spartaxoxo wrote: »On Steam, the player count is back down to what it was in 2018. I think it was a bad idea to make Plus lack so much value by scrapping story zones. The story didn't need to be a year long. They could have told more self-contained things like Thieves Guild and Murkmire.
Theist_VII wrote: »
Of course people are fed up.
We’re being charged a premium fee for services that have become near unplayable. And the only time we can play, we’re forced into arbitrary grinds rather than being able to enjoy our favorite aspects of the game.
When “convenience” is tied to the subscription, having less value of late tends to put how shady that is into perspective.
spartaxoxo wrote: »On Steam, the player count is back down to what it was in 2018. I think it was a bad idea to make Plus lack so much value by scrapping story zones. The story didn't need to be a year long. They could have told more self-contained things like Thieves Guild and Murkmire.
MISTFORMBZZZ wrote: »On the server im playing on (PS EU) the player numbers are noticeable shrinking, aside from events and the hotspot you rarely see players running arround anymore.
I used to be in 3 trading guilds with 500 members with hundreds of people online in the same time, now its like 50-80 in prime time.
Craglorn is empty, group finder is empty, groupfinder takes ages, pvp is 2 bar each at most on grayhost this game is dying rapidly on this server and its just so frustrating.
A lot of people from my social guild and pvp guild were saying they will play new world on console or throne and liberty wich is out soon. People are going away of eso.
When Zos cant bring content wich brings back people or at least keeps them in the game, they should at least finally make crossplay possible BETWEN CONSOLES, so the EU servers dont feel empty and dead anymore. I know for a fact XBOX EU has the same issues.
Please do something, its needed in the same way as the new servers were needed, even when yous (Zos) were denying it would help or change anything first.
spartaxoxo wrote: »I predicted this the moment they were announced they were scrapping the story zones. Cutting content is never good for keeping players. And no, bug fixes aren't a replacement for content. The best games with lots of players fix bugs and develop content simultaneously.
spartaxoxo wrote: »I predicted this the moment they were announced they were scrapping the story zones. Cutting content is never good for keeping players. And no, bug fixes aren't a replacement for content. The best games with lots of players fix bugs and develop content simultaneously.
licenturion wrote: »I play ESO daily but once New World is out I am going to play that too for the time being until there is actual new zone/story/dungeon content. I never finished New World on release because the controller support was wonky and that made combat too hard near max level. But played the beta and they revamped everything . I get the update for free anyway.
I am doing this because ZOS dropped the Q4 zone and the two dungeons and instead chose to focus on minor and niche stuff and do the bare minimum for the standard player. So ESO is losing my attention after all these years.
spartaxoxo wrote: »I predicted this the moment they were announced they were scrapping the story zones. Cutting content is never good for keeping players.
manukartofanu wrote: »It’s funny how whenever people talk about the significant population decline on PC EU, there's always someone who jumps in to say that Steam numbers are irrelevant and that actually, somewhere out there on consoles and other launchers, everything is just fine.
Agreed, bug fixes should always be happening, consistently, regardless of the amount of content. But on the other hand, what exactly was going on with this game's development that, even with entire quarters dedicated solely to fixing bugs, it still ended up in a barely playable state? Maybe it wouldn't even be able to launch at all without the bug fixing that's been replacing new content.
JustLovely wrote: »
I've always wondered why ZOS needs to allocate an entire quarter of "content" releases to bug fixes when every other game manufacturer manages to perform bug fixes and produce new content at the same time.
JiubLeRepenti wrote: »
ZOS keeps hiding behind the “technical limitations” of its servers and game engine to justify its lack of innovation/meeting expectations. This is all very well. But gamers (in general, not just the ZOS community) simply don't care. Just do it. Fix the servers and the game engine. Or let the game slowly but surely die.
Grizzbeorn wrote: »The Loud People got what they asked for, which included no more Story DLCs.
Theyre maximising profit to go into their new mmo as eso is their biggest money maker. As long as people buy crown crates the ones in positions of power dont give the slightest f about the game. Its why a lot of people have realised the only way zos will listen is to leave the game.
It’s funny how whenever people talk about the significant population decline on PC EU, there's always someone who jumps in to say that Steam numbers are irrelevant and that actually, somewhere out there on consoles and other launchers, everything is just fine.
JiubLeRepenti wrote: »
Absolutely agree. It's quite amusing because I encountered a very similar situation just a few days ago on a popular French-speaking forum dedicated to ESO. A guy was claiming that the Steam numbers were irrelevant and that the game was gaining 2 million new players each year. When we pointed out (he was the only one backing this claim) that this number was largely due to players farming accounts during the free play period, he just couldn't accept it and he kept coping for pages lmao.
Well, the story is told. They shut every door to tell it further, which was a bad decision if you ask me.method__01 wrote: »so if i understand correct,ZOS have no plans for new content till next year?correct ?
so im forced in Gold Road till next summer? do what exactly ?