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Official Discussion Thread for "Matt Firor's Message from BE3"

  • Darius771
    Really a positive point for social content. A true Tamriel Unlimited. I never understood why I needed leveling in a empty zone after lv 50 while there was another aliance stance full of players.

    we need more social content, that's why we played a mmorpg.You are in the right way. make that.

    Lv 50 Darius Aerien - Khajiit stamblade
    Lv 50 Darius A'erien - Altmer magsorcerer
    Lv 50 Darius Arien - Altmer magblade
    Lv 50 Darius Aryen - Redguard stamplar
    Lv 15 Darius A'ryen - Orc stamsorcerer
    Lv 50 Darius A'rien - Dunmer mag DK
    Lv 01 Darius Aeryen - Argonian magplar (in project)
  • Clutch
    When will we see that "Questionaire" system so we can actually be placed in a shard among other players with similar interests?

    I know we'll never get an RP-server due to the megaservers but it'd still be nice for some kind of system to be developed, like the one advertised pre-launch, that would allow people to gather in the same world without having to sift through guild invites.
    Edited by Clutch on 13 June 2016 13:01
  • johnnified
    Tyrion87 wrote: »
    I really like it!
    Finally the cadwell's silver and gold zones won't be such a desolate and sad places... It will be like a breath of life to rather empty zones atm.

    I kind of liked them being dead zones, because I didn't have to fight for items during quests with other people. Unlike when going 1 - 50 in my own bronze zone.
  • johnnified
    Othman86 wrote: »
    mertusta wrote: »
    So... if I'm understanding this properly... there's no longer a reason to buy the "Any Race, Any Alliance" pack?

    You got it wrong. You can play with anyone but you still will not be able to play with Dark elf in daggerfall for example. So, there is a reason to buy any race any alliance pack :)

    I am still not impress by this. One Tamriel. Why? Because you only remove faction restrictions to other continent for players not a player meeting another player FACTION restrictions. What i mean is you STILL CANNOT interact with OTHER players from another factions OUTSIDE dungeons and Cyrodiil. That would be an RP restrictions and both PvE restrictions. lets say that i have a level 50 toon in one faction but i invited my friend to play with me at his own interest. say he chooses another faction that i am not in and told me he leveled to 20 on that faction. I cannot meet up with him unless he is in a dungeon or cyrodiil pvp. I am forced to create another character and start over from scratch (excluding the champion points and level 50 gold upgrade gear that took me a month or two to farm).

    So this One Tamriel is FLAWED.

    From what I understand, you will be able to interact with anyone from any alliance in any faction no matter where they are outside of PVP
  • Blackbird_V
    If I understand correctly, I can be a DC Breton and go to Stonefalls for the questlines there if I so wished?
    Difficulty scaling is desperately needed. 9 years. 6 paid expansions. 25 DLCs. 41 game changing updates including A Realm Reborn-tier overhaul of the game including a permanent CP160 gear cap and ridiculous power creep thereafter. I'm sick and tired of hearing about Cadwell Silver&Gold as a "you think you do but you don't"-tier deflection to any criticism regarding the lack of overland difficulty in the game.
  • Demonhunter
    SiAScORCH wrote: »
    Yea, this sounds like it's a terrible idea.

    So not only will you have issues with so many people talking which will make the chat virtually impossible to actually read, but the spam. This is going to affect farming materials now, as well as create way more lag. I don't get why they keep trying to add all this new stuff without fixing what's broken.

    Broken Game = Broken Game
    Broken Game + 500 DLC's + new features = Still a broken game

    Honestly, this idea they have is going to screw up the game more than help it. Really, please stop trying to do so much.

    Fix the dungeon finder, fix the lag, the random fps drop. I'm assuming the purpose the game only utilizes one core is so those who have a less than subpar computer can still play, well doing this is going to defeat that whole purpose, so you may as well make the game utilize more than one core now as well. At least improve performance.

    I thing those who are arguing against it is more of a trust issue, you bring up features like (chat/farming/lag). These are things I think a professional gaming company would address before launching Tamriel one. That's why we have the PTS server to actually monitor these things. Also, remember that your playing an MMORPG and not an RPG. Other MMORPG's have this design where you can quest in enemy zones right from the start at level 1. But my issues is, if your going to launch Tamriel one, then you should do it as a pvp design also. But you can always implement anti-abuse mechanics like a PVP flag system or instances within the zones like questing or by talking to a quest giver and so on ... May i also remind you that the Lag issue has already significantly improved since the beginning of last year.
    Edited by Demonhunter on 13 June 2016 13:22
  • Emma_Overload
    In general, higher level players will be the same “level" as lower level players, but they will have far more tools in their arsenal: better gear, more abilities, and of course more Champion points.

    So if I understand correctly, Zeni is pretty much removing levels completely ? So we're going to have CP measuring contest now.

    Very underwhelming news. Cadwells silver and gold already messing up with the setting of the game, so now just kill it completely. Sure, it may be interesting for a few beginners, but what from this to older players ? Absolutely nothing.
    Also Zeni is trying soo hard to push their grouping, but the problem is, there is no point to group. Game's solo zones are so easy you can breeze through naked. Normal dungeon can be soloed without any problems and veteran ones done by 2-3 people.
    Also lets wait for performance problems, at prime hours Mournhold or Wayrest is already lagging as hell.

    Really dropped the ball with this one Zenimax.

    It's already like that. There is no point in ESO to being a lowbie. Everyone needs to grind to max level so they can start the REAL game. For example, until you hit CP160, there is no point to investing time and gold into gear upgrades. Also, until you hit (at least) CP160, nobody wants to group with you for vet dungeons or trials or whatever.

    You're also wrong about there being nothing for old players. I would love to be able to go back to my starter zones and play at level... most of that content I haven't played since 2014!
  • Faulgor
    Enodoc wrote: »
    Excited for the cross-faction announcement. Not too sure about battle-levelling everywhere, as it seems like the sense of progression through levelling may be severely impacted.

    I don't know about you, but I never felt stronger or weaker progressing through the game, as the game did a good job of incentivizing you to keep within a certain level range - if your level is too high, you get no or hugely diminshed rewards, if your level is too low, you just miss most of your attacks. Within that level range, you are always on equal footing against your enemies. Grinding Dreugh at Vivec's Antlers in Stonefalls felt absolutely no different to grinding Dreugh in Shadowfen, or grinding Dreugh in silver zone Stormhaven.

    What actually gave me the feeling of improving was 1) more skill points to unlock new skills and morphs 2) upgrading my equipment 3) upgrading my horse 4) completing main quests so I can advance to new zones. 1-3 are not affected by these changes at all, and 4 becomes obsolete.
    Alandrol Sul: He's making another Numidium?!?
    Vivec: Worse, buddy. They're buying it.
  • ManDraKE
    PvP arenas, player housing, barbershop...all the cool things they could annonunce and they do THIS? Really?
  • Iselin
    Probably has already been mentioned above (sorry no time to read whole thread) but I see a potential problem with this for new players who will now be "forced" to play in the same CP160 zones everywhere with one weapon, mix and match dropped armor, 3 or 4 abilities none of which are the morphed premium abilities unlocked higher up the lines, as the players in those zones with 500CP and all skill lines unlocked, wearing elite gear sets.

    Either the new players will be totally frustrated by the difficulty or the vets will be frustrated by the mob "nerfing" done to help out the new players or more likely a little of both.

    Edited by Iselin on 13 June 2016 13:35
  • kylewwefan
    Awesome! I think this is a major step in the RIGHT direction! Can't wait. This game keeps getting better and better all the time. Will be the ultimate if it ever goes cross platform.
  • RebornV3x
    I don't really have a problem with this Tamriel One sounds good but what I find funny is no new DLC announcement, housing etc... I'm pretty sure Matt Firor is a busy guy you know running Zenimax and all and he goes to E3 to sell Dark Brotherhood which is already out and vaguely mention Tamriel One was disapointing to say the least could have gotten anyone at ZOS to do that I just found this funny.
    Xbox One - NA GT: RebornV3x
    I also play on PC from time to time but I just wanna be left alone on there so sorry.
  • Agalloch
    Why nerf everything ZOS ? At least u can do it like RIFT online. Or like a mentoring system.
  • DDuke
    Othman86 wrote: »
    DDuke wrote: »
    Othman86 wrote: »
    DDuke wrote: »
    Woenprom wrote: »
    ESO just took the worst thing Skyrim had- auto leveling...

    Pretty much this.

    With 8 max. level characters, this won't affect me. But what is the point of levels at all, if you're just going to be scaled up? Where is the sense of character progression, if everything stays the same?

    The "I need to make my character stronger!" staple of (MMO)RPGs is now officially gone when it comes to leveling experience, and that is sad news.

    I would've preferred if they just removed alliance restrictions & had zones scale from 1-50 normally and then everything would scale.

    what do you want exactly? level 100 boost like wow did? how did that worked for you? Point is even if the level is scaled. i m pretty sure some mobs or bosses are difficult do to alone. What if they decided to make the mobs much more difficult to solo then? Fact is (MMO) RPG essence is still in the game. Its just based on your point of view and opinion on things.

    Well, since you brought up WoW... Haven't played that since Vanilla/TBC, but you could actually run into a freaking raid boss while leveling. You had small enclaves of high level elite mobs in zones (zones that had specific level ranges) - you didn't know what to expect from each area as a new player. It was an adventure, not a grind.

    Coincidentally, this was also the case in Morrowind, which had no level scaling.

    My two favourite games of all time.

    It's just sad to see ESO dumbing down even more I guess is what I'm trying to say - doesn't affect me since I'm done leveling characters, but it does say a lot about the priorities of ZOS and the general mindset when designing content and I doubt the "removal" of leveling experience does well for player retention.

    Level-Scaling is the one thing that allows everyone the freedom to explore. Leveling is never an adventure. its a grind, you should know this. you have 8 max level characters. Dont tell me that doesn't bother you since you literally grind all 8 of them. Of course you re done leveling.

    On that note, its not "dumbing" down the game it more like making everything accessible for everyone especially the new players. Everyone wants to play the game feeling like skyrim, an open world fill with so many possibilities. Leveled zones felt like restriction that forces you to progress before moving to another zone. WoW already done that and so does every other MMORPG. ESO wants to be different and new. even better almost similar to a sandbox with the MMO slap onto it.

    I d say let it be different, let it be fresh and new. Not letting a person who is new and just recently join go. Oh another guild wars copy cat or WoW cut and paste piece of trash.

    Don't get me wrong, of course it is a grind when you level 8 characters from 1-V16. You've already done all the quests & know what to expect everywhere you go.

    However, what level scaling does is that it turns the game into a grind for those on their first characters as well. You will know exactly what you can do with your character (everything) and what you should avoid - there are no zones that you need to progress your character further to do. In other words, this change kills character progression.

    How does it make sense that a level 3 straight out of Coldharbour is suddenly a killing machine that destroys absolutely everything in the world?

    RPGs are defined by how we interact with the game world. If you can level up your character & gather experience etc and not notice any difference in the content anywhere, then you might as well not be leveling up at all, you might as well not be playing at all because nothing makes a difference.

    Also I disagree about leveling not being an adventure - it was an adventure in Morrowind for me, it was an adventure in vanilla WoW and to a lesser extent it was an adventure in ESO when I leveled my first character (back when leveling still mattered).

    The definition of "dumbing down" is pretty much: "make things more accessible".
    noun UK /ˌdʌm.ɪŋˈdaʊn/ US /ˌdʌm.ɪŋˈdaʊn/ informal disapproving

    › the act of making something simpler and easier for people to understand, especially in order to make it more popular

    And no, not all of us want "Skyrim Online" - I would much rather have "Morrowind Online", as that was an infinitely superior game (as agreed by most people I talk to who have played both).
  • Trashyratchet
    mike_de wrote: »
    Mulcibur wrote: »
    Can a German speaking person translate this please. Google translate is terrible. I get the general gist.

    Ihr werdet - außerhalb von Cyrodiil - mit jeder beliebigen Spieler, unabhängig von Stufe und Allianz, zusammenspielen können. Keine Fragen nach der Allianzzugehörigkeit mehr, wenn im Gildenchat nach Hilfe gefragt wird.

    Rohstoffquellen haben mittlerweile die Möglichkeit, die Ausbeute zufällig entweder eurer Stufe oder eurem Handwerksskill anzupassen. Sind da weitere Optionen nötig? Ich sehe im Moment nicht, warum man zB gezielt Spinnenseide sammeln will, wenn sie weder zur Stufe noch zum Skill passt.
    Edit sagt: Andere haben das ja schon viel schneller getippt.

    Nur weil die Allianzen sich die PvE-Zonen in Zukunft teilen, werden sie nicht voller. Wie jetzt auch schon, wird eine neue Instanz geöffnet, wenn sich entsprechend viele Spieler in einer Zone befinden.

    One Tamriel ist nicht das einzige, was dieses Jahr noch kommt. Es wird auch neue Gruppeninhalte geben.


    You will - besides Cyrodill, be able to play together with every player, independent from alliance and level. No questions more, about Alliance if you were asked about help in the guild chat.

    Material sources can be adjusted to your level or crafting skill level. Are there more options necessary? I cannot see, why you have to farm as example spidersilk, if it does not fit your level or crafting level.

    And only because alliances share the PvE zones, they will not become more occupied than now. Like now, a new instance will be created, if too many people are in one instance.

    One Tamrial isn't the only thing that will be released this year. There will be new new group content as well.

    I hope, that is better than Google. ;)

  • DDuke
    Faulgor wrote: »
    Enodoc wrote: »
    Excited for the cross-faction announcement. Not too sure about battle-levelling everywhere, as it seems like the sense of progression through levelling may be severely impacted.

    I don't know about you, but I never felt stronger or weaker progressing through the game, as the game did a good job of incentivizing you to keep within a certain level range - if your level is too high, you get no or hugely diminshed rewards, if your level is too low, you just miss most of your attacks. Within that level range, you are always on equal footing against your enemies. Grinding Dreugh at Vivec's Antlers in Stonefalls felt absolutely no different to grinding Dreugh in Shadowfen, or grinding Dreugh in silver zone Stormhaven.

    What actually gave me the feeling of improving was 1) more skill points to unlock new skills and morphs 2) upgrading my equipment 3) upgrading my horse 4) completing main quests so I can advance to new zones. 1-3 are not affected by these changes at all, and 4 becomes obsolete.

    Go kill mudcrabs in your level 5 zone with your max level, and tell me you don't feel stronger after progressing through the game (compared to a fresh low level).

    Granted, other games make the character progression more apparent by having enclaves of higher level enemies within lower level zones (something I've suggested multiple times this game should do).

    E.g. imagine if there was a small area of Stormhaven where you'd have V16 enemies. You'd wander in as low level feeling all confident, then you get trashed by those mobs and you're like "oh ***, I need to stay away from there".
    Fast forward a couple days/weeks, you're V16 & you think "hey, I feel like going back to Stormhaven & having another shot at that small area I couldn't do before".

    That's how you create engaging MMO content - not by removing character progression. It adds a sense of danger to the world & has you looking forward to things as you keep playing.
    Edited by DDuke on 13 June 2016 14:00
  • alex394053
    I agree with the above commenters who speak of a CP contest and think ZOS should scale CPs in PVE too. That's what currently gives "dedicated player" i.e. grinder an upper hand. Not a humane way to encourage people to abandon real life, is it?
    Make it a little bit more of a player's skill like it is now in PVP, not the toon's skill.
    Edited by alex394053 on 13 June 2016 14:03
  • Elana
    Geez I get excited about the idea of this and I come back to the forums to see some new info on it. Bam! What do you know a bunch of negative comments that just kill my buzz. I am regreting my decision for reading other people comments about the subject.

    Nah. Moaners will moan. I still believe it's one of the best things they could have done for the game. So very happy about this.
    Elana Aelios
    "Because I have loved life, I shall have no sorrow to die."
  • Trashyratchet
    Not being able to gather lower level crafting mats will be a big issue. Right now, max level writs require a significant amount of mats lower than your than your level. This will need to be addressed before it launches. Writs should only require mats from your current level, if you do not have the opportunity to farm the lower leveled mats.

    I understand that this may not be the number one issue on the minds of those that do not do writs, but for those of us that do 30 or 40 writs per day, it breaks that aspect of the game. The amount of lower level mats from surveys is not enough to sustain doing the writs in the first place. Even with the current battle leveled areas, it throws the proportions of void level far below my amount of max level mats. I have thousands and thousands of max level mats, but have to either go to level 90 -140 areas and farm, or buy lower level mats every couple of days. Right now, at least on console, you can find max level mats far cheaper than level 90-140 mats. This will really throw a much bigger wrench into the economy when it launches.
  • Coolio_Wolfus
    johnnified wrote: »
    From what I understand, you will be able to interact with anyone from any alliance in any faction no matter where they are outside of PVP

    What it will mean is:
    New players will progress as now, but can be helped by their higher level friends.

    Because those new players will only start with their initial areas Wayshrine available.
    That alliance's quest line usually sends you to the next area, but it will open up the borders and other travel options once you have both locations involved.

    Since I've done Cadwell's silver and gold I've noticed some doorway markers on some of the ships on my map, which were not there as I levelled up through my alliance's content, these ships travel between alliance locations and same alliance ports.

    If these defaults are kept, it will feel progressive to a new player but open to the more advanced players to travel across the map to team, meet up, show off gear/costumes and help friends of any alliance with any (non PVP) game content.

    As for the unlocked borders if there is a path leading from A to B why should a player be 'Magically' blocked due to the next zone on that path being available only through Cadwell's quests?

    I feel it should be open but with some indication that it is a different alliances area, the Cyrodill borders could be gated and guarded, with the guards warning it's off limits until (core) level 10.
    The cp160 level indicator for mobs could be removed, since apart from the lv 1 basic critters (rats, spiderlings, beetles, ancestor lizards, foxes, deer, cattle, etc.) all mobs would be cp160 so it will become redundant for mobs but not for players.

    It will go from being how powerful to how experienced a player with the skills, passives, gear and cp.
    But I agree that DLC scaling is horrible with a new character and low level gear, sadly most of the PTS testers were using former v16 or cp300 template characters with high end gear, skills and cp.

    My low level test character for the gold coast was permanently faceplanted by the Grand Sermonizer, so much so that if it was my first experience of ESO it would of been my last.
  • Slurg
    I ask ZOS to consider doing the following at a bare minimum when they scale all of the zones:

    1. Designate at least one zone as fixed for each tier and type of crafting material so people know where to go if they need to farm specific mats. Crafters need access to a wide variety of materials so they can craft for guild members and customers.
    2. Add some new content to the existing zones - maybe new tougher world bosses or expanding delves that haven't already been expanded - to give people more reasons to go back to them.
    3. Many people turn in writs at the Hollow City in Coldharbour with alts who haven't completed the main story. Please don't shut them out.
    Happy All the Holidays To You and Yours!
    Remembering better days of less RNG in all the things.
  • MornaBaine
    olsborg wrote: »
    WTB faction pride and patriotism, this, whilst mostly good news does kinda put a damper on that.

    Not at all really. If anything, it gives players a chance to roleplay their factions like never before. How boring when the only people you saw WERE IN YOUR FACTION! Now you can /bucketsplash someone and be all, "Take THAT you Dominion scum!" ;) I DO hope characters are tagged with their faction somehow...and on the other hand dread that because of all the really bad roleplayers out there who will metagame that to death.
    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

  • MornaBaine
    So were BARBERSHOP and HOUSING mentioned at all at this event???? Anyone know???
    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

  • Faulgor
    DDuke wrote: »
    Go kill mudcrabs in your level 5 zone with your max level, and tell me you don't feel stronger after progressing through the game (compared to a fresh low level).

    Possibly, but the game offers me no compelling reason to do so.

    My point was that the changes won't effect my sense of progression, as the character level didn't feel like the most important factor in determining my character's abilitites. It doesn't measure up to my ideal, but it also won't disturb my experience.

    Sure, if I had any say in it, we'd do away with all level penalties. A Mudcrab is a Mudcrab, a Flame Atronach is a Flame Atronach, and I get the same rewards from either of them regardless of my level. None of this beating Daedroth at level 3 nonsense, come back later when you're stronger. That's what I liked about Morrowind, and how I mostly enjoy any RPG. But there seems to be this unspoken rule these days that this is impossible in MMOs ...
    Alandrol Sul: He's making another Numidium?!?
    Vivec: Worse, buddy. They're buying it.
  • Jennifur_Vultee
    In a long history of bad ideas for this game this One Tamriel is probably one of the worst. Please do not do this. ESO was built on three alliances at war it should remain so or it breaks down any meaning in picking an alliance. What's next no alliance restrictions in Cyrodiil and no players killing players so nobody's feeling get hurt by being killed by another player in PVP? And Battle Leveling in every zone...there is nothing wrong with the leveling system as is. Please reconsider this its not good.
    Edited by Jennifur_Vultee on 13 June 2016 14:33
    "Whoever is careless with the truth in small matters cannot be trusted with important matters." – Albert Einstein

    Treat a customer fairly and they will remember you. Treat a customer poorly and they never forget.

    Imperial City: Zerg, gank or die.
  • Fukutsu
    In a long history of bad ideas for this game this One Tamriel is probably one of the worst. Please do not do this. ESO was built on three alliances at war it should remain so or it breaks down any meaning in picking an alliance. What's next no alliance restrictions in Cyrodiil and no players killing players so nobody's feeling get hurt by being killed by another player in PVP? And Battle Leveling in every zone...there is nothing wrong with the leveling system as is. Please reconsider this its not good.

    I agree with you. Maybe if Zos could explain how these changes will impact current players, I would be able to support One Tamriel. The idea of exploring the entire world is great, but I remain skeptical about whether or not Zos can pull it off without making me feel slighted.
  • Tiedän
    Turelus wrote: »
    Short little talk with a player in another thread but I wanted to quote our posts here in hopes they get some developer attention and maybe spark some creative ideas.
    keybaud wrote: »

    Thanks. I hope they put some work into making the world connect more as most zones only connect to each other via a single road and no other way.

    It would be nice with this if the made it truly open world, let people walk into zones by going over mountains or through caves rather than just a single road, or let people swim to a zone across the sea from them such as swimming from Auridon to Greenshade etc.

    I just think it would be awesome to be able to fully traverse the world without strict pathways and stuff, and I think maybe O Tamriel would be the perfect opportunity for it.

    I desperately hope they don't just open up Alliance Wayshrines at level 1 as it would simply not make any sense to new players, they need some narrative and behind it with some boats or something.

    If they do put any effort into the transition making tweaks and additions rater than just throwing the system out without changing zones and things to properly work with it I'll be happy.
    Turelus wrote: »
    I agree.

    I would really love to see some micro zones which are designed just for connecting the world. Have some content in them but the main purpose would be just to have some interesting ways of connecting each zone for the first time.

    Make it feel like leaving Morrowind and walking to Rivenspire for the first time actually feels like a long epic travel across the lands, where you can find new quests on the way (as you pass through Skyrim etc.)

    Some high mountain passes, underground caves etc. Also maybe just offer some boats at each port to connect things faster for players who want to move around quicker with a new character and not spend the time travelling.

    Sadly as fantastic as the above would be I am a little worried this will be done as you say and more of a open some shrines. As it would take less development time to achieve.

    This is what I'm talking about!

    I would love to eventually see this kind of freedom in the game; it'll make it feel even more like your classic Elder Scrolls game! One of the things that makes the Elder Scrolls series so appealing is the freedom to literally explore every nook and cranny of the in game world. I really do enjoy ESO, and deeply appreciate ZOS' commitment to keep trying to improve the user experience...but the current way in which zones are restricted can be a little jarring when it comes to world immersion. Maybe this update will fix some of this. I can understand being restricted from accessing a zone that doesn't exist yet or if you don't have the DLC yet, but it will just be awesome to someday be able to get on your horse and traverse from Stonefalls to Genumbra without the need to use the wayshrines. You could then group together with some friends and plan to explore the whole world, questing along the way to reach your final destination and everything. I can see improving the current ship system regarding immersion too; instead of boarding one dedicated ship to reach each alliance zone or DLC zone maybe you could board a ship at say Vulkhel Guard and choose a destination to any port city, if you have the DLC you would be able to sail to that zone as well. The wayshrine system could be utilized like 'fast traveling' was in Skyrim, but the option to explore the entire world on foot would be a welcomed addition to in game exploration.

    Just food for thought.
    Edited by Tiedän on 13 June 2016 14:58
    "Battle-Born is a name out of legend, sung in the songs of old and heard in deeds of valor for a hundred generations. 'For Clan Battle-Born!' they cry in the mead halls. 'First into the fray and last to quit their ale!'" - Olfrid Battle-Born
    PC/Mac - NA
    Thian Battle-Born - Nord Stamina DK DPS
    Alynu Dreth - Dunmer Magicka Sorcerer DPS
    Reeh-Jah Nisar - Argonian Stamina Nightblade DPS
    Eraldil Riverrun - Bosmer Stamina Warden DPS
    Tsavani Khanai - Khajit Magicka Templar DPS
    Laila The Huntress - Nord Stamina DK Tank
  • Royalty27
    Great change I have been wanting the idea of One Tamerial since launch. Some of my don't like the Daggerfall Covenant alliance (wirdeos) so this update will make it much easier to play with them.
  • Magenpie
    Have really wanted this since launch! DO LIKE! Thank you!

    Roll on Autumn. :)
  • Akrasjel
    Nothing about future DLCs :/
    [PC][EU][Daggerfall Covenant]
    Akrasjel Lanate - Imperial Nightblade | 50 | CP900+
    Born: 2E 551

    Member of: | Traders of the Covenant | Hammerfell Trading | Imperial Trading Company |
    Houses: Strident Springs Demesne,

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