ChuckyPayne wrote: »
As usual, we will receive a partial road map in the second half of January. When the chapter of the given year is presented in a show. Nothing before.
All of the interesting stuff happens in the first half of the year. The climax for the year is in June, and after that, it is just left overs paced out over the boring months between June and when the June hype starts next year.
I am new to the forum here.
Can you tell me specifically what is better or worse than before? Please answer something important.
Do you mean that before you didn't answer at all, but now you sometimes respond? Is it your perception that not answering is normal? This forum is repeatedly posted by a dozen specific people, including you. Why do you go to such lengths to defend the ZoS comm manager? Isn't this place a closed comity?
Just going to provide some additional perspective here, as a long-time regular on the forums.
Prior to 2021, the forums would seldomly get engagement from the community manager then, Gina. It seemed like the forums were not considered a wide-reaching platform, despite being an official platform. We'd get stuff like patch notes and other official links. Issue acknowledgements weren't as consistent as they are now. I recall some big console-edition issues where players tagged her for two weeks, waiting on some acknowledgement of the issue. Players had to reach out to her on Twitter to get the attention here (I was one of them). Events like this happened a few times, iirc.
Kevin, bless his soul, joined us in 2021. He immediately earned some goodwill by being more candid and engaged. It really was a breathe of fresh air. I also felt like he was open to hearing some of the concerns around moderation, at least early on. He also has consistently help players get support tickets resolved. For this, a lot of people are willing to defend him, rightfully so. He means well. I definitely have my concerns, especially after U35 and now the big lag thread. But overall, he's a boon to the community.
So, I will say things are better, but not where they need to be IMO. Most of what we see now is just some flavor of "we'll pass this along". Seeing feedback being organized, clarifications being requested - normal workplace back and forth - isn't something I really see here. Engagement feels very light-touch, likely because of workload. For major technical issues like the big lag thread, I'm worried the CMs either aren't getting the answers/support needed to close things out, or aren't understanding/asking the right questions to them because they're not technical folks.
Ultimately, I think we need more forum-dedicated CMs. It's too much work for one person.
endorphinsplox wrote: »Doesn't help they just had this big banning spree that revealed their new implementation of 24/7 private message surveillance in-game. Who the hell wants to play an MMO where they can't DM their friends without risk of losing their entire account and everything they worked for?
barney2525 wrote: »Population is shrinking?
I dunno. characters seem to be as tall as they were at creation.
I am looking forward to the Battleground update for U44. And I will be one of the first to play Battleground.
Is there a roadmap for ESO in 2025 or a developer statement anywhere that is close to that?
JiubLeRepenti wrote: »I currently have over 7,000 hours on ESO. I also know a lot of people, through guilds, Discord channels, forums, who used to be endgame/PvP players with over 5,000 hours or even 10,000 hours. Many of them have simply stopped playing. Because ZOS has been stuck in the same content loop for years now.
I think a lot of players got tired of asking for the same things over and over again, without ever really being listened to. I could easily list over fifty suggestions that have been made by the community over the years and never implemented by ZOS.
ZOS keeps hiding behind the “technical limitations” of its servers and game engine to justify its lack of innovation/meeting expectations. This is all very well. But gamers (in general, not just the ZOS community) simply don't care. Just do it. Fix the servers and the game engine. Or let the game slowly but surely die.
And don't feel sorry for the game. We're literally paying for it. I've personally spent over 5,000 euros on this game over the years. But I'm not investing another cent. The game and its new content simply don't deserve it.
MISTFORMBZZZ wrote: »I have more and more people in discord servers im in saying they quitted the game on the server PS EU because it feels empty and the population is down.
I dont know what zos is doing but it takes to long.
Call it doom thread or whatever, but that the game is dying on Playstation EU is a fact.
JiubLeRepenti wrote: »I currently have over 7,000 hours on ESO. I also know a lot of people, through guilds, Discord channels, forums, who used to be endgame/PvP players with over 5,000 hours or even 10,000 hours. Many of them have simply stopped playing. Because ZOS has been stuck in the same content loop for years now.
I think a lot of players got tired of asking for the same things over and over again, without ever really being listened to. I could easily list over fifty suggestions that have been made by the community over the years and never implemented by ZOS.
ZOS keeps hiding behind the “technical limitations” of its servers and game engine to justify its lack of innovation/meeting expectations. This is all very well. But gamers (in general, not just the ZOS community) simply don't care. Just do it. Fix the servers and the game engine. Or let the game slowly but surely die.
And don't feel sorry for the game. We're literally paying for it. I've personally spent over 5,000 euros on this game over the years. But I'm not investing another cent. The game and its new content simply don't deserve it.
MISTFORMBZZZ wrote: »I have more and more people in discord servers im in saying they quitted the game on the server PS EU because it feels empty and the population is down.
I dont know what zos is doing but it takes to long.
Call it doom thread or whatever, but that the game is dying on Playstation EU is a fact.
I play on Pseu and at least during this event the server seems very much alive except for pvp.
I just did 3 random dungeons as dd and que time wasnt more then 2 mins and there are alot of players in the cities.
I play on Pseu and at least during this event the server seems very much alive except for pvp.
I just did 3 random dungeons as dd and que time wasnt more then 2 mins and there are alot of players in the cities.
You must be playing on a different PS EU if you call this busy lol.
I guess everything is fine then
I didnt say the server is busy, I said "it feels alive at least during this event" thats what I think and people are aloud to think otherwise.
Reading this thread it sounds like the server is completly dead and have 10 players.
And no I dont think its fine because I still think we need crossplay with xbox and PlayStation, isnt the 10 year anniversary for Console next year? Imagine the hype if they announce crossplay at the anniversary!
moderatelyfatman wrote: »I'm on PC NA and outside of US primetime, the population drop has seemed obvious since patch 35 but has increased of late in recent months. I belong to multiple guilds and in each case, it's getting more and more difficult to fill trials. Even pledges for dungeons can take 5-10 mins to queue on a healer if they're not in my local primetime.
Yeah. Because we don't like spending our time waiting for trial group PUGs, nor joining guilds that EXCLUSIVELY do trial runs. The Devs should make a storymode or 2/4 player version of trials. They can use the mechanics from the IA bosses cut and paste. Otherwise I hope 12-player Trials continues to hemorhage players. 🤷♀️
Im just affraid its gonna be to late if they wait that long but i cross my fingers and i agree with you; it would be great!
Surtalogic wrote: »You do realize you're playing a game that is designed as an MMO right? This story mode crap is ridiculous. Every single thing on normal difficulty in this game is basically story mode.