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Do NOT nerf veteran content ZOS!

  • Mud_Puppy
    Agree with entire video, good on you sir.
  • Malpherian
    Alright time for the longer post....
    Malpherian wrote: »
    1. You are playing a single class, with a DPS cookie cutter build.
    Alien= I am so tired of people parroting this on the internet without having a clue what they are talking about. There ARE no cookie cutter specs. You don't know what morphs I have, what my crowd control does, why it is OP. You just heard that on the internet and now use it to attack my arguement.

    ANY class has the ability to slot a CC ability. ANY class has the ability to switch to ranged abilities for mobs that require it. The problem is, people would rather cry for nerfs and claim anyone that ENJOYS adapting and using the mechanics they were given is an "elitist" playing a "cookie cutter spec."

    Just stop!

    1.) Your first statement shows you clearly do not understand the term "cookie cutter spec".

    Let me help you:


    "Gammer term that indicates overpowered character(s) (build of class) that easily dominate in PVE and/or in PvP and (therefore) are massively common."

    Would you not agree that, his build is exactly this? Looks like hes pretty much dominating content that everyone else has issues with with a 3-5 button spam of abilities and a very specific stat layout......

    Moving on:

    2.) This comment shows a distinct lack of knowledge about classes in TESO in general.

    * Not all ranged weapons, and class abilities CC or otherwise have the same duration or effect on the Mob. And in many cases some do not even work even remotely the same mechanic wise.

    * Again here we get into being forced to use a "Certain" weapon, Armor, Or skill Set in order to complete content. "This is the point ZOS has said is NOT working as intended." If a Paladin (Templar 2light/5 Heavy/Mace Shield/Aedric Spear/Resto) wants to do content, they should not have to switch to Solar Mage (Ranged Spells and CC, Destro Staff, Light Armor), in order to do so.

    "The Game is supposed to be Challenging, without forcing a player to play their character in a way they do not want to."
    Malpherian wrote: »
    2. Adapting as you call it, is not the same as being forced to re-spec your character entirely, change what weapons, and armor your using, and also change the very class style you play to something entirely different in order to do content.
    Alien =No one said you had to. You don't. By level 50 you should have more than just your favorite weapon leveled up at least a little, unless you just have a mental block against it. If you put on a random weapon when you turn in a quest, that weapon gets the XP and so there's a way you can level them without actually using them.

    I have dual wield, 2H, destro, and restro staff all leveled really high and bow as well though I never use it. As a mele character you SHOULD have leveled bow a bit. It is a STAMINA-BASED weapon that gives you CC and ranged options so you can adapt when you need it.

    You can just carry it in your bag for those occasions. Simple. No one is asking you to put on a dress! Just to play the game the way it was designed!

    1.) Why should someone "Have to, or "Why Should they" (as you put it ) ought to level up a weapon they don't want to?This is the point ZOS is making, you shouldn't have to play a weapon or armor if you don't want to, and you should still be able to complete the content.

    So If a person wants to go full melee, they should be able to and still be able to do the content.

    2.) Yes the other weapon will give them options, you know this, I know this, but that's not the point. The point is "In an Elder Scrolls Game", for the player to have fun, not for them to worry about (too much) useing a specific build, weapon, or armor, in order to complete content. THIS is what TES games are about.

    Unlike other MMO's, TESO main theme is NOT "Get the Best weapons and Gear so you can do the best content" Which unfortunately is something many many people get confused about.
    Malpherian wrote: »
    The answer is simple, this is TESO, and any TES fan knows that TES is NOT every other MMO. ZOS intentionally gave players the ability to make their classes into (Almost) anything they wanted, granted Nightblades for example will never heal as well as Templars and there is a class wall and restrictions there, but, they did give people the option to play their class effectively (within its role restrictions of course) in MANY MANY different ways.
    Alien = EXACTLY! So, why WOULDN'T you want to level up some ranged and CC options, given you have them in your arsenal? When you refuse to do so, why would you complain about not being able to mele a troll?

    It would be like encountering an enemy that was immune to fire damage and crying for a nerf because you "want to play your way" and hit them with only fire, when you have lightning, ice, mele, and bow sitting right there staring you in the face.

    This is stubbornness on the part of players more than anything else, and they shouldn't ruin the fun and challenge of having to adapt and try different strategies for everyone else just because people refuse to change their slotted abilities.

    1.) Because some people don;t want to, and in TESO, that's ok. And in TESO, you should in fact be able to Melee a troll, because that is how you want to roll and play your character. Again TESO is about "Character Development, and "Play how you want as what you want",

    Not about :

    "I need to use a bow to kill this troll because it's easier and takes less time".

    2.) Is it stubbornness to want to play your character how you want to play it "when the game specifically states that the entire goal (Of the game) is to play your character how you want?" No, it isn't. "It's expecting the Game to Deliver the experience it promises."
    Malpherian wrote: »
    3. TES is about Lore, RP, Character Development, Immersion, and Creativity, NOT about "If you don't spec this way and use this weapon and armor you can'rt do this content".
    Alien= It is not SUPPOSED to be anything. You said it yourself: play how you want. The problem is that people refuse to level alt weapons even when they were clearly designed as the ranged/CC option for melee/stamina classes, then complain things are too hard when they hit content that needs to be ranged/CC'd.

    This is like saying the game is broken unless all mobs are tailored to your specific build choice, so you never have to change it.

    What is so wrong with change?

    People complain about Sorcerers, but they are NOT the problem. I just see a higher percent of Sorcerers that are willing to put some CC and defensive abilities on their bar. But ALL classes have access to them.

    1.) It's supposed to be what it is advertised as, if you want to play with a cookie cutter build, you should be able to. If others do not, they shouldn't have to. If people do not want to level certain weapons, they shouldn't have to. Will doing so make their game easier? Sure, but they should not be "required" to in order to complete it.

    2.) Not really, but yes VR content is broken. It's why they are changing it :P. People shouldn't have to change if they don;t want to, again this is going into "Play how you want". If I don;t want to ever use a ranged weapon for example, I shouldn't have too, because using it is NOT playing how I want to play. The paladin in the example I gave does not use a crossbow or bow for example. And if he doesn't want to, he should not have to.

    3.) Sorcerers are not the issue no, I agree here. And all classes do have CC. However, as stated before not all classes CC works the same, or even has remotely the same effect on the target as another classes. "Warning! Results may Vary"!!! :P
    Edited by Malpherian on July 5, 2014 3:07AM
  • Evergnar
    "To nerf or not to nerf, that is the question" and the only way Zos seems to be able to look at problems (along with a few others around here).
  • flintstone
    Soloeus wrote: »
    Nerf it.

    Word is you are nerfing Sorcerers, DK's and Templars soon. So you should nerf this as well or no group of 12 will be able to handle a mob of 3 mudcrabs.

    People refuse to change the 5 abilities they put on their bar at level 5. People refuse to try crowd control. People refuse to group. People hit a challenge and immediately give up without even trying to adapt.

    So sad. :(

    But what is even more sad is that ZOS would betray their loyal customers who love the game to cater to this minority demographic (63% say DO NOT nerf it!) because what, they think they might pull in a few more subs?

    It is summer vacation! Give it a chance guys, gods!

    I have an idea!...........why don't you 63% populate the vet zones?.....you know, full of people running around?

    I know why you don't.......It's because you can't.

  • Malpherian
    Evergnar wrote: »
    "To nerf or not to nerf, that is the question" and the only way Zos seems to be able to look at problems (along with a few others around here).

    Again you all have no clue whether they are simply going to change mechanics or nerf anything or even boost some classes skills.

    No one knows anything because ZOS hasn't made any official statements other then:


    For all you all know they could just be adding more loot and better rewards to the mobs to encourage people to do vet content more.

    I mean really... what the hell is wrong with you people?
    Edited by Malpherian on July 5, 2014 3:18AM
  • Malpherian
    @ Alien, actually I think you have your stats wrong, 70%+ Say VR content is broken (in one way or another) on the official poll.

    No one says it needs to be nurfed, that's not even one of the options. They simply state that according to ZOS designs and promises, the VR content is "Not working as intended", and needs to be fixed.

    How they plan on fixing it you wont find out until July 7th when they release the Road ahead Post specifically about this and other upcoming features in the next month or 2.
  • Phinix1
    It was a fun and intellectually challenging game while it lasted.

    Sadly no game can stay that way for long with the current generation of gamers. Everything is "I DEMAND MY CUPCAKE!" and whining until you get it, and refusing to work together or adapt to anything, just playing one spec and doing everything for me me me.

    "I shouldn't have to use an ice ability on that fire slime! I'm playing the way I want! ZOS nerf mob diversity! Fire slimes are OP!"

    To hell with MMO's.
  • Evergnar
    Malpherian wrote: »
    Evergnar wrote: »
    "To nerf or not to nerf, that is the question" and the only way Zos seems to be able to look at problems (along with a few others around here).

    Again you all have no clue whether they are simply going to change mechanics or nerf anything or even boost some classes skills.

    No one knows anything because ZOS hasn't made any official statements other then:


    For all you all know they could just be adding more loot and better rewards to the mobs to encourage people to do vet content more.

    I mean really... what the hell is wrong with you people?
    You're right. We don't know what Zos will do. We only know what they have done so far. What else can one go on but their track record up to this point?
  • Dayv
    I wish people would stop complaining about people too lazy to dodge and block etc. I get by pretty well by maintaining a lot of self-healing and walking round in circles rather than concentrating heavily on blocking and dodging (it may work for some but I die more when I pay too much attention to block/dodge) and I watch the chat for people looking for help wiith bosses and dolmens (I don't mind repeating them) rather than wait for hours for others to come along to the one nearest me. I carry at least 1 whole stack of soul gems and don't get phased by dying. I've L'd2P, I'm not uber-leet but I'm competent, and overtuned trash mobs are still a drag, drag, drag. I welcome changes to the difficulty because I want to be part of an inclusive game and not a church of epeen worship and I'd rather be amongst people happily facerolling (by other people's standards) than people who believe that MMO combat skills are the pinnacle of human endeavour. I want there to bit of something for everyone in this game and when ZOS say they've heard many people saying that they've hit a brick wall, **** 'em, silly noobs doesn't seem like a great answer to me.
  • Phinix1
    Dayv wrote: »
    I wish people would stop complaining about people too lazy to dodge and block etc. I get by pretty well by maintaining a lot of self-healing and walking round in circles rather than concentrating heavily on blocking and dodging (it may work for some but I die more when I pay too much attention to block/dodge) and I watch the chat for people looking for help wiith bosses and dolmens (I don't mind repeating them) rather than wait for hours for others to come along to the one nearest me. I carry at least 1 whole stack of soul gems and don't get phased by dying. I've L'd2P, I'm not uber-leet but I'm competent, and overtuned trash mobs are still a drag, drag, drag. I welcome changes to the difficulty because I want to be part of an inclusive game and not a church of epeen worship and I'd rather be amongst people happily facerolling (by other people's standards) than people who believe that MMO combat skills are the pinnacle of human endeavour. I want there to bit of something for everyone in this game and when ZOS say they've heard many people saying that they've hit a brick wall, **** 'em, silly noobs doesn't seem like a great answer to me.

    I don't know who said any such thing to you but it certainly wasn't me.

    Look I can tell you are frustrated and I am sorry to hear it. All I ever said was that all classes have the ability to ADAPT. You can keep a ranged weapon in your bag of tricks to swap to as the situation demands. You can slot some crowd control abilities like Volcanic Rune as the situation demands.

    The problem isn't just people not wanting to roll dodge. The problem is people that simply refuse to ever change the five abilities they put on their bar and then wonder why they can't steamroll all content as if it was one size fits all like every other faceroll MMO.

    How boring I say, but to each his own. I actually LIKE changing things up every once in a while, even when I don't have to.l There is such a wide assortment of abilities to try it seems a shame to only use a fraction of them.

    I guess having everything be ridiculously easy mode and the game becoming a "digital sedative" people can relax to will be a change, so be careful what you wish for, eh? O.o
  • flintstone
    It was a fun and intellectually challenging game while it lasted.

    Sadly no game can stay that way for long with the current generation of gamers. Everything is "I DEMAND MY CUPCAKE!" and whining until you get it, and refusing to work together or adapt to anything, just playing one spec and doing everything for me me me.

    "I shouldn't have to use an ice ability on that fire slime! I'm playing the way I want! ZOS nerf mob diversity! Fire slimes are OP!"

    To hell with MMO's.

    MMO........doesn't one of the M's stand for massive?. Whats massive here?.........the 6 people in the Vet9 zone I just entered?

    We have a game here that is full of people when you don't need them (1-50).........and void of people when you do need them (Vet 5-10).

    Is that bassackwards or what?

  • Leesha
    badmojo wrote: »
    I like how the naysayers are focusing on discrediting the polls or saying that ZOS has more information about this, so we know nothing.

    Try defending their decision if you feel like it is the right one.

    Nobody is saying polls are the holy grail of anything, but with all the complaining on these forums and the poll still says it's fine, that says something. NOT everything, just something.

    Actually, only a small minority of the player base visit the forums so their internal data is more accurate than what we see posted here. The polls and posts are not anything to go by, the deserted VR zones are where the proof is. Just because 63% of the people who saw that poll says the VR content is fine does not mean that is 63% of the player base.
  • Redlag
    His ideal of unique is.. Where are my WoW epics that are bind on pick up.. Bind on pick up! Bind on pick up! Bind on pick.. Something unique from WoW that other players can't get. A sense of unique accomplishment? What is unique accomplishment exactly? Something that you can go to ESOhead and find the mob and where to get it. Therefore unique being..me and my guild of raiders can easily get but solo PvP players, in an AvA advertised game, can't get. Unique being.. Me and every PvE guy..

    WoW completely messed this genre up. Devs don't know what to do anymore. The people leaving WoW are the people who don't want to raid and the raiders that don't like it easy. Listening to this guy is a memory trip down WoW forum lane. Every time any change came that gave a casual player anything. Completely cliché, a voice over of WoW forums. I wouldn't be surprised if he was reading directly from the WoW forums and I sure wasn't surprised when he was talking about WoW. The way he put everyone down from the beginning to his cliché way of defining the non-raiders. Everyone can hear WoW all over this guy.. No argument what so ever aside from putting down anyone that doesn't like it hard. The mmorpg work ethic argument. They don't want to use their brains. They want everything easy. They don't want to dodge roll.

    God forbid a guy bought this game to AvA and not PvE for months on end in order to be competitive. No.. There's no room for alternative opinions and enjoyment. Theyre just lazy and don't want to use their brains. Faceroll.

    For those of us who played in this genre in games that were fun like DAoC, UO, AC before WoW.. His voice is exactly what WoW did to our genre. Listening to it anymore will keep destroying it. Let him go back to mommy (WoW) and continue crying not to listen to the welfare players. Send him packing and let Blizzard deal with him.

    Just a heads up OP. You put down WoW calling them drooling idiots. Yet every suggestion you have is to keep this game UNIQUE by adding bind on pick ups LIKE WOW.. and Change it to WOW like how you remember farming drakes.. the different colored drakes.. Please ZOS make this game unique by turning it into WoW...

    Even ranting about his own beefs he realizes himself he's asking for WoW dailies and BOP rewards for doing them. Blizzard, cough, I mean ZOS, give us npcs scattered around Tamriel that you can actually do quests for them, raise your rank with them, get access you unique stuff from them thats BOP. he's asking for daily quests.. That's 3 things from WOW he asks for that are unique creative things that people (he alone) are asking for ZOS to do. Unique equals. Turn this into WoW because Im shaming anyone who doesn't like to grind.

    GO BACK TO WOW.. STOP TERAFORMING. I'm sorry Blizzard made it to easy for people to get your precious. you repeatedly referred to wanting things no one else has and the other faction has. The only way you'll be happy is feel better than everyone else through grueling content they refuse to do.

    There is a stat cap for a reason.. Do you think its for raiders or maybe more of a fair AvA game? Hmmm, think about it.

  • Phinix1
    Redlag wrote: »
    His ideal of unique is.. Where are my WoW epics that are bind on pick up.. Bind on pick up! Bind on pick up! Bind on pick.. Something unique from WoW that other players can't get. A sense of unique accomplishment? What is unique accomplishment exactly? Something that you can go to ESOhead and find the mob and where to get it. Therefore unique being..me and my guild of raiders can easily get but solo PvP players, in an AvA advertised game, can't get. Unique being.. Me and every PvE guy..

    The idea being that you add enough unique and bind on pickup type content that allows each player to pick and choose which they will showcase with their particular style, which was originally part of the design decision for this game before ZOS forgot to put in the unique content options.

    I don't think I have heard a single person on these forums arguing AGAINST more unique and rewarding gear and content. In fact, it has been quite the opposite. So you would be the first.

    Here, have a fishy stick. :p
  • Redlag
    Redlag wrote: »
    His ideal of unique is.. Where are my WoW epics that are bind on pick up.. Bind on pick up! Bind on pick up! Bind on pick.. Something unique from WoW that other players can't get. A sense of unique accomplishment? What is unique accomplishment exactly? Something that you can go to ESOhead and find the mob and where to get it. Therefore unique being..me and my guild of raiders can easily get but solo PvP players, in an AvA advertised game, can't get. Unique being.. Me and every PvE guy..

    The idea being that you add enough unique and bind on pickup type content that allows each player to pick and choose which they will showcase with their particular style, which was originally part of the design decision for this game before ZOS forgot to put in the unique content options.

    I don't think I have heard a single person on these forums arguing AGAINST more unique and rewarding gear and content. In fact, it has been quite the opposite. So you would be the first.

    Here, have a fishy stick. :p

    Is that what you really got out of the paragraph that you quoted? That I don't want unique? Haha.. Man, I pointed out that copying WoW isn't unique. In WoW it's so unique that blizzard codied Unique to mean that you can't wear two, because everyone had them..

    No I don't want BoP. I want to craft. Farm by myself. Gear up characters for AvA. There isn't one thing wrong with that. But you call it faceroll easy.

    I want progression on all ends from AvA. I want unique from AvA. Something that you can't faceroll to get in a dungeon. Some of us are smart enough to realize the only thing unique about hard PvE content is the will to deal with people telling you what build, armor type, and rotation you need to use to get what percentage on the dps meter higher. Making anything unique from that is just wrong in a game advertised as AvA and not WoW.
  • Caduryn
    Funny how he just ignore the real questions.^^

    Why are Vet Zones plain empty when the majority loves Vet Content???

    Because they are in no way the majority.
  • Riptide
    I just have to chuckle - last couple of weeks the sky has been falling because VR content was an invention of the devil. Now that they announce tweaking it, the sky will fall because the devil is trying to make things too easy.

    Just goes to show :)
    Esse quam videri.
  • Larira
    Blud wrote: »
    (a) sorc/destro staff
    Here is my video:


    No sorc and no destro staff.

    But here are new excuses for you:

    Vamp, Resto staff, Volcanic rune, UI addons, No lag, Good FPS, Windows 8.1, AMD cpu, 28 inch TFT ...

    Edited by Larira on July 5, 2014 1:16PM
  • c0rp
    It didnt need nerfed. It just needed the XP doubled and the rewards upped. If a casual has a reason to play an increased difficulty they will. Currently there is not.
    Edited by c0rp on July 5, 2014 1:22PM
    Force weapon swap to have priority over EVERYTHING. Close enough.
    Make stamina builds even with magicka builds.
    Disable abilities while holding block.
    Give us a REASON to do dungeons more than once.
    Remove PVP AoE CAP. It is ruining Cyrodiil.
    Fix/Remove Forward Camps. They are ruining Cyrodiil.
    Impenetrability needs to REDUCE CRIT DAMAGE. Not negate entire builds.
    Werewolf is not equal to Vamps/Bats.
  • Caduryn
    And now without healing.
  • Tabbycat
    Larira wrote: »
    Blud wrote: »
    (a) sorc/destro staff
    Here is my video:


    No sorc and no destro staff.

    But here are new excuses for you:

    Vamp, Resto staff, Volcanic rune, UI addons, No lag, Good FPS, Windows 8.1, AMD cpu, 28 inch TFT ...


    Your swirly user interface addon is mesmerizing. What addon is that?
    Founder and Co-GM of The Psijic Order Guild (NA)
  • AreoHotah
    Blame it on the casuals.
    Hota'h, Dual-wield/bow full medium armor NB Khajiit from day 1.

  • Larira
    Tabbycat wrote: »
    Your swirly user interface addon is mesmerizing. What addon is that?


    Do you mean this?

  • Tabbycat
    Larira wrote: »
    Tabbycat wrote: »
    Your swirly user interface addon is mesmerizing. What addon is that?


    Do you mean this?


    Indeed, thank you.
    Founder and Co-GM of The Psijic Order Guild (NA)
  • sethman75
    OP you are wrong on every count.

    Go and read up on the recent comment by the LOTRO devs about forums and the overwhelming minority of players that post on them.

    Its usually the vocal minority post and claim they are the majority.
    ZO know the meta data and they are responding to the trends of the MAJORITY.

    Which all good devs do.

    Bottom line is that you are not a special snowflake because you can burn down VR mobs.

    Deal with it
  • Lunerdog
    All I'm seeing is posts by a few people who refuse to consider other peoples points of view and want everything their own way to the exclusion of all others.

    AlienDiplomat, you started off fairly well in your video although I think you are far too easily "horrified and disgusted" as you seem fond of saying. But you messed up when you started ridiculing others who don't see things the way you do.

    The game has to cater to all players and not just one small niche of players who like things the way that you do.

    I got a shock at Vet difficulty levels way back when my first char made Vet status and yes I did balk at it, I since learnt to deal with it and adapted my character and my play style so that I could manage it, but the reality is that I find it so damn tedious for gameplay to be like that all the time and theirs a lot of people who feel the same way.

    Difficult fights are as monotonous as easy fights when it's rinse and repeat, repeat and repeat again.

    Their is absolutely no cause for everything in Vet level to hit like a truck and for gameplay to be constantly and repetitively difficult in that way. There is also no need to nerf the hell out of it but it does need to be varied with hard and and not so hard content.

    The other thing is that deny it or not, the Vet areas are a damn sight more empty than they were a while ago, I spend most of nights in a lot of pain (ex cancer sufferer) and tend to play through the night as sleep is usually out of the question.

    Not so long ago I'd find myself in the Vet areas running alongside others at all hours of the night and pre dawn time, now I don't and sometimes seem to be totally alone in the game world which means there is no help at hand when I do actually need it.

    So now I've got three Vet characters parked while I level an ugly Argonian healer (who's proving to be surprisingly durable and will hit Vet soon) and I'm looking forward to seeing just what Zen do with the Vet levels as change was needed to cater to other players.

    And if they do make it too easy I'll do as we all have the option of doing and make it harder for myself, less armour, no armour, respec and ditch passives etc.

    And I'd do that rather than bleat about it because there's no call for my play style to have to affect others by keeping the Vet areas too difficult for them to manage, they pay the same money as i do and should be able to play as suits them.
  • hamon
    Lord_Hev wrote: »
    Lord_Hev wrote: »
    You posted a vid of a cookie-cutter build with 55% crit chance.


    Now lose both the crit chance and crit healing surge lolmorph and do the same content.

    My point? Nerf or no nerf, you will face-roll the content because of your lolbuild that no matter how much rhetorical strawmans you muster, ZOS' telemetry shows that the majority players do not min-max. Thus, the game will be balanced accordingly. And thus, is the best decision to ensure everyone enjoys the game.

    Oh stop. I intentionally did NOT use the cookie cutter AOE destruction staff ability. I intentionally did NOT use pets. I intentionally did NOT use Volcanic Rune which ANY class has access to.

    I swear, if you play a Sorcerer with ANY spec, people assume you must be able to just stand there in red zones not block or roll dodge and face roll stuff.

    I play a Sorc. I use AOE. I even abuse Volcanic rune. I block, I even stay out of red stuff.

    I still have to fight for my life against three covenant trash infantry no-life irrelevant nobodies whom are less important than the dung Dreughs build their statues out of.

    I even have all my gear and staff on purple. Hell, my second bar is a lolresto staff with mutagen. But my short-comings? I dont have lolcrit like you do. Nor do I have that lolcritsurgeheallololtrollinglol self-heal. I have the other surge morph. how dare my stupidity. If only I threw away my tastes, sucked up, went with the lolcrithealsurge morph and then found someone to craft me crit bonus sets with divines on each armor piece. Then yeah, I'd probably solo Craglorn trials.

    No one was insulting your choices bro. Why do you have to insult mine to make your point? It isn't a "lol" build, why would you say that?

    Besides, this isn't the only spec I use. I was intentionally rolling dangerous to make a point that roll dodging and block are the most important thing.

    This is the main spec I use for AOE and dolmens:


    i,m still waiting for you to solo the tharn storm atronach world boss in vet vet 8 grahtwood , which would counter my point that 1/ your using one of the best class/build combos in the game , 2/ you simply cherry picked a fight that makes your point.

    after all i could if i wished go find a boss that i can kite endlessly to death on my templar using a bow then post the video saying "zomg templar+ bow is OP "

    but i credit most folk on the forums as having more intellect and being thus able to see through such a cheap ploy

  • Laura
    hamon wrote: »
    Lord_Hev wrote: »
    Lord_Hev wrote: »
    You posted a vid of a cookie-cutter build with 55% crit chance.


    Now lose both the crit chance and crit healing surge lolmorph and do the same content.

    My point? Nerf or no nerf, you will face-roll the content because of your lolbuild that no matter how much rhetorical strawmans you muster, ZOS' telemetry shows that the majority players do not min-max. Thus, the game will be balanced accordingly. And thus, is the best decision to ensure everyone enjoys the game.

    Oh stop. I intentionally did NOT use the cookie cutter AOE destruction staff ability. I intentionally did NOT use pets. I intentionally did NOT use Volcanic Rune which ANY class has access to.

    I swear, if you play a Sorcerer with ANY spec, people assume you must be able to just stand there in red zones not block or roll dodge and face roll stuff.

    I play a Sorc. I use AOE. I even abuse Volcanic rune. I block, I even stay out of red stuff.

    I still have to fight for my life against three covenant trash infantry no-life irrelevant nobodies whom are less important than the dung Dreughs build their statues out of.

    I even have all my gear and staff on purple. Hell, my second bar is a lolresto staff with mutagen. But my short-comings? I dont have lolcrit like you do. Nor do I have that lolcritsurgeheallololtrollinglol self-heal. I have the other surge morph. how dare my stupidity. If only I threw away my tastes, sucked up, went with the lolcrithealsurge morph and then found someone to craft me crit bonus sets with divines on each armor piece. Then yeah, I'd probably solo Craglorn trials.

    No one was insulting your choices bro. Why do you have to insult mine to make your point? It isn't a "lol" build, why would you say that?

    Besides, this isn't the only spec I use. I was intentionally rolling dangerous to make a point that roll dodging and block are the most important thing.

    This is the main spec I use for AOE and dolmens:


    i,m still waiting for you to solo the tharn storm atronach world boss in vet vet 8 grahtwood , which would counter my point that 1/ your using one of the best class/build combos in the game , 2/ you simply cherry picked a fight that makes your point.

    after all i could if i wished go find a boss that i can kite endlessly to death on my templar using a bow then post the video saying "zomg templar+ bow is OP "

    but i credit most folk on the forums as having more intellect and being thus able to see through such a cheap ploy

    That guy is using a build I have never seen before.

    I have seen a DK, a tank, a nightblade, and myself solo that storm atronach you are talking about. We actually use it as a test to get into our trial guild (which has some of the best times by the way)

    I personally got through veteran content as a templar and my husband got through it as a stamina weapon nightblade.

    I'll fraps the next time we do player trials to get into the guild and show you that there are a lot of people out there that aren't as bad as you guys.

    I mean, after all, there were quite a few v10s in craglorn when it came out. Its obviously doable.
  • Laura
    Larira wrote: »
    Blud wrote: »
    (a) sorc/destro staff
    Here is my video:


    No sorc and no destro staff.

    But here are new excuses for you:

    Vamp, Resto staff, Volcanic rune, UI addons, No lag, Good FPS, Windows 8.1, AMD cpu, 28 inch TFT ...


    Don't forget the addons, They may make excuses for there inability to play on that and cause them to nerf addons even more.

    I've seen pretty much every conceivable class and build get through veteran content. Really the only excuse for wanting a nerf is that they don't want to think.
  • angel59
    Laura wrote: »

    Don't forget the addons, They may make excuses for there inability to play on that and cause them to nerf addons even more.

    I've seen pretty much every conceivable class and build get through veteran content. Really the only excuse for wanting a nerf is that they don't want to think.

    Well, well, aren't you and your like special. The arrogance of the ltp's knows no bounds. You are a good player, no question. However, the comments from all the 133tists are the same: can't think, can't strategize, can't roll. We who have trouble with Veteran levels must all be no-brainers who only know how to stand in one place and click one button. Same ole song and dance. I should not even respond to this, given I may be censured, but I am sure there are others on here that feel the same as I. I hope that your sense of self esteem is based on more than how you play a game. Mine certainly is.

    Have a good day.
    Edited by angel59 on July 5, 2014 3:51PM
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