I found myself smiling and having too much fun. That's when I know an ability is OP and needs a nerf.
Most lol ever... that a class is actually enjoyable means it's time to crush it. How about if everyone was happy and enjoyed their class... that would just be horrible for a .. game.. meant for fun...
But in PvP, if you have fun it means someone else had less fun. Its like the lion king circle of fun, or a zero sum gain , or the highlander where there can be only one and if I kill you I gain your fun.
1. you think we don't die?I found myself smiling and having too much fun. That's when I know an ability is OP and needs a nerf.
Most lol ever... that a class is actually enjoyable means it's time to crush it. How about if everyone was happy and enjoyed their class... that would just be horrible for a .. game.. meant for fun...
But in PvP, if you have fun it means someone else had less fun. Its like the lion king circle of fun, or a zero sum gain , or the highlander where there can be only one and if I kill you I gain your fun.
jeradlub17_ESO wrote: »This complaint makes no sense. You are complaining that it worked as intended as a means of escape from a losing situation. It already has a huge mana cost, it does not need increased. What they do need to investigate and fix though are some hacks I have seen. I myself play a sorc and about 7-8 teles after a fight is all you are going to get even dropping a potion. However, I have chased some other sorcs that obviously were hacking cause even I couldn't keep up. Watched one tele 15 times. When you do the math even with a pot there is simply no way to do that legit. I have all the same reduction they do. It isn't the ability you all want fixed it is whatever exploit they have found to go with it that you really want fixed. Bolt escape itself is fine as is. The cheat they have found though that is what needs to go.In PvP, yes. PvE, no.
My first run in with this was when a sorc tried to single me out, I almost had him (1-2 more hits and he would have died) and then all of a sudden the sorc disappeared off my screen and I watched him port 7-8 times with no hope of ever catching him. If nothing else, just increase the mana requirement.
As a DK, I just thought I would drop in and say it's nice not to see the nerf bat being swung our way for once.
remraub16_ESO wrote: »jeradlub17_ESO wrote: »This complaint makes no sense. You are complaining that it worked as intended as a means of escape from a losing situation. It already has a huge mana cost, it does not need increased. What they do need to investigate and fix though are some hacks I have seen. I myself play a sorc and about 7-8 teles after a fight is all you are going to get even dropping a potion. However, I have chased some other sorcs that obviously were hacking cause even I couldn't keep up. Watched one tele 15 times. When you do the math even with a pot there is simply no way to do that legit. I have all the same reduction they do. It isn't the ability you all want fixed it is whatever exploit they have found to go with it that you really want fixed. Bolt escape itself is fine as is. The cheat they have found though that is what needs to go.In PvP, yes. PvE, no.
My first run in with this was when a sorc tried to single me out, I almost had him (1-2 more hits and he would have died) and then all of a sudden the sorc disappeared off my screen and I watched him port 7-8 times with no hope of ever catching him. If nothing else, just increase the mana requirement.
Being Able to teleport 7-8 times is unnecessary for PvE (get a horse!) and completely broken in PvP.
Since there are no Cooldowns, increasing the Magicka cost is the only way to go,but I'd rather see an increase in magicka cost per time you use it. That way you can still use it when you're on low magicka to try to engage/escape (both in PvE and PvP) but not spam it.
remraub16_ESO wrote: »
Being Able to teleport 7-8 times is unnecessary for PvE (get a horse!) and completely broken in PvP.
Hail_Sithis wrote: »remraub16_ESO wrote: »
Being Able to teleport 7-8 times is unnecessary for PvE (get a horse!) and completely broken in PvP.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WrjwaqZfjIY
You want completely broken? How about dragon-knights that are able to throw down massive AOE carnage, or how templars are basically the most adaptable, or how nightblades are able to destroy you if they manage to sneak up on-
You really need to just stop posting when you have virtually no clue what you are talking about.
This isn't SWTOR. Whining like a *** isn't going to get you results.
That was a joke using sarcasm and excessive movie references to make it obvious.
Still_Mind wrote: »Yes, but by a small margin. It doesn't need to be nerfed to the ground, but it needs mechanisms that discourage spamming, like progressing cost increase (Ionized: Bolt Escape increased by 10% per stack, 5 second duration).
In Extra Credits terms, it's a "FOO Strategy (First Order Optimal Strategy)".http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EitZRLt2G3w
cost reductions from storm passives. the 3% cost reduction from crafting the seducer set and the cost reduction enchants.jeradlub17_ESO wrote: »This complaint makes no sense. You are complaining that it worked as intended as a means of escape from a losing situation. It already has a huge mana cost, it does not need increased. What they do need to investigate and fix though are some hacks I have seen. I myself play a sorc and about 7-8 teles after a fight is all you are going to get even dropping a potion. However, I have chased some other sorcs that obviously were hacking cause even I couldn't keep up. Watched one tele 15 times. When you do the math even with a pot there is simply no way to do that legit. I have all the same reduction they do. It isn't the ability you all want fixed it is whatever exploit they have found to go with it that you really want fixed. Bolt escape itself is fine as is. The cheat they have found though that is what needs to go.In PvP, yes. PvE, no.
My first run in with this was when a sorc tried to single me out, I almost had him (1-2 more hits and he would have died) and then all of a sudden the sorc disappeared off my screen and I watched him port 7-8 times with no hope of ever catching him. If nothing else, just increase the mana requirement.
Ragnar_Lodbrok wrote: »Seriously? You do realize they are not balancing to pvp right?
remraub16_ESO wrote: »Being Able to teleport 7-8 times is unnecessary for PvE (get a horse!) and completely broken in PvP.
piotreb17_ESO4 wrote: »youtube.com/watch?v=GnrqZzKPbQw
I am sorry, but if you defend Bolt Escape in the current form, your approach must be "not to lose" and not "to win"...
remraub16_ESO wrote: »LOL just LOL... of course this video comes from a NB and the first thing you see is that he opens combat out of stealth against his unprepared opponent. You dont use mount or speed potions, you dont use tab to search him ... just walk around and complain.
"preventing him from loosing the fight" NO you won the fight if he ran way, but dont realize this. All i see is you go mad for not getting your kill.
guillaume.trudelub17_ESO wrote: »If the Sorc teleport gets nerfed, Sorcerer might just well lube up and bend over.
Disclosure : I'm a pyromancer DK.