PTS Patch Notes v3.0.0

  • LegendaryMage
    @ZOS_GinaBruno can I just get a quick confirmation on whether it's ok to showcase the new CP system in media as it doesn't have anything to do with morrowind in particular? Thank you! :)
  • masterbroodub17_ESO
    Enodoc wrote: »
    By far the best skill-encouraging patch ever made, good job ZoS.
    Combat nerfs and buffs i am satisfied.
    althou i hoped for jewelry crafting, due to my massive collection of gold jewelry.
    Hey look! Amongst all the tears, someone is actually happy about the skill changes. I knew you guys were out there somewhere!

    The only thing I want to see reversed is the %5 increase to stamina skill cost. I mean, stamina is already basically relegated to "*** work" so why the need for a nerf?
  • grokall
    Soul Shriven
    So, no fix for the characters that look like a vampire - but they are not a vampire? This has been broken for a while.
  • luen79rwb17_ESO
    Enodoc wrote: »
    By far the best skill-encouraging patch ever made, good job ZoS.
    Combat nerfs and buffs i am satisfied.
    althou i hoped for jewelry crafting, due to my massive collection of gold jewelry.
    Hey look! Amongst all the tears, someone is actually happy about the skill changes. I knew you guys were out there somewhere!

    There are plenty, it's just that they're not so loud :wink:

    V16 sorc - V16 temp - V16 dk - V1 nb - V1 temp - V1 dk
  • Phinix1
    Adenoma wrote: »
    With every patch we've had a lot of sweeping changes. Speaking with respect only to PvP, ZOS doesn't do small tweaks, they try to change the game based on the existing PvP meta without foresight for the future.

    I think the most depressing thing about all this is how obvious it has become that ZOS NEVER LISTENS TO COMMUNITY FEEDBACK. They get an idea in their head, and no matter how terrible it is for the game, no matter how hated or how many customers they lose, they will completely ignore it all and blindly (or spitefully?) plow forward without a second thought. I would be surprised if they read a single post in this thread at all.

    Honestly, the community expects more time and energy doing THEIR job than whoever the heck it is comes up with these ridiculous "balance by chainsaw" ideas at ZOS. Look what happened with Frost Staff Tanking. MONTHS of feedback on the PTS and forums with literally NOVELS written about the reasons why it was a TERRIBLE implementation, with countless creative and awesome suggestions how to fix it, and ZOS ignores EVERY SINGLE WORD OF IT and just goes with their original bad idea. Why solicit feedback at all? Spite? I'm sure the Germans have a phrase for people that blindly stumble forward in spite of all good evidence to try and sway them from their self-destructive course.

    Now what do we have? A totally pointless element for Destruction Staff that no one can use anymore and a tank spec that NOBODY USES and which cannot be taken seriously. So where is it in the notes that they added the ability for 2H weapons to count as two set bonuses? STILL fighting that one. It feels like I am trying to have a constructive conversation with Kanye West about the merits of humility.

    Why should I expend more time and energy trying to help them make the game better when they don't listen anyway?

    This time around is is SEPARATE PVP BALANCING that they flatly refuse to acknowledge at all cost. They don't care if they chase their customers to other games that don't just arbitrarily rip 2 years of character progression out from under you to "balance" for one current PVP meta. I don't care if the world is burning down all around them, if they have got the idea in their head that they don't want to balance PVP and PVE separately, they will settle for being lords of the ashes.

    So frustrating. Especially because it is SO simple to fix and avoid similar issues in the future.
    • Change resource behavior when in PVP
    • Allow NON-CP and normalized gear mode in the new Battlegrounds
    • Profit.

    Instead they opt for wrecking all the progress they and all of us have made for... what?

    And where the heck is:
    • Jewelry crafting and upgrade to fix drops sets making crafting obsolete.
    • Dungeon tokens to fix burnout RNG.
    • Weapon dying like we were getting over a year ago.
    • Ability to change style of armor so motifs aren't useless.
    • 2H weapons counting as 2 set items so Frost Tanking isn't totally pointless.
    • Separate PVE and PVP balance so customers don't become your biggest enemy.

    These are just some OBVIOUS things they could be devoting resources to instead of whoever this billion dollar company is CARRYING that is coming up with the current balance direction. But I cannot help but feel it is a pointless waste of my time to give feedback, because in three years it has become painfully obvious that this particular company NEVER LISTENS. Not to PTS feedback and not to threads like this.

    So if I sound a little jaded and frustrated it is because I AM. 2 years of CP progress just arbitrarily yanked away to "fix" one PVP meta that they refuse to balance separately? After they have been selling XP scrolls in their Crown Store no less. Whoever greenlights this should be ashamed of themselves. If it were any other company the people responsible would have plenty of time reading the classified ads to think about it while they looked for a new job.

    OK, I am done ranting. Somehow though I don't feel any better.
  • Kay1
    BlackbirdV wrote: »
    Oh here we go again not even surpirsed...........
    From what I've been reading:

    PvPers: happy as ***, because all this literally benefits them to have GLORIOUS 15 HOUR BATTLE WOOP WOOP

    Us PvErs: Not *** happy 1 bit as gl doing vMOL Zhaj'Hassa second shield stage with everyone doing like 20k DPS, running out of resources in 10 seconds taking down a 2 million HP shield while taking damage every 1 second, and if a healer dies it's a wipe. Cannot wait to do that.

    Lol I don't know if you're trolling but these changes just killed PvP, now besides being in a zerg spamming light attacks and 1 AoE you won't be able to do anything and battlegrounds will be without CP so no one will play there.
    Enodoc wrote: »
    By far the best skill-encouraging patch ever made, good job ZoS.
    Combat nerfs and buffs i am satisfied.
    althou i hoped for jewelry crafting, due to my massive collection of gold jewelry.
    Hey look! Amongst all the tears, someone is actually happy about the skill changes. I knew you guys were out there somewhere!

    It must be the typical stam nb spamming focus aim behind a zerg of 60 players, he was tired of getting 1vXd.

    Zenimax it's against the TOS to change my in-game gold for gold in another game?
    K1 The Big Monkey
  • mafli1
    Aiphaton wrote: »
    mafli1 wrote: »
    Aiphaton wrote: »
    mafli1 wrote: »
    Perhaps heavy MagDK will no longer be the best choice. But think about a combination of Alteration Mastery (now working as intended), Syrabanne and Blood Spawn together with cost reduction glyphs on your jewelry... Put defensiv stance on your block bar and you are good to go...

    Different playstyle can be fun :wink:

    Back to the original light MagDK with robe... nice

    Yeah will work definitly not, cause of your lack of healing :)
    You will hit like a noodle, while a sorc is gonna laugh on you, putting curse on you and starting soul assaulting you.
    Cause you run faster out of Stamina then a Orc can sprint.
    Like literally you have allready the lack of no gapcloser and you cant afford the grip which is yeah bugged "Enemy isnt on the same Area (thanks ZOS), also you cant afford the gapcloser from S/B Bar.
    So you get pretty roasted from evry class with range.
    I forgot to mention any kind of poison which will increase your costs :)

    But good luck, trying that out,.

    I feel your pain :wink:
    To the lack of healing: Ambers, lash and inhale will heal you more than in heavy. But yes major mending of the igneous shield will be useless if it comes true...
    Stamina: perhaps its a little harder to sustain, but: 8% block cost reduction from defensiv stance, 6% from alteration mastery, arround 25% from shadow ward and one shield play enchantment... CC immunity after roll dodge will help aswell
    And finally its very annoying to have permablock builds anyway :smiley:

    All the other problems already exists today. no reliable cap closer, cost increase poisons...

    I have a dream of reflective scales that works properly and find his way back in the magDK bar. Sweet dreams

    Not gonna happen :disappointed: Zenimax allready pointed out that wings are a useless Skill.
    Since 1.6 they got nerfed from refelct all projectiles to 4, meteor got unreflectable all Dks droped Wings, no reason to run in cause of the high costs.
    The things is you not gonna run alteration mastery on a Stam Dk, you have no Dmg- AND you not gonna sustain since they increase the costs in PvP, Dk are build as "kinda tanky" class they have not that high mobillity like a Nightblade and a Sorc.
    But Zenimax isnt ware about that problem.

    Yes, some major reason to make a stam build on a DK will get a hard nerf... Really sad.
    I wish the wings would work like in 1.5. It would bring a little need of skills back to cyrodiil. All the One-Shot-Willy and Pew-Pew players will overthink if it is a good idea to attack a DK..
    Zenimax: fix wings or replace it with a capcloser like leap pls
  • Kay1
    Mysteri0n wrote: »
    Lol the patch note thread has turn into a goodbye thread, Post if you leaving the game also

    I need to convert my mats and gold for Guild Wars currency yeah :/
    K1 The Big Monkey
  • olsborg
    I feel that dark exchange (morphs) needs a nerf, I mean every other sustain skill is nerfed. Fair is fair.

    PC EU
    PvP only
  • Kay1
    Enodoc wrote: »
    By far the best skill-encouraging patch ever made, good job ZoS.
    Combat nerfs and buffs i am satisfied.
    althou i hoped for jewelry crafting, due to my massive collection of gold jewelry.
    Hey look! Amongst all the tears, someone is actually happy about the skill changes. I knew you guys were out there somewhere!

    There are plenty, it's just that they're not so loud :wink:

    But all these people will still get 1vXd, no matter how hard Zenimax will try to destroy very good players, very good players will always found a way and they will 1vX them while those guys cannot even kill a lvl 30 without help.
    K1 The Big Monkey
  • Phinix1
    Enodoc wrote: »
    By far the best skill-encouraging patch ever made, good job ZoS.
    Combat nerfs and buffs i am satisfied.
    althou i hoped for jewelry crafting, due to my massive collection of gold jewelry.
    Hey look! Amongst all the tears, someone is actually happy about the skill changes. I knew you guys were out there somewhere!

    They should have a feature to bump positive posts to the top of the thread, since it is obvious they only heed the pro-change arguments and feedback from the community. I know people are allergic to "negativity" these days but do we really have to sacrifice all constructive feedback for the sake of "staying positive" at all cost?

    It wouldn't even be so bad if they were willing to implement sweeping changes like this for PVP play only. That is the meta they are basing all this on. Why they flatly refuse this I cannot muster the forced positivity to get an answer to.

    But I cannot wrap my head around yanking 2 years of CP progress arbitrarily on a whim as part of the "balance by chainsaw" approach to AVOIDING having to balance separately for PVE and PVP. That loses a TON of respect from me.

    It's like whoever came up with the idea never considered the impact this would have on the perspective of the customers that had been grinding CP with the XP scrolls they have been selling for all that time. 1 step forward, 2 steps back...

  • Izaki
    Wow so much whining without even testing? Gotta love the ESO community
    @ Izaki #PCEU
    #FrenchKiss #GoneFor2YearsAndMyGuildDoesn'tRaidAnymore
  • Adenoma
    I think it's not so much whining. I think it's surprise that instead of tweaking an existing game we're getting a more or less new game on the PTS that has created a meta that will be tested for a few weeks and then the vast majority of those features (regardless of feedback on PTS - like the Templar spear shards stun fiasco) will go live.

    This patch has sweeping changes for both PvP and PvE.

    Personally, I'm pretty bummed that in PvP my stamDK and magDK have no healing now. I'm also bummed that I'm going to die to caltrops stacks constantly.
  • barrrt
    barrrt wrote: »
    "Fixed an issue where abilities and bonuses that allow you to ignore the Movement Speed penalty from sneak would stack, causing you to sneak at extremely high speeds."

    Ouch. So sad. So sad.

    This might have been a bug, but allowed for, by far, the most fun toon to play in both PVP and overland PVE I had a chance to play in my 4000+ hours.

    Wait a moment. Will Concealed Weapon + Night's Silence (or vampire) no long give 125% of base footspeed? That's a terrible loss if true!

    Not sure about concealed. I use vampire passive + night silence on my stamplar to quickly sneak on live. Fun in PVP, but great for overland questing too... to the point I barely can stand questing on my slow toons. :-)

    This no longer works on PTS. I really wish they reconsider that (at least let it stack once)... without it might as well go back to wrecking blow spam on that toon, just like on most stam toons nowadays. So much for build diversity. And not like it's a free bonus... giving up that 5th armor bonus for extra sneak speed takes away opportunity for higher damage or something else.
    EP: Veren Sailenar - 50 DK : Isabeau Sette Tyne - 50 Sorc : This-One-Lizard-Yes - 50 Templar : Lililia Adal - 50 NB : Solea Caro - 50 DK : Igor with Vigor - 50 Sorc : Slightly-Delays-Death - 50 Templar : Balki Barthel - 50 Warden : Willowshade Roxie - 50 Warden : Violetha Adal - 50 Templar : Andriel Greenarrow - 50 NB: Fleshy Leon - 50 Necro: Bonita Lacrimosa - 50 Nacro
    AD: Kael Spellbinder - 50 Templar
    DC: Sharrku gra-Dusku - 50 NB
  • Adenoma
    I should add that with each major patch we've seen people saying things like "I'm leaving and cancelling ESO+," and I've always found that ridiculous because they stick around and keep playing. This is the first time my friends and I actually are seriously looking at moving to another game.

    The new meta (I only PvP) has been a huge hit to small group healing, nuked solo sustain, and has enabled more ball zerg tactics. Instead of making heavy armor less of an optimal choice they made it completely useless beyond undaunted passives. Instead of modifying sustain via CP they burned up and chance at it in no CP.

    My only hope is that time to kill lowers because so much of our energy is directed to sustain. Otherwise, this is going to be a return to pre-IC DPS.

    Don't get me wrong, I'll buy the game and continue my subscription for a little while to see what things end up like. But I'm not super optimistic about the direction the game is going with respect to PvP.
  • Jazbay_Grape
    "Using the Shadowsilk Gem Goblin appearance will now allow you to sit on your mount properly instead of standing on the poor creatures"

    I'm sooooooooo DONE with this game now
  • 0rnge
    My sub gets renewed on the 8th of June so hopefully I can try things out before deciding. I'm not too happy with this patch, a few nerfs to my templar okay but why nerf light armour? I was really hoping it would be more viable for me with morrowind.
    PC | EU | DC
    K'Tal Dunmer Magplar
  • Swernik
    PLEASE fix the streak bug of sorcerers!!!!!!!
  • jlboozer
    The sustain changes are horrible, please reconsider.
  • Prospero_ESO
    Rittings wrote: »

    We've put in hours upon hours for 2 years on this game, only to find a player can now come in and in one week be doing the content we've had to work towards for so long.

    Even if that would be true, can you explain how it affects you if players with a lower cp level are doing content they can´t do before on a personal level? Guess what, nothing will happen...

    Really i don´t get it and i am so tired of this moronic elitist mindset. Do you define yourself only through your gear and your cp points ? Or do you simply enjoy looking down on others because you have this shiny breastplate of doom and others have not ? If you played this game for 2 years you have a *** load of game play experience ahead of "new" players and if you mastered the harder content in eso than also a lot more skill. A "new" player will never be on your level, no matter what. Isnt´that worth far more ?

    This patch is not the problem, your attitude is.
    Edited by Prospero_ESO on 18 April 2017 14:58
  • Kay1
    Swernik wrote: »
    PLEASE fix the streak bug of sorcerers!!!!!!!

    Why? You realize 2 streaks will cost you the 30% of your Magicka pool (if you only have 39k) once the patch goes live?

    They can keep it like that no one will use that skill anymore lol.
    K1 The Big Monkey
  • DHale
    This is epic... fail. Makes me really sad. This just makes the really hard content like Cradle of Shadows, VMA, Ruins of Mazattan, VMol harder and more frustrating. This will also guarantee people won't accept casuals into pve and pvp content and most of the min maxed sets are super nerfed.

    Easy content will now take longer leading myself and people I play with to do it less. I am so confused in what you are trying to accomplish with our game. It seems you want us to Zerg more in pvp and role play but not much else.
    Sorcerna, proud beta sorc. RIP April 2014 to May 31 2016 DArk Brotherhood. Out of retirement for negates and encases. Sorcerna will be going back into retirement to be my main crafter Fall 2018. Because an 8 k shield is f ing useless. Died because of baddies on the forum. Too much qq too little pew pew. 16 AD 2 DC. 0 EP cause they bad, CP 2300 plus 18 level 50 toons. NA, PC, Grey Host#SORCLIVESMATTER actually they don’t or they wouldn’t keep getting nerfed constantly.
  • Insanepirate01
    Zos seriously needs to stop with the nonstop nerfs every patch. Where are the things that actually need fixing like lag, rng, group finder and whatnot. This game gets more unrecognizable as ESO with every patch.
  • CTSCold
    'The racial skill line is currently unavailable, but will be enabled once again in a future PTS patch.'

    Could this possibly mean a big change up to racials again?
  • Khey
    Well... as a main Templar healer, I'm deeply disappointed. I was looking forward to this update/expension but this sucks. :/ Too many nerfs after nerfs. Too bad I already bought/pre-ordered Morrowind. :s
    » IGN: » @KheyESO | PC/NA «

    Wonders-At-Midnight » Argonian, Templar, Healer [Former Empress] • Touches-Many-Scales » Argonian, Warden, Healer • Xan'ari Keeper of Souls » Breton, Necromancer, Healer

    Nilinthil »Wood Elf, Nightblade, DPS • Xynthia » Breton, Sorcerer, DPS • S'arajah » Khajiit, Nightblade, DPS [PvP]
    Miréa The Firebender » Breton, DK, DPS • Xeary » Dark Elf, Sorcerer, DPS [Crafter] • Névrria Telvanni » Dark Elf, NIghtblade, DPS

    Held-The-Line » Argonian, Dragon Knight, Tank • Sapphiré Frostshield » Nord, Warden, Tank
  • mr_wazzabi
    Wow so much whining without even testing? Gotta love the ESO community

    You don't need to have been in a car accident to know that speeding is dangerous
    Bosmer Stamina NB
    Altmer Magicka TEMP
    Dunmer DK both stam/mag (depends what I feel like)
    Altmer Magicka NB
    Breton Magicka Sorc
    Redguard Stam Sorc
    Max CP
  • Neoauspex
    After reading these notes, I'm glad I have a sorcerer. And I'm rolling a Warden to replace my Templar

    As for the DKs ... I'm guessing it won't be until Camelot Unchained until I see you again.

    I instantly rolled a sorc yesterday, but I was waiting for a thorough @Joy_Division Templar PTS assessment thread before I made any permanent decisions...
  • vMaick
    Anyone else checked the date to make sure its not april 1st?
  • Kay1
    vMaick wrote: »
    Anyone else checked the date to make sure its not april 1st?

    I tho it was a joke too but I think they just want to close their servers they are tired of keeping this game alive :D
    K1 The Big Monkey
  • masterbroodub17_ESO
    All this paranoia is hilarious.

    "It's going to be impossible to do anything!!!1111"

    First of all, figure it out and/or git gud. No more 5 minute vet dungeon speed runs, QQ moar.

    Second, if that somehow were to come to fruition you REALLY believe that ZoS wouldn't make rapid changes? What are they going to do, literally shut down anything above normal dungeons?

    Take a breath, voice your concern and questions...but all the dramatic whiny QQ'ing is just over the top hilarious/annoying/unwarranted.
This discussion has been closed.