RainfeatherUK wrote: »1: Doing what to a guard now? o.0
2: I hope theres a map..hm tbh I cant even get out of Auridon most days. Nvm xD
3: Nuu no underworld half breeds. I hate Lycanpires -.-
4: Loyalty has gone the way of the dodo broseph.
5: My monkey is better than yours.
6: Im a bosmer so Cannibal bbq at my place, bring plenty of friends...just er, dont tell them they are the menu. Actually housing is supposidly something they'll work on eventually so np.
7: I dunno, I prefer to keep my valuables covered tbh!
8: What can you do with those? dont say eat dinner and farm >.<
9: You will always remember this as the day you almost caught Captain Jack Sparrow! Hm Considering my characters past history thats just a return trip to khenarthi's roost then lol.
10: In ESO we call that a feature xD
11: Where are you number eleven?
12: Rumour is some people want to be segregated from the horrors of b2p players. So place would be too crowded to function I think.
13: Those pesky vets! how dare they. Charge them extra for a pvp license in the cash shop!
14: Number eleven called and asked whats up!
15: Empire? Ugh no short storm troopers tyvm.
1 - Fix the infinite loading bugs while you are in a group
2 - Convert the silver and gold key from daily pledge to a token system with a NCP that barther the tokens.
Could use a convertion ratio of 10 Silver > 1 Gold token ; 10 Gold for an item you select from the NPC.
Tokens could drop in trials and DSA & VDSA as in the dailys.
3 - Fix the leader bug that is still around
4 - add a buff/debuff to any PvP map so you can balance PvP without impacting PvE and could even buff if your side is underpopulated VS another side.
5 - make the mobs roam around a little from their respawn position.
6 - Add a grind spot you want us to do. so you dont have to nerf every spot ppl will use in the near future for CP.
7 - At the end of the Gold Cadwell add a special quest that enable someone to change to the others factions if he want to. like a one time quest you can take to change with big RED flashing notice.
8 - add a racial change in the store or as a quest.
9 - Housing per account or for a guild, with a shared storage container and craft stations.
10 - Put a dummy in at least one town for DPS testing.
11 - Add some kind of Epic rare mob with tons of healt that you have to be 12 or more to kill. like a big monster or trial boss in the middle of every zone with a marker on it. could also be roaming and with a low respawn rate.
12 - put a wayshrine at the entrance of DSA.
i have had this game since the pre order and these are what i have
1. when will we get the emote /sitonpushupguardback
2.horse racing with betting could be a good idea
3. vampire werewolf cross
4 loyalty program items in the crown store
5. fighting vanity pets and vanity humanoid npcs [like companions in skyrim and other games]
6. houses with storage and farms for crafting
7. seeing jewelry
8. misc equips such as regular kitchen knifes farming tools
9. drivable ships small quests maybe with the mount system not in any near updates maybe 9 or 10
10. sometimes i get stuck in the ground for a minute or so after walking out of a interior fix this bug please its really annoying
12. jail for justice sytem
13.in pvp the non vets areas always get vets in them
15 unlock the empire suit when you become the empire and get to wear it forever even when you are no longer empire
1. wut?i have had this game since the pre order and these are what i have
1. when will we get the emote /sitonpushupguardback
2.horse racing with betting could be a good idea
3. vampire werewolf cross
4 loyalty program items in the crown store
5. fighting vanity pets and vanity humanoid npcs [like companions in skyrim and other games]
6. houses with storage and farms for crafting
7. seeing jewelry
8. misc equips such as regular kitchen knifes farming tools
9. drivable ships small quests maybe with the mount system not in any near updates maybe 9 or 10
10. sometimes i get stuck in the ground for a minute or so after walking out of a interior fix this bug please its really annoying
12. jail for justice sytem
13.in pvp the non vets areas always get vets in them
15 unlock the empire suit when you become the empire and get to wear it forever even when you are no longer empire
@dafox187 just to chime in on the WW/Vamp issue. You can get a cure and then be bitten by the other side and level that as well for achievements. I have all achievements for both being leveled up.
Once you're done you can then stay with the bite for whichever you're enjoying playing with.
PlagueMonk wrote: »- When we select an ability to morph it would be nice to know if we have already morphed one ability or both and by how much. I have trained and re-trained so many times I have lost track of what I have leveled up. This should not be a guessing game! Please include either a mouse over or include where the current morphs are in the morph window.
- When we search for something from vendor to vendor ALLOW us to carry over the same search parameters. Do you know how tedious it is to have to select the same list of things over and over and over?
- I'm sorry but drinks are STILL pretty worthless and have not been "brought in line" with food, as you claim. the values would need to be 2-3 times higher for people to even consider them. (currently the V10 version is, by live conversion +14 instead of 8)
- Allow us to change the order of our character roster! Would be nice if my most active character was at the top.
- You turn my rare pepper old and provide me with no other rare equivalent like Tomatoes or Oats? That is just plain wrong. If anything it should be turned into Frost Mirriam.
- The CP award of 70 for V14s (which really means 33-34 pts per area) is still WAY below what we need even come close to what you took away and locked behind a CP point wall. This number needs to be closer to 70 PER area for a total of 210. I'm not even sure that would do it considering diminishing returns but it would be a start.
- Put those unique trophy items we all got from quests into the collection section. I would like ot use them occasionally but they take up so much space I have had to put them elsewhere.
- Allow us to break down jewelry.
Oh an Horse Racing is no more. When they turned mounts into mere skins, this future "promise" went bye bye.
1. wut?
2. Won't happen due to legal issues both worldwide and US Federal
3. TO what purpose?
4. IDC one way or the other, I expect many won't like it
5. Pet Battles in WOW are fun, could be here too, but this game has far too many other more important things missing for this to be a priority IMO.
6. Yes
7. Don't see the point TBH but fine but not a priority
8. The game needs a proper 'cosmetic' system before such gear methinks.
9. Don't see the point of ships TBH, mount-based content possibly for for God's sake no mounted combat, LOTRO shows how appalling such content can so easily be made.
10. Never seen this bug, no view.
11. where'd it go?
12. No Justice System at all would be better!
13. I don't PVP so no view
14. where'd it go?
15. I presume you mean 'emperor' and not 'empire', see (13)
The_Sadist wrote: »
1. No.
2. I'd prefer they focus on actual content personally, but whatever floats your boat.
3. No. Cure vampirism -> get lycanthropy -> cure lycanthropy -> become a vampire again. Maxing them both for the achievement took me a few hours tops.
4. No. They're loyalty rewards for a reason.
5. See 2.
6. Something they said will happen in the future.
7. Unneeded level of detail in my opinion, but I don't see why not.
8. Why? For roleplaying there are costumes and whatnot. I suppose they wouldn't hurt though.
9. Eh, not fond of that at all, but that's just me.
10. All bugs need fixing.
11. Counterproductive outside of roleplay, nobody will steal things if it means spending 2 hours in jail doing nothing.
12. See 10.
13. I'm going to say no. The reward is meant to be unique for a reason.