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PTS Patch Notes v3.0.0

  • EldritchPenguin
    All this paranoia is hilarious.

    "It's going to be impossible to do anything!!!1111"

    First of all, figure it out and/or git gud. No more 5 minute vet dungeon speed runs, QQ moar.

    Second, if that somehow were to come to fruition you REALLY believe that ZoS wouldn't make rapid changes? What are they going to do, literally shut down anything above normal dungeons?

    Take a breath, voice your concern and questions...but all the dramatic whiny QQ'ing is just over the top hilarious/annoying/unwarranted.
    "Git gud." Well what is there to learn? L2 use cost reduction glyphs? L2 sit around and spam heavy attacks instead of doing your rotation that took hours of practice to perfect? There is no skill whatsoever to resource management, and that's true whether sustain is trivial or impossible. The difference is that making it impossible is immensely frustrating.

    I'm okay with no more 5 minute vet dungeon speed runs. What pisses me off is that the content I can currently barely pull off if I have a good group (vICP, for example) is now going to be absolutely impossible for me, and I have a massive grindwall ahead of me (and most of that grinding is going to be on a character that is borderline unplayable, since I play Dragonknight) just to get back to the point where I already am.

    And no, I don't believe that ZoS would make fast changes. The overwhelming majority of the changes on the PTS make it to live regardless of player feedback, and we won't get any more balance changes for another 3 months. And then when those balance changes do come, there's a pretty good chance that the imbalances are going to get even worse.
    Lilelle Adlis - Dark Elf Dragonknight

    Vaynothah Sailenar - Dark Elf Templar

    Sherivah Telvanni - Dark Elf Sorcerer

    Nephiah Telvanni - Dark Elf Nightblade
  • RebornV3x
    Well damn RIP ESO this patch is a big flaming pile of poo its a disaster other than new content there's no reason to be happy about the next patch. Why do are characters get weaker with every patch I don't understand.
    Xbox One - NA GT: RebornV3x
    I also play on PC from time to time but I just wanna be left alone on there so sorry.
  • Kay1
    All this paranoia is hilarious.

    "It's going to be impossible to do anything!!!1111"

    First of all, figure it out and/or git gud. No more 5 minute vet dungeon speed runs, QQ moar.

    Second, if that somehow were to come to fruition you REALLY believe that ZoS wouldn't make rapid changes? What are they going to do, literally shut down anything above normal dungeons?

    Take a breath, voice your concern and questions...but all the dramatic whiny QQ'ing is just over the top hilarious/annoying/unwarranted.

    - Masterbroodub17, expert quest player and normal dungeons ESL player.
    K1 The Big Monkey
  • Kay1
    RebornV3x wrote: »
    Well damn RIP ESO this patch is a big flaming pile of poo its a disaster other than new content there's no reason to be happy about the next patch. Why do are characters get weaker with every patch I don't understand.

    Because this game want you to experience the Benjamin Button experience
    K1 The Big Monkey
  • masterbroodub17_ESO
    All this paranoia is hilarious.

    "It's going to be impossible to do anything!!!1111"

    First of all, figure it out and/or git gud. No more 5 minute vet dungeon speed runs, QQ moar.

    Second, if that somehow were to come to fruition you REALLY believe that ZoS wouldn't make rapid changes? What are they going to do, literally shut down anything above normal dungeons?

    Take a breath, voice your concern and questions...but all the dramatic whiny QQ'ing is just over the top hilarious/annoying/unwarranted.
    "Git gud." Well what is there to learn? L2 use cost reduction glyphs? L2 sit around and spam heavy attacks instead of doing your rotation that took hours of practice to perfect? There is no skill whatsoever to resource management, and that's true whether sustain is trivial or impossible. The difference is that making it impossible is immensely frustrating.

    I'm okay with no more 5 minute vet dungeon speed runs. What pisses me off is that the content I can currently barely pull off if I have a good group (vICP, for example) is now going to be absolutely impossible for me, and I have a massive grindwall ahead of me (and most of that grinding is going to be on a character that is borderline unplayable, since I play Dragonknight) just to get back to the point where I already am.

    And no, I don't believe that ZoS would make fast changes. The overwhelming majority of the changes on the PTS make it to live regardless of player feedback, and we won't get any more balance changes for another 3 months. And then when those balance changes do come, there's a pretty good chance that the imbalances are going to get even worse.

    There's no skill in stacking resource pools and spamming either.

    If you already know that all these things about ZoS are true why the hell are you still here? Stockholm syndrome?
  • Bladorthin
    This seems like a very knee-jerk overkill reaction. The CP Sustain nerfs are more than enough, along with some set tweaks of the gear added through One Tamriel. I'm very disappointed. I also have yet to see a content creator defend this patch. Hopefully, this will be drastically changed before Morrowind's release.
  • DoccEff
    TLDR version: everyone and everything gets nerfed.

    No chances to the broken RNG-lootsystem. So the chance to get a certain weapon that you want will stay <0.5%.

    No style-change for dropped sets either. No buffs for weak armour sets.
    No storage for housing.
    No bankspace-increase, except for eso+.
  • Gomumon
    I think there's a huge problem with this endless balance to PVP content that hurts PVE players. PVP players will still find something else to exploit and find a new FOTM. Meanwhile, organized PVE groups suffer the most. For one, I feel that with reduced CP efficiency and reduced sustain, there should also be equally extreme reductions to Boss HP. As it stands, in the attempt to decrease PVP battles you're increasing PVE battles.

    Second, as someone stated earlier, this constant scaling and closing the gap between low levels and high levels might appeal to casual gamers, but it greatly reduces the incentive to continue growing when all reaching higher levels means is that, with each update, you'll feel the same (if not weaker) as before. I don't really see the point in raising the CP cap at all now.

    Lastly, these attempts to diversify gameplay seem like they'll actually just make it more cookie cutter. "Everyone use sustain builds and spam heavy attacks," seems to be the name of the game now.

    Again, the main problem I see with this game is that there's an inability to reconcile PVP and PVE adjustments. One GREAT solution to this would be to have completely different stats for PVP and PVE. For example, TOUGHNESS could be the PVP counterpart to RESISTANCE, and certain sets could be redesigned to provide TOUGHNESS instead of RESISTANCE. The same could go for damage, crit, etc. That way the plethora of useless, underpowered or obsolete sets in this game could be repurposed, with a convenient way for players who play both to swap between them.

    This would also help players farm sets accordingly: sets for PVP are farmed in PVP, and sets for PVE are farmed in PVE. It would also give room for removal of some trashy traits. 4 PVE, 4 PVP, and training for <50. Make Nirnhoned the PVP equivalent of Sharpened. The same could apply to mundus stones. Etc. Hell, you guys could even create a 4th role dedicated to resource management and CC... like a "controller."

    As it stands, none of these changes are reflective of the essence of a great MMORPG. Complex rotations, continual growth, EARNING strong gear; all of these are going to be stifled. I mean, there's already the option to go to Cyrodiil without CP. And people who went to CP campaigns know exactly what they're getting into. Making bosses weaker, or adding a 4th role and separating PVE and PVP gear, traits, and stats would help greatly.
  • Bladorthin
    Here are the people that were invited to Zenimax a couple of moths ago to discuss Morrowind reactions to the PTS notes, thus far:



    More will follow I'm sure...
    Edited by Bladorthin on 18 April 2017 16:28
  • Duukar
    A major step back to the best version of this game.

    Once upon a time you had to make smart build choices and skill use choices in PvP or you would run out of resources and die.

    Welcome back! You have been missed.
  • BuggeX
    can i have now an execute pls? my sustain is taken away. mby i can kill the one or other n cyro...
    ohh i forgot, Inferno (unused in pvp) and 10% for lash will help me witht hat... cmon
    Edited by BuggeX on 18 April 2017 16:38
  • Fodore
    So Templar has finally been given the killing blow... fml
    Before judging a man walk a mile in his shoes.
    After that who cares?
    They're a mile away and you've got their shoes.
  • Koolio
    Duukar wrote: »
    A major step back to the best version of this game.

    Once upon a time you had to make smart build choices and skill use choices in PvP or you would run out of resources and die.

    Welcome back! You have been missed.

    Not to meaning to grab just your comment but just curious if you ever try to fight the Zerg/destro ult trains in PVP right now with minimal numbers. Like with 3 people vs 20. You have to already build for sustain and make good decisions. Fighting completely outnumbered isn't easy already yet alone ripping the sustain out of builds. Maybe it will help Zerg v Zerg a lot and change the way they operate. So it will make them easier to kill. But I doubt it when 2 dodge rolls and your out of resources and get negated root spammed by just 4 of their 20. Along with all the undodgeable unblockable moves now. It's like they just destroyed ( 4 of 7 in my guild I talked to just last night are leaving) small scale with these last few patches. Because they want Zergs in CyrodiiI and small in BGS. I wish I could hop on pts but I can't.

    I lived this game for the past few years. 90+ days on one character of 12. I even bought a vita to farm at work. But had a hard time logging in just even doing writs yesterday. What's the point if I get nerf another 30% across the board again after I get all characters back to functioning. Probably play my orc stam sorc with fiords and morkuldin or nightblade with eternal and prisoners rags (strange builds that I won't be able to use since the only had high regen/movement to compete as opposed to stacking damage) until update then bounce. Sad day for this guy. Hopefully something changes and I can try and rally my troops again with a giant morale boost. Between performance and lack of PVP changes ( as in same map for years) they were already on edge. This just pushed way to hard.

    EP scourge PS4 was already getting gated almost daily. Now the builds that helped us fight larger numbers has to be redone from scratch. We are all capable of rebuilding our characters and utilizing each other's skills to kill larger numbers but the grind for the right gear makes it tedious and boring. Especially doing it multiple times a year.
  • Shader_Shibes
    First i was like...

    Then i was llike...

    Then i was even...

    Now im like...

  • timidobserver
    Bladorthin wrote: »
    Here are the people that were invited to Zenimax a couple of moths ago to discuss Morrowind reactions to the PTS notes, thus far:



    More will follow I'm sure...

    At least Fengrush will stop complaining about Templar now. I cant imagine what else there is to complain about. I think one of the 3 times he smiled during the whole video was when reading the breath of life nerf.
    Edited by timidobserver on 18 April 2017 17:11
    V16 Uriel Stormblessed EP Magicka Templar(main)
    V16 Derelict Vagabond EP Stamina DK
    V16 Redacted Ep Stam Sorc
    V16 Insolent EP Magicka Sorc(retired)
    V16 Jed I Nyte EP Stamina NB(retired)

  • Peekachu99
    People are acting as if they ABSOLUTELY CANNOT sacrifice 400-600 spell or weapon power for cost reduction and a regen glyphs. Like really, how fast does stuff actually have to melt? If you're a bad dps, you shouldn't be doing Vet trials, period. Do normal ones. Same for VRoM, too. As far as other 'hard' content, I've done VMA with a tank build and it's so safe it's stupid--those bosses only have like 400K HP tops. That's with tank damage (1600 spellpower with major sorcery). It's actually my preferred method of VMA farming now, since it's so brainless and I can be so sloppy. And you're telling me that somehow tuned-dps builds are going to be asolutely crippled because they do 1-3K less dps per second when the average was already so astronomically high?

    I don't think so. Getting 4K spellpower/ weaponpower with next to no tradeoffs is absurd. I'm glad they're being mean mommy here. Also, getting people to dust off Seducer or Willow's Path (both excellent and criminally underused sets since the meta exploded into a dps race), can only be good for the game.

    Change is hard, but I think ZoS are on the right track here. I would expect a few capitulations and adjustments, though, before Morrowind goes live, based on the ocean of tears this has caused.
    Edited by Peekachu99 on 18 April 2017 17:28
  • Speed_Kills
    Changes look very nice to me. Only concern is that it might be the return of the #Stamsorcmeta. Overall though, the nerf to heavy sustain is what I have been hoping for. Dk sustain will be a lot different, but can anyone really argue with that battleroar+ helping hands wasn't over the top? Passive resource return with no counter play. Dark deal, while very strong, is counterable. First look at these changes puts Stam sorc in line for best heals + best resource maintenance. To be honest, my heavy armor Stam sorc is barely nerfed since I don't heavily rely on constitution for resources and I don't rely on reduced cost. Overall the blanket nerf hits it a lot less than any other setup I can currently think of at the moment (bow builds got a buff but don't think it will be enough to make them viable vs top tier).
    Some say speed kills, I hope to be proof of that.

    Main- Speed Kills Nord Stamina Sorcerer
    +11 alts (every class, mag+stam)
  • texassob
    this is filth
  • MrBrandon
    ahhh the feeling of getting weaker with every patch. The ZOS way. They need new management.
  • worsttankever
    ManDraKE wrote: »
    CP Nerfed
    Heavy Armor Nerfed
    Unlimited Resources Nerfed
    Cost Poisions Nerfed
    Permablock Nerfed

    Unreal, amazing changes, we have been asking for this *** for a long time, now we can finally see the result of the playtest they did with players a few months ago. Time to put skill back in the game, gj ZoS

    Agreed! As an altaholic, and primarily a crafter, at 360CP there is no reason for me to go into a CP PVP campaign if I want a fair fight. I appreciate leveling that "stat gain" from CP at 300, and also frontloading most the benefit in specific allocations.

    Toning down Vigor, Heavy Armor, Crits from stealth, blocking, sustain.. all looks good to me.
    Men are but flesh and blood. They know their doom, but not the hour.
  • Aiphaton
    Dk sustain will be a lot different, but can anyone really argue with that battleroar+ helping hands wasn't over the top

    If you had so big struggle to kill an Dk you did something really wrong..
  • grim_tactics
    Aiphaton wrote: »

    If you had so big struggle to kill an Dk you did something really wrong..

    You've obviously never ran into an infinite sustain DK.

    No one should be able to sustain being attacked by 5-6 ppl and walk away like nothing happened.

    Seen it happen before and this was with all 600cp players doing everything they could and Dk never turned to fight. Just got out unscathed once the Zerg showed up and killed the guys fighting him.
  • GDOFWR420
    SOOOOOOOO I guess your aiming for the everybody gets a trophy type game were the vets have to be on the same level as the new guy so you can keep attracting more player and make more money? While the vets suffer you get paid and we keep playing cause we already invested so much and you kinda know that. But come on when will I get to feel like I invested a 157+ days versus the guy who took advantage of your free to play weekend? With every nerf it gets worse, we'll here's to morrowind and hoping the single player content is still enjoyable.
  • argouru
    ZoS, please at least nerf the difficulty of Vet Maelstrom Arena on consoles. With the loss of cost reduction on what is already an insanely hard part of the game, completing it will become nearly impossible.
  • argouru
    Please give players free point re-specs for champion points...

    Since there's some major changes happening to the champion system, please grant players a free reset of their champion points when the update comes out. Pretty much everyone will need to re-do their champion point spending once these changes go into effect.

  • argouru
    Also, I heard there were changes to combat pets (I think in regards to health and damage). I see no mention of those changes.
  • Dracane
    I think the only big question that needs to be asked about this update, is if the Siphoner Cp passive stacks from multiple players. If so, then this is the first time after 4 years, where I tell you I will quit this game because any type of smallscale or 1vx is dead at last.
    Auri-El is my lord,
    Trinimac is my shield,
    Magnus is my mind.

    My debut album on YouTube:
  • skwherl
    MrBrandon wrote: »
    ahhh the feeling of getting weaker with every patch. The ZOS way. They need new management.

    EA might do a better job
  • kvlou79
    Whoa! Seems like gonna have to relearn to play on some of these changes. ZOS throwin the middle finger to Meta lol.
  • DragonBound
    If you had more plans in the future to actually fix stamina why not put that in the notes? These are way to grim for stamina builds we do not understand what the hek is going on zos:(
This discussion has been closed.