camel mounts, I just got an idea, can a camel actually run fast?
I thougth that camels are pretty slow animals, I might be wrong, but I can not imagine a camel running faster than a horse, or lioness (crown store mount)
camel mounts, I just got an idea, can a camel actually run fast?
I thougth that camels are pretty slow animals, I might be wrong, but I can not imagine a camel running faster than a horse, or lioness (crown store mount)
I love that you are concerned about the accuracy of camel speed versus lioness speed in a game with talking humanoid lizard people and magic and different planes of existence. It made me smile.
@Grao @SlappyThePoptart Veteran Rank removal is tentatively scheduled for Q2 (Update 10/Dark Brotherhood).
- Brandishing weapons in town (In the other TES games it was always a no-no to have your weapons out when talking to people.)
- Threatening people with physical violence (The weapons out again but while talking to people.
WhiteCoatSyndrome wrote: »
I'm going to object to these, because there are abilities we can use on other people that makes them automatically draw their weapon. It would be way too easy to troll with.
Yes, I'm curious too. Maybe they could add:
- Public intoxication (Can we get drunk? If not, why not?)
- Public lewdness (We should definitely incur fines on people wearing nothing but their undies!
- Brandishing weapons in town (In the other TES games it was always a no-no to have your weapons out when talking to people.)
- Threatening people with physical violence (The weapons out again but while talking to people.
- Rudeness (Pushing people out of the way while running or something. bra ha ha ha)
From the article, I deduce: trespassing (which is different from the current system?), criminal mischief (a.o. forgery and vandalism) and that's it. It also seems to be exclusive to the new map? Hmm.
nordmarian wrote: »If mounts were actually giving us a bit more than just a ride then yes speed should matter more.
Maybe bears should be slow but take part in the fights ahead against animals.
Camels should be slow but allow you to carry some extra goodies.
Guars... poor guars should cause havoc while riding and give you extra space.
Horses should be fast and thats it.
And so on. But in PvP all of these bonuses will just render useless.
@NewBlacksmurf I imagine at this time it's just the access that is being changed, and each zone will still have the same VR it has always had. When VRs are removed in Q2, that's when we'll see the NPC VRs removed from the Silver and Gold zones, as well as Craglorn/Wrothgar/Cyrodiil.NewBlacksmurf wrote: »So are NPC VR levels not being removed but player level VR's only being removed in silver and gold?
What about Craglorn, Orsinium, etc? Are these NPCs staying as VR levels
nordmarian wrote: »If mounts were actually giving us a bit more than just a ride then yes speed should matter more.
Maybe bears should be slow but take part in the fights ahead against animals.
Camels should be slow but allow you to carry some extra goodies.
Guars... poor guars should cause havoc while riding and give you extra space.
Horses should be fast and thats it.
And so on. But in PvP all of these bonuses will just render useless.
Personally I'd love some extra travel features such as taking a giant Slit Strider somewhere among the coast of Morrowind, or take an airship to pass those unpassable mountains.
Also speaking about riding its a bit shame that all animals have the same size. It would be a bit more interesting if the guars were a bit smaller in size and camera would be a bit lower to the ground. Also it would make more sense if camels were huge and ofc camera should be set up higher. And so on...
If anyone from ZOS feels like answering these questions on the changes to Cadwell's Silver/Gold access, that would be great, otherwise they are essentially going to be for my reference so I remember what things to be looking out for when PTS starts:
- How will access to the Veteran Alliances be introduced at Level 50/VR1 if you haven't completed the Main Quest?
- Even though you will be able to access the zones at Level 50/VR1 and do all the quests, will Cadwell's Gold still require completion of Cadwell's Silver?
No, it will just be a small download as part of the patch. [/quote]To have 64 Bit Client, do we need to download the whole client again?
@shawn.macgillivaryb16_ESO No you don't, and I would suggest that you didn't wait until you did. Gaining Reputation with the Thieves Guild takes time, and fits into the game best when you have other things to do at the same time (much like finding Lorebooks and killing Daedra advances the Mages Guild and Fighters Guild as you go along). If you always have a Larceny quest active, you can work on that one while continuing your levelling. Some have suggested that you may want to get Legerdemain as high as you can before you start, but that's a double sided coin as well. The higher Legerdemain is, the easier it will be to do certain jobs, particularly the Larceny ones; but equally, progressing through the quests is a good way to level Legerdemain, as it involves many of those activities.shawn.macgillivaryb16_ESO wrote: »I have a quick question. Im only level 38 and slowly working my way through the game and haven't finished the main story line. Do I have to finish the main story before playing this dlc? And if not should I wait and finish main quest before moving onto the new Dlc?
@shawn.macgillivaryb16_ESO No you don't, and I would suggest that you didn't wait until you did. Gaining Reputation with the Thieves Guild takes time, and fits into the game best when you have other things to do at the same time (much like finding Lorebooks and killing Daedra advances the Mages Guild and Fighters Guild as you go along). If you always have a Larceny quest active, you can work on that one while continuing your levelling. Some have suggested that you may want to get Legerdemain as high as you can before you start, but that's a double sided coin as well. The higher Legerdemain is, the easier it will be to do certain jobs, particularly the Larceny ones; but equally, progressing through the quests is a good way to level Legerdemain, as it involves many of those activities.