Maintenance for the week of June 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 24

Stuck in an "Error 303 - PatchError_UnzipFail", Repair, "ABORT: Invalid Memory Size (0)" loop

  • rakista_ESO
    48 hours almost. Jeebus...
  • The_White_Wolf
    Soul Shriven
    This is why I initially gave up on release of ESO.

    Tried the game again only to come back to the clown fiesta that is Zenimax support. How do you not have a QA server to test this?
  • Arya
    hopefully it gets fixed today so I can let it download overnight. 2 days of ESO+ down the drain lol
  • bunnytrix
    Arya wrote: »
    hopefully it gets fixed today so I can let it download overnight. 2 days of ESO+ down the drain lol

    Be prepared to wait until next week. Gina's post is just damage control to try to stop another forum ****storm happening.
  • Ghetto-Cowboy
    Soul Shriven
    Having the same problem as everyone else in this thread.
    Have tried to install 7 or 8 times, tried many of the "tricks" in the forum, nothing works.
    Just purchased the game yesterday after several years of saying I wouldn't play it.
    Wishing now I had saved my money!
  • inali
    I've been streaming the game daily on twitch. But, the game was stuttering like mad. So last night I decided to reinstall the game on my ssd to see if it improves. of course this happens at the exact time. Absolutely impeccable timing, was supposed to stream 2 hours ago, Only need 17 levels for cp 160. You guys really think this is gonna take long for them to fix?
    Edited by inali on 16 May 2017 23:17 - Come hang out some time
    Youtube/mrinaliz - Vidyas and VoDs
    Twitter @inaliftw
    GM of The Skulk
  • Moushen
    Been away from game for 6 months, seems like a good time to try out the PTS. The DL is around 48gb, hope it works.
  • Bravesteel
    inali wrote: »
    You guys really think this is gonna take long for them to fix?

    On paper it seems like an easy fix, as it simply seems that the installation files are not complete, but the ones via Steam are (at least that's what some have been saying), but it has already been about 48 hours since this came about. I just hope, for the game's sake, that they get this fixed before early access for the new players who have pre-ordered Morrowind.

  • rakista_ESO
    This error is almost 3 years old, can we can update on a long term fix?
  • Arya
    inali wrote: »
    I've been streaming the game daily on twitch. But, the game was stuttering like mad. So last night I decided to reinstall the game on my ssd to see if it improves. of course this happens at the exact time. Absolutely impeccable timing, was supposed to stream 2 hours ago, Only need 17 levels for cp 160. You guys really think this is gonna take long for them to fix?

    Lmao I literally uninstalled monday morning and let it reinstall throughout the day. What're the chances this would happen LOL.

    Last time this issue happened it took them 2-3 days to fix.

  • Kaanha
    Soul Shriven
    Well just be glad none of us paid for this game or anything....oh...wait....that's right.

    This is actually kind of disgusting, with any other game this would have been fixed and priority one..they'd have something posted about it to keep everyone updated, etc. Here's it's just a quiet sweet under the rug...despite the fact it's keeping new (and old) people from playing.

    They finally responded to my ticket...with just generic..."We know of the issue and are working to fix it, please keep an eye on this thread" and by this thread I mean literally this one. I'm sorry I decided to give this game another chance.
  • zekeub17_ESO1
    Soul Shriven
    Any chance we will be credited extra game time because of this? I just paid for the pre-order for Morrowind and now considering asking for a refund.
  • Moushen
    Kaanha wrote: »
    I'm sorry I decided to give this game another chance.

    "I took her back and made her dessert"

  • Capadillo
    Soul Shriven
    So glad I found this post, and I'm not the only one affected. All I wanted to do was get back into ESO and this *** happens. Hope a fix is coming VERY quickly.
  • Bravesteel
    15.3k views and climbing. *sigh* I'm going to go wallow in Skyrim, at least I can actually download that!
  • btsaundeb14_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    Kaanha wrote: »
    Well just be glad none of us paid for this game or anything....oh...wait....that's right.

    This is actually kind of disgusting, with any other game this would have been fixed and priority one..they'd have something posted about it to keep everyone updated, etc. Here's it's just a quiet sweet under the rug...despite the fact it's keeping new (and old) people from playing.

    They finally responded to my ticket...with just generic..."We know of the issue and are working to fix it, please keep an eye on this thread" and by this thread I mean literally this one. I'm sorry I decided to give this game another chance.

    at least you got a relevant response. I got a canned completely unrelated response telling me to re-install my Graphics drivers and if that did not solve my game Stability issues to reply with more details.
  • Arya
    not gonna lie, kind of absurd that this hasnt been fixed yet..judging by the fact that you cant do something as simple as download the game, you would think this would get solved rather quickly.

    the only time i ever had any sort of positive experience with ZOS support was back when they had a phone number to call. my recent experiences have been atrocious
    Edited by Arya on 17 May 2017 02:34
  • OrdinatorInMourning
    Same problem with live and PTS. So, we just need to wait for ZoS answer.
  • Moushen
    PTS is working for me.
  • Maishou
    Soul Shriven
    This is becoming a farce. The error itself looks like the sort of mistake a rookie or overworked person might do, but the company hasn't responded publicly about the ongoing issue, instead trying to capture even more people with more Morrowind videos. Seriously, guys? You won 500 million dollars from Facebook and are now suing Samsung for more cash. Is it really the best decision to lure more people to give you money for a game that, quite literally, cannot be played if they decide to buy it?

    I was hoping for a triumphant return to the game and instead I sit idly as Zenimax continues to screw over customers and other companies. You're two steps from being EA right now, guys.
  • KyraCROgnon
    Same issue here for my husband, tried to reinstall the game, then tried again using my ESO gold edition disks as a starter to try to save on download time, and still stuch with the http request failed error on one of the patches after the bigger chunk of instal.
    Tried to repair launcher, that gives us the memory violation error windows error message and doesn't help either

    Please TESO tech team, fix that before the (forecasted to be rainy) Week End !
  • area51
    I was able to install the update for ESO on my cheap 400$ labtop. I archived the Zeni folder on my main CP, then copied the files from my labtop over using external HD. I am now able to log in and play.
  • louisebahiab14_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    I have some friends who decided to give this a try and they're having the same problem...
  • KCool
    I tried to update and I just keep getting this exact error, except the error number is different. So I just wanna add this isn't just exclusive to those looking to fresh install. I'm getting it from updating. Good God I hope this is fixed soon.

    EDIT: Oh yeah, the repair launcher isn't working either. Just ends in more errors. Fun, fun, fun.
    Edited by KCool on 17 May 2017 06:49
  • Pseron_Wyrd
    Add my name to the growing army of customers having this problem
  • Slane
    Also having this problem was looking forward to giving the game another try before ordering the new expanstion or not. Guess I will have to wait :(
  • darvaria
    Same problem.
  • rakista_ESO
    72 hours...
  • Acht88
    Can someone make a torrent (last version game folder)? Pls
  • inali
    This many views and people affected. I would think a aaa mmo with a monthly sub and cash shop on pc and conoles would have this fixed by now. Or at least constant updates. It's discouraging... :s - Come hang out some time
    Youtube/mrinaliz - Vidyas and VoDs
    Twitter @inaliftw
    GM of The Skulk
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