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Subs: The future. How long will you keep playing?

How long do you plan on staying with ESO? Judging by what you play now and what's to come how long do you see yourself playing this game, based on what we have heard from ZOS for the future of eso? Maybe you'll stop later this year because a different game is coming out you want to play or maybe you plan on sticking around for a long time.
Edited by METALPUNKS on June 7, 2014 2:23AM

Subs: The future. How long will you keep playing? 796 votes

I already canceled
MablungMoiskormoimiVyshanlink428ngage98_ESOtheflyingfatima_ESOmuze_ESOPVT_PartsElventScrotal_RecallSoliduparrowNordJitsudwarflord76b14a_ESOTrentusDaethzKangasThorntongueVenitharVentroffjlinsleyb14_ESO 180 votes
Another month
Strythdtere1_ESOShaggygaming4f6f3badamjarrett21_ESOknottedbyfear_ESOduran_iiagachak74claytonjhouserb14_ESOdaryl.rasmusenb14_ESOIncojersydvlb14_ESOnayobugAmesielwafcatb14_ESOandreas.rudroffb16_ESOmartinzwickb16_ESOCrowzerArtwolfourich_nicholsonb16_ESO 79 votes
Maybe a couple more months
mw8472_ESOrikimm16_ESOdoublestickjock7_ESOtilolyen_ESOlecarcajou_ESOSihnfahlDarastixderuddb14_ESOKreagerYankeeOrangeTheCatLeijonadennis.schmelzleb16_ESOsonix2003b16_ESOKarlosTheGrouchachimb16_ESO3MorodorAedhdolanjamieb16_ESOsmokes 108 votes
At least 6 months to a year
TerminusRubberladOpioidmoonsugar66Zephericeaton68_ESODarkbeerfinchch_ESOGwarokindytims_ESOjambam817_ESOcypherclone_ESOfrwinters_ESOaclarkob14_ESOangelohupb14_ESOSwampRaiderOmegaSevenstarstruckVibloGatlan 102 votes
A yea if ZOS keeps to their current plan and upholds all they've said
Sykotik_ESOLaurajazon1972_ESOk9mouseJandoJade_Knightblazerb14_ESOjamielarzb14_ESOMurracavakthestampedec0rpmartinhpb16_ESORazourKorprokxaleposArmianleeMunkunaturnb92303008rwb17_ESOcf398ub17_ESODomperidon 52 votes
I already paid for a year(also this option is for people who already paid for 6 months)
CutekhaosItsMeTooAnrikTeargrantscaschotchb14_ESOAnelliumSteveCampsOutStonesthrowLisayenkin2001b14_ESOzdkazzKilaraNazon_KattsTuttebelVegarothYakidafithenshi13b16_ESOVelJharigsimontheriault1b16_ESOAbraCadabra 38 votes
I plan on sticking around for a long long time and hope ESO never goes FTP(also choose this option if you just plan on staying around a long time and don't care if it goes FTP but you don't mind paying)
UdyrfrykteLywenKorereactorTabbycatLyricalMURDERidahogeeketteGallegoMartheaIagoJusticiarKikazaruArkanostjvannevel_ESOshanersimms_ESOMohkiaVeritasObscuraAzarulScaven0422_ESOtheyanceySananab 210 votes
Currently I am not subbing but I will for console
I am going to continue to pay my sub then switch to console when it releases
Veeroboilers61b14_ESOMETALPUNKSMango995oniszeromeghuskoow 6 votes
Pay a sub? What?! The game is going to Free to Play soon!
FENGRUSHjonal11_ESOLawfulEvilRisenDragonJJDrakkenxMovingTargetwoutervanjellob16_ESOabishekshekharrwb17_ESObtraiderub17_ESOgeneraltavaseb17_ESOSwordguyTalketzantoVskyRagnar_LodbrokMorticielleDralikFersakenShiroroAziz006Zanxeh 21 votes
  • NoMoreChillies
    At least 6 months to a year
    i paid for 6 months. Devs have 6 months to fix the issues at hand, or my money goes elswhere
    Insulting people on the internet is cowardly.
  • Arora
    I plan on sticking around for a long long time and hope ESO never goes FTP(also choose this option if you just plan on staying around a long time and don't care if it goes FTP but you don't mind paying)
    I dont really care if it goes FTP, I will stick around, I enjoy playing
    Arora Moon - EB- Nightblade
    Arora Moonlight- EB- Sorcerer
    - GM Souless-

    Hail Sithis - Glory to the Night Mother

  • fredarbonab14_ESO
    I plan on sticking around for a long long time and hope ESO never goes FTP(also choose this option if you just plan on staying around a long time and don't care if it goes FTP but you don't mind paying)
    Can I get at least 50 votes, to make sure I can manipulate the outcome?
  • kaosodin
    I plan on sticking around for a long long time and hope ESO never goes FTP(also choose this option if you just plan on staying around a long time and don't care if it goes FTP but you don't mind paying)
    i paid for 6 months. Devs have 6 months to fix the issues at hand, or my money goes elswhere

    Very reasonable, I can respect that

  • Nazon_Katts
    I already paid for a year(also this option is for people who already paid for 6 months)
    Well, almost. And you won't see me shocked if some of my gametime gets converted to store credits, but will see me pleasantly surprised if that does not happen. There's just nothing else yet MMO-wise, probably will be different in a years time though, so they gotta up the ante significantly till then.
    "You've probably figured that out by now. Let's hope so. Or we're in real trouble... and out come the intestines. And I skip rope with them!"
  • Blackwidow
    I already canceled
    I cancelled my sub, but still have a small hope ZOS will fix things in that time and I might renew.
  • sigsergv
    I already canceled
    I cancelled my subscription but I hope they will resolve most horrible issues and I'll return. Actually the only thing I'm not happy with is unplayable veteran levels. I don't PvP, I don't raid dungeons, don't run trials etc, I just want to enjoy lore and questing, I read and listen every piece of quest information and really enjoy it. But when I need to group with someone to kill 2 archers and one healer just to pass the gate in the fence I'm not happy so I unsubscribed.
  • Reykice
    I already paid for a year(also this option is for people who already paid for 6 months)
    Every time i fall through the damn map or encounter an annoying bug i can`t relog out of i say i won`t renew... if they fix them maybe i will.

    It depends a lot on class balance too, i don`t like how NB`s lied all the way to Nr. 1 class right now... they made the developers think they were weak when they were as good as Sorcerers... with the buffs they got and the DK nerfs they are now No. 1 in DPS. This shows the developers have no plan and play it by ear... not a nice thing for me to see, i`d rather they stand up to the players sometimes...
  • PVT_Parts
    I already canceled
    I would comment about canceling and why, but ZOS will take it to be a goodbye/quitting post and delete it like my last comment on a poll like this.
  • Reykice
    I already paid for a year(also this option is for people who already paid for 6 months)
    sigsergv wrote: »
    I cancelled my subscription but I hope they will resolve most horrible issues and I'll return. Actually the only thing I'm not happy with is unplayable veteran levels. I don't PvP, I don't raid dungeons, don't run trials etc, I just want to enjoy lore and questing, I read and listen every piece of quest information and really enjoy it. But when I need to group with someone to kill 2 archers and one healer just to pass the gate in the fence I'm not happy so I unsubscribed.

    Every class can solo 3 veteran NPC`s without danger... its just the player that is the weak link here... or a bad build(again the player).

    Get a decent build - either enough CC + DPS to kill them before you are in danger or a healing build that will out last them...

    I do agree on one thing tho: they should have made 2 or more difficulties... as some people i see getting milked in VR content while others just kill everything including a lot of the world bosses... different difficulties with different rewards might have fixed that and it would have given the casual player a reason to group and try the higher difficulty while allowing veteran MMO players to just solo in the harder difficulty mode for better loot.

    Maybe in time...
  • PVT_Parts
    I already canceled
    sigsergv wrote: »
    I cancelled my subscription but I hope they will resolve most horrible issues and I'll return. Actually the only thing I'm not happy with is unplayable veteran levels. I don't PvP, I don't raid dungeons, don't run trials etc, I just want to enjoy lore and questing, I read and listen every piece of quest information and really enjoy it. But when I need to group with someone to kill 2 archers and one healer just to pass the gate in the fence I'm not happy so I unsubscribed.

    Every class can solo 3 veteran NPC`s without danger... its just the player that is the weak link here... or a bad build(again the player).

    Get a decent build - either enough CC + DPS to kill them before you are in danger or a healing build that will out last them...

    I do agree on one thing tho: they should have made 2 or more difficulties... as some people i see getting milked in VR content while others just kill everything including a lot of the world bosses... different difficulties with different rewards might have fixed that and it would have given the casual player a reason to group and try the higher difficulty while allowing veteran MMO players to just solo in the harder difficulty mode for better loot.

    Maybe in time...

    Probably just a simple issue of a stamina build. I know that is my problem. Melee stamina heavy armor=no win against 3+ vets. I understand now that dress and staff is best, but at VR4, I couldn't be bothered to level light armor from lvl 3 and work on a magic build, a complete turn around from my current style. It's easier to learn how to play by just rerolling something else and doing dress/staff on them to learn the play style. Otherwise I will die, a lot. Every class has a magic based build to combat 3 VR mobs. It isn't just us players that are the issue and you can't really blame someone who is a stamina build that had no problems from 1-VR3 being a stamina build for not being able to beat VR mobs anymore. It's the basic problem of Stamina builds hitting a brick wall of uselessness and it being hard to come back with a magic build after playing the entire time with a once viable dual wield or 1h/s stamina build. It isn't the player's fault for never using magic. It's an ignorance issue. We figured the game would be balanced so that stam and magic builds would be viable. We were wrong. Difficulty lvl would be an interesting option though, I think a "Become a magic based build" button would be even more helpful though. lvling up light armor from 1-5 to 50 and using magic abilities still at lvl 1 when you are at VR4 isn't really a useful option for me at this point.
  • Sihnfahl
    Maybe a couple more months
    I'm giving ZOS a few months to fix stamina builds, the crashes, and prove they can correct bugs without breaking things.

    And actually show they can do content. Craglorn was probably, in their mind, a grand idea. Veteran grouping quests...

    ... which it seems very few people attempt, since most'd rather farm anomalies or dungeons because of the time / reward.

    Or the chance of running into yet another bugged quest they can't finish.
    Edited by Sihnfahl on June 7, 2014 3:27AM
  • Dusty5
    I already canceled
    E3xpo starts Monday, TESO is going to get destroyed by industry pier review and the international press. I gave it till next month to hit F2P but since its already in the discount bin at retailers move that up to 8days from this coming Monday will be F2P.
  • Turkwise
    Soul Shriven
    I already canceled
    The latest "Road Ahead" did nothing to address any of my concerns with the game. Not re-subbing.
    I am going to continue to pay my sub then switch to console when it releases
    ya saw that but it didn't have the options I wanted or needed.
  • Pausekey
    I plan on sticking around for a long long time and hope ESO never goes FTP(also choose this option if you just plan on staying around a long time and don't care if it goes FTP but you don't mind paying)
    Dusty5 wrote: »
    E3xpo starts Monday, TESO is going to get destroyed by industry pier review and the international press. I gave it till next month to hit F2P but since its already in the discount bin at retailers move that up to 8days from this coming Monday will be F2P.

    Your understanding of how businesses work is amazing. Please continue to make these bold and amazing statements, I am sure they will serve you well at ITT tech. To any who actually bother with reality, Initial sales will keep them out of the f2p market for quite a while. F2p will hit when the game reaches the point where quick cash influxes from the cash store are needed, not when a few people unsub. Even decent numbers of subscription loss will not force f2p. Until the actuaries calculate the numbers no changes will be made to the business plan.
  • david271749
    METALPUNKS wrote: »
    ya saw that but it didn't have the options I wanted or needed.

    Oh. Alright. :)
  • Drasn
    I already canceled
    The game in its current state just isn't ready to be on the market. Launching an incomplete, unbalanced game in this day and age just doesn't cut it. Add to that the way ZoS has taken to "fixing" the balance issues, without actually addressing the core of the problem.

    I was aboard TORtanic when it went down because of bad decisions. I'm not going to support what I perceive as a sinking ship again.
  • Gwarok
    At least 6 months to a year
    With the opening up the PTS that alone has increased my morale, and to be perfectly honest has more or less reset my...


    philosophy I stand by. But I wont stick around if it means having to buy an XBØne or a new PAYStationFloored in order to keep playing.

    "Strive for balance of all things. When the scales tip to one side or the other, someone or somethings gets short-changed. When someone gets short-changed, unpredictability and strife unbalance the world around us...To achieve freedom from greed, from want, and from strife, all parties in any exchange MUST find balance." -House Hlaalu's Philosophy of Trade

    "I am ALWAYS very busy, so I KNOW what's best. You need to stay away from the waterfall. TRUST ME, you're better off keeping busy than playing in the stream....Do you know how to swim, Little Scrib?"

    "I am but a simple farmer". -Rags'nar LodesBroke


    (Juliet): is nor hand, nor foot,
    Nor arm, nor face, nor any other part
    Belonging to a man.
    O, be some other name!
    What's in a name?
    That which we call a rose?
    By any other name would smell as sweet.
    Retain that dear perfection to which he owes...
    (Act II, Scene II -William Shakespeare's: Romeo & Juliet -1595 A.D.)

  • Cogo
    I plan on sticking around for a long long time and hope ESO never goes FTP(also choose this option if you just plan on staying around a long time and don't care if it goes FTP but you don't mind paying)
    If ESO kept up their current work, communicate information, and keep to their long term plan, while doing balancing constantly, so we get as few Vampire "oops* as possible, then I am here to stay.

    Wouldn't surprise me at all, if I am here in a year, and play ESO only. Just like I have done with WoW, and EQ before that. No other game has caught me this good. WoW did in the start an the first few years before it went "easyplay".

    And Everquest I still love, but its to old.
    Oghur Hatemachine, Guild leader of The Nephilim - EU Megaserver
    Orc Weapon Specialist and Warchief of the Ebonheart Pact - Trueflame Cyrodiil War Campaign
    Guildsite: The Nephilim

    "I don't agree with what you are saying, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it"

    "My build? Improvise, overcome and adapt!"
  • Alphashado
    At least 6 months to a year
    I will play until something else looks better. Right now, nothing else really appeals to me. My concern is all of the casual players that are jumping ship. You can thump your chest and talk about how easy VR content is until you are blue in the face, but that doesn't pay the bills.

    Fact is that a HUGE amount of people are leaving because they are struggling. Not everyone wants to min max, theory craft, respec, and ditch the builds they like just so that they can handle a TRASH MOB. All of that should apply to dungeons and group content where other people are relying on you. But solo content? Not so much.

    One tiny mistake on some of these trash mobs and you are dead.

    I play a VR 6 Templar. I have been gaming for a very long time. After many many days of experimenting, researching, respeccing. And theory crafting, I finally resigned myself to joining the crowd and grabbing a staff and switching to cloth. It didn't make me happy but I can't deny how much less maddening VR content is now.

    That being said, I am not afraid to admit that I find these trash mobs are hard to handle sometimes. Casual gamers should not have to force themselves into becoming expert gamers just to complete solo trash mob content. They aren't interested in going through what I did in order to enjoy the game their way.

    And they pay the bills folks.

    Leave the difficult stuff for dungeons and tone down the trash mobs. It is the only hope for the future of this game whether you like it or not.
    Edited by Alphashado on June 7, 2014 4:39AM
  • TheBucket
    There is already a thread exactly like this about three pages back
    William Reignes
    Magic Nightblade - Rogue Bomber
    Creator of Thirsty Thief Build (Retired 1.5)
  • sagitter
    You are missing 1 point in this pol:

    Untill i have fun.
  • david271749
    sagitter wrote: »
    You are missing 1 point in this pol:

    Untill i have fun.

    You'll play until you have fun? Then you're out?
  • Blackwidow
    I already canceled
    How long will you keep playing?
    sagitter wrote: »
    Untill i have fun.

    Ummm... what? :)
  • sigsergv
    I already canceled
    Every class can solo 3 veteran NPC`s without danger... its just the player that is the weak link here... or a bad build(again the player).

    That's simply a lie (or trolling). You just CAN'T defeat three ranged mobs when they are spreading, it's a matter of pure luck not a skill. And blocking/dodging is not working because you are out of stamina after 2-3 hits, then you're dead. Interrupting? Is not working when mobs are spreading. Archer can shot arrows instantly after recovering from stun. Healer can instantly heal from 10% to 80%. Shamans throws some green *** instantly, and you can't dodge it neither interrupt.

    I don't have any problems with pure melee mobs, I can deal with 3-4-5 easily, but ranged are nearly impossible (if you are not sorcerer with unlimited mana pool of course).
  • david271749
    sagitter wrote: »
    You are missing 1 point in this pol:

    Untill i have fun.
  • Murmeltier
    I love it, i have fun and i will play it, so i have no Problems to buy a new Gamecard soon.
  • Soloeus
    I already paid for a year(also this option is for people who already paid for 6 months)
    I paid for 6 months and at that point, it will depend on how much I enjoy my character post-nerfs to Sorcerer.

    I enjoy the game, I have hope for many of the flaws to be fixed. What I don't have is faith in my character. I believe ZOS will continue "fixing" the wrong things, weakening every character until you need 4 players just to handle normal mobs and Sorcs in PVP will just stand still pressing 2 buttons over and over because they won't be able to flee and they will only have 2 good spells anyway.

    Hope that doesn't happen. I also won't quit for any reason associated with running out of content. Once I complete all content on my main, I will happily continue grinding, crafting and pvp'ing. By that point, I might even have enough mats to make purple and gold equipment.

    For now, I will continue grinding and looking for exp steroids because I won't begin to craft any kind of "great set" until I feel the mundus stones, classes, item bonuses, hard caps, soft caps, etc. are in a stable state. I don't want to waste some 80k hard earned gold on a set just to have it obsolete by a nerf or by the addition of 5 more vet levels. The good news is, this gives me plenty of time to gather mats in preparation.

    I believe the buck stops at V20. They might milk it to V30 but I hope not.

    V20 makes the Vet Gap too big and makes crafting too much of a commitment. Imagine having to put 10 extra ranks in each Crafting skill just to be able to craft the top armor.
    Edited by Soloeus on June 7, 2014 5:40AM

    Within; Without.
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