Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts
Maintenance for the week of September 23:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – September 23

Templar Update

  • Fuxo
    ARtChi wrote: »
    Just use Nova on a full band of 24 players, then jump in with sunshield and pulsar... you'll see if you do no damage...
    Power of light coupled with soul strike = OS
    No other class can do that !

    Templar has the best healing skill in PvP with its flash heal and some really impressive defense skill for tanking (sunshield, channeled focus, aedric spear ult, healingjab, etc.)

    If you run out of mana, it's just because you are not properly stuffed (i.e. cloth armor, warlock set, cost reduction on jewelry, magika pots). You can blame meta game for that but not templar.

    May be it's not the way you see your classe, but templar is really good in PvP.

    Great in theory, but number of Nova targets is capped at 6. And PotL together with Soul Strike is just for burst damage. All other classes can do it as well with other combos. Sustained DPS is what templar lacks. And that is mainly because of terrible magicka management.

    Second, the best healing skill is ok for a 4 man dungeon, but because it's so random, it's value in PvP is very limited. Healing Springs is a better alternative, since it's (much) cheaper, can be stacked and generates a lot of ultimate.

    Defensive skills are nice, but ithey would be much useful, if armour and spell resist actually did something. The only useful defensive skill is blocking, which is available to anybody.
  • ARtChi
    Fuxo wrote: »
    ARtChi wrote: »
    Just use Nova on a full band of 24 players, then jump in with sunshield and pulsar... you'll see if you do no damage...
    Power of light coupled with soul strike = OS
    No other class can do that !

    Templar has the best healing skill in PvP with its flash heal and some really impressive defense skill for tanking (sunshield, channeled focus, aedric spear ult, healingjab, etc.)

    If you run out of mana, it's just because you are not properly stuffed (i.e. cloth armor, warlock set, cost reduction on jewelry, magika pots). You can blame meta game for that but not templar.

    May be it's not the way you see your classe, but templar is really good in PvP.

    Great in theory, but number of Nova targets is capped at 6. And PotL together with Soul Strike is just for burst damage. All other classes can do it as well with other combos. Sustained DPS is what templar lacks. And that is mainly because of terrible magicka management.

    Second, the best healing skill is ok for a 4 man dungeon, but because it's so random, it's value in PvP is very limited. Healing Springs is a better alternative, since it's (much) cheaper, can be stacked and generates a lot of ultimate.

    Defensive skills are nice, but ithey would be much useful, if armour and spell resist actually did something. The only useful defensive skill is blocking, which is available to anybody.

    When I see people in this thread not using nova because it's too expensive, while you can just charge your ultimate at keep with healing springs in 10 sec... Unbelievable... :p

    Did you ever tried to duo with another templar and throw both Nova with synergy activation to see how much damage/kill you can do in a zerg ?
    It’s not theory.

    Templar is not the strongest damage dealer on the long run. It can be an issue in PvE, but in PvP, burst damage is more important. As a matter of fact, Nova provide that to us. And, we have enough tool to be a decent aoer with pulsar / aedric spear or a good assassin in medium armor with 2H and repentance.

    Of course most people complaining about magika problem are heavy armor wearer, but as far as i'm concerned, I have done my sorrow about heavy armor. People persisting this way are just doing it for aesthetical reason, but will not be competitive for now. Again blame Meta game, not templar.

    Also I don't understand your comment about flash heal vs healing springs... yes it's a lot more mana efficient spell with great advantages, but in many situation burst heal will save people (your) life where heal over time won't. Just this ability make us the strongest healing class in ESO even if we don't have magika management skills (which again is not such a problem when stuffed properly)

    Our defensive skill are from being based on armor/resist : Sunshield is a strong damage shield with feedback damage, punctunring sweep heals you with your damage, empowering sweep is flat damage mitigation. Basically you can build a very strong tank if you want and still be able to provide some good damage.

    So ok, we don't have ressource management, but overall, our class is really fine in many situation when properly played.
  • JLB
    ARtChi wrote: »
    we don't have ressource management
    Really? No ***, Sherlock!

    Maybe if you would have spent a little time by reading suggestions and comments of all those "crying babies" you would have realized no one is saying Templar class is unplayable, or that people don't know how to play the class, or that people don't know the abilities. Hence, nobody is asking you for cheap lessons (POTL + Soul Assault! You must be a genius). Thank you.

    I don't know you, but seems to me you are desperately looking for any excuse to prove how good you are and how bad other people is, which says a lot about you.
    And most of your points, like chosing Nova, are finally not even flaws on the class synergies or abilities to fix or possible changes (that's what this Forum is about, FYI). You are talking about your personal choices, and whoever doesn't play like you is a total noob, am I correct?

    Another of your smart points is Templars who complain about magicka problems are the ones who use Heavy Armour. Again another silly assumption about people you don't even know.
    I wear 7/7 Light and magicka issues are obviously not as hard as if you wear heavy or medium armour, but issues are still there because:
    ARtChi wrote: »
    we don't have ressource management
    Good job, champion.

    So, you think Templar doesn't need any fixes? Fine.
    Couldn't you just leave your comment as a grown up person and don't come up with that pejorative attitude towards every other Templar?
    Your presumptuousness is not letting you see you are making a clown of yourself.
  • p_tsakirisb16_ESO
    ARtChi wrote: »
    Our Dps has raised greatly since last patch.

    I ran a few tests yesterday on some R9 Trolls in Easternmarch :


    1,2,3 : Punctunring sweep only : ~400 dps
    4,5,6 : Puncturing sweep + Vampire ban : ~500 dps
    7 : Puncturing sweep + Vampire ban + blazing spear : ~600 dps

    400 dps on Puncturing sweep at VR9? How much Spell power and Magicka you have?

    At 2001 Magicka, 100 Spell power, mine is doing 508 damage during the channelling (1.1), against single opponent of course. (more enemies more damage).

    However, according to the tooltip should be doing 68 damage per strike, +110% on nearest target. (68*2.1)

    Against a single mob VR10, is hitting for 127 per hit not 143. Might be the level difference? (I am VR9 the mob is VR10).
    Edited by p_tsakirisb16_ESO on July 5, 2014 5:46AM
  • Reco
    temjiu wrote: »
    Except there's a few conflicts with your point. IF Templars could DPS as well as the other classes, then Your point would be viable. As it is, they can't.

    If you could point out the droves of Templars that are currently in DPS spots in trials in competitive teams, im all ears.

    they aren't there.

    Now...if you could point out how many sorcs there are that are filling healing slots...oh my goodness...there's plenty of those!

    for your example to fit, we would be seeing NO sorcs set up as healers in the higher tiers of the game...but they are there aplenty. Now...this could be an issue solely with the Sorcs. But I think its an overall balance issue. if Templars are the healers of choice, we really should be seeing a reverse of the situation present right now.

    what about NB's? they can heal almost as effectively, AND provide superior DPS to templars, AT THE SAME TIME. your paradigm doesn't match the reality in the game atm. There is currently only ONE class that really can't heal AND put out superior DPS to the Templar. And it really doesn't matter right now, as that class (DK) puts out so much DPS that no one cares.

    the problem is that the Templar class cannot keep up enough in other areas to be viable as the "healer" even if they are superior to other classes. We would actually need content that takes advantage of that healing superiority...which apparently isn't in the game atm.

    And even then, do you honestly think that Zenimax wants to shoehorn the templar into a healing role...and kick all other classes out of it? why would they even put a healing staff into the game if that was their design. why even ALLOW other classes the option of healing (which 2 out of the 4 can do as easily as a templar for the current content).

    If Zenimax really had intended for the Templar to be "the healer" then they would have killed the resto staff before it ever got to live. They didn't....so this whole concept of class structure forcing roles is a moot point. if a sorc can heal well enough to fill a healing slot in the game...and out DPS a templar, why can't a templar outheal a sorc...and keep up well enough in DPS to fill a DPS slot?

    Exactly this! Spot on and insightful. Every ESO designer should read this entirely, if they are serious about fixing Templar. Seriously.
    Edited by Reco on July 5, 2014 11:32AM
  • Reco
    Our spells were cheaper in beta initially.

    Then their costs were doubled and tripled, to mitigate the Ritual passive we had that returned 2% of our max magicka back, every time we cast a spell.

    This passive was deemed OP. And few days before release was removed.

    However the high costs of our spells remained. That is why we need 400 magicka to cast a spell similar to the one a Sorcer or a DK which cost them less than half.

    Incredible, but makes sense now to me. I haven't played beta, but what you wrote surely sounds right and it explains the history of the core issue with templar. I'm 0 on magicka, while the other classes keep going for 1 minute longer, whether dealing damage or healing. And I don't spam burst heals and I use resto staff heavy attack to regain magicka. Still, sitting duck. Fix this please.
    Edited by Reco on July 5, 2014 11:58AM
  • monden1980b16_ESO
    Strange. All good "dps builds" seem to be based on restoration staff... something's so terribly wrong with this game...
  • ARtChi
    JLB wrote: »
    Couldn't you just leave your comment as a grown up person and don't come up with that pejorative attitude towards every other Templar?
    Your presumptuousness is not letting you see you are making a clown of yourself.
    Sure man, you think it's a more grown up attitude this non stop QQing about templar ?

    You said it yourself :
    JLB wrote: »
    I wear 7/7 Light and magicka issues are obviously not as hard as if you wear heavy or medium armour
    Basically, you don't have magika issue in light armor.
    It might sound a little strange to you, but may be it's because light armor is dedicated to magika users ...

    It's not my fault that Light armor is too good, and heavy and medium armor are crap. Again, other classes have exactly the same problem and it's not realted to templar.

    But let's follow your great logic and give infinite magika to templar, it will solve all the problem and will be totally balanced.

    400 dps on Puncturing sweep at VR9? How much Spell power and Magicka you have?

    At 2001 Magicka, 100 Spell power, mine is doing 508 damage during the channelling (1.1), against single opponent of course. (more enemies more damage).

    However, according to the tooltip should be doing 68 damage per strike, +110% on nearest target. (68*2.1)

    Against a single mob VR10, is hitting for 127 per hit not 143. Might be the level difference? (I am VR9 the mob is VR10).
    I think I have less spell power than you, but it's damagemeter measure.
    There is always some times between skills activation, so it is not the dps of the skill by it self but measure on certain timing.
    I tested templar dps last night on first boss in trials and I could go over 500 dps for the all fight. I'm not totally dps oriented ed but I think 600+ is possible and just enough for trials

    Edited by ARtChi on July 5, 2014 6:50PM
  • JLB
    ARtChi wrote: »
    Basically, you don't have magika issue in light armor.
    It might sound a little strange to you, but may be it's because light armor is dedicated to magika users ...

    It's not my fault that Light armor is too good, and heavy and medium armor are crap. Again, other classes have exactly the same problem and it's not realted to templar.

    Not related to Templar? What part of the "Templars are the only class with NO resource management" you don't understand?
    Do you understand that Light Armour passives is something other classes benefit from too, on top of having better resource management?
    Honestly, I think you are trying to prove your point on a very weird way.
    ARtChi wrote: »
    But let's follow your great logic and give infinite magika to templar, it will solve all the problem and will be totally balanced.

    infinite magicka? Hahahaha.
    Yes, you got me.
    Seriously, making up other people's opinions just to proof your poor "argumentation", is not the smartest thing to do.

    OH, and congrats on your 500dps on a Trial boss. Send regards to the 1.2k dps classes out there, I'm sure they won't mind that you do half the damage they do when they look for DPSers in future content.
  • Soloeus
    Below is an early look at the improvements we will be releasing next week, for the Templar. This is a small part of our ongoing class and skill line efforts, and there will be more to come.

    Aedric Spear: Puncturing Strikes
    • Puncturing Strikes’ overall damage to all targets will be increased by 10%.
    • Puncturing Strikes’ damage to your closest target will be increased from 100% to 110%.
    • The Piercing Spear passive will add melee critical strike in addition to spell critical strike when using spear abilities.

    Dawn’s Wrath: Nova
    • Nova will be capable of critical strikes.
    • Nova damage per tick will be increased by 20%.

    Dawn’s Wrath: Solar Disturbance (Nova morph)
    • Solar Disturbance will scale in damage from Ranks I-IV.
    • Solar Disturbance will snare targets by 60% at all ranks.

    Dawn’s Wrath: Solar Flare
    • Solar Flare’s cast time will be decreased from 1.5 seconds to 1.3 seconds.
    • Dark Flare will increase in damage as it ranks up.

    Dawn’s Wrath: Sun Fire
    • Sun Fire damage will last an extra second, resulting in an extra damage tick with two points in the Enduring Rays passive.
    • Sun Fire’s snare effect and damage effect will now match.
    • Sun Fire’s damage-over-time will be increased by 10% more overall damage.

    Thank you for providing us the feedback necessary to make these improvements. We look forward to hearing your thoughts on them, and invite you to let us know what other Templar fixes and improvements you'd like to see.

    1. Make all passives work period. I want the passives in the healing line of Templar Skills to also work with Resto Staff for example, or the fire damage passive to work with Destro Staff.

    2. Make everything that says "melee atacks" instead say "attacks". This encourages bow use.

    3. Make a suit of armor with jewelry that functions like the Warlock Set for Stamina Builds.

    Lastly, make a few sets committed to lowering stamina costs of stamina abilities.

    Within; Without.
  • ARtChi
    JLB wrote: »
    Seriously, making up other people's opinions just to proof your poor "argumentation", is not the smartest thing to do.
    ... you started this trick, not me
    JLB wrote: »
    OH, and congrats on your 500dps on a Trial boss. Send regards to the 1.2k dps classes out there, I'm sure they won't mind that you do half the damage they do when they look for DPSers in future content.
    Fact is I'm aware of other classes dps (little exp in leading trial raids).
    1.2K is extrem value for dark elf DK R10+ PvP with former emperor skills and AA stuff (and macroing most of the time)... Far far away from most players.
    Usual DK and NB are around 700-900 and sorc around 600 (when playing with animation cut and proper template) - I'm talking about sustain dps in PvE not spike damage or PvP
    So Templar being able to reach sorc dps on mono target with no particular gameplay (no animation cut) is very good indeed !
    (especially considering consequences on pvp)

    You got smart arguments, but you just don't want to see the overall picture.
    Because templar has no magika management skill you think it's unfair. But,
    despite this drawback, Templar is able to fullfill any role both in pve or in pvp.

    Best healer (may be not you, but me :p ), Good/best tank, average dps...

    Where is the problem really ?

    Do you think it's a major issue to add magika regen to templar ? Don't you think it could just make the all class a little bit overpowered ? Don't you think rework on heavy armor defense / stamina dps sustainability is more important ?
  • Higgi
    Soul Shriven

    Trail-Raid EU "Raiderz" sustain DPS Mai 2014

    Templar 600-800 (with Heal 100-300)
    NB 1000-1200 (with Heal 400-600)
    Sorc 1200-1400 (with Heal 500-700)
    DK 1000-1200 (no Heal)

  • nagarjunna
    Higgi wrote: »

    Trail-Raid EU "Raiderz" sustain DPS Mai 2014

    Templar 600-800 (with Heal 100-300)
    NB 1000-1200 (with Heal 400-600)
    Sorc 1200-1400 (with Heal 500-700)
    DK 1000-1200 (no Heal)

    And that says it all... ZOS want us to group up, but if we are out-dpsed by everyone and outhealed by others then the obvious happens and we don't get invited to anything!

    I have stopped playing my lvl 40 templar as the way I want to play (Dual wield) is essentially useless in VR content.
    @nagarjunna- PC / NA / AD / DC
    Zazarakel - Max CP Magicka Templar
    Tartys - Max CP Stamina Nightblade
    Temelechus - Max CP Magicka Sorcerer
    Assaku - Max CP Stamina DragonKnight
    Truthforge - Sub 50 Stamina Templar
    Yang Wudi Sub 50 Stamina Sorceror [DC]
    Shou Chung Sub 50 Magicka DragonKnight
    Chen Tuan Sun 50 Magicka Nightblade
  • Paladin_echo1
    I like my Templar at the moment. The only main issue I have now is that everything is super mp expensive. They need to calm that crap down. That and start making moves cost stamina rather than magic.

    That new Puncturing Strikes morph is sick for just wreaking havoc on large mobs. Last few times grinding I really didn't have to heal much. This has become my favorite class to play now for devouring cash from mobs. It needs help in the area of dungeoning though... Significant help so it is actually competitive against that restoration staff. All of the Templar moves need roughly about a 20% decrease in mp cost. More in the case of some moves. It shouldn't take 1/3 of the skill bar just to heal one person...
  • ARtChi
    Higgi wrote: »

    Trail-Raid EU "Raiderz" sustain DPS Mai 2014

    Templar 600-800 (with Heal 100-300)
    NB 1000-1200 (with Heal 400-600)
    Sorc 1200-1400 (with Heal 500-700)
    DK 1000-1200 (no Heal)
    Yes May 2014... Those values are totally out of date, since nerf of syphon spirit and crit to generate ultimates. In trials, all classes are below 1K now and sorc a lot lower than DK and NB.
    Of course, you'll always find some extrem players (with good race choice, full AA stuffed, etc.) who can do better but it's not a reality for 99% of players.

    Throwing crazy high numbers to prove templar is weak is lame because our class is not. We got utility in trials as healer or tank, not really as damage dealer (but still it's enough to fill a hole if necessary).
    Edited by ARtChi on July 7, 2014 9:46AM
  • Drake81
    Hm, it looks like Artchi lost the fight against his troll and the winner is now spaming in this forum... XD
  • danno8
    From update 3 release notes gong to the PTS.
    Aedric Spear
    Sun Shield: This ability no longer stops your magicka regeneration.

    Restoring Light
    Healing Ritual: Both morphs of Healing Ritual now increase in heal value as they rank up.

    Dawn’s Wrath
    Blinding Light: This ability can now cause enemies to go off-balance when they are blocking.
    Reflective Light (Sun Fire morph): The tooltip for this ability now includes the damage-over-time.
    Sun Fire: Fixed an issue where casting Sun Fire wouldn’t cause you to face your target.
    Total Dark (Eclipse morph): The tooltip now lists the correct duration for this ability.

    Sun Shield may finally have a home on my bar after trying to use it so many times, assuming this extends to Blazing Shield.
  • Soris
    As aOne of the best tools in templar arsenal, sun shield/blazing shield will now become what it should be, assuming this includes shield's strength fix
    Edited by Soris on July 10, 2014 3:09PM
    Welkynd [Templar/AD/EU]
  • JLB
    Awesome. I definitely agree Sun Shield is now were it deserves.
    The change to Blinding Flashes affecting blocking targets is really good too.
  • CaptainSilverbrow
    JLB wrote: »
    Awesome. I definitely agree Sun Shield is now were it deserves.
    Great, now our FotM mages can be as thrifty as their FotM mages. Don't get me wrong, I love the change, but inb4 wailing walls of text from guys getting sacked by Templar casters taking advantage of this tweak to revise their play strategies (or a new cookie cutter build). As a melee Templar, I can appreciate the change, but this benefits casters (and perhaps lit up healers) more than any amongst us, and, like the patch notes released recently, isn't very indicative of any more improved awareness and much-needed revising for melee and more stamina-heavy playstyles.

    Tl;dr, my body is ready for this buff as I already use Blazing Shield extensively for various reasons, I'm just not liking how obscured the bigger picture is here.
  • Baphomet
    One of the biggest reasons templars underperforms @ZOS is because of the actual animations for the templar abilities.

    1. Dark Flare:

    Dark flare might have the same casting time as crystal shards but once it's been executed it takes a looong time before it actually connects with the target. A sorcerer can hit an enemy almost twice with crystal shards in comparison because the crystal shard moves like a ballistic missile.

    It is actually so bad that if you want to do a follow-up attack after using dark flare, you (depending on the distance to the target) actually have to pause for a moment before you activate your next ability if you want it to benefit from dark flare's buff.

    The solution is to speed up the animation and instead of having the ability's buff apply to the next attack, make it apply to the caster for 6 seconds.

    2. Solar Barrage:

    Solar barrage suffers from an internal cooldown issue where casting the ability repetedly is extremely wonky.

    The solution is to reduce the internal cooldown after the animation has executed.

    3. Sun Fire:

    Sun fire suffers from the same issue as dark flare. The animation for this ability is too slow. It is too easy to see coming and even if you have 3-4 projectiles coming at you, you can roll-dodge easily and avoid them all. And of course, they are a joke to reflect for a dragonknight, just like dark flare... or block, for that matter.

    The solution is to speed up the animation to that of a destruction staff light attack bolt. There is no reason why sun fire must move so slowly when it is only logical that the ability should move at the same speed as funnel health and staff projectiles.

    4. Backlash:

    Backlash has an unforgiving 1.5 sec cast time and gives you so little in return - other than the chance of being interupted. In those 1.5 seconds you can get off around 2 other abilities and 2 light attacks which can almost do the same damage as backlash can store up, so why on earth would anyone ever considering slotting this ability in its current state?

    In a PvP environment with multiple enemies and allies it is almost useless as the target will just hide behind other characters' hitboxes - just like people go behind dragonknights that goes in front to reflect all incoming projectives and position their hitboxes so that ranged attackers have a hard time hitting those behind.

    The solution is to make this ability the counterpart to mark target. Significantly increase the cost of the ability but make it an instant cast instead so that it is actually possible to use its synergy with other attacks.

    5. Focused charge:

    Focused charge, and its morphs, suffers from an internal cooldown problem. After being executed there is a good 0.5-1 sec where you character can't follow up with any attacks where other gap closers like shield charge and critical charge allow you to follow up with attacks immediately after having connected with the target.

    The solution is of course to address the internal cooldown - and please do so.

    Those are just some of the templar issues to go along with a lot of other critical stuff that has been mentioned in this thread. Of note is that some of the templar passives actually nerf the templar abilities as pointed out elsewhere!

    @Zenimax, I really hope you will take the animation aspect into consideration as well when you address the templar in the future. Personally, it is one of the things that I find the most annoying when playing the class. My DK, sorc and nightblade feel sharp and responsive in comparison but my templar (even though I enjoy playing it) simply feels clunky and sluggish in comparison
    - The Psijic Order
    - TKO
    - Dominant Dominion
    - The Noore
  • Reco
    Yea, agreed, the sunlight skill line is just overall inferior to the aedric spear line. I have a pretty decent damage build for my templar, and I haven't even bothered to unlock any of the sunlight skills after I reset my skill points recently (except the ultimate skill). Why would I waste points on them? They're weak, slow, no proper AoE damage -- simply useless, and they don't even look cool (as far as the animations FX go).

    And don't get me even started on the sunlight passives. They're a waste of points.
    Edited by Reco on July 19, 2014 10:27AM
  • JLB
    Some ideas for Dawn's Wrath skill line (damage based in actual V12 figures).

    Sun Fire (and morphs): same description + stacks up to 2 times
    Ability reaches target 50% faster.
    Snares for 50%.

    Solar Flare (Dark Flare):
    Casting time decreased to 1s from 1.5s.
    Ability reaches target 50% faster.
    Same description.

    Solar Flare (Solar Barrage):
    Remove the internal cooldown.
    Same description.

    Backlash (Purifying Light):
    Casting Time: 1s
    Target stores up damage for 6 seconds.
    After effect ends:
    Healing Pool appears on caster instead, for 10 seconds.

    Backlash (Power of the Light):
    Casting Time: 1s
    Target stores up damage for 6 seconds.
    During the effect:
    Gain 10% Weapon and Spell Damage for 10 seconds when attacking target.

    Eclipse (Total Dark):
    Target reflects negative single target Spells back at themselves for 6 seconds.
    When effect ends, target's Spell and Weapon Damage is reduced by 30% for 6 seconds.
    If effect is broken (CC break) deals 200 Magic Damage to nearby enemies and target's Spell and Weapon Damage is reduced by 15% for 4 seconds.

    Eclipse (Unstable Core):
    Target reflects negative single target Spells back at themselves for 6 seconds.
    When effect ends, target's Health, Magicka and Stamina Regeneration is reduced by 30% for 6 seconds.
    If effect is broken (CC break) deals 200 Magic Damage to nearby enemies and target's Health, Magicka and Stamina regeneration is reduced by 15% for 4 seconds.

    Blinding Light (Searing Light)
    Duration: 6 seconds
    Applies to Caster. Incoming attacks have a 50% Miss Chance.
    Missing an attack deals 200 Magic Damage to target.

    Blinding Light (Blinding Flashes)
    Duration: 6 seconds
    Applies to Caster. Incoming attacks have a 50% Miss Chance.
    Missing an attack sets off balance target for 4 seconds.

    (maxed out)

    Enduring Rays:
    -Duration of Dawn's Wrath abilities increased by 40%.

    -Generates 2 Ultimate points when using a Dawn's Wrath ability or when a Dawn's Wrath ability damages an enemy (DoTs /side effects damage included).

    When enemy is affected by a Dawn's Wrath ability, caster's Spell Resistance and Armour is Increased by 500 for 6 seconds.

    Restoring Spirit
    When a Dawn's Wrath ability is slotted:
    Reduce the cost of Magicka, Stamina and Ultimate abilities by 6%.
    Increases Health, Magicka and Stamina Regeneration by 20%.
  • JamilaRaj
    I agree on speed-up (and also DoT stacking) of Sun Fire; the animation is so slow as of now that it sometimes seems as though players will be able to run away before it lands.
    Also agree on reduced cooldown of Solar Barrage, though I suspect some global lock is to be blamed, because it is after using Toppling Charge when I find subsequent cast of Solar Barrage horribly slow (to the point it nullifies benefit of TC's stun).

    As for Blinding Flashes, on that I would disagree. Admittedly, when applied to nearby enemies instead of you, it won't help with enemies further away, but its utility ramps up when fighting in a group, because multiple enemies may miss multiple allies, not only you. The base ability could be reworked to have party and solo morphs, instead of damaging and non-damaging morph.
  • Fuxo
    I also agree with speeding up some animations. Especially those with cast times like Solar Flare.

    Regarding Eclipse, the possibility of Break Free should either be confirmed by @ZOS, or fixed/removed.

    For the rest, I would prefer some fixes to templar's magicka sustain first and come back to class abilities afterwards. I mean, there are plans to introduce spell crafting and templars will suffer a lot with the current magicka management, since all spells will probably cost magicka.
  • bruceb14_ESO5
    I agree with looking at cast times and possibly secondary effects for resource recovery, but am leery about giving us something like Focused Charge with no internal cooldown before next spell. It could create a situation that is abused with macros and subsequent nerfing of the class.
  • timidobserver
    I agree with looking at cast times and possibly secondary effects for resource recovery, but am leery about giving us something like Focused Charge with no internal cooldown before next spell. It could create a situation that is abused with macros and subsequent nerfing of the class.

    I do not understand. Either all charges should have this or none.
    V16 Uriel Stormblessed EP Magicka Templar(main)
    V16 Derelict Vagabond EP Stamina DK
    V16 Redacted Ep Stam Sorc
    V16 Insolent EP Magicka Sorc(retired)
    V16 Jed I Nyte EP Stamina NB(retired)

  • JLB
    I totally agree with Magicka Sustain.
    Having in mind the new softcaps in regeneration, giving Templars a little advantage in resource regeneration through a passive could balance out not having a real magicka management skill/passive like other classes. Hence the suggestion on Restoring Spirit passive.

    Regarding Blinding Flashes, splitting both morphs into a selfbuff & AoE is a great idea, one more tanking oriented and the other as the current AoE CC form.
  • monden1980b16_ESO
    I agree with looking at cast times and possibly secondary effects for resource recovery, but am leery about giving us something like Focused Charge with no internal cooldown before next spell. It could create a situation that is abused with macros and subsequent nerfing of the class.

    Macros can be done with the cooldown as well. But at the moment, Focused Charge is more a interrupt, the short stun can't be used effectively (to use an additional ability or a light attack that can't be mitigated)

  • Sacadon
    > Backlash (Purifying Light) – ZOS why are you removing the group heals from this or did I misunderstand/interpret? Healing is the thing that the templar skill line enables to do exceptionally well with. So please please keep the group heal capabilities on at least one of each morph. Perfect world play-style for me in ESO with my templar would be to heal a group while I'm killing, but I digress

    > Eclipse (Unstable Core & Total Dark – Previously the distinction between these two morphs were more clear to me. Total Dark I understood was about reduction of damage potential from the opponent whereas Unstable Core was AoE damage. It now appears that there is no longer any AoE after the effect expires, only reduction of damage potential when CC'd combined with a nerfed damage. Can we please still keep the non-nerfed version of AoE with the Unstable Core morph (if only because the name fit is so well j/k)? Lastly, I will need to look into how this change increases our DPS... unless someone else has. I'm not seeing it off-hand, but expect you the expert have the number :smile:.

    > Blinding Light – I’m not convinced that adding 1.2 more seconds and reducing the skills damage is enough to make this skill viable. However, someone who leans on this skill heavily may have a more valuable perspective. I’ve sincerely tried this skill, but have not been able to get a decent amount of damage mitigation from it especially relative to others like Annulment which gives me back magicka or Fighters Guild Circle of Protection which uses stamina vs. the magicka we templars covet.

    > Some context on my templar. I soloed conservatively 95% of the available content up to VR10 with my now VR12 templar… It was very fun and challenging (VR1-VR10), but more challenging than I think is reasonable for the player-base ZOS is targeting. So, I sincerely believe that continued improvements in both DPS capabilities and magicka cost reduction for the templar skill lines are appropriate. At the moment, my templar currently wears 5-light and 2-heavy armor, and for veteran content relies heavily on NON-templar skills in order to be a high-contributor in groups or to take down opponents more quickly and efficiently when solo PvE/PvP. I can do it with mostly the templar skills, but it just takes forever. So I open-up with purifying light or dark flare, use shards for AoE stun (my fav) or Crushing Shock for long-distance stun/interrupt, Binding Javelin or Destructive Reach for CC, Structured Entropy for DoT/heals and Impulse for trash mobs. Also like Volcanic Rune for CC, but it's bugged right now. I use every ultimate in the book depending upon circumstance. Just started using Equilibrium and think that with the right discipline combined with resto staff, it's the best bandaid for our magicka deficit in the short-term.

    Lastly, I am not an expert, just know my templar and the journey since open-beta very well.. so welcoming any/all feedback regarding.

    Edited by Sacadon on July 24, 2014 4:54PM
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