Maintenance for the week of June 3:
· [COMPLETE] Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – June 5, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 10:00AM EDT (14:00 UTC)
· [COMPLETE] PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – June 5, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 10:00AM EDT (14:00 UTC)
· [COMPLETE] ESO Store and Account System for maintenance June 5, 8:00AM EDT (12:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)

Stuck in an "Error 303 - PatchError_UnzipFail", Repair, "ABORT: Invalid Memory Size (0)" loop

  • zen555b14_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    Was convinced by a friend to get the game for the new expansion. I've spent 30 hours refreshing a thread after wasting 60GB of downloads. Doesn't really give me faith in this company.
  • The_White_Wolf
    Soul Shriven
    Man you guys are awful at this.

    Who let you run a game company, can't even send out data without corruption. Wth.
  • RobManX
    Soul Shriven
    Man you guys are awful at this.

    Who let you run a game company, can't even send out data without corruption. Wth.

    *** happens
  • inali
    Tried again, failed. :( - Come hang out some time
    Youtube/mrinaliz - Vidyas and VoDs
    Twitter @inaliftw
    GM of The Skulk
  • GrimJaw
    Id love to be able to play the game without crashing all the time. Cant repair because of this.
  • rgullaksenb16_ESO
    This is incredible, they haven't fixed their launcher, and yet they still removed the torrent file so people can't install the game.
    Legendary Urgot - [Magica Sorc] -
  • freqsyncub17_ESO
    Beta player.
    Left for a couple years.
    2 days ago Friend goes lets see ESO again.

    Installed from the website. On the drive with windows
    Downloads 28 gigs of something then.
    Error 303 - PatchError_unzipFail
    Restart Launcher and Repair
    Internal error
    ABORT: Invalid memory SIze (0)

    Okay. Install from Disc on a seperate drive.
    Error 102 - DownloadError_InvalidMetafile

    Have all 3 screenshotted.

    Compatibility mode for windows 7, 8. Run as Administrator. Still not provided the full game to play.

    Ticket Failed To Be Created.


    Edited by freqsyncub17_ESO on 18 May 2017 03:49
  • DaniGod
    Soul Shriven
    This is incredible, they haven't fixed their launcher, and yet they still removed the torrent file so people can't install the game.

    Yep, the link in my post got removed, so I should not link it again. BTW the link for it is still up and I'll still run the torrent until the fix, so those who managed to save the link can still send it to their friends and those who started downloading can finish it...

    The others can stick with the Steam refund solution. :smile:
  • Thordryc
    Tried again...Still 303
    "There are some who call me...Tim?
  • Bravesteel
    DaniGod's version of the game is working for me. I am still seeding it, but let's hope ZOS fix this issue, and compensate those affected.
  • CrowBalls
    Soul Shriven
    All they have to do until they fix the problem is provide us as direct link download to game files, its not *** hard, the torrent is beautiful by the way, hat off to you, but there are no seeders, I was only getting like 150kbs download speed.
  • ishilb14_ESO
    CrowBalls wrote: »
    All they have to do until they fix the problem is provide us as direct link download to game files, its not *** hard, the torrent is beautiful by the way, hat off to you, but there are no seeders, I was only getting like 150kbs download speed.

    18 of us seeding to 520 people right now =/
    Original DC #Bloodthorn2014
    CoFounder - Terror
    Officer - Mega Best Friends
    Officer - Eminent Gaming

  • Serasyn
    Soul Shriven
    I have had same issue (of course) for 3 days now - played for about 6 months over a year ago then quit. Obviously I decided to come back at the WRONG time.....Tried about 2 hours ago with both the discs and ESO downloader luck either way.....trying download's at 22%.....any bets??
  • Serasyn
    Soul Shriven
    Serasyn wrote: »
    I have had same issue (of course) for 3 days now - played for about 6 months over a year ago then quit. Obviously I decided to come back at the WRONG time.....Tried about 2 hours ago with both the discs and ESO downloader luck either way.....trying download's at 22%.....any bets??

    Nope....303 error somewhere just past 23%
  • Mandrake42
    Soul Shriven
    Like a lot of others, I decided to come back for Morrowind. Went to reinstall and had the same errors, Unzip fail, memory error on repair. I tried everything I could find on various forums (I couldn't get onto here because I'd forgotten my invitation code and had to get a new one). Nothing at all worked, and after the repair fails, it begins downloading the whole thing again. I had to give up eventually as I have a download limit and this process was chewing through it with no success in sight.
  • deathbyscrandy
    Soul Shriven
    this is ridiculous, seems like ZOS is literally throwing B.S. out to us to ATTEMPT to calm this small fire out of the amount of people actually playing right now. They are more worried about there advertisements and social media output then to pause and fix this issue so there advertising that suggest "come join the adventure" isnt a complete joke! Come on show the people you actually care, i am in search of a good mmo and so far this is a terrible experience. I am going to try Black Desert Online and a few others while i wait for this sad excuse of a "fix".

    Edited by deathbyscrandy on 18 May 2017 01:03
  • CrowBalls
    Soul Shriven
    I just got the steam version so this better work :neutral:
  • rgullaksenb16_ESO
    It's funny how quick they removed @ishilb14_ESO post. I wish they would fix their problems with the same speed:/

    Edited by rgullaksenb16_ESO on 18 May 2017 01:13
    Legendary Urgot - [Magica Sorc] -
  • ktjo31
    You know Zenimax maybe you should start LISTENING to your customers on issues like this, especially when other game companies offer the things your customers are complaining about.
    1. Keep intouch with the people having issues, and keep us up-to-date. Also don't directly assume its on our end like you did when this issue first arose the other day. maybe it would have been fixed if you jumped on it right away.
    2. Compensate when there is a problem at your end. many of us pay 15 dollars a month. its not fair if we pay for those days yet cant even play the game. any other business would either add the amount of days people couldn't sign on because of your issues to their membership length, or atleast offer a little something like maybe crowns for the trouble and frustrations
    3. Stop making it so hard to get intouch with you guys. AND FIX YOUR SERVERS, not just so they barely function, but so they are reliable and don't have issues every patch.
    4. Take the time to try and rid the game of issues, your game came out in 2014. Its ridiculous how many issues on your end this game is still plagued with. Stop doing just enough to make it work, and try and make it as bug free as possible.. If its that hard then stop worrying about stupid crap like nerfing everything and worry more about your products reliabilty
    5. Your customers pay your bills, I mean you make ALOT of money off of us, Game, membership, crowns, dlc... You could ATLEAST have better customer service. I am sure I'm not the only one that has been turned off by this.
    6. Lastly, your game is a fun game, almost addicting and that's what makes it the most frustrating and the only reason I haven't given up on it yet. It could be awesome but the half *** customer service and the BUGS glitches SERVER ISSUES and other issues with this game ruins the experience. IF users can offer a fix to something, put out a fix yourself until the original way to download is fixed... don't just delete the only solution. smh
    Edited by ktjo31 on 18 May 2017 01:15
  • tokyov
    Any dev updates? This issue is super frustrating and embarrassing for ZOS
  • Capadillo
    Soul Shriven
    @ZOS_GinaBruno How goes the ironing of the kinks? Looking forward to downloading and playing.
  • Telkari
    Soul Shriven
    I'm just wanting to add my name to this list here. I finally got access to the forums after having this trouble since the 15th. I had originally purchased the Tamriel Unlimited edition on Steam, but I saw the gold edition for only $19.99 on GMG for their anniversary sale, so picked up the gold there instead and put in a refund request in Steam. I purchased it on Steam on the 14th, got the gold edition the 15th...I regret uninstalling my steam version first before installing the website's version just so there wouldn't be any conflicts. Otherwise I could just have pasted the Steam files over. =/

    At this point I'm waiting to see if the seed given earlier will work for me as well. However, with my insanely crappy internet, so few people seeding, and so many people downloading along with timer is sitting at 1.5 days until the torrent will complete the download, even with everything set to unlimited. >.> Sigh. Although at the rate this is looking, it doesn't seem like they will have it fixed by then anyway.
  • Rozenwyn
    @ZOS_GinaBruno Any update on this? My boyfriend purchased a new PC due to the recommended specs that were released for Morrowind and now he can't even install the game to play. Extremely disappointing to have spent all of this money for nothing.

    I sincerely hope there are people working around the clock to get this fixed and a hotfix implemented asap as making people wait until Monday for regular maintenance and this week Morrowind goes live is not an option.
    Edited by Rozenwyn on 18 May 2017 02:12
  • Jori
    Soul Shriven
    So just putting my 2 cents in as someone who just purchased the game Monday evening. Its not looking good for you when you have 500 people trying to download from a torrent. You have been advertising for people to come play the game .. we came and this is what we get? I understand that things happen (ive been playing mmos since EQ) but this is like a new release type of screw up. The plan was to purchase the game for myself and 2 of my family members but they arent very impressed and honestly I think im just going to go back to BDO and just be glad I got this on sale for 15 bucks and didnt go all out with the gold edition and the gold preorder.
  • deathbyscrandy
    Soul Shriven
    This is not round the clock work for anyone who is hoping for that. We have been updated by one @ZOS_GinaBruno and it hasnt proved to be helpful in the slightest bit just a bit of text to try and maintain the flame that they have created and back to there normal routine of things. This has proven to be "not a big deal to them". They have clearly proven that with there actions over the last week of this problem. I wasted my only 2 days off hoping and researching any alternative to playing and almost considered buying the game through steam but that is such a waste of time and money even if it does get refunded, that is poor towards steam imo. Yes its an alternative but Zinemax definitely shouldn't allow for that to be an ok option for us to use either because it inst right. @ZOS_GinaBruno i hope on this next days work you do or if you do, goes well and we all get results. This is absolutely insane that you guys have let it get this far out of hand. I truly hope that in the future you guys are much more responsive and on top of the situation. Like many have stated you get money everywhere from us and tbh if i was able to download and i enjoyed the first couple of days i was seriously going to subscribe. You need to treat your costumers better and actually go the extra mile to fix these issues even if it interrupts your days routine at work, this is no small issue.
    Will continue to check in hoping after a long 12/h shift each day that maybe i can download the game properly from the place i purchased it from..........................................................................
  • Huskier
    I am too old for this sh*t, fix this up.
  • ktjo31
    This is not round the clock work for anyone who is hoping for that. We have been updated by one @ZOS_GinaBruno and it hasnt proved to be helpful in the slightest bit just a bit of text to try and maintain the flame that they have created and back to there normal routine of things. This has proven to be "not a big deal to them". They have clearly proven that with there actions over the last week of this problem. I wasted my only 2 days off hoping and researching any alternative to playing and almost considered buying the game through steam but that is such a waste of time and money even if it does get refunded, that is poor towards steam imo. Yes its an alternative but Zinemax definitely shouldn't allow for that to be an ok option for us to use either because it inst right. @ZOS_GinaBruno i hope on this next days work you do or if you do, goes well and we all get results. This is absolutely insane that you guys have let it get this far out of hand. I truly hope that in the future you guys are much more responsive and on top of the situation. Like many have stated you get money everywhere from us and tbh if i was able to download and i enjoyed the first couple of days i was seriously going to subscribe. You need to treat your costumers better and actually go the extra mile to fix these issues even if it interrupts your days routine at work, this is no small issue.
    Will continue to check in hoping after a long 12/h shift each day that maybe i can download the game properly from the place i purchased it from..........................................................................

    You would think people not being able to download their game would be a priority for them... smh. Its sad they pretty much blatantly give their returning customers and new customers a big fu with how they are handling this. I played on PS4. switched to PC in hopes of less issues and bugs.. nope, its almost like they think reliability isn't of importance.
    Edited by ktjo31 on 18 May 2017 02:46
  • Rozenwyn
    This is the very definition of a game breaking bug. Doesn't get more real than this. It really should be an around the clock priority. People should be being paid to be there working on a fix for it.
  • ktjo31
    Rozenwyn wrote: »
    This is the very definition of a game breaking bug. Doesn't get more real than this. It really should be an around the clock priority. People should be being paid to be there working on a fix for it.
    I agree with how much money they make off of crowns dlc alone they definitely can afford it.. smh.. money shouldn't be an issue.. not to mention all those who pay 15 monthly

  • Ichikai
    Somewhat glad to know I'm not the only one.

    Decided to give ESO a try once more, downloaded the game, got the error, restarted launcher to no avail, clicked repair and it proceeded to download the ENTIRE 28.3 GB again.
    Why the flying feces would it discard all downloaded data when I press repair?! What kinda sense does that make?

    Anyhow, downloaded the whole thing AGAIN, only to be met with the same error again. Restarted launcher again to no avail.
    But like hell am I going to press that repair button again. Fool me once..

    I suppose I should have checked this forum sooner. When I found this thread I was sure I'd find a workaround or something. Anything to turn all this downloaded data into a usable form. I'm not going to download all of it a third time.

    Finding out everyone installing/patching the game in the last 3 days having the same issue is disheartening.
    Edited by Ichikai on 18 May 2017 03:30
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