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Overland Content Feedback Thread

  • Muizer
    Your post suggested a way to create challenge in overland that doesn't have anything to do with a "vet mode"/challenge mode/handicap system, which ZOS have tried multiple times and isn't what people in this thread are asking for. I like your idea, but it's just another attempt at giving people alternatives rather than making the current content more challenging to play.

    It is clear that what many people want is the actual overland experience to be harder. That is, the encounters that are part of overland quests or just the encounters you might have exploring or gathering mats.

    If we take it, as you and I both do, that we do not want separate instances, nor do we want the extant content to become harder for players who do not want it, then that seems to leave but two options.

    Only one of these is being discussed extensively here: some sort of slider that modifies incoming and outgoing damage. We can discuss that ad nauseam. I think everything's been said about it.

    I'm trying to come up with an alternative that is not just limited to this: inserting new encounters that are opt-in and directly targeted at the player, with scaling difficulty.

    For 'overland difficulty' does it really matter that much whether those encounters are part of existing quests? IMHO what matters is that they happen while you're doing whatever in overland (outside of the usual safe spaces).

    And of course this would not be just some QOL thing. It would be the subject of a chapter or dlc. So ZOS can actually build a story around it and sell it.

    Please stop making requests for game features. ZOS have enough bad ideas as it is!
  • Silentverge
    I really dont understand the logic behind some peoples posts on here. Saying that they dont want ESO ruined by having difficulty options. We are asking for it to be OPTIONAL not forced at all. So why do you care so much? It's weird tbh. Do you know how much content a difficulty slider would make?

    Honestly, it would be the biggest content update in ESO history. How? because lets say they add 3 new difficulty options to a slider. That is the whole overworld (30ish zones?) that can now be completed on 4 different difficulties, esentially adding 3x the content to the entire overworld.

    Thats HUGE! How could anyone be against that?
    Edited by Silentverge on 7 January 2024 16:48
  • SilverBride
    I think debuff food or gear sets would be the least resource heavy things to do. They also give the player using them complete control in when they are active. And neither would affect any other players that choose not to use them.

    As far as what happens when these players run into other players that aren't using these items and they hit the same mobs... nothing any different than what happens now. Players of different levels and abilities already run into each other on World Bosses etc.. This is the nature of a multiplayer game.
  • TheMessengerOfDeath
    1.) Veteran instance of the zone with incentives to actually play it instead of just being harder make it worth it.

    pros - Examples

    A new currency added to this zone that can be used with new vendors who sell pets, mounts, skins, furnishings, item sets, collectables, ect
    More resources from nodes.
    x2 gold drops from all sources but not limited to just gold you could add motifs, recipes, designs, praxis, diagrams ect.
    Higher drop chance of all rare items from their sources example mobs, nodes, chests, pickpocket ect.
    Lead drops 100% of the time from its source.
    Mobs drop 2-3 more set pieces per kill.
    Xp from all sources is doubled.
    Double rewards from daily quests like 2 coffers or even more.
    CP gain can be even faster with the amount of xp required to reach the next cp level being lowered when in Veteran Zones
    Faster respawns for mobs, World bosses, Delve boss , nodes, ect
    all skill lines level up faster

    All content is harder with more hp, more dmg, more resistances
    The penalty for dying is more severe you can only respawn at wayshrines, all gear is broken on death, weapons charge reset to 0
    Lose 10% of your gold when you die money sink element
    You could turn CP off but still be able to gain cp


    This could be the golden opportunity to lay foundation work for PVP as well cyrodiil and BG is boring, outdated, and just old we need another way to pvp.

    Lock zones back to their Alliance and have things for example called rifts that open up at set times of the day that allow the opposing faction to invade the other faction.


    Rifts can be anything that teleports you to another alliance or call it whatever else you like that would fit the lore of TES but anyway. Rifts can open between like 10am to 11am, 3pm-4pm, 6pm - 7pm ect. If you die and the rift is closed you can't go back and you cant use soul gems to revive only special soul gems bought with tel var or alliance points others can revive you with those soul gems as well but they need to be costly or either only drop from Harder bosses or a new currency ect.


    Zone 1, DC Auridon ) <<< RIFT >>> Zone 1. AD Glenumbra <<< RIFT >>> ( Zone 1,EP Stonefalls )

    This could be between levels 5-15 ofc mobs will need to be bewteen the same levels to make sense for pvp as well.

    Zone 2. DC Stormhaven <<< RIFT > >> Zone 2. AD Grahtwood <<< RIFT >>> Zone 2. EP Deshaan

    This could be between levels 15-25 ofc mobs will need to be bewteen the same levels to make sense for pvp as well.

    Zone 3. DC Rivenspire <<< RIFT > >> Zone 3. AD Greenshade <<< RIFT >>> Zone 3.EP Shadowfen

    This could be between levels 25-35 ofc mobs will need to be bewteen the same levels to make sense for pvp as well.

    Zone 4. DC Alik'r Desert <<< RIFT > >> Zone 4. AD Malabal Tor <<< RIFT >>> Zone 4. EP Eastmarch

    This could be between levels 35-45 ofc mobs will need to be bewteen the same levels to make sense for pvp as well.

    Zone 5. DC Bangkorai <<< RIFT > >> Zone 5. AD Reaper's March <<< RIFT >>> Zone 5. EP The Rift

    This could be between levels 45-50 ofc mobs will need to be bewteen the same levels to make sense for pvp as well

    DLC zones could also be used as neutral zones which mean no PVP instead the 3 alliances all work together for a common gold but still be rewarded with PVP currency or they could also be used as battle fields instead fighting over the zone to take control and the rewards being which ever alliance owns this zone is the only alliance that is neutral with the NPCS so they can do the daily quests and not be attacked or hostile to npcs and guards of that zone

    The open world PVP could also add guards who patrol around the zone who are hard as hell to kill and will need big groups to defeat but are very rewarding if defeated.

    If anybody is familiar with the game Aion they would know what I'm talking about. This game needs a pvp rework badly and just more activities in general to participate in.

  • Silentverge
    I think debuff food or gear sets would be the least resource heavy things to do. They also give the player using them complete control in when they are active. And neither would affect any other players that choose not to use them.

    As far as what happens when these players run into other players that aren't using these items and they hit the same mobs... nothing any different than what happens now. Players of different levels and abilities already run into each other on World Bosses etc.. This is the nature of a multiplayer game.

    That would work too. That is also basically the same thing as a difficulty slider. The slider could act as a debuff of sorts. I agree that this would be the best way to go. No extra rewards. No affecting other players and it could probably be coded in a few days or even hours tbh.
  • SilverBride
    I think debuff food or gear sets would be the least resource heavy things to do. They also give the player using them complete control in when they are active. And neither would affect any other players that choose not to use them.

    As far as what happens when these players run into other players that aren't using these items and they hit the same mobs... nothing any different than what happens now. Players of different levels and abilities already run into each other on World Bosses etc.. This is the nature of a multiplayer game.

    That would work too. That is also basically the same thing as a difficulty slider. The slider could act as a debuff of sorts. I agree that this would be the best way to go. No extra rewards. No affecting other players and it could probably be coded in a few days or even hours tbh.

    It's different from a slider because a slider would require multiple degrees of difficulty. This same thing could be obtained by wearing a gear set for one level of debuff, then adding a debuff food if more difficulty is desired. Or vice versa.
  • Silentverge
    I think debuff food or gear sets would be the least resource heavy things to do. They also give the player using them complete control in when they are active. And neither would affect any other players that choose not to use them.

    As far as what happens when these players run into other players that aren't using these items and they hit the same mobs... nothing any different than what happens now. Players of different levels and abilities already run into each other on World Bosses etc.. This is the nature of a multiplayer game.

    That would work too. That is also basically the same thing as a difficulty slider. The slider could act as a debuff of sorts. I agree that this would be the best way to go. No extra rewards. No affecting other players and it could probably be coded in a few days or even hours tbh.

    It's different from a slider because a slider would require multiple degrees of difficulty. This same thing could be obtained by wearing a gear set for one level of debuff, then adding a debuff food if more difficulty is desired. Or vice versa.

    I'd be ok with this.
  • Silentverge
    The only thing I wouldnt like about a gear set is that you are now limited to only wearing the debuff set which would make getting better gear useless. Id personally like to find the best gear possible to be able to survive the difficulty changes. However, if ZOS went this route, I would be fine with it. Anything is better than being locked into ultra easy story mode difficulty.
  • disky
    Muizer wrote: »
    For 'overland difficulty' does it really matter that much whether those encounters are part of existing quests? IMHO what matters is that they happen while you're doing whatever in overland (outside of the usual safe spaces).

    Yes, it does matter. If the people arguing for overland challenge in this thread wanted something like your suggestion, we wouldn't be going back and forth about the limited set of ideas we've been discussing for so long. I'd be happy to see your suggestion implemented as well, but what I'm looking for is a way to make the content we have feel challenging, not something adjacent to it.
  • Silentverge
    If I were in charge of creating the difficulty for ESO right now this is exactly what I would do:

    Make a slider in the gameplay options menu for "Overworld Difficulty" have 5 different difficulties that you could change at anytime. Exactly like skyrim. All the slider would do is give you a debuff, less damage output and more damage taken respectively for all damage (even fall damage)

    Boom done. and then put it on the PTS and tweek it as needed. This could literally be done in like a week or two tops.
    Edited by Silentverge on 7 January 2024 17:43
  • SilverBride
    The only thing I wouldnt like about a gear set is that you are now limited to only wearing the debuff set which would make getting better gear useless. Id personally like to find the best gear possible to be able to survive the difficulty changes.

    What would be accomplished by increasing the difficulty if the player would then just put on better gear to make up for the increase? They would just be right back where they started.
  • Silentverge
    The only thing I wouldnt like about a gear set is that you are now limited to only wearing the debuff set which would make getting better gear useless. Id personally like to find the best gear possible to be able to survive the difficulty changes.

    What would be accomplished by increasing the difficulty if the player would then just put on better gear to make up for the increase? They would just be right back where they started.

    Not necessarily. If you had a difficulty that lets say adds a flat 400% damage to player and 200% less damage dealt. You have crap starter gear on, you get one or two shotted but if you have all blue gear on you would have waaay more health, plus CP, pluss buffs ect ect, you now get 6 or 7 shotted. If you think that is too easy now? Then up the difficulty to the next tier.
    Edited by Silentverge on 7 January 2024 18:50
  • Four_Fingers
    Still doesn't solve the problem of multiple players at a boss all playing at different levels.
    Sliders are easy in single player games, multiplayer games not so much, not to mention rewards.
    I don't want to be on hard mode carrying a player on noob mode, unless he is low level player.
    Also you should not be able to change slider settings willy nilly.
    Edited by Four_Fingers on 7 January 2024 18:15
  • SilverBride
    Still doesn't solve the problem of multiple players at a boss all playing at different levels.

    This already happens now. The only way to prevent this is to play a single player game.

    The odds that they will go back and tweak 10 of years of mobs to create a separate veteran overland are slim to none.
  • valenwood_vegan
    This could literally be done in like a week or two tops.

    I can't even express in words how much I doubt that. I tend to think that even if they dropped everything and started working on a difficulty slider tomorrow morning, we wouldn't see it for a year. I'm not a game dev, but I am someone who has worked in the corporate world and let me tell you - no major company running a massive 10-year-old piece of software with tens of thousands of users throws together a new system in a week or two. The next content releases are likely already deep into development and their features more or less decided. PTS is going to be needed soon for u41, and would not be available to test an experimental new system.

    Even if they pulled everyone off of those projects tomorrow and put them to work on a difficulty slider, it would require extensive project planning, both from the dev team and the finance people who run the business. Resource allocation and budgeting and scheduling. Coding. Quality testing. Discovering unanticipated ways in which the new system interacts with dozens of existing systems and existing code. More coding. More testing.

    This just isn't some little indie game with 1 guy working on it who can throw things together in a couple days. Even existing bugs take weeks or months to be addressed (or are still pending).

    I would love for someone who's actually in software development to elaborate on this, because I'm likely underestimating what goes into it, if anything.

    But if you think you can do it in a week, that's really impressive and by all means look into whether zos is hiring!
    Edited by valenwood_vegan on 7 January 2024 18:37
  • erdYrrson
    I don't want to be on hard mode carrying a player on noob mode, unless he is low level player.

    And so it already begins... Also I wonder what kept you from simply writing "normal mode".

    Don't even want to comment post #5855

    Anyway, I stay with: Keep overland as it is.
  • Silentverge
    This could literally be done in like a week or two tops.

    I can't even express in words how much I doubt that. I tend to think that even if they dropped everything and started working on a difficulty slider tomorrow morning, we wouldn't see it for a year. I'm not a game dev, but I am someone who has worked in the corporate world and let me tell you - no major company running a massive 10-year-old piece of software with tens of thousands of users throws together a new system in a week or two. The next content releases are likely already deep into development and their features more or less decided. PTS is going to be needed soon for u41, and would not be available to test an experimental new system.

    Even if they pulled everyone off of those projects tomorrow and put them to work on a difficulty slider, it would require extensive project planning, both from the dev team and the finance people who run the business. Resource allocation and budgeting and scheduling. Coding. Quality testing. Discovering unanticipated ways in which the new system interacts with dozens of existing systems and existing code. More coding. More testing.

    This just isn't some little indie game with 1 guy working on it who can throw things together in a couple days. Even existing bugs take weeks or months to be addressed (or are still pending).

    I would love for someone who's actually in software development to elaborate on this, because I'm likely underestimating what goes into it, if anything.

    But if you think you can do it in a week, that's really impressive and by all means look into whether zos is hiring!

    First off, there is already multipliers in the code now, guaranteed. Vet mode dungeons is most likely controlled by params for HP, damage ect ect. So yes, I think it would not be all that time consuming to code in a difficulty system for overland because the code already exists somewhere for sure. Btw, I am an amateur computer programmer and just thinking of how to program this into a game doesn't seem all that difficult or very time consuming. I am just one person and I could probably whip up the code for it in a few days by myself. Now, being an MMO is much more complex than a simple program of course, but I highly doubt that it would take a small team of pro programmers all that long to implement.

    Edit: In fact, after thinking about this topic more. There are probably already params for difficulty for the overworld already. The player level scaling system. So, that would probably make this even easier/quicker to implement. I could be totally wrong on this but I don't think I am. Theres no way it would take them a year lol and if so... something is horribly wrong.
    Edited by Silentverge on 7 January 2024 19:05
  • Silentverge
    I don't want to be on hard mode carrying a player on noob mode, unless he is low level player.

    It would actually be the other way around. Players on default difficulty would be significantly stronger than someone on hard difficulty. However, we already have a scaling system that balances exactly this out so I don't see this as being much of an issue as it sounds.
  • Sakiri
    1.) Veteran instance of the zone with incentives to actually play it instead of just being harder make it worth it.

    pros - Examples

    A new currency added to this zone that can be used with new vendors who sell pets, mounts, skins, furnishings, item sets, collectables, ect
    More resources from nodes.
    x2 gold drops from all sources but not limited to just gold you could add motifs, recipes, designs, praxis, diagrams ect.
    Higher drop chance of all rare items from their sources example mobs, nodes, chests, pickpocket ect.
    Lead drops 100% of the time from its source.
    Mobs drop 2-3 more set pieces per kill.
    Xp from all sources is doubled.
    Double rewards from daily quests like 2 coffers or even more.
    CP gain can be even faster with the amount of xp required to reach the next cp level being lowered when in Veteran Zones
    Faster respawns for mobs, World bosses, Delve boss , nodes, ect
    all skill lines level up faster

    All content is harder with more hp, more dmg, more resistances
    The penalty for dying is more severe you can only respawn at wayshrines, all gear is broken on death, weapons charge reset to 0
    Lose 10% of your gold when you die money sink element
    You could turn CP off but still be able to gain cp


    This could be the golden opportunity to lay foundation work for PVP as well cyrodiil and BG is boring, outdated, and just old we need another way to pvp.

    Lock zones back to their Alliance and have things for example called rifts that open up at set times of the day that allow the opposing faction to invade the other faction.


    Rifts can be anything that teleports you to another alliance or call it whatever else you like that would fit the lore of TES but anyway. Rifts can open between like 10am to 11am, 3pm-4pm, 6pm - 7pm ect. If you die and the rift is closed you can't go back and you cant use soul gems to revive only special soul gems bought with tel var or alliance points others can revive you with those soul gems as well but they need to be costly or either only drop from Harder bosses or a new currency ect.


    Zone 1, DC Auridon ) <<< RIFT >>> Zone 1. AD Glenumbra <<< RIFT >>> ( Zone 1,EP Stonefalls )

    This could be between levels 5-15 ofc mobs will need to be bewteen the same levels to make sense for pvp as well.

    Zone 2. DC Stormhaven <<< RIFT > >> Zone 2. AD Grahtwood <<< RIFT >>> Zone 2. EP Deshaan

    This could be between levels 15-25 ofc mobs will need to be bewteen the same levels to make sense for pvp as well.

    Zone 3. DC Rivenspire <<< RIFT > >> Zone 3. AD Greenshade <<< RIFT >>> Zone 3.EP Shadowfen

    This could be between levels 25-35 ofc mobs will need to be bewteen the same levels to make sense for pvp as well.

    Zone 4. DC Alik'r Desert <<< RIFT > >> Zone 4. AD Malabal Tor <<< RIFT >>> Zone 4. EP Eastmarch

    This could be between levels 35-45 ofc mobs will need to be bewteen the same levels to make sense for pvp as well.

    Zone 5. DC Bangkorai <<< RIFT > >> Zone 5. AD Reaper's March <<< RIFT >>> Zone 5. EP The Rift

    This could be between levels 45-50 ofc mobs will need to be bewteen the same levels to make sense for pvp as well

    DLC zones could also be used as neutral zones which mean no PVP instead the 3 alliances all work together for a common gold but still be rewarded with PVP currency or they could also be used as battle fields instead fighting over the zone to take control and the rewards being which ever alliance owns this zone is the only alliance that is neutral with the NPCS so they can do the daily quests and not be attacked or hostile to npcs and guards of that zone

    The open world PVP could also add guards who patrol around the zone who are hard as hell to kill and will need big groups to defeat but are very rewarding if defeated.

    If anybody is familiar with the game Aion they would know what I'm talking about. This game needs a pvp rework badly and just more activities in general to participate in.


    No incentives. It'll end up like woe war mode where people feel compelled to do it for rewards.

    And separate instance overworked would just split the playerbase more.
  • Silentverge
    Sakiri wrote: »
    1.) Veteran instance of the zone with incentives to actually play it instead of just being harder make it worth it.

    pros - Examples

    A new currency added to this zone that can be used with new vendors who sell pets, mounts, skins, furnishings, item sets, collectables, ect
    More resources from nodes.
    x2 gold drops from all sources but not limited to just gold you could add motifs, recipes, designs, praxis, diagrams ect.
    Higher drop chance of all rare items from their sources example mobs, nodes, chests, pickpocket ect.
    Lead drops 100% of the time from its source.
    Mobs drop 2-3 more set pieces per kill.
    Xp from all sources is doubled.
    Double rewards from daily quests like 2 coffers or even more.
    CP gain can be even faster with the amount of xp required to reach the next cp level being lowered when in Veteran Zones
    Faster respawns for mobs, World bosses, Delve boss , nodes, ect
    all skill lines level up faster

    All content is harder with more hp, more dmg, more resistances
    The penalty for dying is more severe you can only respawn at wayshrines, all gear is broken on death, weapons charge reset to 0
    Lose 10% of your gold when you die money sink element
    You could turn CP off but still be able to gain cp


    This could be the golden opportunity to lay foundation work for PVP as well cyrodiil and BG is boring, outdated, and just old we need another way to pvp.

    Lock zones back to their Alliance and have things for example called rifts that open up at set times of the day that allow the opposing faction to invade the other faction.


    Rifts can be anything that teleports you to another alliance or call it whatever else you like that would fit the lore of TES but anyway. Rifts can open between like 10am to 11am, 3pm-4pm, 6pm - 7pm ect. If you die and the rift is closed you can't go back and you cant use soul gems to revive only special soul gems bought with tel var or alliance points others can revive you with those soul gems as well but they need to be costly or either only drop from Harder bosses or a new currency ect.


    Zone 1, DC Auridon ) <<< RIFT >>> Zone 1. AD Glenumbra <<< RIFT >>> ( Zone 1,EP Stonefalls )

    This could be between levels 5-15 ofc mobs will need to be bewteen the same levels to make sense for pvp as well.

    Zone 2. DC Stormhaven <<< RIFT > >> Zone 2. AD Grahtwood <<< RIFT >>> Zone 2. EP Deshaan

    This could be between levels 15-25 ofc mobs will need to be bewteen the same levels to make sense for pvp as well.

    Zone 3. DC Rivenspire <<< RIFT > >> Zone 3. AD Greenshade <<< RIFT >>> Zone 3.EP Shadowfen

    This could be between levels 25-35 ofc mobs will need to be bewteen the same levels to make sense for pvp as well.

    Zone 4. DC Alik'r Desert <<< RIFT > >> Zone 4. AD Malabal Tor <<< RIFT >>> Zone 4. EP Eastmarch

    This could be between levels 35-45 ofc mobs will need to be bewteen the same levels to make sense for pvp as well.

    Zone 5. DC Bangkorai <<< RIFT > >> Zone 5. AD Reaper's March <<< RIFT >>> Zone 5. EP The Rift

    This could be between levels 45-50 ofc mobs will need to be bewteen the same levels to make sense for pvp as well

    DLC zones could also be used as neutral zones which mean no PVP instead the 3 alliances all work together for a common gold but still be rewarded with PVP currency or they could also be used as battle fields instead fighting over the zone to take control and the rewards being which ever alliance owns this zone is the only alliance that is neutral with the NPCS so they can do the daily quests and not be attacked or hostile to npcs and guards of that zone

    The open world PVP could also add guards who patrol around the zone who are hard as hell to kill and will need big groups to defeat but are very rewarding if defeated.

    If anybody is familiar with the game Aion they would know what I'm talking about. This game needs a pvp rework badly and just more activities in general to participate in.


    No incentives. It'll end up like woe war mode where people feel compelled to do it for rewards.

    And separate instance overworked would just split the playerbase more.

    Agreed. IMO for overland difficulty in general, less is more. If it gets too over complicated then it just becomes a balancing mess. Just a simple damage multiplier would suffice. Maybe tweak the enemy HP a tiny bit or change up the defense of enemies or something like that but any more would quickly become an unbalanced nightmare because of the nature of multiplayer.
  • SilverBride
    Maybe tweak the enemy HP a tiny bit or change up the defense of enemies or something like that but any more would quickly become an unbalanced nightmare because of the nature of multiplayer.

    Tweaking the enemies to be more difficult would just create conflict with the many players that do not want even a small increase in difficulty forced on them.

    The only solutions that would not cause negative effects for others are the optional ones that address the individual player.
  • spartaxoxo
    Sakiri wrote: »
    So, suppose they add a slider.

    What happens when someone with it off hits your mobs? Do they suddenly get screwed by a bullet sponge? Does the challenge monger's settings take over?

    I just don't see it working. At all.

    And obviously some of you don't want to do the stories bad enough or you'd do them regardless of difficulty. In no mmo ever have I played overland content for a challenge.

    You literally wouldn't even notice. The mob does more damage to them, not you. It is already the case that mobs don't hit everyone for the same damage due to things like gear, HP, and even a buff they quietly give players under level 50.
    Edited by spartaxoxo on 7 January 2024 19:37
  • Silentverge
    Maybe tweak the enemy HP a tiny bit or change up the defense of enemies or something like that but any more would quickly become an unbalanced nightmare because of the nature of multiplayer.

    Tweaking the enemies to be more difficult would just create conflict with the many players that do not want even a small increase in difficulty forced on them.

    The only solutions that would not cause negative effects for others are the optional ones that address the individual player.

    Agreed, I was kinda using enemy HP and defense as an example but yes changes (debuffs) to the individual player is the way to go for sure.
  • Sakiri
    spartaxoxo wrote: »
    Sakiri wrote: »
    So, suppose they add a slider.

    What happens when someone with it off hits your mobs? Do they suddenly get screwed by a bullet sponge? Does the challenge monger's settings take over?

    I just don't see it working. At all.

    And obviously some of you don't want to do the stories bad enough or you'd do them regardless of difficulty. In no mmo ever have I played overland content for a challenge.

    You literally wouldn't even notice. The mob does more damage to them, not you. It is already the case that mobs don't hit everyone for the same damage due to things like gear, HP, and even a buff they quietly give players under level 50.

    But there's people asking for an HP increase.
  • spartaxoxo
    Sakiri wrote: »
    spartaxoxo wrote: »
    Sakiri wrote: »
    So, suppose they add a slider.

    What happens when someone with it off hits your mobs? Do they suddenly get screwed by a bullet sponge? Does the challenge monger's settings take over?

    I just don't see it working. At all.

    And obviously some of you don't want to do the stories bad enough or you'd do them regardless of difficulty. In no mmo ever have I played overland content for a challenge.

    You literally wouldn't even notice. The mob does more damage to them, not you. It is already the case that mobs don't hit everyone for the same damage due to things like gear, HP, and even a buff they quietly give players under level 50.

    But there's people asking for an HP increase.

    And? That's a different idea. I agree a mandatory HP increase is not a good idea. It doesn't make that idea the same as the debuff slider.
  • disky
    It's different from a slider because a slider would require multiple degrees of difficulty. This same thing could be obtained by wearing a gear set for one level of debuff, then adding a debuff food if more difficulty is desired. Or vice versa.

    Let me say first that I appreciate that you're listening. My question is, does the implementation of this idea need to interfere with a player's build/gear/food/consumable economy? Much as I don't want a challenge mode to affect players that want to continue playing the game as it is, I also don't want to force people to engage in adjusting their builds or consumables just to experience a higher level of challenge. And lets be honest, that does sort of echo the "just use basic gear" argument that a lot of people seem to make.

    I think that if the feature were to see any success there would need to be no friction whatsoever, and forcing players to change their builds is going to render the feature practically useless because no one will want to do it. It needs to exist outside of build mechanics.
    Edited by disky on 7 January 2024 20:17
  • disky
    Edit: In fact, after thinking about this topic more. There are probably already params for difficulty for the overworld already. The player level scaling system. So, that would probably make this even easier/quicker to implement. I could be totally wrong on this but I don't think I am. Theres no way it would take them a year lol and if so... something is horribly wrong.

    And PvP debuffs exist too. I feel like a lot of the work has already been done. But I'm not a programmer.
  • valenwood_vegan

    First off, there is already multipliers in the code now, guaranteed. Vet mode dungeons is most likely controlled by params for HP, damage ect ect. So yes, I think it would not be all that time consuming to code in a difficulty system for overland because the code already exists somewhere for sure. Btw, I am an amateur computer programmer and just thinking of how to program this into a game doesn't seem all that difficult or very time consuming. I am just one person and I could probably whip up the code for it in a few days by myself. Now, being an MMO is much more complex than a simple program of course, but I highly doubt that it would take a small team of pro programmers all that long to implement.

    Edit: In fact, after thinking about this topic more. There are probably already params for difficulty for the overworld already. The player level scaling system. So, that would probably make this even easier/quicker to implement. I could be totally wrong on this but I don't think I am. Theres no way it would take them a year lol and if so... something is horribly wrong.

    I think you are confusing what I said with a different issue.

    Certainly a team of programmers *could* potentially write the actual code for a difficulty slider in a short time.

    ZoS is not a small team of pro programmers, it is a large corporation. Millions of dollars are at stake. I am saying a new system like this cannot be thrown together in a week or two in such an environment, because of the the reasons I outlined above. This is of course my opinion. Regardless, I'm not that interested in arguing about it because I'm not the one who would need to be convinced, but I was merely trying to convey my experience from working in and with large corporations.

    TLDR; I'm just trying to say... expecting a solution to overland difficulty to appear in a couple weeks is only going to lead to disappointment.
    Edited by valenwood_vegan on 7 January 2024 20:27
  • Silentverge
    Edit: In fact, after thinking about this topic more. There are probably already params for difficulty for the overworld already. The player level scaling system. So, that would probably make this even easier/quicker to implement. I could be totally wrong on this but I don't think I am. Theres no way it would take them a year lol and if so... something is horribly wrong.

    And PvP debuffs exist too. I feel like a lot of the work has already been done. But I'm not a programmer.

    Yes exactly. I'd bet a LOT of money on that the code already exists or wouldn't take long to make it. If you know anything about coding, it"s actually not that difficult to make something like this. (in theory) there are always exceptions though.
  • Silentverge

    First off, there is already multipliers in the code now, guaranteed. Vet mode dungeons is most likely controlled by params for HP, damage ect ect. So yes, I think it would not be all that time consuming to code in a difficulty system for overland because the code already exists somewhere for sure. Btw, I am an amateur computer programmer and just thinking of how to program this into a game doesn't seem all that difficult or very time consuming. I am just one person and I could probably whip up the code for it in a few days by myself. Now, being an MMO is much more complex than a simple program of course, but I highly doubt that it would take a small team of pro programmers all that long to implement.

    Edit: In fact, after thinking about this topic more. There are probably already params for difficulty for the overworld already. The player level scaling system. So, that would probably make this even easier/quicker to implement. I could be totally wrong on this but I don't think I am. Theres no way it would take them a year lol and if so... something is horribly wrong.

    I think you are confusing what I said with a different issue.

    Certainly a team of programmers *could* potentially write the actual code for a difficulty slider in a short time.

    ZoS is not a small team of pro programmers, it is a large corporation. Millions of dollars are at stake. I am saying a new system like this cannot be thrown together in a week or two in such an environment, because of the the reasons I outlined above. This is of course my opinion. Regardless, I'm not that interested in arguing about it because I'm not the one who would need to be convinced, but I was merely trying to convey my experience from working in and with large corporations.

    TLDR; I'm just trying to say... expecting a solution to overland difficulty to appear in a couple weeks is only going to lead to disappointment.

    Oh, I totally agree with that. My point was that writing the actual code and then adding a UI for it and all that wouldn't take nearly as long as you would think. Corporate politics though? Yea, that's a much bigger problem than just developing a difficulty system, agreed.
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