Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts

ESO Joke of the Day

  • cigarsmoker
    A couple of Bosmer are eating a Court Jester.
    The first turns to the second and says, "Does this taste funny to you?"
    "900 years of Time and Space and I've never met anyone who was unimportant" - The 9th incarnation of The Doctor
  • Allyah
    It's really hard to have jokes as original as these:
    Funny nobody has said this yet...

    ESO IS the joke of the day.
    Templar! Only I'm not laughing!
    ESO! Best joke ever.

    I win.
    ESO's joke for today, "We have a QA department."
    We, patched the game. Here are the patch notes. :P
    I laugh so hard everytime I fire up ESO. The game is a total joke!
    Here's an ESO joke for ya:

    Zenimax got their *** together and fixed the game without breaking new stuff every single patch.
    I thought Patch 1.2.3 was the best joke...
    With all the problems this game has and ZOS inability to properly fix anything, this game is turning into a joke.
    Knock, knock...

    Who's there?

    ZOS QA and Testing Team

    Patch 1.2.3...get it....that's the joke...Patch 1.2.3 :'(
    Elder Scrolls Online.

    Nuff said.
    Nord: "With patch 1.2.4 zos fixed fps drop and cyrodiil issues!"
    Dunmer: "Really?"
    Breton: B)
    I've got the BEST ESO joke of the day!!!

    This game.
    ESO joke of the day?

    We want to fix it For Real this time with a hotfix.

    That's pretty funny eh?
    Anyone else's stomach and face muscles sore from laughing at these?
  • Mr.Turtlesworth
    Sir Cadwell: hello
    Orc: pet my head mr. bumblebutt

    I'm the best at these.
    Edited by Mr.Turtlesworth on July 20, 2014 5:17AM
    I r robot
    hear me roar
  • zdkazz
    These are from the elder scrolls 2 daggerfall, some of the best out of thousands lol

    1."This orchard has sentimental value to me," said Mojhad, the Khajiit, to his friend, Hasillid. "Under that tree, for example, is where I first made love. And that tree, is where her mother stood, watching us."
    "She watched you while you made love to her daughter?" said Hasillid, clearly impressed. "Didn't she say anything?"

    2.A Dark Elf man killed his wife after catching her making love with another man.
    When the magistrate asked him why he killed her instead of her lover, the man replied, "I considered it better to kill one woman than a different man every week."

    3.During the War of Betony, the Bretons in the Isle of Craghold were under siege for several days. After the island was liberated, Lord Bridwell found the ruins of the castle where a crowd of survivors were hidden away in the dark. It was going to be a difficult job freeing them, as part of the roof had collapsed trapping them all within. Bridwell stuck his head in the only opening and shouted to the Bretons below: "Are there any expectant mothers down there?"
    "It's hard to say, your Lordship," said a young woman. "We've only been down here for a few days."
  • XquixoticalX
    What do you call a female Bosmer who's into leather and bondage?

    A dominionatrix.
    ~ Belle Folie

    "I'm here to kick ass and eat sweetrolls. And I'm all out of sweetrolls."
  • LariahHunding
    Late on the thread, so this may be a repeat:

    What's black and blue and red all over?

    That Redguard that [snip] me off.

    [Moderator Note: Edited per our rules on Cursing & Profanity]
    Edited by ZOS_LeroyW on July 23, 2014 8:41PM
    "Give a man a sweet roll, he only has one to steal. Give him a sweet roll recipe, he have bunches to steal."

  • kingnerevar
    So a Breton, a Redguard, and an Orc are escorting a large group of younger Breton ladies through a dangerous and well known Ebonheart hot spot. Suddenly the Orc notices a seeming unbeatable group of Dumner approaching from all sides effectively cutting them off in all directions. The Breton quickly looks through his gear and finds he only has three soul gems remaining. He quietly tells the others of his plan to resurrect themselves after the slaughter and the enemy has left the area. Well this doesn’t sit well with the Orc, so he asks what they are going to do about all the young Breton ladies they are escorting. The Breton promptly replies "screw the girls" the Redguard, not fully understanding the context of this, abruptly replies "do you think we have time?"
    Edited by kingnerevar on July 23, 2014 8:41PM
  • zgrssd
    Why are Bosmer men the best boyfriends?
    Because they bring thier women breakfast to bed every day.
    Elana Peterson (EU), Dominion, Imperial Sorc, Rune & Alchemy Crafting Char
    Leonida Peterson (EU), Daggerfall, Kajiit Nightblade, Tank & main Crafter
    Kurga Peterson (EU), Ebonhart, Ork Dragonknight, Provision Mule
    Coldblood Peterson (EU) Argonian Templer, Daggerfall, Healer
    Incendia Peterson (EU), Dominion, Dunmer Dragonknight, fire DPS & healer
    Haldor Belendor (EU), Ebonhart, Breton Sorcerer, Tank
    Fuliminictus Peterson (EU), Ebonhart, Altmer Sorcerer, Electric DPS

    Me babbling about PvE roles and Armor, Short Guide to Addon Programming (for Programmers)

    If you think anything I or somebody else said violates the Rules of this Forum, you are free to flag my posts. Till I get any notifcaion from this, I just asume you know you have no case against me or Zenimax disagrees with you.
  • Knootewoot
    I win, because i have the most funny joke in the world:

    Wenn ist das Nunstück git und Slotermeyer? Ja! Whiterun Wolfhound das Oder die Flipperwaldt gersput!
    Edited by Knootewoot on July 24, 2014 9:03AM
    "I am a nightblade. Blending the disciplines of the stealthy agent and subtle wizard, I move unseen and undetected, foil locks and traps, and teleport to safety when threatened, or strike like a viper from ambush. The College of Illusion hides me and fuddles or pacifies my opponents. The College of Mysticism detects my object, reflects and dispels enemy spells, and makes good my escape. The key to a nightblade's success is avoidance, by spell or by stealth; with these skills, all things are possible."
  • isengrimb16_ESO
    Knootewoot wrote: »
    I win, because i have the most funny joke in the world:

    Wenn ist das Nunstück git und Slotermeyer? Ja! Whiterun Wolfhound das Oder die Flipperwaldt gersput!

    "Ich habe hier seit 400 Jahren gelebt und habe noch nie einen Geist gesehen."

    I can't translate out the other quote for some reason.
    Edited by isengrimb16_ESO on July 24, 2014 9:05AM
  • zgrssd
    Knootewoot wrote: »
    I win, because i have the most funny joke in the world:

    Wenn ist das Nunstück git und Slotermeyer? Ja! Whiterun Wolfhound das Oder die Flipperwaldt gersput!
    Neither I as a german nor google translates langauge detection has any idea what language that even is. Much less what it says.
    Elana Peterson (EU), Dominion, Imperial Sorc, Rune & Alchemy Crafting Char
    Leonida Peterson (EU), Daggerfall, Kajiit Nightblade, Tank & main Crafter
    Kurga Peterson (EU), Ebonhart, Ork Dragonknight, Provision Mule
    Coldblood Peterson (EU) Argonian Templer, Daggerfall, Healer
    Incendia Peterson (EU), Dominion, Dunmer Dragonknight, fire DPS & healer
    Haldor Belendor (EU), Ebonhart, Breton Sorcerer, Tank
    Fuliminictus Peterson (EU), Ebonhart, Altmer Sorcerer, Electric DPS

    Me babbling about PvE roles and Armor, Short Guide to Addon Programming (for Programmers)

    If you think anything I or somebody else said violates the Rules of this Forum, you are free to flag my posts. Till I get any notifcaion from this, I just asume you know you have no case against me or Zenimax disagrees with you.
  • Aeradon
    There was a eccentric murderer in Cheydinhal who caught a Khajiit, an Altmer, an Imperial and a Breton. The Khajiit is rumoured to be the best trader across Tamriel, the Altmer is a famous diplomat, the Imperial is a brilliant tactician and the Breton is a bright young mage.

    The murderer casts a spell so none of them could talk, he then buried 3 of them neck deep in a straight line facing a wall, and one of them behind the wall. He has done it with precision and order such that:-

    The Breton is buried behind the wall, he could see nothing.
    The Khajiit is the first in line, he could only see the wall.
    The Altmer is the second in line, he could only see the Khajiit's head.
    The Imperial is the third in line, he could only see the both the Khajiit's and Altmer's head.

    The murderer then paints the back of their heads in the order of Black-White-Black-White (Breton-Khajiit-Altmer-Imperial). He then tells them that there is two blacks and two whites in the room, and they are to guess the colour painted at the back of their heads. Should anyone shouted a wrong guess, all of them are dead. And should anyone say anything other than the answer, all of them are dead. Should one of them answered correctly, all of them will be teleported back to their respective houses safe and sound. He then cast said curse on all of them, and undo the mute spell.

    The murderer then left them to their own fates.

    Three days later, when the murderer returned, a smirk was on his face, as the curse has been lifted.
    One of them managed to give the correct answer with 100% certainty. Who? And how? Mention my tag when you answer, and I shall provide the correct answer after 5 guesses.

    Tip: Just picture yourself in their positions and enjoy the process. :) (tip edited for fun)

    This is not a joke, but I had great fun asking my friends. Hope you guys have fun with it too!
    Edited by Aeradon on July 24, 2014 10:18AM
    People keep telling me they're gonna buy me an ale. They never do.

    There are only two things I can't stand in this world. People who are intolerant of other people's culture. And the Elves.

    Help make this compilation complete!
    Compilation of Ideas and Suggestions
  • zgrssd
    Aeradon wrote: »
    There was a eccentric murderer in Cheydinhal who caught a Khajiit, an Altmer, an Imperial and a Breton. The Khajiit is rumoured to be the best trader across Tamriel, the Altmer is a famous diplomat, the Imperial is a brilliant tactician and the Breton is a bright young mage.
    I would say the breton. Because either he use a clairvoyance spell to see te other three peoples heads.
    Or since it was pitch black behind the wall he just guessed black and could not be wrong (because in the dark all colors are black)
    Elana Peterson (EU), Dominion, Imperial Sorc, Rune & Alchemy Crafting Char
    Leonida Peterson (EU), Daggerfall, Kajiit Nightblade, Tank & main Crafter
    Kurga Peterson (EU), Ebonhart, Ork Dragonknight, Provision Mule
    Coldblood Peterson (EU) Argonian Templer, Daggerfall, Healer
    Incendia Peterson (EU), Dominion, Dunmer Dragonknight, fire DPS & healer
    Haldor Belendor (EU), Ebonhart, Breton Sorcerer, Tank
    Fuliminictus Peterson (EU), Ebonhart, Altmer Sorcerer, Electric DPS

    Me babbling about PvE roles and Armor, Short Guide to Addon Programming (for Programmers)

    If you think anything I or somebody else said violates the Rules of this Forum, you are free to flag my posts. Till I get any notifcaion from this, I just asume you know you have no case against me or Zenimax disagrees with you.
  • Aeradon
    zgrssd wrote: »
    Aeradon wrote: »
    There was a eccentric murderer in Cheydinhal who caught a Khajiit, an Altmer, an Imperial and a Breton. The Khajiit is rumoured to be the best trader across Tamriel, the Altmer is a famous diplomat, the Imperial is a brilliant tactician and the Breton is a bright young mage.
    I would say the breton. Because either he use a clairvoyance spell to see te other three peoples heads.
    Or since it was pitch black behind the wall he just guessed black and could not be wrong (because in the dark all colors are black)
    Haha!! Nice guess! Nope! Should I include a tip in the post? But it will spoil the fun :smiley:
    Edited by Aeradon on July 24, 2014 10:22AM
    People keep telling me they're gonna buy me an ale. They never do.

    There are only two things I can't stand in this world. People who are intolerant of other people's culture. And the Elves.

    Help make this compilation complete!
    Compilation of Ideas and Suggestions
  • XquixoticalX
    @Aeradon‌ it's simple...
    the Altmer calls out the correct answer. He knows that if his head is painted the same color as the Khajit's, then the Imperial have would known the answer and shouted it. Because the Imperial can see both in front of him, if they are both black he knows he is white, and the Breton beyond the wall is white as well. He would have called out if this were the case. So, because the Imperial stays silent, the Altmer knows that his head must be the opposite color from the Khajit's (which he can see as it is right in front of him.)
    Edited by XquixoticalX on July 24, 2014 10:36AM
    ~ Belle Folie

    "I'm here to kick ass and eat sweetrolls. And I'm all out of sweetrolls."
  • AngryNord
    Aeradon wrote: »
    One of them managed to give the correct answer with 100% certainty. Who? And how? Mention my tag when you answer, and I shall provide the correct answer after 5 guesses.

    Tip: Just picture yourself in their positions and enjoy the process. :) (tip edited for fun)

    This is not a joke, but I had great fun asking my friends. Hope you guys have fun with it too!
    Imperial. He could see that the two other heads were one of each colour, and used his deduction to come to the conclusion they were painted alternatingly.
  • Aeradon
    @Aeradon‌ it's simple...
    the Altmer calls out the correct answer. He knows that if his head is painted the same color as the Khajit's, then the Imperial have would known the answer and called it out. Because the Imperial can see both in front of him, if they are both black he knows he is white, and the Breton beyond the wall is white as well. He would have called out if this were the case. But because the Imperial stays silent, the Altmer knows that his head must be the opposite color from the Khajit's (which he can see as it is right in front of him.)
    Cookie for you :)

    @AngryNord‌ That was actually my first response to the question when I was asked. LOL.
    Edited by Aeradon on July 24, 2014 10:42AM
    People keep telling me they're gonna buy me an ale. They never do.

    There are only two things I can't stand in this world. People who are intolerant of other people's culture. And the Elves.

    Help make this compilation complete!
    Compilation of Ideas and Suggestions
  • Knootewoot
    zgrssd wrote: »
    Knootewoot wrote: »
    I win, because i have the most funny joke in the world:

    Wenn ist das Nunstück git und Slotermeyer? Ja! Whiterun Wolfhound das Oder die Flipperwaldt gersput!
    Neither I as a german nor google translates langauge detection has any idea what language that even is. Much less what it says.

    Guess nobody saw Monthy Python's flying Circus :(


    "I am a nightblade. Blending the disciplines of the stealthy agent and subtle wizard, I move unseen and undetected, foil locks and traps, and teleport to safety when threatened, or strike like a viper from ambush. The College of Illusion hides me and fuddles or pacifies my opponents. The College of Mysticism detects my object, reflects and dispels enemy spells, and makes good my escape. The key to a nightblade's success is avoidance, by spell or by stealth; with these skills, all things are possible."
  • isengrimb16_ESO
    Knootewoot wrote: »
    zgrssd wrote: »
    Knootewoot wrote: »
    I win, because i have the most funny joke in the world:

    Wenn ist das Nunstück git und Slotermeyer? Ja! Whiterun Wolfhound das Oder die Flipperwaldt gersput!
    Neither I as a german nor google translates langauge detection has any idea what language that even is. Much less what it says.

    Guess nobody saw Monthy Python's flying Circus :(



    Mine was from someone's tagline I remember from about 20 years ago. It's supposed to read: "I have lived here for 400 years, and I've never seen a ghost".
  • Mondo
    Perhaps but it doesnt even make sense
    Im not the Hero you need, im the Troll you deserve!
    - Survived the WoW Pre LK Rogue Forum "Come at me Bro" -

    L2P = Accept that DK is OP and stop complaining
  • isengrimb16_ESO
    Mondo wrote: »
    Perhaps but it doesnt even make sense

    It's Monty Python, it's not SUPPOSED to make sense. :sunglasses:
  • Mondo
    Im German i cant even understand what he is trying to say. I should watch flying circus again its quit a while since last time
    Im not the Hero you need, im the Troll you deserve!
    - Survived the WoW Pre LK Rogue Forum "Come at me Bro" -

    L2P = Accept that DK is OP and stop complaining
  • isengrimb16_ESO
    Mondo wrote: »
    Im German i cant even understand what he is trying to say. I should watch flying circus again its quit a while since last time

    Been a while for me, too, but yeah, I think they just used some pidgin German, because none of them speak it, and they figured the other anglophones watching them wouldn't speak it, either. Who knows. Or it's deliberately nonsensical, because Monty Python specialized in nonsense.

    Do you remember the Hungarian-English translation dictionary?

    "My hovercraft is full of eels!"

    btw, did Google do a proper translation of mine? I really have no way to know, because I only understand a few words and have no knowledge of German grammar.

    Heh. There's also this:


    Or something like that, I've seen several variants.

    Edited by isengrimb16_ESO on July 24, 2014 11:22AM
  • Mondo
    Ok this makes very very very hardly sense, a little. I think its more meant to say many funny German/English-German Words


    MP is very different in German than it is in English :p
    Edited by Mondo on July 24, 2014 11:29AM
    Im not the Hero you need, im the Troll you deserve!
    - Survived the WoW Pre LK Rogue Forum "Come at me Bro" -

    L2P = Accept that DK is OP and stop complaining
  • isengrimb16_ESO
    Mondo wrote: »
    Ok this makes very very very hardly sense, a little. I think its more meant to say many funny German/English-German Words


    MP is very different in German than it is in English :p

    Probably. But it's an example of pidgin German; basically English dressed up to look like it, with a few valid German words thrown in.

    Pidgin English is fun to cut through, too.
    Edited by isengrimb16_ESO on July 24, 2014 11:31AM
  • Daraugh
    Blackhorne wrote: »
    Ollie & Lena jokes converted to ESO FTW.
    Well, if that's your flavor, how about one "borrowed" from my favorite cowtown puppet show* (although I'd heard it in another form before then, but I was too young to remember whence) :

    Sven and Olaf are down on the docks in Riften.
    "Hey Sven," says Olaf, "How long do you think this pier is?"
    "Dunno, Olaf," says Sven, "Let me count the boards..."
    "Okay, " says Olaf, "And I'll count the slits."

    And so they walk down the pier, counting boards and slits.

    Sven: 1...
    Olaf: ...1
    Sven: 2...
    Olaf: ...2
    Sven: 23...
    Olaf: ...23
    Sven: 24...
    Olaf: ..twenty-waaagh! (falls off the pier)

    "Ah-hah!" says Sven. "I see now: when you're out of slits, you're out of pier!"

    *One thousand internets to you if you know the show.

    MST3K!! From the movie The Sword and the Dragon, a joke by Ingmar Bergman. I fell off the couch laughing so hard the first time I saw that episode :smiley:

    May all beings have happiness
    May they be free from suffering
    May they find the joy that has never known suffering
    May they be free from attachment and hatred
  • Aeradon
    Lanark wrote: »
    Blackhorne wrote: »
    Ollie & Lena jokes converted to ESO FTW.
    Well, if that's your flavor, how about one "borrowed" from my favorite cowtown puppet show* (although I'd heard it in another form before then, but I was too young to remember whence) :

    Sven and Olaf are down on the docks in Riften.
    "Hey Sven," says Olaf, "How long do you think this pier is?"
    "Dunno, Olaf," says Sven, "Let me count the boards..."
    "Okay, " says Olaf, "And I'll count the slits."

    And so they walk down the pier, counting boards and slits.

    Sven: 1...
    Olaf: ...1
    Sven: 2...
    Olaf: ...2
    Sven: 23...
    Olaf: ...23
    Sven: 24...
    Olaf: ..twenty-waaagh! (falls off the pier)

    "Ah-hah!" says Sven. "I see now: when you're out of slits, you're out of pier!"

    *One thousand internets to you if you know the show.

    MST3K!! From the movie The Sword and the Dragon, a joke by Ingmar Bergman. I fell off the couch laughing so hard the first time I saw that episode :smiley:
    C'mon. We all know it's from Frozen!
    People keep telling me they're gonna buy me an ale. They never do.

    There are only two things I can't stand in this world. People who are intolerant of other people's culture. And the Elves.

    Help make this compilation complete!
    Compilation of Ideas and Suggestions
  • zgrssd
    "Ich habe hier seit 400 Jahren gelebt und habe noch nie einen Geist gesehen."
    Is a valid translation of:
    "I have lived here for 400 years, and I've never seen a ghost".
    Wich oddly enough wold be a fitting one liner for ESO.
    I mean half my questgivers are ghosts, talking skulls, crows or projections.
    Elana Peterson (EU), Dominion, Imperial Sorc, Rune & Alchemy Crafting Char
    Leonida Peterson (EU), Daggerfall, Kajiit Nightblade, Tank & main Crafter
    Kurga Peterson (EU), Ebonhart, Ork Dragonknight, Provision Mule
    Coldblood Peterson (EU) Argonian Templer, Daggerfall, Healer
    Incendia Peterson (EU), Dominion, Dunmer Dragonknight, fire DPS & healer
    Haldor Belendor (EU), Ebonhart, Breton Sorcerer, Tank
    Fuliminictus Peterson (EU), Ebonhart, Altmer Sorcerer, Electric DPS

    Me babbling about PvE roles and Armor, Short Guide to Addon Programming (for Programmers)

    If you think anything I or somebody else said violates the Rules of this Forum, you are free to flag my posts. Till I get any notifcaion from this, I just asume you know you have no case against me or Zenimax disagrees with you.
  • Tabbycat
    Why did the Guar win an award?
    Because he was out standing in his field.
    Founder and Co-GM of The Psijic Order Guild (NA)
  • isengrimb16_ESO
    zgrssd wrote: »
    "Ich habe hier seit 400 Jahren gelebt und habe noch nie einen Geist gesehen."
    Is a valid translation of:
    "I have lived here for 400 years, and I've never seen a ghost".
    Wich oddly enough wold be a fitting one liner for ESO.
    I mean half my questgivers are ghosts, talking skulls, crows or projections.

    Hurray, now I have a sentence I can learn, and maybe glean some grammar from it, thank you.

    And yeah, heh, it is kind of fitting, isn't it? It's just something that always gave me a giggle when I remembered it.
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