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Official Discussion Thread for "Dark Brotherhood: First Look"

  • Kurimugann
    Is it known if this will give us a free skill point/CP reset?
    I have a vet 3 character (soon irrelevant) that is stamina oriented and I can't seem to be able to play her well enough to solo pve in Cadwell silver zones (in my case, Malabal Tor, barely made it through Prasin) While I am sure there are people who can steamroll as Stamina DK no problem, it's seems like Magicka DK is considered to be the "good" way to play a DK (as bull as it sounds)
  • Pyr0xyrecuprotite
    I'm excited about Poison-making....! Speaking as a maxed out crafter, Alchemy is seriously the weakest and least interesting crafting system in the game, and sorely needs further developments to make it more useful (other than a few standard tripots). You learn all those plant traits and then... never use most of them. There is also the Alchemy passive that allows you to ignore negative effects of a potion and... I've never found any need for it. Ever. I hope this will change.

    I find it kinda funny to read about vCoA, WGT and ICP being nerfed. Having played for 2 years, I have only recently become just barely good enough to finish vDSA and vWGT (without feeling completely carried by others). They are a cool challenge, and it is awesome to finally feel "good enough" (even if not yet in a super-awesome stratosphere like some). vICP (or rather the flesh sculptor) is still a smidgen beyond me, and frankly the rewards of ICP are just not worth the time required. It might be cool to finally finish vICP after the DB DLC comes out... but maybe not. vCoA has been checked off my hit list a while ago, but the big Daedroth boss is still a challenge to many groups (more so than the Valkyn), especially when people are doing random dungeons and PuGs. That said, it was intended to be harder than the other dungeons (before IC came out anyway), and require group members to learn how to work the mechanics.... I suspect that ZoS wants to make it more accessible for new players (both PC and Console) who may only play this game for a few months before moving on to the next hot thing.

    Re Rebalancing item traits: it would be cool to breathe new (endgame) value and life into Exploration, Sturdy and Training, as well as Charged and Powered. I'm curious to see what will come out with DB. (Nirnhoned was also nerfed too much, and should be buffed). I spent over a year learning all the traits on all items, but the only ones anyone cares about at vr16 are Precise, Sharpened, Divines, Infused, maybe Impenetrable or sometimes Reinforced. (I play mostly PvE so don't have a PvP perspective). It seems the only reason to research the traits is to be able to craft a very few sets.
  • GaldorP
    Sounds great :)

    My favorite ones (in the long run):
    - Ongoing Cyrodiil performance improvements
    - Further improvements and new features to the Grouping Tool including a group ready check, vote-to-kick system, and updated queue timer
    - Balance improvements to combat and gameplay abilities including the Fighters Guild skill line, Vampires and stamina abilities
    - Sanctum Ophidia Trial scaling, rebalancing and the addition of a Normal and Veteran mode.
    - Improvements and adjustments to Item Traits
    - A new District capture system for Imperial City

    Curious how Poison-Making and the Removal of Veteran Ranks will work exactly.
  • SpazzmanNDQ
    Taisynn wrote: »
    ... Where is race change, appearance change, and alliance change? Where is our promised barber shop? Hats? Are you kidding me? Forget the hats. Give us our barber shop we've been BEGGING for since BETA.

    ... How are you going to compensate all the players who got themselves to V16? That's a lot of gear, money, and time that's going to be yanked away from people who LIKE veteran ranks.

    I want to know this too does all my V16 gear scale down cause I'm not at max CP I wouldn't appreciate that at all

    No it doesnt scale down. If you are VR16 they said you will get 160cp even if you dont have that much. Then some more bonus cp for something I dont remember. Fact is tho you wont have to worry about your current gear being scaled down or being weaker than before.

    OK so at the moment I'm a V16 with 300cp 100 in each tree obviously, so if I understand you correctly they are going to boost me up in cp? So instead of me trying to grind to max cp I should be grinding alts to V1 so I can have multiple maxed characters?
  • Ra'Shtar
    I hope Bad Fitted gets deleted or overhauled.
    Some of my favorite screenshots
    My opinions and posts are mostly on a PvE setting.
  • BigES

    I am really tired of jump blocking to start a duel, and getting ganked in the middle of some great fights. Creating a controlled, competitive, and ranked PvP environment should be your utmost priority at this point. Let's face it. Cyrodiil is what it is. A large, open, and uncontrolled environment that is fun for horsing around, but there's no true competitive aspect it. Imperial City is great, but not the answer.

    Think to yourselves about all the big name competitive MMORPG's like League of Legends and DoTA that have build a good foundation on what competitive gamers expect as far as repeatable content. There are actually people that play these games competitively for a living.

    I understand that if you do a 1v1, 2v2 or 4v4 Battle Arena you want to do it right. But at some point you have to release something, and build upon that foundation later.

    Please release this. And soon. Before too many people put down their controllers and become too far invested in other games.
    Edited by BigES on 20 April 2016 20:51
  • SpazzmanNDQ
    DaveMoeDee wrote: »
    Taisynn wrote: »
    ... Where is race change, appearance change, and alliance change? Where is our promised barber shop? Hats? Are you kidding me? Forget the hats. Give us our barber shop we've been BEGGING for since BETA.

    ... How are you going to compensate all the players who got themselves to V16? That's a lot of gear, money, and time that's going to be yanked away from people who LIKE veteran ranks.

    I want to know this too does all my V16 gear scale down cause I'm not at max CP I wouldn't appreciate that at all

    No it doesnt scale down. If you are VR16 they said you will get 160cp even if you dont have that much. Then some more bonus cp for something I dont remember. Fact is tho you wont have to worry about your current gear being scaled down or being weaker than before.

    The special case you mention in that last paragraph should only apply to people who hit v16 before the catch up system was added. This is especially true for people who had a max level character before CP was introduced since the CP they doled out was pretty low. There is no way someone hits v16 now without 160CP.

    Right which is why everyone will have the gear they always had. It wont be any less powerful. I think they said they were planning on like 10 cp per vet level so if you didnt have 160 you would after the update. Then they mentioned some other bonus but I dont remember what it was right off hand. So ya everyone who is vr16 will have minimum 160 points if somehow they got there without gaining them.

    Ok so if going by this my vet 3 would only have 30cp and my v16 has 160. But if CP is shared throughout your characters that would mean any vet character I have would have 160cp
  • jamesharv2005ub17_ESO
    Taisynn wrote: »
    ... Where is race change, appearance change, and alliance change? Where is our promised barber shop? Hats? Are you kidding me? Forget the hats. Give us our barber shop we've been BEGGING for since BETA.

    ... How are you going to compensate all the players who got themselves to V16? That's a lot of gear, money, and time that's going to be yanked away from people who LIKE veteran ranks.

    I want to know this too does all my V16 gear scale down cause I'm not at max CP I wouldn't appreciate that at all

    No it doesnt scale down. If you are VR16 they said you will get 160cp even if you dont have that much. Then some more bonus cp for something I dont remember. Fact is tho you wont have to worry about your current gear being scaled down or being weaker than before.

    OK so at the moment I'm a V16 with 300cp 100 in each tree obviously, so if I understand you correctly they are going to boost me up in cp? So instead of me trying to grind to max cp I should be grinding alts to V1 so I can have multiple maxed characters?

    Why would they boost you up in CP when you are over 100 above the "VR16" level? You are correct tho your characters who are vet rank once vet ranks are removed will all have the same amount of CP. So shy of skill points and all that jazz yes you will have all max level characters.
  • jamesharv2005ub17_ESO
    DaveMoeDee wrote: »
    Taisynn wrote: »
    ... Where is race change, appearance change, and alliance change? Where is our promised barber shop? Hats? Are you kidding me? Forget the hats. Give us our barber shop we've been BEGGING for since BETA.

    ... How are you going to compensate all the players who got themselves to V16? That's a lot of gear, money, and time that's going to be yanked away from people who LIKE veteran ranks.

    I want to know this too does all my V16 gear scale down cause I'm not at max CP I wouldn't appreciate that at all

    No it doesnt scale down. If you are VR16 they said you will get 160cp even if you dont have that much. Then some more bonus cp for something I dont remember. Fact is tho you wont have to worry about your current gear being scaled down or being weaker than before.

    The special case you mention in that last paragraph should only apply to people who hit v16 before the catch up system was added. This is especially true for people who had a max level character before CP was introduced since the CP they doled out was pretty low. There is no way someone hits v16 now without 160CP.

    Right which is why everyone will have the gear they always had. It wont be any less powerful. I think they said they were planning on like 10 cp per vet level so if you didnt have 160 you would after the update. Then they mentioned some other bonus but I dont remember what it was right off hand. So ya everyone who is vr16 will have minimum 160 points if somehow they got there without gaining them.

    Ok so if going by this my vet 3 would only have 30cp and my v16 has 160. But if CP is shared throughout your characters that would mean any vet character I have would have 160cp

    Your vet 3 cannot have 30 cp. Your cp is pooled. Your vet 3 has the same amount of cp as your vet 16 and even your non vet characters. The only difference is the vet ranks will go away. So yes all your characters will share cp and therefore share levels. It doesnt mean they will magically have skill points, crafting, skill levels etc that your vr16 has. You still have to go get all the skyshards and do the quests that give skill points.
  • Loves_guars
    I'm sorry if this has been asked, but...


    thank you. o:)
  • dimensional
    BigES wrote: »
    MMORPG's like League of Legends and DoTA

    Try again.
  • SpazzmanNDQ
    DaveMoeDee wrote: »
    Taisynn wrote: »
    ... Where is race change, appearance change, and alliance change? Where is our promised barber shop? Hats? Are you kidding me? Forget the hats. Give us our barber shop we've been BEGGING for since BETA.

    ... How are you going to compensate all the players who got themselves to V16? That's a lot of gear, money, and time that's going to be yanked away from people who LIKE veteran ranks.

    I want to know this too does all my V16 gear scale down cause I'm not at max CP I wouldn't appreciate that at all

    No it doesnt scale down. If you are VR16 they said you will get 160cp even if you dont have that much. Then some more bonus cp for something I dont remember. Fact is tho you wont have to worry about your current gear being scaled down or being weaker than before.

    The special case you mention in that last paragraph should only apply to people who hit v16 before the catch up system was added. This is especially true for people who had a max level character before CP was introduced since the CP they doled out was pretty low. There is no way someone hits v16 now without 160CP.

    Right which is why everyone will have the gear they always had. It wont be any less powerful. I think they said they were planning on like 10 cp per vet level so if you didnt have 160 you would after the update. Then they mentioned some other bonus but I dont remember what it was right off hand. So ya everyone who is vr16 will have minimum 160 points if somehow they got there without gaining them.

    Ok so if going by this my vet 3 would only have 30cp and my v16 has 160. But if CP is shared throughout your characters that would mean any vet character I have would have 160cp

    Your vet 3 cannot have 30 cp. Your cp is pooled. Your vet 3 has the same amount of cp as your vet 16 and even your non vet characters. The only difference is the vet ranks will go away. So yes all your characters will share cp and therefore share levels. It doesnt mean they will magically have skill points, crafting, skill levels etc that your vr16 has. You still have to go get all the skyshards and do the quests that give skill points.

    Ok that's what I originally thought thanks for the clarification.
  • sebban
    ZOS_Finn wrote: »
    Hey Folks,

    Regarding White Gold Tower, Imperial City Prison and Veteran City of Ash: We have adjusted their balance down a bit. We hear the feedback and appreciate the passion for this content but, we were not happy with the difficulty to complete these and wanted to ease that burden. Those three dungeons are still not a walk in the park but they shouldn't be quite the roadblock they are now.

    Since you are nerfing the only two dungeons that are even close to posing a challenge to skilled players (again!), when can we expect more dungeons that have not been too heavily nerfed?

    I mean, we have people 2-manning vWGT. How much easier does it need to be? They used to be fun and challenging before you started nerfing them, now they are just a walk in the park.
    Edited by sebban on 20 April 2016 21:37
    PC EU
    Dweia Ceban - StamDK
    Adara Ceban - MagBlade
    Daewa Ceban - MagSorc
    Tick-Tock Tormentor
  • RoamingRiverElk
    ZOS_Finn wrote: »
    Hey Folks,

    Regarding White Gold Tower, Imperial City Prison and Veteran City of Ash: We have adjusted their balance down a bit. We hear the feedback and appreciate the passion for this content but, we were not happy with the difficulty to complete these and wanted to ease that burden. Those three dungeons are still not a walk in the park but they shouldn't be quite the roadblock they are now.

    This is such a disappointment. What 4 person group content is one exactly supposed to be doing then for some challenge? There will be nothing left. 12 person trials is a completely different thing, it feels very different to play like that and isn't nearly as relaxed as doing 4 person dungeons (even when they're challenging).
    Dalris Aalr - Magicka (Stamina) DK | Dalfish - Magicka Sorc | Dal Aalr - Magicka Warden | Dalrish - Mag/Stam NB | Irana Aalr - PvE Templar
  • MissBizz
    Ra'Shtar wrote: »
    I hope Bad Fitted gets deleted or overhauled.

    You can keep it as a trait. I've heard some folks make "get around town fast" gear.

    It does not belong on anything looted though. At least not anything past level 40.
    Lone Wolf HelpFor the solo players who know, sometimes you just need a hand.PC | NA | AD-DC-EP | Discord
  •  Panda_iMunch
    This is the official discussion thread for the blog article Dark Brotherhood: First Look. We hope you enjoyed this sneak peek of the next DLC! Which feature are you most excited about?

    I was wondering if we would see new Undaunted sets, like the ones who were data-mined a while back? Are there new ones entirely, or none are coming this patch?

    Also, can't wait for the DLC!!
    Yeetus that fetus

    Youtube: Pandalius (Panda)
    Twitch: Pandalius
    Beam: Pandalius
    Twitter: Pandalius
  • WillhelmBlack
    "3, 2, 1 OK Proxy everyone".

    Are you fixing PvP yet? Otherwise that's what IC precinct capture is gonna be like.
    PC EU
  • Sharakor
    sigh BORING... more easy and monotonous rpg content and dungeons but wait pvpers get "Cyrodiil Improvements" <- Registered Trademark by ZOS
  • Nolphi
    Awesome, awesome! I play with my wife and our two boys of 6 and 7. We can clear all vet dungeons except ICP and WGT. While it would be nice to see a nerf to those two, it would also leave us with nothing to work towards. And frankly, if a 6 and 7 year old can clear the hardest dungeons then that may be a sign its getting a bit too easy ;)

    Well fitted needs to stay for my mats farm characters. Maybe morph it to a speedboost instead of a sprint cost reduction?

    Everything else looks great. I am not good at PVP but still feel that duels and group v group is the one thing that ESO needs the most right now. At a later stage please also add PVP events in existing PVE. Would love to see mass battles in the streets and houses of daggerfall! Invasion/defense pvp events in the main cities of Tamriel could be amazing!
    Clan Nolphi Family Gaming
    Follow @kingnolphi on twitter
  • Thelon
    Nolphi wrote: »
    I play with my wife and our two boys of 6 and 7. We can clear all vet dungeons except ICP and WGT. While it would be nice to see a nerf to those two, it would also leave us with nothing to work towards. And frankly, if a 6 and 7 year old can clear the hardest dungeons then that may be a sign its getting a bit too easy ;)

  • jamesharv2005ub17_ESO
    Sorry but not buying a 6 and 7 year old are beating the hardest content in the game. Heck since we are making up stuff my 2 month old beat it too. oh and Im the pope so shh about me having a kid thats a no no.
  • Woeler
    ZOS_Finn wrote: »
    Hey Folks,

    Regarding White Gold Tower, Imperial City Prison and Veteran City of Ash: We have adjusted their balance down a bit. We hear the feedback and appreciate the passion for this content but, we were not happy with the difficulty to complete these and wanted to ease that burden. Those three dungeons are still not a walk in the park but they shouldn't be quite the roadblock they are now.

    This is such a disappointment. What 4 person group content is one exactly supposed to be doing then for some challenge? There will be nothing left. 12 person trials is a completely different thing, it feels very different to play like that and isn't nearly as relaxed as doing 4 person dungeons (even when they're challenging).

    Completely agree. They are absolutely doable. Not completing them is 100% an l2p issue.
    Edited by Woeler on 20 April 2016 22:35
  • daemonios
    Sorry but not buying a 6 and 7 year old are beating the hardest content in the game. Heck since we are making up stuff my 2 month old beat it too. oh and Im the pope so shh about me having a kid thats a no no.

    He said they can't clear it. Read harder.

    On this subject, @ZOS_Finn since you know that these 3 dungeons are such a roadblock, have you figured out why that is the case? Isn't there anything else you could do to help people complete content that others are 2-manning or even soloing? It seems to me that you're just encouraging those crystal frags hard-casting or snipe spamming DDs, or those healers that only know BoL, or the tanks that just taunt the largest thing in the room, hold block and stand there...
    Edited by daemonios on 20 April 2016 22:36
  • Thelon
    Sorry but not buying a 6 and 7 year old are beating the hardest content in the game.

    Reading is hard, try again
  • ButtersEP
    ZOS_Finn wrote: »
    Hey Folks,

    Regarding White Gold Tower, Imperial City Prison and Veteran City of Ash: We have adjusted their balance down a bit. We hear the feedback and appreciate the passion for this content but, we were not happy with the difficulty to complete these and wanted to ease that burden. Those three dungeons are still not a walk in the park but they shouldn't be quite the roadblock they are now.

    RE Sanctum Ophidia: Loot has indeed been updated with the creation of Normal and Veteran modes. We have made some tweaks all around in the Trial but largely the mechanics stay relatively the same, just more difficult. We anticipate strategies will need to be adjusted to complete the Veteran mode of the Trial.

    You have got to kidding me, what a joke. I cant believe your going to nerf the only semi challenging dungeons you guys can come up with.

    @ZOS_Finn Whatever group of people you have making these decisions have REALLY dropped the ball on this one if this goes through, no new content on your "DLC" and then nerf what little stuff we have

    Edited by ButtersEP on 20 April 2016 23:15
  • Magdalina
    ZOS_Finn wrote: »
    Hey Folks,

    Regarding White Gold Tower, Imperial City Prison and Veteran City of Ash: We have adjusted their balance down a bit. We hear the feedback and appreciate the passion for this content but, we were not happy with the difficulty to complete these and wanted to ease that burden. Those three dungeons are still not a walk in the park but they shouldn't be quite the roadblock they are now.

    @ZOS_Finn, I realize my(and others') words change nothing are aware these dungeons are currently 2 mannable and (CoA, IC ones have mechanics preventing that from happening) even soloable? Yes, this is definitely not something most players do but it does go a long way to show just how NOT hard they are imo. You've already nerfed Ibomez and Planar. Please please please reconsider this. Like the ONLY reason for IC dungeon vet mode is the challenge. For those who don't like it there's normal mode. They can get very same sets there even but in v15(iirc. If I am wrong please correct me, I think I've only ran nonvet once so I might remember wrong). And they can buy the damn helmet off Cyro vendor now. What is the reason for yet another nerf? Just to make sure the remaining few of us who like challenging small group content don't stick around too long and bother you with our complaints and weird demand for new dungeons more than once a year(how dare we...)?
  • Threemoons
    By the Eight, YES. So looking forward to this; fits perfectly with my main. Also, while some may whine RE the additional Crown Store Items, I for one want more character slots so that I can play every race/class/etc. Style previews=about time, and YES YES YES especially for item locking and CRAFTING BAGS (no more not being able to pick up One More Herb...).
    Playing on PC/NA---UserID=Threemoons--usually on nights, weekends
  • Ajaxduo
    Can we please get some sort of toggle to maintain stage 1 appearance of vampirism? ><
    - - -
    GM of Verum Aeternus, PC EU
    - - -
  • ShedsHisTail
    Tyrion87 wrote: »
    Umm, why will we have to spend additional money for motif previews?! This is to be in the crown store... you got to be kidding me. This should be implemented within base game patch... Or do I misunderstand something?

    To clarify, you'll be able to preview what a motif from the Crown Store looks like on your character before you purchase it.

    Really rather be able to see what a motif will look like on my toon before I -craft- it.
    "As an online discussion of Tamrielic Lore grows longer, the probability of someone blaming a Dragon Break approaches 1." -- Sheds' Law
    Have you seen the Twin Lamps?
  • Daraugh
    Get ALL the character slots!! :smiley::smiley::smiley:
    May all beings have happiness
    May they be free from suffering
    May they find the joy that has never known suffering
    May they be free from attachment and hatred
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