Official Discussion Thread for "Thieves Guild: First Look"

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  • Dominoid
    Coridato wrote: »
    Was dueling cancelled without me noticing? I was told it was coming out in the first DLC for 2016.........

    They never gave a timeline for dueling. And still haven't.
  • Benegon
    Well just like Orsinium this is another questline my character is not interested in, he hates Orcs and He hates Thieves even more, only thing he hates more then them are werewolves, Imperial Culture and Argonians...can I at least chop off the thieves hands for stealing my things?

    Probably be no different for the Dark Brotherhood, my character is friends with Members of the Morag Tong and does not want to join their arch-enemies being the Dark Brotherhood, the only thing he would only be remotely interested in is the Clockwork city and that is because it would obviously involve 1/3 of the
    panethon he follows.

    Role playing can be cool but it really isn't the developers fault if your character doesn't like certain cults and stuff. Or doesn't like a certain race. Really not much anyone can do about that.
  • Peel_Ya_Cap_517
    Looks awesome! Can't wait for a brand new Trial!
    N64 NA EP
  • CJohnson81
    This is great news. I was just telling some guildies that I've been taking it really slow because I didn't want to run out of stuff to do (which, even as I write this seems a bit silly) but I'm just realizing that I now have to catch up a bit if I want to dive into all the new stuff when everyone else does.

    This sounds like a great new DLC, ZOS - wishing you all a smooth release!
    Huor Melwasul - Archdemon, The Demons of Light - Warlock, Hufflepuff House - ADXB1 - NA
    I'm only updating this because we're commenting on a thread about signatures. Give me awesomes!
  • CJohnson81
    @ 0:07 ish the character boots himself up on a platform from crouch and in that screen shot with the camel, there are plenty of running boards on the walls and things to grab on to. Think we'll see a new jump, grab and hoist mechanic?
    Huor Melwasul - Archdemon, The Demons of Light - Warlock, Hufflepuff House - ADXB1 - NA
    I'm only updating this because we're commenting on a thread about signatures. Give me awesomes!
  • SlappyThePoptart
    So I guess Vet Rank removal ISN'T coming in this patch? Whatever, I can wait haha. The freedom to skip the DC questline is good enough for me.
    For the Aldmeri Pact of Daggerfall!
  • Anemonean
    Ahhhhhh Redguard Thieves and Camels. This has been my life for so. long No Really.

    My body is ready.
    Edited by Anemonean on 22 January 2016 04:17
    Calling all thieves, check out my Lockbox maps:

    Also announcing the all new Legerdemain & Thievery guide:

    And an all new work of fiction based on the maps:
  • Arkraptor
    I'm really really excited about the new trial! And hopefully a good SCT implementation that doesn't cause fps drops.

    Also, thanks for confirming that silver and gold zones will open up by virtue of hitting VR! It's getting painful to always have to finish main quests (including some Coldharbour quests) to get access to these zones!
    Legend Gaming Website | Join Us
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  • Saddiq
    Shame it came so late but I'm happy for new players that they can hold off on the main story line until the end (like REAL ES fans play--meaningless bait, just ignore that comment). I was always disappointed that my character realized that fighting other alliances was *** when there was an existential threat from Oblivion, and then I had to engage in fighting other alliances in Cyrodiil after. Awkward. Now a player can have their character progression naturally complete.

    You still need to detach the Soul Magic skill line from main quest progress (and just tie it to levelling alone from 1-50), as you're technically still punishing players who want to finish exploring before they 'finish the game' the way it should be finished on the main story line (again, ignore the 'should'--just my opinion).
  • aialghannam_ESO
    Hopefully they remove the stamina regen penalty while blocking (for 1-H and shield users at least) so i can return to playing the game as I used to.
    R.I.P. Tanks
  • altemriel
    TheValkyn wrote: »

    30-50k per single page motif is destroyed? Hmm. I know who I'm asking gold from now. :wink:

    I don`t know about glass motif pages, but xivkyn pages are usually around 10K, only swords are more expensive in the guild stores that I am member
  • PrimeSeptim
    Sounds alright, I suppose...

    Not as good as a Skyrim DLC but still, yeah.
  • altemriel
    Coridato wrote: »
    Was dueling cancelled without me noticing? I was told it was coming out in the first DLC for 2016.........

    where did you hear it should come in first DLC?

    the only place where I heard about it was here, and there was not exact date for that, just that they are working on it, the same for PVP arenas:
    Confirmed at 54:50
  • Islyn
    Does this mean I can't enter silver at level 45 anymore, even if I have finished the main quest at that point?

    Always one of ya.
  • ParaNostram
    Excuse me while I figure out just where my panties have flown off to.

    (This is a rated M game, I'm assuming I can use adult humor here?)
    "Your mistake is you begged for your life, not for mercy. I will show you there are many fates worse than death."

    Para Nostram
    Bosmer Sorceress
    Witch of Evermore

    "Death is a privilege that can be denied by it's learned scholars."
    Order of the Black Worm
  • pareidolon
    The addition of new criminal activities
    What a vague and intriguing promise. We already have:
    • Trespassing
    • Theft
    • Bootlegging
    • Assault
    • Murder
    What could be added? Maybe...
    • Treason
    • Blackmail
    • Kidnapping
    • Jailbreaking
    • Daedra Worship (except Meridia, she's cool)
    • Nonconsensual Hypnosis
    • Fraud
    • Wiretapping
    • Failing to stop your bear at the intersection
    • Using graphics intensive spells in town
    • Operating a business without a license
    • Accessing Hew's Bane without paying
    Or is my small mind too naive to comprehend what criminal activities the Thieves Guild has in store?
    Edited by pareidolon on 22 January 2016 09:14
  • Narmaeril
    " As their newest recruit, you'll sneak along rooftops, steal from the shadows, and recover lost treasures to help to restore the guild's reputation."
    Sounds awesome <3
    [EU - PC] Amaraldane
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  • UntrustedExistenz
    "Play dirty, get away clean" Just love this sentence :)
    And I'm waiting for PTS start to check all of this new content :)
    <PC EU>
    Press "F" to pay respect to our fallen megalulserver.
  • Enodoc
    Grao wrote: »
    Third, from reading the announcement and some of the comments in this page, I guessing the full removal of the veteran system will not come with the release of this DLC. Is there a prevision to when it will happen, if it is still in the cards?
    So I guess Vet Rank removal ISN'T coming in this patch? Whatever, I can wait haha. The freedom to skip the DC questline is good enough for me.
    @Grao @SlappyThePoptart Veteran Rank removal is tentatively scheduled for Q2 (Update 10/Dark Brotherhood).

    Coridato wrote: »
    Was dueling cancelled without me noticing? I was told it was coming out in the first DLC for 2016.........
    @Coridato You were told wrong. They only just announced that they were working on duelling, so I wouldn't expect to see it until at least the end of this year.

    pareidolon wrote: »
    What a vague and intriguing promise. We already have:
    • Trespassing
    • Theft
    • Bootlegging
    • Assault
    • Murder
    What could be added? Maybe...
    • Treason
    • Blackmail
    • Kidnapping
    • Jailbreaking
    • Daedra Worship (except Meridia, she's cool)
    • Nonconsensual Hypnosis
    • Fraud
    • Wiretapping
    • Failing to stop your bear at the intersection
    • Using graphics intensive spells in town
    • Operating a business without a license
    • Accessing Hew's Bane without paying
    Or is my small mind too naive to comprehend what criminal activities the Thieves Guild has in store?
    @pareidolon Nice list ;) I'm hoping that in addition to adding new "criminal activities" they will also be improving on the current ones. Trespassing right now is a farce (unless they changed it recently); you can break into someone's house and stand right in front of the occupants for hours, they will never put a bounty on you. Also, according to the tutorial pop-up text, there are supposed to be different NPC reactions depending on whether you're Disreputable or Notorious, with Guards "actively seeking to arrest you" and "certain citizens refusing to speak to you" in the second case, but that doesn't seem to happen. Guards are as lackadaisical to you when you're Notorious as they are when you're Disreputable, and citizens don't refuse to speak to you until you are Fugitive (at least, in every situation I've found).
    UESP: The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages - A collaborative source for all knowledge on the Elder Scrolls series since 1995
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  • Sharmony
    Can't wait to wipe for ages on the brand new trial before a group finally kills it, if this isn't the case they've done something majorly wrong!
    @Wjleppard - EU - Sharmony Youtube
    Holyfire - V16 Stamina Templar | Auriels Bow - V16 Stamina Nightblade | Sharmony - V16 Magicka Templar | Flaming Rose - V16 Magicka Dragonknight | Rejuvenation - V16 Magicka Nightblade | Dora The (Explorer Title) - V16 Magicka Sorcerer | Critjiit - V16 Stamina Dragonknight | Just Hold Block - V16 Stamina Dragonknight | Stormburst - V16 Stamina Sorcerer | Ashenbourne - V16 Magicka Templar | Swims-At-Speed - V16 Magicka Templar | Sharmonknee - V16 Stamina Nightblade | Sharmoney - V16 Magicka Warden
    Guild Affiliations: Hodor, Travelling Merchant, Aetherius Trade, Golden Goose.
    Previous Affiliations: GM of Well-Fitted, Almost Heroes, Kill All, Don't Die, Exile, Sigma Draconis, Legio Mortum
  • Swernik
    Too bad there will not be any Buff/Debuff tracker for consoles !
    Any ETA when this will happen?

    (That question was for lolz ofcourse)

    But still scrolling combat text will be awesome :)
  • XRavishX
    Grao wrote: »
    First of all, I am glad to see new PvE content added that goes beyond questing. We really need new raids, so thanks for that.

    Second, new area seems very interesting. After reading some of the comments, I too am hoping there is a choice to become part of the thieves guild as a spy for the Iron Wheels - There should still be time to make that a reality, ZoS.

    Third, from reading the announcement and some of the comments in this page, I guessing the full removal of the veteran system will not come with the release of this DLC. Is there a prevision to when it will happen, if it is still in the cards?

    They've stated at least in one of their live streams that the removal won't start until at least the Dark Brotherhood expansion.
    "Loot boxes aren't the problem, RNG is." -Me
  • Benegon
    So I guess Vet Rank removal ISN'T coming in this patch? Whatever, I can wait haha. The freedom to skip the DC questline is good enough for me.

    It was stated in some other places that Vet removal will be coming with Dark Brotherhood
  • Mysticman
    This is from Interviews: More on the Thieves Guild DLC with Rich Lambert

    MMORPG: Will the Maw of Lorkhaj (a new 12 player Trial) be scaled so that players of all levels can try it?
    Rich Lambert: Yep – the Maw of Lorkhaj will scale like our dungeons do. The leader of the group determines the level of the Trial. Note – in order to get on the leaderboard, the leader must be VR16 and the trial difficulty be set to Veteran. It’s also our very first Trial that has both a Normal and Veteran mode!
    MMORPG: What's this about Trespassing? Explain!
    RL: We’ve added in more criminal activities into the justice system. Specifically:
    Trespassing - Certain locations in Abah’s Landing are off-limits where just being seen there is considered a criminal act. These locations are accessible via clearly labeled entrances that make it clear you will be trespassing. While doing so, the on screen justice indicator will notify you of your illicit status.
    Criminal Mischief – A bunch of different actions fall under this criminal category. (forgery, vandalism, etc) While you are on quests or exploring Hew’s Bane these actions will be highlighted in red before performing them to indicate their criminal implications. Being witnessed performing criminal mischief will incur bounty, just as with other crimes.
    Bounty Pardons - Given the Thieves Guild has certain “connections” they may at times reward their members with documentation which conveniently erases some of your accrued bounty.
    MMORPG: Can you preview any of the skills we'll see in the Thieve's Guild line?
    RL: For Thieves Guild skill line we’ve added in all new passive skills. The focus of this line is to improve your toolset as a thief – the easier it is to either escape the law or reduce being noticed during criminal activities, the easier it is to be a successful thief. A really good example of this would be Clemency, which is the ability to sweet talk your way out of being arrested by a guard for a limited amount of time.
    MMORPG: What are the benefits we'll see with a 64-Bit client?
    RL: Players will see some pretty significant stability improvements (i.e. – less crashing or stuttering) as well as overall performance improvements as the 64-bit client will be able to take advantage of larger memory pools.
    MMORPG: What sorts of updates will we see to Cyrodiil with this DLC?
    RL: We’re hard at work on improving the overall performance in Cyrodiil so there are a number of behind the scenes server and data performance improvements going in. In addition to the performance improvements, there’s a new non-champion point campaign as well as a new traveling vendor who you will be able to purchase monster mask sets from with AP or Gold (dungeon sets).
    MMORPG: Those players currently on a new alliance's content after VR1, can they go back and start working on the other?
    RL: Yes! Once a player hits VR1, they automatically unlock access to the other two alliances worth of content and you can progress through them in any order you wish. When you finally do meet up with Cadwell and receive the Silver/Gold questline, any progress you already made towards its completion is automatically updated.
    In addition, Cadwell’s silver/gold quest rewards have been improved significantly!
    MMORPG: Prioritization of animations... does this mean animation canceling is "fixed"?
    RL: We wanted to make it more clear which attacks players are using, while preserving the responsiveness and feel of the combat system. The goal is that if an ability is successful, the player should always be able to see it impact (or launch in the case of projectiles). Under the new system, we are prioritizing the impact/launch of the first attack over the first few milliseconds of the wind up of the interrupting 2nd attack.
  • XRavishX
    pareidolon wrote: »
    What a vague and intriguing promise. We already have:
    • Trespassing
    • Theft
    • Bootlegging
    • Assault
    • Murder
    What could be added? Maybe...
    • Treason
    • Blackmail
    • Kidnapping
    • Jailbreaking
    • Daedra Worship (except Meridia, she's cool)
    • Nonconsensual Hypnosis
    • Fraud
    • Wiretapping
    • Failing to stop your bear at the intersection
    • Using graphics intensive spells in town
    • Operating a business without a license
    • Accessing Hew's Bane without paying
    Or is my small mind too naive to comprehend what criminal activities the Thieves Guild has in store?

    Yes, I'm curious too. Maybe they could add:
    • Public intoxication (Can we get drunk? If not, why not?)
    • Public lewdness (We should definitely incur fines on people wearing nothing but their undies! :wink: )
    • Brandishing weapons in town (In the other TES games it was always a no-no to have your weapons out when talking to people.)
    • Threatening people with physical violence (The weapons out again but while talking to people. :smiley: )
    • Rudeness (Pushing people out of the way while running or something. bra ha ha ha)
    "Loot boxes aren't the problem, RNG is." -Me
  • petraeus1
    XRavishX wrote: »

    Yes, I'm curious too. Maybe they could add:
    • Public intoxication (Can we get drunk? If not, why not?)
    • Public lewdness (We should definitely incur fines on people wearing nothing but their undies! :wink: )
    • Brandishing weapons in town (In the other TES games it was always a no-no to have your weapons out when talking to people.)
    • Threatening people with physical violence (The weapons out again but while talking to people. :smiley: )
    • Rudeness (Pushing people out of the way while running or something. bra ha ha ha)

    From the article, I deduce: trespassing (which is different from the current system?), criminal mischief (a.o. forgery and vandalism) and that's it. It also seems to be exclusive to the new map? Hmm.
  • Gilvoth
    Mysticman wrote: »
    This is from Interviews: More on the Thieves Guild DLC with Rich Lambert

    MMORPG: Prioritization of animations... does this mean animation canceling is "fixed"?

    RL: We wanted to make it more clear which attacks players are using, while preserving the responsiveness and feel of the combat system. The goal is that if an ability is successful, the player should always be able to see it impact (or launch in the case of projectiles). Under the new system, we are prioritizing the impact/launch of the first attack over the first few milliseconds of the wind up of the interrupting 2nd attack.

    the part in BOLD is the definition of allowing a skill or ability to follow through and NOT be cancelled
    Edited by Gilvoth on 22 January 2016 17:04
  • XRavishX
    petraeus1 wrote: »

    From the article, I deduce: trespassing (which is different from the current system?), criminal mischief (a.o. forgery and vandalism) and that's it. It also seems to be exclusive to the new map? Hmm.

    Yeah, I just read that too. It would be nice to have at least the trespassing be implemented in some way world wide. It's kinda silly to break into someone's house, get seen, and only have a string of warnings and complaints as the only consequence of the crime.
    "Loot boxes aren't the problem, RNG is." -Me
  • NewBlacksmurf
    You can still enter as soon as you finish the main quest. This option is just for those who haven't finished the main quest, but have reached Veteran Rank.

    Yep, you can still solo a lot of this content (save for the delves and group bosses, potentially, and the Trial of course).

    So are NPC VR levels not being removed but player level VR's only being removed in silver and gold?

    What about Craglorn, Orsinium, etc? Are these NPCs staying as VR levels
    -PC (PTS)/Xbox One: NewBlacksmurf
    ~<{[50]}>~ looks better than *501
  • XRavishX
    I don't see what the problem is some people have over animation cancelling. Whether an animation gets cancelled or not, battles have a great deal to do with timing. Slow attacks can be countered more easily than fast attacks. But, if the animation is cancelled, wouldn't that just be someone artificially making any attack faster than it's supposed to be? Wouldn't that disallow an enemy to counter a particular attack because the attack, although going through, isn't visually happening to completion? I would consider animation cancelling an exploit, but some want to consider it a skillful usage of their skills. Am I missing something here? Can someone tell me how prioritizing the animation is a bad thing?
    "Loot boxes aren't the problem, RNG is." -Me
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