Pick the option that is the
closest fit
The general types are
immersion (a name, maybe some background, but then you just play),
persona (you like to react or play on some level based on your character rather than just your real life self but you don't worry about a story arc or the history of specific actions in a story context), and
dedicated (what your character says and does matters and becomes part of a story arc and the context of future events).
None are better worse than any other, they are simply different types (and degrees) of roleplaying. Persona players are typically fans of immersion, but do more than immersion-only players, and dedicated roleplayers, as the name suggests, go even further. But some only get as far as choosing a race, class, and faction in an MMORPG, while others are much more fluid and free-form in their RP behavior. And if none of those fit, there is always "Other".
NOTE: A character background doesn't have to be written out, just some idea you have in your head of your character's story. It can be vague, incomplete, or fluid rather than highly detailed or set in stone (and might be more fun that way to allow for consistent play or further development!).
Edited by tinythinker on 31 March 2016 17:16 ❤Experienced, new, returner?
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Who are you in Tamriel (whether it's just your character's attitude & style or a full backstory)? -
Share your Character's Story! ◔ ⌣ ◔
(And let us know
🔷What Kind of Roleplayer You Are🔷 - even if that only extends to choosing your race)
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What type of roleplayer are you in MMORPGs? 343 votes
The closest I get to roleplay is picking a race and a class
Light immersion (lore friendly name)
Medium immersion (lore name and short background just for me)
Heavy immersion (lore and long background just for me or maybe a few others too)
Minor persona play (you sometimes interact, fight, or chat based on things like race/class/background/whatever)
Major persona play (you often interact, fight, or chat based on things like race/class/background/whatever but don't always worry about keeping track of a story)
Dedicated roleplay (lore name, background, persona play, keep track of stories/arcs, the whole package)
Spontaneous/Random roleplay (like persona play but more fluid, there is no persistent persona)
Other (please feel free to elaborate in the comments)