Maintenance for the week of July 1:
• NA megaservers for maintenance – July 1, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
• EU megaservers for maintenance – July 1, 8:00 UTC (4:00AM EDT) - 16:00 UTC (12:00PM EDT)
• ESO Store and Account System for maintenance – July 1, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)

Confirmed Memory Leak in 1.1.2

  • Akalukz
    make sure you aren't running the patcher in the background.
  • ClaudiaMay
    I can close the launcher while playing??

    ..... /goes back under her rock
    Currently Playing:
    Sorcerer Claudia Warren May, lvl 40. Woodworking 25/Clothing 25/Provisioning 50.
    Dragon Knight, lvl 8. Blacksmithing/Enchanting.
    Nightblade, lvl 3. Alchemy.
    Templar, lvl 7.
  • Zershar_Vemod
    ClaudiaMay wrote: »
    I can close the launcher while playing??

    ..... /goes back under her rock

    Welcome to some months ago friend! /evil_laughter
    House Nyssara (NA)
    Black Market Traders
    Order of the Lamp Post
    Thorn Brigade
    VR15 Nightblade Vampire
  • Flayedalive
    ClaudiaMay wrote: »
    I can close the launcher while playing??

    ..... /goes back under her rock

    Yes you can. Been doing that since the beginning. I should try to share this knowledge earlier in the future as not everyone would know.
  • onlinegamer1
    ClaudiaMay wrote: »
    I can close the launcher while playing??

    ..... /goes back under her rock

    Actually, you can run "eso.exe" directly and not even USE the launcher (except when you need to patch).
  • xStuckwisHx
    Soul Shriven
    Having the same problem here.
    Have tryed all the below.Still have the leak.

    Closing the Launcher while playing.
    Check the "usersettings.txt"' file: Access the folder for The Elder Scrolls Online on your Documents (by default it should be C:\Documents and Settings\<user name>\My Documents\Elder Scrolls Online\Live) and open the file "usersettings.txt" with the notepad (or your word editor of choice).
    Once open find the line stating "RequestedNumThreads" (you can do this by pressing the keys "Ctrl" and "F") and set the value to "0" (It should be "-1" by default).
    Save the document and re-launch the game.
    Add the game to high priority: Open your task manager while the game is running and locate the process running named "Eso.exe". Right click on that process and set priority to "High" (please note that changing this while having other programs running might cause them to perform slower).
    Lastly, you can check if your graphic card drivers are updated to their latest version.

    And its not just the launcher that has the memory leak its also eso.exe
    Also have no addons loaded or even installed.
    Win 7 Ultimate and all drivers are up to date.
  • Ottoaderu

    I currently run:

    However, I did disable those addons and ESO.exe still climbs steadily. Last night my client got up to 3.8GB before the Rollbacks near Davon's watch started happening more often hehe.

    System Info:
    Processor: Intel Core i7 2.67GHz
    RAM: 24GB
    OS: Windows 7 Professional 64bit SP1
    Video: NVIDIA GeForce GTX480
    Sound: Sound Blaster X-FI Extreme Audio
    All current Drivers
  • twistedmonk
    lol - the only thread they comment on is a memory leak.


    so what another poster said is have to wrap up issues within other issues to get any public information.

    so yeah, I'm having this memory leak and oh yeah the veteran mobs are hitting me for 2000 since the patch.
    Edited by twistedmonk on May 23, 2014 3:44PM
  • Elgarr
    Just sick of the whole crap.

    Memory leaks were rampant before 1.12
    They have just made an ok mmo, even worse since this patch.
    The mob difficulty is now just stupid, on top of that playing on the EU with the delay lol.

    Bunch of clueless people, chimps could do better right now than they have.
  • ZeroInspiration
    lol - the only thread they comment on is a memory leak.


    so what another poster said is have to wrap up issues within other issues to get any public information.

    so yeah, I'm having this memory leak and oh yeah the veteran mobs are hitting me for 2000 since the patch.

    Seems to me the memory leak should be their priority since it makes the game unplayable for some.
  • Amfijakerwb17_ESO
    Calgrissom wrote: »
    Last Night we found this. It seemed the guys who used Windows 8 Had the memory leak but windows 7 users I talked to did not including my self. Can any windows 7 users here confirm if they had this leak.

    Windows 7 user here. I have the same issue.
  • kassandratheclericb14_ESO
    I also took all the add-ons out to see as many add-ons can cause memory issues. The leak remained both with just the launcher up (though it slowed for me in that case) and while the game was running. After my memory had gone from 1.5 to 3.4 in about an hour or so I quit the game though thing were running about the same as always. Which is not to say there aren't issues.

    I turned on my add-ons right about the last 15-20 min and saw only a minor difference minor as not to notice.

    I do not run any graphics enhancers nor do I overclock or anything else. I will look a bit closer later to get some firm numbers.
  • onlinegamer1
    lol - the only thread they comment on is a memory leak.


    so what another poster said is have to wrap up issues within other issues to get any public information.

    so yeah, I'm having this memory leak and oh yeah the veteran mobs are hitting me for 2000 since the patch.

    You spoke too soon.
    Hey there everyone,

    Some VR content and monsters are indeed more difficult after yesterday’s patch, though this change was unintended. We are working on a fix now to revert the difficulty back to what you were familiar with prior to patch 1.1.2, and plan to have this rolled out in the next 24 hours. Thanks for your reports and patience.

  • Ageless
    Been leaving the login screen running for 40 minutes now, start size was again ~205,000KB, now at 710,832KB.

    I do run add-ons:

    Windows 7 - 64bit Ultimate, SP1.
    16GB RAM
    Edited by Ageless on May 23, 2014 4:14PM

    As I burn down and murder, I know that God forgives.
    'Spite all the things I've done my soul yet forever lives.
    And all those caught in the shadow of my wings have cause to fear.
    I swear on all I've done, no evil shall linger here.

  • temjiu
    Intel i5 quad core 3.3ghz
    win 7 64bit pro edition
    16g RAM
    Not sure if memory type helps, but it's crucial Ballistix tactical DDR3 1866

    First test: On load screen, add-ons irrelevant.

    initial memory use via resourse monitor was 3.63meg. over 15m time frame, crept up to 3.85meg. closed launcher dropped it by .10meg, but crept back up.

    Second test: started game, stood toon in bank in Mistral, AD side (moderate traffic enclosed area)

    Started App. Mem use jumped to 4.71g . After 5m Mem use 4.79g and rising.

    Add-ons listed below:
    Bank Stuffer
    CDGShowLoot (loaded not active)
    Wyyyd's Framework
    Wykkyd's outfitter
    Lorebooks by Garkin
    SKyshards by Garkin
    Craft Research Timer
    Foundry Tactical Combat
    FCMT (way too long to type)
    Inventory Grid View
    Inventory Items Borders
    Inventory Mod
    Lootdrop by Pawkette
    Research Assistant
    SR Combat Indicator

    At 4.8g mem use (roughly 8m or so), killed all runing add-ons (deselected them all and reloaded UI). mem use dropped to 4.78g, and continued its steady creep.

  • KerinKor
    On the PC with the ATI I am now getting to the poiint where the who gfx system is glitching and distorting with every mouse movement, after some time. Even existing the game doesn't fix it and I've now had to reboot twice.
    Edited by KerinKor on May 23, 2014 3:54PM
  • kitchenguy65_ESO
    I'm having major memory leak from both launcher and the game with the launcher closed. Memory is maxed within a half hour turning everything pink then crashing, making the game completely unplayable. Both with and without add-ons.
  • Mephane
    I can confirm this memory leak. For anyone who has been wondering, this is how a memory leak typically looks like:


    Just had the game open in the login screen, periodically allocates new memory and never stops.
    Edited by Mephane on May 23, 2014 3:58PM
    - Bosmer Nightblade Archer -
  • KerinKor
    Just saw I had THREE ESO processes running even though only one copy of the game was active! I'd been toggling between Fullscreen and Windowed Full and I think a process got orphaned when I did that!

    One was using 3.3Gb, one was at 1.5Gb and the active one was 1.2Gb and climbing.
  • onlinegamer1
    KerinKor wrote: »
    Just saw I had THREE ESO processes running even though only one copy of the game was active! I'd been toggling between Fullscreen and Windowed Full and I think a process got orphaned when I did that!

    One was using 3.3Gb, one was at 1.5Gb and the active one was 1.2Gb and climbing.

    I can confirm more than one copy of ESO.EXE running every so often when I checked Windows Task Manager, but the extra ones would disappear, leaving only one. I cannot tell what the root cause was to either create the extra or remove it.
  • Khuul99
    Kingslayer wrote: »
    When a person i.e you just makes a post stating it is no it isn't. You haven't provided any form of evidence etc. it might be confirmed in your head but your making this on a public forum and as you haven't provided anything whatsoever so to me it is not confirmed at all.

    This is probably the reason so many software/IT divisions has such a poor reputation.

    They work under the mantra "easy for me, easy for me, easy for me".

    When something gets reported, the first response is denial as long as it works because then you don't have to actually do stuff.

    Many people working are good but far too many has the mentality shown above.
  • Loxy37
    tengri wrote: »
    No one is going to work on this until mid next week at the earliest - big US holiday weekend coming up; they will all be out waving their flags.

    Oh you mean Memorial Day? When we remember those who have died in wars over time? Like my good friend I served with who had his head blown off his shoulders.. Yeah, I'll be waving my flag for him.

    Trouble is. If you ask some Americans what the holiday is for, a lot wont know. I know and I'm not even American. Sorry to hear about your friend, wave your flag in pride my friend.
  • SDZald
    What I don't get is how the heck did this patch get past testers? They do test their patches before release don't they? I mean this is a fairly obvious and very serious bug. They need to take a serious look at their production structure because this is a major fail on the QA end.
  • Ageless
    Just passed through 1GB of memory usage on eso.exe:

    The launcher gets to a maximum of ~157,000KB before resetting to ~144,000KB and growing again, then resetting, growing, that loop.
    Edited by Ageless on May 23, 2014 4:25PM

    As I burn down and murder, I know that God forgives.
    'Spite all the things I've done my soul yet forever lives.
    And all those caught in the shadow of my wings have cause to fear.
    I swear on all I've done, no evil shall linger here.

  • madangrypally

    I have been having the memory leak and have no addons loaded. Computer has no additional software loaded and no programs loaded onto computer other then this game and TS and Vent (other then windows 7).
  • wraith808
    Kingslayer wrote: »
    I work software development You haven't documented anything stop talking twoddle. post your specs and the documentation you have then please. Until then the bug is not confirmed.

    OMG!!! Then probably you're not very good at what you do :grinning:

    "It doesn't happen on my machine!"

    LOL :smiley:
    Quasim ibn-Muhammad - VR 12 Redguard Dragon Knight
    Taladriel Vanima - VR 5 Altmer Nightblade
    Ambalyo iyo Bogaadin - VR 1 Redguard Sorceror
  • onlinegamer1
    wraith808 wrote: »
    Kingslayer wrote: »
    I work software development You haven't documented anything stop talking twoddle. post your specs and the documentation you have then please. Until then the bug is not confirmed.

    OMG!!! Then probably you're not very good at what you do :grinning:

    "It doesn't happen on my machine!"

    LOL :smiley:


    I have a developer sitting 10 feet from me who says that daily. :)
  • snowmanflvb14_ESO
    really odd I played for a stretch of 3 hours then one of 4 hours without any issues yesterday. I do have 16gb ram win 7 and an core cp so am guessing that my rig could function with a leak for that length of time ? I ask becasue I never received any messages at all from my rig about excessive usage by ESO at all since the patch
    Edited by snowmanflvb14_ESO on May 23, 2014 4:35PM
    Magic is impressive but now Minsc leads SWORDS FOR EVERYONE!!
  • NerfEverything
    This thread is full of people who have no idea what a memory leak is. So far, no one has tested correctly or shown any actual evidence of a memory leak. Anything smaller than a 3 hour sample size is pointless.

    Memory usage up to 4GB is well within normal.

    Please stop wasting Zen's time by making unfounded claims.
  • Zershar_Vemod
    This thread is full of people who have no idea what a memory leak is. So far, no one has tested correctly or shown any actual evidence of a memory leak. Anything smaller than a 3 hour sample size is pointless.

    Memory usage up to 4GB is well within normal.

    Please stop wasting Zen's time by making unfounded claims.

    Armchair critique at its finest.

    How about you actually look over the thread - maybe do some observations in-game and maybe, after you stop making yourself ignore this issue, you will notice all the people complaining about it. ;)
    Edited by Zershar_Vemod on May 23, 2014 4:38PM
    House Nyssara (NA)
    Black Market Traders
    Order of the Lamp Post
    Thorn Brigade
    VR15 Nightblade Vampire
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