Maintenance for the week of June 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 24

Stuck in an "Error 303 - PatchError_UnzipFail", Repair, "ABORT: Invalid Memory Size (0)" loop

  • skul
    As a few of you have already found, this issue was resolved late last night. When you open your launcher, you should be able to download all the files and run the game now. That said, let us know if you continue to run into any issues. Thanks for your patience while we fixed this, everyone.

    hi A new message appears Reliable source with corrupted data

    The download stops at 75%

    From France.
    Edited by skul on 18 May 2017 14:25
  • Kaanha
    Soul Shriven
    ragus999 wrote: »
    Steam solution work for me too.
    I 'm into the game now...
    And yes it is not a good solution just a workaround...

    ZOS you have to hurry now , more update and a fix soon?
    You are ruining the returning player and new player experience...

    Yep, I went the steam route as well. Worked like a charm. Me and my wife are gtg now, we played all yesterday. I'm sad to see it too them so long to get the issue fixed, this does not speak well for the future of the game or my sanity.
  • electricnachus
    Soul Shriven
    Finally I received the invitation to join the forum!
    I was reading all posts actively, thanks to all who offered help. This bug was really frustrating.

    I have this problem like most since I bought the game on Monday.
    Now it is downloading...everything ok for now.
  • RobManX
    Soul Shriven
    Torrent works great!
    Edited by RobManX on 18 May 2017 15:51
  • Baradimb16_ESO
    Seriously Wow Is better ...

    incredible no responses
    Soul Shriven
    The day before yesterday bought this game and was very disappointed when I failed to install it. Fortunately, today saw that the problem is solved.
    Thank you very much.
    The game is really downloaded the whole volume and finally installed.
  • RolisSarano
    Soul Shriven
    I'm installing the game since yesterday again and again always with a new problem... Actually stuck when 3 MB remains "Data source corrupted" ***...
  • Telkari
    Soul Shriven
    If you didn't before you tried reinstalling, make sure you completely delete the Zenimax folder that was previously downloaded during the failed attempts. Then re download the setup from the download now button on your account, and start the install completely fresh. That's how I got my install to work last night.
  • Slane
    just to confirm what Telkari has said when you run the launcher it should give the option to install, if it dosn't and either starts downloading or is verifying files, you need to delete the contents in the Elder Scrolls Folder with the zenimax/game folder.
  • Snowywons
    Soul Shriven
    I'm installing the game since yesterday again and again always with a new problem... Actually stuck when 3 MB remains "Data source corrupted" ***...

    Same here ...
  • hybridfury80ub17_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    Testing it out now. Downloading at 93 MB/s :smile:
  • hybridfury80ub17_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    Worked for me!
  • darvaria
    I uninstalled and downloaded the game. Works now. Thank you.

    I hope this is fixed for everyone.
  • OrdinatorInMourning
    Yesterday I downloaded about 40 GB and my game started to run. Thank you for resolve!

    P.S. Lucky me - I wasn't kicked out from my trade guilds!
  • Snowywons
    Soul Shriven
    Ceux qui ont l'erreur avec le 3.86mb (Source fiable porteuse de fichier corrompu) le problème vient du fait que votre jeu est en fr. Il y a un problème avec la version fr. Il suffit de télécharger la version anglaise.
  • Baradimb16_ESO
    Toujours bug et pas envie de passer le jeu en Anglais Merci
    Source fiable porteuse de fichier corrompu
  • Sikthlight08xz
    Are they seriously expecting people to redownload the ENTIRE game? Thats like 40gigs, wtf..
  • Telkari
    Soul Shriven
    @ZOS_GinaBruno so what is the word on compensating players for this disaster, since so many people couldn't play for several days, many of us that had subscription time running?
  • Mureel
    DaniGod wrote: »
    This is incredible, they haven't fixed their launcher, and yet they still removed the torrent file so people can't install the game.

    Yep, the link in my post got removed, so I should not link it again. BTW the link for it is still up and I'll still run the torrent until the fix, so those who managed to save the link can still send it to their friends and those who started downloading can finish it...

    The others can stick with the Steam refund solution. :smile:

    PM me re this PLEASE! I've been installing and repairing for 3 days. I tried from Fresh DL from my acct page, and from my old disks. Nothing ever works. TY!
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