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Should Dueling in Cities be a Crime

  • Taylor_MB
    Taylor_MB wrote: »
    Jaronking wrote: »
    LaiTash wrote: »
    Should PvP activities result in a PvE response? Lol. Don't think so.
    This is my new favorite quote am use this.

    Average dueller IQ seems low.

    Should pvp activities in a pve area, that are interfering with pve'rs ability to pve result in a pve response?
    As mentioned before pve activities (cyrodiil questers) in pvp (cyrodiil) result in pvp response (gankers/ trolls) so why should it be any different the other way round?

    We didn't ask for dueling in your precious cities. It was ZoS's lazy solution. Now thanks to all the complaining, instead of getting a proper arena / dueling ring we are likely going to see another lazy solution from ZoS.

    PvP'ers get one damn update in so long (don't say IC) and (based on this poll) 50% of people are too concerned about flashing lights getting in the way of their crafting to realise the people around them are playing the damn game. Go craft somewhere else if people playing together bothers you, you don't need to be around others to craft.

    So will you return the favour in cyrodiil and all go in the IC while people do cyro quests? Or all leave the IC so that pve'rs can do the quests there? I mean you don't need to be around pve'rs to pvp

    I notice he has totally ignored you while he's still whining about me not posting a pretty picture of the arena! He can't read either because I've already plainly stated why I don't appreciate dueling near the bankers and crafting areas halfway down the first page of this thread. It causes me to make mistakes, like accidentally depositing gold into the wrong guild bank, clicking on the wrong item in a guild store that I didn't want to buy. But hey, as long as he gets to have his EPeen on display, why should that matter. I will answer his one question though. I Unsubscribed to send ZOS a message with my wallet that I'm not going to keep paying them for a game where griefing like this is encouraged!

    People playing the game in your vicinity causes you to make mistakes, so you want ZoS to prevent people from playing that part of the game in a town, because you make mistakes? That is a wholly unreasonable request. Fail to see how people playing the game around you is griefing.

    Everyone loves towns because they are convenient, now they have everything we've had previously with the addition of dueling!

    I'm not whining about your lack of pictures, merely commenting on the contradiction that you want us out of your town but instead of providing an easily accessible location you whine to ZoS to change it.

    Honestly think I'm going to have to call it quits on this thread, it's gotten to quite a ludicrous level. Good luck with... stuff, I guess.
    PvP Defensive Set Comparison
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    My YouTube Chanel

  • BlanketFort
    Yes, but boys will be boys.
    I wouldn't say it's a crime, per say..It's an inconvenience to other players who could do well without all the shiny abilities popping off in the vicinity. Duelling is a fun addition. There just have to be limits. But, to me, it is not game-breaking enough to warrant me cancelling my sub :)
  • Glamdring
    Immersion breaking?!?!?! For me the citys have come alive, ppl dueling, ppl gather and watch. Before citys really was Immersion breaking. Ppl just stood there doing nothing staring at nothing or just spamming abilities for no reason. As a roleplayer i love this change in the citys. The only thing i would like to see though is indoor dueling to not be possible. Last night i had a couple duels near wayshrine at riften, i then went to the inn close by and had a drink and a bit of food before i went to sleep, regaining my strength for tomorrows quest to find some good duels. Thanks ZOS for one tamriel and everything in it.
    Edited by Glamdring on 7 October 2016 12:28
  • xX_NachtJager_xx
    Wow, some of these responses are treating this like it is happening in real life, like they are sitting in a Denny's somewhere and a nord and argonian walk in and start throwing down. It's a game people, and you shouldn't get butt hurt over two people having fun. Go for it gents!!!!
    CP460 Magsorc, Stamblade, Templar Healer, DK Tank. AKA the drunken nord
  • JKorr
    Taylor_MB wrote: »
    Taylor_MB wrote: »
    How is this seriously an issue for so many people? There are so many balance issues and bugs with this game that need to be addressed, but people are up in arms about people actually improving their fighting skills in a central place where they can get fights back to back?

    It truly boggles the mind.

    Preemptively: As someone with almost constant 300+ ping and a location very far away from server, dueling in towns has not reduced performance in any way.

    So, because other things are broken, people cannot have legitimate complaints about this thing?

    Lag and performance aside, you can't see how it would be annoying to have to wade through powers spam and people jumping around all over the place just to go to the bank or craft something? Some people have even posted that there was so much traffic around these areas that they could not even click on tables or the bank to use them. That isn't something worth getting annoyed about?

    Most of the complaints about dueling aren't really talking about the function itself. It's more like this:
    You have the entirety of the game world to duel, and you need to do it here?

    There are probably many compromises that could be made. Players generally aren't interested in those compromises. And that is why people petition the devs for restrictions. Because, really, how inconvenient is it if you just move your duel outside of the Elden Root tree, or just down the road a bit from the smithy? Your couple of minutes is really that valuable that everyone else should just deal?

    How inconvenient would it be for you to move your crafting to one of the other dozen cities that have all crafting stations? You don't need to be around other people to craft, duelers need to be around other people to duel.

    My first comment was about priorities, sooo many people complaining about other people playing the game in their vicinity instead of focusing on bugs, balance and performance. Unfortunately ZoS will listen and devote time to this non-issue instead of addressing things that actually effect the quality of the game.

    Way more people then I realised actually care more about dueling breaking immersion then bugs that break game rules ruining immersion. People saying "guards wouldn't let you murder each other", yeah but we just resurrect, it ain't murder. And then people talking about "real life" in a game with vampires and spells...

    Um...yeah. Except of course for the times you can't "move to another station". Or did they suddenly allow crafters to make sets like Death's Wind/Night Mother's Gaze, Hunding's, etc., at any station? Last night I logged in to make a set of gear for a guildmate. I was going to a SET crafting station, not the generic ones in town. Someone followed me from the wayshrine and asked to duel, I declined. Mr. Mature PVP player then proceeded to throw fireballs and spam aoe abilities while I was trying to craft, until his short attention span kicked in, he got bored, and ran off to harass someone else.

    Yes, you can go to other stations for the set in other factions, but apparently the I R DUELING LOL people are all over. Moving won't help.
    LaiTash wrote: »
    Should PvP activities result in a PvE response? Lol. Don't think so.

    And if they would have kept the pvp out of the pve areas that wouldn't be a concern at all. Put in arenas, corrals, fighting pits, whatever you want to call the areas, but keep the pvp restricted to those areas outside of Cyrodiil.

  • cbaudersub17_ESO
    Yes, but boys will be boys.
    Seems to be a bit harsh for people to want to quit the game because others choose to duel.

    Why shouldn't public brawling be a crime, especially if it ends in death. If town guards walk toward a fight, why shouldn't they say something like, "Alright, break it up you two." and both combatants go on a X sec timer to where that have to stop of be criminally fined. If the fight continues, the guard can continue with, "I told you two to break it up!", with shorter X sec timer to end hostility. If hostility doesn't stop, the guard whistles and spawns the riot squad to kill the two combatants. When the combatants are dead, one guard can turn to the crowd saying, Show's over folks. Nothing to see here.".
  • Chrlynsch
    Make unsheathing your weapon in town a crime, people could still dial but risk guards steping in to stop it. Most people would stop dualing in towns, an there would be a lot less spamming abilities, if you spam vigor pay the price. But I am the same guy who thinks stage 4 vampire and werewolf form should be kill on sight.
    Pack Leader of Scourge Alliance- First Fang of Hircine, The Beast of Bruma
    PC NA
  • LadyNalcarya
    Yes, but boys will be boys.
    Lag in cities is horrible atm, and extra skill spamming on the screen just makes the situation worse.
    There just needs to be proper instancing/channels imo. That would solve many issues.
    Dro-m'Athra Destroyer | Divayth Fyr's Coadjutor | Voice of Reason

  • Bobby_V_Rockit
    Yes, but boys will be boys.
    Its a game, what do I care if I can see other people having fun? Not like it affects my gameplay anyway.
  • CromulentForumID
    Glamdring wrote: »
    Immersion breaking?!?!?! For me the citys have come alive, ppl dueling, ppl gather and watch. Before citys really was Immersion breaking. Ppl just stood there doing nothing staring at nothing or just spamming abilities for no reason. As a roleplayer i love this change in the citys. The only thing i would like to see though is indoor dueling to not be possible. Last night i had a couple duels near wayshrine at riften, i then went to the inn close by and had a drink and a bit of food before i went to sleep, regaining my strength for tomorrows quest to find some good duels. Thanks ZOS for one tamriel and everything in it.

    Many people on the forum refer to immersion as:
    Does what is happening right now make sense?

    Many others on the forum, and I think you, are using immersion as:
    Is what is happening right now more lively or active?

    I don't think a guard allowing a duel right in front of them is immersive. It doesn't make sense to me that the guard would accost me for stealing some booze but allow people to shoot fireballs at each other.

    Of course, it is also not immersive to see someone standing next to their own corpse on the street.

    I don't think either of us is right or wrong. However, the way we think of that word can completely change how we talk about dueling and how "immersive" it is.
  • AuldWolf
    Yes, I'll wait to see if it dies down before I cancel my subscription.
    Yes. Yes. A thousand times, yes! Cities should be a place where roleplayers gather, immersion shouldn't be ruined by lots of people fighting for no good reason, randomly, without the NPCs giving a care. It's inconsistent. If this isn't a crime, then stealing in cities shouldn't be a crime, nor should killing NPCs. These things either are crimes, or they are not. An inconsistency like this will drive ESO's vibrant roleplaying community away. Perhaps not immediately, but eventually.

    No duelling was a huge reason for being drawn to ESO as a roleplayer. With all of this bending over backwards to appeal to a loud but tiny minority (PVP), I feel like a second class citizen. It's not like the PvPers are the ones buying hairstyle packs, costumes, and things of that sort regularly, is it? A lot of the money comes from casual/roleplaying whales like myself. Alienate us, and you hurt your profit margin. It's just not good business sense. I'm baffled why ZOS caters so fervently to PvPers when they're such a tiny group of customers, and a tiny group that doesn't even put much money into the game.

    So for the sake of ESO's ongoing health? I say, yes.

    Besides, as I said, if you're not going to make it a crime, then stealing from and killing NPCs shouldn't be a crime, either. You can't have your cake and eat it. It's unprofessional, inconsistent, and it undermines what ESO has set out to do.
  • Sallington
    Only if they institute the full Justice system so we can keep those pesky city duelers in line.
    Daggerfall Covenant
    Sallington - Templar - Stormproof - Prefect II
    Cobham - Sorcerer - Stormproof - First Sergeant II
    Shallington - NightBlade - Lieutenant |
    Balmorah - Templar - Sergeant ||
  • THWIP71
    Yes, I'll wait to see if it dies down before I cancel my subscription.
    The real question is: Should it be a crime for a dev/publisher to continue to charge for content that they habitually ruin with stupid decisions and laziness?
  • THWIP71
    Yes, I'll wait to see if it dies down before I cancel my subscription.
    Its a game, what do I care if I can see other people having fun? Not like it affects my gameplay anyway.

    What a completely asinine comment.
  • Jaronking
    AuldWolf wrote: »
    Yes. Yes. A thousand times, yes! Cities should be a place where roleplayers gather, immersion shouldn't be ruined by lots of people fighting for no good reason, randomly, without the NPCs giving a care. It's inconsistent. If this isn't a crime, then stealing in cities shouldn't be a crime, nor should killing NPCs. These things either are crimes, or they are not. An inconsistency like this will drive ESO's vibrant roleplaying community away. Perhaps not immediately, but eventually.

    No duelling was a huge reason for being drawn to ESO as a roleplayer. With all of this bending over backwards to appeal to a loud but tiny minority (PVP), I feel like a second class citizen. It's not like the PvPers are the ones buying hairstyle packs, costumes, and things of that sort regularly, is it? A lot of the money comes from casual/roleplaying whales like myself. Alienate us, and you hurt your profit margin. It's just not good business sense. I'm baffled why ZOS caters so fervently to PvPers when they're such a tiny group of customers, and a tiny group that doesn't even put much money into the game.

    So for the sake of ESO's ongoing health? I say, yes.

    Besides, as I said, if you're not going to make it a crime, then stealing from and killing NPCs shouldn't be a crime, either. You can't have your cake and eat it. It's unprofessional, inconsistent, and it undermines what ESO has set out to do.
    Wow they give PVPers 1 thing in about a year and Zos is catering to PVPers dude get real they never cater to us if they cater to us their actually listen to our feedback and actually fix their dam game.If they catered to usd their wouldn't be AOE caps in this game.The crazy thing about it they wont remove AOe caps because it would affect PVE.Sets like veldreith and other proc sets are ruining PVP right now and they won't do a thing because it would lower raiders DPS.Making most of the gear mainly PVers don't want but useful for PVP made behind a BOP wall of dungeon farming full of training an prosperous gear.Or farm overland sets which jewelry only drop in green mostly. You don't know what being a second class citizen is in this game especially if you think PVPers are first class when were barely fifth.Sorry your self entitled self doesn't like that Zos gave PVPers one thing in a massive update,that's caters to PVe and role players way more than anything they gave to PVP.

    Please tell me 5 things that Zos does to bend over backwards to appeal to PVPers?Crap like this blow the hell out of me they do one thing you don't like and you act like it's the end of the dam world.
    Edited by Jaronking on 7 October 2016 19:35
  • EZgoin76
    Yes, but boys will be boys.
    I could care less about dueling in towns. This hasn't hit console yet but it's right around the corner. The part I don't agree with that seems to be a few peoples problem is dueling in banks and around crafting stations.

    The towns are plenty big enough that duelers don't have to be occupying these spots. The only reasons they would be dueling there is to grief people or it's just an epeen contest with the contestants practically going "LOOK AT ME! LOOK AT ME!!

    In either of these cases the people are just plain immature.

    I should also note that I love pvp. Just not ESO pvp. I'll probably enjoy duels though.
    Edited by EZgoin76 on 7 October 2016 20:31
    I want to change the world. I'm just to lazy to do it.
  • Karius_Imalthar
    No, because then it wouldn't be a duel it would be "Oh my deities-and-daedric-princes! People are murdering each other in the streets!", however, maybe incentives could be added for holding duels in the arenas like prize fight money or gaining some alliance points if opponents happened to be in different alliances or something. I've already seen people take duels "outside" or at least off to the side.
    Edited by Karius_Imalthar on 7 October 2016 20:54
  • Lord_Eomer
    No, let us duel freely. Its not going to hurt you in anyway..
  • NoRagret
    I often duel inside bank to make people mad
  • Luigi_Vampa
    I think it should be a crime to not duel. Decline a duel and you lose banking and shopping access. No milk drinkers or cowardly skeevers in my town!
    PC/EU DC
  • Capsaica
    I have thoroughly enjoyed watching duels. I have found myself totally distracted from what I was "supposed to be doing" in the game. Since this is a game, I am quite ok with being distracted by something entertaining and fun to watch.

    Except the DK vs DK duels...those just take too long. And templar vs templar lol. :p
  • Bryanonymous
    When we can kill the guards...
  • Majic
    Yes, but boys will be boys.
    Dueling should be a crime punishable by dueling.
    Epopt Of The Everspinning Logo, Church Of The Eternal Loading Screen
    And verily, verily, spaketh the Lord: "Error <<1>>"
  • Valen_Byte
    The problem here steve, is that you asked two totally different questions in your poll and your post.

    So, "do I think it should be illegal to duel in towns?" (poll question)..... No.

    "What is your response to people deliberately dueling in inappropriate areas like the banking and crafting areas in your towns and cities?" (op question).....My response to this is, it sucks. They should not allow duels in banks and other indoor populated areas.

    ***Dixon Kay MagDK FORMER EMPEROR***Deca Dix MagDK FORMER EMPORER***Valonious MagPlar FORMER EMPEROR***
    GM of BYTE
    And alien tears will fill for him, Pity’s long-broken urn, For his mourners will be outcast men, And outcasts always mourn
  • Elmour0Fudd
    Edziu wrote: »
    why this should be a crime? all in duel was accepted this fight, this is not a murder, no ambush etc.Do you heard about duel long ago? this was as a crime? I dont think so

    ZOS could go roman on us and add duelling arenas in set areas in the city's
    hopefully people would go there knowing other's where there to Duel, and watchers stand outside the ring so people are clear and not in the way.
    HAVE at it and your not driving pure PvE's mad lol

    Try Cat herding it's fun thay said you'll love it it's a good honest job........ bollock's you need Silverweave body armour to stop em fighting, but a stuffed mouse on a string can help!

    • Snarrffffff

    [/PC NA mainly dead Breton magic sorcerer b]!Alg5EQDPhr8CemxApWeDYYkydrc

    oh what fun
  • nimander99
    Yes, but boys will be boys.
    Your poll made me laugh my behind off. You went full rage...

    Does dueling in cities bother you?

    1 Yes I killed my pets

    2 Yes but I'll wait to kill my pets

    3 Yes dead pets are dead pets

    4 Maybe

    5 No

    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

    ∽∽∽ 2 years of Elder Scrolls Online ∼∼∼
    "Give us money" = Box sales & monthly sub fees,
    "moar!" = £10 palomino horse,
    "MOAR!" = Switch to B2P, launch cash shop,
    "MOAR!!" = Charge for DLC that subs had already paid for,
    "MOAR!!!" = Experience scrolls and riding lessons,
    "MOARR!!!" = Vampire/werewolf bites,
    "MOAARRR!!!" = CS exclusive motifs,
    "MOOAARRR!!!" = Crown crates,
    "MOOOAAARRR!!!" = 'Chapter's' bought separately from ESO+,
    "MOOOOAAAARRRR!!!!" = ???

    Male, Dunmer, VR16, Templar, Aldmeri Dominion, Master Crafter & all Traits, CP450
  • bedlom
    Yes, but boys will be boys.
    Slow down no need to cancel any subs, it will calm down.
    Remember when dark brotherhood launched you couldn't see a NPC alive.
  • SteveCampsOut
    Yes, I've Canceled my Suscription
    nimander99 wrote: »
    Your poll made me laugh my behind off. You went full rage...

    Does dueling in cities bother you?

    1 Yes I killed my pets

    2 Yes but I'll wait to kill my pets

    3 Yes dead pets are dead pets

    4 Maybe

    5 No

    Somebody stole my snickers while they were dueling! >:)
    Sanguine & Psijic Group Beta Tester.

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    Stug-Grog M'God CH701 Templar DC
    One With Many Faces CH701 Nightblade DC
    Trixie Truskan CH701 Sorcerer EP
    Grumpetasaurus Rex CH701 Warden EP
  • CasNation
    Yes, I've Canceled my Suscription
    Yes, it would be an elegant and lore friendly solution that would be net beneficial, and minimally impact the injured party.

    Also, will note that I cancelled my sub for a completely unrelated reason to dueling, but liked this option better that the cringe-worthy "boys will be boys" option.
    PC NA AD
    Gamma Fyr: Dunmer Sorcerer Stamina DPS (the Missing Sister...props to those who get the reference)
    Samekh Fyr: Dunmer Nightblade Magicka DPS
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    Augustus Constantine: Imperial Nightblade PvP (Blackwater Bandit)
    Shadow-of-Sundered-Star: Altmer Dragonknight Lowbie
  • rootimus
    There was no option for "No, HTFU".
    Even on the internet, clear communication is important; it can be the difference between "helping your Uncle Jack off a horse" and "helping your uncle jack off a horse"; the difference between "knowing your s***" and "knowing you're s***".
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