Maintenance for the week of June 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 24

Removed Acheivements

  • tilolyen_ESO
    As we're still working on the fix, we don't have a set date yet. That said, it will likely be at least a couple weeks.

    I wonder if ZOS would accept the excuse for the monthly sub fees. Hey Zenimax......"I plan to pay you for my sub in the near future".
  • Kenny_McCormick
    Having the same issue. Was told Shadowfen would be fixed as well Giant-Friend, and the various Skald King achievs. Logged on today to find all my quest achievs have been reset to 0 except for Bangkorai which has been significantly lowered (Thank you for that, can relax a little and not search every nook and cranny for quests).

    Regardless, seem to have just taken a gigantic leap backwards from having the "Pact Hero" title.

    This........also I didn't see a note for the Shadowfen quest achieve being given out on the patch notes (was told it would be) plz fix this...ALSO I was told the Eidetic Memory missing books would also be patched in the patch..guess that GM was wrong then hu?

  • Celuwen
    Probably, but after losing achievements, i lost also quests that were running, i have no way to remember which one it was ....
    i went through the bugs bank mutiples times and barely complained, the only think that i enjoy very much are the achievements, to each is own of course, but today, what do i do? i go on in the hope that the futur fix will catch back everything?
    What will happens for the new zone i will complete now?

    Yeah, I think you're right actually. I take back my earlier post, tbh @Lauranae . I hadn't realised it had hit current questing zones too. I'm a slow leveler and spend a huge amount of time harvesting and doing achievements. I've been hit by the banking bug too and become so frustrated by the bots. I'm getting a bit sick of Zeni not fixing things /bugged before they make them live.

    I've spent far too much of my in-game time reporting bots, just to see the same ones flying through the air/massively hitting the current quest of choice/running underground and harvesting all of the nodes in the area or just watching them cover their farming spots like locust. The over-whelming spam in both /zone chat and in-game mail seems not to ever stop. I'm surprised when my in-game mail isn't spam now. :(

    I love this game and I think it has a lot of potential, but the support/dev response is utterly horrific. Zenimax are driving this game into the ground and bit by bit turning loyal players away.
  • Lauranae
    Celuwen wrote: »
    Probably, but after losing achievements, i lost also quests that were running, i have no way to remember which one it was ....
    i went through the bugs bank mutiples times and barely complained, the only think that i enjoy very much are the achievements, to each is own of course, but today, what do i do? i go on in the hope that the futur fix will catch back everything?
    What will happens for the new zone i will complete now?

    Yeah, I think you're right actually. I take back my earlier post, tbh @Lauranae . I hadn't realised it had hit current questing zones too. I'm a slow leveler and spend a huge amount of time harvesting and doing achievements. I've been hit by the banking bug too and become so frustrated by the bots. I'm getting a bit sick of Zeni not fixing things /bugged before they make them live.

    I've spent far too much of my in-game time reporting bots, just to see the same ones flying through the air/massively hitting the current quest of choice/running underground and harvesting all of the nodes in the area or just watching them cover their farming spots like locust. The over-whelming spam in both /zone chat and in-game mail seems not to ever stop. I'm surprised when my in-game mail isn't spam now. :(

    I love this game and I think it has a lot of potential, but the support/dev response is utterly horrific. Zenimax are driving this game into the ground and bit by bit turning loyal players away.

    @Celuwen : i am sorry you were hit also by all that. On top of it, i was even hit by the colour changes applyed by ZOS without any warning of course.
    Well i am not ready to play for now and even think about to go back to old games, even crappy ones, but at least with other anwers than IN A COUPLE OF WEEKS.

    My most recent characters
    AD - Chjara NB
  • jukari88
    I have same issue. Relogging / Reloading UI did not fix.
    Also the tooltip for the Active Light Armor ability = dampen magic has not been updated .. still says takes 50% less damage rather than 100% less damage.
    Also last night when I logged I had FOUR skill points to spare, and now I have THREE. Explain that? With supposedly 'pulsar' being refunded, I should have FIVE ... except that pulsar was never refunded, My skill points were still spent in it.
  • kirnmalidus
    But hey, the Thief Mundus Stone appears to be working now, so we've got that going for us. Which is nice.
    Life of a Nightblade (Screenshot Tumblr)

    Attention Zenimax: Stamina builds don't hold up to magicka builds, and this is causing most of your class imbalance. It makes melee weapons and bows weaker than staves and class abilities. It makes medium and heavy armor less desirable than light armor. Fix this imbalance, and you'll address most of your balance issues.

    - @ruze84b14_ESO
  • Kenny_McCormick
    looks like they are pushing the patch live for EU servers

    got a message stating they are being taken offline for patch................dangit ESO get your shizz straight! I am not on the EU server..but I feel bad for the EU players...THO atleast they get the same thing and not an updated version before NA! I mean..that would be unfair for NA servers :P
    Edited by Kenny_McCormick on May 23, 2014 1:24AM
  • belgeran
    Soul Shriven
    I too have the achievement problem, missing all quests done in all daggerfall areas and whatnot.
    Just to add...
    I have read most of the comments in this thread, glanced at some forum posts getting the gist of what was said.
    Some of the complaints are legitimate and agreeable, but some of you are just getting annoying. Half of the complaints I see are clearly posted in the patch notes, if not eso reddit. The biggest annoyance: people complaining about the colour change. Again, to those who think or thought it was a bug, learn to read.

    Every online game has its bugs after a patch. While it should not have been pushed out until it was checked completely, if it wasn't the achievements, it would have been something else. Also, Caps Lock/holding down Shift will not make the problem go away faster. Zenimax is well aware most players are foaming at the mouth already.
  • Kenny_McCormick
    belgeran wrote: »
    Zenimax is well aware most players are foaming at the mouth already.
    yeah! they know we are rabid and will attack on site if they don't give us our rabies shots! (Game Fixes and such)
  • Celuwen
    Lauranae wrote: »
    @Celuwen : i am sorry you were hit also by all that. On top of it, i was even hit by the colour changes applyed by ZOS without any warning of course.
    Well i am not ready to play for now and even think about to go back to old games, even crappy ones, but at least with other anwers than IN A COUPLE OF WEEKS.

    Ugh, sorry you've been hit with that too! They seem to not really understand a big part of their player-base; changing someone's appearance/amour appearance without warning is horrible. I imagine those of us who take the time to do all the achievements and don't skip the quests are probably the same people who take the time to carefully select the look of our armour and characters.

    Maybe we haven't been vocal enough in the past and so everything we find important seems to be secondary to Zenimax. The reply about the fix is just another sign of this really.

    I logged onto Steam after I found my achievements had been lost. This just feels like one slap in the face too many.
  • jonal11_ESO
    hahahhaha they are still gotta hit the EU server with the new bug patch. This is like watching Dumb and Dumber make a video game.
  • Kenny_McCormick
    Celuwen wrote: »
    Lauranae wrote: »
    @Celuwen : i am sorry you were hit also by all that. On top of it, i was even hit by the colour changes applyed by ZOS without any warning of course.
    Well i am not ready to play for now and even think about to go back to old games, even crappy ones, but at least with other anwers than IN A COUPLE OF WEEKS.

    Ugh, sorry you've been hit with that too! They seem to not really understand a big part of their player-base; changing someone's appearance/amour appearance without warning is horrible. I imagine those of us who take the time to do all the achievements and don't skip the quests are probably the same people who take the time to carefully select the look of our armour and characters.

    Maybe we haven't been vocal enough in the past and so everything we find important seems to be secondary to Zenimax. The reply about the fix is just another sign of this really.

    I logged onto Steam after I found my achievements had been lost. This just feels like one slap in the face too many.
    Look at this about the Color Change...not a was a bug BEFORE the patch but here is the link

    look at that before you whine more about the color change
    Edited by Kenny_McCormick on May 23, 2014 1:32AM
  • Srugzal
    blodeuwedd wrote: »
    I dealt with the bank issue, more then once. I dealt with all of the lag and extra things. I'm not normally one to complain or whine. It's a launch it WILL have bugs, problems, etc. I get that I know that. You introduce a content patch that is awesome. Yet apparently problems that are in the PTS aren't dealt with. I lost my achievements. I could log in and play yes. I could just not complain. I don't want to. I worked HOURS on those achievements. I spent time I could have spent finishing out veteran levels. I chose to make sure I did every quest, did all the achievements. Now I'm being punished because you chose to ignore problems. Thing is if i do quest and I do earn more achievements will I keep those achievements? Will It even matter when you "fix" this problem? I should have gotten a huge chunk of xp this morning when i turned in some quests to get the rift achievement and the pact hero achievement. I didn't because oh look my achievements were reset. I'm not going to bother doing anything until this is fixed.

    @ZOS_GinaBruno‌, you and the others, did you read this carefully? Did you understand what the poster is saying? What you need to do is go to your bosses, take this thing upstairs, and put your foot down on behalf of all of us for whom this is not a trivial problem, not a cosmetic issue. It's a very important part of the game system, and this corporation's attitude appears to be, "oh, well, we'll get to it sooner or later." Well, you're making a big mistake. I think you're talking about the last straw for a lot of people, and your breezy "thanks for your patience" is just not going to cut it.

    The galling thing is that the corporation KNEW about this, and did not fix it. And indeed, you had "a couple of weeks" already. Do you not see how hollow your words are sounding now?

    I for one would like to see a more satisfying and timely resolution, to put it mildly. My ticket, by the way, is 140522-017776.
  • belgeran
    Soul Shriven
    Lauranae wrote: »
    Ugh, sorry you've been hit with that too! They seem to not really understand a big part of their player-base; changing someone's appearance/amour appearance without warning is horrible. I imagine those of us who take the time to do all the achievements and don't skip the quests are probably the same people who take the time to carefully select the look of our armour and characters.

    While I can't say I know the specific reason, I can say based on personal experience and watching zone chat, a reason the may have changed it in the first place was the some of the preivous looks were pretty unattractive and I saw a lot, I mean a lot, of people saying they wanted a change. Also, I know people don't have a lot of patience in this community, but armor dye options are coming soon. So you can pimp your armor to whatever you want soon enough.
    Edited by belgeran on May 23, 2014 1:34AM
  • runagate
    Same here
  • Kenny_McCormick
    belgeran wrote: »
    Lauranae wrote: »
    Ugh, sorry you've been hit with that too! They seem to not really understand a big part of their player-base; changing someone's appearance/amour appearance without warning is horrible. I imagine those of us who take the time to do all the achievements and don't skip the quests are probably the same people who take the time to carefully select the look of our armour and characters.

    While I can't say I know the specific reason, I can say based on personal experience and watching zone chat, a reason the may have changed it in the first place was the some of the preivous looks were pretty unattractive and I saw a lot, I mean a lot, of people saying they wanted a change. Also, I know people don't have a lot of patience in this community, but armor dye options are coming soon. So you can pimp your armor to whatever you want soon enough.

    not the reason at all. armors for vets were missing a texture file (was missing a texture that gave them sheen) thus made them look like lowbie armor sets and they fixed them! im glad they fixed the texture for them..they look much better now :)

    Edited by Kenny_McCormick on May 23, 2014 1:37AM
  • belgeran
    Soul Shriven
    belgeran wrote: »
    Lauranae wrote: »
    Ugh, sorry you've been hit with that too! They seem to not really understand a big part of their player-base; changing someone's appearance/amour appearance without warning is horrible. I imagine those of us who take the time to do all the achievements and don't skip the quests are probably the same people who take the time to carefully select the look of our armour and characters.

    While I can't say I know the specific reason, I can say based on personal experience and watching zone chat, a reason the may have changed it in the first place was the some of the preivous looks were pretty unattractive and I saw a lot, I mean a lot, of people saying they wanted a change. Also, I know people don't have a lot of patience in this community, but armor dye options are coming soon. So you can pimp your armor to whatever you want soon enough.

    not the reason at all. armors for vets were missing a texture file (was missing a texture that gave them sheen) thus made them look like lowbie armor sets and they fixed them! im glad they fixed the texture for them..they look much better now :)

    There, thank you.

    Also there is this to further what Kenny just said:
    Edited by belgeran on May 23, 2014 1:40AM
  • Celuwen
    Celuwen wrote: »
    Lauranae wrote: »
    @Celuwen : i am sorry you were hit also by all that. On top of it, i was even hit by the colour changes applyed by ZOS without any warning of course.
    Well i am not ready to play for now and even think about to go back to old games, even crappy ones, but at least with other anwers than IN A COUPLE OF WEEKS.

    Ugh, sorry you've been hit with that too! They seem to not really understand a big part of their player-base; changing someone's appearance/amour appearance without warning is horrible. I imagine those of us who take the time to do all the achievements and don't skip the quests are probably the same people who take the time to carefully select the look of our armour and characters.

    Maybe we haven't been vocal enough in the past and so everything we find important seems to be secondary to Zenimax. The reply about the fix is just another sign of this really.

    I logged onto Steam after I found my achievements had been lost. This just feels like one slap in the face too many.
    Look at this about the Color Change...not a was a bug BEFORE the patch but here is the link

    look at that before you whine more about the color change

    That's great, except I have no VR level characters. Yet my non-VR level heavy armour has had the colour changed slightly. I have no similar issues with the light or medium armour.

    I have read the patch notes rather thoroughly. I agree with most of the class balancing they have done. I'm not keen on jumping on a band-wagon and I know full well that new MMOs have issues.

    I'm providing feedback to Zenimax and any QQing on my part is purely frustration, because I truly love this game. I don't want the only voice on these forums to be the PvP crowd, or the min/maxers. (I think both sets of players are awesome btw).

    I just want Zenimax to remember those of us who are generally much quieter, we don't level quickly, we probably have far too many alts and we like to explore and enjoy every nook and cranny. We are very forgiving generally, but there are bugs we find just as horrible as broken quests and OP exploits.

    I don't expect these things to be fixed any sooner than other issues, but often it feels as though we're not as important. Mostly, I think the player-base overall is becoming less and less forgiving.
  • Shadowy
    Soul Shriven
    i'm having the same problem, i'm a kind of player who really care about achievements, and log in after a day of work/college and see all my hard work undone just like's really sucks, i'm really think about quit the game, the treatment and attention given to the player is the worst I've ever seen in my life, zenimax/Bethesda/whoever should be sued for this.
  • Wilvarin_nz
    Soul Shriven
    Yep, Same problem with the quest achievements here - for the main character and for the alts.
  • Akhratos
    Srugzal wrote: »
    Natjur wrote: »
    Wonder when its safe to log in so my toon's achievements do not get stuffed by a bad SQL update

    Well, if they are actually using SQL for something of this magnitude... we're in a lot worse trouble than I thought.

    Well, the data management of their db has not proof any better. Lineage 2, while old, used sql db and never had these kind of issues in 6 years of sub I stayed, and Id be prone to say there were far more players at release. Idk if their db magnitude is that much bigger, but its performance is clearly inferior.
    Edited by Akhratos on May 23, 2014 2:19AM
  • Amanoma
    I'm also missing a few active quests that I already working on before the patch. I know this because it was a work in-progress for me before the servers went down plus I use the howui quest tracker addon and it says in the addon window that I have 2 active quests but in official quest journal, I only have 1.

    Seriously, what is going on?

    The quest I'm talking about is: Tharayya's Trail in Alik'r Desert.
  • Kalcipher1
    All my Ebonheart quest/zone achievements are gone too. To top it off, I'm getting random loading screens in the middle of Davon's Watch ... (Please tell me that isn't a new thing ...)

    I have also experienced the random loading screen in the middle of a solo dungeon. The second time it happened it kicked me out to the character screen. When I logged back in, thankfully I was still in the instance and progress had not been altered...
  • Audigy
    The loading screen issue is a new bug, there's a seperate thread about that.

    I don't understand how this patch made it through QA.

    What QA? They have none, they used gaming Guilds to test the content like they used them for the initial launch.

    Anyway let`s hope they fix it fast and it doesn`t happen on the EU mega server, if it does shame on them as they know about it now.

    Quality Assurance, every company has a few people that test everything ;) Its a fun job, but with a high responsibility.
  • Nebthet78
    I just logged in and checked my character.. I am on the North American server as well. Interestingly enough, I have not lost all of my achievements. They are all still there.
    Far too many characters to list any more.
  • Traisa
    With how many people this is happening to, I just had to have a look for myself on my character, and you can add me to the list of missing all my quest achievements. I had all quest achievements from Glenumbra to Alik'r Desert, and now I have none! :( I hope it gets fixed soon.
    Edited by Traisa on May 23, 2014 2:42AM
  • Amanoma
    Can you please address or give insight regarding missing active quests as well? A lot of players are missing some of their existing active quests right after the patch.

    *edit: Nvm, I was lucky enough to think of tracking back the place where I got some of my quests and sure enough, the NPC's acts as if I never got it from them before. So it seems most of the missing active quests were just 'reset' as if you haven't taken them yet? Is that it? Coz to me, that seemed to be the case.
    Edited by Amanoma on May 23, 2014 2:47AM
  • coryevans_3b14_ESO
    Benefactor wrote: »
    This was reported at least 2 weeks ago several times. I'm surprised it made it through in the patch.

    What about this dev team made you surprised that it made it in the patch? This is easily the worst dev team I've had to deal with.

    Sad thing is I still love the game, but holy crap they need to get a clue soon before it wears off. They are making the swtor original dev team look really good.

  • kirnmalidus
    Amanoma wrote: »
    Can you please address or give insight regarding missing active quests as well? A lot of players are missing some of their existing active quests right after the patch.
    I submitted a help request about my missing quests (I actually had one disappear while I was doing it) and the response I was given is this:

    I am very sorry you experienced this bug, but we are currently working on a solution. This should be addressed in a coming patch or hotfix to the game. It is regrettable that your progress has been halted by this bug, but I am unable to advance the quest for you.
    Life of a Nightblade (Screenshot Tumblr)

    Attention Zenimax: Stamina builds don't hold up to magicka builds, and this is causing most of your class imbalance. It makes melee weapons and bows weaker than staves and class abilities. It makes medium and heavy armor less desirable than light armor. Fix this imbalance, and you'll address most of your balance issues.

    - @ruze84b14_ESO
  • CrimsonThomas
    You people know they'll roll this onto the EU servers. Let's not lie to ourselves.

    Zenimax, you have been aware of multiple major bugs that we reported to you since the BETA, and you released the game anyway.

    Now, after the first major content update, an update which you promised there would be major fixes coming with it, has not only failed to address major issues ailing the game, but has now introduced several more game-breaking bugs. Deleting people's achievement points and progress? Clearly, you don't have the data, otherwise people would not be losing their titles and so-forth. "Display error." Yeah, right.

    What's worse, just like all of those closed-beta sessions, the players on the PTS reported this issue to you for weeks, and you STILL chose to do nothing and push the "patch" out the door anyway. Now, you're telling us that you'll have a fix for this issue in a "few" weeks? Even then, it's not like all of the people who have been affected by this will actually get all of those achievement points anyway, we may as well accept this, considering your track-record.

    Shame on you, Zenimax.

    I have never seen a developer company operate so unethically, and we are paying a $15 monthly subscription for this?! This is supposed to be what our subscriptions pay for? A broken game with more broken features over time? Deleted progress and missing items? Outright spite and apathy, and arrogance from you?

    As other players have stated, you have some nerve shoving this "patch" out of the door, Zenimax.

    That's ok though, because you'll just "patch up the patch later," right?

    "Shove it out the door, we'll patch it later." For a patch. That
    Edited by CrimsonThomas on May 23, 2014 2:54AM
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