PTS Patch Notes v3.0.0

  • condumitru
    I enjoy most of these changes, but can't talk about them w/o seeing how they play out in time. None of us can tell exactly how these are gonna affect the meta right now but I for one welcome the Constitution and Fasalla's long awaited nerf :) together with the recoveries.

    This should make a lot of those OP meta builds in PvP less OP and some kids rage but I like it nonetheless, because it was a problem and most of the well informed good players requested the change.

    Concerning PvE, this should increase the difficulty a bit and maybe require more attention from the players, which isn't a bad thing I reckon, but we'll have to see how this plays out.
    Edited by condumitru on 18 April 2017 10:28
  • kyle.wilson
    Wait for launch day. Lets see how hard they laugh when their stock prices drop like a stone on opening day.
    ZeniMax media is a private (i.e. not publicly traded) company. So their stock price won't be hurt one bit.

  • Maphusail
    Good job, ZOS! You're just keep ruining all the good things that the game had before with all this nerfs and rebalances.
    Edited by Maphusail on 18 April 2017 10:50
  • FrancisCrawford
    barrrt wrote: »
    "Fixed an issue where abilities and bonuses that allow you to ignore the Movement Speed penalty from sneak would stack, causing you to sneak at extremely high speeds."

    Ouch. So sad. So sad.

    This might have been a bug, but allowed for, by far, the most fun toon to play in both PVP and overland PVE I had a chance to play in my 4000+ hours.

    Wait a moment. Will Concealed Weapon + Night's Silence (or vampire) no long give 125% of base footspeed? That's a terrible loss if true!
  • Adenoma
    With every patch we've had a lot of sweeping changes. Speaking with respect only to PvP, ZOS doesn't do small tweaks, they try to change the game based on the existing PvP meta without foresight for the future. Right now we have a heavy armor, infinite sustain meta that's heavy on the ability to block and even still has a low time to kill. I really do not think that ZOS has thought through the implications of these changes. We are seeing a drastic global reduction to sustain that will push players to using light and medium armor while there is no consideration to correspondingly extending time to kill.

    It's clear that people have not recognized the huge changes to caltrops for organized group PvP. I run a PvP guild that will have no problem stacking 8-10 caltrops on a breach. Even if those tick for 1k/s you are running through a hole that will be hit with siege while taking 8-10k/s and snared (I can't remember the snare, but is it 60%?). This is more worrisome to me than the current group destro ult meta.

    I've mained DK in one form or another since I started playing this game and now I don't think I'll be playing it at all because of the helping hands and battle roar nerfs. At this point all three iconic DK abilities (helping hands, battle roar, and wings) have been taken to a point where they are not useful. Additionally, talons got a HUGE indirect nerf by the changes to dodge roll giving root immunity. The days of skillfully locking people down in meteor/inhale/banner/bats are done. They're gonna dodge roll out and I won't have a chance of catching them because of my poor mobility. Even igneous shield is useless for magDK and stamDK because the shield duration will be undone on the next light attack that starts a weave.

    Small group PvP will be much more mobility-oriented now that healing from pocket magplars has been nerfed. You can't orbit around your healer now and need to ball up right in front. At this point that might be a job better performed using healing springs and combat prayer/blessings of restoration.

    The block changes are horrible - when considered with the constitution changes they've effectively multiplied the cost by four. I'll admit that permablock was a problem, but this is not an adequate solution.

    I'm pretty surprised that there are no changes to sorcerer even though I don't think it is as overpowered as people believe. In the new PvP meta they stand to be very, very strong.

    I'm at work, but these are just a few of the changes that strike me right off the bat.
  • Rittings
    Some of these changes might seem drastic but rather than rush to complain, I suggest everyone first take some time to play test and provide detailed feedback.

    Judging by previous balance updates, it's likely there will be further adjustments based on your feedback.

    I think you meant to say "there will be further adjustments based upon PVP players complaints". But that's okay... I know what you meant.
  • Rittings
    I just cancelled my Morrowind preorder. I am going to wait for news from the PTS to figure out whether I want to continue playing this game after Morrowind drops.

    I am not trying to be dramatic or hyperbolic, I am *very* unhappy with the changes indicated in these Patch Notes. I haven't played this game for nearly two years to be forced to focus almost exclusively on resource management, nor do I like the Care Bear approach of decreasing the gap between newer players and established endgame players.

    I noted a lack of information on adjusting the endgame content to the new, post-nerf meta. These changes make it harder for tanks to tank, for healers to heal and maintain resources, and for DPS to deal damage. In other words, the crucial mechanics of vet trials. Sure, there are guilds out there that will handle these changes in stride, but they are inarguably the best players in the game. What about the rest of us? I mean, on XB1 we can't even run some of the trials (like vMoL) due to them being broken. Assuming they don't get fixed until after these changes are implemented, well...the difficulty of the content will be significantly higher relative to the characters.

    I am only one person, perhaps my opinion doesn't matter. Perhaps my one preorder doesn't matter. Never fear, I am going to reach out to lots of other players with these concerns and let them make their own determination as to whether this game will be fun for them after you have reduced their coveted builds into smoking ruins.

    Good flippin' job, Zeni.

    It's not just yours - my wife and I cancelled ours too. No plans of ever purchasing it. Money was already tight for us. ESO+ for both of us will follow soon as the patch hits.

    We've put in hours upon hours for 2 years on this game, only to find a player can now come in and in one week be doing the content we've had to work towards for so long. It's a genuine kick in the face from a company that clearly is not listening and is following the steps that other MMOs have taken - despite the fact that it also killed THOSE MMOs much in the same way.

    Zenimax have one modus operandi - make money. And judging from everything that is going on it's a short term goal of theirs, which gives me a LOT less faith about investing myself any deeper into it. I play this game for 8-12 hours per day - and it's going to be an adjustment no longer chatting with friends that I've made, but they all feel the same way too. So we'll move away from this thing together I'm sure. At least 10 of them already have, and it was a tough decision for some, but easy for others.

    The resource management thing is all focused towards PVP complaints. There are a LOT of players that wait for each CP increase to give them the ability to get vMA or vMoL done, because they are a hair breathe away from what they need... but with each patch they take 1 step forward and 5 steps back thanks to Zeni PVP nerfs.

    Can I make a suggestion? Just remove CP from ALL PVP and leave the PVE players in peace. Or put caps on resource recoveries in Cyrodiil so the cry-babies lose their sniffles. Trying to do solo content is bad enough, and 4-man content is also tough for resource management - but now you've basically killed it for the vast majority of the SAME casual players you were trying to empower. You guys need a better team of THINKERS because you've not got a clue... you'd find it difficult to even recognize what a clue is between all of you.
  • GrigorijMalahevich
    Didgerion wrote: »
    haha no more heavy armor for damage dealers in PvP!!!!

    Good job!

    Why not?

    In 1v1 situation you will have no juice to burst down a heavy armor player. He will passively buff his set up(like fury) and will two shot you with an ultimate combo.

    These changes will encourage even more zerg groups formations in cirodiil - do you think it is too zergy now? Oh wait for morrowind and you will see nothing but zerg groups!!!!!

    This game will never be balanced. You brake it each major release.

    Please listen to your community and change things little by little but at a faster phase.

    Yeah, I don't so :smiley: I am just happy that everyone except magsorcs will stop running heavy armor in PvP... I did VMA in impen blackrose on my stamsorc - total nonsense.
    PC/EU 800 CP.
    PvP MagSorc.
    Pedro Gonzales - Mag Sorc EP vMA Flawless Conqueror clear
    Valera Progib - Stam Sorc DC vMA Flawless Conqueror clear
    Valera Pozhar - Mag DK EP vMA Flawless Conqueror clear
    Valera Podlechi - Mag Templar AD vMA Flawless Conqueror clear
  • Ashamray
    You can't take away Major Mending from templars and dks while leaving shields and cloak untouched (and this is said by a person who only plays stamblade and magsorc).

    Well, maybe except Cloak. Cloak already suffered so much^^
    Boadrig, EU PC

    Very Balanced
    Battleground Beta Testers
    Cite's Legacy

    Imperial City frequenter
    Imperial City feedback and suggestions
  • Pallio
    Thank you sir, may we have another.
  • Mysteri0n
    Guess it's time to bring my necromancer off the shelf and go back to Guild wars 2. All they really need to do is leave everything alone and remove CP and proc sets from PVP. So the little zerglings will stop acting like cry babies. And get a Combat Director that knows how to do their job
    Lore Council Conclave of Shadows, Trade Council in Knights Arcanum
    Officer Celestials of Nirn, Proud Member of Enders Jeesh .Stam Sorc Since Beta 2014
  • TheWiesi
    Due to cp and armor changes we now have a magicka cost increase of 21%. In Addition 10% less regeneration and worm nerf...seems like ZOS only knows black and white. RIP magDK

    Edit: I forgot the magickasteal nerf. So we'll loose magicka in a few seconds and have no chance to get it back :)
    Edited by TheWiesi on 18 April 2017 12:05
  • L2Pissue
    less Templar/DK trolls now and more proper players around in Cyrodiil
    good move.
  • Mysteri0n
    Lol the patch note thread has turn into a goodbye thread, Post if you leaving the game also
    Lore Council Conclave of Shadows, Trade Council in Knights Arcanum
    Officer Celestials of Nirn, Proud Member of Enders Jeesh .Stam Sorc Since Beta 2014
  • Mysteri0n
    Morrowind Patch real talk tho, it looks like Wrobel put all the skills In glass bowl and picked abilities and numbers at random. Literally ESO Bingo
    Edited by Mysteri0n on 18 April 2017 12:17
    Lore Council Conclave of Shadows, Trade Council in Knights Arcanum
    Officer Celestials of Nirn, Proud Member of Enders Jeesh .Stam Sorc Since Beta 2014
  • Aiphaton
    Atleast we know how PvP and Pve will look...
    Templar and Sorcs :)
    What is a nightblade and a Dk ?
    Lets remove those classes from Eso, just useless crap :hushed:

    Well, the only thing which bothers me more is that no of those "Eso-Member or even Worker" will read that thread, they just gonna drink their coffee, press the "Lets launch that Patch on Live-Server". And wondering why less player will play that game.
    Oh i forgot to mention, that listening to only casual-player which want to play their Roleplay or their hybrids-builds like 40k Magicka Sorc with Heavy attack and Vigor is bad for the game.
    Edited by Aiphaton on 18 April 2017 12:21
  • mafli1
    Perhaps heavy MagDK will no longer be the best choice. But think about a combination of Alteration Mastery (now working as intended), Syrabanne and Blood Spawn together with cost reduction glyphs on your jewelry... Put defensiv stance on your block bar and you are good to go...

    Different playstyle can be fun :wink:

    Back to the original light MagDK with robe... nice
  • Shadowasrial
    Zos did you ever figure out what's causing us to crash in earthtear cavern? I have disconneded by freezing in that cave 6 times in a row daily. Forcing me to quit the game and relog back in repeatedly just to get out of the cave before I freeze.
  • Aiphaton
    mafli1 wrote: »
    Perhaps heavy MagDK will no longer be the best choice. But think about a combination of Alteration Mastery (now working as intended), Syrabanne and Blood Spawn together with cost reduction glyphs on your jewelry... Put defensiv stance on your block bar and you are good to go...

    Different playstyle can be fun :wink:

    Back to the original light MagDK with robe... nice

    Yeah will work definitly not, cause of your lack of healing :)
    You will hit like a noodle, while a sorc is gonna laugh on you, putting curse on you and starting soul assaulting you.
    Cause you run faster out of Stamina then a Orc can sprint.
    Like literally you have allready the lack of no gapcloser and you cant afford the grip which is yeah bugged "Enemy isnt on the same Area (thanks ZOS), also you cant afford the gapcloser from S/B Bar.
    So you get pretty roasted from evry class with range.
    I forgot to mention any kind of poison which will increase your costs :)

    But good luck, trying that out,.
    Edited by Aiphaton on 18 April 2017 12:27
  • aellegaardjensenb16_ESO
    By far the best skill-encouraging patch ever made, good job ZoS.
    Combat nerfs and buffs i am satisfied.
    althou i hoped for jewelry crafting, due to my massive collection of gold jewelry.
  • mafli1
    Btw. Caltrops Buff is one of the worst ideas ever!
    If I am on with my PVP guild, no one will ever be able to take a keep. 10x Caltrops stacking on the breach and put a little oil... nothing will pass.
    What is the counter to Caltrops? Negate??? Don't think so!

    Hopefully they will change this stacking issue before it goes live.
  • Kay1
    All Battlegrounds currently restrict Champion Points

    Canceled pre-order, I guess I'll have to get on Guild Wars, all my friends are going to love this idea, I hope the currently is only for the pts because if this goes live you can say goodbye to the 90% of the active PvP players

    I really hope it stays like this so I can the forums burn :D
    Edited by Kay1 on 18 April 2017 12:35
    K1 The Big Monkey
  • Blackbird_V
    Oh here we go again not even surpirsed...........
    From what I've been reading:

    PvPers: happy as ***, because all this literally benefits them to have GLORIOUS 15 HOUR BATTLE WOOP WOOP

    Us PvErs: Not *** happy 1 bit as gl doing vMOL Zhaj'Hassa second shield stage with everyone doing like 20k DPS, running out of resources in 10 seconds taking down a 2 million HP shield while taking damage every 1 second, and if a healer dies it's a wipe. Cannot wait to do that.
    Difficulty scaling is desperately needed. 9 years. 6 paid expansions. 25 DLCs. 41 game changing updates including A Realm Reborn-tier overhaul of the game including a permanent CP160 gear cap and ridiculous power creep thereafter. I'm sick and tired of hearing about Cadwell Silver&Gold as a "you think you do but you don't"-tier deflection to any criticism regarding the lack of overland difficulty in the game.
  • CeicaMaster
    lol, so many crybabies because their two skills spammable build is not going to be useful anymore
  • Blackbird_V


    [*]Sacred Ground: This passive ability now grants Minor Mending instead of Major Mending when you are standing in your Cleansing Ritual, Rune Focus, or Rite of Passage areas of effect.
    Developer Comments:
    With a similar goal to reducing uptime on Major Mending as noted with the Igneous Shield change, Templars having 100% uptime on Major Mending by just standing within their areas of protection is stronger than we’d like and is one of the reasons they are the most desirable healer in endgame situations. We’ve changed the bonus to Minor Mending instead, but have increased the bonus from the Mending passive to compensate slightly.

    You "increased the bonus from the Mending passive to compensate" for the nerf to Templars Major mending, but the Mending passive ONLY effects Magicka Templars. Where is the compensation for Stamina Templars, which undoubtedly have the worst sustain out of all of the stamina classes? Instead they get a nerf to their repentance, healing, and the cost of their stamina skills, without the same compensation as Magicka Templar. Unbelievable.


    Healers running SPC, Hircine's Veneer. Stamplar to me looks BiS with TFS, 5 VO. Reduced cost passive, can pull 33k DPS.
    Also stam sorcs: TFS VO Engine Guardian (Magicka? Spam Dark Deal, Stamina? YAY, HP? Heavy Attack with your 100 points in Tenacity).

    I mean like seriously the *** are these changes. If they actually didnt nerf necrotic orbs to the ground, then all this would've been salvageable.
    Difficulty scaling is desperately needed. 9 years. 6 paid expansions. 25 DLCs. 41 game changing updates including A Realm Reborn-tier overhaul of the game including a permanent CP160 gear cap and ridiculous power creep thereafter. I'm sick and tired of hearing about Cadwell Silver&Gold as a "you think you do but you don't"-tier deflection to any criticism regarding the lack of overland difficulty in the game.
  • MyKillv2.0
    Love this patch from the looks of it, I have hated the healing meta for ages. Maybe we will get more variety with Healing Builds!

    However I am disappointed that stamina was not addressed as far as PvE DPS is concerned. Stamina users are a rare species in PvE and Unfortunately, I think that darker days are ahead for stamina users. I hope this is addressed down the line but I am afraid the PvP powerful influencial people will make creating these changes very difficult.
  • AllPlayAndNoWork

    • Keeps, Outposts and Resources now have a 5 minute cooldown for granting Alliance Points for capturing; you won’t receive AP for capturing it again until 5 minutes has passed.
    • Cyrodiil Town Banner icons now have a colored border representing which Alliance is influencing it.
    • The Alliance War section of the Activity Finder will no longer be restricted by the 15 minute cooldown you get after using the Dungeon Finder.

    Can I just ask that you increase the amount of AP you get for defending keeps, outposts and resources as compared to taking said objectives it still is a relatively low gain.
  • mafli1
    Aiphaton wrote: »
    mafli1 wrote: »
    Perhaps heavy MagDK will no longer be the best choice. But think about a combination of Alteration Mastery (now working as intended), Syrabanne and Blood Spawn together with cost reduction glyphs on your jewelry... Put defensiv stance on your block bar and you are good to go...

    Different playstyle can be fun :wink:

    Back to the original light MagDK with robe... nice

    Yeah will work definitly not, cause of your lack of healing :)
    You will hit like a noodle, while a sorc is gonna laugh on you, putting curse on you and starting soul assaulting you.
    Cause you run faster out of Stamina then a Orc can sprint.
    Like literally you have allready the lack of no gapcloser and you cant afford the grip which is yeah bugged "Enemy isnt on the same Area (thanks ZOS), also you cant afford the gapcloser from S/B Bar.
    So you get pretty roasted from evry class with range.
    I forgot to mention any kind of poison which will increase your costs :)

    But good luck, trying that out,.

    I feel your pain :wink:
    To the lack of healing: Ambers, lash and inhale will heal you more than in heavy. But yes major mending of the igneous shield will be useless if it comes true...
    Stamina: perhaps its a little harder to sustain, but: 8% block cost reduction from defensiv stance, 6% from alteration mastery, arround 25% from shadow ward and one shield play enchantment... CC immunity after roll dodge will help aswell
    And finally its very annoying to have permablock builds anyway :smiley:

    All the other problems already exists today. no reliable cap closer, cost increase poisons...

    I have a dream of reflective scales that works properly and find his way back in the magDK bar. Sweet dreams
  • Aiphaton

    mafli1 wrote: »
    Aiphaton wrote: »
    mafli1 wrote: »
    Perhaps heavy MagDK will no longer be the best choice. But think about a combination of Alteration Mastery (now working as intended), Syrabanne and Blood Spawn together with cost reduction glyphs on your jewelry... Put defensiv stance on your block bar and you are good to go...

    Different playstyle can be fun :wink:

    Back to the original light MagDK with robe... nice

    Yeah will work definitly not, cause of your lack of healing :)
    You will hit like a noodle, while a sorc is gonna laugh on you, putting curse on you and starting soul assaulting you.
    Cause you run faster out of Stamina then a Orc can sprint.
    Like literally you have allready the lack of no gapcloser and you cant afford the grip which is yeah bugged "Enemy isnt on the same Area (thanks ZOS), also you cant afford the gapcloser from S/B Bar.
    So you get pretty roasted from evry class with range.
    I forgot to mention any kind of poison which will increase your costs :)

    But good luck, trying that out,.

    I feel your pain :wink:
    To the lack of healing: Ambers, lash and inhale will heal you more than in heavy. But yes major mending of the igneous shield will be useless if it comes true...
    Stamina: perhaps its a little harder to sustain, but: 8% block cost reduction from defensiv stance, 6% from alteration mastery, arround 25% from shadow ward and one shield play enchantment... CC immunity after roll dodge will help aswell
    And finally its very annoying to have permablock builds anyway :smiley:

    All the other problems already exists today. no reliable cap closer, cost increase poisons...

    I have a dream of reflective scales that works properly and find his way back in the magDK bar. Sweet dreams

    Not gonna happen :disappointed: Zenimax allready pointed out that wings are a useless Skill.
    Since 1.6 they got nerfed from refelct all projectiles to 4, meteor got unreflectable all Dks droped Wings, no reason to run in cause of the high costs.
    The things is you not gonna run alteration mastery on a Stam Dk, you have no Dmg- AND you not gonna sustain since they increase the costs in PvP, Dk are build as "kinda tanky" class they have not that high mobillity like a Nightblade and a Sorc.
    But Zenimax isnt ware about that problem.
    Edited by Aiphaton on 18 April 2017 13:20
  • Enodoc
    By far the best skill-encouraging patch ever made, good job ZoS.
    Combat nerfs and buffs i am satisfied.
    althou i hoped for jewelry crafting, due to my massive collection of gold jewelry.
    Hey look! Amongst all the tears, someone is actually happy about the skill changes. I knew you guys were out there somewhere!
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