I kinda wished that ZOS will go towards bringing faction pride back not that they end the Three Banners War!
Wait so I have a question...
With silver/gold zones removed... how are tiers 6-8 of crafting materials going to be done?
Cause as it is now. Silver zones give Tier 6 for the first 2 zones, tier 7 for the other 3 zones, gold zones give tier 8 for the first 2 zones and tier 9 for the last 3 zones.
But now..
Starter Zones and Auridon/Glenumbra/Stonefalls = Tier 1
Grahtwood/Stormhaven/Deshaan = Tier 2 (mostly)
Greenshade/Rivenspire/Shadowfen = Tier 3 (mostly)
Malabal Tor/Al'Akir/Eastmarch = Tier 4 (mostly)
Reaper's March/Bangkorai/the Rift = Tier 4 and Tier 5
Craglorn = Tier 9
DLC areas and Cyrodiil = Scaling up to tier 10
If for some reason you need Tier 8 material to like, craft armor for a friend.. now you can't get that material without respeccing and reducing your crafting skill to tier 8.
Crafting mats are a mess right now, and will be worse when One Tamriel hits.
DaveMoeDee wrote: »
You are really exaggerating the impact on Cyrodiil. People already have characters in multiple factions, even with questing limitations. Not a big deal.
My bigger concern will be the scaling. It will be interesting to see how they keep zones playable for characters in soul-shriven rags and no skills while not making them even easier than they are now for max level players.
I'm usually supportive of any progressive changes to gameplay, but I am concerned that this 'all in one" melting pot concept will further dilute "faction pride" at a time when new, up-and-coming competitor games are bringing faction pride back due to popular demand.
Rev Rielle wrote: »
I am Daggerfall until the day I die.
For me faction pride is a fire that's personal and stoked from within. I don't care if the 6,999,999 other players playing ESO don't have it, for me it will always be there. Regardless.
I do understand what you're saying, but I think the pride of belonging finds a way to take root within a player receptive to such regardless of the gaming environment. Players either have that loyalty or they don't.
Skyrim wasn't actually so bad; things had a minimum level in Skyrim, so it was possible to find enemies in some places that you couldn't handle. What ESO is doing is going towards Oblivion.ESO just took the worst thing Skyrim had- auto leveling...
Yes you can, that's exactly the point of One Tamriel.What i mean is you STILL CANNOT interact with OTHER players from another factions OUTSIDE dungeons and Cyrodiil. That would be an RP restrictions and both PvE restrictions. lets say that i have a level 50 toon in one faction but i invited my friend to play with me at his own interest. say he chooses another faction that i am not in and told me he leveled to 20 on that faction. I cannot meet up with him unless he is in a dungeon or cyrodiil pvp.
- You will be able to explore the entire world in any sequence you wish - just walk across the world and you will always find appropriately leveled content.
- You will be able to play and group with anyone in the game at any time (outside of PvP). No longer will you have to create a lower level character to play with a friend who has just joined the game. You will be able to group and adventure together from the moment your friend emerges from the tutorial.
- We are dropping all PvE Alliance restrictions. You will be free to explore of all Tamriel, including other Alliances. It is up to you how you want to role-play your character while doing this. “Silver" and “gold" versions of zones will be replaced by Cadwell quest storylines that you can do in any order you wish.
- Alliance restrictions will still be enforced in all PvP areas, of course. One Tamriel will not affect the PvP systems in Cyrodiil.
Wait so I have a question...
With silver/gold zones removed... how are tiers 6-8 of crafting materials going to be done?
Cause as it is now. Silver zones give Tier 6 for the first 2 zones, tier 7 for the other 3 zones, gold zones give tier 8 for the first 2 zones and tier 9 for the last 3 zones.
But now..
Starter Zones and Auridon/Glenumbra/Stonefalls = Tier 1
Grahtwood/Stormhaven/Deshaan = Tier 2 (mostly)
Greenshade/Rivenspire/Shadowfen = Tier 3 (mostly)
Malabal Tor/Al'Akir/Eastmarch = Tier 4 (mostly)
Reaper's March/Bangkorai/the Rift = Tier 4 and Tier 5
Craglorn = Tier 9
DLC areas and Cyrodiil = Scaling up to tier 10
If for some reason you need Tier 8 material to like, craft armor for a friend.. now you can't get that material without respeccing and reducing your crafting skill to tier 8.
Crafting mats are a mess right now, and will be worse when One Tamriel hits.
Skyrim wasn't actually so bad; things had a minimum level in Skyrim, so it was possible to find enemies in some places that you couldn't handle. What ESO is doing is going towards Oblivion.
Yes you can, that's exactly the point of One Tamriel.
....... okay i rest my case. thank you for providing the clarity to my questions.
ESO just took the worst thing Skyrim had- auto leveling...
if only you could actually fix whats broken in your game before piling on more layers of crap. most the game still feels like its a beta or alpha still, quests are literally incomplete and impossible to finish still.
I can answer this one: From what we've been told, yes. For PvE, basically we will all be as one. We will be limited by where we go and whom we group/play with only by ourselves. If we want to group with Pact and Dominion as a Daggerfall alliance character for example, we will be able to: any alliance, any level.@ZOS_JessicaFolsom
Can you explain these two to me?
[*]You will be able to explore the entire world in any sequence you wish - just walk across the world and you will always find appropriately leveled content.
[*]We are dropping all PvE Alliance restrictions. You will be free to explore of all Tamriel, including other Alliances. It is up to you how you want to role-play your character while doing this. “Silver" and “gold" versions of zones will be replaced by Cadwell quest storylines that you can do in any order you wish.
-> Question
Does this mean that we can now communicate and or be part of the other factions zone? Say I'm DC and I want to see EP area with EP players, are we still separated? Or are we combine?(Ex: DC hanging with EP in EP town)
Isn't that what Cyrodiil is already?[*]Alliance restrictions will still be enforced in all PvP areas, of course. One Tamriel will not affect the PvP systems in Cyrodiil.
Will there eventually be open world pvp areas, and or will we be able to attack certain EP/DC/AD areas with players defending, like open-world?
Thank you, Jessica.
Rev Rielle wrote: »I can answer this one: From what we've been told, yes. For PvE, basically we will all be as one. We will be limited by where we go and whom we group/play with only by ourselves. If we want to group with Pact and Dominion as a Daggerfall alliance character for example, we will be able to: any alliance, any level.@ZOS_JessicaFolsom
Can you explain these two to me?
[*]You will be able to explore the entire world in any sequence you wish - just walk across the world and you will always find appropriately leveled content.
[*]We are dropping all PvE Alliance restrictions. You will be free to explore of all Tamriel, including other Alliances. It is up to you how you want to role-play your character while doing this. “Silver" and “gold" versions of zones will be replaced by Cadwell quest storylines that you can do in any order you wish.
-> Question
Does this mean that we can now communicate and or be part of the other factions zone? Say I'm DC and I want to see EP area with EP players, are we still separated? Or are we combine?(Ex: DC hanging with EP in EP town)[*]Alliance restrictions will still be enforced in all PvP areas, of course. One Tamriel will not affect the PvP systems in Cyrodiil.
Will there eventually be open world pvp areas, and or will we be able to attack certain EP/DC/AD areas with players defending, like open-world?
Thank you, Jessica.
Wondering the impact on PvP, does this mean when you select a campaign, that you also get to select the alliance you're fighting for?! Or is that still locked in to your original choice?!
Since they're getting rid of faction pride anyway, might aswell let people pick the side in the campaign screen then.
Hopefully they will not allow you to jump to the group leader's campaign side, like they now let you join a campaign that you don't have as home/guest.
I'm hoping they just add in additional faction-specific quests in other areas to still make a player's chosen faction have SOME sort of meaning other than PVP.
Demonhunter wrote: »With tamriel one, i dont get the fact that a DC/EP and AD player can walk into any opposing zones / lands and not get attacked by the opposing faction players while theres a war against the factions in cyrodil. Logically if there trying to mimic other MMORPG's , then they should add the pvp flag system or the contested system when your faction walks into another faction zone to promote pvp. Also it defies the lore, your friendly with all the factions in the faction zones and suddenly when you walk into cyrodiil you become enemies?
Removing levels completely would be much better option than battle levelling. I bet it will confuse the hell out of new players since battle levelling messes with your stats massively. How will people learn the mechanics of the game if they have no idea how their stats (base, crit, dmg... etc) work before max level?
Rev Rielle wrote: »
I guess when we go to Cyrodiil we're signing up for the war effort, becoming a soldier so-to-speak. When we're in the other parts of Tamriel, even though we're part of one alliance does not necessarily mean we'll get attacked when going to another alliance area. We're more like mercenaries; hired help.
But here is one beautiful aspect of the new system; if it doesn't make sense to you, then you are completely free to not do it. There is nothing and no one that will force you into another alliance's area. If you like you can still wait until you begin Cadwells Silver/Gold mission chains.
Just because they are giving us the option does not mean we have to take part. A simply beauty of a sandbox world. The choice is now ours, not made for us.
"sand box" haha. I dont think you know what that means.