Maintenance for the week of July 8:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance - July 8
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – July 9, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – July 10, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – July 10, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
Update 43 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here:

Do NOT nerf veteran content ZOS!


PLEASE do not cave to people that refuse to even try to adapt beyond the same five abilities to play an incredibly fun and unique game as intended. It will ruin the intelligent challenge of one of the few games in the industry with the courage to do something new!

Grow a spine ZOS! Stick to your guns! Nerf instanced solo quest content ONLY if you must, NOT anything you can get a group for. It is NOT difficult when I solo WORLD BOSSES two veteran levels above me!

Listen to your customers! 63% of your forum community say DO NOT nerf it! Try something like this before you knee-jerk this awesome game to death!

EDIT: Why are they nerfing vet zones?

  • Because people can't be bothered to block or roll dodge.
  • Because people refuse to adapt to the situation by swapping to a ranged weapon and slotting some CC.
  • Because people heard veteran content was empty or too hard on the internet and automatically believed it without bothering to try doing a little research on their class and creating two or three specs to counter various situations as the game intended.
  • Because the MMO community has been trained like lab monkeys that if they whine and cry long and loudly enough companies will give them whatever they want even if it ruins the game.
  • Because there are more paying customers that stand in fire than don't.

"I shouldn't have to use an ice ability on that fire slime! I'm playing the way I want! ZOS nerf mob diversity! Fire slimes are OP!"

"NPC killed me with an "OP damage-scaled" dagger throw because I refused to block or roll dodge which is part of the design of the game! ZOS nerf "fake challenge" and make me able to not die for ignoring mechanics!"

"NPC broke out of stun/CC and becomes immune to CC for 5-7 seconds forcing me to block and roll dodge. OMG ZOS nerf fake damage tedious mobs that don't have unique AI abilities so I can stand there and mash!"
Edited by Phinix1 on July 5, 2014 5:14AM
  • Tabbycat
    I'm sure that ZOS has game generated data that tells them exactly where the majority of the Veteran level players are playing... or not playing. I would imagine they go off of that type of data, and feedback they receive in game. People can say whatever they want in forums, but the game data paints an accurate portrait of their activity in game.
    Edited by Tabbycat on July 4, 2014 10:53PM
    Founder and Co-GM of The Psijic Order Guild (NA)
  • Soloeus
    Nerf it.

    Word is you are nerfing Sorcerers, DK's and Templars soon. So you should nerf this as well or no group of 12 will be able to handle a mob of 3 mudcrabs.

    Within; Without.
  • ers101284b14_ESO

    Content patch 3
  • Lord_Hev
    You posted a vid of a cookie-cutter build with 55% crit chance.


    Now lose both the crit chance and crit healing surge lolmorph and do the same content.

    My point? Nerf or no nerf, you will face-roll the content because of your lolbuild that no matter how much rhetorical strawmans you muster, ZOS' telemetry shows that the majority players do not min-max. Thus, the game will be balanced accordingly. And thus, is the best decision to ensure everyone enjoys the game.
    Edited by Lord_Hev on July 4, 2014 11:03PM
    Qaevir/Qaevira Av Morilye/Molag
    Tri-Faction @Lord_Hevnoraak ingame
    PC NA
  • Phinix1
    Soloeus wrote: »
    Nerf it.

    Word is you are nerfing Sorcerers, DK's and Templars soon. So you should nerf this as well or no group of 12 will be able to handle a mob of 3 mudcrabs.

    People refuse to change the 5 abilities they put on their bar at level 5. People refuse to try crowd control. People refuse to group. People hit a challenge and immediately give up without even trying to adapt.

    So sad. :(

    But what is even more sad is that ZOS would betray their loyal customers who love the game to cater to this minority demographic (63% say DO NOT nerf it!) because what, they think they might pull in a few more subs?

    It is summer vacation! Give it a chance guys, gods!
    Edited by Phinix1 on July 4, 2014 11:05PM
  • crislevin

    Content patch 3

    this is a lie!, I clicked the button and nothing happened!
  • ers101284b14_ESO
    crislevin wrote: »

    Content patch 3

    this is a lie!, I clicked the button and nothing happened!

    One more content patch man. That's just the new road ahead patch notes.
  • crislevin
    crislevin wrote: »

    Content patch 3

    this is a lie!, I clicked the button and nothing happened!

    One more content patch man. That's just the new road ahead patch notes.

    I am dreading a new content patch, it seems they always break thing in an out of box fashion.
  • Lord_Hev
    But what is even more sad is that ZOS would betray their loyal customers who love the game to cater to this minority demographic (63% say DO NOT nerf it!) because what, they think they might pull in a few more subs?

    Source please? Unless you have have access to ZOS' telemetry, then this is a logical fallacy.
    Edited by Lord_Hev on July 4, 2014 11:10PM
    Qaevir/Qaevira Av Morilye/Molag
    Tri-Faction @Lord_Hevnoraak ingame
    PC NA
  • Caduryn
    The only thing i see in this Video is a OP Mage collecting Crafting Mats....

    Well, nice try.
  • Corew
    crislevin wrote: »

    Content patch 3

    this is a lie!, I clicked the button and nothing happened!

    You forgot to wear your staff and robe!
  • hamon
    Soloeus wrote: »
    Nerf it.

    Word is you are nerfing Sorcerers, DK's and Templars soon. So you should nerf this as well or no group of 12 will be able to handle a mob of 3 mudcrabs.

    People refuse to change the 5 abilities they put on their bar at level 5. People refuse to try crowd control. People refuse to group. People hit a challenge and immediately give up without even trying to adapt.

    So sad. :(

    But what is even more sad is that ZOS would betray their loyal customers who love the game to cater to this minority demographic (63% say DO NOT nerf it!) because what, they think they might pull in a few more subs?

    It is summer vacation! Give it a chance guys, gods!

    63% percent in a flawed poll full of hostile people putting down anyone who says yes isnt a fair poll imo.. and they arn't allowed to poll anonymously should htey feel pressured by the venom being spat from the elitist brigade.

    Edited by hamon on July 4, 2014 11:12PM
  • angel59
    How about getting off this majority crap you keep talking about. I am sure their decision had little to do with what is written on the forums. Rather, it is based on a business decision that is made in their own best interest. If you have a source, other than the one forum poll, then provide it because your opinion does not make it fact.

    People refuse to change the 5 abilities they put on their bar at level 5. People refuse to try crowd control. People refuse to group. People hit a challenge and immediately give up without even trying to adapt.

    So sad. :(

    But what is even more sad is that ZOS would betray their loyal customers who love the game to cater to this minority demographic (63% say DO NOT nerf it!) because what, they think they might pull in a few more subs?

    It is summer vacation! Give it a chance guys, gods!
  • Phinix1
    Lord_Hev wrote: »
    You posted a vid of a cookie-cutter build with 55% crit chance.


    Now lose both the crit chance and crit healing surge lolmorph and do the same content.

    My point? Nerf or no nerf, you will face-roll the content because of your lolbuild that no matter how much rhetorical strawmans you muster, ZOS' telemetry shows that the majority players do not min-max. Thus, the game will be balanced accordingly. And thus, is the best decision to ensure everyone enjoys the game.

    Oh stop. I intentionally did NOT use the cookie cutter AOE destruction staff ability. I intentionally did NOT use pets. I intentionally did NOT use Volcanic Rune which ANY class has access to.

    I swear, if you play a Sorcerer with ANY spec, people assume you must be able to just stand there in red zones not block or roll dodge and face roll stuff.
  • MongooseOne
    If ZOS could instead balance the different weapon sets instead of nerfing VR content then I think everyone wins.

    Staff builds obviously play well in VR content where DW will sometimes struggle. I was very sad when I heard they would be nerfing VR as the increase in difficulty was very enjoyable to me.

    I will wait and see before passing judgement but if they scale the nerf as much as they did Mannimarco, Doshia and Gutripper I will start looking for another game.
  • Alphashado
    Soloeus wrote: »
    Nerf it.

    Word is you are nerfing Sorcerers, DK's and Templars soon. So you should nerf this as well or no group of 12 will be able to handle a mob of 3 mudcrabs.

    People refuse to change the 5 abilities they put on their bar at level 5. People refuse to try crowd control. People refuse to group. People hit a challenge and immediately give up without even trying to adapt.

    So sad. :(

    But what is even more sad is that ZOS would betray their loyal customers who love the game to cater to this minority demographic (63% say DO NOT nerf it!) because what, they think they might pull in a few more subs?

    It is summer vacation! Give it a chance guys, gods!

    You seem to love the word Refuse. Yet you refuse to accept any kind of change. The only thing I see in everyone of your threads is a gigantic refusal. If they make this change and the game goes to hell, then feel free to rant and rage. But the game is DEAD in VR zones. Something had to be done. The game needs revenue. It's currently bleeding subscriptions at an amazing rate. Anyone who isn't in denial can see this.

    Try to relax man. Just wait and see what kind of changes they make and how much it will really effect your personal stomping ground before going into all these crazy tirades all over the place.

  • hamon
    Lord_Hev wrote: »
    You posted a vid of a cookie-cutter build with 55% crit chance.


    Now lose both the crit chance and crit healing surge lolmorph and do the same content.

    My point? Nerf or no nerf, you will face-roll the content because of your lolbuild that no matter how much rhetorical strawmans you muster, ZOS' telemetry shows that the majority players do not min-max. Thus, the game will be balanced accordingly. And thus, is the best decision to ensure everyone enjoys the game.

    Oh stop. I intentionally did NOT use the cookie cutter AOE destruction staff ability. I intentionally did NOT use pets. I intentionally did NOT use Volcanic Rune which ANY class has access to.

    I swear, if you play a Sorcerer with ANY spec, people assume you must be able to just stand there in red zones not block or roll dodge and face roll stuff.

    but you were using the crit surge build which is the most OP sorc build (if not the most op build in the entire game)

  • hamon
    hamon wrote: »
    Lord_Hev wrote: »
    You posted a vid of a cookie-cutter build with 55% crit chance.


    Now lose both the crit chance and crit healing surge lolmorph and do the same content.

    My point? Nerf or no nerf, you will face-roll the content because of your lolbuild that no matter how much rhetorical strawmans you muster, ZOS' telemetry shows that the majority players do not min-max. Thus, the game will be balanced accordingly. And thus, is the best decision to ensure everyone enjoys the game.

    Oh stop. I intentionally did NOT use the cookie cutter AOE destruction staff ability. I intentionally did NOT use pets. I intentionally did NOT use Volcanic Rune which ANY class has access to.

    I swear, if you play a Sorcerer with ANY spec, people assume you must be able to just stand there in red zones not block or roll dodge and face roll stuff.

    but you were using the crit surge build which is the most OP sorc build (if not the most op build in the entire game)

    ive tried it on a sorc and it makes everything faceroll. if that was the only class i'd played i would perhaps agree with you.. but i know every other build is much less easy to kill stuff with

  • Phinix1
    hamon wrote: »
    Lord_Hev wrote: »
    You posted a vid of a cookie-cutter build with 55% crit chance.


    Now lose both the crit chance and crit healing surge lolmorph and do the same content.

    My point? Nerf or no nerf, you will face-roll the content because of your lolbuild that no matter how much rhetorical strawmans you muster, ZOS' telemetry shows that the majority players do not min-max. Thus, the game will be balanced accordingly. And thus, is the best decision to ensure everyone enjoys the game.

    Oh stop. I intentionally did NOT use the cookie cutter AOE destruction staff ability. I intentionally did NOT use pets. I intentionally did NOT use Volcanic Rune which ANY class has access to.

    I swear, if you play a Sorcerer with ANY spec, people assume you must be able to just stand there in red zones not block or roll dodge and face roll stuff.

    but you were using the crit surge build which is the most OP sorc build (if not the most op build in the entire game)

    Why? Do you even know what critical surge does or are you just parroting what you heard on the internet?

    It is NOT central to this build. I could easily drop it for Mutagen or Illustrious Healing or just use my ward spell.

    All it basically does is passively heal you for 65% of your crit damage while boosting WEAPON attacks a little. Notice I am not getting hit? Critical Surge = NOT the reason.

    Why do people REFUSE to use CC abilities then immediately cry for nerfs?

    Here, I will make a video of me solo'ing a veteran 8 world boss without critical surge.

    Why do you discriminate against an entire class like this?

    Why can't you simply accept that if you dodge, block, stay out of red zones, and are willing to change your ability bar once in a while, veteran content is NOT hard?
    Edited by Phinix1 on July 4, 2014 11:26PM
  • Lord_Hev
    Lord_Hev wrote: »
    You posted a vid of a cookie-cutter build with 55% crit chance.


    Now lose both the crit chance and crit healing surge lolmorph and do the same content.

    My point? Nerf or no nerf, you will face-roll the content because of your lolbuild that no matter how much rhetorical strawmans you muster, ZOS' telemetry shows that the majority players do not min-max. Thus, the game will be balanced accordingly. And thus, is the best decision to ensure everyone enjoys the game.

    Oh stop. I intentionally did NOT use the cookie cutter AOE destruction staff ability. I intentionally did NOT use pets. I intentionally did NOT use Volcanic Rune which ANY class has access to.

    I swear, if you play a Sorcerer with ANY spec, people assume you must be able to just stand there in red zones not block or roll dodge and face roll stuff.

    I play a Sorc. I use AOE. I even abuse Volcanic rune. I block, I even stay out of red stuff.

    I still have to fight for my life against three covenant trash infantry no-life irrelevant nobodies whom are less important than the dung Dreughs build their statues out of.

    I even have all my gear and staff on purple. Hell, my second bar is a lolresto staff with mutagen. But my short-comings? I dont have lolcrit like you do. Nor do I have that lolcritsurgeheallololtrollinglol self-heal. I have the other surge morph. how dare my stupidity. If only I threw away my tastes, sucked up, went with the lolcrithealsurge morph and then found someone to craft me crit bonus sets with divines on each armor piece. Then yeah, I'd probably solo Craglorn trials.
    Qaevir/Qaevira Av Morilye/Molag
    Tri-Faction @Lord_Hevnoraak ingame
    PC NA
  • Lord_Hev
    hamon wrote: »
    Lord_Hev wrote: »
    You posted a vid of a cookie-cutter build with 55% crit chance.


    Now lose both the crit chance and crit healing surge lolmorph and do the same content.

    My point? Nerf or no nerf, you will face-roll the content because of your lolbuild that no matter how much rhetorical strawmans you muster, ZOS' telemetry shows that the majority players do not min-max. Thus, the game will be balanced accordingly. And thus, is the best decision to ensure everyone enjoys the game.

    Oh stop. I intentionally did NOT use the cookie cutter AOE destruction staff ability. I intentionally did NOT use pets. I intentionally did NOT use Volcanic Rune which ANY class has access to.

    I swear, if you play a Sorcerer with ANY spec, people assume you must be able to just stand there in red zones not block or roll dodge and face roll stuff.

    but you were using the crit surge build which is the most OP sorc build (if not the most op build in the entire game)

    Why? Do you even know what critical surge does or are you just parroting what you heard on the internet?

    It is NOT central to this build. I could easily drop it for Mutagen or Illustrious Healing or just use my ward spell.

    All it basically does is passively heal you for 65% of your crit damage while boosting WEAPON attacks a little. Notice I am not getting hit? Critical Surge = NOT the reason.

    Why do people REFUSE to use CC abilities then immediately cry for nerfs?

    Here, I will make a video of me solo'ing a veteran 8 world boss without critical surge.

    Why do you discriminate against an entire class like this?

    Why can't you simply accept that if you dodge, block, stay out of red zones, and are willing to change your ability bar once in a while, veteran content is NOT hard?

    Cool. Post a vid without it, and go solo some mobs above your VR. You might struggle a bit.
    Qaevir/Qaevira Av Morilye/Molag
    Tri-Faction @Lord_Hevnoraak ingame
    PC NA
  • Laura
    here here! I agree completely.

    This will literally just make it another drool cup WoW clone.
  • badmojo
    I like how the naysayers are focusing on discrediting the polls or saying that ZOS has more information about this, so we know nothing.

    Try defending their decision if you feel like it is the right one.

    Nobody is saying polls are the holy grail of anything, but with all the complaining on these forums and the poll still says it's fine, that says something. NOT everything, just something.
  • born2beagator
    badmojo wrote: »
    I like how the naysayers are focusing on discrediting the polls or saying that ZOS has more information about this, so we know nothing.

    Try defending their decision if you feel like it is the right one.

    Nobody is saying polls are the holy grail of anything, but with all the complaining on these forums and the poll still says it's fine, that says something. NOT everything, just something.
    Because everyone that plays the game posts on the forums right? I seriously doubt ZOS is basing this on the forums, and I'd say this if the poll was slanted the other way.
    Edited by born2beagator on July 5, 2014 12:01AM
  • zharthasb16_ESO

    PLEASE do not cave to people that refuse to even try to adapt beyond the same five abilities to play an incredibly fun and unique game as intended. It will ruin the intelligent challenge of one of the few games in the industry with the courage to do something new!

    Grow a spine ZOS! Stick to your guns! Nerf instanced solo quest content ONLY if you must, NOT anything you can get a group for. It is NOT difficult when I solo WORLD BOSSES two veteran levels above me!

    Listen to your customers! 63% of your forum community say DO NOT nerf it! Try something like this before you knee-jerk this awesome game to death!

    if you find it easy just fight without weapons, for some class the elite in veteran mode are impossible to do in solo.. btw what is your class ?
    Megaserver US - since 2014
  • Corew
    badmojo wrote: »
    I like how the naysayers are focusing on discrediting the polls or saying that ZOS has more information about this, so we know nothing.

    Try defending their decision if you feel like it is the right one.

    Nobody is saying polls are the holy grail of anything, but with all the complaining on these forums and the poll still says it's fine, that says something. NOT everything, just something.

    I doubt they make these decisions based on what's posted the forums, at least I hope they don't.
  • Stratti
    Honestly they haven't throughout this through properly

    2 choices to help an unmotivated player base (that's what it is )

    1 make it easier

    2 make the reward higher

    When you think it along those lines the answer is really obvious
  • Slash8915
    Personally, i don't want the nerf. I was able to go through all 3 factions as a templar tank, Pre-buff. All it took was a little strategy.

    That being said, I understand why ZoS is doing it. This game has many casual players that aren't used to MMO's. A lot of people are leaving due to the difficulty. We need more players. Simple as that.
    VR12 Templar Tank
    VR6 Dragonknight DPS
    VR3 Templar Healer
  • tengri
    People PAY to play a game for fun in a casual and relaxing way; and there are a lot more easy going people out there than those die hard hardcore L2P "professional" gamers.

    And as of now VR5+ is all but casual player friendly.
    Z is finally smart enough to listen to the vast majority of their customer base.
    Oh and yeah, take this: *insert opposite of L2P here*!
    Accept it or get out.
  • born2beagator
    tengri wrote: »
    People PAY to play a game for fun in a casual and relaxing way; and there are a lot more easy going people out there than those die hard hardcore L2P "professional" gamers.

    But what about the POLL!? Clearly that means ZOS is making a bad choice!!! Internet polls are TROOF!
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