Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts
Maintenance for the week of September 30:
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – September 30, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 8:00AM EDT (12:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – October 2, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – October 2, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)

Upcoming Campaign Changes

  • TheBull
    Do what ever you want, but leave a 90 day option.
  • rich_nicholsonb16_ESO
    Can you make it so we can get gold for killing players? I now only pvp low on money due to respecing a lot but I find I'm losing gold for repairin, buying potions and food but no return in gold.

    I don't consider doing those pve quests in cyrodiil cause that's not pvp.

    Patch 1.2.3 nerfed the game....
    Zergballing wrecked pvp......

    Now waiting for Camelot Unchained!!
  • Inzababa
    oh man, at least please reduce the amount of campaigns so that we have more balanced and more population in general :/

    I was really looking forward to next week and now I'm really disappointed :(
    Resistance is FUtilez
    Civilized men are more discourteous than savages because they know they can be impolite without having their skulls split, as a general thing.
    Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives every thing its value.

    Resistance is FUtilez
  • sevcik.miroslaveb17_ESO
    What I just read few pages ago means that non vet campaign won't happen when this campaign ende?

    I have to unsub untill it is in place. I am exhausted by PvE and shard collection. So I was looking forward balanced non vet campaign :-(
  • justin.sniesakub17_ESO
    What I just read few pages ago means that non vet campaign won't happen when this campaign ende?

    I have to unsub untill it is in place. I am exhausted by PvE and shard collection. So I was looking forward balanced non vet campaign :-(

    Agreed. I basically cannot PvP right now and no I will NOT rush to level up just so I can, I shouldn't have to. If this is not in place by the time my sub renews in July, I do month to month for this exact reason, then my money is better spent elsewhere. Not acceptable Zenimax.
    For the night is dark and full of terrors.
  • ZOS_BrianWheeler
    PvP & Combat Lead
    To clarify some confusion about what happens when Campaigns end:

    - The scores reset to 0 and the leaderboards wipe.
    - There will be a brief period where no scoring or leaderboards record stats (roughly 30 minutes to an hour) but you still earn Alliance points from all the methods currently in Cyrodiil (killing players, defending and capturing keeps, etc)
    - Keeps, scrolls, resources, and outposts can still be fought over and switch control, but scoring won't occur until the first scoring tick hits as shown in the scoring panel.
    - Emperorship leaderboards also wipe, but if there is a player who is currently Emperor when the Campaign ends, that player retains Emperorship.
    - Underdog bonuses wipe and reset

    New campaigns will not be spinning up when the current batch ends simply due to not having various pieces in place for this patch cycle (Update 2). While we completely understand this is desired to happen sooner than later, we wanted to ensure the campaign transition goes smooth with a large change like this.
    ESO PVP Lead & Combat Lead
  • frwinters_ESO
    To clarify some confusion about what happens when Campaigns end:

    - The scores reset to 0 and the leaderboards wipe.
    - There will be a brief period where no scoring or leaderboards record stats (roughly 30 minutes to an hour) but you still earn Alliance points from all the methods currently in Cyrodiil (killing players, defending and capturing keeps, etc)
    - Keeps, scrolls, resources, and outposts can still be fought over and switch control, but scoring won't occur until the first scoring tick hits as shown in the scoring panel.
    - Emperorship leaderboards also wipe, but if there is a player who is currently Emperor when the Campaign ends, that player retains Emperorship.
    - Underdog bonuses wipe and reset

    New campaigns will not be spinning up when the current batch ends simply due to not having various pieces in place for this patch cycle (Update 2). While we completely understand this is desired to happen sooner than later, we wanted to ensure the campaign transition goes smooth with a large change like this.


    Then at least shut down a few campaigns and give those players on those campaigns a free transfer. This is the perfect time to do it since score are resetting without getting to many complaints from everyone. We know you can Add and shutdown campaigns cause you did with with Celeres, and the campaign who shall not be named, that just shut down.Bring it down to 5 servers now, let everyone get a chance to choose where they want to go, keep them 90 days for now and all open as they are now then in the 3rd update make the bigger change with durations and what not as you have planned. Wabbajacks Ques are getting very high in primetime, which brings more lag, and the other campaigns are either way to one sided or completely dead. Condense, give our home campaign choices, back like today man. Push it through! Would rather have this then say, oh boy new lighting effects in the game! You can push new lighting effects to the 3rd hell even the 4th major patch update.

    Listen to your PvP community cause your our guy apparently!
  • ZOS_BrianWheeler
    PvP & Combat Lead
    Bringing down campaigns now will result in players not being rewarded properly which is part of the reason it's in update 3. We want to make sure players are properly rewarded when Campaigns are ended and not have another situation where players are left out of their earned status in a Campaign.
    Edited by ZOS_BrianWheeler on June 20, 2014 3:02PM
    ESO PVP Lead & Combat Lead
  • frwinters_ESO
    Bringing down campaigns now will result in players not being rewarded properly which is part of the reason it's in patch 3. We don't want a repeat of what happened before =(

    Ok see you didn't say that before. No reason was given as to why you have to wait until patch 3. Now that makes sense. You want to make sure we all get out 90 day rewards cause apparently there isn't currently a way to just end the campaigns and get rewarded.

    That's all that you had to say. Give the community a good reason why you changed your mind.

    I don't want to lose 90 days of rewards either so I'm good now.
  • shirt10
    Bringing down campaigns now will result in players not being rewarded properly which is part of the reason it's in patch 3. We don't want a repeat of what happened before =(


    While I understand where you are coming from (and actually agree with you), surely whenever patch 3 hits we will also be in the middle of a campaign period (unless you are planning it for 90 days + however many are remaining on campaign #1 in the future, which is a LONG lag time between major content updates).

    Are we basically saying campaign #2 when it starts is going to be scraped without rewards at some point during its run?
  • Forztr
    Bringing down campaigns now will result in players not being rewarded properly which is part of the reason it's in patch 3. We don't want a repeat of what happened before =(

    So you're saying when the current campaigns end next week, you can't shutdown 4 or 5 during the no scoring phase without people losing rewards. Well someone screwed up during the design/coding phase.
  • Inzababa
    Bringing down campaigns now will result in players not being rewarded properly which is part of the reason it's in update 3. We want to make sure players are properly rewarded when Campaigns are ended and not have another situation where players are left out of their earned status in a Campaign.

    what about deleting one or two campaingns on the same day as the reset?

    that way everyone is sure to get their rewards?
    Resistance is FUtilez
    Civilized men are more discourteous than savages because they know they can be impolite without having their skulls split, as a general thing.
    Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives every thing its value.

    Resistance is FUtilez
  • thelg

    Having only 1 non-locked campaign is a really really really x 1000 bad idea.

    I want to pick a campaign and play there, I don't mind transferring once if I find that my side is overpopulated or something. having to jump daily to 1 non locked campaign to pvp is going suck absolute balls. Short weekly or whatever campaigns are just terrible.

    In fact from your plan I have one option 30 day.. there is only so many time I will try to get into that it it is locked before I just say *** it and leave.

    As a minimum:

    Leave Wabbajack and Bloodthorn the hell alone on NA. Both of those a great campaigns with Wabba being the mass zerg central and Bloodthorn being fun for underdogs(switch to AD there recently and having a blast). I am sure there are other ones where people want to keep playing.

    Just kill Hopesfire and whatever other campaigns where no fighting ever happens.
  • justin.sniesakub17_ESO
    Bringing down campaigns now will result in players not being rewarded properly which is part of the reason it's in update 3. We want to make sure players are properly rewarded when Campaigns are ended and not have another situation where players are left out of their earned status in a Campaign.

    So what about those of us on absolute dead campaigns? Do we not matter? You say you want to reward people. Fair enough. How does you closing down the three most dead campaigns prevent this? You have a two fold problem. People like myself getting angry because we cannot enjoy the awesome PvP in this game. And people on Waba now having to deal with server performance issues and wait times. How can you justify making us wait till update 3?
    For the night is dark and full of terrors.
  • justin.sniesakub17_ESO
    Forztr wrote: »
    Bringing down campaigns now will result in players not being rewarded properly which is part of the reason it's in patch 3. We don't want a repeat of what happened before =(

    So you're saying when the current campaigns end next week, you can't shutdown 4 or 5 during the no scoring phase without people losing rewards. Well someone screwed up during the design/coding phase.

    Agreed. I would like to know as well why when the campaigns end the unbalanced dead ones cannot be closed and those affected given free campaign moves. This would also potentially allow a second Waba to develop, thus cutting down performance issues for those players as well.
    For the night is dark and full of terrors.
  • justin.sniesakub17_ESO
    thelg wrote: »

    Having only 1 non-locked campaign is a really really really x 1000 bad idea.

    I want to pick a campaign and play there, I don't mind transferring once if I find that my side is overpopulated or something. having to jump daily to 1 non locked campaign to pvp is going suck absolute balls. Short weekly or whatever campaigns are just terrible.

    In fact from your plan I have one option 30 day.. there is only so many time I will try to get into that it it is locked before I just say *** it and leave.

    As a minimum:

    Leave Wabbajack and Bloodthorn the hell alone on NA. Both of those a great campaigns with Wabba being the mass zerg central and Bloodthorn being fun for underdogs(switch to AD there recently and having a blast). I am sure there are other ones where people want to keep playing.

    Just kill Hopesfire and whatever other campaigns where no fighting ever happens.

    Really Bloodthorn is doing well? Did not know that, another reason a free campaign move, I'll go to Bloodthorn, just for the love if the eight kill Hopesfire
    For the night is dark and full of terrors.
  • bruceb14_ESO5
    @ZOS_BrianWheeler‌, thank you for the communication! We know where we stand going into the next campaign whether we agree with how it is done or not. :)
  • thelg

    It depends on your definition of fun to be sure. I don't know the whole server story but I was told that EP used to dominate then DC came back and now dominates the server(overnight they cap everything). But there is smaller scale fighting going on from 4-5pm est till early morning. It is much smaller scale then WAbba(unless all the guilds form Wabba decide to guest).

    I enjoy it as AD, Wabba is kind of like: get on vent, stack barrier, suck each other *** on TS and *** about something. I respect that kinda mass number organization, just don't like playing there. It really reminds me of planetside but less fun.
    Edited by thelg on June 20, 2014 3:50PM
  • bruceb14_ESO5
    I do hope that the huge lag spikes and zoning freezes are addressed in this next update. I've noticed them in at least 4 campaigns.
  • Phaade
    Bringing down campaigns now will result in players not being rewarded properly which is part of the reason it's in update 3. We want to make sure players are properly rewarded when Campaigns are ended and not have another situation where players are left out of their earned status in a Campaign.

    Greetings & Thanks Brian - the additional insight is appreciated (though the news may not be).

    So - the rewards mechanics are being reworked for update 3 such that campaign termination and/or alteration will not affect payout for participants of the campaign being termed/altered - that makes sense, but, it is a bit hard to understand given that the campaigns (I thought) were seasonal (90 day season)...makes one wonder how you would have handled lesser, and perhaps pre-planned campaign changes on the intended 90 day cycle.

    Anyway - my vote is you introduce the changes as soon as possible - the community, I believe, will gladly take a hit a couple weeks into the new cycle for a proper restart with a campaign structure that reflects population and desires articulated in this thread. More so, I believe, if you set the expectation that this will happen and it will, in fact, be disruptive. I hope you consider it anyway...

    Good Hunting,


    VR12/PvP-R16 NightBlade
    AD - Wabba
  • justin.sniesakub17_ESO
    thelg wrote: »

    It depends on your definition of fun to be sure. I don't know the whole server story but I was told that EP used to dominate then DC came back and now dominates the server(overnight they cap everything). But there is smaller scale fighting going on from 4-5pm est till early morning. It is much smaller scale then WAbba(unless all the guilds form Wabba decide to guest).

    I enjoy it as AD, Wabba is kind of like: get on vent, stack barrier, suck each other *** on TS and *** about something. I respect that kinda mass number organization, just don't like playing there. It really reminds me of planetside but less fun.

    Are you talking Bloodthorn? I should have enough AP to xfer soon and I'm with you I like smaller PvP which is why have not been wanting to xfer to Waba
    For the night is dark and full of terrors.
  • NeeScrolls
    Hey gang!

    These changes are slated for the third major update to the game (not standard maintenance windows) which isn't for a while yet.

    As for population being condensed and the worry of over-crowding, all the population data we've gathered so far shows that should be at least 1 campaign in both the EU and US that players can join without a queue.

    Duration of Campaigns we're still discussing but rewards will be adjusted to be in relation to the duration of the campaign. We are aware of Celarus and what's going on in that Campaign.

    Also note we are aware of the Forward Camp issues and Postern Doors and actively working on fixing those as well!


    Will that update also include the actual center-content for Cyrodiil? (aka the *Imperial City* , aka the 'Ruby Throne' , aka the HEART of the zone, aka the stuff we're actually supposed to be fighting for , etc. etc. )

  • AshTal
    I like the idea of a non VET campaign. I like PvP but now it seems that getting to VET 1 or VET 2 is just cannon fodder levels. I will probably create a new Char and play on the non VET campaign and enjoy not being slaughtered by dedicated 24 hour 7 day a week players.
    Personally I hope they get a move on and put this in when the new campaigns end in like 12 days time.
  • madangrypally

    I am severely disappointed by the expected time frame of the changes.

    Waiting another 6-8 weeks at least with 9 dead campaigns and 1 active campaign is PvP suicide for the game.

    The current Campaigns reset next week. When they reset switch off 5 of the current low pop campaigns after they reward the players. If players have trouble affording the AP needed to transfer home campaigns then just add 15k AP to the end of campaign reward for those campaigns.
  • Asatsuo
    Soul Shriven
    Bringing down campaigns now will result in players not being rewarded properly which is part of the reason it's in update 3. We want to make sure players are properly rewarded when Campaigns are ended and not have another situation where players are left out of their earned status in a Campaign.

    Scourge is still screwed over though, we won't ever be seeing any form of rewards for those 2 months of playtime...-_-"
  • Samadhi
    Inzababa wrote: »
    Bringing down campaigns now will result in players not being rewarded properly which is part of the reason it's in update 3. We want to make sure players are properly rewarded when Campaigns are ended and not have another situation where players are left out of their earned status in a Campaign.

    what about deleting one or two campaingns on the same day as the reset?

    that way everyone is sure to get their rewards?

    Yeah definitely this.

    We have a little over 6 days left on the current campaigns, then they restart.
    Why not just shut down half of the campaigns after the duration timer is up?

    We don't need the new ones implemented right now but we really do need a large cut to the existing number of campaigns right now.

    Waiting to update 3 will just mean that the new campaigns will be around 30 days deep before everyone gets cut off for rewards; at least give us a decent PvP experience by cutting the campaigns until then.
    "If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion." -- the 14th Dalai Lama
    Wisdom is doing Now that which benefits you later.
  • Imperator_Clydus

    First and foremost, thank you for taking the time to clarify and give us more insight into why you cannot at least shut off a few campaigns after the reset.

    That being understood, are the end of campaign rewards really that spectacular anyways? Perhaps you changed them for release, but during the 48 hour campaigns in beta, we were only rewarded gold for our participation.

    Now I can only speak for myself, but I would be more than happy to sacrifice gold, or whatever the new reward is for participation, as long as I get quality PvP again. I believe many would agree and be perfectly fine with losing the reward just so we can have the AvA experience we all want.

    Obviously not all would agree, but is a reward really worth more than the health and stability of the entire PvP system? With virtually every campaign dead or lopsided and Wabbajack being a laggy mess, I doubt many are really enjoying Cyrodiil in its current state.

    All I can say is I don't know how many PvPers are willing to wait another 4-6 weeks for Update 3 if things just remain the way they are. Again, I can only speak for myself, but I would gladly give up rewards just to ensure quality AvA again.
    The First Daggerfall Emperor of Tamriel on Bloodthorn and Guild Leader of Shehai
  • Turelus
    Bringing down campaigns now will result in players not being rewarded properly which is part of the reason it's in update 3. We want to make sure players are properly rewarded when Campaigns are ended and not have another situation where players are left out of their earned status in a Campaign.

    @ZOS_BrianWheeler it's good to know the reason for not ending them early on Tuesday for the deployment of 1.2 however once they do reset next week is there any chance we could gave four or five campaigns removed at that time?

    Right now my guild is sitting on one of the EU campaigns which is completely dominated by our faction and we have no enemies left to fight. The only reason we haven't moved in is because of the almost 90days already invested into the campaign.
    Once the campaigns end we're looking into moving to a new one but it's very hard to know where to go for a medium population campaign with balanced sides. We're not too interested in joining the campaigns which are locked at peak times ever night (as we want to log in and PVP) and with so many options of where to go and no knowledge of where others might go we could end up in a situation where we move to find PVP elsewhere only to find large numbers moved to our campaign thinking they could fight back against our ownership there.

    Is it possible to post giving reasons why removal of four or five campaigns after the closing date would be a problem?
    @Turelus - EU PC Megaserver
    "Don't count on others for help. In the end each of us is in this alone. The survivors are those who know how to look out for themselves."
  • Brizz
    Are we even surprised at this point? This games development team is by far the worst I've experienced with any MMO I've ever played. They have gold at their feet but have no arms or hands to pick it up.

    At this rate, in 6-7 weeks when they figure out how to condense their campaigns and make these changes, we will only have the population for 1.

    But hey guys! We can craft jerkins for cloth wearers soon!

    >> http://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/discussion/comment/1010394<&lt;

    ....... joy...
    :.,_,.:*"'"*:.,_,.:*"'"* Guild of Shadows *"'":.,_,.:*"'"*:.,_,.:
    Briizz - v14 EP Werewolf Nightblade <Former Emperor - Chillrend NA>
    Brizz The Elder Dragon - v14 EP Dragon Knight
    Brizz - v12 DC Nightblade <Former Emperor - Celarus NA>
    Brizeer - v4 Stamina Sorcerer - Prophet of Zazeer-Destroyer of Buff Severs and Eater of Sweet Rolls-
    Watch LIVE @ www.twitch.tv/brizztv
  • wasihasi
    Soul Shriven
    I think, it would be better if there are the following options: 60, 30 and the shortest 15 days for a campaign. 5 days are too short for special strategies and larger groupplays. It would be all about the bonus - so please offer the campaigns not too short. These would be change the thinks behind cyrodiil and the thinks behind the actual pvp.

    Smaller changes are good, but please change not whole cyrodiil / pvp....
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