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Official Discussion Thread for "Matt Firor's Message from BE3"

  • Drelkag
    Wow. This is what I always wanted out of ESO - to play with my friends and explore the world as we wanted.

    The update of my dreams.
    @drelkag on the NA server
  • kratier
    if only you could actually fix whats broken in your game before piling on more layers of crap. most the game still feels like its a beta or alpha still, quests are literally incomplete and impossible to finish still.
  • ElfFromSpace

    I have long suggested something similar to this, but did not expect the change to be so expansive!! I have posted threads asking for the zones from coldharbor up to be multi faction and also asking for tools to allow us to group with friends or family who aren't the same level as we are. It's difficult when you have to make a new character just to play with a friend who is new to the game and then you each have to try to not play more than the other to get out of sync.

    Is there a timeline? When can we expect this change? This might be enough to bring some of my friends that quit the game back. The post hints that it will be sometime in the fall?

    To answer some questions, the point of choosing a faction is for PVP which will still be faction specific.


    Will a new character on an old account immediately be able to farm CP160 gear?
    When it says that characters will be "Roped off" from coldharbor, what will happen to my low level characters that are currently parked in coldharbor for farming flowers and doing that level of writ?
    Will players still be able to get to any zone by traveling to player? Does this include Craglorn?
    Edited by ElfFromSpace on 13 June 2016 04:16
    Former GM Elder Scrolls Exchange
  • Paraflex
    This isn't even news. They are not adding any new content like dungeons,trials,Pvp instances,housing, or zones. What a joke to say this is news. Clearly they are focused on other projects because this is garbage for E3 and the players of the game.

    Your catering to casuals the games not that difficult and it's not even a cool feature.
    Hollykills CP 630 Templar Healer - Ad PS4 Warlord Rank

    Max Stam/Mag Dk
    Max Stam Sorc
    Max Stam/Mag NB

    Don't care to dps much so I heal.

  • Tiedän
    I get the PvE restriction removal, but what about removal of some of the physical barriers in the game? For example; Matt mentioned being able to walk across the map: will we literally be able to walk from Grahtwood and cross over to the Gold Coast (given we have the DLC) without getting slaughterfished? I mean the Coast is a stones throw away from Malabal Tor. Someone in the thread also brought up Craglorn which is another good point: will that remain a vet only zone, or will mobs be battle leveled to us there as well?
    Edited by Tiedän on 13 June 2016 04:17
    "Battle-Born is a name out of legend, sung in the songs of old and heard in deeds of valor for a hundred generations. 'For Clan Battle-Born!' they cry in the mead halls. 'First into the fray and last to quit their ale!'" - Olfrid Battle-Born
    PC/Mac - NA
    Thian Battle-Born - Nord Stamina DK DPS
    Alynu Dreth - Dunmer Magicka Sorcerer DPS
    Reeh-Jah Nisar - Argonian Stamina Nightblade DPS
    Eraldil Riverrun - Bosmer Stamina Warden DPS
    Tsavani Khanai - Khajit Magicka Templar DPS
    Laila The Huntress - Nord Stamina DK Tank
  • crystal_coppolab14_ESO
    I'm not sure how I feel about it. In some ways cool because maybe some of the zones I find dead, really have other people running around, just on other factions. Part of me thinks of how many lag issues we already have and I'd like to see that fixed first. On a side note, I do agree that some of the content in the game has become too easy. I miss needing multiple people to do world bosses, dolmens, and public dungeons. But, that's just me.

  • BenevolentBowd
    What does this mean for crafting?

    Will 99% of the business will soon be limited to making CP160 gear?
    Megaservers: PC NA (sometimes) / EU (sometimes) Xbox NA (mostly)
    Luxury Furniture Gallery [PC/NA]: Moon-Sugar Meadow, "Sharing My Notes With the World to Help Others"
    ESO Calendarmancer: (10+ timezones to choose from)
  • LaerothKeykalyn


    This is the official discussion thread for the blog article Matt Firor's Message from BE3. Read it for details about what Matt discussed at the Bethesda E3 Showcase, including OneTamriel!

    We will have much more information about upcoming updates and One Tamriel over the course of the summer and into the fall. Please stay tuned for more details, and until then, see you in Tamriel!


    What is the point then to go to the presentation, if there is nothing standing we do not know ?
  • Arato
    So.. this seems a compromise but honestly why even have character levels at this point.

    This game has advanceable skill lines and even individual skills have progression, and you have Champion points.

    What I'd do, and recommend, is change gear requirements from a character/champion level requirement, to a skill line requirement, and drop character levels all together. Drop the attribute points and instead beef up the amount of health/magicka/stamina given for champion points invested in lines to compensate, add the skill points that would be gained from leveling as quest rewards. Main storyline quests might give multiple skill points, as could guild quests, or you could give skill points at certain champion point thresholds, I don't know some way to fill out the skill points.

    Then for heavy armor, you can wear equipment of the materials that correspond to your heavy armor skill.

    0: Iron
    5: Steel
    10: Orichalcum
    15: Dwarven
    20: Ebony
    25: Calcite
    30: Galatite
    35: Quicksilver
    40: Voidsteel
    50: Rubedite

    Honestly, even that's a little messy, I'd have preferred it if it were:

    0: Iron
    15: Steel
    30: Orichalcum
    40: Dwarven
    50: Ebony

    But I guess you've already put out a ton of other tiers of materials despite them not fitting into what was already in the TES single player games so you make do.

    Anyway.. for 1h weapons either dual wielding or 1h and shield skill, shields obviously 1h and shield skill, destruction staffs, resto staffs, 2h's and bows all determined by their skill lines.
  • Blackfyre20
    This is news? This will affect me very little as a player and this is the big announcement? No new content mentioned at all in PVP or PVE? i guess I should know better than to expect more at this point
    Buff Soft Caps
  • Chillic
    This at least makes the direction of the game clear and makes unsubbing both accounts that much easier.
  • hrothbern
    Drelkag wrote: »
    Wow. This is what I always wanted out of ESO - to play with my friends and explore the world as we wanted.

    The update of my dreams.


    awesome improvement <3

    Next one the difficulty slider ?

    If you can handle this, the difficulty slider is "just" an extension.....

    please :)

    Edited by hrothbern on 13 June 2016 05:22
    "I still do not understand why I followed the advice of Captain Rana to bring the villagers of Bleakrock into safety. We should have fought for our village and not have backed down, with our tail between our legs. Now my home village is in shambles, the houses burning, the invaders feasting.I swear every day to Shor that after Molag Bal has been defeated, I will hunt down the invaders and restore peace in Bleakrock and drink my mead with my friends at the market place".PC-EU
  • Ronin37
    This is a good change. In the Secret World factions can group together so its not a new concept. Plus the whole world is now open. I hope they are looking adding more sand to the box to play with like Spell crafting or housing. Lets try to be positive about this at least.
  • NativeJoe
    All I got from this was...

    PVE'ers did you feel left out of the cyrodil lag issues? Did you feel like you never understood the QQ of your fellow guild mates?

    WELL... Don't feel left out Anymore! we're bringing the Cyrodil issues to you! Coming this fall!

    Now don't get me wrong. I love the ideas of grouping up and doing stuff with cross faction members. But I think the instance idea would have worked better, IE group wayshrines to Party leaders faction instance verses everyone on the same thing.

    As for the leveling system being added to everywhere. Sure why not. Since I hit v14 I havn't been back to ANYWHERE not end game besides stormhaven for pledges lol... So I guess that makes the content and quests relevant to me I approve.

    But bringing cyrodil issues and Node scarcity...and having to deal with AOE lag spamming people at wayshrines that other factions talk about (doesn't happen with dc atleast) .... I'm not to keen to join these less mature populations. .... that and Zone chat... With everyone in the same zone chat.... it's going to be scrolling fast, probably be unreadable...and when you stop the spinning it's prolly going to contain more trolls then "barrens chat" did in days gone by.

    I guess farm up now. ur not going to be able to later x.x
    650cp+ Sorcerer 100+ days /played
    Broken'Stick North American Server
  • NativeJoe
    Arato wrote: »
    So.. this seems a compromise but honestly why even have character levels at this point.

    This game has advanceable skill lines and even individual skills have progression, and you have Champion points.

    What I'd do, and recommend, is change gear requirements from a character/champion level requirement, to a skill line requirement, and drop character levels all together. Drop the attribute points and instead beef up the amount of health/magicka/stamina given for champion points invested in lines to compensate, add the skill points that would be gained from leveling as quest rewards. Main storyline quests might give multiple skill points, as could guild quests, or you could give skill points at certain champion point thresholds, I don't know some way to fill out the skill points.

    Then for heavy armor, you can wear equipment of the materials that correspond to your heavy armor skill.

    0: Iron
    5: Steel
    10: Orichalcum
    15: Dwarven
    20: Ebony
    25: Calcite
    30: Galatite
    35: Quicksilver
    40: Voidsteel
    50: Rubedite

    Honestly, even that's a little messy, I'd have preferred it if it were:

    0: Iron
    15: Steel
    30: Orichalcum
    40: Dwarven
    50: Ebony

    But I guess you've already put out a ton of other tiers of materials despite them not fitting into what was already in the TES single player games so you make do.

    Anyway.. for 1h weapons either dual wielding or 1h and shield skill, shields obviously 1h and shield skill, destruction staffs, resto staffs, 2h's and bows all determined by their skill lines.

    I have a problem with dwarven nodes.... like alot of issues with it. x.x Atleast make them look like a crashed centurion or a pile of gears...
    650cp+ Sorcerer 100+ days /played
    Broken'Stick North American Server
  • LadyNalcarya
    This is a very nice concept, but what about new content?
    Of course, scaling will make the game more friendly for new players, but a lot of players have completed all the old zones multiple times already...
    Dro-m'Athra Destroyer | Divayth Fyr's Coadjutor | Voice of Reason

  • TheValkyn
    You wasted over an hour of my time this weekend.
  • Shunravi
    Hey look! more things that should have been there since launch.
    This one has an eloquent and well thought out response to tha... Ooh sweetroll!
  • Preyfar
    What is the point then to go to the presentation, if there is nothing standing we do not know ?
    The entire presentation left me with a lot of questions. Is this just rescaling old zones? Will there be new quests, faction specific? Will there be additional updates to older zones (adding world bosses that are interesting and rise up to the new standards set in the DLC).

    I'm both excited, but really curious. I don't want to be Daggerfall, go to another zone, and end up having to kill my own faction (again). I was okay with it in the Cadwell quests, but if it's open world it's not quite to mesh quite as well.

  • Shazgob
    Faunter wrote: »


    I love you.
    <Malacath's Trousers>
    Guild Master and Trouser King
    -Veteran Maw of Lorkhaj: 50,000+

    Champion Rank - 700
    50 StamsOrc Flawless Conqueror and Master Angler
    50 Altmer Healplar
    50 Argonian Stamblade Ganker
    50 Breton Magicka Nightblade DPS
    50 Bosmer Stamina Templar DPS
    50 Khajiit Dragonknight DPS
  • JasonConstantine
    OK so how does this affect DLC? Do we still need to purchase them in order to access the content or are they just dumping the DLC stuff, making it free and telling everyone who purchased it .... "Oh Well These Things Happen"....
  • Van_0S
    Shunravi wrote: »
    Hey look! more things that should have been there since launch.

    Very true and i agree with you!
  • Mureel
    The worst about it is more bots and gold farmers all over the place farming. At least once upon a time they were confined to starter areas because mobs anywhere else would one shot them.

    Make everything harder. It's way too easy.
  • Brrrofski
    This game is getting turned into a "new customer only" type of thing. Nobody who's already playing really cares about this.

    Even people who like questing shouldn't, the story won't make any sense if you don't do it in the right order.

    Will factions be instanced? Or can I be in a zone and yellows and reds will be? I didn't see that in the announcement, but people in Thai thread seem to think so...

    Nothing for us who have already played this game for a while.
    Edited by Brrrofski on 13 June 2016 06:39
  • Arato
    NativeJoe wrote: »
    I have a problem with dwarven nodes.... like alot of issues with it. x.x Atleast make them look like a crashed centurion or a pile of gears...

    This is a good point. Instead of mining dwarven nodes, you'd smelt down dwemer metal scraps from automatons in Dwemer ruins, like in Skyrim.

    0: Iron (mined)
    10: Steel (use iron with coal to make steel ingots, both iron and coal can be mined)
    20: Orichalcum (mined)
    30: Dwarven (smelted from scraps from dwemer automatons and found in pots in dwemer ruins)
    40: Elven (mined quicksilver since moonstone is a style stone)
    50: Ebony (mined)

    Having a system without any levels involved (aside from skill levels) you can also undo the ridiculous themepark MMO staple of making it so that you can only apparently find iron in low level zones, I mean suddenly you get to Malabal Tor and there's no Iron? I'm not buying it, Iron is common all over the world.

    For wood, I'd take the maple, ash, oak, hickory, yew

    maple obviously the bottom cause it's not really a suitable wood for bows, oak and hickory are really strong woods, and while Yew is a softwood, it's legendary in the use for the English longbow. Birch and Beech I just don't see as very suitable for woodworking.

    Cloth: Jute, Flax, Cotton, all gathered from plants, but then Spidersilk is taken from spiders and spider eggsacks in caves, and I'm not sure what'd be the 5th light material, wool maybe as like a tier 3 or 4 material but sheep aren't all that common and not really available for looting. I don't really like the other fibers currently in game because they're not real or in the TES single player games so it's just making something up but I suppose that's what they'd have to do.

    Leather.. all animals just drop "hide" it's how you process it that would alter it that'd affect the tier of gear.

    Rawhide (just drying the hide), Leather (tanning), Boiled Leather (tanning then boiling), Studded Leather (boiled leather with iron ingots), not sure about the last tier. But either way, just a more interesting way of doing things in a levelless system I think

    All a pipe dream of course, they're too far down the themepark path to make the game feel more living and breathing like that.
  • TheValkyn
    OK so how does this affect DLC? Do we still need to purchase them in order to access the content or are they just dumping the DLC stuff, making it free and telling everyone who purchased it .... "Oh Well These Things Happen"....

    They didn't say anything about DLC.
  • bloodenragedb14_ESO
    so they just decided "you know the lag thats in cyrodiil? lets bring that to every single zone!"

    edit: dont get me wrong, i like the idea behind it, but its going to be hell for at least a year after they implement it
    Edited by bloodenragedb14_ESO on 13 June 2016 06:49
  • Solid_Metal
    so...this means i can meet my friends from other alliance?, or just simply i can play on other alliance area at low level but still at different phase than those original alliance member?
    "i will walk through the fog, as i welcome death"
  • Lunachik
    I truly envy newer players right now. Since early beta a lot of us had wished for this type of format. Now with the Thieves Guild and Dark Brotherhood finally in the game as well, it really feels like an Elder Scrolls game. This change will help cement that, and I'm very excited. Even though I have played through all the current zones and dlc, I look forward to playing new content in the new format.
    **Mara's Moxie * The Sidekick Order * Azura's Guidance *Hallowed Holes of Tamriel **
  • Dhukath
    So is this a reason to go back and complete any quests in lower level zones as with 'battle-levelling' all xp gains will now count towards CP i.e. currently only xp from quests as over levelled 50 in a 10 zone, in the future xp from mobs, quests dolmens etc.
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