new mechanic maybe?
There *may* be a new Bannerman in there and some of the Bosses *may* have tweaked their abilities.
Hey Folks,
Regarding White Gold Tower, Imperial City Prison and Veteran City of Ash: We have adjusted their balance down a bit. We hear the feedback and appreciate the passion for this content but, we were not happy with the difficulty to complete these and wanted to ease that burden. Those three dungeons are still not a walk in the park but they shouldn't be quite the roadblock they are now.
RE Sanctum Ophidia: Loot has indeed been updated with the creation of Normal and Veteran modes. We have made some tweaks all around in the Trial but largely the mechanics stay relatively the same, just more difficult. We anticipate strategies will need to be adjusted to complete the Veteran mode of the Trial.
So, not only are we not going to get any new 4-man content, they're also gonna hit vWGT and vICP with the nerfhammer?(Unless by "rebalancing", they mean "buffing", but somehow I doubt that's what they meant.)
4-person content is such a huge part of this game. It's a MMO, so why in blazes is there so much focus on solo questing in each update?
Hey Folks,
Those three dungeons are still not a walk in the park but they shouldn't be quite the roadblock they are now.
... Where is race change, appearance change, and alliance change? Where is our promised barber shop? Hats? Are you kidding me? Forget the hats. Give us our barber shop we've been BEGGING for since BETA.
... How are you going to compensate all the players who got themselves to V16? That's a lot of gear, money, and time that's going to be yanked away from people who LIKE veteran ranks.
Praeficere wrote: »
I'm sorry but those dungeons are already a walk in the park. They were best on release, the challenge was thrilling and the mechanics mattered. Now after the nerfs, you made the only 4-man content that wasn't a walk in the park exactly that. And now you nerf them even more without the introduction of new dungeons for almost a year?
Come on Finn, not all dungeons need to be the same level as Wayrest Sewers. If people can't finish WGT and ICP and... even CoA as they are now.. then they just haven't learnt the game yet, and neither should content be nerfed over and over so that they still do not need to learn the basics of ESO.
myrrrorb14_ESO wrote: »
I'm guessing it's a giant Mudcrab mount.
jamesharv2005ub17_ESO wrote: »
No it doesnt scale down. If you are VR16 they said you will get 160cp even if you dont have that much. Then some more bonus cp for something I dont remember. Fact is tho you wont have to worry about your current gear being scaled down or being weaker than before.
Hey Folks,
Regarding White Gold Tower, Imperial City Prison and Veteran City of Ash: We have adjusted their balance down a bit. We hear the feedback and appreciate the passion for this content but, we were not happy with the difficulty to complete these and wanted to ease that burden. Those three dungeons are still not a walk in the park but they shouldn't be quite the roadblock they are now.
RE Sanctum Ophidia: Loot has indeed been updated with the creation of Normal and Veteran modes. We have made some tweaks all around in the Trial but largely the mechanics stay relatively the same, just more difficult. We anticipate strategies will need to be adjusted to complete the Veteran mode of the Trial.
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »This is the official discussion thread for the blog article Dark Brotherhood: First Look. We hope you enjoyed this sneak peek of the next DLC! Which feature are you most excited about?
tinythinker wrote: »Vote-kick is OK and opens the way for bonuses to needed roles in the random dungeon selector. Giving a bonus to rewards for tanks when they are in short supply, for example, but being able to /kick those who fraudently queue as a tank just to get a group. This can be further balanced and made more positive by adding a commendation/rec system wherein each party member can commend one other group member at the end of a run with a random group. Plenty of time to slip those additional features in before the update goes live on PC, right?
With such small additional changes on top of the many positive steps already taken/announced the LFG tool will finally start to look like something people will be eager to use which means it will work better with more people in the queue who are getting matched more quickly.
(Oh, and how about getting an extra reward of gold and add in a bonus to raising the undaunted skill line for doing five randoms in a day or something like that?)
Hey Folks,
Regarding White Gold Tower, Imperial City Prison and Veteran City of Ash: We have adjusted their balance down a bit. We hear the feedback and appreciate the passion for this content but, we were not happy with the difficulty to complete these and wanted to ease that burden. Those three dungeons are still not a walk in the park but they shouldn't be quite the roadblock they are now.
Hey Folks,
Regarding White Gold Tower, Imperial City Prison and Veteran City of Ash: We have adjusted their balance down a bit. We hear the feedback and appreciate the passion for this content but, we were not happy with the difficulty to complete these and wanted to ease that burden. Those three dungeons are still not a walk in the park but they shouldn't be quite the roadblock they are now.
DaveMoeDee wrote: »
The special case you mention in that last paragraph should only apply to people who hit v16 before the catch up system was added. This is especially true for people who had a max level character before CP was introduced since the CP they doled out was pretty low. There is no way someone hits v16 now without 160CP.