Maintenance for the week of July 1:
• NA megaservers for maintenance – July 1, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
• EU megaservers for maintenance – July 1, 8:00 UTC (4:00AM EDT) - 16:00 UTC (12:00PM EDT)
• ESO Store and Account System for maintenance – July 1, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)

PTS Patch Notes v3.0.0

  • t3hdubzy
    waitwhat wrote: »
    t3hdubzy wrote: »
    • Sneak attacks no longer grant a bonus to Critical Damage when used against other players. Sneak attacks will continue to guarantee a Critical Strike and stun the target, and will also still grant a bonus to Critical Damage when used against monsters.
      Developer Comments:
      Even though Sneak attacks currently have a lower Critical Damage bonus against players than against monsters, they still allow you to burst another player down in a matter of seconds without granting them enough time to react. Removing the Critical Damage bonus against players grants victims of sneak attacks more counterplay.

    Does this effect khajit and wood elf racial passives?


    Yes and no perhaps. We, as with everyone, will probably do less critical damage from stealth than we would otherwise, but our passive giving us larger total damage from stealth appear to remain unaffected.

    In other words, it appears we'll do more damage from stealth than someone would without that passive, but the critical damage portion will be lessened per the patch notes. We may feel this a little less than others, at least the stamina users amongst us, due to the carnage passive.

    I hope you are right
  • WeylandLabs
    EASY MODE OFF ! I look forward to all challenges Zos throws my way. But its funny to see players freaking out.

    Alot of players running the same builds this frees up alot of creativeness and uniqueness in builds.

    Now some of you know who the bad players are that rely on a meta to carrie them. Your going to see a ton of mag, stam sorcs and wardens lol

    Good day !
    Edited by WeylandLabs on 19 April 2017 00:25
  • Adenoma
    @waitwhat , I think the part you're missing is that if I make a stack of 8-10 caltrops on a breach then you can't get through a point that you must pass in order to take a keep/outpost. Basically, I can get my group to toss their 8-10 caltrops on a breach, run a couple siege on it, and effectively forget about that breach while we hold a second one should they make it. That seems like a silly mechanic.
  • ljb2k5_ESO
    The nerf to sneak attacks crit damage makes little sense. I thought in PVP counterplay against sneaking was preemptive awareness, use of AoE and abilities that reveal hidden targets, and of course not being alone. This just makes a one trick sneak attack, single target rogue builds less effective and promotes abandoning it in favor of spamming AoE builds. Not to also mention that the sneaking requires planning and positioning, and once out, the sneaking player is exposed so must make that one moment count. This is a step in the wrong direction. Most of the notes seem to make specialized play styles take a hit, and this makes little sense in a meta where various builds and playstyles were thriving in various portions of the game. These nerfs seem like they will result in many less viable options rather than increasing options IMO.

    This unfortunately kinda sucks the wind out of my sails, I just reinvested in ESO, subscribed and preordered the Morrowind xpac, coming over from WoW because Legion and its devs suck monkey ass only to run smack dab into this nerf-fest on the PTS that makes me feel like I've made a terrible mistake. Please don't wreck ESO, I was having fun with it until I read these patch notes.
    Edited by ljb2k5_ESO on 19 April 2017 00:47
  • ljb2k5_ESO
    Darkrift wrote: »
    They are trying to make the game more tactical than spammie (or is it spammy? not the stuff in the can, although just as bad). I for one appreciate the changes instead of mag <insert class> max your magicka and nothing else, etc and so forth. Makes for more complex decisions, builds and gameplay.

    I agree but I've only seen the problem in PVP with CP. I don't play pvp with CP so I'm always managing resources anyway. Now with some group and class nerfs that campaign is going to be much more challenging.

    Its the wrong approach, in a game with no cooldowns on iindividual abilities there will always be spam, OR you effectively give EVERYTHING the same cooldown by cutting so deep into resource management that folks can only use an ability here and there before they are outta juice. Watch for a meta to emerge that focuses on optimizing light and heavy attacks because no one has any sustain to make a build around skills.
    Edited by ljb2k5_ESO on 19 April 2017 00:54
  • ljb2k5_ESO
    Just read the entire patch notes. Here are my feelings.

    Overall I absolutely love the fact that we are trying to bring resource management back into the game. I like a lot of changes to skills I am seeing here like Orb and Shards. I am happy with any change that is going to make the game more difficult by making spells cost more, resources regenerate less, and ect.

    I disagree, resource management isn't fun, its something that is nice to eventually grow out of having to micromanage, which you complaing about having to do with buffs below, so this makes no sense to me. Now its one less perk of leveling up, getting nice sets, and champion points. Terrible.
    One thing that I think would be really good for this game though, is to make all buffs last at least 10 minutes. Even if you have to increase the poo out of the cost of each buff, make them last 10 minutes. Also make shields last for 10 minutes or until they are beaten through. This will make the game feel much less maintenance which honestly is the one thing about this combat system I feel is a big negative. As a result, we can also increase the cost of our action skills because we no longer would have to keep re-applying our buffs every 6 seconds....which honestly eso, is ridiculous.

    Fully agree, spammy maintenance buffs are awful and don't feel good in mid-combat to refresh all the time.
    The only thing I do not agree with so far is the mindset of "closing the gap" between lowbies and veterans. In PVE, low level characters are already much much more powerful than 0cp level 50s. CP is supposed to make you much more powerful than those without any or less than you. Re-balancing the champ trees for greater diversity is awesome, just dont do it just to close gaps.

    I agree here too, the gap should exist otherwise what is the perk to becoming powerful. Overdoing scaling is a poor queue from what sucked in Oblivion and WoW Legion, don't do it. There was a huge forum outrage about scaling with gear being a problem in WoW in the most recent failboat of patch 7.2. I mention WoW for two reasons, your dead wrong assertion that it is doing anything correctly down below, and the fact that I came to ESO because of how bad 7.2 and Legion are being handled. The LAST THING ESO needs to be doing right now is taking queues from WoW.
    PVP is a huge headache for balancing. I think it is finally time we accept that in MMO's PVP honestly needs to be balanced separately from PVE. We need a system that is more like, yes I hate to say it, World of Warcraft. There is a reason that game is still number 1 and has amazing PVP. They did it right. We should "borrow" some of their ideas such as PVP Gear you get when participating in PVP. When you enter PVP zones, all of your skills automatically RE-BALANCE to PVP so us PvE'ers can finally have buffs that are worth a darn and not feel so god awful maintenancy.

    WoW is using PVP templates, and they SUCK, now they are even worse on both the PVE and PVP side about nerfing *** with a sledge hammer and taking forever to fix it if they broke it, and it happens much more often since PVP and PVE don't have to consider each other at all. In PVP every class has received massive nerfs, especially rogues and druids. And on the PVE side since the launch of legion all tanks have been boned, and rogues again. Warlocks haven't even shown up for Legion. So WoW is NOT any kind of example ESO should follow. WoW is on life support because its still got a massive user base that hasn't hit is limit quite yet, but WoD and Legion are the closest I've ever seen it come to killing itself. Again, I am here, because of how *** the devs are doing with Legion and 7.2 there.
  • ljb2k5_ESO
    Terribly disappointed. I'm honestly deflated reading through these notes all hype for Morrowind is gone. Gonna play til June then take a break I think.

    I feel the same, and 2 nights ago I preordered the digital editiion of Morrowind from Amazon because of how much fun I was, WAS, having in the game. These patch notes just made me go cancel it. I might still get it depending on what ends up going live, but these patch notes being nerf city shook the good faith I had going, now its wait and see before ZOS gets any more money from me.
    Edited by ljb2k5_ESO on 19 April 2017 01:33
  • waitwhat
    Adenoma wrote: »
    @waitwhat , I think the part you're missing is that if I make a stack of 8-10 caltrops on a breach then you can't get through a point that you must pass in order to take a keep/outpost. Basically, I can get my group to toss their 8-10 caltrops on a breach, run a couple siege on it, and effectively forget about that breach while we hold a second one should they make it. That seems like a silly mechanic.

    Not at all, because the duration of caltrops has been reduced from 30 seconds to 12 seconds.

    You won't have time to run away and defend something else, then run back as a group to re-cast caltrops, all with enough time to run back and hold against whoever you were defending against without caltrops, assuming that group didn't rush in behind you when you ran back to re-cast.

    Meanwhile, the group you ignored after you cast caltrops has probably already made it through, because the snare and 70% reduction in speed only applies to enemies hit by the initial caltrops cast. Everyone else just gets the DoTs and a 30% reduction. Rapids will counter the 30% reduction, and even with the nerfs to templars, it will be possible to heal a group through that 8-meter AoE. It will just not be stupidly easy as before.

    Player TTK needs to be extended, but this caltrops change thankfully extends the time it takes to take a keep. Even large groups will have to siege tactically, rather than just nuking the front door or a favored wall. They might even need three breaches, which is a good development because taking and holding keeps should mean something.

    Even if the implications of caltrops are as drastic as you predict, they still will be good for Cyrodiil as a whole. This is a necessary, and welcome, change that provides an effective counter to zergs. You break a zerg by slowing them down, stealing their momentum. Though we should be wary of zergs running the new caltrops, they just won't be able to wipe people as they can with EoF. New caltrops is too small, has the long animation/telgraph of its predecessor, and is a stamina morph. And even if that zerg wipes you outside the door, they still will have to fight tooth and nail to get inside and actually accomplish something, as they should, assuming your predictions are true.
    Edited by waitwhat on 19 April 2017 01:42
    PS4 NA AD ScourgeVivec Loading Screen Simulator 2017
    Khajiit stamblade main - Walking the Two-Moons Path and robbing cute Breton boys.
    Breton magplar vet Trial Healer - Promoting wellness through self-reflection.
    Argonian Tripot DK Cyrodiil Tank - One with the Hist and guarding cute Breton boys.
    Altmer magsorc PvE DPS - Scamp tramp and unrepentant lush.

    "30s to eval"
    "Read the ******* lorebook."
  • ljb2k5_ESO
    Honestly, I'm very sad to see all these nerfs, I and others have originally bought this game as some said to play the way I or you would want to play. I personally feel as if I am being forced to play a certain way that I am not at all comfortable with. I for one have put countless (and I mean countless) hours into farming and grinding those champion points in cracked wood cave thinking and looking at the road ahead that having and utilizing those bonuses would be great. Now I feel that Zenimax has taken all the work and effort I put in and just hit delete on me. I really hope something changes during the pre-patch testing.

    You just perfectly described my own feelings of deflation. I mean it always sucks the wind out of player's sails to see nerfs for days, but you nailed it when you said the changes deleted all your hard work, they have also killed my efforts and plans for what I was planning to do, and have been working for. So now my motivation is on life support for this game, and I just came, severely disappointed, to ESO from WoW, which was the same thing, nerfs for days since the launch of Legion, and patch 7.2 was abysmal. So it really sucks right now, I was psyched about dropping alot of time into this game over the summer, between semesters, and now I don't know if that will be the case. Really bummed.
    Edited by ljb2k5_ESO on 19 April 2017 01:46
  • Xvorg
    I knew it was a good idea to start exploring hybrids.

    No I can finish my stamblade Berserk build too
    Sarcasm is something too serious to be taken lightly

    I was born with the wrong sign
    In the wrong house
    With the wrong ascendancy
    I took the wrong road
    That led to the wrong tendencies
    I was in the wrong place at the wrong time
    For the wrong reason and the wrong rhyme
    On the wrong day of the wrong week
    Used the wrong method with the wrong technique
  • ljb2k5_ESO
    LiquidPony wrote: »
    Xsorus wrote: »
    Magus wrote: »

    • Multiple player characters can now stack this ability and its morphs in the same area and damage the same target.
    • Reduced the size of this ability and its morphs to 8 meters from 12 meters.
    • Reduced the duration of this ability and its morphs to 12 seconds from 30 seconds.
    • Reduced the cost of this ability and its morphs by approximately 50%.
    • Increased the damage of this ability and its morphs by approximately 75%.
      Developer Comments:
      The changes to Caltrops allow it to behave more like a standard ground-targeted damage over time ability, such as Lightning Splash or Volley. This will help improve Stamina builds’ sustained single target and area of effect damage in dungeons and Trials.


    Yeah there's a lot of nerfs going around but can live with most of it. However, this one buff cannot go to live as it is. Else you will see a 24 man group with 24 caltrops. If you thought snares were bad now... wait until everywhere you see is covered with caltrops. Overall, you need to move in the direction of less snares, not more snares. This will only encourage more snares. This damage does not need to stack. Seriously this will become the new spammable, ranged AOE DPS snare that every zerg will be using. 40 of these in a breach, if that's 2k per tick, then that's 80k DPS walking through a breach or standing on a flag.... it will be terrible.

    Oh god damn, I didn't even see this moronic change....

    Well, allowing Caltrops to stack is a major buff to stam AoE DPS in PvE. So from a PvE perspective, this is a really nice change. No idea how it's going to work in PvP, though.

    The problem is that this will result in behavior and tactics so abusive and bad for the game, as well as guaranteed going to be nerfed so it shouldn't go live at all in the first place.
  • Xvorg
    Now, talking more seriously, I'm glad I downloaded New Vegas a couple days ago...
    Sarcasm is something too serious to be taken lightly

    I was born with the wrong sign
    In the wrong house
    With the wrong ascendancy
    I took the wrong road
    That led to the wrong tendencies
    I was in the wrong place at the wrong time
    For the wrong reason and the wrong rhyme
    On the wrong day of the wrong week
    Used the wrong method with the wrong technique
  • waitwhat
    ljb2k5_ESO wrote: »
    LiquidPony wrote: »
    Xsorus wrote: »
    Magus wrote: »

    • Multiple player characters can now stack this ability and its morphs in the same area and damage the same target.
    • Reduced the size of this ability and its morphs to 8 meters from 12 meters.
    • Reduced the duration of this ability and its morphs to 12 seconds from 30 seconds.
    • Reduced the cost of this ability and its morphs by approximately 50%.
    • Increased the damage of this ability and its morphs by approximately 75%.
      Developer Comments:
      The changes to Caltrops allow it to behave more like a standard ground-targeted damage over time ability, such as Lightning Splash or Volley. This will help improve Stamina builds’ sustained single target and area of effect damage in dungeons and Trials.


    Yeah there's a lot of nerfs going around but can live with most of it. However, this one buff cannot go to live as it is. Else you will see a 24 man group with 24 caltrops. If you thought snares were bad now... wait until everywhere you see is covered with caltrops. Overall, you need to move in the direction of less snares, not more snares. This will only encourage more snares. This damage does not need to stack. Seriously this will become the new spammable, ranged AOE DPS snare that every zerg will be using. 40 of these in a breach, if that's 2k per tick, then that's 80k DPS walking through a breach or standing on a flag.... it will be terrible.

    Oh god damn, I didn't even see this moronic change....

    Well, allowing Caltrops to stack is a major buff to stam AoE DPS in PvE. So from a PvE perspective, this is a really nice change. No idea how it's going to work in PvP, though.

    The problem is that this will result in behavior and tactics so abusive and bad for the game, as well as guaranteed going to be nerfed so it shouldn't go live at all in the first place.

    @ljb2k5_ESO Probably not. See my discussion with @Adenoma. Caltrops, even the new caltrops, will have plenty of effective counters, many within the Assault and Support skill lines themselves.

    Let us also not forget that roll-dodge now gives you 2 seconds of CC-immunity. If you see caltrops cast, roll dodge, and even if it hits you, you won't be snared.
    PS4 NA AD ScourgeVivec Loading Screen Simulator 2017
    Khajiit stamblade main - Walking the Two-Moons Path and robbing cute Breton boys.
    Breton magplar vet Trial Healer - Promoting wellness through self-reflection.
    Argonian Tripot DK Cyrodiil Tank - One with the Hist and guarding cute Breton boys.
    Altmer magsorc PvE DPS - Scamp tramp and unrepentant lush.

    "30s to eval"
    "Read the ******* lorebook."
  • waitwhat
    Also, PSA: the 50% cost reduction means that caltrops will now cost 3-4k stamina, down from 6-7k. Definitely not spammable, even without all these resource changes.
    PS4 NA AD ScourgeVivec Loading Screen Simulator 2017
    Khajiit stamblade main - Walking the Two-Moons Path and robbing cute Breton boys.
    Breton magplar vet Trial Healer - Promoting wellness through self-reflection.
    Argonian Tripot DK Cyrodiil Tank - One with the Hist and guarding cute Breton boys.
    Altmer magsorc PvE DPS - Scamp tramp and unrepentant lush.

    "30s to eval"
    "Read the ******* lorebook."
  • ljb2k5_ESO
    olsborg wrote: »
    I haven't played this game for nearly two years to be forced to focus almost exclusively on resource management, nor do I like the Care Bear approach of decreasing the gap between newer players and established endgame players.

    This is how many of us are feeling.

    I always hate the viewpoint of minimizing the gap between the new and the vet. The vet beating the newbie gives the newbie something to aspire to, a goal. Pulling the *** socialist, equality of outcome BS means neither newbs or vets have anything to aspire to.

    For commenters saying please balance PVP/PVE separately: It is only partially the solution and is a false solution to the problem of not having devs who can actually balance anything properly. WoW has adopted separate balance templates for PVP and PVE, but the way its played out is that now WoW has two separate types of balance that are complete crap. They still didn't address having competent people who make good balance changes. If they cannot competently balance the game now, separating PVP from PVE won't fix that, it will just create 2 problems instead of one.
    Edited by ljb2k5_ESO on 19 April 2017 02:05
  • milesrodneymcneely2_ESO
    skwherl wrote: »
    EA might do a better job

    The NANOSECOND this might be a thought that enters someone's head, ZOS needs to put EVERYTHING on hold and have a company-wide staff meeting to discuss where it all went wrong.

    I'm not even HALFWAY kidding...

  • zassasaurus
    There are so many things here that I think are ridiculous but the most annoying is the lack of consistency.
    You are removing major mending from dks and templars as you say it is too powerful, yet wardens still have major mending.
    You say you are trying to make sustain harder but wardens have a free ability that restores rss and ability that allows them to heal while restoring rss (heavy attacking). If you are going to nerf sustain into the ground at least do it for all classes.
  • ljb2k5_ESO
    mafli1 wrote: »
    I don't have problems with changing my playstyle or the skills on my builds. That can be interesting and bringing fresh wind into the game.
    What really sucks:
    It takes a long time and costs a hughe amount of gold to get the sets in the right trait and make all the pieces golden (at least for me, 100% PVP-er)
    With every Patch ZOS makes this sets useless. Just some example:
    - I spent millions of AP and gold to get Desertrose --> makes it useless for me with the latest patch
    - I used Black Rose for multiple chars, so its worth to make it golden--> Constitution gets a harder nerf than it gets buffed from
    the Set !!!??

    Give me my f... gold and AP back if you nerf the sets to death! I dont have time for this.

    It establishes a pattern where anything that is worth doing becomes predictably not worth doing because devs will just nerf it, and waste your time, effort and money. This is why I am coming to a place where I hate MMO's, they *** change, massively so often that it undermines any effort players make.
  • Rittings
    Duukar wrote: »
    A major step back to the best version of this game.

    Once upon a time you had to make smart build choices and skill use choices in PvP or you would run out of resources and die.

    Welcome back! You have been missed.

    Here we go... the REAL reason these changes have been made. PVP... THE ONLY reason these choices have been made is to suit the smallest group in the game... the PVP crowd.

    The PVE crowd might be quiet, but they pay for their craft bags... they pay for the DLCs and quest content... they pay for their crowns, housing items and pets... they pay with their time and efforts...

    And you ZoS? You repay them with ignorance and spineless bowing down at the feet of the vocal minority.
  • Rittings
    REMOVE CP and nerf resource recovery IN Cyrodiil - and leave the rest of us in peace. It's all we ask... but nope... you gotta drive the knife into the backs of the people that PAY you to do your jobs!! Talk about biting the hands that feed you. Dumb move.
  • Olav_the_Stout
    leeux wrote: »
    All of these reeks of them wanting to shoehorn the warden class by nerfing the best abilities of other classes so they (wardens) are required to have in groups.

    I liked to play a support build, healing and buffing, and for that I chose Templar... now, you removed everything that made that better, and gave it to the Warden... That's a *very* dishonest move. Specially, since Wardens will be paywalled behind the """"expansion"""" pack".

    You know what? I don't care about playing a new class/new char for doing the same I was doing before, so, that means if I can't play my rol with the class I chose, I probably won't play the game anymore... in the end that will lead me to not sub anymore and an ESO+ supporter since March 2014 will be gone from the game.

    Another thing that baffles me... you nerf Worm set and BUFF Hircine's?

    This reflects my sentiments exactly. I chose to play Templar from launch because I enjoy playing a support role. Now they decide to make a new class and in order to make it viable they remove some of my abilities? Very poor taste.
    PS5 - Olaf the Stout - Templar Healer PVE
    PC - Olav the Stout - Templar Healer PVE
  • waitwhat

    As a stamblade who is often told that it would be "too hard" and "not worth the risk" to bring me into vet Maw, making life harder for everyone else works to my advantage. I just need to see how sorc plays out, and if the sustain does impact them, I'm all set.

    Sure, it will be nice if they lower vet bosses' health pools and damage numbers a bit, but being comparable to the other classes in terms of PvE viability is to stamblades' advantage.

    tl;dr: There have been plenty of people complaining about the glacial PvE meta. It just seems a lot of the people succeeding in that meta weren't listening.
    PS4 NA AD ScourgeVivec Loading Screen Simulator 2017
    Khajiit stamblade main - Walking the Two-Moons Path and robbing cute Breton boys.
    Breton magplar vet Trial Healer - Promoting wellness through self-reflection.
    Argonian Tripot DK Cyrodiil Tank - One with the Hist and guarding cute Breton boys.
    Altmer magsorc PvE DPS - Scamp tramp and unrepentant lush.

    "30s to eval"
    "Read the ******* lorebook."
  • ManDraKE
    Rittings wrote: »
    Duukar wrote: »
    A major step back to the best version of this game.

    Once upon a time you had to make smart build choices and skill use choices in PvP or you would run out of resources and die.

    Welcome back! You have been missed.

    Here we go... the REAL reason these changes have been made. PVP... THE ONLY reason these choices have been made is to suit the smallest group in the game... the PVP crowd.

    The PVE crowd might be quiet, but they pay for their craft bags... they pay for the DLCs and quest content... they pay for their crowns, housing items and pets... they pay with their time and efforts...

    And you ZoS? You repay them with ignorance and spineless bowing down at the feet of the vocal minority.

    Resources magnament is even more unexistent in PvE. Right know PvE builds are just stack all dmg you can and ignore sustain, worst case scenario you will need to pickup a shard here and there. So no, resources magnament problems are not PvP exclusive, is just that PvE mobs can't complain about players having insane dmg and ignoring sustain.
    Stop blaming the PvP population, the current meta suck both in PvE and PvP, and everyone who have a decent understanding of any of both will tell you the same. They are not going to do whatever you like just because you pay for the game (As we all do...), you keep talking about the "vocal minority" like if there were something like a "majority" that agrees with you, big news: there isn't. The casual playerbase dosn't care too much about balance, and if they care, they don't understand even a 10% of what they need to understand, they just watch Deltia videos to copy the build and be happy (which is perfectly fine to do, don't get me wrong)
    The awful state of balance is the devs fault, not the PvP Players fault, and is up to the devs to fix it. Stop blaming the players for things that you don't even begin to understand.
    Rittings wrote: »
    REMOVE CP and nerf resource recovery IN Cyrodiil - and leave the rest of us in peace. It's all we ask... but nope... you gotta drive the knife into the backs of the people that PAY you to do your jobs!! Talk about biting the hands that feed you. Dumb move.

    Wrong again, you pay them to play their game. If you don't like it, there is plenty of other games where you can put your money on. You are a customer, not their employer, go back to Economics 101.
    Edited by ManDraKE on 19 April 2017 03:23
  • Xvorg
    There are so many things here that I think are ridiculous but the most annoying is the lack of consistency.
    You are removing major mending from dks and templars as you say it is too powerful, yet wardens still have major mending.
    You say you are trying to make sustain harder but wardens have a free ability that restores rss and ability that allows them to heal while restoring rss (heavy attacking). If you are going to nerf sustain into the ground at least do it for all classes.

    It is consistent... with their wallets...

    You have to pay for warden, so...
    Sarcasm is something too serious to be taken lightly

    I was born with the wrong sign
    In the wrong house
    With the wrong ascendancy
    I took the wrong road
    That led to the wrong tendencies
    I was in the wrong place at the wrong time
    For the wrong reason and the wrong rhyme
    On the wrong day of the wrong week
    Used the wrong method with the wrong technique
  • Oneironaut
    ljb2k5_ESO wrote: »
    Honestly, I'm very sad to see all these nerfs, I and others have originally bought this game as some said to play the way I or you would want to play. I personally feel as if I am being forced to play a certain way that I am not at all comfortable with. I for one have put countless (and I mean countless) hours into farming and grinding those champion points in cracked wood cave thinking and looking at the road ahead that having and utilizing those bonuses would be great. Now I feel that Zenimax has taken all the work and effort I put in and just hit delete on me. I really hope something changes during the pre-patch testing.

    You just perfectly described my own feelings of deflation. I mean it always sucks the wind out of player's sails to see nerfs for days, but you nailed it when you said the changes deleted all your hard work, they have also killed my efforts and plans for what I was planning to do, and have been working for. So now my motivation is on life support for this game, and I just came, severely disappointed, to ESO from WoW, which was the same thing, nerfs for days since the launch of Legion, and patch 7.2 was abysmal. So it really sucks right now, I was psyched about dropping alot of time into this game over the summer, between semesters, and now I don't know if that will be the case. Really bummed.

    This. All of this. Was really getting into the game the last few weeks, even as a current stamina Nightblade. I feel I'm getting shoehorned into playing a specific way with every update. Defeats the whole purpose of an Elder Scrolls game and RPG. We should be able to enjoy the characters we have through playing them the way we want without feeling like we're doing something wrong or playing the game "incorrectly".
  • Ep1kMalware
    At first glance I'm seeing a load of nerfs. Less sustain, less damage (mighty nerf), less defense (hearty, elemental defender nerf). I'll be looking closely for some buffs and hopefully my character doesn't feel like a shadow of his former self.

    ZOS, You've said in the past that you are against buffs to weaker abilities in order to bring them up to the power level of stronger abilities because you'd constantly have to rebalance content to match power creep. Well, with the triple whammy of nerfs listed above, why are you not also feeling as though you have to power down content in order to compensate for nerfs?

    Long story short, if my characters feel less powerful after the update than they did before, why should I feel any desire to progress between updates when it feel futile to do so?

    Also, no trait rebalance. No token systems. No word on RNG insanity. Pain points are still there but it seems you've focused quite heavily on the nerf hammer this update without any help with some of the issues that are big issues from players I talk to every day.

    For real dude. Painpoints just got more painful, longer, and what the hell am I saying does this patch notes have a single good thing to say?

    Small progressive changes zos, not an entire frackin reboot when you can't get groupfinder to fkn work. God you can barely add buffs in the game without breaking something serious, amd you want to do all this at once?

    Jesus fing christ. As this guy said, if you think I'm going to roll out a new toon just to 'get by' while grinding for thr same exact items I was grinding for a year ago, well then I'll take my money and hapiness elsewhere. Sub ends mid june anyway. I'm just going to duck am let this whole mess blow over.
  • masterbroodub17_ESO
    ManDraKE wrote: »
    Rittings wrote: »
    Duukar wrote: »
    A major step back to the best version of this game.

    Once upon a time you had to make smart build choices and skill use choices in PvP or you would run out of resources and die.

    Welcome back! You have been missed.

    Here we go... the REAL reason these changes have been made. PVP... THE ONLY reason these choices have been made is to suit the smallest group in the game... the PVP crowd.

    The PVE crowd might be quiet, but they pay for their craft bags... they pay for the DLCs and quest content... they pay for their crowns, housing items and pets... they pay with their time and efforts...

    And you ZoS? You repay them with ignorance and spineless bowing down at the feet of the vocal minority.

    Resources magnament is even more unexistent in PvE. Right know PvE builds are just stack all dmg you can and ignore sustain, worst case scenario you will need to pickup a shard here and there. So no, resources magnament problems are not PvP exclusive, is just that PvE mobs can't complain about players having insane dmg and ignoring sustain.
    Stop blaming the PvP population, the current meta suck both in PvE and PvP, and everyone who have a decent understanding of any of both will tell you the same. They are not going to do whatever you like just because you pay for the game (As we all do...), you keep talking about the "vocal minority" like if there were something like a "majority" that agrees with you, big news: there isn't. The casual playerbase dosn't care too much about balance, and if they care, they don't understand even a 10% of what they need to understand, they just watch Deltia videos to copy the build and be happy (which is perfectly fine to do, don't get me wrong)
    The awful state of balance is the devs fault, not the PvP Players fault, and is up to the devs to fix it. Stop blaming the players for things that you don't even begin to understand.
    Rittings wrote: »
    REMOVE CP and nerf resource recovery IN Cyrodiil - and leave the rest of us in peace. It's all we ask... but nope... you gotta drive the knife into the backs of the people that PAY you to do your jobs!! Talk about biting the hands that feed you. Dumb move.

    Wrong again, you pay them to play their game. If you don't like it, there is plenty of other games where you can put your money on. You are a customer, not their employer, go back to Economics 101.


    But none of these whiners are going anywhere, so..... we will just have to deal with it until they all realize their hair isn't on fire as they seem to think it is.
  • grim_tactics
    I understand and agree with a lot of the people that are upset.

    However: CP can be burnt to the ground, spat on, and buried alive for all I care. Worst thing they ever did to this game was put in the CP tree with an, "Eh, we will worry about fixing this crap later."

    Well we are at later and we see what a crap show it has turned into.
  • AL16
    Is stamina builds even playable against magicka now? I thought this is supposed to be a stamina buff and magicka nerf...guess I'm wrong
    Joined 2015, didn't play a lot and quit. Returned recently
    Stamblade main, trying out other builds atm.
  • Gomumon
    ljb2k5_ESO wrote: »
    For commenters saying please balance PVP/PVE separately: It is only partially the solution and is a false solution to the problem of not having devs who can actually balance anything properly. WoW has adopted separate balance templates for PVP and PVE, but the way its played out is that now WoW has two separate types of balance that are complete crap. They still didn't address having competent people who make good balance changes. If they cannot competently balance the game now, separating PVP from PVE won't fix that, it will just create 2 problems instead of one.

    I agree that it is only a partial solution. However, it would be a step in the right direction. At the very least, players who griped about PVP would no longer affect the outcome of PVE. You're right, though, that it would ultimately be meaningless if we can't get some developers skilled at balancing multiple metas. I honestly wish they'd find people who helped work on successful TCGs like Magic: The Gathering to help create synergy and win conditions for various builds, but can tactfully restrain their power.

    Nevertheless, things that take time, effort, or skill (such as CP, Trial, or Maelstrom Gear) SHOULD be better than crafted or overland sets. In fact, I sort of wish they'd tier everything so it went PVP > Arena/Trial > Monster > Dungeon > Overland > Crafted, and scale them accordingly. Someone who spent months farming the perfect set from the hardest content and a year on their CP shouldn't be only a smidge more powerful than a CP 300 with crafted/bought sets.

    With all that's being done, I also think it's a poor attempt to strong-arm everyone into a Warden meta. This happened in DC Universe Online when they released the Rage power (Red Lantern) that pretty much pooped on everything else for DPS and tanking until DLC/Premium sales plateaued, when then they finally "fixed" it.

    Edited by Gomumon on 19 April 2017 05:40
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