manukartofanu wrote: »But on the other hand, what exactly was going on with this game's development that, even with entire quarters dedicated solely to fixing bugs, it still ended up in a barely playable state?
As a crafter and someone who loots like everything, inventory management is a nightmare.Bank cut in half, housing cut in half. I feel like I can't game "properly" without ESO+ because my inventory has reduced to the size of a shoe box.
robwolf666 wrote: »I like it when it's quiet, I don't feel like I'm having to compete with other players while questing. It's kind of annoying to be doing a quest when loads of other people are doing it at the same time, or you go somewhere and there's nothing to fight because everything is already dead - or worse, someone is sitting on a location farming XP etc. Quiet is good in my book.
JiubLeRepenti wrote: »
Absolutely agree. It's quite amusing because I encountered a very similar situation just a few days ago on a popular French-speaking forum dedicated to ESO. A guy was claiming that the Steam numbers were irrelevant and that the game was gaining 2 million new players each year. When we pointed out (he was the only one backing this claim) that this number was largely due to players farming accounts during the free play period, he just couldn't accept it and he kept coping for pages lmao.
If the guy is using ZOS numbers as the basis for the 2 million claim, ZOS did say that the trial accounts are not included in their numbers.
JiubLeRepenti wrote: »
I've been searching for sources and found these:
I didn't find any mention of the exclusion of trial accounts. They probably mentioned it in a stream? I would be very interested if you had a source for that. 😊
Aside from that, even if it’s true, I really wonder where these 2 million new players are. I mean, I can’t recall all the threads I’ve seen complaining about how empty the console megaservers are in certain instances or PvP zones.
The only reliable figures would be how many people are simultaneously logged on each megaserver, but I'm afraid ZOS will never share that information.
Please note that this number does NOT include beta players (who played the game before we launched) and it also does not include players from our free trial (Xbox-only, in December of 2015). It all boils down to one thing: a LOT of people have purchased and played the game during the last two years, and we are grateful for each and every one.
tom6143346 wrote: »Well less content , not enough rewards, more and more milking even the last possible cent from the player with putting all the nice things into the crow store( look at the mount you can earn while doing the next upcoming event , what even is this ? ) , buggs that really in for years still not fixed and last but not least, for years ZOS barley give players what they really want / asked for . Combine all of that and people slowly but surely start to get away especially if other games start to do the exact things way better. Does it surprise me, not at all. My friendliest gets more empty every month. It’s a bit sad bc the game itself has a great potential to make healthy money in the long term for the devs.
ESO+ just does not feel worth the price. Without ESO+ for me personally, the game feels almost unplayable.
As a crafter and someone who loots like everything, inventory management is a nightmare.Bank cut in half, housing cut in half. I feel like I can't game "properly" without ESO+ because my inventory has reduced to the size of a shoe box.
I'd happily keep paying and playing even with the enormous amount of bugs and stability issues. But there's nothing to work on or look forward to.
method__01 wrote: »i cant believe what im reading here...players asked for less content? and if so,zos choose to listen to those ppl?
un believable
Grizzbeorn wrote: »I've lost count of the number of threads I've seen over the years here wherein people demand that ZOS take a break from producing new content in favor of bug fixes and QOL.
JiubLeRepenti wrote: »I currently have over 7,000 hours on ESO. I also know a lot of people, through guilds, Discord channels, forums, who used to be endgame/PvP players with over 5,000 hours or even 10,000 hours. Many of them have simply stopped playing. Because ZOS has been stuck in the same content loop for years now.
I think a lot of players got tired of asking for the same things over and over again, without ever really being listened to. I could easily list over fifty suggestions that have been made by the community over the years and never implemented by ZOS.
ZOS keeps hiding behind the “technical limitations” of its servers and game engine to justify its lack of innovation/meeting expectations. This is all very well. But gamers (in general, not just the ZOS community) simply don't care. Just do it. Fix the servers and the game engine. Or let the game slowly but surely die.
And don't feel sorry for the game. We're literally paying for it. I've personally spent over 5,000 euros on this game over the years. But I'm not investing another cent. The game and its new content simply don't deserve it.
Grizzbeorn wrote: »
I've lost count of the number of threads I've seen over the years here wherein people demand that ZOS take a break from producing new content in favor of bug fixes and QOL.
I don't know if you were being sarcastic toward my statement, but those threads I just referenced exist.
And when ZOS laid-out their new plan with the coming of the Necrom chapter last year, it certainly appeared that ZOS caved to those "less content" demands... we no longer get the second dungeon DLC in Q3 (which is now devoted to QOL}, we get only the Q1 dungeon DLC, and the Chapter release (which many perceive as getting smaller) in Q2, and no more Q4 Story DLC, in favor of a "new system."
JiubLeRepenti wrote: »Btw, it's very... Ahem... Active this evening in group finder on PC EU...
It's 9:20PM here in Belgium (same for France, Netherlands, Germany)... and 8:20PM for the UK.
It was slighly better an hour ago (three trials groups, one arena group, two dungeons group).