ESO Live - Ask Us Anything!

Maintenance for the week of March 24:
· [COMPLETE] Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – March 26, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
· [COMPLETE] Playstation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – March 26, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
  • Enodoc
    [Can't remember if this has been asked/answered already or not... sorry!]
    Given that:
    There will absolutely be numerous useful updates to the console UI, and some of the updates are based on popular PC add-ons. For example, a lot of the functionality in the "Loot Drops" mod is a part of the console UI by default. There are others add-ons we have drawn inspiration from as well, but I'm calling this one out specifically because I really like it.
    Will some of these popular add-ons that are being implemented by default into the console UI also be added as options on the PC UI without the add-ons? Can you give a list of these new features that the Console UI will be including? (Mr The Konk has already mentioned the functionality of LootDrop.)
    Edited by Enodoc on 12 March 2015 14:08
    UESP: The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages - A collaborative source for all knowledge on the Elder Scrolls series since 1995
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  • Albin_003
    1. What is the most requested future things to be added to the game?
    2. Can we see player housing in-game in 2015, it's a really requested feature
    3. approximately how many new features are we going to see in the "crown store" yearly?

    Thanks for doing an awesome game!! <3
  • dafox187
    heres a list of things I have had since launch [keep in mind some of them have been fulfilled all ready so thats why some numbers are missing ] racing with betting at differt set aside areas
    5. fighting vanity pets and vanity humanoid npcs [like companions in skyrim and other games]
    6. houses with storage and farms for crafting
    7. visible jewelry
    9.more naval quests [im not much into lore but if possible piracy]
    12. jail for justice system that you can escape from with a quest
    10.fix all the really bad bugs
    and here are to list from one of my suggestion discussions

    - When we select an ability to morph it would be nice to know if we have already morphed one ability or both and by how much. I have trained and re-trained so many times I have lost track of what I have leveled up. This should not be a guessing game! Please include either a mouse over or include where the current morphs are in the morph window.

    - When we search for something from vendor to vendor ALLOW us to carry over the same search parameters. Do you know how tedious it is to have to select the same list of things over and over and over?

    - I'm sorry but drinks are STILL pretty worthless and have not been "brought in line" with food, as you claim. the values would need to be 2-3 times higher for people to even consider them. (currently the V10 version is, by live conversion +14 instead of 8)

    - Allow us to change the order of our character roster! Would be nice if my most active character was at the top.

    - You turn my rare pepper old and provide me with no other rare equivalent like Tomatoes or Oats? That is just plain wrong. If anything it should be turned into Frost Mirriam.

    - The CP award of 70 for V14s (which really means 33-34 pts per area) is still WAY below what we need even come close to what you took away and locked behind a CP point wall. This number needs to be closer to 70 PER area for a total of 210. I'm not even sure that would do it considering diminishing returns but it would be a start.

    - Put those unique trophy items we all got from quests into the collection section. I would like ot use them occasionally but they take up so much space I have had to put them elsewhere.

    - Allow us to break down jewelry.

    1 - Fix the infinite loading bugs while you are in a group
    2 - Convert the silver and gold key from daily pledge to a token system with a NCP that barther the tokens.
    Could use a conversion ratio of 10 Silver > 1 Gold token ; 10 Gold for an item you select from the NPC.
    Tokens could drop in trials and DSA & VDSA as in the dailies.
    3 - Fix the leader bug that is still around
    4 - add a buff/debuff to any PvP map so you can balance PvP without impacting PvE and could even buff if your side is underpopulated VS another side.
    5 - make the mobs roam around a little from their respawn position.
    6 - Add a grind spot you want us to do. so you dont have to nerf every spot ppl will use in the near future for CP.
    7 - At the end of the Gold Cadwell add a special quest that enable someone to change to the others factions if he want to. like a one time quest you can take to change with big RED flashing notice.
    8 - add a racial change in the store or as a quest.
    9 - Housing per account or for a guild, with a shared storage container and craft stations.
    10 - Put a dummy in at least one town for DPS testing.
    11 - Add some kind of Epic rare mob with tons of healt that you have to be 12 or more to kill. like a big monster or trial boss in the middle of every zone with a marker on it. could also be roaming and with a low respawn rate.
    12 - put a wayshrine at the entrance of DSA.
    these were on but i dont argree with them all just wanted to show them

    don't get mad at my spelling, autocorrect doesn't cover fantasy.
    Why couldn't the Khajiit go to the party? She had to be Elsweyr.
  • yodased
    Are you freaked out you are doing this on Friday 13th and your game is so broken?
    Tl;dr really weigh the fun you have in game vs the business practices you are supporting.
  • Esha76
    I have two questions i know others are curious about.

    1) Obviously Tamriel Unlimited, and console launch, are the current immediate priorities. However some of us had an impression the the writs for Master (Equipment) crafters were going to be updated for completed soon. Is that still the plan? Also can you provide any kind of hopeful time frame such an update would be implemented?

    2) As knowledgeable community members have already clarified this, I do not recall seeing ZOS having an official word. I am just hoping the words can come directly from you to the community via the Live show to help alleviate some angst and hostility at dark anchors: Can you officially deny (or confirm should that be the case) that leaving pinions up at Dark Anchors increases the chance of a daedric general to spawn? Forgive me if this has been previously confirmed or denied by ZOS.

    Thank you very much for your time
    "There is no moisture in your angry stares." - Laughs-at-All
    "I don't know why I bother guarding you horrible people." - Orama Sadas
    "Scales here is about to have a really bad day..." - Valeric
    "Just tell me what you're doing here before I turn your heart into a tomato..." - Sereyne
    "Break those rocks! Dig those ditches! Why??? Because I want you to!!!" - Ifriz the Unraveller
    "There are worse masters than I. Far worse." - Molag Bal
    "I humiliated the Daedra in Mehrunes Spite." - You, when turning in a specific Undaunted Daily.
    "I'm not finding you very pleasant!" - Adla the Brewer
    "Old Ri'hirr likes his birds slow and stupid!" - Old Ri'hirr
    "When things get dirty... Oh, I get so flustered." - Meredil the Archivist
    "Too many Argonians about these days..." - Davon's Watch Guard (though I think this one has been removed from game)
  • Vizeroh
    I'm here to ask the hard questions.

    1) Many people experience horrible lag, random black screen crashes, random locks up, or otherwise just completely random crashing with ESO, which after much time is not on their end, and clearly part of the many patches in which ESO has applied to the client. Which is usually always brushed off to the users end. Server stability and client stability should be number 1 in any MMO, let alone one that has mentioned many times that they are able to show many players on one screen, and when asked about the lag that could come with that, the answer was, our systems are the best to handle this. Why hasn't these issues been addressed further, and been fixed properly?
    Venatus - Officer
  • Soulac
    Can we expect to see some changes at toggle abilitys like they're only needed to slot on one bar instead both.
    Also if you got a toggle ability on one bar right now it deactivates itself if you swap weapons and stays deactivated if you swap back.
    How about it saves the state and reactivates itself again if you swap back to the bar?
    Is anything like that planned or are Sorcs forced to play with 3 Slots less?
    Edited by Soulac on 13 March 2015 12:28
    R.I.P Dawnbreaker / Auriel´s Bow
    Member of the Arena Guild and the overpowered Banana Squad.
    Nathaerizh aka Cat - Nightblade V16 - EU

    - Meow -
  • Aldmera
    1."Solo instance difficulty easing now begins after your first death. We have also increased the velocity of easing in response to repeated deaths." - Patch Notes v1.6.5
    Are there any plans to make Solo scaling due to death an optional thing (Like a toggle yes/no to scaling option in the Gameplay Combat settings)? As the development of this has reached the point where it starts scaling after the 1st death, I for one would like to say, sometimes I just rush in without realizing I am fighting a boss, or before all my pools have refilled, or not realizing all my gear is at 0 durability, OR I just do something wrong, that I know I did, and could fix, AND would love the chance to retry the fight without the enemy(s) suddenly being nerfed.

    2. With regular gold (Septims, as some refer to them), the Crown Store opening in 4 days for the use of Crowns, the Champion System with its Champion Points, and the Cyrodiil having Alliance Points, is there any future plan to make Achievement Points a thing that can be spent in some way? I appreciate that with a few of them there are dyes and/or titles associated with the completion, but what is the POINT of the POINTS?

    3. For the achievements, is there any plan to add more titles, such as a Master Blacksmith/Woodworker/Alchemist/etc.. title once you reach rank 50 in a profession, or something like Hoarder for completing all the General Trophy achievements? The titles of a lot of the achievements would make good titles for a player, and would add more a more unique feel to each player instead of everyone just running around with their Alliance's "Hero" title, or their Cyrodiil rank.
  • AriBoh
    Why do you allow shield stacking?
    Agreed. Whoever came up with the design should be shot in the foot and only admitted to hospital when he manages to find 3 other people willing to maim themselves the same way in order to accompany him.

    ZOS_AmeliaR admin
    Ultimately, any method of entering an enemy keep without breaking down the door is considered an exploit. Thanks for checking!

    "I used to be a healer once, but then I took a Wrobel to the knee"
  • Erock25
    Here are my questions for today's Ask Us Anything:

    1. Is there any idea of when a developer will start making decisions on the future of Stamina Sorcerers? I know specific dates are tricky with something like this, but is it something they're working on now or is it on the schedule for after the Tamriel Unlimited dust settles?

    2. Is the option of purchasing or allowing us to have a race change any closer to reality? You've mentioned a few times now that this was a much asked for option, and especially since 1.6 where certain builds have changed, I hope you are more seriously looking into adding this to the game.
    You earned the 500 LOLs badge.
    You received 500 LOLs. It ain't no fluke, you post great stuff and we're lucky to have you here. +50 points
  • exiledtyrant
    1. Will attack speed from the weighted trait be taken away and will attack speed buffs return in other forms?
    I think attack speed implemented the right way could offer more build choice for people who want sustained physical on hit builds that have more than bleed to rely on.

    2. Has consolidating the sorcerer skill lines into utility ( daedric summoning), crowd control ( dark magic), and damage (storm calling) instead of giving each tree a little bit of each ever been considered?
    I would personally just like to see more focused skill lines.
    If all are brethren
    How could my hands not tremble
    As breath fled my prey?

    What blinds my vision?
    My hands are tools; it must be
    The haze of blossoms

    -Salous the Penitent
  • b92303008rwb17_ESO
    Is there currently any plan to make some adjustments to the visual effects of sorcerer ability Bound Armor? If toggling this ability consumes all costumes or gears, why bother creating or using them?
  • SturgeHammer
    Today Paul Sage said there may be changes coming to Cyrodill to encourage players to spit up and take on multiple objectives, as opposed to everyone piling up in one location. Is there any info you can provide us about what measures may be taken to address this?
    First-in-Line - Swings-for-Lethal
    Green-Thumb - Scale-Factor
    Hist-Tree-Major - A-Late-One
    Needs-Some-Help - Dead-Last
  • rdiaz3834
    Soul Shriven
    I was really excited for this game when it was announced but it did not turn out as good as I thought it would in addition to that the game was very expencive. I haven't been on in months since its release, however; I would continue to play if I can transfer my game to ps4 so that I could play with friends who will purchase this game for that console. Is that possible?
  • phreatophile
    Something changed with conal AOE's with 1.6.

    They used to center where the recticle was pointed. Or rather our character rotates to the direction we are aiming. Given that the recticle is our aiming device, that made sense.

    Now, they fire off wherever the character is facing. I wasted a lot of attacks into thin air.

    Is this intentional? or a bug? If a bug how soon will targeting functionality be restored
  • Tanis-Stormbinder
    No link to your Twitch channel on your ESO LIVE’S NEXT EPISODE: 3/13 post!
  • Wratun
    Soul Shriven
    Can we expect to see "enforcers" for the justice system later on? and if so, will the achievements in the justice system have a dual nature (if you choose to become an enforcer, the achievements you can earn are the same as if you chose to become a theif) this way you could earn the same amount of achievements as a thief, without ever thieving.
    Wratun - PC - EU - Aldmeri Dominion - Templar.
    Wratun Dreloth - PC - EU - Ebonheart Pact - Sorcerer.
  • linoge63
    I am about as green as green can get here, ; but i am wondering is there a way to repair items besides buying repair kits?

    If there is an ability that opens up later in my crafting development line then cool. If not, it seems counter intuitive that we can create, and extract and improve armor and weapons but cannot repair it by our own hands.

    Cheers and ...btw this game...(setting aside the lag issues lately) is awesome.

  • hazune
    you are going to enter, Capes as costume as it is shown in the official movies?
    Polska Gildia - Ebonheart pact
  • bg22
    One request... And I don't imagine it would be a huge problem to fix. Increase the visual size of the shields. This bugs me more than anything! They're absolutely tiny... Every time I see one I think "Did not a single developer look into actual shield sized when this game was created?".

  • Shadow
    one request I have for the current state of the werewolf ultimate.

    I feel and I know a lot of players out there would agree with me in the fact that the werewolf form should be a toggle. There seems to be so much work put into the werewolf skill line for it last for such a little amount of time and the amount of skill points we have to invest into the skill line to master it makes it more of an actual class and playstyle rather than what it is.

    Sure, if you're in constant combat you can sustain the form indefinitely but I found a major issue with that is I cant take the time out of grinding mobs to maintain the form to loot chests, barrels, etc. or talk to NPCs without skipping all dialogue just so that I can run back into battle so I don't lose the transformation. I cant exit dungeons nor look at my skills long because the timer still counts down while doing this. The form doesn't make you op in any way, and can still be killed with relative ease in PVP and having no range attack other than pounce and being melee and so stamina dependent can be weaknesses in themselves and with the poison damage taken along with the fighters guild perks, a werewolf is an easy target. It could easily be made where the transformation would still occupy the ultimate slot but be a toggle so you can transform at will.

    In PVP you can still be caught off guard if your not in werewolf form as it takes time to transform and in some cases you could be killed before making it to your wolf form. You could even make the werewolf negatives affect your human form as well as your wolf form to help any issues with balance that you may see, which I believe they should if this ability is to be a toggle. Not only from a combat standpoint but any RPers out there that would like to add a werewolf element to their RP cant fully do that due to the fact that your form doesn't last for long at all. With the werewolves current damage, a toggle form would be perfect and I don't see how it would be op in any aspect of the game. You would have to rework feral pounce morph, pack leader morph and a couple passives but none of that seems out of perspective.

    I would love to see my werewolf form become part of my playstyle rather than a DPS buff every now and then for a very short amount of time. Only other issue I can see with using this ability as a toggle is that you would have to be able to gain weapon and armor levels while changed which again I don't see that being a complicated change.
  • Samadhi
    When will Legerdemain tasks like pickpocketing, successful steals, and selling to a Fence generate experience/veteran experience/champion experience for characters?
    The skill line is great, but it feels rather divorced from the rest of character development.
    Currently taking the time to level up Legerdemain means outright sacrificing experience gain in all other aspects of character development, and the generation of a Bounty makes it difficult to quest in some areas. Playing under the Thief archetype is both higher risk and lower reward than playing under the Warrior or Mage archetypes.

    Would really like to level up as a Thief archetype like in previous games; however, currently the Justice System (which is itself great!) feels very tacked on to the rest of game content rather than a meaningful playstyle choice.
    My character can level up playing as a Warrior or a Mage; will we see options to level up as a character playing as a Thief?
    The inclusion of the Thief aspect within the Champion System suggests that this playstyle is meant to be a meaningful option for character development, but the current implementation unfortunately does not reflect that.
    Edited by Samadhi on 14 March 2015 06:31
    "If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion." -- the 14th Dalai Lama
    Wisdom is doing Now that which benefits you later.
  • StrangerFull
    Will there be a future opportunity to have 2 different builds at the same time? One for PvE and one for PvP. It would be nice to have that opportunity. For example, for PvE I need skill Eruption, but for PvP Cinder Storm, but at the same time have them I can not.
  • Soulac

    could we get an overview of the Q&A yesterday? :)
    R.I.P Dawnbreaker / Auriel´s Bow
    Member of the Arena Guild and the overpowered Banana Squad.
    Nathaerizh aka Cat - Nightblade V16 - EU

    - Meow -
  • Valn
    Q.Why were the non-revealing male Redguard armors changed with the 1.6 "ready for war" update? They were not revealing in any way. Redguard heavy armor legs are now less protective than they were before because they are leather and no longer plate.

    A. Changing the plate on the tie to reinforce leather rather than metal is a small element in the overall design, which now has much better details, improving mapping and cleaner texture projections, but the intent is that the Redguard utilizes a mix of both metal and leather in their heavy armor resulting in an overall lighter look. Historically the Redguards are sword masters and we imagine them being more agile looking and not fully encased in metal from head to toe like a medieval knight. It is possible there are metal plates soon into the leg piece for added protection.

    Q. Could we see the return of the original Redguard and Orc armor styles. They were beloved by players and not having them at all is a real shame

    A. We do not have plans to revert to the old armor styles. With all of the updates to the game in update 6 as well as preparing for console launch, we really wanted to take the opportunity to update some of the very first armor sets that we did for the game. We simply felt that the texture details and the execution of the assets really wasn't up to the quality level of work that we did later on in the game. The only asset that we changed to address the revealing armor issue was the boob window, found on the Orc female heavy armor, which was supposed to be fixed prior to launch but we just didn't get around to it. The female Redguard armor changed because we no longer created custom female torsos for armor sets. Rather we typically use the male torso piece to fit the female with some anatomical changes where they were necessary. When we updated the Redguard armors, the overall look changed and we lost some of the pieces. No offense was really intended and we recognized that this kind of disappointed some of you. We aren't really planning on changing any additional armors that exist in the game, but we are discussing options for new clothing designs that can be added to clothing styles found in the game, and also looking into some fashionable options for the crown store. We have been following the discussion about all of these changes and we are going to use that as feedback to kind of inform other decisions about armor and clothing styles moving forward.

    Q. All the Elder Scrolls games since Daggerfall had a great amount of diversity in architectural styles even within one nation, e.g. Daggerfall and Wayrest had some differences in the architecture especially noticeable while looking at the palaces. I'm not speaking about Morrowind where every Dunmer Great House had its own individual manner of building. And even in TES IV each major city had its own architectural style. Is there even a small possibility that the existing locations in the ESO would be reworked to reflect individuality of the major cities, allowing us to see the differences between Colovians and Nibenese, Hlaalu and Redoran, The Crowns and the Forebears in their architecture? Will we ever experience the difference in the housing styles of different Skyrim holds? I understand that it requires a great amount of work, but I still hope to see that in game.

    A. We do have Nibenese architecture that is completely different from the Colovian one but we do understand the point. The problem is that this game is just huge and it represents multiple cultural areas, more than any other single player game of the Elder Scrolls series. Every race has a set of architecture, of props, of biome, surroundings and so on, just to support the culture. We would like to make every city with unique architecture, but it's not possible with the budget and the time that we have. We have no plans to go back to revise existing cities. However as we build new areas for example Orcinium that's coming up soon, we are creating new architecture sets. Our team has already designed and modeled full architecture sets for other areas that we are going to be announcing soon.

    Q. Any possibility of adding the option to hide your shoulder pads like you can with the helmet?

    A. That is an interesting idea but we have no plans to do that right now.

    Q. Many MMO's I have played in the recent past do not make "mid way character changes" like ESO has. Why were not many of these character changes done prior to release or very early in release.

    A. You might not believe us but nerfing abilities is not our favorite waste of time. We tried to do it as little as possible, sometimes it's just necessary for the game as a whole to be more fun. For example if an ability does 100% more damage than it should, it's a lot of fun for the people who use it, and they just deal an insane amount of damage, but in the end it limits the choices of the people and it's not so much for the players just encountering these abilities. One of our goals with update 6 was to increase the build diversity so you are not forced to pick this one ability to be able to hold your ground. We did this by buffing a lot of the less popular skills and by giving stamina builds a few morphs from the class ability trees. Our game is a persistent world that's constantly evolving and changing as we add new content and as players change the way we play. Our goal going forward remains to make nerfs as small and as painless as possible, while buffing less powerful abilities at the same time.

    Q. On ESO Live a week and a half ago Eric said the Global Cool Down on the Templar Focused Charge was a bug, and that it would be entirely removed. Is this no longer the case? Because the patch notes say that the GCD has only been 'slightly reduced'.

    A This was actually done to help with the issue, but the bug did still remain. We are working on a fix to make that ability feel a little more responsive.

    Q. Can you please confirm if the weapon crit that replaced spell crit on the Burning Spellweave set from vet City of Ash is a bug ?

    A. Yes it is a big and it's going to be fixed in the next incemental patch .

    Q. Will be there new delve updates?

    A. We do still have a few remaining delves that never got the update original when we were going thorough, we would like to update it but honestly there is no guarantees at this point.

    Q. I would like to request that the solo dungeons be made individual instances. It is tiring to enter a solo dungeon and have players 3x the level of the dungeon run past you and train all the dungeon mobs with them and kill them all in a central location leaving nothing in their wake. I know other MMORPGs that have made this adjustment.

    A. This is something we have debated a lot amongst the teams, there are pros and cons to each side of the discussion, but ultimately we choose to keep these as public spaces where you can run into other players or bring a friend to help. After all it's an MMO and we want you to meet other people. We currently do not have plans to turn them into solo only experiences.

    Q. Do you have plans to rearrange towns in DC and EP areas to compete with Rawl'kha which has the Bank, Gild Vendors, Wayshrine, Writ Quest turn in, Crafting stations, and now the theives guild all right on top of each other?

    A. We don't have any plans to revisit town layouts, each zone has at least one "main town" that has all of the servies available, including the outlaws refuge. It might be easier to access some servies in some of the other towns and in our view thats okay.

    Q. Concerning mounts, I had horses with each possible adornment, bags, armor and the leather straps. How can I control what gear will show on my horses, tigers, guars, etc?

    A. This is something we would like to do as players have lost some ability to customize their mount experiences as a result of the mount conversion system now, but we have no immediate timeline for it.

    Q. Why do we earn the same amount of experience points in a normal dungeon than in a veteran one, such as DSA? Experience earned in raids is ridiculous compared to the ones we earn in dungeons and it's very disturbing because completing and cleaning a raid is far more difficult and demanding, will it change in the future?

    A. We completely agree with you, we are actively investigating increasing experience gains in trials and in dungeons and Cyrodiil. We hope to have some good news on this front, possibly next week.

    Q. Why do we earn so little experience in Cyrodiil, for pvp oriented players that do not have any interest in cleaning dungeons. It is frustrating and extremely slow to gain champion points

    A. We have to be careful with experience gains in Cyrodiil because players can control PVP oriented gains by agreeing to kill one another, we have to strike a balance between motivation and incentivizing players to cheat the system. Therefore when we do add a percentage to the gains, we have to do it slowly and watch player behavior. We are looking into it.

    Q. Would you consider making characters on the same alliance sharing their rank or AP. Alliance ranks take an extremely long time to level. It would make leveling an alt character far less painful and with all the new Alliance skills and passive this rank is even more important.

    A. Alliance ranks are meant to take a long time to level, that was initially the goal with them. The purpose is to have long term goals for repeatable gameplay in Cyrodiil.
    Edited by Valn on 14 March 2015 16:41
  • Valn
    my fingers hurt
  • Soulac
    Valn wrote: »
    my fingers hurt

    thank you buddy!
    R.I.P Dawnbreaker / Auriel´s Bow
    Member of the Arena Guild and the overpowered Banana Squad.
    Nathaerizh aka Cat - Nightblade V16 - EU

    - Meow -
  • AshTal
    Thanks for typing that up. Pity so much of the time was taken up on fluff - but that seems to be what they like to answer.

    My questions.

    1) You seem to have misunderstood the previous Question on Alliance rank. We are all aware that for a normal player, playing a few hours a week Alliance ranks take years to get. The request is to make them account wide so players can play alts not be forced to take the same character every day because otherwise their ranks are split across multiple characters and they are at a disadvantage?

    2) When will Racial skills be corrected so that they are equally powerful, currently it is very easy to spot the best races and the worse. I also am aware that the Imperial was designed to have the most powerful racial so we all bought the imperial addition. However the vast amount of money from people willing to do this must have been gained. If you intend to sell this uber race in the crown shop will we still other pay to win options I can purchase if I don't want to play an Imperial?

    3) Are there any plans to improve/remove Cadwell's Silver and Gold quests. Currently this seems the only viable method of getting a character to vet 11, currently I play it while watching TV with the sound off and just run to each marker. I was bored the first time through as it made no sense my Pact Member was helping the other alliances, the second play through is just complete boredom. I am dreading the third for my third alt.
  • LegacyDM
    I have one question and it's probably been asked a hundred times in the last few days based off Paul sages post.

    When will megaserver work in cyrodil as advertised and hyped?

    I've been a loyal paying customer since the game was released and there appears to be nothing done to fix the lag, except the bandaid fix of removing torchbugs, deer, and suggesting that the players split off and do different things other than siege. (Even though there isn't much other sustainable things to do.) as an investor, I recommend you fix your game breaking foundational problems before spending clock cycles on cosmetic and or uneeded game designs. If these foundational problems persist, this game will go the way of other mmorpgs in the past 7 years that faded off into the ether.

    Get your priorities straight and fix this one thing before b2p new comers realize they have been dupped into one of the biggest false advertising ponzie schemes ever seen in the history of AAA mmorpg gaming.
    Legacy of Kain
    Vicious Carnage
    ¥ampire Lord of the South
  • Shadow
    I have a question and I know for a fact that it has been asked and stated a lot with hundreds of people that agree and want to know the same thing.

    Is there any hope in getting the time spent in werewolf form looked at? I don't just mean for staying in combat to sustain it. I mean turning the ultimate into a toggle and allowing us to transform at will and remain in wolf form while outside of combat, running around tamriel, turning in quests and exploring/looting while still being able to remain in beast form.
This discussion has been closed.