Because its just nonsense what was wrote.
Closing the eyes of the options. Not have crossplay in 2024 is a no go and gladly other games make it better
Many of these games releasing at the same time ar the moment and pulling the population of eso.
PS EU feels like a ghost town already
SerafinaWaterstar wrote: »
But its not. Join a guild & you’ll see. Lots playing.
You know they know, right? It's why Gold Road was a piffling update. They don't have the resources they used to have. This is a game in caretaker mode. We know that ZoS are working on a new MMO so they don't have their best working on old assets. ESO isn't going anywhere soon, but isn't going anywhere.
You know they know, right? It's why Gold Road was a piffling update. They don't have the resources they used to have. This is a game in caretaker mode. We know that ZoS are working on a new MMO so they don't have their best working on old assets. ESO isn't going anywhere soon, but isn't going anywhere.
Feels bad. Maybe I should scroll up and delete/edit my first long comment to this topic.. It is so meaningless now.
Actually didnt knew that, till i googled it.
So this is why it feels like we getting abandoned.
TaintedKurse wrote: »I think it's funny that they think they have left a good enough impression on their current community to start a new project. They need to be able to maintain the current MMO they run before they start looking on the horizon. Like they are more than welcome to do new things. But, to source ESO as an example of expertise/learning is just comical.
TaintedKurse wrote: »I think it's funny that they think they have left a good enough impression on their current community to start a new project. They need to be able to maintain the current MMO they run before they start looking on the horizon. Like they are more than welcome to do new things. But, to source ESO as an example of expertise/learning is just comical.
Like obviously it's fun. Otherwise none of us would be here but, it's just been a never ender series of different bugs and issues. I feel like once a year we have some game breaking bug now that pushes people further and further away. I thought the block bug was bad. This D/C thing is so much worse. They really need to pull back bad updates. Stop letting terrible bugs fester and push people away. Without even talking about content and keeping people engaged. They need to react faster to bad bugs and be more active in the response to the community. This radio silence we get when things like this happen. Is just inexcusable.
You know they know, right? It's why Gold Road was a piffling update. They don't have the resources they used to have. This is a game in caretaker mode. We know that ZoS are working on a new MMO so they don't have their best working on old assets. ESO isn't going anywhere soon, but isn't going anywhere.
YandereGirlfriend wrote: »It seems really odd for the studio to be investing into a new IP in the post-Starfield environment.
I'm usually quick to lament the modern entertainment industry's unimaginative and cautious reboot culture but things like Bethesda NOT making the next mainline TES game so that they could instead do Starfield just seems like massive business malpractice. Ditto for whatever new MMO is currently in the works from ZOS.
There are like five billion MMOs already out there with generic fantasy worldbuilding and bland lore while the TES universe towers above them all. Plus, there is an already proven base of fans who will throw money at basically anything with TES branding. So choosing not to invest in either modernizing ESO or else creating its successor is so very strange.
I also would also have understood if the new MMO was set in the Fallout universe. While I wouldn't have been interested in it myself, it's far easier to understand that as a business decision given the proven wide appeal of the Fallout franchise. So choosing to sideline both of these mammoth franchises in favor of a new IP... makes little sense, at least to me. It's such a risk for a very uncertain reward.
JiubLeRepenti wrote: »
Google Trends figures are very interesting.
I agree, but beyond that, what matters is the result.
I mean... ESO has made 2 billion dollars in ten years. It makes 15 million per month. Like in any other MMO, whales are spending a lot on this game. I personally spent €5,000 on it. I’ve preordered each chapter since Morrowind. But in the end, when I see the overall state of the game, I just wonder how it is maintained and how ZOS is spending its time and money on it.
So yeah, we can try to find reasons, causes, or even excuses. But what amazes me is how some people (I’m definitely not targeting you or anyone) keep their eyes wide shut about the current situation the game is facing.
I’ve said it tons of times: I LOVE ESO. I’ve spent thousands of hours in it. But like many others, I can see the overall trend the game is facing, and it scares me. I don’t see any firm, strong reaction from ZOS. Again, maybe they are doing their very best given the situation. But once again, the only thing that matters is the result.
As I mentioned earlier, I think 90% of QOL/performance problems won’t be solved because of the game engine (and, gosh, I’ll keep those words to myself), which impacts server performance. I’m afraid ZOS will never try to fix that. It would cost too much money, and after 10 years, I’m not sure they see themselves spending that much on it.[/quote
Listened to this and i got to say it went from statistics to personal opinions and this You Tuber pumping other games etc etc... I dunno if you log in right now and go from Summerset to High Isle it is packed and so forth... I think ESO has Many Bashers and Haters who cannot seem to penetrate this game with all the negativity and i am not saying all is great but i do not see a dying game at all... Just my opinion..
YandereGirlfriend wrote: »It seems really odd for the studio to be investing into a new IP in the post-Starfield environment.
I'm usually quick to lament the modern entertainment industry's unimaginative and cautious reboot culture but things like Bethesda NOT making the next mainline TES game so that they could instead do Starfield just seems like massive business malpractice. Ditto for whatever new MMO is currently in the works from ZOS.
There are like five billion MMOs already out there with generic fantasy worldbuilding and bland lore while the TES universe towers above them all. Plus, there is an already proven base of fans who will throw money at basically anything with TES branding. So choosing not to invest in either modernizing ESO or else creating its successor is so very strange.
I also would also have understood if the new MMO was set in the Fallout universe. While I wouldn't have been interested in it myself, it's far easier to understand that as a business decision given the proven wide appeal of the Fallout franchise. So choosing to sideline both of these mammoth franchises in favor of a new IP... makes little sense, at least to me. It's such a risk for a very uncertain reward.
YandereGirlfriend wrote: »It seems really odd for the studio to be investing into a new IP in the post-Starfield environment.
I'm usually quick to lament the modern entertainment industry's unimaginative and cautious reboot culture but things like Bethesda NOT making the next mainline TES game so that they could instead do Starfield just seems like massive business malpractice. Ditto for whatever new MMO is currently in the works from ZOS.
There are like five billion MMOs already out there with generic fantasy worldbuilding and bland lore while the TES universe towers above them all. Plus, there is an already proven base of fans who will throw money at basically anything with TES branding. So choosing not to invest in either modernizing ESO or else creating its successor is so very strange.
I also would also have understood if the new MMO was set in the Fallout universe. While I wouldn't have been interested in it myself, it's far easier to understand that as a business decision given the proven wide appeal of the Fallout franchise. So choosing to sideline both of these mammoth franchises in favor of a new IP... makes little sense, at least to me. It's such a risk for a very uncertain reward.
JiubLeRepenti wrote: »I currently have over 7,000 hours on ESO. I also know a lot of people, through guilds, Discord channels, forums, who used to be endgame/PvP players with over 5,000 hours or even 10,000 hours. Many of them have simply stopped playing. Because ZOS has been stuck in the same content loop for years now.
I think a lot of players got tired of asking for the same things over and over again, without ever really being listened to. I could easily list over fifty suggestions that have been made by the community over the years and never implemented by ZOS.
ZOS keeps hiding behind the “technical limitations” of its servers and game engine to justify its lack of innovation/meeting expectations. This is all very well. But gamers (in general, not just the ZOS community) simply don't care. Just do it. Fix the servers and the game engine. Or let the game slowly but surely die.
And don't feel sorry for the game. We're literally paying for it. I've personally spent over 5,000 euros on this game over the years. But I'm not investing another cent. The game and its new content simply don't deserve it.
Actually didnt knew that, till i googled it.
So this is why it feels like we getting abandoned.
Seems to be some 2 years "old news" but truly the first time I hear about it. And I am part of many active guilds ( as active as they can be in the current state of the game ). The feeling of being abandoned just really grew up. No point wishing and waiting that they would do some major positive changes to ESO, fix the issues and truly develop the game further adding tons of new content.. These things are most likely not going to happen. Just dull and pointless expansions and slowly decaying into nothingness. Actually we might be there already with other graveyard titles. Feels bad. Maybe I should scroll up and delete/edit my first long comment to this topic.. It is so meaningless now.
YandereGirlfriend wrote: »It seems really odd for the studio to be investing into a new IP in the post-Starfield environment.
I'm usually quick to lament the modern entertainment industry's unimaginative and cautious reboot culture but things like Bethesda NOT making the next mainline TES game so that they could instead do Starfield just seems like massive business malpractice. Ditto for whatever new MMO is currently in the works from ZOS.
There are like five billion MMOs already out there with generic fantasy worldbuilding and bland lore while the TES universe towers above them all. Plus, there is an already proven base of fans who will throw money at basically anything with TES branding. So choosing not to invest in either modernizing ESO or else creating its successor is so very strange.
I also would also have understood if the new MMO was set in the Fallout universe. While I wouldn't have been interested in it myself, it's far easier to understand that as a business decision given the proven wide appeal of the Fallout franchise. So choosing to sideline both of these mammoth franchises in favor of a new IP... makes little sense, at least to me. It's such a risk for a very uncertain reward.
Fallout 76 is the Fallout MMO. So that already exists.
I think this is how it went down. There were calls for a TES MMO from some TES fans. ZOS got the job. But they knew that a TES MMO would compete with a single-player TES. So it wouldn't have made sense for ZOS to release a TES MMO, and not long after, for Bethesda to release TES6. To let ESO grow and flourish, TES6 had to be delayed.
Given that, Bethesda took the time to work on Starfield (apparently fulfilling a wish to create a new IP in space). So Skyrim came out in 2011, ESO in 2014, and Starfield in 2023.
ESO is now 10 years old. It's had a good run. TES6 will be coming in a few years. ZOS, knowing that TES6 will pretty much devastate ESO's population, is working on another MMO. They're looking ahead to when ESO won't be making them anywhere near 15 million/month.
I don't find any of this surprising.
Fallout 76 is the Fallout MMO. So that already exists.
I think this is how it went down. There were calls for a TES MMO from some TES fans. ZOS got the job. But they knew that a TES MMO would compete with a single-player TES. So it wouldn't have made sense for ZOS to release a TES MMO, and not long after, for Bethesda to release TES6. To let ESO grow and flourish, TES6 had to be delayed.
Given that, Bethesda took the time to work on Starfield (apparently fulfilling a wish to create a new IP in space). So Skyrim came out in 2011, ESO in 2014, and Starfield in 2023.
ESO is now 10 years old. It's had a good run. TES6 will be coming in a few years. ZOS, knowing that TES6 will pretty much devastate ESO's population, is working on another MMO. They're looking ahead to when ESO won't be making them anywhere near 15 million/month.
I don't find any of this surprising.
Actually didnt knew that, till i googled it.
So this is why it feels like we getting abandoned.
dk_dunkirk wrote: »
It'll be a Starfield MMO. They did it to Skyrim. They did it to Fallout 4. They'll do it to Starfield.