PTS Patch Notes v3.0.0

  • janusdef
    Torbschka wrote: »
    Very good patch for PvP, lets see who will remain among the best when u have to think about Ressourcen now.

    A patch that fixes 1/2 of a game while screwing the other 1/2 is a crap patch. ZOS needs to stop punishing one side or the other and apply a model that balances PVE as one set of standards and PVP as another set, not blanket nerf.
  • Nebula_DooM
    What happened to bringing diversity to classes? I understand the one shotting has to stop but now what? You guys have reduced the entire combat system to shreds. WHO WANTS TO USE LIGHT AND MEDIUM ARMOR NOW WHEN YOU GUYS REDUCED THE DAMN REDUCTION. Either you reduce reduction in light and medium or reduce reduction in CP. What point is it to run clever alchemist or any other strong damage multiplier sets when you will get minimal resources. RIP class diversity. You might as well scrap the strong sets as well and give regen
  • Norn
    Sad part is they are probably laughing at office right now because they think it's funny.
  • Tonnopesce
    To everyone saying "Sorcs didn't get nerfed", you seem to have forgotten that Sorcs got nerfed for 2 years straight. We STILL haven't recovered from the nerfs to Streak and Surge. You also forgot that NBs were OP god-mode for an entire year after IC dropped. Nevermind the fact that even today, MagDKs and Magplars are almost impossible to kill. Now there is a massive buff to Eclipse that will make Templars unkillable by Sorcs. It's like a 3.5 second, unbreakable Negate that they can cast whenever they want!

    TL;Dr don't come crying to me about Sorcs until you actually play one.

    Beams can't be reflected (cursing shock, shock staff heavy)... Is like i need to use Soul assoult for finishing a fight, not a big deal honestly.
    At least the templar canot refull the entire health pool with 1 cheap skill, now they need 2.

  • Trouble13691
    Thanks zos. Unsubscribing immediately. I refuse to waste any more money on you
  • Molag_Swag
    PLS NERF RNG!!! Seriously these useless drops are ridiculous. Running the same dungeon/content well over 100 times is not "fun", it's the clear definition of repetitive torture.
  • AllPlayAndNoWork

    Siphoning Attacks (Siphoning Strikes morph): This morph now causes your Light and Heavy Attacks to also restore Magicka based on your character level.
    Siphoning Strikes:
    This ability now causes your Light and Heavy Attacks to restore Health instead of Magicka or Stamina.
    Increased the duration of this ability and its morphs to 20 seconds from 15 seconds.

    You should consider adding back in the magicka restore at least.
  • Sneaky-Snurr
    Let's play light/heavy attack spams, blocks, dodge rolls and VERY infrequent use of class/weapon abilities and tickle each other's balls. -.-

    ESO: Moron-wind of Change Nerf
    The Order of the Shadows: Nightmare
      EP CP810 Nightblade
      AD CP810 Templar
      AD CP810 Dragon Knight
      AD Lvl 25 Sorceror
      DC Lvl 23 Nightblade
    {PC•NA•no-CP Ravenwatch}

    Shadow hide you. -Unknown
    There is no clean fight in a war. -Shun Izaki
  • AllPlayAndNoWork
    Rittings wrote: »
    Ah yes... this is stroking the PVP players and dismissing out of hand the PVE content people. GREAT job... those PVP guys never seem to get anything changed for them - this makes a refreshing change.

    Confirms for me that this household will be cancelling subscription, definitely NOT purchasing Morrowind - and moving to a different game. What is the release date for Kingdom Come: Deliverance again???

    You should check out ashes of creation
  • AllPlayAndNoWork
    Atleast caltrops are heading in the right direction.

    24 man caltrop raids !
  • StereoLiz
    Rewards for the Worthy now provide a single armor piece (but not weapons or jewelry) for one of the item sets listed below.

    Transmutation is gone? O.O

  • Doctordarkspawn
    These changes are surprisingly very fair. Solid job @Wrobel

    We cannot have read the same patchnotes.
  • Doctordarkspawn
    Phinix1 wrote: »
    I haven't played this game for nearly two years to be forced to focus almost exclusively on resource management, nor do I like the Care Bear approach of decreasing the gap between newer players and established endgame players.

    Such a perfect opportunity with the first major "chapter" addition to separate PVP and PVE balancing, a change so desperately called for over the last 3 years, and instead you opt for a blanket nerf to all resources?

    Then you drop the resource CP passives completely ON TOP of this AND reduce the remaining most desirable CP perks from 25% max bonus to 15%? Doesn't this sort of scream "thanks for the support long term players, but all that progress you worked for was for nothing because we can't be bothered to add a separate effect for skills and passives in PVP."

    I'm sorry but that is really disappointing guys.

    I'm sure i"ll get nothing but quantum hate vibrations for saying this, but why is it so hard for you to balance PVP and PVE separately? It seems it would make things SO much simpler and avoid demoralizing your players by constantly sweeping the progress rug out from under them.

    I am saying this on behalf of those that have a long term investment in your product. You don't build long term relationships by constantly undermining trust.
    I think these changes are pretty explicitly intended to nerf PvE players at least as hard as PvP players. In fact, the changes are crap for PvP as well. Everyone's sustain abilities are getting massive nerfs, except for Dark Deal, and Dark Deal was already one of the best sustain abilities in the game. Weak classes aren't getting buffs, and Stamina Sorcerers, who are already extremely popular, are going to be almost completely dominant.

    So please don't blame PvP for these changes, because these changes suck for both sides.

    Nooo, I'm gonna plame PVP for these changes.
  • Cinbri
    @ZOS_RichLambert will it be like previous PTS - next pts builds will have more changes?
  • AtorOAlikr
    Soul Shriven
    BG is dope but the balancing is off ..way off ... I have played Templar since day one it has seen a lot of change mostly bad to be honest but ...

    "Luminous Shards (Spear Shards morph): This morph now causes the synergy to also restore an equal amount of Magicka or Stamina to the casting Templar, with a 20-second cooldown."

    this was almost cool till you realize that you as the caster have to wait for someone to pick up the shard to get any benefit. This means the solo pvp or pve player never gets to use full advantage of this nice buff. Then a 20-second cooldown means the caster is slave not only to the party but to a near half min cooldown...pointless

    " Eclipse: This ability and its morphs now last for 3.5 seconds, down from 6 seconds, but can no longer be removed with Break Free. After the effect ends, enemies will gain CC-immunity.
    Reduced the cost of this ability and its morphs by approximately 20%."

    This is just as silly you make the ability so you cant Break Free to remove it but with a up time of 3.5 seconds...This means in pvp you give CC-immunity faster and for vary little benefit. How long is CC-immunity like 5 seconds ? so the ability is useful for 3.5 seconds then useless for 5.

    "Power of the Light (Backlash morph): Fixed an issue where the damage from this morph could be dodged."

    well duh (-__-)

    "Mending: This passive ability now increases the healing done by Restoring Light abilities by 6/12% based on the target’s missing health, up from 5/10%."

    "Sacred Ground: This passive ability now grants Minor Mending instead of Major Mending when you are standing in your Cleansing Ritual, Rune Focus, or Rite of Passage areas of effect."

    Pointless 2% buff is just like and if you are a stamplar u just lost 17% healing done being that your heals are not Restoring Light abilities. Major Mending was the only life line of stampler and now this is gone. How was this even an option here this is going backward.

    "Rushed Ceremony: This ability and its morphs now heal friendly targets in a 180 degree cone in front of you, instead of all targets in a radius around you."

    just wtf I don't even get this one..

    "Repentance (Restoring Aura morph): This morph now restores Health and Stamina based on your character level instead of your Max Resource"

    this is what ever means that you don't have to stack Max Resource to make Repentance work for what ever that's worth

    "It also only restores Stamina to the casting Templar, but continues to restore Health to the casting Templar and his allies."

    but this is silly if Templar is a support class how can you take the support aspect out... I mean my thinking was that the whole reason that you made Templar suck solo in 1.6 was so it would be more of a support role class... Lost as to why this was even done was that something people cried about or something..
    Edited by AtorOAlikr on 18 April 2017 08:33
  • Doctordarkspawn
    Norn wrote: »
    Sad part is they are probably laughing at office right now because they think it's funny.

    Wait for launch day. Lets see how hard they laugh when their stock prices drop like a stone on opening day.

    On a more constructive note. This is a pattern ZOS does. It designs PVE one way, then deems that ways popularity as 'overpowered' and starts nerfing it. This isn't new. This is just how this developer functions. Only way they'll stop is if we start punishing them.
    Edited by Doctordarkspawn on 18 April 2017 08:36
  • bloodthirstyvampire
    Edited by bloodthirstyvampire on 18 April 2017 19:09
    Self-proclaimed Vampire Lord, or in this case, Blood Sion. º,...,º
  • The_1st_Elder
    About time we get snare immuntity. There are times where it take multiple dodge rolls to finally become free
    Main EP - Caius Targaryen - Stam DK
    EP - Viselyx Targaryen - Mag NB
    DC - Tyron Targaryen - Stam Templar
    AD - Vaeron Targaryen - Stam Sorc
  • GrigorijMalahevich
    haha no more heavy armor for damage dealers in PvP!!!!

    NO STREAK BUG FIX??????????????????????????????????????

    Anyway, very happy with these changes.

    Good job!
    PC/EU 800 CP.
    PvP MagSorc.
    Pedro Gonzales - Mag Sorc EP vMA Flawless Conqueror clear
    Valera Progib - Stam Sorc DC vMA Flawless Conqueror clear
    Valera Pozhar - Mag DK EP vMA Flawless Conqueror clear
    Valera Podlechi - Mag Templar AD vMA Flawless Conqueror clear
  • Marabornwingrion
    They should rename this expansion to Nerfwind.
  • psychotic13
    I wasn't looking forward to morrowind, but jheeze I'm not sure I even want to play this pile of broken *** anymore
  • mafli1
    I don't have problems with changing my playstyle or the skills on my builds. That can be interesting and bringing fresh wind into the game.
    What really sucks:
    It takes a long time and costs a hughe amount of gold to get the sets in the right trait and make all the pieces golden (at least for me, 100% PVP-er)
    With every Patch ZOS makes this sets useless. Just some example:
    - I spent millions of AP and gold to get Desertrose --> makes it useless for me with the latest patch
    - I used Black Rose for multiple chars, so its worth to make it golden--> Constitution gets a harder nerf than it gets buffed from
    the Set !!!??

    Give me my f... gold and AP back if you nerf the sets to death! I dont have time for this.
  • Didgerion
    haha no more heavy armor for damage dealers in PvP!!!!

    Good job!

    Why not?

    In 1v1 situation you will have no juice to burst down a heavy armor player. He will passively buff his set up(like fury) and will two shot you with an ultimate combo.

    These changes will encourage even more zerg groups formations in cirodiil - do you think it is too zergy now? Oh wait for morrowind and you will see nothing but zerg groups!!!!!

    This game will never be balanced. You brake it each major release.

    Please listen to your community and change things little by little but at a faster phase.
    Edited by Didgerion on 18 April 2017 09:40
  • leepalmer95
    They've killed the heavy infinite sustain meta? Finally.
    Made healbots less effective and hopefully stopped with having 40k hp, criting 12 BoL's while perma blocking.

    They nerfed the power creep in pve without actually nerfing most dps skills but instead nerfed it by nerfing sustain and for the first time ever end game pve may actually have to get regen into 4 figures. Great.

    Its people are gonna have to put a little more thought into playing now.

    Rip Dk's but its times like this that makes me happy i have 8 characters.
    Edited by leepalmer95 on 18 April 2017 09:38
    PS4 EU DC

    Current CP : 756+

    I have every character level 50, both a magicka and stamina version.

    RIP my effort to get 5x v16 characters...
  • melloni_aleb16_ESO
    I'm Italian, but the word " balance " in Italy has another meaning...
    what is the sense of the heavily nerf DK ?
    • Battle Roar : This will be a buff for each particular resource if your maximum is below 26,000 ....
    • Helping Hands : This will be a buff if your Maximum Stamina is below 19,800
    • Igneous Shield : so it is totally useless...It is canceled with a light attack
    • Vigor: Increased the cost of this ability and its morphs by approximately 30% ...uhm ok..then increase the cost of Magicka shields
    • Redguard Skills: Adrenaline Rush : This will be a buff is your maximum resource is below 15,840 and a nerf if it is above
    and these are just a few points

    About Battler roar , H. Hands , Adrenaline Rush ..You're kidding ? all Dk stamina run with under 26,000k of stamina? really?
    if the purpose was to reduce the use of heavy armors , the change os Roll dodges it is not enough for a medium armour build.
    For example , soul assault and destro ulti staff completely destroy a player in medium armour.

    I love Char stamina , Should I spend 39 euro ( for morrowind ) + Changes race ( on 4-5 chars ) to play this thing ? to see that many classes have been nerfed ( obviously Magicka sorc NO lel ) ..and warden has all the buffs that have been uplifted to the other classes ? ahahaha

    you are crazy :)
    Edited by melloni_aleb16_ESO on 18 April 2017 09:48
    DC|EP|AD EU .:. Claymore - all classes DK/Sorc/Nb/templar .: Retired :.
    DC NA server with 400 ping - DKs Vraccàs

    Philosophy of the poor .: "What you cannot beat ..zerg him " :.
  • mr_wazzabi
    They've killed the heavy infinite sustain meta? Finally.
    Made healbots less effective and hopefully stopped with having 40k hp, criting 12 BoL's while perma blocking.

    They nerfed the power creep in pve without actually nerfing most dps skills but instead nerfed it by nerfing sustain and for the first time ever end game pve may actually have to get regen into 4 figures. Great.

    Its people are gonna have to put a little more thought into playing now.

    Rip Dk's but its times like this that makes me happy i have 8 characters.

    Bosmer Stamina NB
    Altmer Magicka TEMP
    Dunmer DK both stam/mag (depends what I feel like)
    Altmer Magicka NB
    Breton Magicka Sorc
    Redguard Stam Sorc
    Max CP
  • greylox
    So they've widened the gap between players by making vet dungeons harder due to changes so only the very best will be able to do it.

    PVP changes ruining it for pve.

    I suppose that's what you get when you invite the top players to test and fail to realise 99% of us aren't like that.
    PC EU

    House of the Black Lotus
    *{Smokes-in-the-Shade }* (Mag pet Sorc Argonian, prolific thief, willing participant of the dark arts, gardener of exotic...herbs)
    {Lugdum The Mechanist} (Hybrid Orc Templar, collector of ancient Ayleid smoking pipes)
    {Rantoul} (Dark Elf Magknight, likes an ale between boss fights, has been known to offer daedric princes out in a fist fight)
    {Red, The Wanderer} (Bosmer stam sorc and hunter extraordinaire)
    {Shoots-For-Stars} (Argonian Mag pet Sorc Ice mage Healer)
    *{Jinny the spark }* (Sassy Imperial Stamplar)
    {Crezzi the Drifter} (Magblade khajiit burglar, available for questionable operations)
    {Grif the Despised} (StamKnight Tank Nord, Eastmarch Master Drinker and spinner of tall yarns)
    {Geraldine Stone-Heart} (High Elf MagSorc Ice Tank, Mystic, practitioner of the ancient arts)
    *{Anawinn}* (Stam pet Ward Redguard, Mother to a bear and an unruly Hunger,Librarian, field medic and natures fist)

    { CP 900+ }

    Caretaker of Battle Island (Grand Topal), the holiday destination for the discerning warrior
    Residing in Stay-Moist Mansion-Shadowfen - The Smoking Den (as of 6th feb 2017)

  • Brrrofski
    So you address resources in heavy. That's fine for PvP.

    But you've made small group play impossible in Cyrodiil. The massive resource nerf (especially dk, rip) that if you're outnumbered you have zero chance. I appreciate there is now battlegrounds, but you're eliminating small group from Cyrodiil entirely.
  • Espica
    I hope these patch notes are in fact a very late April Fools' joke, or I'm reporting the post for trolling.
  • Beardimus
    Happy to see lots of shake up's here to the status quo. I think sustain needed balance. The never die uber heal builds were too much in PvP, at least Ward's have a counter.

    Sure some huge changes, but as ever people will adapt and over come.
    Xbox One | EU | EP
    Beardimus : VR16 Dunmer MagSorc [RIP MagDW 2015-2018]
    Emperor of Sotha Sil 02-2018 & Sheogorath 05-2019
    1st Emperor of Ravenwatch
    Alts - - for the Lolz
    Archimus : Bosmer Thief / Archer / Werewolf
    Orcimus : Fat drunk Orc battlefield 1st aider
    Scalimus - Argonian Sorc Healer / Pet master

    Fighting small scale with : The SAXON Guild
    Fighting with [PvP] : The Undaunted Wolves
    Trading Guilds : TradersOfNirn | FourSquareTraders

    Xbox One | NA | EP
    Bëardimus : L43 Dunmer Magsorc / BG
    Heals-With-Pets : VR16 Argonian Sorc PvP / BG Healer
    Nordimus : VR16 Stamsorc
    Beardimus le 13iem : L30 Dunmer Magsorc Icereach
This discussion has been closed.