credible facts to support it, only exposes your utter ignorance. Were any of you in the last ZOS manager’s meeting? Do they email you their internal findings? No? Then STFU.

    2) You also have no idea what any of the feedback is. If you think the ZOS is only going by the ridiculous posts and polls on this forum, then you’re so stupid there is nothing anything I, or anyone, can do for you. But I can forgive you if you are being blinded by your emotions, as you clearly need help. I am therefore also wasting my time trying to educate some of you on the reality of all this. The majority of people who play this game are smarter than those of us reading these forums. They are enjoying the game and know better than to come to these atrocious threads filled with insults, negativity, and hostility.

    3) The people who develop and manage these games, they’re pretty good at math and reading statistics. It just could be that they were looking over the in-game numbers and are aware that many of the encounters were unbalanced in VR, especially upper VR, due to player’s excessive deaths. Jessica is a PR person. If they realized that things were screwed up from the start…. They will never come out and admit that. So, despite all the “cry babies”… it could also be ZOS saying: “We done fuhqued up…” I don’t know, and you certainly don’t know, so once again drop the assumptions. There is mostly likely more going on behind that decision than anyone in the public is aware of.

    4) If some of you bothered to read the thread, Jessica clearly stated: “Level 50+ and 50++ content will still be more difficult than normal level 50 content, but easier to solo than it is now. So, yes, a middle ground.” You don’t know what changes are coming. You may be concerned it will become too easy and boring for you, that’s a perfectly legitimate concern and perfectly fine and understandable. But that does not give you the right to come to these threads and throw general insults toward the community like “L2P”, “cry-babies”, “Bads” etc… ESO maybe will no longer be the game for you in the end. But some of you are so worked up and heated over assumptions you have convinced yourself of with no credible evidence. All I can say is find something else in life to get this worked up over. You might even find something worth this much energy.

    5) STOP creating, quoting and pasting stupid polls on this dumb a@@ forum. All those show is the opinions of those who checked the forums at the time the poll was on the screen. As a guy said in another post/thread… “That’s about as scientific as a witch doctor throwing bones in the air.” Just stop it. Those things prove absolutely nothing.

    6) Here’s another thing you geniuses never considered: The people who just left, and those still hanging on, are at least paying for this. They have a financial investment. Logic would dictate that many of them will become more emotionally and skillfully invested in this game. Maybe not as fast as you elitists think they should, but most will. Now, when all these “Bads”, as you classy folk label them, jump ship and this thing goes F2P – How invested do you think most of those free players are going to be? Logic my dear Watson, it does make life easier…

    7) If you’re below VR8 – No offence, but you simply do not have the experience to have an opinion on this matter. I just rolled through VR3 Rivenspire on my Templar and crushed the place. After that experience, had I come to these forums I too would have said “What dafuhq are these people complaining about?!?!?” However I had previously done VR8 Rivenspire the day 1.2 hit, so I know better. Trust me when I tell you: It is a significantly different experience once you get above VR7. Most do not say it’s too difficult, but more irritating and annoying than worth the trouble to do these basic leveling quests. And I am not referring to the rewards, I referring to time paid money for.

    8) “It must be Obvious Day at Camp Stupid.” – Master Shake. All you geniuses that love to point out “This is an MMO! You’re supposed to do things with people!” Look at your fuhquin attitudes. Look at your “Bads”, “L2P”, “Carebear”, “QQ some more” “Cry-babies” comments. Why, on this unholy ball of dust, would anyone ever want to group with the likes of you? How anyone tolerates you, they must be sicker in the head than you are. I doubt most of you can even tolerate yourselves which is probably why you come to this forum and act the way you do.

    9) “VR was intended for players to group up.” Totally completely flat out wrong. Not only did the first video released detailing this game state specifically group and solo end game content, Jessica just said it herself: “One of the guiding principles of our Veteran gameplay was to encourage you (not force you) to group. We wanted you to be able to reach max level by playing solo if you wished, but still encourage you to group with others along the way.” Any MMO developer will encourage grouping, as that is one of the ideas behind these types of games. There is a very big difference between “Forced” and “Encourage”. ZOS recognizes not everyone wants to be forced to group in order to level. And as other previously stated, if you were grouped in VR right now, it was a “faceroll’ for you already.

    10) If you call yourself a “Casual”, yet will label some as “Bads”… you’re not a casual, you’re an elitist. That’s the truth. Elitism is not about being good at a game, it’s about throwing around a false sense of superiority and labeling others who do not meet your exaggerated expectations. Spend less time in a game/forum judging others, and go work on that attitude. Society will thank you for it, and you might be a better person in the end… though I’m, not promising anything.

    11) Stop accusing people of not blocking or rolling. If they didn't have that concept down, they'd have never made it to VR in the first place. Not to mention, the mechanics of very single boss and trash is identical to 1-50. So by being in VR at all, it's pretty logical to say they got it down already. You do not observe people playing, you have no idea what they are doing right, or wrong. I have never seen one person say “I should have to block an attack.” If you’re making comments along the lines of “People just don’t want to try or think,” once again you’re making rude a@@ generalizations and nothing more than trying to support keeping things the way you want them. It also exposes your serious lack of character, but that is a whole different matter.

    12) People are entitled to enjoy different things than you, and different content. And no, you are not entitled to insult them and throw around the attitude and name-calling some of you do just because you don’t like why they play any game. People will like things, and dislike things, you don't agree to. If you haven't grasped that concept yet... go back to the 2nd grade because you missed something. And even though you think you are, you are not some gods and goddesses of video games. Get, da-fuhq, over yourselves.

    I write all this as one who has the Tamriel Hero title, completed Cadwell’s Gold, and I have all 4 classes in VR right now. The highest being VR10 Bow/DW/medium NB and the lowest is my DW/heavy DK who is VR2. I also never have gone the staff/light combination route on any character. Not only do I swap abilitites, but i swap armor and weapons based upon the encounter. In other words, I know what dafuhq I am doing and talking about. And I did all solo content solo. I did it, and I never told anyone they couldn’t, or that it was impossible. I am not saying nerfing the whole VR content is the answer, but I also don’t know if that is actually what they are going to do. However, something needs to be done as most people just don’t enjoy it, whether you like it or not. Case closed.

    The difficulty is not the point of my dissertation here. The point is the lack of character and flat out rudeness and obnoxious behavior many of you are showing. Also I am trying to clarifying some people arguments for those who are too worked up, emotional, or rude, to read and process what is being said. I also do not recall seeing anyone say “It can’t be done…” But I have seen the vast majority saying: “This whole VR thing is do-able, but really irritating and not worth my time.”

    Those of you calling others cry babies and whiners and bads…. You’re crying louder than anyone in the history of this forum. You are worse than the “I Quit” threads. You even post comments about “I’m going to quit if they nerf this!” Oh please, don’t get my hopes up like that… Do you really mean it? Some of you people cancelling and finding some other community to insult would just make my black soulless little heart swell. Oh please don’t tease me like that…

    Now I have educated you. You most certainly don’t like it, but if you can get past being butt hurt and actually learn something here, you could end up being a better person for it. That’s up to you. You’re welcome, anytime. If this is no longer the game for you, then please show some class and leave gracefully, not like these childish tantrums and insults some of you are throwing. So, in conclusion… “Pretty please, with a cherry on top…” – STFU!

    I will not be checking replies as I would rather play this game now than bicker with any of you people. Honestly, I have so little faith in some of you I don’t think you’d be able to do it rationally anyway. You can either see what you can learn from all this, or just go away. But should you find you “feel-some-type-of-way” over anything written here… Before you start raging on your keyboard you might want to take a moment to do some introspection and figure out why it is you’re having such reaction. If you feel you want, or need, to take ownership of any of this that’s telling you something. Best of luck to you working that out.

    I’ve gotten my career fix now. Thank you, you have been a lovely audience.

    Now you all play nice. I know it will be harder for some than others.

    My oh my. Everything, and I mean everything in that spoiler is word for word exactly what I have been holding in. In response to some of these posts I have wanted to scream those exact same paragraphs from a mountain top. Some sense of "keeping the peace" has refrained me from doing so. Bravo Esha for knocking it out of the ball park.

    I have been a massive supporter of VR balances because I see the bigger picture. Not because I struggle with it myself. I play a V9 Templar, and I am actually a pretty good player. But I try to stay humble about it and I seldom mention that because I am not interested in bragging or making others feel bad by saying I am better than them. I see the bigger picture. I see very good casual friends of mine leave. I see dead VR zones, and most of all I see a game that I love bleeding subscriptions.

    I grew up as a navy Brat. I was in 13 different schools by the time I graduated high school due to the navy and a few other reasons. What happens to the new kid? You guessed it. Every school had a new bully. Every school had a new epeen that needed to get stroked by picking on the new kid. I got to the point where I started fighting back. Eventually the bullies got easy to recognize. They were all the same. Different skin, same person. Made themselves feel good by making other people feel bad.

    Then one day things changed. Same story, different school. Bully actually showed up at my house. He was pounding on the door. Him and his friends were all outside yelling at me to come out. I was so mad I had just had enough. I opened the door and punched him square in the nose as hard as I could.

    Him and is friends kicked my ass, but I broke his nose and he never said another word to me. After that I didn't waste any time. I just waited for the inevitable bully at each new school and I punched him in the nose. I'm not bragging. Fighting isn't cool. But as a young man I found myself always sticking up for the underdog. Now as a somewhat wiser middle aged man I still do. Because I can relate.

    I can relate to being less than perfect and being ridiculed for it. I can relate to being average and being ridiculed for it. I can relate to being new at something or somewhere and being ridiculed for it.

    Every single person that pays money to play this game deserves respect and appreciation. Regardless of their play style or their interests or their lvl of skill. Because their money pays the bills. Being a good player means nothing to me if my friends are gone and the Vet zones are empty.

    So Bravo Esha! Way to lay down some brutal truth.

    agreed ive argued for re-balancing for months , not because i couldnt do it, i done it all ages ago . but because i knew it was in need of change.
  • Redlag
    Esha76 wrote: »
    The only thing that is “disgusting and offensive” is OP’s, and some other's attitudes, with the snide and condescending comments. It is astonishing that the people who use the term “Cry-babies” are the one who are crying the loudest. Get a grip on your selves for fuhq sake…

    The following is a lovely work of art I have done, a little here and there, while taking mini breaks from the game over the past 2 days. I put in it a spoiler as it is huge, very huge. So you read it by choice.

    If you must know why I took the time to do all of this, I work in the behavior modification field. I’m out on medical, and just itching to get back to it. So, as I am missing my work, I decided to indulge myself attempting to straighten out some of you sorry cases. Those of you throwing your childish tantrums over this whole VR thing are not going to like this. Not at all. No one likes being corrected and put in their place. I also have no doubt you’re going to get really nasty about it to, but some of you really need this. Of course, I sincerely doubt most of you have the character to understand that.
    1) If it was the “Vocal minority” as so many of you geniuses keep ranting, ZOS would apparently have a “going out of business” plan lined up. Spouting ridiculous accusations based on your wants, with zero credible facts to support it, only exposes your utter ignorance. Were any of you in the last ZOS manager’s meeting? Do they email you their internal findings? No? Then STFU.

    2) You also have no idea what any of the feedback is. If you think the ZOS is only going by the ridiculous posts and polls on this forum, then you’re so stupid there is nothing anything I, or anyone, can do for you. But I can forgive you if you are being blinded by your emotions, as you clearly need help. I am therefore also wasting my time trying to educate some of you on the reality of all this. The majority of people who play this game are smarter than those of us reading these forums. They are enjoying the game and know better than to come to these atrocious threads filled with insults, negativity, and hostility.

    3) The people who develop and manage these games, they’re pretty good at math and reading statistics. It just could be that they were looking over the in-game numbers and are aware that many of the encounters were unbalanced in VR, especially upper VR, due to player’s excessive deaths. Jessica is a PR person. If they realized that things were screwed up from the start…. They will never come out and admit that. So, despite all the “cry babies”… it could also be ZOS saying: “We done fuhqued up…” I don’t know, and you certainly don’t know, so once again drop the assumptions. There is mostly likely more going on behind that decision than anyone in the public is aware of.

    4) If some of you bothered to read the thread, Jessica clearly stated: “Level 50+ and 50++ content will still be more difficult than normal level 50 content, but easier to solo than it is now. So, yes, a middle ground.” You don’t know what changes are coming. You may be concerned it will become too easy and boring for you, that’s a perfectly legitimate concern and perfectly fine and understandable. But that does not give you the right to come to these threads and throw general insults toward the community like “L2P”, “cry-babies”, “Bads” etc… ESO maybe will no longer be the game for you in the end. But some of you are so worked up and heated over assumptions you have convinced yourself of with no credible evidence. All I can say is find something else in life to get this worked up over. You might even find something worth this much energy.

    5) STOP creating, quoting and pasting stupid polls on this dumb a@@ forum. All those show is the opinions of those who checked the forums at the time the poll was on the screen. As a guy said in another post/thread… “That’s about as scientific as a witch doctor throwing bones in the air.” Just stop it. Those things prove absolutely nothing.

    6) Here’s another thing you geniuses never considered: The people who just left, and those still hanging on, are at least paying for this. They have a financial investment. Logic would dictate that many of them will become more emotionally and skillfully invested in this game. Maybe not as fast as you elitists think they should, but most will. Now, when all these “Bads”, as you classy folk label them, jump ship and this thing goes F2P – How invested do you think most of those free players are going to be? Logic my dear Watson, it does make life easier…

    7) If you’re below VR8 – No offence, but you simply do not have the experience to have an opinion on this matter. I just rolled through VR3 Rivenspire on my Templar and crushed the place. After that experience, had I come to these forums I too would have said “What dafuhq are these people complaining about?!?!?” However I had previously done VR8 Rivenspire the day 1.2 hit, so I know better. Trust me when I tell you: It is a significantly different experience once you get above VR7. Most do not say it’s too difficult, but more irritating and annoying than worth the trouble to do these basic leveling quests. And I am not referring to the rewards, I referring to time paid money for.

    8) “It must be Obvious Day at Camp Stupid.” – Master Shake. All you geniuses that love to point out “This is an MMO! You’re supposed to do things with people!” Look at your fuhquin attitudes. Look at your “Bads”, “L2P”, “Carebear”, “QQ some more” “Cry-babies” comments. Why, on this unholy ball of dust, would anyone ever want to group with the likes of you? How anyone tolerates you, they must be sicker in the head than you are. I doubt most of you can even tolerate yourselves which is probably why you come to this forum and act the way you do.

    9) “VR was intended for players to group up.” Totally completely flat out wrong. Not only did the first video released detailing this game state specifically group and solo end game content, Jessica just said it herself: “One of the guiding principles of our Veteran gameplay was to encourage you (not force you) to group. We wanted you to be able to reach max level by playing solo if you wished, but still encourage you to group with others along the way.” Any MMO developer will encourage grouping, as that is one of the ideas behind these types of games. There is a very big difference between “Forced” and “Encourage”. ZOS recognizes not everyone wants to be forced to group in order to level. And as other previously stated, if you were grouped in VR right now, it was a “faceroll’ for you already.

    10) If you call yourself a “Casual”, yet will label some as “Bads”… you’re not a casual, you’re an elitist. That’s the truth. Elitism is not about being good at a game, it’s about throwing around a false sense of superiority and labeling others who do not meet your exaggerated expectations. Spend less time in a game/forum judging others, and go work on that attitude. Society will thank you for it, and you might be a better person in the end… though I’m, not promising anything.

    11) Stop accusing people of not blocking or rolling. If they didn't have that concept down, they'd have never made it to VR in the first place. Not to mention, the mechanics of very single boss and trash is identical to 1-50. So by being in VR at all, it's pretty logical to say they got it down already. You do not observe people playing, you have no idea what they are doing right, or wrong. I have never seen one person say “I should have to block an attack.” If you’re making comments along the lines of “People just don’t want to try or think,” once again you’re making rude a@@ generalizations and nothing more than trying to support keeping things the way you want them. It also exposes your serious lack of character, but that is a whole different matter.

    12) People are entitled to enjoy different things than you, and different content. And no, you are not entitled to insult them and throw around the attitude and name-calling some of you do just because you don’t like why they play any game. People will like things, and dislike things, you don't agree to. If you haven't grasped that concept yet... go back to the 2nd grade because you missed something. And even though you think you are, you are not some gods and goddesses of video games. Get, da-fuhq, over yourselves.

    I write all this as one who has the Tamriel Hero title, completed Cadwell’s Gold, and I have all 4 classes in VR right now. The highest being VR10 Bow/DW/medium NB and the lowest is my DW/heavy DK who is VR2. I also never have gone the staff/light combination route on any character. Not only do I swap abilitites, but i swap armor and weapons based upon the encounter. In other words, I know what dafuhq I am doing and talking about. And I did all solo content solo. I did it, and I never told anyone they couldn’t, or that it was impossible. I am not saying nerfing the whole VR content is the answer, but I also don’t know if that is actually what they are going to do. However, something needs to be done as most people just don’t enjoy it, whether you like it or not. Case closed.

    The difficulty is not the point of my dissertation here. The point is the lack of character and flat out rudeness and obnoxious behavior many of you are showing. Also I am trying to clarifying some people arguments for those who are too worked up, emotional, or rude, to read and process what is being said. I also do not recall seeing anyone say “It can’t be done…” But I have seen the vast majority saying: “This whole VR thing is do-able, but really irritating and not worth my time.”

    Those of you calling others cry babies and whiners and bads…. You’re crying louder than anyone in the history of this forum. You are worse than the “I Quit” threads. You even post comments about “I’m going to quit if they nerf this!” Oh please, don’t get my hopes up like that… Do you really mean it? Some of you people cancelling and finding some other community to insult would just make my black soulless little heart swell. Oh please don’t tease me like that…

    Now I have educated you. You most certainly don’t like it, but if you can get past being butt hurt and actually learn something here, you could end up being a better person for it. That’s up to you. You’re welcome, anytime. If this is no longer the game for you, then please show some class and leave gracefully, not like these childish tantrums and insults some of you are throwing. So, in conclusion… “Pretty please, with a cherry on top…” – STFU!

    I will not be checking replies as I would rather play this game now than bicker with any of you people. Honestly, I have so little faith in some of you I don’t think you’d be able to do it rationally anyway. You can either see what you can learn from all this, or just go away. But should you find you “feel-some-type-of-way” over anything written here… Before you start raging on your keyboard you might want to take a moment to do some introspection and figure out why it is you’re having such reaction. If you feel you want, or need, to take ownership of any of this that’s telling you something. Best of luck to you working that out.

    I’ve gotten my career fix now. Thank you, you have been a lovely audience.

    Now you all play nice. I know it will be harder for some than others.

    Best post ever. It's 90% of how I see it. Only said in a way that's direct and undeniable.

    The other 10% of my opinion is that when developers create games catering to that type of attitude; giving reign to guilds of guys like that. The entire community takes a nose dive. Kids that haven't even completed content act like them in hopes of getting a chance to play with them so they can get gear etc. So they can act the same to people who don't want to be forced to deal with the attitude. Then they burn out and a new kid without a clue replaces them, because behind the scenes, within their guilds in group dungeons, they're unforgivingly toxic to each other over wipes and mishaps.

    Honestly, with 4 VRs and tons of hours playing. My wife (2 VRs) and I aren't in a real guild (1 merchant guild). I ignore chat. I decline group invites. I don't do group dungeons. I love mmorpgs and PvP'ing, but I quit mmos in 2009 because devs replicating mmo as EQ/WoW raiding. Which I believe leads to a very unhealthy overall community. Listen to this guys video. It's typical elite raider attitude that comes with beefing up content to appease a few.

    Most likely one of them would read what I wrote. Then reply with, "You must be a bad that's no good and you're tired of getting told you suck". Which is the complete opposite. I've played mmos and twitch shooters since the late 1990s. I'm pretty good at all of this. I just don't want my entertainment to entail needing them for anything. It's subjective. I feel subjected by the devs to need a toxic atmosphere in order to accomplish gearing up for AvA.

    I'm not anti-social either. I loved grouping in DAoC PvE and AvA. Darkness Falls was the most creative dungeon I've ever seen. Along with Trials of Atlantis being very creative content on a realm community building level, aside from giving skills as a reward. I guarantee Trials of Atlantis style of content (without giving skills) and Darkness Falls AvA PvP/PvE dungeon could easily replace WoW raiding and complete this game. Funny thing is. Those two aspects build communities as a realm/alliance. Not a guild level. The players new who the good guilds were. They didn't need timed runs in a dungeon to prove it.

    Again, Im not anti social. I don't want to be subjected anymore to the original poster and a guild of his friends that act just like him. Finding a guild that doesn't behave like this is a feat of its own in the last 10 years. It's the only reason I'm against BoP and forced grouping, making content so hard.. Dungeon timers. I'm not paying a company to be forced to need this guy to get what I want in a video game anymore. Take that for what it is ZOS, but I don't think I'm alone in my opinion.
  • suelothvar
    I got a blue bow at low lev that was BoP, so items do exist.. was quite gutted at time as mates cha was a bow user :P
    Seraklan - Nightshade EU
    Beardybpbear. Xbox1

    No console text chat = discrimination against the deaf!
  • Vahrokh
    Lord_Hev wrote: »
    You posted a vid of a cookie-cutter build with 55% crit chance.


    Too bad he purposedly used the opposite of a cookie cutter build, no fire AoE, no mage light, no resto staff nothing...

    He just demonstrated bads are bads and prejudiced like you, are prejudiced.

  • Vahrokh
    Tabbycat wrote: »

    It's still going to be harder than 1-50. Just not as difficult as it is now.

    Don't panic. The sky is not falling... yet.

    Well, besides some bad tuned bosses and few (think 4-5) quests with too strong multi-wave spawns, the rest is not difficult. It's absolutely normal.

    Sure, compared with the fact you almost don't need to be at the keyboard to win content below 50 it's harder. Harder than pathetically easy <> difficult.
  • kieso
    Lunerdog wrote: »
    Esha76 wrote: »
    The only thing that is “disgusting and offensive” is OP’s, and some other's attitudes, with the snide and condescending comments. It is astonishing that the people who use the term “Cry-babies” are the one who are crying the loudest. Get a grip on your selves for fuhq sake…

    The following is a lovely work of art I have done, a little here and there, while taking mini breaks from the game over the past 2 days. I put in it a spoiler as it is huge, very huge. So you read it by choice.

    If you must know why I took the time to do all of this, I work in the behavior modification field. I’m out on medical, and just itching to get back to it. So, as I am missing my work, I decided to indulge myself attempting to straighten out some of you sorry cases. Those of you throwing your childish tantrums over this whole VR thing are not going to like this. Not at all. No one likes being corrected and put in their place. I also have no doubt you’re going to get really nasty about it to, but some of you really need this. Of course, I sincerely doubt most of you have the character to understand that.
    1) If it was the “Vocal minority” as so many of you geniuses keep ranting, ZOS would apparently have a “going out of business” plan lined up. Spouting ridiculous accusations based on your wants, with zero credible facts to support it, only exposes your utter ignorance. Were any of you in the last ZOS manager’s meeting? Do they email you their internal findings? No? Then STFU.

    2) You also have no idea what any of the feedback is. If you think the ZOS is only going by the ridiculous posts and polls on this forum, then you’re so stupid there is nothing anything I, or anyone, can do for you. But I can forgive you if you are being blinded by your emotions, as you clearly need help. I am therefore also wasting my time trying to educate some of you on the reality of all this. The majority of people who play this game are smarter than those of us reading these forums. They are enjoying the game and know better than to come to these atrocious threads filled with insults, negativity, and hostility.

    3) The people who develop and manage these games, they’re pretty good at math and reading statistics. It just could be that they were looking over the in-game numbers and are aware that many of the encounters were unbalanced in VR, especially upper VR, due to player’s excessive deaths. Jessica is a PR person. If they realized that things were screwed up from the start…. They will never come out and admit that. So, despite all the “cry babies”… it could also be ZOS saying: “We done fuhqued up…” I don’t know, and you certainly don’t know, so once again drop the assumptions. There is mostly likely more going on behind that decision than anyone in the public is aware of.

    4) If some of you bothered to read the thread, Jessica clearly stated: “Level 50+ and 50++ content will still be more difficult than normal level 50 content, but easier to solo than it is now. So, yes, a middle ground.” You don’t know what changes are coming. You may be concerned it will become too easy and boring for you, that’s a perfectly legitimate concern and perfectly fine and understandable. But that does not give you the right to come to these threads and throw general insults toward the community like “L2P”, “cry-babies”, “Bads” etc… ESO maybe will no longer be the game for you in the end. But some of you are so worked up and heated over assumptions you have convinced yourself of with no credible evidence. All I can say is find something else in life to get this worked up over. You might even find something worth this much energy.

    5) STOP creating, quoting and pasting stupid polls on this dumb a@@ forum. All those show is the opinions of those who checked the forums at the time the poll was on the screen. As a guy said in another post/thread… “That’s about as scientific as a witch doctor throwing bones in the air.” Just stop it. Those things prove absolutely nothing.

    6) Here’s another thing you geniuses never considered: The people who just left, and those still hanging on, are at least paying for this. They have a financial investment. Logic would dictate that many of them will become more emotionally and skillfully invested in this game. Maybe not as fast as you elitists think they should, but most will. Now, when all these “Bads”, as you classy folk label them, jump ship and this thing goes F2P – How invested do you think most of those free players are going to be? Logic my dear Watson, it does make life easier…

    7) If you’re below VR8 – No offence, but you simply do not have the experience to have an opinion on this matter. I just rolled through VR3 Rivenspire on my Templar and crushed the place. After that experience, had I come to these forums I too would have said “What dafuhq are these people complaining about?!?!?” However I had previously done VR8 Rivenspire the day 1.2 hit, so I know better. Trust me when I tell you: It is a significantly different experience once you get above VR7. Most do not say it’s too difficult, but more irritating and annoying than worth the trouble to do these basic leveling quests. And I am not referring to the rewards, I referring to time paid money for.

    8) “It must be Obvious Day at Camp Stupid.” – Master Shake. All you geniuses that love to point out “This is an MMO! You’re supposed to do things with people!” Look at your fuhquin attitudes. Look at your “Bads”, “L2P”, “Carebear”, “QQ some more” “Cry-babies” comments. Why, on this unholy ball of dust, would anyone ever want to group with the likes of you? How anyone tolerates you, they must be sicker in the head than you are. I doubt most of you can even tolerate yourselves which is probably why you come to this forum and act the way you do.

    9) “VR was intended for players to group up.” Totally completely flat out wrong. Not only did the first video released detailing this game state specifically group and solo end game content, Jessica just said it herself: “One of the guiding principles of our Veteran gameplay was to encourage you (not force you) to group. We wanted you to be able to reach max level by playing solo if you wished, but still encourage you to group with others along the way.” Any MMO developer will encourage grouping, as that is one of the ideas behind these types of games. There is a very big difference between “Forced” and “Encourage”. ZOS recognizes not everyone wants to be forced to group in order to level. And as other previously stated, if you were grouped in VR right now, it was a “faceroll’ for you already.

    10) If you call yourself a “Casual”, yet will label some as “Bads”… you’re not a casual, you’re an elitist. That’s the truth. Elitism is not about being good at a game, it’s about throwing around a false sense of superiority and labeling others who do not meet your exaggerated expectations. Spend less time in a game/forum judging others, and go work on that attitude. Society will thank you for it, and you might be a better person in the end… though I’m, not promising anything.

    11) Stop accusing people of not blocking or rolling. If they didn't have that concept down, they'd have never made it to VR in the first place. Not to mention, the mechanics of very single boss and trash is identical to 1-50. So by being in VR at all, it's pretty logical to say they got it down already. You do not observe people playing, you have no idea what they are doing right, or wrong. I have never seen one person say “I should have to block an attack.” If you’re making comments along the lines of “People just don’t want to try or think,” once again you’re making rude a@@ generalizations and nothing more than trying to support keeping things the way you want them. It also exposes your serious lack of character, but that is a whole different matter.

    12) People are entitled to enjoy different things than you, and different content. And no, you are not entitled to insult them and throw around the attitude and name-calling some of you do just because you don’t like why they play any game. People will like things, and dislike things, you don't agree to. If you haven't grasped that concept yet... go back to the 2nd grade because you missed something. And even though you think you are, you are not some gods and goddesses of video games. Get, da-fuhq, over yourselves.

    I write all this as one who has the Tamriel Hero title, completed Cadwell’s Gold, and I have all 4 classes in VR right now. The highest being VR10 Bow/DW/medium NB and the lowest is my DW/heavy DK who is VR2. I also never have gone the staff/light combination route on any character. Not only do I swap abilitites, but i swap armor and weapons based upon the encounter. In other words, I know what dafuhq I am doing and talking about. And I did all solo content solo. I did it, and I never told anyone they couldn’t, or that it was impossible. I am not saying nerfing the whole VR content is the answer, but I also don’t know if that is actually what they are going to do. However, something needs to be done as most people just don’t enjoy it, whether you like it or not. Case closed.

    The difficulty is not the point of my dissertation here. The point is the lack of character and flat out rudeness and obnoxious behavior many of you are showing. Also I am trying to clarifying some people arguments for those who are too worked up, emotional, or rude, to read and process what is being said. I also do not recall seeing anyone say “It can’t be done…” But I have seen the vast majority saying: “This whole VR thing is do-able, but really irritating and not worth my time.”

    Those of you calling others cry babies and whiners and bads…. You’re crying louder than anyone in the history of this forum. You are worse than the “I Quit” threads. You even post comments about “I’m going to quit if they nerf this!” Oh please, don’t get my hopes up like that… Do you really mean it? Some of you people cancelling and finding some other community to insult would just make my black soulless little heart swell. Oh please don’t tease me like that…

    Now I have educated you. You most certainly don’t like it, but if you can get past being butt hurt and actually learn something here, you could end up being a better person for it. That’s up to you. You’re welcome, anytime. If this is no longer the game for you, then please show some class and leave gracefully, not like these childish tantrums and insults some of you are throwing. So, in conclusion… “Pretty please, with a cherry on top…” – STFU!

    I will not be checking replies as I would rather play this game now than bicker with any of you people. Honestly, I have so little faith in some of you I don’t think you’d be able to do it rationally anyway. You can either see what you can learn from all this, or just go away. But should you find you “feel-some-type-of-way” over anything written here… Before you start raging on your keyboard you might want to take a moment to do some introspection and figure out why it is you’re having such reaction. If you feel you want, or need, to take ownership of any of this that’s telling you something. Best of luck to you working that out.

    I’ve gotten my career fix now. Thank you, you have been a lovely audience.

    Now you all play nice. I know it will be harder for some than others.

    Absolutely, unquestionably, most definitely and without doubt the best damn post on this entire forum.

    Read what's in the spoiler people, nail hit right on the noggin.

    Kudos to you Esha.

    Yeah Esha just won this thread and every other VR thread to come, everyone should just go back to playing the game since you guys got pwned the eff up.
  • Blackwidow
    It's weird to see "fanboi's" complaining about ZOS and "haters" defending their decision.

    It's total chaos! :D
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