jamesharv2005ub17_ESO wrote: »
No it doesnt scale down. If you are VR16 they said you will get 160cp even if you dont have that much. Then some more bonus cp for something I dont remember. Fact is tho you wont have to worry about your current gear being scaled down or being weaker than before.
jamesharv2005ub17_ESO wrote: »
Right which is why everyone will have the gear they always had. It wont be any less powerful. I think they said they were planning on like 10 cp per vet level so if you didnt have 160 you would after the update. Then they mentioned some other bonus but I dont remember what it was right off hand. So ya everyone who is vr16 will have minimum 160 points if somehow they got there without gaining them.
SpazzmanNDQ wrote: »
OK so at the moment I'm a V16 with 300cp 100 in each tree obviously, so if I understand you correctly they are going to boost me up in cp? So instead of me trying to grind to max cp I should be grinding alts to V1 so I can have multiple maxed characters?
SpazzmanNDQ wrote: »
Ok so if going by this my vet 3 would only have 30cp and my v16 has 160. But if CP is shared throughout your characters that would mean any vet character I have would have 160cp
jamesharv2005ub17_ESO wrote: »
Your vet 3 cannot have 30 cp. Your cp is pooled. Your vet 3 has the same amount of cp as your vet 16 and even your non vet characters. The only difference is the vet ranks will go away. So yes all your characters will share cp and therefore share levels. It doesnt mean they will magically have skill points, crafting, skill levels etc that your vr16 has. You still have to go get all the skyshards and do the quests that give skill points.
Hey Folks,
Regarding White Gold Tower, Imperial City Prison and Veteran City of Ash: We have adjusted their balance down a bit. We hear the feedback and appreciate the passion for this content but, we were not happy with the difficulty to complete these and wanted to ease that burden. Those three dungeons are still not a walk in the park but they shouldn't be quite the roadblock they are now.
Hey Folks,
Regarding White Gold Tower, Imperial City Prison and Veteran City of Ash: We have adjusted their balance down a bit. We hear the feedback and appreciate the passion for this content but, we were not happy with the difficulty to complete these and wanted to ease that burden. Those three dungeons are still not a walk in the park but they shouldn't be quite the roadblock they are now.
I hope Bad Fitted gets deleted or overhauled.
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »This is the official discussion thread for the blog article Dark Brotherhood: First Look. We hope you enjoyed this sneak peek of the next DLC! Which feature are you most excited about?
I play with my wife and our two boys of 6 and 7. We can clear all vet dungeons except ICP and WGT. While it would be nice to see a nerf to those two, it would also leave us with nothing to work towards. And frankly, if a 6 and 7 year old can clear the hardest dungeons then that may be a sign its getting a bit too easy
RoamingRiverElk wrote: »
This is such a disappointment. What 4 person group content is one exactly supposed to be doing then for some challenge? There will be nothing left. 12 person trials is a completely different thing, it feels very different to play like that and isn't nearly as relaxed as doing 4 person dungeons (even when they're challenging).
jamesharv2005ub17_ESO wrote: »Sorry but not buying a 6 and 7 year old are beating the hardest content in the game. Heck since we are making up stuff my 2 month old beat it too. oh and Im the pope so shh about me having a kid thats a no no.
jamesharv2005ub17_ESO wrote: »Sorry but not buying a 6 and 7 year old are beating the hardest content in the game.
Hey Folks,
Regarding White Gold Tower, Imperial City Prison and Veteran City of Ash: We have adjusted their balance down a bit. We hear the feedback and appreciate the passion for this content but, we were not happy with the difficulty to complete these and wanted to ease that burden. Those three dungeons are still not a walk in the park but they shouldn't be quite the roadblock they are now.
RE Sanctum Ophidia: Loot has indeed been updated with the creation of Normal and Veteran modes. We have made some tweaks all around in the Trial but largely the mechanics stay relatively the same, just more difficult. We anticipate strategies will need to be adjusted to complete the Veteran mode of the Trial.
Hey Folks,
Regarding White Gold Tower, Imperial City Prison and Veteran City of Ash: We have adjusted their balance down a bit. We hear the feedback and appreciate the passion for this content but, we were not happy with the difficulty to complete these and wanted to ease that burden. Those three dungeons are still not a walk in the park but they shouldn't be quite the roadblock they are now.
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »
To clarify, you'll be able to preview what a motif from the Crown Store looks like on your character before you purchase it.