Maintenance for the week of July 1:
• NA megaservers for maintenance – July 1, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
• EU megaservers for maintenance – July 1, 8:00 UTC (4:00AM EDT) - 16:00 UTC (12:00PM EDT)
• ESO Store and Account System for maintenance – July 1, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)

Confirmed Memory Leak in 1.1.2

  • bluddenguttzb16_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    Not saying there isn't a memory leak here but ...

    Point 1: If the problem occurs at the login screen then, surely, the bug is in the launcher, not the game. Besides, why are you waiting at the login screen - get logged-in and kill something to vent your anger!

    Point 2:
    I noticed this too. If you leave the game for any period, even if not on the login screen but on the character selection screen, it does start to use more memory. I have 12GB of RAM and had to shut the game down after half an hour AFK because according to Windows 8.1 it was using too much memory and needed to be restarted.

    Does this mean that the inactivity timer is also broken? If I ever go AFK for 30 mins i get booted!

  • Valerien
    If you're currently experiencing a memory leak, could you please let us know if you're running any add-ons (plus the names) and if you're running any game enhancement software or anything graphics related (such as screen recording software). Thanks!

    Can we get some comment on the increased difficulty of the VR level mobs. We still don't know if its by design or a bug?
  • Nikki_Mond
    Not running any add ons. just start the game with 65 % RAM usage. Over the next 15 minutes it rises each time up to 96 - 98 % and then crashes.
  • Blooddancer
    Thanks Gina, not running any add-ons or anything unusual. Fact is it was playing perfectly prior to the patch, I cannot play for more than 30 mins before crashing which means the game is unplayable.
  • Crumpy
    Memory Day
    I lyke not this quill.
  • onlinegamer1
    If you're currently experiencing a memory leak, could you please let us know if you're running any add-ons (plus the names) and if you're running any game enhancement software or anything graphics related (such as screen recording software). Thanks!

    Add-ons (all are running with "out of date" checked "On"):
    Advanced Filters
    Advanced AutoLoot
    Bank Grid View
    Item Saver
    Inventory Item Borders
    Harven's Improved Skills Window
    Overcharge Info
    Weapon Charge Alert
    Luminary Teleporter
    Kill log
    Foundry Tactical Combat
    Wykkyd's Framework
    Wykkyd's Outfitter
    Wykkyd's Quest Tracker
    Zolan's Anchors Away
    ZrMM Minimap

    No other software running on my PC at all (no voice com, no video recording, nada. I even kill DropBox while playing ESO)

    P.S. Gina, since this happens on the login screen, this means NO ADDONS are running. FYI.
    Edited by onlinegamer1 on May 23, 2014 3:14PM
  • grizzbi
    If you're currently experiencing a memory leak, could you please let us know if you're running any add-ons (plus the names) and if you're running any game enhancement software or anything graphics related (such as screen recording software). Thanks!

    I can see the memory increasing for eso.exe in the task manager.

    Since they are all outdated, I suppose that they are disabled by default. I haven't enabled them.

    Anyway here is the list:
    1. FoundryTacticalCombat
    2. GreymindQuickSlotBar
    3. LoreBooks
    4. mhFramework
    5. mhOutfitter
    6. SkyShards
    7. SoftcapInfo
    8. SousChef

    No game enhancement software or anything related.
  • Zershar_Vemod
    If you're currently experiencing a memory leak, could you please let us know if you're running any add-ons (plus the names) and if you're running any game enhancement software or anything graphics related (such as screen recording software). Thanks!

    I use these add-ons by Garkin (both out-of-date):



    Though others are getting these issues without add-ons, so yeah... :P
    Edited by Zershar_Vemod on May 23, 2014 3:16PM
    House Nyssara (NA)
    Black Market Traders
    Order of the Lamp Post
    Thorn Brigade
    VR15 Nightblade Vampire
  • Moonraker
    If you're currently experiencing a memory leak, could you please let us know if you're running any add-ons (plus the names) and if you're running any game enhancement software or anything graphics related (such as screen recording software). Thanks!

    Add-ons (all are running with "out of date" checked "On"):
    Advanced Filters
    Advanced AutoLoot
    Bank Grid View
    Item Saver
    Inventory Item Borders
    Harven's Improved Skills Window
    Overcharge Info
    Weapon Charge Alert
    Luminary Teleporter
    Kill log
    Foundry Tactical Combat
    Wykkyd's Framework
    Wykkyd's Outfitter
    Wykkyd's Quest Tracker
    Zolan's Anchors Away
    ZrMM Minimap

    No other software running on my PC at all (no voice com, no video recording, nada. I even kill DropBox while playing ESO)
    Have you tried to disable and see if it still occurs? Think this would help in response to the request for information.
  • onlinegamer1
    Just to repeat, to be sure its seen....

    the memory leak happens on login screen, prior to ANY addons being loaded.
  • Flayedalive
    I am running the following add-on's, I am not using any recording or graphic/game enhancing software.

    Bank Stuffer
    Quick Slot Bar by Greymind
    Joviex's Setting Transfer
    Warlegend Group Frames
    Warlegend HUD
    Wykkyd's Framework
    Wykkyd's Quest Tracker
    Crafting XP
    Foundry Tactical Combat
    Harvest Map
    Inventory Item Borders
    Research Assistant
    Soft Cap Info
    Spam Filter
    Treasure Maps
    XAuto Repair
    ZAM Buff Display

    I will now deactivate all my add-ons to see if that does anything and let you know.
  • Publius_Scipio
    Are most of you guys on Windows PC? I am on Mac and we (Mac users) over in the Mac Techincal Support sub-forum have been discussing a bad memory leak since beta.
  • Willow
    I know many of you know this and it may not help but I always close my launcher as soon as I hit play. I hate having anything running in the background..well cept stuff I want running lol.

    If you miss closing the launcher just alt tab and close it once in game.

    Again, not saying this will help any of you while they work on the problem but i can say I have played hours last night with no problem. ( only add on I am using is the quickslot addon )

    I hope the problem gets fixed for those that are having it.
    Edited by Willow on May 23, 2014 3:19PM
  • Blooddancer
    For clarity: This is not related to add-ons, as onlinegamer1 pointed out - launcher is leaking too. Plus I am not running any add-ons and am experiencing the leak.
  • Maverick827
    I think ESO is suffering from a quality leak, too.
  • Zershar_Vemod
    Willow wrote: »
    I know many of you know this and it may not help but I always close my launcher as soon as I hit play. I hate having anything running in the background..well cept stuff I want running lol.

    If you miss closing the launcher just alt tab and close it once in game.

    Again, not saying this will help any of you while they work on the problem but i can say I have played hours last night with no problem.

    I hope the problem gets fixed for those that are having it.

    Well not to be rude, but this is kind of a pointless post. Launcher has been using up crap since Beta and if someone hasn't been closing it while playing, then I just don't know.....

    Again, sorry for sounding rude.
    Edited by Zershar_Vemod on May 23, 2014 3:20PM
    House Nyssara (NA)
    Black Market Traders
    Order of the Lamp Post
    Thorn Brigade
    VR15 Nightblade Vampire
  • LadyDestiny
    Windows 7. For myself, just running add-ons. No other software, but eso.exe starting out around 180k and now 2,000,000 and climbing. here is a list of the add-ons....

    Greymind quick slot bar
    Craft research timer
    Combat Log Statistics
    Foundry Tactical combat
    Harvest Map
    Mount feed timer
    Soft cap info
    Spam filter
    Edited by LadyDestiny on May 23, 2014 4:09PM
  • Katelin
    I am running Windows 7 Home Premium Service Pack 1, 64-bit. I use no add-ons and no graphics enhancing software. My processor is Intel Core i7 X980 @ 3.33GHz. I have 6GB installed memory. Graphics card is "ATI Radeon HD 5900 Series." Also, I run the game with the Borderless Window mode.

    I just started up the game, left the launcher and game running at character selection screen for several minutes, and recorded the Memory used once per minute (using screenshots for better accuracy then putting into Excel) to compare them. Trying to link to it but I haven't done it before so I'm not sure if my link works as I post this...
    Edited by Katelin on May 23, 2014 3:35PM
  • Flayedalive
    All add-ons disabled and the memory leak continues its relentless march of devouring all my resources. Please fix.
  • Flynch
    Win 7 here -

    add-ons (both out of date)

    dragon loot

    1. Starts at ~200k, rises to 210k in about 10 secs, then cycles down to ~180k.

    2. Starts to increase at that same rate, but continues to escalate well past 300k - this was over a short time span - didn't fancy leaving it on for ages. Figured it was exponential anyway.

    3. When I maximise ESO, the mem private working set returns to ~200k and then it starts the increase once more.

    edit: this is eso.exe in 32 bit. the launcher itself seems to be static
    Edited by Flynch on May 23, 2014 3:25PM
  • Zershar_Vemod
    All add-ons disabled and the memory leak continues its relentless march of devouring all my resources. Please fix.


    I honestly think they should take the servers down.
    House Nyssara (NA)
    Black Market Traders
    Order of the Lamp Post
    Thorn Brigade
    VR15 Nightblade Vampire
  • Lady_Scarlet
    Soul Shriven
    Hi Gina.

    I'm running no add-ons at all.

    Game was peachy before the patch, now I can sit on the login screen and watch my memory usage climb higher and higher. Nothing else is running except eso.exe. I even closed the launcher.

    Thanks for taking time to look into this.
  • Kingslayer
    This isn't Widespread just checked with a few guilds this is not happening on every computer so it must only be affecting certain configurations.
  • dolmen
    @ZOS_GinaBruno - been monitoring my system while playing today because of this thread.

    CPU: Intell i5
    Mem: 8G
    OS: 64bit Win7

    Using Add-Ons: zRMiniMap and Simple Clock, both enabled.

    Started the game via the Launcher, logged into my main char. Shutdown the Launch once I was in.

    Been up and playing since aprox. 9:00 CT. Doing a node collection run. Going AFK at times to deal with RL.

    Memory usage did climb at the start of today's play session but has leveled off at 1.45G for eso.exe at this time.

    So far, it does not appear to me that the Mem usage is constantly climbing.

    Hope this helps.

    The Sidekick Order
  • CGoyette
    Soul Shriven
    also, many new graphic glitches, character models and other things taking huge amounts of time to render, bright pink skin/textures.
  • ZOS_GinaBruno
    Community Manager
    Thanks, all. Passed along this information and are continuing to investigate.
    Gina Bruno
    Senior Community Manager
    Dev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter | My Twitter
    Staff Post
  • KerinKor
    Problems on two PCs, neither has add-ons. Both are Windows 7 64-bit, one with an Nvidia card the other with an ATO one.

    One is at 3,310,304k and has been steady like that for the last minute, the other is 2,316,612 and climbing at around 1k per Task Manager increment.
    Edited by KerinKor on May 23, 2014 3:28PM
  • Zershar_Vemod
    Thanks, all. Passed along this information and are continuing to investigate.

    Thank you!
    House Nyssara (NA)
    Black Market Traders
    Order of the Lamp Post
    Thorn Brigade
    VR15 Nightblade Vampire
  • eobethb14_ESO
    I have the leak. I run ZERO add-ons.

    Last night when I first logged in after the patch the I went to do my normal banking which involves logging through my alt mules and pulling stuff out of the bank, so there is more room in the bank.
    By the time I got to my 4th log in, the game was unplayable and I had to shut it down.
  • Vendersleigh
    If you're currently experiencing a memory leak, could you please let us know if you're running any add-ons (plus the names) and if you're running any game enhancement software or anything graphics related (such as screen recording software). Thanks!

    I run no add-ons.
    I run nothing graphics related.

    I often have Skype or Ventrilo on but have not used either of those since the patch.
    I play in full Windowed mode as I alt tab a lot to chat on Messenger.

    Not sure if this is helpful but:
    Windows 8
    8G of RAM
    Radeon(tm) HD Graphics 1.60 GHz

    I cannot send crash reports when they happen because everything on the computer dies, including the cursor, and my only current solution is to close down the power, which is not ideal.
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