Maintenance for the week of September 16:
• [IN PROGRESS] PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – September 16, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) – 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – September 18, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – September 18, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)

ZOS, Massive Spike in Ping/LAG in Recent Days - What Gives?

  • FoJul
    TaSheen wrote: »
    That is the point I have been trying to drive home when I made this thread - it wasn't a small issue. I think this issue is honestly being way under reported. I know there are a TON of people who have this issue every night and don't post about it on the forums.

    One of the first things I was taught in the guild when I started playing was to never report bugs. They also told me that it’s better to never write anything on the forum. I've only been playing for 2 years, but it doesn't take long to understand why people who have been playing longer give such advice.

    ?? That's.... just weird.... If no one reports bugs, nothing ever happens to fix them. If no one posts on the forum.... sure we don't see the devs communicating but things do get noticed (maybe not fixed).

    I really find the advice you were given to be specious and useless. A forum is a place for those of us who play this game to interact. Since your guild doesn't want you to interact.... that to me is suspect.

    Its more or less the guild was telling them don't waste your time. I check forums everyday and waste a lot of time on here, and nothing I have ever said has been mentioned, fixed, or even hinted in any patch note or bug fix list.

    So really Forums IS a WASTE of time. I mean combat bug from 2014 still here.. So its whatever I guess.

    Forums is a place where people come to complain, ask for buffs/nerfs, and troll other people who give maybe not so bright idea's.

    Very rarely, do I see a post, where everyone agrees. A lot of times post will just be back and forth banter. Zos not reading anything in the forum if its got that in it. They will just remove bad language and give you a warning.

    Easy fix. Everyone agree to 1 thing at a time, slowly but surely we can agree and give proper feedback. But that would never happen, so GG.
  • blktauna
    They will still doe exactly as they please, when they please and how they please. What we want is not of real importance.
  • Just_Attivi
    The Year: 1898

    Technology reached a peak never seen before: Stop Motion Animation!

    With this powerful tool, all manner of special effects could be rigged to appear on screen, simply by manipulating still frames and sequencing them in order! It was all the rage, and producers far and wide sought the secret to new successful entertainment! ZOS picked up this brand new tech, and created ESO AvAvA PVP! While jarring to watch still frames jump around seemingly randomly, many a lad and lass partook in this brand new form of excitement! While many wished for more frames, perhaps real time animations depicting what those partaking in this fancy new entertainment around them are doing, most realized that only the technology of the future could bring this!

    The Year: 2024!

    Technology apparently plateaued in 1898, and the future is grim.

    ---this was for entertainment purposes only, predominantly because the slide show that was PC NA GH tonight was not. I actually said to my partner that performance felt.... fixed, earlier this evening, around 7pm EST. but by 8pm EST it was pretty mediocre, and by 9pm..... well.... I guess I could pretend i was a time traveler.... predicting actions 6 seconds in the future and witnessing actions of the past. so like... thats still cool sci fi stuff I guess.
  • GoAvs34
    After the most recent patch (today, 9/3/2024) playing in IA and killing a world boss in the Deadlands the game appears to be eating a command or just not accepting them for around 1 gcd. I will be playing like normal, for example: casting wall of elements, then casting caltrops and it will cast my wall of elements late, like when i press my caltops button late, and then never cast caltrops after it (so doesn't seem to be lag?). Just seems to be like taking forever to accept an ability command and drops the rest of it that was sent instead of catching up?
  • CatoUnchained
    Did they not reset the server with today's maint or something? Performance is not smooth at all after this last maint.
  • Just_Attivi
    Did they not reset the server with today's maint or something? Performance is not smooth at all after this last maint.

    Behold! The power of Duct Tape, WD-40, and chewing gum from under the lunch table! When these powers combine, they create..... *Technically* Functional Servers (suboptimal is still functional!!!) *theme music plays*
  • Kainarel
    Got kicked today from a dungeon where I went to get the endeavor keys. An unexpected error, please wait a bit before logging back in.

    I did get back in after 10 or so minutes, thankfully, and finished the run, but there was no more mood to continue playing... Being kicked is becoming a routine, which was never the case for me before these last few days. PC EU
    Edited by Kainarel on 3 September 2024 21:55
  • CrashTest
    Lagging something fierce on PCNA since the latest patcher update. Tried different computers and it's the same. Lag seems to be everywhere.
  • Just_Attivi
    some genius in 1868 came up with the flip book (arguably created in 1470, but not as functional as its more modern counterpart). 1868 had more consistent frames that ESO in 2024.

    from approx 7pm EST to 8pm EST PC NA GH was tolerable but poor performance. from about 8pm EST to 9pm EST I must have gotten in that old cardboard box that I colored the inside of to look like a time machine again, because I was witnessing the past as it was written, by the victors in this war of laggy inputs and time-slowing/rubberbanding action.
  • thinkaboutit
    Servers are still lagging and ZOS isnt moving with any kind of zeal.
  • blktauna
    Just came out of EU Ravenwatch. Load screens and stutter. :(
  • Just_Attivi
    my ESO experience tonight:

    Log in, queue for GH

    wait only 5 min or so to get in

    go to the first lit keep

    hard crash, 'lost lobby connection' on repeat for ~10 min.

    10/10 Player vs Performance experience!
  • SalamanNZ
    Since the new patch came out I have been having issues in IA. Sometimes it would freeze for up to 60 seconds. It's always happened in pvp but never in pve until now
  • LadyGP
    First time poster who has been playing since beta.

    Over the last month or so I have been having a lot of issues when trying to casually play Elder Scrolls Online. I do crafting, housing, trials, and sometimes hop into PvP.

    I've been having an issue where my toon stops moving and then after a few seconds everything speeds up really fast and I move from one spot to the other. If I cast any skills while moving they all fire at the same time once I start moving again.

    I have had 3 techs out to my residence, one senior network engineer, and all tests they have done have returned perfect results. I tried a friends computer to see if maybe it was an issue with my computer and it still happens. I even went out and got a new modem/router and the issue is still happening.

    At this point I've eliminated myself from the equation and now believe this is an Elder Scrolls Online issue, which brought me to this thread when I started doing a basic google search for ESO network issues (yes.... there are a lot of results/bad PR out there FYI).

    It looks like @ZOS_Kevin is the one who is championing this. Kevin - I appreciate you taking time to help resolve these issues. Is there anything I can do on my side to help this?

    Last night I crashed - not exaggerating - over 10 times in 2 hours. This instability has forced me to stop running in some prog groups because of disconnects during trifecta runs. This is extremely frustrating and disappointing. I love this game but I'm at the point where if I can't play without disconnecting or having this stop/start I will need to end my ESO + since I can't actually use it.

    I hope there is an internal conversation regarding just how widespread this issue is and how important it is to get this fixed.
  • Spiritrush
    Since last Update, generally speaking, framerate fluctuates between 5 and 12 fps in both PvE and PvP until out of combat when it will return to 30 or 60 fps. Playing since beta so have seen it all. Unfortunately, game has now become unplayable.
    Edited by Spiritrush on 6 September 2024 22:43
  • thinkaboutit
    The problem with this iteration of server issues, is that its so intermittent that MOST users won't bother to complain. However people in PVE trials, or PVP will DEFINITELY notice.

    Pretty scummy of ZOS to allow this fact to react with minimal zeal.
  • KaironBlackbard
    It's not totally unplayable... You probably just need a better machine. Or a better ISP. I need a better ISP.
    I get good frames. It's the periods of lag that get me.
    I can be fine for 15 minutes, then get hit by a 5+ second lag spike. Sometimes even getting booted.
    My frames don't drop. However, my ping goes 999+ often.
    I was doing the Fungal Grotto pledge on veteran and got lag many times. Got booted as my team started attacking Kragh. When it finally let me back in, he was dead and half the crew left. At least I got credit and loot from it.
  • KaironBlackbard
    Later I was playing IA, and got lagged out while fighting The Mage on my last thread, and I had just gotten the rythm down, had her down to 35%. Came back and I was dead. Oh wells. Darn lag spike.
  • LadyGP
    The problem with this iteration of server issues, is that its so intermittent that MOST users won't bother to complain. However people in PVE trials, or PVP will DEFINITELY notice.

    Pretty scummy of ZOS to allow this fact to react with minimal zeal.

    THIS nails it.

    It's such a "blip" moment that the only way you notice is if you are doing hardcore content (trials or PvP).
  • silky_soft
    Last couple of days I've been in BG with 3v3v3 or 2v3v4 or 2v4v4. I know there is heaps playing BG because I can go to a newer character in a lower tier and there is 10 people I never seen before.

    Server is definitely better right after a restart. But within 2 days it starts to fall apart.
    Here $15, goat mount please. Not gambling or paying 45 : lol :
    20% base speed for high ping players.
    Streak moves you faster then speed cap.
    Khajiit has the best damage passive in the game, lol 12%. Insane.
  • thinkaboutit
    LadyGP wrote: »
    The problem with this iteration of server issues, is that its so intermittent that MOST users won't bother to complain. However people in PVE trials, or PVP will DEFINITELY notice.

    Pretty scummy of ZOS to allow this fact to react with minimal zeal.

    THIS nails it.

    It's such a "blip" moment that the only way you notice is if you are doing hardcore content (trials or PvP).

    Atleast now we get 3 random rubber bands instead of HARD disconnect. so i can at least say somewhat good job ZOS.

    For it to be random I really do still think its a loadbalancer/isp routing issue of some sort.. Hire me zos!
  • Just_Attivi
    Happy 4 Monthsiversary Thread Goers!

    This thread has officially hit the 4 month mark (though there were a plethora of issues prior to this thread.... *DEFINITELY* couldn't be related though /s )

    Now, 4 months is a big milestone! Heres some tips for you new and first time forum goers!

    Safety Measures
    -Never leave your server unattended, not even for a moment.
    -Keep small objects out of your server's reach, as they will try to put everything in their ports and small objects present a serious electrical hazard.
    -serverproof your home to make sure your server's environment is safe.

    Server Development Milestones
    -Holds latency steady without support when you are connected to it.
    -Holds a forum thread hostage when you put it in mod sights. ...
    -Uses 3-day suspensions to take swing at rule violators. ...

    While the server isnt quite ready to try to eat solid food, it is a great time to introduce the idea if the server is giving appropriate development signs! Just be sure to not leave any applesauce in the server threads and that the disc tray is not a cup holder...


    but for real, joke-baby-advice aside, 4 months of performance bad enough to make me willingly give up the craft bag and stop paying a sub to this game.
  • Idinuse
    The Year: 1898

    Technology reached a peak never seen before: Stop Motion Animation!

    With this powerful tool, all manner of special effects could be rigged to appear on screen, simply by manipulating still frames and sequencing them in order! It was all the rage, and producers far and wide sought the secret to new successful entertainment! ZOS picked up this brand new tech, and created ESO AvAvA PVP! While jarring to watch still frames jump around seemingly randomly, many a lad and lass partook in this brand new form of excitement! While many wished for more frames, perhaps real time animations depicting what those partaking in this fancy new entertainment around them are doing, most realized that only the technology of the future could bring this!

    The Year: 2024!

    Technology apparently plateaued in 1898, and the future is grim.

    ---this was for entertainment purposes only, predominantly because the slide show that was PC NA GH tonight was not. I actually said to my partner that performance felt.... fixed, earlier this evening, around 7pm EST. but by 8pm EST it was pretty mediocre, and by 9pm..... well.... I guess I could pretend i was a time traveler.... predicting actions 6 seconds in the future and witnessing actions of the past. so like... thats still cool sci fi stuff I guess.

    Today I received my frames by e-mail from ZOS....
    Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium dolorem que laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt. Neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit, sed quia non numquam eius modi tempora incidunt ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem. Ut enim ad minima veniam, quis nostrum exercitationem ullam corporis suscipit laboriosam, nisi ut aliquid ex ea commodi consequatur? Quis autem vel eum iure reprehenderit qui in ea voluptate velit esse quam nihil molestiae consequatur, vel illum qui dolorem eum fugiat quo voluptas nulla pariatur?
  • sarahthes
    I don't normally have issues, but my ping is spiking to 700-999 for the past couple hours, and other people are experiencing same in cores and open raids.

    Something's broken tonight folks.
  • thinkaboutit
    sarahthes wrote: »
    I don't normally have issues, but my ping is spiking to 700-999 for the past couple hours, and other people are experiencing same in cores and open raids.

    Something's broken tonight folks.

    It's been like this for a while now and largely ignored by ZOS
  • LadyGP
    What is going on? Is it always this bad? I can't even stay connected tonight and the few times I can I'm at 999+
  • LaintalAy
    I don't think that this is a net
    sarahthes wrote: »
    I don't normally have issues, but my ping is spiking to 700-999 for the past couple hours, and other people are experiencing same in cores and open raids.

    Something's broken tonight folks.

    Welcome to Australia.

    Alternately, is everybody back from a NH summer holiday somewhere?
  • DawnWarrior

  • thinkaboutit
    @ZOS_Kevin I can provide many private VODs showing this issue happening to 3 different people every time we reset a trial. That is if ZOS is actually taking this issue seriously rather than brushing it off as a 'user internet connection issue'

    There's far too much silence on the progress and steps being taken to resolve this issue, what other conclusion do you expect us to make if there's ZERO communication from you guys on this matter other than appeasement engineering...
  • Just_Attivi
    @ZOS_Kevin I can provide many private VODs showing this issue happening to 3 different people every time we reset a trial. That is if ZOS is actually taking this issue seriously rather than brushing it off as a 'user internet connection issue'

    There's far too much silence on the progress and steps being taken to resolve this issue, what other conclusion do you expect us to make if there's ZERO communication from you guys on this matter other than appeasement engineering...

    I can't speak for everyone, but many *STILL* have videos submitted by ZOS request with tickets regarding these issues from months ago with *checks notes* zero views.
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