autumnrheaub17_ESO wrote: »Why...why...why??? Why did you create such caos with update6?....there are thieves and killers everywhere.!! What prompted you to create a game where innocent people are victims and are viciously attacked, stolen from, and unarmed only to be killed for rewards to a player? The rewards of provisioning was hard work and time consuming, so you turned that into a player having to steal? It makes absolutely no sense...I could uderstand having a thief guild where players could work toward a criminal game play or criminal quests, but to unleash total havoc and insanity has made the gameplay ridiculous, there is no reward for those with integrity, just massive amounts of goons crouched, pickpocketing, and killing townspeople, then running so they don't get caught...guards running after running thieves??? What were you thinking? or maybe not realizing there were alot more important issues within the game that should have been addressed instead...such as grouping issues for dungeons, Cyrodil wayshrine travel issues, ranking combat issues in Cyrodil..... you've seriously unleashed a whole lower level of human behaviour lacking the integrity and honor that first made the game the best ever.... it's very disturbing~
Adambomb1200 wrote: »Is is possible to add sometime to where we can do daily quests from the Fighters Guild or Mages Guild like in Skyrim to where you can go and help an NPC with a problem like for example "I have a bunch of rats in my cellar can you please get rid of them for me" and after you complete the quest you get a reward? I would love to see this added to the game.
Just wanted to throw in my agreement/support for disabling the experience boost. I'd like to subscribe to ESO Plus, but the XP boost is one of the main reasons I may not, considering how much I over-level the 1-50 content already.
With the inclusion of Experience Boost Potions in the Crown Store being mentioned, as well as the ESO Plus Experience Boost that is a bonus for being a subscriber, I just wanted to ask where/when I will be able to select the Experience Disable option?
All your players do NOT want to get from 1- VR14 (whatever it will be when the champ system is implemented fully) as quickly as possible. There are those of us who fully enjoy the work that you have put into the stories behind quests and the designs of the different regions/dungeons and NPCs, that we would rather not be rushed out of them by the game itself, the areas/quests becoming too easy and wanting to get back some difficulty.
(Also when I level up too quickly (out-leveling my enemies but still wanting to finish the areas quests even though they are gray) I don't get the chance to fully understand my skill's mechanics in on-level gameplay, and thus, become a button masher...)
Dazmilan09 wrote: »
I whole heartedly agree. That sounds awesome. Random guild dailies would be lots of fun. I do think fighters gold has them in Cyrodiil. But, aside from that I don't think there is any.